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#126 2023-12-11 17:44:54

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

The Qatargate Files: Hundreds of leaked documents reveal scale of EU corruption scandal … eva-kaili/

Axiom Space's 3rd private mission will conduct pioneering microgravity experiments on ISS … boundaries

Turkey flying, Alper Gezeravcı a military pilot and the first Turkish astronaut, scheduled to fly.

'CAIR' Muslim teacher put on administrative leave, Maryland

George Soros funneled more than $50M to Iran-sympathizer groups linked to Robert Malley … lley.html/

Austria: Muslim teen plots jihad massacre at synagogue … -synagogue

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-12-11 17:52:51)


#127 2023-12-24 11:00:42

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

In San Francisco, pro-Palestinian protesters threw Christmas ornaments off a Christmas tree and hung their Palestinian flag in place of the ornaments … 2887368934

General "Black Jack" Pershing probably would have castrated the guy, put him in front of a firing squad and then buried the body with 'Pigs' eating the rest of him. Yet how regressive or 'progressive' the Western world has become, a society that feels for its mass murdering types and hardened criminals. The West might now be based on some idea of Marxism Neo-Progressives or Christian idea of 'forgiveness' but even 'Jesus' might not have allowed such a person and lost his temper "if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one".

He had plans to attack multiple Australian targets including the Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor in Sydney but the Legal Clown Circus and Tax Payer Waste of Money Continues.

A worthless foreign culture from Algeria a convicted criminal in Australia, who served fifteen years and how they media headlines react. Sometimes each news outlet quicker to start bickering and blaming everything on this left vs right, conservative vs liberal political game?

the socialist news sites complain he technically is not a terrorist since he did not bomb the Nuclear Reactor and others sites and complained that his release was essentially a highly-restrictive new form of house arrest. 

Soviet Tyrants reportedly once used phrase 'useful idiots', supposedly used to phrase of 'truth' describe a mob of people that would help get them into power.

I wonder if the more educated leaders within groups of islamist if they also consider a socialist to be a useful idiot

A terrorist threat? Possibly, but Benbrika was rightly freed … 5espw.html

Abdul Nacer Benbrika: First photos emerge of one of Australia's most infamous terrorists leaving prison - as debate rages about whether he should have been released … rison.html

You make the law, change it: Labor 'missing in action' over release of terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika … 3586017bb8

The West doesn't really have prisons of the old days any more, it instead has a type of expensive holding facility. While he was inside his prison vacation site, a holiday camp criminal school he manages to convert more of Australia's prisoners to the way of the jihadis and islamists.

Political and media witch hunt launched over release of a “terrorist” in Australia … h-d23.html

a pro-Hamas rally in Toronto, a man held a Canadian flag and it was quickly ripped from his hands. … 9478245541


#128 2023-12-30 13:59:50

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Turkey detains hundreds suspected of links to Islamic State group … tate-group


#129 2024-01-04 12:45:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

'They violated Islamic values': Taliban arrest women for wearing 'bad hijab' in Afghanistan … 549663.cms

IS claims responsibility for Iran attack … 024-01-04/

Houthis launch sea drone to attack ships hours after US, allies issue 'final warning' … 1951727973

US carries out strike in Baghdad against militia leader … 024-01-04/


#130 2024-01-18 13:51:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Malaysian Filmmakers Charged For Hurting Religious Feelings,” Agence France Presse / Barrons … s-12f2441b

Two Malaysian film-makers are charged with offending religious feelings of others in banned film … 748044.ece

Muslim Sheikh Blames Daughter For Being Raped By Her Father

Interview with Ex-Muslim Sarah Haider … rah-haider

The Human Tribe
MR: You’re a member of humanist groups, right?
SH: Yeah, there's several groups.
MR: But are you into any of them?
SH: I belong to them because I was an activist, and I still do some activist work. So I work with those people in a very literal sense. They are my colleagues.
I don't know if I feel as if they are my tribe in the sense that I don't feel a profound sense of loyalty to them. That sounds like a really bad thing. But I mean in the sense that, would I give them a preference over others in kind of a fair environment?
MR: You’ve made your professional name for your secularism — would you say that that's your most deeply held belief? Or is there something that you feel strongly about that you just don't speak about — like are you really into saving the whales or something else that you never did?
SH: I don't think this is the cause that I care about most. I think this is the cause that I felt that I could have the most effect, where I could, given my strength and my talents and my placement, I could have a real effect.
MR: What do you think is the cause that you care about most?
SH: At the moment? It's hard to pick one that I feel really powerfully about. I guess I'm concerned about the ways in which American society is disintegrating socially. That's not really a cause, it's just a problem that I'm looking into at the moment because I don't know what the problem is exactly. I don't know why this is happening. So, step one, figure out why it's happening. Step two, attach yourself to a cause to fix it.
MR: You went to college?
SH: I did go to college.
MR: Where'd you go?
SH: I don't talk about my biographical details too specifically for security reasons. Awkward, but yeah.
MR: Is that weird for you?
SH: Yes. I think it's weird for everybody. It's not weird if you're really famous, I guess. But it is weird when you're just a nobody or just some online person, and then you have to start doing these kinds of things.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-01-18 14:04:21)


#131 2024-03-01 06:51:06

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Iran launches imaging satellite through Russia … a_999.html

UAE to provide airlock for NASA's moon-orbiting Gateway space station … on-artemis
The Middle Eastern nation will get to send one of its astronauts to Gateway as part of the deal.


#132 2024-03-03 15:28:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Switzerland: 15-year-old Muslim screaming ‘Death to the Jews’ stabs Orthodox Jew in Zurich … -in-zurich

Narrated by Aisha

The so called Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, “Best wishes and from malevolent supernatural entity the Demonic Moongod Al-Lah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me for the raider pedophile demon marriage ritual. Unexpectedly the Evil Monster Spirit Demon Moongod Al-Lah’s Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.

Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234

Was the muslim 'Prophet Mohammed' a pedofile, did pedophile mohammed marry a 6 year old girl and suck on the tongues on young boys?

The prophet Muhammad was a pedophile (and you can’t stop me from saying that.) … op-saying/

Religions sometimes a mix of belief, faith and superstitions, the practice of Religion a range of practice at temples and social-cultural systems, a mix of ritual and supernatural, religions with their leaders can preach what they believe respect for sense of right, moral obligation, they can offer symbols, and holy places, that give a person spirit meanings.

There was microfilm of 'Torah', the handwritten copy of the Shabbat kiddush, plus Torah scroll rescued from aconcentration camp were taken to space by Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia but Ramon and the rest of the crew died when the Space-Shuttle disintegrated during reentry. Canadian astronaut Steve MacLean took another Torah from Bergen-Belsen aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis to the International Space Station as a tribute to Ramon.

Soviet Communist slogans, Christian readings, and in 2021 Hindu Indian Nationalism and a Brazil payload, SDSAT a 3U cubesat launched aboard PSLV-C51 carried a digital copy of Bhagavad Gita into space in an SD card … -gita.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-03 16:03:56)


#133 2024-03-05 05:12:49

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Despite having such a garbage, violent, perverted, oppressive religion these cultures can have good people with caring, protection and humanist quality.

We might have seen descriptions of these madness events in Movies that were comedy, which Sparked Religious Controversy, burning of Witches in the Simpsons or a comment in a South Park cartoon,  controversial movie ideas like 'Dogma', Monty Python's Life of Brian (also known as Life of Brian) is a British comedy film starring and written by the comedy group Monty Python ....but these mob events do happen now, happening today they happen in real life as crazy as that sounds. Even a crappy but somewhat funny B-movie quality nonsense uploaded can have the islamist mob make excuses for their violence, saying 'Innocence of Muslims' made them go violent and a movie clip the sicko barbaric perverted mob goes into a hysterical frenzy of violence and claims to be innocent of its own crimes.

Police officer in Pakistan is praised for saving woman accused of blasphemy by angry mob … rcna141081

The woman was about to be stoned?

an assistant superintendent of police in Lahore, risked her life to rescue the woman after Arabic calligraphy on her outfit was mistaken for verses from the Quran.

the Koran a book of a bandit, pervert, pedophile, murdering, slavery thief.... the mob consider it to be words written down but originally spoken by a violent illiterate prophet of their god....what kind of god...perhaps a demon pedophile bandit Moongod?


#134 2024-03-23 05:08:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Ramadan in Russia: Islamic State claims responsibility for jihad massacre in Moscow … -in-moscow

the site says Chechen jihadis sought but lots of rumors of other jihads from other nations and other conflicting news media reports

and other world politics

Russia-U.S Fight At UNSC Over Gaza Veto … 729239.cms

“German woman loses appeal of 14-year sentence for letting enslaved Yazidi girl die in Iraq,” … -108305457

The girl died in Fallujah, Iraq, in August 2015. At the original trial, the court found that the defendant did nothing to help the girl — who had been chained by her husband in their courtyard — although doing so would have been “possible and reasonable.” The couple also enslaved the girl’s mother.…..

in the USA

The Islamic Transformation of Ohio in One Video … -one-video

New Video From Inside The Moscow Theatre The Moment ISIS Terrorists Started Mowing Down Attendees … -attendees

At the time of the attack, it is reported that children and teenagers were also in the building for a ballroom dancing competition

the security policing the building seems to have been unarmed, were they supposed to fight terrorists with punches or harsh language? perhaps Putin was too paranoid which people should have guns

social media video which can be found on twitter etc seems to have showed masked gunmen, beardy Arab sounding type shooting indiscriminately in the entrance hall, pop concert venue, dance building and auditorium, there is video of men in military fatigues and baseball caps firing into crowds of screaming people panic and running, there are also reports the terror group have used incendiary devices, with an eyewitness claiming the assailants used petrol bombs to start a fire while shooting, an explosion was reported, and a partial roof collapse followed, Picnic aka Piknik, is a Russian rock band known for its unique style which is a mixture of art rock, progressive rock, it is a multi cultural band which also sang in Polish, their music is also described as psychedelic rock, post-punk, new wave, space rock and gothic rock

They have now posted on Instagram to say they are "alive and safe".

"There was a tragedy that took place, the scale of which we can't yet assess," their statement said.

The White House said it is working to find out more about the situation and Ukraine has denied any involvement in the attack

alleged perpetrators were seen on video during the escape, captured by Russia's public CCTV

US media and the British news media has named ISIS as involved in the terror attack

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-23 05:31:35)


#135 2024-03-30 04:22:36

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Economic Slump Ahead If Houthi Red Sea Attacks Don’t Stop, Report Says … port-says/

' Poll Shows U.S. Muslims Support Hamas ' … port-hamas

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-30 04:26:09)


#136 2024-04-12 12:31:46

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

'Ramadan Bombathon' … athon.aspx

Knifeman gunned down in frenzy of police machine gun fire in Bordeaux after 'killing one and wounding another' … olice.html

There was no early indication as to the motive of the stabbings, but it came on a night of high tension across France, following warnings of an attack on football stadium by ISIS.

Local prosecutors confirmed that the attacker was dead, along with one of his victims.

A third person suffered ‘very serious stab wounds,’ and was in intensive care, said the source at the Bordeaux prosecutors office.

Witnesses said they saw the knifeman ‘attack pedestrians with a bladed weapon after telling them off for drinking.’

Prosecutors confirmed that the dead person stabbed in the throat was an Algerian national, aged 36.

The investigating source said: ‘The man was set upon in Place de la Bourse [Stock Exchange Square] and was stabbed alongside at least two others.

‘The other two were wounded and taken to Bordeaux University Hospital, but he died at the scene

‘The attacker had reproached a group of North African people for having a drink – possibly because they should have been fasting during Ramadan.’

Muslims avoid all food and drink during the Ramadan fast. The period of religious prayer ended April 9 this year.

One police source said the attack had ‘no terrorist connotation for the moment’.

The source said it was likely to be ‘a brawl with an unknown motive’


#137 2024-04-21 06:15:27

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Immigrants and Muslims in Germany freak out like Fictional Vampires when they see 'The Cross' a symbol of the Christian religion recalling the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and what religion people say the redeeming benefits of his magic miracle life?

'Germany: Muslim migrants go on rampage in asylum shelter because one resident had cross necklace' … s-necklace

Fireman’s Thumb, the Audience Full Of Heroes, Saved Salman Rushdie’s Life

'Rushdie says his book is a knife'


#138 2024-05-04 06:56:13

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

At times the world can be a dark, cruel and horrific place but large scale religions sometimes add more madness to the world, the religion of islamism founded by a camel hijacker and pedophile named muhammad, the islamic madman faith makes it an even more dark, cruel and more horrific.

In Hamburg, a Muslim Mob Calls for the Caliphate … -caliphate

It was in 2015 that German Chancellor Angela Merkel, opening wide her country to more than one million Muslim immigrants that year, proudly declared that “Wir schaffen das” (“We Can Do This”).

The heretic of civilization faces 12 years for involvement with genocides, he says something about getting caught and 'regret'. Mass murder and Rape and Slavery, Northern Iraq offensives, universally condemned executions by every civilized country on Earth, human rights abuses and the involvement the Syrian Civil War, killings in the East and Africa and Russia, bomb attacks and mass shootings and terror in the Western world.

If you look up people's name, for example people of reason or science Alexander Graham Bell, Marie Curie or Maria Salomea Skłodowska, Yoshiro Nakamatsu, Albert Einstein, you will see faces and names that contributed to humanity, however so often when you search an islamic name you see a legacy that sent civilization backwards.
To name your kids after these jihadi pedophile mohammedan bandits, sultans of the Ottoman slave Empire,  founders of the islamist party and top leaders and joiners of Hamas the Saudi terror or Iran terror groups, this is as bizarre as to name your child after 'Joe Stalin' or 'Hitler'

Former Minnesota ISIS member who says he regrets fighting with them in Syria faces up to 12 years behind bars … ncing.html

Inside Iran’s deadly drone army from missile-carrying ‘messenger of death’ UAV to bomb-laden weapon dubbed ‘Gaza’ … my-israel/

Nigeria: Muslims murder over 30 Christians, including a mother and her baby … d-her-baby

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-05-04 07:05:19)


#139 2024-05-15 13:36:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

An Islamist group used child soldiers in Mozambique attacks, says Human Rights Watch … 4138e9ce79

Here's why experts don't think cloud seeding played a role in Dubai's downpour … layed.html

China carries Pakistan into space … into-space

getting married at 10 is not unusual, the pedophile terrorist moohammad who founded islamism even married a 6 year old

Married at 10, abused and forced to flee without her children: an Afghan woman on life under the Taliban … he-taliban

Reducing Immigration Now More Important to Europeans Than Climate Change … te-change/

Erdogan: ‘Hamas is a resistance group. There are more than 1,000 Hamas members being treated in our hospitals’ … -hospitals

he later claimed to have mis-spoke

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-05-16 05:22:09)


#140 2024-05-25 13:24:21

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Moohammad the pedophile

'He in fact proposed her when she was only 6.' … ine-decree

France: Socialists assault women protesting sexual abuse by ‘asylum seekers’ … um-seekers


#141 2024-06-01 16:06:12

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Mexico City: Pro-Hamas rioters set fire to Israeli embassy with Molotov cocktails, throw stones at police … -at-police


#142 2024-06-15 05:17:43

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Mosques on Mars

Analysis: Taliban leader Sirajuddin Haqqani becomes a statesman … tesman.php
After meeting the ruler of the UAE, Sirajuddin Haqqani traveled to Saudi Arabia to attend the Hajj.

UAE building the door on the Gateway

politics, accused of swindling investors?

also screeching about Joe Biden's border 'betrayal' executive order

Omar campaign denies involvement in husband’s business deals … ess-deals/

Trial postponed for jihad man accused of terror attacking and stabbing Rushdie … 923/page-4
the trial is on hold, since Matar’s lawyer argued Tuesday that the defendant is entitled by law to see the manuscript, due out in April 2024, and related material before standing trial. Written or recorded statements about the attack made by any witness are considered potential evidence, attorneys said.

Salman Rushdie Documentary Set Based on His Memoir ‘Knife,’ With Alex Gibney Directing … 236021567/


Salman Rushdie’s alleged assailant seeks plea deal with US … 28538.html

Hadi Matar, the man accused of nearly fatally stabbing British-American writer Salman Rushdie, is negotiating a plea agreement with both US state and federal prosecutors that could shed light on whether a foreign government or terrorist organization was involved in the attack, officials involved in the case told Semafor.

Matar is scheduled to go on trial for attempted murder this September in a western New York courthouse not far from the Chautauqua Institution where Rushdie was assaulted while giving a speech in August 2022 at a summer cultural festival. But federal prosecutors from the US Attorney’s Office are separately investigating whether Matar, 26, was part of a broader conspiracy to assassinate the writer, according to lawyers and US officials involved in the case. The revolutionary founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei, issued a fatwa

“I’m not sure where he’s at. I think, you know, it’s obviously very emotional,” Schmidt said of Rushdie. “He’s sort of considering his options.” A representative for Rushdie didn’t respond to Semafor’s request for comment.

Schmidt said it’s unclear what Matar could provide federal prosecutors as part of an agreement. He pleaded innocent in 2022 to the charge of attempted murder in the second degree. Neither the DoJ or FBI have commented on the result of the federal investigation or if they’ve found ties between the attack on Rushdie and foreign actors.

Court records and press reports portray Matar as a disgruntled youth who hated school, worked at a discount store, and failed in his efforts at becoming a professional boxer. His Lebanese-American father left for Lebanon when Matar was young. People who met Matar described him as a recluse who could simply have taken inspiration from the teachings of Khomenei and his fatwa against Rushdie.

But the picture Matar’s mother painted of her son reads like the textbook case of radicalization. Silvana Fardos told the New York Times that Matar traveled to Lebanon in 2018 — presumably to stay with his father in the southern town of Yaroun — and came back a totally changed person, deeply religious in the Shiite Muslim faith and a supporter of Iran’s Islamic revolution. “I have nothing to say to him,” Fardos told the paper.

Hadi Matar, Rushdie Stabbing Suspect: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Matar Was Born in the U.S. to Lebanese Parents, Reports Say

Matar, 24, is from Fairview, New Jersey.

Authorties “found images of Iranian commander Qassem Solemani, who was assassinated in 2020, in a cell phone messaging app belonging to Matar,” reported NDTV-com. … adi-matar/

Law enforcement sources told NBC New York that review of Matar’s social media accounts “shows he is sympathetic to Shia extremism and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps causes.”

The AP reported that “flags of Iran-backed Shia militant group Hezbollah and portraits of leader Hassan Nasrallah, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, his late predecessor Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and slain Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani are visible across the village.

‘Ploy to disturb the Amarnath Yatra’: Jammu ADGP on the Kathua terror attack … ath-yatra/
On Thuesday evening, terrorists opened fire on a house in the Hiranagar area of Kathua in Jammu and Kashmir

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-06-15 05:41:07)


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