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#101 2023-09-03 14:08:42

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

For RobertDyck re topic .... thanks for bringing this topic back into view ... It consider it quite important in the grand scheme of things, not far under just staying alive at all.

I ** do ** regret that politics appears to have interfered with progress on Large Ship!

I do not oppose the vigorous disagreement the two of you seem to have, and in fact applaud the open airing of disagreement.  These are important issues.

However, I'd appreciate your asking your ? friend ? if the two of you could set politics aside in order to design - promote - build - deploy a transportation vehicle that is essential to the progress of the human race.

To open the door a bit, please invite him to apply for membership in this forum.  It seems to me that the other three Admins are more tolerant, so the gent would have a 3 out of 4 acceptance.

The chat topic is available if the two of you cannot contain yourselves, but I'd like to see progress without politics.



#102 2023-09-03 14:16:10

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

I tried. He said he'll think about it and get back to me Wednesday. But he said that before and so far no work done. He keeps asky why? Why go to Mars at all? What's the point. When I give a detailed answer, he doesn't like my answer. Since this is the third time going over the same issues, and no progress since we met and discussed this July 29, I'm not holding any hope.


#103 2023-09-03 14:49:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

For RobertDyck re #102

Thanks for the explanation. 

Please keep tonight's Zoom in mind if you can free up a few minutes.  I would like for us (whoever attends) to make some progress on the forum conversion, but that should not take too long (hopefully).

I noticed that the Blender book I have (3rd Edition) is now out in a 4th edition.  It is about two inches thick now.

I was at Borders Book Store this evening to pick up a book on Python.  The book was copywritten in 2010, and ** still ** cost quite a bit.  Still, it contains what I am looking for, which is guidance on game programming. I'm working on an orbit program that I hope will complement GW Johnson's class on Basic Orbital Mechanics.

It has been a challenge trying to learn Gui on top of game programming, which involves interrupts by a timer and thus having no idea what is going on most of the time.

Follow up a bit later: … ader-links

If you can free up some time for tonight's Zoom, let's take a look at the options available at



#104 2023-09-19 09:09:49

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

The oligarchy influenced Mars tourism economy but Biodomes and hotel Biosphere and farms owned as Private, an illusion of 'free' there is a Private guy there is military more Private Big Money arrives yet with huge influence on the Martian overall government. Perhaps it will open up on Mars with an event like Dole Air Race also known as the Dole Derby might become a Nuclear Starship to Mars, almost 100 years ago it was a deadly air race across the Pacific Ocean from Oakland, California to Honolulu in the Territory of Hawaii and even though people were killed it would eventually see expansion of trade and tourism.

A Private owned site in Hawaii or Canada, similar to a series of Mars Domes when can be compared with Hawaii, on social media they say Monarchy owns most of Canada. So Perhaps when conspiracy theorists looking at 'Fires' talking about elites owning the islands they were not so crazy nor were they joking?  Oprah Winfrey the very wealthy African American talk show host reportedly owns around 1,000 acres of land across Maui, the social media Facebook guy Mark Zuckerberg added 110 acres to his already huge 1,500-acre estate in Kauai, Hawaii. Who owns all the land and rocks and trees of Hawaii, is it only a small group and will this private owner idea expand to Mars?

What if a rich Canadian or an American business guy like Larry Ellison buys a chunk of Mars, what if the expanding religions and Huge Offworld Companies and Expanding Solar System wide Mega Corps come along. Larry Ellison did sofware and computers, his projects included a database for the CIA, which he named "Oracle" and Ellison got involved in sports, purchased a 50% share of the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament. During the war Martial Law was declared, although it seems like it would have water it does not capture water well, rainfall on some islands are scarce, used as a test fire site, the kahoolawe island becoming depopulated and uninhabitable but an important site during the Cold War.

Canada is too cold for tropical fruits, it is in a dispute with India at the moment over a religious killing, Canada has also been involved with another culture, in an online petition, a group of Canadian academics, scientists, and students called on Justin Trudeau together with Industry Minister Navdeep Bains and Science Minister Kirsty Duncan to divest Canadian funding from the Telescope project in Hawaii. Some time ago in the past powerful expanding Fruit Juice Company Forcefully Stole some cash, Dole the expanding business, what started as a diplomatic relationship between the US and Hawaii the Fruit Tycoons, Standard Fruit Company, Castle & Cook. The expansion of the pineapple it might have been peaceful but its firey business expansion like that of a Mk 2 "frag" grenade, now with control and expansion of 75% of all Pineapples on Planet Earth, Lanai modernized and now a single giant Privately owned Fruit Farm and Export Factory. Today it is Larry Ellison who is known for his 98% ownership stake in Lanai, the sixth-largest island in the Hawaiian Archipelago .

Perhaps like in 1887 Hawaii a colony might have a coup. The Overthrow of the Mars colonies just as the overthrow of the elite Monarchy who ruled a Hawaiian Kingdom. In a future with humans still at war in some place, then a Space-Force sort of group might arrive but only with desire to control a certain region, a Port, Harbor, a site for Helicopters, Trains, Airships maybe grabbing a single launch pad but many of the rest of the Biodomes and populated Biospheres ignored, some of the Domes might even become resort type places for tourists or a animal exotic plant safari, some of them might be economic production zones.

When you look at the story of 'Thirty Meter Telescope' protests maybe some of this is superstition or backward thinking but maybe it is a sign of something else, a people unhappy not with Telescopes or NASA but an overall sign people were unhappy with a cultural transformation of the islands, the Telescope just happened to be an outlet where they could vent? Do this many people pray to a Pagan Native Shaman religion or known to natives as the home to Wakea, the sky god? Jeff Bezos,Marc Benioff, Peter Thiel have started to buy up the rest of Hawaii. Almost 100 years ago there was a disaster the fruit guy and Dole Air Race, only two made it, 2 crashed after take off, 2 turned back forced to make repairs and another 2 aircraft vanished simply never to be seen again, one of the repaired aircraft then went looking for the other missing two and was also never to be seen again and yet another trade route would open up. Tourism arrives at a central point in Honolulu and has remained there ever since, maybe this will also happen at Mars and become a vital economic pillar.

On Earth and in our history of cultures and tech and culture and trade, some places other less powerful places fade or grow, far and remote locations. A place can be purchased and re-sold and then inherited, when 'bought' seem to remain lost in time. I wonder what other options might be good or bad for Mars, take the example of a mostly privately owned islands, there are examples in Hawaii.  Even with colonization efforts Mars is unlikely to have a large human population, on Earth at the South Pole during the winter, only around perhaps 1100 + people live on the Antarctica continent, meaning one person for every 13,000 square kilometers on average or 5019.3 square miles. Successful trading examples of low population density are Ellesmere Island Canada, Nunivak Island the United States, Wellington Island Chile, Hokkaido Japan, Spitsbergen Norway, Earth does have dense populated cities and regions, the French Mayotte a collectivity of France off the South East Coast of Africa, Puerto Rico a Caribbean island and unincorporated territory of the United States, Macau a former Portugese colony in China, "Sint Maarten" which is Saint Martin in Dutch, the Vatican City, Monaco a city state and micro-state, the French Collectivité de Saint-Martin commonly known as simply Saint Martin, Gibraltara British Overseas Territory in Spain and a city region located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, the country of South Korea. In Hawaii there is a history, sugar taxes and tariff and then in 1881, the island’s penultimate monarch was having secret meetings with the Japanese, that Strange Time when Hawaii Amlost Tried to Join the Japanese Empire? At Hawaii there is also a private forbidden island, the island's private ownership passed on to her descendants, the Robinsons. During World War II, the island was the site of an incident, in which, following the attack on Pearl Harbor, a Japanese navy fighter pilot crashed on the island and received help from the island's residents of Japanese descent. It known as "the Forbidden Isle", is off-limits to all outsiders except the Robinson family and their relatives, U.S. Navy personnel, certain US government officials, and invited guests. The island of Niihau was considered as a possible location for the United Nations headquarters, Niihau's owners have offered half-day helicopter and beach tours of the island since 1987,[53] although contact with residents is avoided and no accommodation exists. … /Index.asp  If someone buys a Biodome or Biosphere and makes it private like Hawaii is that a bad thing, for example island of 'Niihau' is this a good or bad thing? The Wealth and Might and Rights to refuse admission. Control of Pearl Harbor would help whatever nation to dominate the Pacific, in 1887, the convention granted "to the Government of the US the exclusive right to enter the harbor of Pearl River, Hawaii Lend-Lease law empowered the government to expand more. The USA cared little for the smaller private islands, they were not as important in warfare naval strategy. Canada still has monarchy culture and in Hawaii the only queen regnant and the last sovereign monarch of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Liliuokalani she and her siblings and cousins were proclaimed eligible for the throne by King Kamehameha III, the end of an Empire and Kingdom, a coup d'état established the Republic of Hawaii. The oligarchical government placed the former queen under house arrest at the ʻIolani Palace'. William McKinley would be less apologetic about expansion and see the importance of Hawaii during the Spanish American war, a growing United States America it gets part of Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Spanish Empire now in decline, a looming and growing Japan Empire which had taken Korea and so Hawaii was annexed into the USA. On a small private island some land and an island still privately owned it stays away from much of the politics. Only a select few are allowed visit this smaller Hawaii bio-sphere.  Bill Clinton on the 100th anniversary of the January 1893 overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii reads a statement and offers an apology to Native Hawaiians. Other islands developed quick with communication, cattle ranches, sugar trade and technology, machines were brought in for lack of labor and immigration from outside the USA because of a lack of Native workers, the language, technology, demographic and culture of the island transformed from a century before hand.

Maybe Mars will be colonized, maybe people will be born on Mars as Martian Natives. Yet maybe like Hawaii there will be an arrival of foreign machines and an arrival of post Colonial robots from Earth and a small few big money guys, with power to remove any monarchy and buy up Mars and take the little island Biospheres.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-09-19 09:12:33)


#105 2023-09-29 16:16:54

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

The Space Race may already be won … dy-be-won/
SpaceX is using Apple’s business model to assert its will on both commercial space and governments

In a world where power is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, dreams of colonizing Mars can seem like a utopia. However, for entrepreneur and visionary Elon Musk, the colonization of Mars is more than just a dream, but a necessity, and he even considers the idea of an “improved” democracy to ensure his success. … democracy/
'The government of a direct democracy on Mars'

'Elon Musk woos world leaders, courting controversy'


#106 2023-10-07 06:58:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Jihad blasphemy laws, which they say are frequently misused to target religious minorities.

Indonesia: TikToker jailed for two years over pork video … 57469.html

"In violation of the Torah"

US tourist destroys 'blasphemous' Roman statues at the Israel Museum

thousands of year old ancient art destroyed,

Torah Vs Old Testament, what is canon in each faith if you read the fifth book of the Torah in Judaism, where it is called Devarim Hebrew, Book of Deuteronomy
Destroy completely all the places on the high mountains, on the hills and under every spreading tree, where the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods. 3 Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places.
Tur (Yoreh De'ah 141) states it forbidden to make only a complete human statue, not exactly like the Taliban or Christians hunting a pagan but Smashing Art also aspects of Jewish Law.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-10-07 07:23:24)


#107 2023-10-20 05:41:52

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

The examples not to follow, not an Emperor not a King but the legacy of the Russian politician and former intelligence officer who has been President of Russia, some new media describe him as a dictator, holding continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Even before the current War people spoke out against a toxic like USSR imperial influence, the Political freedoms curtailed and already having widespread condemnation from human rights groups. Maybe not on the level of North Korea or Joe Stalin but there is a description of cult of personality, the inner media development of Putinism a Putin mini cult of personality, the strong man statues, based on a formidable personality at its heart, maybe even a type of mind control broadcast to the people.

'No prospects': Russians slowly leaving legendary spaceport city … y_999.html

vast sand dunes of the Kazakh steppe


#108 2023-10-23 18:04:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?


Reagan senile, Dick Durbin, Angus King, Danny K. Davis, Ben Cardin, Jim Clyburn, Maxine Waters, Biden looking old, Bernie Sanders, Dianne Feinstein dead.

Mitch McConnell says "I'm completely recovered" after freezing episodes … he-nation/


#109 2023-11-01 14:58:39

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

The bad ideas. Almost a religion North Korean leader worshiped, a mix of Communism and cult of personality surrounding its ruling family, the Kim family. … a-16336991

Gulf Arab States and Monarchy

Why Egypt, Other Arab Countries Are Unwilling to Accept Refugees From Gaza … 16575.html

A member of the 'Alawi dynasty, another Mohammedan acceded to the throne on 23 July 1999, after the death of King Hassan II. n November 1988, he trained in Brussels with Jacques Delors, the President of the European Commission. … _king.aspx

Japanese monarchy was considered to be among the wealthiest in the world until the end of World War II. The Japanese Imperial Family has a staff of more than 1,000 people (47 servants per royal). This includes a 24-piece traditional orchestra (gagaku) with 1,000 year-old instruments such as the koto and the sho, 30 gardeners, 25 chefs, 40 chauffeurs as well as 78 builders, plumbers and electricians. There are 30 archaeologists to protect the 895 imperial tombs. There is a silkworm breeder of the Momijiyama Imperial Cocoonery. The Emperor has four doctors on standby 24 hours a day, five men manage his wardrobe and 11 assist in Shinto rites. … iving.html


#110 2023-11-01 15:15:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

For Mars_B4_Moon ....

Thanks for your post #109, with links to various monarchies...

As a follow up before having time to read the links ... this caught my eye ...

Japanese Imperial Family has a staff of more than 1,000 people (47 servants per royal).

The use of the present tense in that quote implies that extravagance is ** still ** in play in 2023.

Later ... I found time to look at the link ... it turned out to bring up the Wayback Machine ... the article cited is from 2003.

The situation could be the same 20 years later ... if anyone has time to investigate I'd definitely be interested.



#111 2023-11-02 15:19:35

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

I could not find any news items on Japanese staff but some of them seem to have gave up the Royal Title or given up their royal status. It has also happened among other Royals where a circle gets smaller, the British Royals the Epstein island scandal and Prince Andrew or Prince Harry and Meghan stepping away from their roles, in many 'Royal' family there can be a slimming down but I don't know if that means reduction of butlers, maids and staff.

Meet the Japanese Royal Family: All About the Imperial House of Japan … use-japan/

The end of the Shah dynasty the family bloodline from 1559, also known as the Shahs of Gorkha or the Royal House of Gorkha, A Nepali royal massacre in 2001 Nine members of the royal family were relived of their royal title by murder, including King Birendra and Queen Aishwarya, were killed in a mass shooting during a gathering of the royal family at the palace. A government-appointed inquiry team named Crown Prince Dipendra as perpetrator of the massacre. Dipendra slipped into a coma after shooting himself in the head, even though he was braindead he was alive so was the King of Nepal, he had all these Masonic Cross looking symbolism awarded to him from Denmark, Germany and Japan, Grand Cross of the Order of the bla bla, Knight Grand Order of Merit of  bla bla, Babylon Freemason Vatican Rome Order of the Chrysanthemum Japan, perhaps eventually someone put a pillow over his head and held it over his face until he stopped breathing, the Monarchy went into complete collapse in 2008 ending with Gyanendra of Nepal, Gyanendra bred with and married his second cousin Komal Rajya Lakhsmi Devi. Komal sustained bullet injuries as a result of the palace shooting and spent weeks recovering in hospital. The royal family's departure from the Nepal palace was reported as a "major symbolic moment in the fall of the Shah dynasty, the palace in Kathmandu later became a museum.

In a single night, Nepal's royal family was almost entirely wiped out. Their killer lay in a hospital bed in a coma, having been proclaimed King the moment his father died. … /100056562

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-11-02 15:19:58)


#112 2023-12-01 16:15:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Monarchy Sharia Law, the Turk Ottoman and  the islamist constitutional monarch.

Although Johannes Gutenberg invented the press around 1450 and the Ottomans knew about it as early as the 1480s, … stagnation
the Ottomans suppressed the press for some 250 years.

the printing press was the Soutb Park Cartoons and Rushdie of its time?

A somewhat controversial historical account suggests that he, in 1485, and his successor, Selim I, in 1515, issued edicts banning the use of printing presses for Ottoman Turkish and Arabic scripts, under penalty of death. This prohibition primarily targeted Muslim subjects, as religious minorities were permitted to print non-Islamic material in other scripts. (Jewish immigrants from Spain and Portugal established a Hebrew press in Istanbul in 1493, followed by Armenians in the 1560s using the Armenian alphabet, and a Greek Orthodox monk introducing a Greek press in 1627.) The restriction was significantly relaxed in 1727, Rubin continues, when Ahmed III allowed Ibrahim Müteferrika, a Hungarian Muslim convert, and his partner Sa’id Efendi, to print non-religious works in Arabic script. Their press, operating until 1745, produced practical works like maps, grammar books, and dictionaries but only published seventeen works in total.


#113 2023-12-03 14:06:16

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

If there is local government Government by way of 'Hindutva' system

Hindu Nationalists winning again

The Party also opposes illegal immigration into India, they have a penal code returned which criminalises homosexuality, they have pushed a more protection and national policy on counterterrorism, they remained neutral on the Russo-Ukrainian War abstaining from UN votes, there have been diplomatic events with Canada and they have been accused of an undeclared blockade on Nepal.

BJP set to win three of four key India state polls in boost for Modi … 023-12-03/


#114 2023-12-04 11:40:36

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Moon/Mars could prevent the break up of a Earth Space Agency, especially if they have their name on some research site on the Moon? You have many 'Space Agency' around the world which might have gone unnoticed by the public the Rwanda Space Agency, the Nigeria National Space Research and Development Agency, Romania, Arab Emirates, Mexico, I noticed more countries signing the Artemis Accord and was thinking does NASA really need all these places with political signatures to get back to the Moon and build colonies on Mars, guys from Netherlands or Angola signing paperwork? Or do some of these foreign Agency need 'Artemis' to make them feel relevant. The National Space Development Agency of Japan or NASDA, was a Japanese national space agency broken up and replaced by JAXA, a space station Mir survived the fall of the USSR, it was a manned space station that operated in low Earth orbit from 1986 to 2001, operated by the Soviet Union and later by Russia.  In the USA the Bell X-1 was designed the 'National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics' was involved, a federal agency which was later replaced by NASA.  74 different government space agencies are in existence today, NASA, Roscosmos which was born out of the post-Soviet space program, China National Space Administration, Indian Space Research Organisation, ESA, JAXA, the British United Kingdom Space Agency, the French Centre national d'études spatiales, Canada, Brazil, Australian Space Agency, KARI South Korea, some space agency have made great steps and are moving forward, others have not done much and there are other agency which stagnate over time or are smashed up and gutted for political reasons. The Polish Space Research Centre seems to have lost ability from the days of Russian control and the USSR politics a follow on agency Polish Space Agency POLSA was formed in 2014, the State Space Agency of Ukraine is in a strange place some abilities taken away after the dissolution of the Soviet Union it looked like they could contribute to the Private Sector but now there is war and now much destruction following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In terms of GDP per capita and Dollars spent the Algerian Space Agency seems to be a very bloated organization with little to show after French independence, the country of Argentina is economically unstable and has not seen many results despite investments of over 60 million Dollars, Nigeria spends the same as Israel or Australia on Space but with few results.

and yet the other example of embracing change from the Private Sector is New Zealand, which does not build satellites, does not have manned flights, never operated a satellite, does not have recoverable spacecraft, it is still able to have some kind of space program thanks to the Private Sector, land rented and owned by US private spaceflight company Rocket Lab?

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-12-05 07:23:25)


#115 2023-12-04 12:01:39

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

This topic dates back to 2002, shortly after the forum began .... here is the opening post ...

I read a few of the early posts, and they seem to me to hold up fairly well ... It is just over 20 years later, and conditions have changed a bit... It looks to me as though China and the US are likely to put people on Mars within a a decade or two at most, and India is a dark horse candidate.  The issue of governance of Mars should be thrashed out before one of those nations stakes a presence, or we are likely to see domination by whatever ideological system wins the competition.

In another topic, RobertDyck has (rightly) expressed concern about the well established human tendency to make war (use violence) to settle disputes.

I don't see anything shaping up that looks encouraging, at this point ....

Byron wrote:

We've had plenty of discussion of the balance of security and personal freedoms.. i.e., the State vs. the Individual.  But there has been little discussion on the actual mechanism of government on a hypothetical Martian settlement/colony, other then the general idea of "this is the way it should be done."

As a person who is constantly seeking practical solutions to these kind of problems, I would love to see what some of your ideas of how an actual governing structure would be set up on Mars.

There's not many among us on this board that would disagree with the fact that a Martian society will be far different than here on Earth because of the deadly native environment and the large amount of interdependence upon each other to ensure continued survival within the settlement. So, naturally, the "Me, Myself, & I" instinct of humans here on Earth will have to be mitigated to a significant degree in order to make a Martian community work.  Since nearly everyone will be dependent on everyone else, people with selfish attitudes could be quite detrimental to the community as a whole.

As for the actual system of government, that "problem" may very well be taken care of by the "sponsor" of the settlement...and that enforcement of that governing structure would be carried out by the simple matter of continued support from Earth...if the "colony" refuses to cooperate, the supplies from Earth cease, and bye-bye colony...LOL...

HOWEVER....I do think that the day-to-day governance will be left up to the colonists themselves, within reasonable guidelines, of course.  The vast distances and delayed communications will make governing from afar problematic at the very least, and it will be in the best interests for everyone involved for the Martian settlers to take care of their internal matters as much as possible.  This having been said, I'm curious to what would actually work best in a small, "intimate" setting, especially in communities of less than a 1000 population.  I've stated in previous posts that I think the "big, happy family" model would work best, like the hippie communes of the '60's.  The idea of business and profit would certainly not work in this kind of environment....everyone would have to share the labor and resources equally to the greatest extent that is possible.

As for what I think would work best in this hypothetical settlement, I would propose a system of "tiered" representation...which would involve the populace electing a council, perhaps comprising as many as 10% of the entire population, which then would elect a much smaller group of people, like a senate.  The "senate" would then elect or appoint an executive leader or an executive panel.  This system would keep "politiking" at a minimum, and it would allow just about anyone to take place in the governing of the community at some point or another...and the community would be protected from the dangers of direct democracy.  Only the smartest, most responsible people would be able to rise to the position of top leadership, which would *help* (but not guarantee) to ensure that we don't have despotic leaders stepping in and taking over things for their own selfish desires.

Anyhow, this is just an idea of mine I'm throwing out...what are some of your ideas?  I would also like to see some discussion of "alternate" economic systems...if there is no profit motive, how will people establish a system of providing goods and services with each other in a fair and equitable manner?  Would the "laws" of economics here on Earth be rendered moot on Mars, or do they apply everywhere, no matter what? 

Enuff for now...     wink


If anyone decides to contribute new content to this topic, please go back and read the early posts, so you have some sense of how this topic started.



#116 2023-12-12 11:12:45

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

The foreign culture and Sharia Law vote of muslim populations might be feeling confused again?

'I am a Zionist,' says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel … o-is-safe/

Governance, patterns of rule or practices of governing. The study of governance generally approaches power as distinct from or exceeding the centralized authority of the modern state.

Declines of Major powers the Soviets, the British, the French Empire, the Russian modern problems and new wars and imperialism

Is Britain ‘undeveloping’ before our eyes? Part II … s-part-ii/

This is about much more than ‘industrial strategy’.  Too often, this term is abused on both left and right: the former reducing it to little more than unthinking forms of state intervention and subsidies; the latter complaining that it amounts to misguided attempts at ‘picking winners’.

Blurred Boundaries: The Discourse of Corruption, the Culture of Politics, and the Imagined State … b_contents

'Governance without a state: Can it work?' … 10.01076.x

Negara The Theatre State in Nineteenth-Century Bali a 1980 book written by anthropologist Clifford Geertz argues that the pre-colonial Balinese state was not a "hydraulic bureaucracy" nor an oriental despotism, but rather, an organized spectacle. The noble rulers of the island were less interested in administering the lives of the Balinese than in dramatizing their rank and hence political superiority through large public rituals and ceremonies. These cultural processes did not support the state, he argues, but were the state

Fictional writing
The Setting

Welcome to a fantastic sci-fi world that runs on Crypto.

Some had seen Dune as scray, religion zealots, the perhaps interesting scifi mix of feudal interstellar empire and corporate oligarchy.

The Global Mega Corps across the Solar System in Scifi and a story of unified Earth is a staple of science fiction, some see it as Dystopia horror not free like StarTrek the idea of a UN system a one-world government.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-12-12 11:18:01)


#117 2023-12-24 04:31:20

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

On Earth we have so many examples of what not to do

The constitutional monarchy of the Kingdom of Thailand, six months in jail for saying anything insulting about their Queen or King?

Thai MP given six-year prison sentence for insulting monarchy … cial-media
Rukchanok Srinork’s posts on X found to have breached lese-majesty and computer crime laws

Thailand: Lawmaker Sentenced for ‘Insulting Monarchy’ … g-monarchy

Ukraine war set to turn in Putin’s favor in 2024, Czech president warns … etr-pavel/
Petr Pavel expects ‘significant developments’ benefitting Russia next year.

Taliban Sends Female Victims Of Gender-Based Violence To Prison … on-1722241

Britain to send patrol ship to Guyana amid Venezuela border dispute … er-dispute
HMS Trent will take part in exercises with Guyana as tensions over mineral-rich Essequibo region raise anxieties

Venezuela a federal presidential republic, some in news media call Maduro a 'Dictator' with power now under a centralized authoritarian state. The Venezuela vs small country of Guiana, three unique territory coming from British Guiana, Suriname (Dutch Guiana), French Guiana and now the 2023 Guayana Esequiba crisis


#118 2024-03-23 10:12:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

if you had ranked choice hatred voting proportional dislike representation, would that have prevented historical tyrants from the rightwing or leftwing getting into power?

the older perhaps oldest of Democracy in the USA now has two unpopular candidates in a winner take all battle

Team Trump Professes To Be Unconcerned About RFK Jr., Saying He’s More of a Problem for Biden … -for-biden
“RFK is far more of a threat to Biden than Trump based on the polling,” one source in the former president’s orbit said. “He pulls far more from Biden, mostly disaffected Dems

Sen. Bernie Sanders floats 32-hour work week. See what the data says … of-vpx.cnn

Could anti-Trump Republicans form a brand new party? … on-1880752

Which voting system is the best? - Alex Gendler...with Mars base

What is preferential voting and how does it work in Australian elect

Minority Rule

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-23 10:14:20)


#119 2024-06-06 10:01:11

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Hopefully not an 'option' but before the Soviet Union broke up the USSR was represented by decaying and old people it was very aged

'What’s happening with Joe Biden?'

Donald Trump is also not young but Joe Biden is visibly old

Thomas Jefferson, Millard Fillmore, George Clinton, Aaron Burr, JFK, Nixon, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, George Washington, John Adams were young in comparison and some of the parties they linked to Whig, Democrat-Republican, Anti-Masonic Party, Federalist Party
which had influence in the Congress and Senate these parties no longer exist.

Hindu Nationalists hold power in India but don't truly win

The Psychology of Hindu Nationalism … ationalism

Some expect Nationalism to rise in Europe

a change in Wales and England as British support Brexit in a close vote and a long slow divorce from Europe

Scotland Nationalism, SNP has accused Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer of neglecting Scotland as the Conservative and Labour leaders continue on the campaign trail.

What to know about Britain's election, from the return of Nigel Farage to tussles over tax … -110898578

Watch out: Farage could make things much worse for Scotland … dd_comment

The Ukraine War...we might see changes to Polish politics, some significant populations existed already in Canada, Poland, the United States, Czech Republic, Brazil, Estonia and Argentina also had significant numbers of Ukrainians for their population size, there are also a number of British people of Ukrainian descent .

How do the 2024 European elections work and when will we know the results? … he-results

Germany’s scandal-ridden AfD rides steady wave of support into elections … -elections

4 ways the EU election could reshape French politics … -politics/

other large populations in Europe are the influence from Russia never inside the EU but Europe has lots of Russian East European immigration over the years and it now reported to be ruled by an Imperialist Dictator Putin, Turkey going more islamic and Anti-Democratic. The landlocked  Hungary is already classed as Rightwing Nationalist by media, Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Alliance is a right-wing populist and national-conservative political party.  Europe has a significant Arab, Kenya, Pakistani islamo-muslim population or populations from all over the world pouring into Europe like the Mexico-US border, this happened ever since Merkel opened the way for refugees and unchecked immigration, there is the influence of  Italy the Roman Catholic religion side from the Vatican, the large populations in a culturally mixed Spain the people of Poland, the people of Romania and a large spread of refugees fleeing war from Ukraine, the Polish have taken in millions of refugees from Ukrainian territory, 90% of Ukrainian refugees are women and children, while most of the islamic refugees seem to have put women and children last and the young military aged islamo men pushed forward across the border, Ukraine is also patrolling its own land to gather its own men for the front lines and Ukraine has politically banned its men from leaving the country. Switzerland doesn't seem to care much on Euro politics unless it damages their business, they are a rich nation sometimes their morals are questioned when they seem to do business with anyone including Iranians, North Koreans or Putin, the Swiss already had an election  in 2023 Swiss People's Party (SVP), campaigned against 'migration', performed strongly, while the Green and Green Liberal parties saw their vote share decline, the cost of electricity, gasoline has risen with parties now making excuses for closing reactors after Fukushima which had little to do with European Reactors, gas supply from Russia is gone, the idea of free movement to EU citizens 'Schengen' may have come to an end .

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-06-06 10:19:05)


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