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#1 2022-11-01 10:01:37

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,855

RGClark Postings

RGClark opened an interesting new topic today, and GW Johnson gave it the stamp of approval, by completing Post #2.

I was inspired to see what other interesting topics/ideas RGClark might have posted over the years.

Post #1 was ** really ** interesting (to me for sure), and I'd like to encourage everyone with an interest in beamed power to take a look.

RGClark is Member 1515, with over 500 posts.

For RGClark ... I'm hoping you might be willing to provide an update since 2006, on the idea you presented.

A great many advances have been made since then, in multiple areas that would apply to your proposal.



#2 2023-05-15 08:38:12

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,855

Re: RGClark Postings

RGClark added a new post today, to the Hiroshima Bomb topic .... … 69#p209769

This post contains an analysis and forecast of space development, based upon analysis of other transportation industries.

Searchterm:Forecast space launch industry by RGClark



#3 2024-04-13 07:24:15

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,855

Re: RGClark Postings

For RGClark re new phpBB3 test account ....

I understand that members of the forum do not have time to read every post, so you may not be aware of the test account that the Admins have set up for evaluation of newer forum software.

Please connect to the Azure test account using the information in the Azure topic.

If you encounter an SQL timeout message please just refresh the page.  Azure is a Virtual Machine that goes to sleep and has to be re-awakened.

I'd appreciate your feedback on the site.



#4 2024-05-07 09:25:55

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,855

Re: RGClark Postings

For RGClark re report of non-responsive web site at midnight 2024/05/07

Thanks for your report.

Hopefully it was of short duration.

I have added a post in housekeeping, in hopes that kbd512 might see it.

The logs should show if there was a problem at the server in that time period.

On the other hand, the site seems to be running normally now, so it is possible kbd512 might not want to invest the time it would take to look.

kbd512 has a demanding job and many other obligations.



#5 2024-05-15 08:11:02

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,855

Re: RGClark Postings

For RGClark re request for new Projects Category and SSTO forum...

Please review my request to SpaceNut in the Housekeeping topic.

Please add corrections or support for the proposed new Category and topic.

GW Johnson has provided solid support for a non-reusable SSTO vehicle.  If you have not reviewed his work please do so.

There are very few people on Earth able to evaluate Dr. Johnson's work, and I'm hoping you are one of them.

You may be qualified to perform an evaluation, and if you are, please do so.

kbd512 has provided support for an SSTO concept using a fuel other than hydrogen.

That concept needs further development.

I would be interested in seeing a design for a reusable SSTO that can deliver a single passenger with luggage to LEO.

The vehicle would be automated with ground supervised teleoperation.

Whatever that vehicle would be, it would be the smallest practical SSTO that can pay for itself by providing a useful service.

From all the recent posts stimulated by the SSTO concept, I get the impression a vertical launch and gliding return is the best possible scenario.

A gliding return to a water landing would eliminate the mass required for runway landing.

The discussion of SSTO has been going on in this forum since 2017 (and possibly before in other topics).  I'd like to see concrete results coming out of all that discussion.



#6 2024-05-27 20:55:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,855

Re: RGClark Postings

For RGClark re post: … 93#p223693

You've written an optimistic scenario ...

200 metric tons mass for an SSTO that is fully fueled and ready for launch.

This vehicle delivers 13 metric tons to LEO, and then returns to either land on wheels or vertically on it's exhaust.

Please provide a few more details.  I'm just a lay person in these discussions, but the amount of propellant to land the vehicle after it glides through re-entry seems quite low.  Is 9000 pounds at landing the mass of the entire airframe including engines and avionics?

Please show your work, so members like kbd512 and gW Johnson can evaluate it for the rest of us.



#7 2024-05-30 06:45:08

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,855

Re: RGClark Postings

For RGClark re new topic inspired by RobertDyck....

Please help us fill in the historical record.... RobertDyck recently observed that Atlas (and possibly other early rockets) were capable of SSTO and may have actually achieved it.

If you have a bit of time, and if the subject is of interest, please add posts to a new topic on the history of SSTO, in the new SSTO forum.

Meanwhile, you may have noticed that we now have three entities supporting the theme that SSTO is possible (although difficult).

GW Johnson was first with solid calculations.  Kbd512 came up with a set of numbers recently, and ChatGPT4o gave them the seal of approval.

And ChatGPT4a itself has provided a version of the SSTO possibility from a purely theoretical perspective.

None of this is likely to have happened without the inspiration you've been providing since 2017.  Now you have a chance to help us fill in the historical record. I am looking forward to seeing the reports that may show up in the new history topic.



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