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#626 2024-02-17 12:46:18

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: South of the Border Politics

How history has been forgotten as Texan never had a southern border issue as free travel had always occurred without Nationality getting in the way.

Texas Could Regret Joining United States, Republican Suggests


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#627 2024-02-19 08:59:07

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: South of the Border Politics

Greg Abbott Turns on Fellow Republican Over Border: 'Don't Trust You' at a Republican incumbent over policies including the border while reiterating his support for a GOP challenger hoping to remove the state representative from office.

You get what you follow when Trump's Admission of Thwarting Bipartisan Border Deal Shocks GOP Senators

, former President Donald Trump has openly taken credit for sabotaging a bipartisan border deal that aimed to address the ongoing crisis at the southern border. His admission exposes the intricate political dynamics at play as the Republican Party grapples with its direction ahead of the upcoming elections.


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#628 2024-03-22 14:57:09

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: South of the Border Politics

This is the moment when TX National Guard became overrun by migrants rioting to get across the border here in El Paso today … 1879885952
We were there and saw it all happen. Absolute chaos here


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#629 2024-04-12 10:33:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: South of the Border Politics

Euronews bought by Orbán-close company. … e-company/

President Joe Biden considers executive action to close US border with Mexico … 275908007/


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#630 2024-04-21 07:48:12

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: South of the Border Politics

Mexican authorities announce killings of two mayoral candidates … andidates/

the Narco state drug influenced human trafficker infiltrated government is either unwilling or unable to protect them

America was supposed to be the winner, to be hip and cool, it won the ColdWar and put a 'Man on the Moon'

so how is a propaganda and culture war being lost?
are people broken and Western culture dies, drug culture is normal and everyone chasing the next 'high'?

the European market on Drugs?

'Opioids, including heroin and its metabolites, often in combination with other substances, were estimated to be present in three quarters (74 %) of fatal overdoses reported in the European Union. It should be noted that multiple drugs are commonly found in toxicology reports from drug-induced deaths.' … -deaths_en

As bad as things could get there are probably worse places Russia or North Korea or Haiti for example

However the West propaganda power seems to decline, the USA and much of Europe has lost its old traditional media, the old Western allies are looking 'uncool' The era of 'soft power' gone something that made it all appeal and got people to agree with them is gone. People would take in info or agree with a culture product by way of news or Fantasy Drama Scifi media, the Hollywood politics and Pop song the idea is that soft power is the ability to co-opt rather than coerce, it can make people agree or seduce and sway in contrast with a militarist act or hard power. The idea of soft power might be to create a wonder of Art, a tv show or a video game or a movie, it involves shaping the world preferences, the culture war of others through appeal and attraction. Soft power or lack of soft power can make you see a place in decline or a place growing, it might be a film of a bridge or tower or a sports kick ball event, it could be a trailer or animation, it could be a musical theater show, it is non-coercive, using culture, political values, and foreign policies to make it seem that one culture rises while maybe it is also seen as another falling. The USA is losing within, to puritan old Christian fundamentalists, the Leftwing Nihilist, the open border crazy types who want floods of islamics, the softer propaganda war is being lost and replaced by a nihilism drug culture?

History might look back on this era and think it all very strange as The Neo-Opium-Heroin-Meth Wars instead of the East its the USA, putting moral decay and filth and vice and transexuality and degeneracy all over its tv and movie industry, the US government's campaign to attempt enforce its prohibition while people use trafficking, opium and gun running attacking the culture United States of America from within, while the USA attacks itself by normalization of this deadly drug culture.

I rarely watch tv or movies these days, I want to watch a good movie, the last Academy Award–winning film I seen was Oppenheimer, I think it had a strong message, outside of the great visual and sound and acting performance the adaptation of the book had something unique to say.
but is back to decay again and before the West can rot its mind on drugs there is tv and movie rotting of brains
I am not able to watch much else these days before switching it off, even if someone puts a movie for free on the media video sites, Facebooks or Dailymotion or Vimeo or Twitter Youtube. I don't think good of piracy if a movie sounds good then I might go to the cinema and support it but today there is nothing to support, so many cultural products the songs and movies are empty now and not worth listening to and not watching even if I am given a free movie, a pirate or an open copy its often so bad I will often turn it off
Although sometimes in era of recession and culture decay something slowly rises, in the 60s and 70s you had products like 'The Beatles' trying something. In the old times maybe they said pop was getting worse for a time or that movies declined from the epics, it all became shocking and slasher, the Best 'Holloween' a Nude Horror Movie and Gore War movie, even in these eras some great directors and film products would rise inside indie studios and mainstream Hollywood started to collapse and be reborn.

some of the current 'Oscar' movies the Hollywood top material are just not good as film, they lack the artist merit they say you should watch but are perverted, they are perversions they were performances from books wrote by perverts like Alasdair James Gray sadomasochistic sex fantasies and weird stories of suicide child victims with the brain of her own unborn child they win won a Whitbread Novel Award and won a Guardian Fiction Prize and are praised by Hollyweird perverts, many tv shows recommened I have not been able to watch they seem to obsess with crime, nudity, drugs, anti-social behavior drunken idiots, gangsters, anti-civilization and gore and there are many examples 'True Blood' the TV Series, Breaking Bad, the Gore and pornography of Game of Thrones. There is often Lesbianism, Gayism, Homosexuality or Transexuality on the tv, even full transexual themes like RuPaul's Drag race. A period French era medieval middle ages piece might have an African Black suddenly appear for no reason other than 'diversity casting', it happens also in Shakespeare era or sometimes tax funded like the BBC or  they play races and ethnicity against each other in divide political messages and the entertainment seems meaningless, deliberately shocking and graphic or mindless the 'culture' is even spread to teenage cartoons and children's cartoons. Maybe it has been in decay for a while Cronenberg's 1996 movie Crash is a startling combination of sex, violence, and cars. In mainstream film we are back to the sexploitation era and the shocking era of 'Cannibal Holocaust' type movies, as Japan and Italian society stagnates and decays it also took the weirdness to new levels. I find it hard now to mock the older movies that were ok and at least tried, the older pop songs only in recent time which are not that old, before everything was a mindless rap beat, a series of boring notes with no range but auto-tuned, even music and film only from a few years back had 'something' the Superhero Marvel DC stuff that seemed shallow still had something, the remakes after remake even 'The Departed' the spaghetti Western worldwide fame while remaking Kurosawa Japan film, what could be a lazy lack of imagination with the Invasion of the Body Snatchers remakes because at least these films had something a story or a message in them.

Current moral decay and Drug Cultures of the USA might be a natural teenage rebellion, drinking or smoking a joint, maybe they are examples of countercultures that are primarily just going against the previous generation and somehow the 'hippie' era linked to recreational drug use, however it has now become a worldwide gangster Narco industry.
Asia has become a culture exporter again, Japan toons and comics, the anime and manga, Chinese online entertainment, India movie product, indie films from the USA, Europe and Latin America beating Hollywood expensive products, the South Koreans having the top trending shows inside the USA.

Drug deaths in the 1960s and 1970s were considered large numbers, during the height of Vietnam, 5,033 deaths 6,006 deaths 7,101     deaths and 6,771 dead

in year 2020 it shoots up to 91,799

maybe 15 times higher than Vietnam era

the worst individual States for Deaths West Virginia,  New Mexico, Kentucky, Delaware, Ohio, Tennessee, North Carolina, California, New Hampshire, New Jersey, the Deaths are in every part of the USA both Republican and Democrat areas

Drug overdose death rates in different countries: Who should be alarmed? … 2221075192
Drug overdose death rates exceed four per 100,000 in over 10% of the world’s nations, including Libya (where rates are increasing) and in Russia (where rates have fallen). A comparison of data from five well-resourced nations with high drug death rates showed recently accelerated and alarming increases in rates in the United States and Canada (attributed to influx of fentanyl, plus increased stimulant use). A reported recent fall in Canada’s drug suicide rate may be attributable to misclassification of some suicides as accidents. There is an urgent need to ensure accuracy and better understanding concerning drug overdose deaths and how to prevent them

Although Japan can be degenerate, sleazy, perverted it has not totally rotted from within, in general it seems people of Japan do not support drug culture

if a bunch of Mexicans or criminal people from Asia or Arabia or Europe or Haiti tried to enter Japan and sell drugs they would be promptly arrested, they could be jailed might even be beaten so bad by Japanese authority they would never want to return again, in other countries execution.

So what is wrong with culture and the border? a failed Narco criminal run state a political and economic situation where gangsters take over almost every area, where all legitimate institutions become penetrated by the power of criminal gangsters, there are gun smugglers and people trafficking, a state were drug cartels produce, ship and sell drugs from all over the world from Afghanistan to Africa to Latin America and deal in drugs such as opium, captagon, fentanyl, meth, cocaine, heroin and marijuana, some have operated inside Mexico but have contacts in Spain Europe, they link with Arab muslim gangsters, they buy cheap chemistry equipment from Asia or China then use chemistry in production of illicit product, a network in Mexico.  Captagon is a brand name for fenethylline it has made Lebanon be labeled a Narco-State, the captagon industry is also supported by the Iran-backed Shiite fundamentalist group Hezbollah. The collapsed socialist Venezuela has been labeled a narco-state the islamics of Myanmar linked with the second-largest opium producing nation in the world, only behind Afghanistan. New routes being discovered from Colombia through Brazil or Venezuela and Western Africa while trafficking Colombian cocaine to the US at the same time,  United States ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley accused Venezuela of being a "dangerous narco-state" while Pablo Escobar and "El Chapo" example of high profile arrests, yet inside the USA there is a market and a demand for the narcotic poison.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-04-21 10:21:49)


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#631 2024-05-03 06:20:56

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: South of the Border Politics

an end of Australia backpacker tourism? Mexican killers linking with gangs and killers inside California?

a deadly criminal dark side of Baja surf coast,

The past of Mexico has an interesting history to tell a history of Native American indigenous groups belonging to the Yuman language, the Spanish arrive, Monarchy Empire and Religions, other Native Americans hated Aztec cruelty even helping in Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, the Jesuits expelled Franciscans then Dominican Order grows, Spanish and Portuguese empires looked huge would they take all of the Americas, French, the Dutch, British and others arrive, 'Napoleon' Joseph Bonaparte,  Ferdinand VII, the French want Moscow and also in Spain the Peninsular War, in the homeland Empire the Spanish military officers overthrew the absolutist monarch back in Europe, the Mexican War of Independence 'Guerra de Independencia' against the Spanish Empire, mroe Natives pushed out, the the Asian immigration and Gold Rush, a Monarchy born in America 2 years from 1821 to 1823 it is one of the few modern-era, independent monarchies that have existed in the Americas, a Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo cedes Alta California to the United States.a peninsula in northwestern Mexico separates the Gulf of California from the Pacific Ocean it extends from Mexicali, Baja California, in the north to Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, in the south,

the modern Mexico deals in highs and trafficking and poison, infiltrated by criminals and human smugglers, Wachovia at one time a major U.S. bank implicated in laundering money for Mexican drug lords,  HSBC – one of Europe's biggest banks- moved $7 billion for abusers, gun runners, rapists and gangsters, across Latin America narcotics traffickers to influence the policies of a government or a society through violence and intimidation, a Narco state and various drug trafficking syndicates.

Authorities have found a car believed to belong to one of the Perth brothers missing

Shocking update after two Australian blokes vanish without a trace while in Mexico … exico.html

'Reaching out to anyone who has seen my two sons,' Ms Robinson wrote on Facebook.

'They are travelling with another friend, an American citizen.

'They were due to book into an Airbnb in Rosarito after their camping weekend but they did not show up.'

Ms Robinson posted a photo which said her sons had gone missing around the Rosarito and Ensenada region of Baja California on Saturday morning.

Rosarito is a coastal city about an hour's drive north of Ensenada and a 45-minute drive south of the U.S. city of San Diego.

Ex-FBI agent says discovery of one man's phone is a 'concerning' sign

A 23-year-old Mexican woman has been arrested in connection to the case, Baja California Attorney General María Elena Andrade Ramírez told reporters.

She was discovered in possession of a mobile phone belonging to one of the brothers, along with methamphetamine.

Two men, also Mexican, were arrested alongside her, Ms Ramírez said.

It is understood police were able to make the arrests after one of the brothers' mobile phones was turned back on, and pinged a local mobile tower.

According to local media, blood was discovered at three abandoned tents where the brothers and their friend were believed to be staying before they vanished.

A burnt-out car was found on a ranch in the Santo Tomás area after the ranch manager called 911 on Thursday (local time), according to local media TalkBaja.

A check of the vehicle's VIN reportedly identified it as belonging to one of the three missing surfers.

The men were said to be driving a Chevrolet Colorado with the Californian number plate 70189W1.

'sharing regular social media posts about the first two days of their trip'

Woman arrested over disappearance of two Australian brothers in Mexico

an international incident

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-05-03 06:29:18)


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#632 2024-05-26 05:43:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: South of the Border Politics

The European smuggler network

Essex in the East of England, and one of the home counties with Greater London to the south-west, Vietnamese officials provided DNA samples from people in Nghệ An Province and essential documents to help identify the deceased. Human smugglers and deaths bodies of 39 Vietnamese people — 31 men and 8 women — were found in the trailer of an articulated refrigerator somewhat smallish truck motor vehicle designed to transport freight in Grays, Essex, while hauling trafficked people staff of the East of England Ambulance Service responding to a 999 call made by the driver. The lorry cab, a Scania R-series, was registered in Bulgaria. Eleven people were convicted of crimes related to the incident in the UK and a further nineteen were jailed in Belgium.  Essex Police said that post-mortems gave a combination of hypoxia and hyperthermia as the provisional causes of death, they are believed to have been either victims of human trafficking (for example, as forced labourers), the 2000 Dover incident which 58 Chinese nationals died in similar circumstances. In Essex it was reported that one of the teenagers later found dead had gone missing from an asylum centre in the Netherlands

Robinson has been transferred to a prison in NI … 952462.amp
Lorry deaths driver Robinson moved to NI prison - BBC News

“Robinson pleaded guilty to 39 counts of manslaughter at the Old Bailey in April 2020 and is currently serving a prison term of 13 years and four months.
His transfer to Maghaberry, a high-security prison near Lisburn, was first reported by the Press Association news agency.

You have probably heard of the Suitcase Nuke?

sounds like the plot of a 007 Bond movie or a political thriller novel, written by Tom Clancy. The Fourth Protocol is a thriller novel by British writer Frederick Forsyth,  also a 1987 British Cold War film starring Michael Caine and Pierce Brosnan. Directed by John Mackenzie.

Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM), also known as the XM129 and XM159 Atomic Demolition Charges, and the B54 bomb was a nuclear man-portable atomic demolition munition (ADM) system fielded by the US military from the 1960s to 1980s … 004670.pdf

His job was to place atomic bombs. Place them, not drop them. Set the timer. Run like hell. … 1.0-421.91

W54 also known as the Mark 54 or B54 a tactical nuclear warhead developed by the United States in the late 1950s. The weapon is notable for being the smallest nuclear weapon in both weight and yield to have entered US service … System.pdf

U.s. Trained A Kamikaze Nuclear Team They Were To Carry Bombs In Backpacks If The Cold War Blew Up. Squad Members Knew It Was Suicide. … r-warheads

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-05-26 06:06:19)


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#633 2024-06-05 14:41:49

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: South of the Border Politics

Mexican mayor killed hours after first woman elected president

Jen Psaki: Biden "Had To Do Something" Like An Executive Order To Cover "Political Vulnerability" … urity.html

Biden signs executive action drastically tightening border … rcna155426

Joe Biden Issues Executive Order Allowing Temporary Closure of Border to Migrants … -migrants/


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