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#1 2023-12-18 10:06:14

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,861

Thermal Vents as long term energy resource on Earth

This topic is offered for members who might wish to contribute a collection of knowledge about this potential energy source. The topic will lead off with a  collection of Google snippets showing the inventory of potential energy sources in the oceans of Earth.



#2 2023-12-18 10:12:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,861

Re: Thermal Vents as long term energy resource on Earth

Per Google:

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As of September 2022, the InterRidge Vents Database reported 722 confirmed high-temperature vent sites, with another 720 inferred from water column data.

Hydrothermal vents are created when seawater percolates down through fissures in the ocean crust and is heated by magma. The fluid becomes buoyant and rises back up, shooting out the vent.

Hydrothermal vents were discovered in 1977 in the Pacific Ocean and have since been found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic oceans. Most vents occur at an average depth of about 2,100 meters (7,000 ft.).

The primary producers of hydrothermal vents are chemosynthetic bacteria. The vents create sulfide deposits containing valuable metals such as silver, gold, manganese, cobalt, and zinc.

What are the 3 types of hydrothermal vents?
What are 5 confirmed locations of hydrothermal vents around the world?
What are some interesting facts about hydrothermal vents?
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Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents

National Geographic Society › media › deep-se...
Oct 19, 2023 — Hydrothermal vents have been found all over the ocean, including regions of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic oceans. · The ...

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How many thermal vents are in the ocean?
What are the 3 types of hydrothermal vents?
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What area of the ocean can contain hydrothermal vents?
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Hydrothermal vent

Wikipedia › wiki › Hydrothermal_vent
Hydrothermal vents are fissures on the seabed from which geothermally heated water discharges. They are commonly found near volcanically active places, ...
Riftia pachyptila · Chemosynthesis · Rainbow Vent Field

Hydrothermal vents: survival at the ocean's hot springs

Natural History Museum › discover › survival-at-hydrot...
Maggie explains, 'Hydrothermal vents are like hot springs on the seafloor. As tectonic plates of oceanic crust move apart, the crust is stretched, and in places ...

Exploring the Ecology of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents in ...
Frontiers › fmars.2018.00049
by LS Mullineaux · 2018 · Cited by 74 — As of 2015, the global inventory of vent fields was 572 at depths >200 m, with 344 at mid-ocean ridges, 117 at back-arc spreading centers ...

Metacommunity Framework as... · Field Observations and... · Synthesis of Field...

Deep Hydrothermal Vent

Oceana › marine-life › deep-hydrothermal-...
Deep hydrothermal vents are like hot springs on the sea floor where mineral-rich, hot water flows into the otherwise cold, deep sea. Complete ecosystems ...

See the Breathtaking Ocean Life Found at Deep-Sea Vents

Smithsonian Magazine › smart-news › see-t...
May 11, 2023 — Hydrothermal vents occur where tectonic plates spread apart underwater. At these sites, seawater percolates through the cracks in the ocean ...

Review Exploring the ocean for hydrothermal venting

ScienceDirect › article › abs › pii
by ET Baker · 2017 · Cited by 50 — Decades of exploration for vent fields have covered, though often cursorily, about one-third of the global lengths of both oceanic spreading ridges (OSRs) and ...

The Aurora Vent Field, Gakkel Ridge, Revealed

The Oceanography Society › oceanography › article › hot-vents-be...
Nov 28, 2022 — Evidence of hydrothermal venting on the ultra-slow spreading Gakkel Ridge in the Central Arctic Ocean has been available since 2001, ...

Life in the Extreme: Hydrothermal Vents | News

NASA Astrobiology (.gov) › news › life-in-the-extre...
Nov 5, 2021 — The first hydrothermal vent was discovered in 1977, when a team of researchers traced spikes in water temperature around a mid-ocean ridge known ...

Factsheet: Hydrothermal Vents

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (.gov) › hydrothermal-vents-fac...

How Do Hydrothermal Vents Form? Hydrothermal vents are the result of sea water percolating down through fissures in the ocean crust near spreading centers or.

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One factoid that may be of interest is that the existence of these potential sources of long term, reliable non-fossil energy was (apparently) unknown prior to 1977, so we have known about this resource for less than 50 years. 

A heat engine that can harvest low grade thermal energy from these resources could operate for many years, because the supply of replacement thermal energy from the center of the Earth appears to be reliable.



#3 2023-12-18 10:16:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,188

Re: Thermal Vents as long term energy resource on Earth

usually found in the earths ocean where small life forms have taken place from the energy that is present. These are also high in mineral content as well.


#4 2023-12-18 11:21:22

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,542

Re: Thermal Vents as long term energy resource on Earth

Think of the cost and difficulty of installing a powerplant on an oceanic ridge, under a kilometre or more of ocean and then transmitting power thousands of kilometres back to shore.  This sort of engineering makes offshore wind power look like a picnic.  If the vents were located in shallow water offshore, or better still onshore, this would have a better chance of success.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#5 2023-12-18 13:04:35

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,861

Re: Thermal Vents as long term energy resource on Earth

For Calliban re #4

Thanks for taking up this challenge!

The conditions you have proposed are starting points for the thought process.

The "normal" way to reach these vents is a buoyant vessel.

The energy to be harvested can be used to create high value salable products, which can be picked up periodically by visiting submersibles.

The idea of using such a valuable resource to deliver power is comparable to the idea of using a valuable nuclear reactor to make electricity.

It can be done, and it ** has ** been done, but my impression is that more value would be achieved by using the power at the point of generation, instead of shipping it out into the countryside where it competes with fungible alternatives.

It his case, the ocean water is reported to contain valuable minerals that can be harvested and shipped to the surface for sale as finished products.

These refined materials would have far greater value than the raw power would have.



#6 2023-12-18 14:50:43

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,861

Re: Thermal Vents as long term energy resource on Earth

Chat history
    1. Deep Ocean Atom Harvesting
Tom Hanson

ChatGPT 4

Thermal Vents Deep Ocean - Hello Again! This is a new topic .... The goal of this topic is to attempt to establish a business case - the opening premise is that thermal energy supplied by the Earth is currently absorbed by the deep oceans above existing vents. I am investigating the potential opportunity to harvest useful atoms from the vents, using power derived from the difference in temperature of water coming out of the vents, with the surrounding ocean water.

Your business concept of harnessing thermal energy from deep-sea vents to extract useful atoms is fascinating and innovative. This idea involves two main components:
    1. Thermal Energy Harvesting: This focuses on utilizing the temperature difference between the hot water emitted by hydrothermal vents and the surrounding cooler ocean water. This temperature gradient can potentially be exploited to generate electricity, using a process similar to geothermal energy production on land. Technologies like thermoelectric generators or Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems could be adapted for underwater use.
    2. Atom Harvesting: Hydrothermal vents are rich in various minerals and compounds. The high-temperature water coming out of these vents carries dissolved minerals from beneath the ocean floor, which precipitate as they come into contact with the cold ocean water, forming mineral deposits. These deposits often contain valuable metals like copper, gold, zinc, and rare earth elements. The challenge here would be to develop a method to efficiently and sustainably extract these materials without causing significant environmental impact.
Business Case Considerations
    • Energy Requirements: Assess the energy output that can be realistically harnessed from these thermal vents. The power generation must be sufficient not only to sustain the extraction process but also to potentially provide surplus energy for other uses.
    • Environmental Impact: Any intervention in deep-sea ecosystems must be carefully evaluated for its environmental impact. Hydrothermal vents host unique ecosystems, and disturbance can have unknown consequences.
    • Technical Challenges: The deep-sea environment is harsh, with high pressure, low temperatures, and complete darkness. This requires robust, reliable technology that can operate autonomously and withstand these conditions.
    • Economic Viability: Consider the costs of development, installation, and maintenance of the technology versus the potential revenue from extracted materials and generated energy. The economic model must account for the current market value of the materials and the potential cost savings or revenue from the energy produced.
    • Regulatory and Legal Framework: Investigate the legal aspects of exploiting resources in international waters, especially around hydrothermal vents. This includes understanding the regulations under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and other relevant international agreements.
    • Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with stakeholders, including governments, environmental groups, and the scientific community, is crucial for gaining support and ensuring the sustainable and responsible development of this technology.
    • Research and Development: Initial phases would likely involve significant research and development to create and test the technology, understand the environmental implications, and establish effective and efficient operational protocols.

Potential Steps Forward
    1. Feasibility Study: Conduct a detailed feasibility study to evaluate the technical, environmental, and economic aspects of the project.
    2. Prototype Development: Develop and test prototypes of the necessary technologies in controlled environments before attempting deep-sea deployment.
    3. Partnerships: Collaborate with universities, research institutions, and industry partners who have expertise in marine technology, renewable energy, and deep-sea mining.
    4. Pilot Project: Start with a small-scale pilot project to demonstrate the technology and refine operational procedures.
    5. Sustainability Assessment: Continuously assess and mitigate the environmental impact, ensuring the preservation of deep-sea ecosystems.

Your project stands at the intersection of renewable energy, deep-sea exploration, and mineral extraction, making it a pioneering venture in a relatively unexplored domain. The challenges are significant, but so are the potential rewards in terms of both economic benefit and advancement in sustainable energy technologies.

Thank you for considering this inquiry, and for your helpful opening reply! I will post your reply in a place where it may be viewed by potentially interested persons. While I'm away, best wishes for similar success as you assist your thousands of other fans!

You're very welcome! I'm glad to hear that you found the information helpful for your innovative project. It's exciting to think about the potential impact and advancements your venture could bring in the fields of renewable energy and sustainable resource extraction. Feel free to reach out if you have more questions or need further assistance in the future. Best of luck with your project, and I'm here whenever you need more information or support. Have a great time sharing your ideas, and I look forward to assisting you or anyone else who might need help!
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#7 2023-12-19 13:48:18

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,861

Re: Thermal Vents as long term energy resource on Earth

Asking Google:

What is a hydrothermal vent?
The cold seawater is heated by hot magma and reemerges to form the vents. Seawater in hydrothermal vents may reach temperatures of over 700° Fahrenheit . Hot seawater in hydrothermal vents does not boil because of the extreme pressure at the depths where the vents are formed.

What is a hydrothermal vent? - National Ocean Service

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (.gov) › facts › vents
About featured snippets

People also ask
How hot are deep-sea thermal vents?
What is the average temperature of a hydrothermal vent?
In contrast to the approximately 2 °C (36 °F) ambient water temperature at these depths, water emerges from these vents at temperatures ranging from 60 °C (140 °F) up to as high as 464 °C (867 °F).

Hydrothermal vent - Wikipedia

Wikipedia › wiki › Hydrothermal_vent
Search for: What is the average temperature of a hydrothermal vent?

Whatever the difference in temperature, that difference should be available for harvest. The greater the difference, the greater the potential for constant, reliable power.



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