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Okay, I managed to rebuild the thread again so all the posts should now be back. Clearly it's unstable though, so I've locked it and created a new sequel thread.
Editor of [url=]New Mars[/url]
I can't seem to get myself logged, no matter how I try. States I'm using wrong password, but that's not true. Help!
I still can't log in, this is all I get (I need help):
The following errors were found:
Sorry, the password was wrong. All passwords are case sensitive
BGD: Thanks, but nope, I tried several times again, lower-case only--and still can't get my password to be recognized. Who do I go to, I wonder, because I sure don't want to re-register under another name! Help me, Byron et al?
BDG: Thanks again. I have done that, but no joy. Just had a thought: If e-mailing is involved, the MS address (whatever it is) won't be on my list of allowed contacts. Will check now.
BDG: Thanks again. I have done that, but no joy. Just had a thought: If e-mailing is involved, the MS address (whatever it is) won't be on my list of allowed contacts. Will check now.
BDG: No luck! I can't locate the MS's e-mail address, to install in my contact list, so when I "Submit" my address must be filtering it out--a typical "Catch-22" situation. But, in any case, my 6-character password has been working for over a year. Help me, please.
BGD: Okay, I deactivated my filter, and the procedure worked. I've now changed from the password given, to my old one and it worked too! Thanks for the encouragement, and now I can get back to what we're here for. (Will now reinstall the filter, before the junkmail starts to accumulate.) Cheers.
BGD: Right back atcha. Now, how to get rid of all those un-editable boring to anyone else replies? I'll leave that for the hackers to solve!
The message may kindly be condesed .As it wa long back it is cryptic.