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This topic is intended as a generic reference for NewMars members who might have 3D Printer groups meeting in their area.
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The link below is available to attend monthly meetings of a group of which tahanson43206 is a member.
The group meets on site at a local Maker Space, and opens the online facility for those who might prefer that option.
The link requires a password. See tahanson43206 for that if you are interested in attending.
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The meeting of the local 3D printer group is underway.
I'll check the topic every so often to see if anyone has a question.
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Here is another way to use plastic.
150,000 Plastic Bottles Were Used to Create This 3D-Printed Tiny Home of repurposes plastic waste into prefab residences that start at $20,000
These tiny homes are 3D printed from 100,000 recycled plastic bottles
claimed to cost a bit more than the first but still in the starter home range.
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For SpaceNut .... the meeting is still in progress ... do you have a question?
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