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Most of this board is focused on NASA and it's endeavours. Are there any fellow Canadians out there that know what we are doing, if anything?
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Yes there are a few fellow Canadians here but most I feel are disenchanted that more is not done and while I feel they are a great supporter of Nasa you can only do with what you get for funding.
I know that there are a few alternx or new spacers active but with cash flow the way it is even here for those trying to do suborbital it will take lots of effort.
Fund raising follow by technology developement seem to be the first stumbling blocks for all seeking to get into the space game.
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Does the Canadian space program have any goals? Do we know what they are currently working on? At least we know WHAT NASA is sinking money into
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The CSA works on satellite projects (earth observation, communications & science) and contributes to the ISS.
Their _Report on Plans and Priorities_ ... … p-2007.asp
seems quite comprehensive.
Fan of [url=]Red Oasis[/url]
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The Canadian lunar rover could soon help reveal the moon's dark side. … -1.6299089
The country's first moon rover is set to put the Canadian Space Agency at the forefront of space exploration, helping in the global search for frozen water on the celestial body.
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NASA, CSA name Jeremy Hansen to be first Canadian to encircle the moon
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Some space Canada news
Canada better off with NASA than going it alone in space, top Canadian astronaut says … naut-says/
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Edmonton doctor working with NASA to study cancer samples in space
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