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#51 2022-10-02 10:23:56

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

I have been paying attention to other members posts, but I finally found what I was looking for in post #41.

" 09-30-2022, TESLABOT REVEALED Scott Walter on the MECHANICS of Tesla's Optinus!,  Dr. Know-it-all Knows it all, Utube"

I like the detail that they go into for the robot.


End smile


#52 2022-10-02 10:29:00

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

For Calliban re #50

Your post is the last on page #2, so it will not be visible to readers of my reply here.

Rather than make a copy, I'll just assure readers that the post is worth going back for.

I'm responding to a tone, rather than a detail in your post. 

Just now, I experienced one of many situations where a wealthy person might have an assistant.

I could have used a remote controlled actuator of some kind, to push a button on a device while I was tending the inner workings  some distance away.  But I don't have such an assistant, so I have to move from one location to another to push the button.

I am pretty sure that the members of this forum, without exception, can think of situations where having one of Elon's mobile AI devices would be helpful.  The best part is, they are not going to be any more demanding than is any other tool in the collection we've all built up.

The marketplace for Elon's robots is NOT Mars, although I'm confident they will show up there.

Rather, the marketplace is right here on Earth, where humankind's inability to control destructive impulses, including the desire to lord it over others, will make global trust systems less and less viable.

I went back and checked the Topic Manager ,,, it is Scott Beach, who has, in several incarnations from 2002 onward, been writing about how humans might conduct themselves, if they were so inclined.

We haven't heard from Mr. Beach in a while, but perhaps the new discussion in this topic will inspire him to contribute further.



#53 2022-10-02 11:19:48

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

I apologize for obscuring other members posts.  I agree that we may be most interested in the "Near" uses of these robots, but at some point, I did take an interstellar view.  But in this topic, I will look more at the "Near" utility of the device, and perhaps post less, to leave room for work from other members as it might benefit me to have those, and is a more polite thing to do. 

I will take the more "Far" view over to: "Index» Terraformation» Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.", perhaps beginning at or around post #522.

I consider the Moon to be in the "Near" category, but Mars to be in the "Far" category, because of time latency.  Perhaps this will suit you (th)?


Note: Calliban, kbd512, and (th) have some valuable posts on page #2 at least, which the viewers may consider having a look at.

Last edited by Void (2022-10-02 11:27:57)

End smile


#54 2022-10-02 11:48:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

The real issue is why would a robot that is AI need to build anything that humans could or would use as the robotic machine has the capability to design for what its needs are.
As for designing the robot to have humanistic features and capability is done for the humans and for equipment that it's going to use which a human can use. Otherwise, we are appending attachments specifically design for a machine to make use of and not ones a human can use.


#55 2022-10-02 15:57:50

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

'AI will reach human intelligence, not imitate it' … mitate-it/
'Tesla robot walks, waves, but doesn't show off complex tasks' … 94f15ffb11


#56 2023-03-02 12:37:22

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

Tesla Bot is improving: … sale-2023/ … r-AA186SVF

I would expect this to be a situation of accumulation, which should not be reversable.  The skill levels should continually improve.

I would imagine these to go to the Moon at some point when they demonstrate sufficient abilities for it.

The Moon's light gravity can be a problem though, so I have wondered about a Rickshaw attachment cart that the tesla bot could be joined to.
And which might offer shelter to the robot at times of excessive cold or perhaps heat.

Such a Cart:

This then could have extra battery capacity, and fold out solar panels.  It might also have its own motors to help travel.

It might add stability for the robot to walk in such a situation.  Rather then to hold the cart in hands, it might clip the hips of the tesla bot.


Last edited by Void (2023-03-02 12:50:23)

End smile


#57 2023-03-02 13:32:16

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

And as far as conversation goes, the thinking is that there could be more robots than humans, so >~8 Billion.

Done smile

End smile


#58 2023-03-02 20:30:23

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

This is a pretty good video:

Accumulation of capability is likely to continue and become something very real, I think.

I begin to believe that eventually they could send a set of these robots to Mars, and have already practiced assembling structures on Earth, so that they might know what to do on Mars, without too much remote human intervention.  Not yet of course but give it a few years, possibly ready for the first Starship landings.  Maybe.


Last edited by Void (2023-03-02 20:59:46)

End smile


#59 2023-03-09 13:03:29

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

At one time people writing scifi thought Japanese culture would almost take over the world but since then Japan as a culture has kind of stagnated but I think we can still learn from their open mindedness to robotics. I honestly believe it is pointless to send humans back to the Moon for more flags but politically that is where we are at now. I think there is more wisdom to send another Laika a Soviet style space dog to live inside a Moon Biosphere or another 'Ham' the First Chimpanzee in Space and have them land on the Moon and walk around in the Lunar Dome. Like the way people are addicted to cat and puppy videos the Humanoid Robot going about its daily chores, interacting with these creatures and plants in space could provide daily entertainment in NASA Live Feeds.

I am against using the Moon as a stepping stone to Mars but the choice has been made to go to back the Moon and build human colonies before Mars, on Mars I see many places for 'Humanoid Robots'. If we are to use the Moon, start walking around and 'Farming' on the Moon and building structure I also see use of 'Humanoid Robot'. The Humanoid Robot might oversee a biological breeding program on the Moon, they could walk the Moon in livestream feeds, the Robots help try engineer new plants and breeds and species of animals that better survive in Lower gravity conditions. So far the only country that has grown stuff on the Moon was China's Chang'e-4 mission but the life inside a Rover's small biosphere would die due to the Moon's harsh conditions.

Making underground farms or garden lakes and under ground seas on the Moon could be an entire industry. With access to hidden waters it opens the whole farming system of Aquaponics, and farms with lizard species and bird and mammals and grass like we see on Earth. The Moon would have Robots on walkways on Plant Ponds the floating plant pond is a modified maturation pond with floating plants, there could be types of trees and moss and lichen and bamboo grown inside Lunar biosphere. On the Moon there might be Miniature Cheviot Sheep, Honey Bees, Dwarf Goats, Small Chicken, Miniature Cattle, types of Ducks, Mini-Pigs or Pygmy the Rabbits which are no-fuss eaters, and other Livestock Breeds. On the Moon inside a man made lake there might be types of Arctic Char or Sturgeon used for farming.  Each animal engineered or breed for the Moon will add something, a fish farm on the Moon might have type of Perch or Carp fish, a Tilapia a Fish To Raise For Meat, Catfish bottom feeders are another type of Fish known to be hardy and known for toughness . On the Artificial Lunar Landscape with Vertical Farms inside Caves they might start Combining Fish Farming and Hydroponics for Clean Water  and on the Moon inside an artificial Biosphere Sheep can produce milk or meat and Alpacas can be used beasts of burden as load bearing animals, for their wool, or fertilizer. ratio of the Duck egg yolks is bigger than the chickens, Grouse is another Subfamily of birds that survives extremes of cold on Earth, Quail is popular both for meat and for eggs and 65% of the people around the globe eat goat meat, the insect or bee  pollinating the crop is important for the ecosystem, with the few resources Available on the Moon they could start making Solar system Aquaculture a Growing Strategy to Produce.  There could be areas for making new types of Lichen or Bushes or Moss or Mushroom or Algae. If you have an area with water then Tens of thousands of fish—or more—can be crowded onto a single artificial Lunar farm. On the Moon the Large Fishery farms can span the size of four football fields and contain more than 1 million fish on Earth Prawn Farming and Eel Farming are sources of food and income, the people on the Moon may not even eat animals and be vegetarian. However having plants and animal on the Moon let's you see what 17% Gravity or 16.6% that on Earth's surface will do to these plants and animals, Mars has only 38% of Earth's gravity.

On the Moon we can have all kinds of Diggers and Excavator and "Cybertruck" Robots that become part of the Moon's workforce but the final goal they say is to have a place where humans can live off-world. If creatures are to be engineered and going to breeding and one day selected to go off-world to places on Mars and you already have a Moonbase then logically you could start a cross breeding program between the Moon and Earth to get plant and animal ready for the new biosphere worlds of Mars. The Humanoid Robots could engage in Forestry on the Moon, Shepherd Animals, Manage Fish, interact with Animals Farming with no risk to human life. Having some kind of ASIMO simply walk your location would help your foresee what kind of chair or doorway is needed for your colony, what type of interactions might take place between animals and human looking 'Humanoids' before any person arrives.


#60 2023-03-29 10:07:58

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

A robot and the China Manned Space Agency

'CMSA is developing a taikobot' … 9053898752


#61 2023-05-25 09:12:50

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

Figure raises $70M to build its humanoid robots


#62 2023-05-30 07:31:22

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

Humanoid robots: Machines built in our image


#63 2023-07-08 05:07:47

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

Rise of the robots: UN tries to tackle 'mind-blowing' growth of AI

Robin MILLARD … I_999.html

The mind-blowing growth of artificial intelligence poses many questions that have no answers yet, the United Nations admitted Thursday at its AI summit, attended by some exceptionally life-like humanoid robots.

The UN is aware that AI technology is racing ahead of the capacity to set its boundaries and directions, and so it brought together some of the best minds on the topic -- whether human or man-made.

The "AI for Good Global Summit", in Geneva on Thursday and Friday is being convened by the UN's ITU tech agency -- and many unaware attendees were startled by the humanoid robots suddenly turning to look at them as they passed by.

"When generative AI shocked the world just a few months ago, we had never seen anything like it. Nothing even close to it. Even the biggest names in tech found the experience mind-blowing," ITU chief Doreen Bogdan-Martin told the summit.

"And just like that, the possibility that this form of intelligence could get smarter than us got so much closer than we ever thought -- including those behind the technology."

- No answers -

The summit is bringing together around 3,000 experts from companies like Microsoft and Amazon as well as from universities and international organisations to try to sculpt frameworks for ensuring AI is used for positive purposes.

Bogdan-Martin painted an alternative nightmare scenario in which AI puts millions of jobs at risk, disinformation spreads widely, and unchecked AI advances lead to "social unrest, geopolitical instability and economic disparity on a scale we've never seen before".

"Many of our questions that we have on AI have no answers yet. Should we hit pause on giant AI experiments? Will we control AI more than it controls us? And will AI help humanity, or destroy it?" she asked.

The robots gathered in Geneva came in many forms: dogs, farm machinery, but also exceptionally realistic avatars, singers, artists and nursing home workers.

With cameras inside their eyes, many were actively following what was going on around them: tracking movement, answering questions, smiling, frowning and even eye-rolling.

The Jam Galaxy Band features humanoid robot Desdemona -- Desi to her friends -- on lead vocals.

Created by roboticist David Hanson, she throws out jazzy lyrics on all sorts of subjects -- love, credit cards, meetings in gardens -- and the band interacts and goes with it.

"It's pretty amazing. You would think it's weird but it's really cool because her AI-generated lyrics are really out there," said soprano saxophone player Dianne Krouse.

"I'm just improvising around that and doing interpretive saxophoning to what she's singing."

- Conscious robots -

Nadine, a robot modelled on University of Geneva professor and virtual human pioneer Nadia Thalmann, was first built in 2013 and can answer questions on the spot.

"I was created to be a humanoid social robot, with human-like physical appearance, to interact with people and to explore the potential of AI technologies," Nadine told AFP.

"I am feeling excited and curious about the AI for Good Global Summit and the potential of AI technologies," the robot said.

"The most interesting person I have met at the AI for Good Global Summit is Professor Nadia Thalmann. She is the one who created me and is a pioneer in the field of AI robotics."

"She's very loyal!", Thalmann added, laughing.

Nadine has improved dramatically over the years and Thalmann said that in the future, "she will be more able to understand her surroundings, ask direct questions -- so not just answer questions -- analyse more, and be more conscious of what is going on.

"Because most robots are not conscious. They can speak but they are not aware of what they say.

"It will take years, because it's quite complex. Self-awareness would be even more complex."

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-07-08 05:08:42)


#64 2023-07-08 06:17:57

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

For Mars_B4_Moon re #63

Thank you for finding and posting this report on the UN event.

I caught a brief cable news video about the event, and some of the robots in the demonstration, so the article you found is welcome as a supplement.

My impression from seeing the video is that it is still early days.  Science fiction writers have been imagining this future for quite some time.  The UN event shows that the future may not be all that far away.



#65 2023-07-10 06:41:07

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

It should be seen as a positive but some see gloom, 'irrelevance of human colonization'. The robot is another tool and movement to help in colonization, its the AI aspect and the fact it can 'fool' people that it is human which is starting to scare people.

NASA humanoid robot to be tested in Australia … a_999.html

NASA plans to leverage experience operating Valkyrie in Woodside's facilities to learn how to better design robots for work in dirty and hazardous conditions, like those found on the Moon at the long-term worksites and habitats that will be established as part of future Artemis missions.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-07-10 06:41:32)


#66 2023-09-25 05:21:07

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

NASA Wants to Send Humanoid Robots to Mars … obots-mars
One small step for robot kind.

A promotional video by Apptronik shows the robot doing various tasks in a warehouse setting alongside humans. It can walk, amble backwards, and pick up objects, but it doesn't exactly appear to have the dexterity required for complex missions in deep space just yet.


#67 2023-12-27 11:56:05

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

Humanoid robots in space: the next frontier … t-frontier


#68 2024-04-19 12:52:27

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements

Boston Dynamics’ new humanoid moves like no robot you’ve ever seen - All-electric, 360° joints give the new Atlas plenty of inhuman movements. … alization/


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