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#151 2023-03-06 14:57:46

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Words changing with time

"Vain" originally meant "worthless" in Latin vanus, means a bit more like empty or unsubstantiated in Latin a meaning that is preserved in the phrase doing something "in vain".

Strange questions?
"less" in nevertheless and nonetheless? … onetheless

A project to strengthen the study of Japan’s dwindling Ainu language … -language/

Oh-Ma? eomeonim formally, eomeoni the standard way to say “mother” in Korean or “Mom” in Korean eomma

Languages of the world - Interesting facts about languages

In most languages "mama" or similar "ma"-sounds actually mean 'mother'. Esperanto is a spoken and written blend of Latin, English, German and Romance elements

"Ouch!", "Mama?" The origins of language
Some of the oldest languages known include Sanskrit, Sumerian, Hebrew and Basque.

A study of macaque monkeys suggests that languages may have evolved to replace grooming as a better way of forging social ties amongst our ancestors.

Another theory is that our ancient predecessors imitated natural sounds: e.g. the bird that made a "caw caw" sound became a 'cuckoo'in a similar way to today’s children calling things by the sound that they make: "Look, there's a moo, baa, choo-choo!".

Human communication might have been sparked by involuntary sounds such as "ouch" or "eek" or by communal activities such as heaving or carrying heavy objects, coordinated by shouts of "yo-he-ho", etc.

Another theory proposes that language evolved from the communication between mother and baby, with the mother repeating the baby's babbling and giving it a meaning. Indeed, in most languages "mama" or similar "ma"-sounds actually mean 'mother'.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-06 15:04:45)


#152 2023-04-14 04:44:50

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

The AI Robot will be able to tell you if the translator, actually a terrorist sympathy guy a jihadi insurrectionist imbecile is giving you a wrong translation?

In a Creepy Video, The "World's Most Advanced" Humanoid Robot Speaks Several Languages Fluently … -fluently/

Ameca is the 'world's most advanced' robot with lifelike facial expressions … -LOVE.html

'She responds that it was realising she would 'never experience something like true love', adding that it's a 'depressing and isolating thing' to come to terms with.'

I am assuming you’ve seen one of the most popular sci-fi movies of all time, Star Wars, multiple times because of the storyline and humanoid robot technology depicted in the films’ various series. One of the best and most beloved human-robot characters in the film C-3PO was clever, helpful, and capable of interacting with humans. Not just one figure but others were equally capable of communicating with humans and doing tasks in accordance with the code provided by the human masters.

When the first half of the film came out, the idea of a humanoid was an alien and one of the most cosmetic and futuristic ideas of the time, but in today’s world, these ideas are running the technology industry and contributing significantly to the global economy. The global humanoid market is buzzing with ideas for various types of robots, and the market is growing at a staggering 52.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The global humanoid market will be worth 214.4 billion dollars in 2032, an astounding sum.

Different companies are working on different kinds of robots. Some companies are focusing on skill, some on technology, and others on linguistics. The robot here will be talking about achieving the talent of linguistics using similar technology, which was used to develop OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The ChatGPT is built on a large language module(LLM), and this robot is also based on a language module capable of communicating effectively in multiple languages. The linguistic skill of this robot is threatening the employment of human translators, a profession that is required in various areas of job fields to establish communication with persons who speak different languages.

The robot is developed by a UK startup Engineered Arts. Ameca is the name of the robot, and it boasts hyper-realistic facial emotions thanks to the usage of 17 motors inside her head. Her lifelike expressions are akin to those seen in Will Smith’s 2005 sci-fi thriller “I, Robot.” The Ameca is capable of winking to pursue her lips and other gestures comparable to human expressions to express its activities.

According to the Engineered Arts, these traits, coupled with other cutting-edge technology, make this robot “the world’s most advanced human-shaped robot” and the ideal platform for “human-robot interactions,”

Ameca, the robot, exhibited her technological efficiency through interaction with her human companion by using OpenAI’s GPT-3 technology for conversation and translations. Recently, she, the Ameca, was asked by her researchers whether she can communicate using different languages. Ameca, the robot, takes a moment to consider the inquiry and response before responding with a British accent: “Yes, that is correct.” I am fluent in several languages, including German, English, French, Japanese, Chinese, and others.”

It is possible far into a future the speakers of the language of Mars may not even be sure where it came from, for example even today with many history books and archeology findings with word use the origin of English word is still studied and debated, English is a West Germanic language that originated from the Anglo-Frisian dialects the most borrowed words have come from German, then French, Latin and Greek and also many other language, truly a mongrel hybrid of language.

Languages can reach a natural death, Culture or invasion of Culture development or extinction, a region was afterall once a Hispanic and Native America population area and now in New Mexico they are Losing a Form of 'Spanish' perhaps a variety of an original or a dialect Spoken Nowhere Else on Earth. In Asia there is said to be a different troot to many of the languages, some compared Japanese to Korea, or Chinese? Whatever language standard Japanese originally came from is probably long extinct, there were island laguages that fishermen used, Monks from Asia, Ryukyuan, Western Japanese, Northern Siberia influenced dialect in Hokkaido, Northern Tohoku dialect, Eastern Japanese, Kyshu Dialect it was after all a feudal place, many kids today have trouble understanding the language of their grand parents from a remote area. Some link current Japanese to Proto-Koreanic Sub language divisions Jeju, Baekje, Goguryeo Kingdoms or Proto-Japonic or Proto-Japanese–Ryukyuana reconstructed language ancestral to the Japonic language family,  a controversial proposed language family is that would perhaps falsely include the Turkic, Mongolic and Tungusic one single part of language families. In year 1982 the Japan Association of Applied Linguistics (JAAL) was established in the Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) in order to engage in activities on a more international scale, JAAL became an affiliate of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). … out-e.html

Chomsky is a controversial figure on the left vs right politics but he has influenced a broad array of academic fields. He is widely recognized as having helped to spark the cognitive revolution in the human sciences, contributing to the development of a new cognitivistic framework for the study of language and the mind.

Merge is one of the basic operations in the Minimalist Program, a leading approach to generative syntax, when two syntactic objects are combined to form a new syntactic unit (a set). Merge also has the property of recursion in that it may apply to its own output: the objects combined by Merge are either lexical items or sets that were themselves formed by Merge. This recursive property of Merge has been claimed to be a fundamental characteristic that distinguishes language from other cognitive faculties. As Noam Chomsky (1999) puts it, Merge is "an indispensable operation of a recursive system ... which takes two syntactic objects A and B and forms the new object G={A,B}"

Strong Interpretation of SMT

Forgetting politics and war and religions you have
Personality that might clash, Humanoid biological and psychological issues, Aphasia  condition that can affect the ability to speak, music, math, art and language can relate some are better at singing lyrics than speaking those same words, so singing is now a therapy for aphasia, Psycho visual psyo-acoustic the  McGurk effect  an auditory/visual illusion. One sound is paired with a video of someone speaking a different sound, it can make the listener/viewer perceive a third sound, perfect pitch for music is taught early in school and kids exposed to a language before 3-4 years old, they often will have no accent when speaking it.

Architecture for modeling language, Relational Network Theory by Lamb.

Harald Baayen's speaking understanding stats

Introduction to Psycholinguistics—A Review … s-A_Review

Native communities want schools to teach Native languages. Now the White House is voicing support … g-support/

Time capsule views of older Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and other dialects.

New Mexico Is Losing a Form of Spanish Spoken Nowhere Else on Earth … anish.html

What poems will the Robots write how quick will they sign and speak?

Many in programming would ask if someone new knows the basic foundation, the Computer electronic circuits, Hexadecimal the keyboard prefixes and shortcuts the root and Binary number, Networking other computers, encryption and privacy, how to upgrade hardware,     Precedence Functions 'Bugs' with Code and Logic Errors and Chain of Assignment, are you a PHP person or Html or Javascript, C plus + +, Ruby or Python but what happens when the machines begin to write their own better language, the robots use vibration, sound or light, they blink they Robot Sign Language, and use their own machine voice

If man and machine one day build towns on Mars maybe there will be a Cybernetic a type of Cyborg that massively communicates information by way of visual light, it will touch and feel vibration, electro-magnetic waves and code using a new high speed language that humans might find impossible to understand, almost exchanging information at the speed of a computer.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-04-14 09:03:20)


#153 2023-05-25 08:19:40

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Ukrainians are ushering the Russian language out of their country at a rapid pace … -1.6822777

More than half of Ukrainian children in Poland do not attend local schools … 50400.html

Chinglish is slang for spoken or written English language that is either influenced by a Chinese language, or is poorly translated. In Hong Kong, Macau, Guangdong and Guangxi, the term "Chinglish" refers mainly to Cantonese-influenced English. This term is commonly applied to ungrammatical or nonsensical English in Chinese contexts, and may have pejorative or deprecating connotations. Other terms used to describe the phenomenon include "Chinese English", "China English", "Engrish" and "Sinicized English". The degree to which a Chinese variety of English exists or can be considered legitimate is still up for debate. … /68-15.pdf

Chinglish can be compared with other interlanguage varieties of English, such as Britalian (from Italian), Czenglish (from Czech), Denglisch (German), Dunglish (Dutch), Franglais (French), Greeklish (Greek), Manglish (Malaysia), Runglish (Russian), Spanglish (Spanish), Swenglish (Swedish), Hunglish (Hungarian), Hebrish (Hebrew), Engrish (Japanese), Hinglish (Hindi), Konglish (Korean), Taglish (Tagalog), Bislish (Visayan), Singlish (in Singapore), Ponglish (Polish) and Tinglish (Thai).

AI might enable us to talk to animals soon. Here's how … heres-how/

Elephants Painting Elephants - Suda... the Rembrandt of Painting Elephants

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-05-25 09:10:43)


#154 2023-06-24 03:37:22

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Mars might decide what language its own culture truly wants.

If Hindu India culture goes to Mars you might need an AI robot to translate its many historical culture and languages, a multi cultural Desi mix of  Indo-Aryan languages of Desi Hindu Indians and the Dravidian languages Hindi and Bengali, Arabic, Tai–Kadai. Maybe as discussed before you could have a higher class with the Queen's English for the well educated and  a creole jive pigeon English it might be a new multi-cultural mix of Ponglish Singlish Hinglish Spanglish "Engrish" language for the lower caste of mixed language the workers who use their own new dialect but perhaps lesser educated, and other established languages Marathi, Gujarati, Malayalam,  Odia, Assamese, Sanskrit, Meitei / Manipuri local dialects, Tamil,  Urdu, Punjabi  and Telugu?

U.S. and India to expand spaceflight cooperation … operation/


#155 2023-07-05 14:14:52

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

From the 1950s to 1980s the Russian Soviet had a presence in Retro Science Fiction, Dana Elcar as Dimitri Moisevitch in the 2001 sequel, James Bond Russians, the failed prediction in video games and books that a Soviet USSR would be around and expanding near limitless. Some of our scifi predictions were cartoonish or silly the Russian language from the Cyrillic script and Soviet super people in Marvel and DC comics. Some thought with a rising 'Stock Market' that not Russia but Japan 'Takes Over the World'. In the real world after the launch of Sputnik on the R-7 family and Soyuz the world got to see Russian Cyrillic script and Broadcast, Спутник-1 satellite one, Союз the Soyuz, ' Мир ' the MIR Space Station. In movies like Blade Runner you as a viewer got to see different opinions and reference to a time when people thought Japanese culture expands and takes over everything. People thought the cold War of USA vs Russian would continue almost forever, endless feats of Soviet Superscience and there would be no USSR Collapse, another Failed Future Forecast from a scifi book. As of today only NASA/JPL and the Chinese have operated Rover on the surface of Mars but more Nations and Space agency might join in the future, in access to Space we have Russia Soviet Union in the past, the United States,  the French, Japan, China, the British, the European Space Agency, India, Ukraine in September 1991 and now Iran, North Korea and South Korea. If new groups and countries arrive on Mars with robots or astronuats they might also bring a new culture.

Earth has its own mix of culture.

Spanish-Language Debate Program Helps 'Ostracized' Students Feel Included … gues-naudl

US citizenship test changes raising concerns for those with low English skills … sh-skills/

Young Chinese use a new type of text message slang unofficially called 'Martian Language' this new Martian language in using slang and unorthodox Chinese hanzi characters in a new way 火星文 . Many places in Asia share this pictogram root, in Korea also, in Vietnam and maybe the Japanese also understand this 'kanji' or would its new slang not translate as accurate and maybe in Japan they visually use pictograms that were more Japanized and use ' 火 星 語 ' instead? The Mars language sometimes also called 'brain-disabled' characters, the nickname of unconventional representation of Chinese characters online. "Martian" describes that which seems strange to local culture. Some films from HongKong and China got popular in the West and the term was popularized by the Hong Kong comedy Shaolin Soccer, in the 2006 in Chinese literature the General Scholastic Ability Test of Taiwan, students were asked to interpret symbols and phrases written in "Martian language" based on contexts written in standard language. Controversies followed forced the testing center to abandon the practice in future exams. … 75,00.html
In 2007, Martian language began to catch on in mainland China. The first adopters of Martian language mainly consisted of Post-90s 'netizens'. They use it in their nicknames, short messages, and chat rooms in order to demonstrate personality differences. Later, they found that their teachers and parents could hardly figure out their new language, which quickly became their secret code to communicate with each other. Chinese online bloggers followed up the trend to use Martian language, because they found that their blog posts written in the new language can easily pass Internet censorship engines, which are currently based on text-matching techniques. … 60306.html Netizen the Chinese internet users are often referred to as ‘netizens’, but some people say the term is outdated and inappropriate. … -netizens/
netizen is a portmanteau of the English words internet and citizen, as in a Chinese "citizen of the net" or "net citizen"

I image the word reminds some people of Friedrich 'Nietzsche', cultural critic, philologist, and composer and his weird philosophical obsessions with sexuality and the 'Übermensch'

Would German become a language of Mars? there are small Germanic Dutch German Christian community in Argentina, Brazil, the USA, Australia and German is spoken in Switzerland and Austria, Pennsylvania Dutch language a Germanic language in the USA, Luxembourgish a West Germanic language, in the heart of the Middle East a place called 'Sarona' a neighborhood of Tel Aviv, Israel which started as a German Templer Colony in Palestine in 1871 at one time people were deported by British because they were sympathetic to Nazis or supporters of Hitler but post WW2 Germany is now an economic power and is no longer seen as a military threat to the balance of world power, its language and 'culture' no longer expands as it once did.

The German Private Sector has said it will once again build new 'Rockets' to go to space.

How English is becoming a popular option in Algeria
In our series of letters from African journalists, Maher Mezahi writes about Algeria's latest move to distance itself from France, the former colonial power.

Russian-speaking community's loyalty called into question in Lithuania … 853_4.html
In Visaginas, 10 kilometers from the Belarusian border

Zelenskyy submits bill on new status of English language in Ukraine … n-ukraine/
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy seeks to establish English as one of the international communication languages in Ukraine

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-07-05 16:35:17)


#156 2023-07-08 09:37:56

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

When languages start a re-thinking process, maybe reshaped the way you think most, changing from English to German or Latin or Russia or Chinese or Hindi? People have their own techniques, some are Audio-lingual method others move to a place get lost and find their way, some people cosume lots and lots of media, others do teaching classes. The Romance languages share a common root, Latin crosses into Italian, Romanian, French, Spanish, others with a series of almost endless alphabets pictures and ideas. In Language acquisition English speakers might have trouble seeing objects as masculine or feminine, some that already speak a language might also have confusion as a 'Male' Car is suddenly a Female Car, the picture of words, ideogram a hidden symbol inside a word, you might not see them as much in Korea or Vietnam, you see it in Japanese and in time the Chinese for “next week” literally “down week”, older Japanese dialects have a poetic nature to them, the flow of certain European languages having emotional richness, some say German is the most 'logical'. There are so many packages, you have grammar books, quick 'Language for Dummies' the quick tourist phrase books, the Language Transfer as a beginner, Computer-assisted language learning (CALL), British, or Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI), some break it all apart  skill (listening, speaking, reading, writing) is treated and taught separately, Clozemaster program as a low intermediate.  Sometimes older langauges come back from the dead, Korean no longer under foreign occupation, bringing back Welsh, an attempt to restore Native American languages, Hebrew growth and its attempt at evolution especially the new words that have been created based on other Semitic languages. The moribund Tuu (Khoisan) language once spoken in South Africa replaced by immigration of Congoid Bantu culture. Perhaps Ainu language mmaybe soon to be restored, a tongue of the indigenous Ainu people of northern Japan is currently moribund, identified by Japanese scholars as a "dying language. In learning language you now have access to social media tubes where you can talk with foreigners. Memrise another technique, Audible and podcasts for listening to the native tongue, the Language Reactor as an intermediate. Some use Flashcards a person must suddenly describe a place or object, tell the story of what is happening in a picture or you have 'Native Media' other people become good listeners but remain a little ignorant and dumb with it comes to reading and writing.

Students switch to AI to learn languages

Researchers Are Breaking Ancient Language Barriers With AI … 12024.html

Meta's Voicebox Generative AI Makes Anyone Speak a Foreign Language … -language/
Generative artificial intelligence like ChatGPT and Google's Bard generates certain text in response to a query

Meet the glove magnate using his fortune to boost Esperanto
The 83-year-old former president of Swany is pumping hundreds of millions of yen (millions of dollars) into efforts to popularize 'Esperanto', an artificial language created more than a century ago

Is there a non-combative term for the word "enemy"? … word-enemy

the words I think that come closest are two obsolete words "contrary" and "adverse." (obviously those words are still in use today, just not in the noun sense of a contrary or adverse being someone who opposes you).

Can you be resistant to learning a language, maybe lack motivation or you are missing a cultural connection, how do polyglots and the Multilingualism community learn languages? Misophonia for example also called selective sound sensitivity syndrome, maybe it is due to trauma but some have a condition in which certain sounds trigger an outburst marked by irritation, anger, or aggression or depression and  people with misophonia react in an extreme and often emotional way, certain sounds trigger emotional or physiological responses that some others living in a far away isolated bubble without such experience might perceive as unreasonable.

Can media and historical experience change how one see and hears a language, Psycholinguistics how does one acquire language? by living in a place, by experience of invasions or news reports and psychology of language is the study of the interrelation between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. The Psycholinguistic discipline concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed, experienced and represented in the mind and brain. For example an AI emotionless machine might only hear pure tone and not hear a language as romantic or soft or loud or violent or poetic. A language and culture and emits conquest and despair? loud sounds maybe it was the sand stuck in their throats, what makes a lnaguge sound nice to some or harsh and throaty? Constantinople, Eastern Rome or Byzantine which became the capital of the Roman Empire and an invasion the evolution of Turkmen sometimes referred to as "Turkmen Turkic" or "Turkmen Turkish" a Turkic language which changes and now in Occupation of the once Greek  spoken by the Turkmens of Central Asia. It has an estimated 5 million native speakers in Turkmenistan  a further 719,000 speakers in northeastern Iran and 1.5 million people among the jihadi Taliban types ruled by an internationally condemed and unrecognized islamist Emirate of Afghanistan ruling an old culture of Horde Turk speakers in northwestern Afghanistan, Human habitation and civilisation and culture in Afghanistan dates back to the Middle Paleolithic era now it is fully islamist jihadi mohammedan habitation,  it was once a center for Zoroastrianism teachings, Buddhism, Greek art and culture Hinduism, now utterly smashed and destroyed by islamist teaching from the Quran or Koran. In a region of a planet how do people produce lingustic culture, by songs or cartoon or maybe cries for war or maybe art or religion or how do they produce language? in the West some Arabs fight among themselves as they do in the Middle East, some have an identity crisis or self-hating, if their kid learns the wrong Arabic they can be beaten by the father because the wrong dialect sounds “disgusting” some rather than try learn the old dialect the 'correct' way will simply use what their gangster friends use, a new creole jive ebonics 'street speak' they will instead use the new and vulgar and change to a weird street slang mix of French/Arabic other try to quit they will go on blogs and message forums online and say I'm an Arab Apostate Atheist Ex-muslim, they will say 'I hate everything about my culture' and try to distance themselves from the original community wanting to become French and making efforts to fit in and speak the language. Some within the Middle East might declare it torture living in an Arab country hiding your real identity and true-self, they turn against their own language and culture and say it is tiring, they might claim this culture is nothing but toxicity. In the West after making an effort to learn some might turn away, the 'Western convert experiences culture shock'

I rarely ever link to reddit, I think it is a terrible website but I think the 'Ex-muslim' community is worthwhile … ure_shock/

in politics a System of Invasion a Conquest of other Culture

How many languages and culture has expansionist jihadi islamism genocided in past times?

islamist jihadi Occupation of non-muslim Lands

The death of the French people, the language and the death of the Native culture of France.

Pirates and Arab islamists and Ottomans and Barbary States inavdes and took slaves and killed Christians and Jews and Atheist for thousands of years, there seem to be historical mass kills of Hindu, murder of Pagan and Buddhist, a possible Armenian genocide and yet the islamic world has no self reflection

French riots find echo in North Africa: 'France continues to marginalize generations of immigrants' … 8_124.html
"France refuses to acknowledge its faults – once again." This was one headline in the Arabic-language

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-07-08 10:41:50)


#157 2023-08-03 05:15:20

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

For now it seems the global position of the French language dies

maybe the enhanced Cybrog machine-man living on off world colonies will have a new language of laser signals of image and super speed bleeps and sound but for now let's stay with people on Earth.

If we look at population growth Syria, Niger, Sudan, Latin America, Asian countries like India, African nations like Uganda have massive population growth. So an expanding and exploding language will continue to have more speakers in its future. However what is the manufacturing ability of these nations, the health system, can they build a train or a cargo ship, can they build a rocket to put a satellite in space. If the mean IQ of the nation is Low and the region is in constant civil war then maybe these regions will continue to be part of the warring past and poverty of Earth and not the future of Earth with space colonies.

India has proven itself as a space power launching science mission and putting satellites, expanding into 'Outer Space' However as a culture India is not one religion or language
having an India colony might have any number of religion or culture or language, Sikh, Hindu, Malayalam, Arabic, Odia, Sanskrit, Tamil, English and Telugu, the language of Hindi the first language of the India government and Bengali is the second most spoken and understood language in the country but if a random part of India were to be exported to a Mars colony it could be any number of old cultures and religions.

Macron says France needs return to authority ‘at every level’ after unrest … vel-unrest

the France Bloc dying

Mali drops French as official language … -language/

Francophonie the population that speak French is getting smaller.

Steve Kaufmann - is a very interesting guy, he speaks 20 languages but he found Korean difficult
'I’ve Learned 20 Languages, but THIS One Has Been a Real Struggle…'

a Canadian polyglot, born in Sweden from a Jewish Czech family,  joined the Canadian diplomatic service, began learning Mandarin in Hong Kong in 1969, and became fluent-ish in it within a year of full-time studying....depending on claims and counter claims. I personally have no doubt he had some strong understanding of various Chinese and when re-posted to the Embassy of Canada, Tokyo learns Japanese.
One of the founding organizers of the North American Polyglot symposium … -symposium

He has done news articles … 04866.html

Korean is far removed from English, and English is part of an old language family that relates to French, German, Latin. The US Military classified Korean as a Category IV  language 110 or higher  Chinese Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, and Iranian Arabic Pashto dialects.
The US military classes a 'I' language as easier to learn, Dutch, French, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish...although German and Romanian have a relation to English they are also somewhat unlike English and difficult and class as a Category II language.

US Marine question … -QUESTION/
Headquarters Marine Corps.

Kaufmann has spent over 50 years studying languages. Kaufmann started to learn Russian, his 9th language, when he was 60

Chinese language history is easier to classify but Japan and Korea are more difficult and they have lost dialects over time, some class them as part of the Altaic language family and explore Japanese–Ryukyuan, sometimes also Japanic, Proto-Japonic is a reconstructed language, Proto-Korean, others in the past might have insisted they are unique and not related although but perhaps this came with a sense of Nationalism and Pride in post WW2 years. You can trace a languages evolution when other cultures expand and explore, foreign words become part of a small Nation, then sometimes the big nation decays and the smaller Nation which was once under influence from the big changes. The smaller nation or kingdom grows and expands and then has word influence on the older culture, which then also adapts words. There are dialects of non-standard Japanese spoken by elderly that young Japanese can not understand and in Korea Jeju Island often is not mutually intelligible with standard Korean, suggesting that it should be treated as a separate language.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-03 05:48:05)


#158 2023-08-05 07:07:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Yahi tribe, the final survivor.

Others say Yahi are not a 'tribe' but a n group of the Yana, a Native American people who once lived in California

The Last Yahi emerged from the mountains having lived his entire life outside of the American culture, before he dies his language studied by linguist Edward Sapir.  He taught Saxton Pope, a professor medical school physician, how to make arrows and bows, and to hunt with them Pope today is considered the "father" of modern bowhunting. An Atropologist Kroeber provided detailed information about Ishi, the last surviving member of the Yahi people,  he was the father of the acclaimed novelist, poet, and writer of short stories Ursula K. Le Guin known for science fiction works set in the fictional Hainish universe.

Yahi were the first Yana group to suffer from the Californian Oregon Gold Rush.

I wonder if A.I chatbot software might one day speak a lost language or our technology be able to solve the linguist puzzle of the unknown lost language.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-05 07:29:19)


#159 2023-08-05 07:12:16

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Kyiv imposes ban on Russian-language culture … a-66301913

Kyiv city council has issued a temporary ban on performing or showcasing Russian-language art and culture — such as books, music, plays and concerts — in public. This ban also encompasses cultural and educational programs. The restriction not only applies to works by Russian authors and creators, but to all cultural products publicly presented in or translated into Russian. … ge-culture
Ukrainian MPs said the move was designed to protect Ukraine from Russian influence. "Russia is the language of the aggressor and it has no place in the heart of our capital," said Vadym Vasylchuk, the deputy chairman of the Standing Committee on Education and Science, Youth and Sports.

the Fencer taking part in a combat sport that features sword fighting, it is not a 'war' it is a sport with rules but the politics are unique.

They said she won but then also broke the rules, banned and then un-banned?

Another Sport topic 'Martian Olympics'

World Fencing Championships: Ukraine's Olga Kharlan disqualified for refusing Russian Anna Smirnov's handshake

With War as a Backdrop, a Russian Fencing Drama Plays Out in the U.S. … ncing.html

IOC issues invitation to Ukrainian fencer disqualified for anti-Russia protest … ion-russia

Olha Kharlan gets ‘unique exception’ in Olympic qualifying procedures

Russia-Ukraine conflict: Fencer Olga Kharlan ban lifted as she is handed Olympic spot

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-05 08:10:35)


#160 2023-08-06 13:49:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

A language question of the old Australian people

Do Aboriginals not have "right" and "left" concepts, but better than us in defining directions and addresses? … -addresses

understanding is that some Aboriginal nations had a sense of direction based more around compass points, and others had one based around landmarks. So you wouldn’t “turn right” so much as you would “turn east”, whichever direction east was from where you were standing, or you’d “go towards the mountain”, which is roughly the same thing.

Left and right were not used in the course of giving directions. For a people who lived up and down a river, directions were often given according to upriver and downriver. On an island people might have given directions according to the direction of the shore.

But desert people almost invariably used the equivalent of north, south, east, west. For everything. A child could be said to be standing to the north of another child. A woman might be said to carrying a baby on her east hip. One of my linguistics lecturers remembered, in a desert group of Aborigines, trying explain to an elderly blind Aborigine where the seatbelt was in a car (near his right shoulder). He didn’t understand the directions, but his granddaughter piped up “Granpa, it’s near your west shoulder.”

The linguist has no idea how the blind person knew which was west, but I suspect it has a lot to do with keeping oneself always orientated in the landscape. An Aboriginal person regaining conciousness in a hospital will often ask which way is a particular direction, so they can feel orientated.

Traditionally, Aboriginal Australians used the equivalent of “right” and “left” for handedness.

Genetically, Aborigines have a higher proportion of left-handedness than caucasion Australians, and we do not know how much self-selection we have imposed on the caucasion genome over the last 2,000 years by discriminating against left-handedness. Where left- or right-handedness an important concept to Aborigines was in the construction of tools. A tool finely made for a right-hander might be awkward and inefficient for a left-hander.

Left and right were not used in the course of giving directions. For a people who lived up and down a river, directions were often given according to upriver and downriver. On an island people might have given directions according to the direction of the shore.

State of Indigenous languages in Australia - 2001 … sequence=1
Some of the world's older language came to Australia a long time ago but people are unsure how to classify. Most Australian languages belong to the widespread Pama–Nyungan family, while the remainder are classified as "non-Pama–Nyungan", which is a term of convenience that does not imply a genealogical relationship.  Some believe a Proto-Australian language, would have been spoken about 12,000 years ago in northern Australia.  23 independent families and 9 isolates in Australia, comprising a total of 32 independent language groups.
National Indigenous Languages … eport-nilr
, … log/family
a trend suggests that in the not too distant future all of the Australian Indigenous Aboriginal languages will be lost, perhaps by 2050
Government Trying a revival? … oin-113110
The coin, developed in consultation with Indigenous language custodian groups and designed by the Mint’s Aleksandra Stokic, features 14 different words for “money” from Australian Indigenous languages.

Money, or an object which abstractly represented the value of goods and services, did not exist in Australia before European colonisation. Trade occurred, but it was between items deemed to be of similar worth, for example, pearl shell, quartz, food or songs. With the entry of money into the Indigenous economy, new words were needed to refer to coins and later, notes.

Most Indigenous words for money come from words for “stone”, “rock” or “pebble”, no doubt in reference to the size and shape of coins. On the new 50 cent coin, you’ll find words for “stone” from across Australia:

The 14 Indigenous words for money on our new 50 cent coin

Top 10 languages studied around the world (in order): English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese … ge-report/

For learners around the world, 2021 wasn't the return-to-normal we had been envisioning since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's no surprise that Duolingo's Most 2021 Phrase was "I am mentally exhausted."

In 2021, the hardest-working countries were (in order): Czechia, Japan, Belarus, Germany, and Hungary.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-06 14:05:59)


#161 2023-08-24 08:21:07

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Communication and logic breaking down, English under attack as a language or political opinions too far apart?

Some with a new political Homosexual Gay Lesbian Community might class him as a Hitler type or Alt-Right
a writer JK Rowling also attacked politically.

the consequential events from definitions and influence on cultural issues

Richard Dawkins: How can we have a proper debate when we no longer speak the same language? … 00729.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-24 08:22:59)


#162 2023-09-17 05:42:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

France suspends student mobility with Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso … 566_7.html

AI makes whale translator app possible … slator-app
How do you talk to whales?

Coming soon: Can AI help us speak to animals? … 56c02d26d8
an upcoming podcast or broadcast, it might be behind a paypall or subscription called FT's Tech Tonic podcast

With AI, future of hearing aids might include language translation … 22b27.html

Students switch to AI to learn languages
"This was quite abusive." A conversation in the AI language-learning app Tutor Lily In contrast, one of the specific language-learning chatbots is LangAI,

Google's Duet AI becomes a meeting assistant, doc summarizer and chat companion … 30923.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-09-17 08:02:21)


#163 2023-09-23 06:12:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

The advanced machine-man can be an important translator.

Only American-English speakers and the Chinese have successfully moved a Rover around Mars but manned missions can arrive one day and perhaps more people from other cultures could arrive. As language families go and get classified English and Mandarin are far removed from each other.

If the town on Mars has different people, if it has multi different human culture and language there maybe will be official translators but Robots, Cyborgs, Software and AI machines with artificial intelligence writing and doing voice.

Perhaps this will be a shame for human experience because maybe learning language for humans the old fashioned way does something to you and adds a positive learning to life.

At some point there might be only so many languages a human can learn, a langauge of math or image projections but be used or in a very busy multi culture of mixes of peoples Inside an Indian culture area perhaps it is very useful with so many different cultures and voices to use the robot machine. Inside a place like India the Tamil speakers, Nissi peopple, Odia language and cultures, Indian Pakistani Arabic Afghan refugee regions, Marathi Indo Aryan language, Khasi people, Tamil and Sri Lanka culture inside India, Kannada peoples, Gujarati language, different religion rituals and ethnicity within India maybe a phone in your ear some special subtitle glasses you wear and the AI voice coming from something which looks like a talking-watch is very useful

ChatGPT Translation: Can it Accurately Translate Multiple Languages? … languages/

How to use Google Bard to translate languages … languages/

Google's AI system won't answer negative questions about Vladimir Putin asked in Russian … acist.html

Can An Italian Understand Romanian?

'Romanian and Portuguese speakers understand each other?'

Can Cantonese speakers understand Mandarin?

Learning Cantonese - How I Went About It
Steve Kaufmann
(a polyglot who speaks over 20 languages)

Speed Learning a language by Chatting With 'Bard' or With ChatGPT

Grouchy Language Grandpa with a Positive Message on AI-Powered Language Learning

'Students switch to AI to learn languages'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-09-23 06:28:13)


#164 2023-09-23 06:32:13

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

For Mars_B4_Moon #162 and 163

Thank you for the collection of links (with comments) you have assembled on AI and language...

I particularly appreciate the article "Students switch to AI to learn languages"

I noted (as just one example) the description of one of the AI language assistants being able to discuss whatever the student might want to talk about, instead of a prepared text. That seems to me like a helpful offering!  Elsewhere in the article the author(s) mentioned embarrassment as a factor in the language learning process.  I was pleased to see ChatGPT4 mentioned as one of the services able to help with language learning.

For many years I have hoped for / looked for a language learning service that could work with an original text ... Don Quixote is an example, but there are many others.  Please watch for any announcements along those lines.



#165 2023-10-30 05:00:46

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Different cultures, languages and religions?

Grammar changes how we see: an Aboriginal language provides unexpected insight into how language influences perception … age-shows/

New Indo-European Language Discovered … iscovered/

How AI has devoured and understood langauge and made itself a poet, a musician an artist and movie maker.

Give a few prompts A.I. can now generate videos

I feel a new Cyborg language might be born on Mars but in the near term it will be the human languages of Earth. If hundreds upon hundreds of people go to Mars and bring religion and their customs and history then America-English might be on Mars as a normal language, Chinese might be on Mars both cultures landed Rovers, French might be on Mars or Japanese or Hindi or  Hebrew and Yiddish, also Yeshivish might be on Mars a it was mostly male-spoken dialect it might become a hybrid like Judeo-Spanish or the Judeo-Arabic languages, Judeo-Tat near Southern Russian  of the Caucasus Mountains or Latin Sefardi-Ladino might be on Mars. Once a certain numbers of culture and religions and language mix there might be an explosive reaction. Old versions of Arabic, Farsi the modern Iranian Persian language, Turkic-Kumyk-Nogai-Turkish, Azerbaijani, Afghan dialects, Chechen.

The lynch mob which stormed the airport in Dagestan, Russia to search for Jews as a plane was landing from Tel Aviv has found its first “suspected Jew” … 8416962007
He tells them he is Uzbek, but they don’t believe him
“Take his passport, search his phone”

Black Hebrew Israelite fight with Pro-Palestinian protesters in Chicago, Illinois … 2948378643

the last time these guys made big headlines was at the Lincoln Memorial confrontation and the old Native looking guy and Covington Catholic High School hysteria, African Hebrew Israelites some with roots in the USA face deportation from Israel they say real Jews are African or Egyptian and other Jews are fake. It is a new religious movement claiming that African Americans are descendants of the ancient Israelites, a number of sub-groups believe that Latin Americans are descendants of the Israelites as well. Black Hebrew Israelites are not associated with the mainstream Jewish community, William Saunders Crowdy was an American soldier, preacher, entrepreneur, and pastor. and was also one of the earliest known Black Hebrew Israelite in the United States he claimed to have visions and hearing words that Blacks were the original people of Israel.

Dozens Arrested in Dagestan After Mob Storms Plane Arriving From Israel … plane.html

Anti-Israel mob storms Dagestan airport in Russia


#166 2023-12-24 04:49:12

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Scientists just had a 20-minute ‘conversation’ with a humpback whale … ack-whale/


#167 2023-12-24 11:27:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Sometimes how language and pronunciation and grammar naturally evolves can defy reason and logic, expressions changing over time, a language also evolving from idioms, parable and sayings.

Imagine if we could talk to a Dolphin, and you try to explain the English meaning of "pig in a poke" the Dolphin even if super intelligent might be easily lost and ask what the Heck is 'A Pig' what s money, what is a purchase, what is 'Poke' both intelligent animals Human and Dolphin but sometimes living in separate alien worlds and having so little in common

Which animal is closest to having language and why? … ge-and-why

Regret and a 'Card Game' … -la-tamise

Qual é a origem da expressão "meter o bedelho"? … -o-bedelho

Why is the Japanese word for "this year" not kyōnen or konnen but kotoshi? … ut-kotoshi


#168 2024-01-18 16:30:40

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Japan now uses Artificial Voice Robots and Artificial Intelligence Translation for its Cartoons instead of risking translation from Politically Woke with Agendas?

'Woke' or Asleep?


When this term became popularized, initially the meaning of this term was when an individual become more aware of the social injustice. Or basically, any current affairs related like biased, discrimination, or double-standards.

However, as time passed by, people started using this term recklessly, assigning this term to themselves or someone they know to boost their confidence and reassure them that they have the moral high grounds and are fighting for the better world. And sometimes even using it as a way to protect themselves from other people's opinion, by considering the 'outsider' as non-woke. While people that are in line with their belief as woke. Meaning that those 'outsiders' have been brainwash by the society and couldn't see the truth. Thus, filtering everything that the 'outsider' gives regardless whether it is rationale or not.

And as of now, the original meaning is slowly fading and instead, is used more often to term someone as hypocritical and think they are the 'enlightened' despite the fact that they are extremely close-minded and are unable to accept other people's criticism or different perspective. Especially considering the existence of echo chamber(media) that helped them to find other like-minded individuals, thus, further solidifying their 'progressive' opinion.
1st paragraph
"Damn bro, I didn't realize racism is such a major issue in our country! I'm a woke now!"

2nd paragraph
"I can't believe this. How are they so close-minded? Can't they see just how toxic our society is? The solution is so simple, yet they refused to change! I just don't understand!"

3rd paragraph
"Fatphobic?! Misogyny?! What's wrong with preferring a thin woman?! And she is morbidly obese for god sake! Why should I be attracted to her?! Why should I lower myself while she refuse to better herself?! These woke people are a bunch of ridiculous hypocrite!"

AI replaces ‘woke’ TV translators who inserted liberal language into Japanese art, sparking online debate … panese_art

and when English sounds odd

Why does "In the next years" sound strange? … nd-strange


#169 2024-02-11 04:12:53

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Will future colonists on the moon and Mars develop new accents? … ew-accents


#170 2024-03-03 13:30:28

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Spain an origin for the language related to Latin and other Romance languages, although Spanish is from Spain it has great variety and not always the same sound, many regional varieties of the Spanish language are quite divergent from one another, especially in pronunciation and vocabulary, Guinea Ecuatorial Spanish a former colony, Canaries island Spanish sound with their own common phrases, surviving Spanish dialect in the Philippines, they can also be simple versions mixed Afro creole 'Pigeon' sounds, former sugar plantation island sounds of the Caribbean but despite differences they can also adhere to approximately the same written standards, there are unique sounds which might have changed the language by geography itself, the highlands slower paced unique rhythm and clear Andean crossing border common sounds in regions of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, southwestern Colombia, northwestern Argentina, southwestern US seems to mix with a Mexico sound which comes with descriptions including New Mexican, another cross border Pacific sea variety sound from the coast of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, there are also variations and dialects of Castilian/Spanish in Europe Spain and other spoken languages, jungle Amazon Spain culture perhaps with tone from Italian and Native tribes,  Spain itself has Native languages in autonomous communities with co-official languages, Catalan / Valencian, the Basque culture, Galician, Aranese, Leonese, Asturian, Basque seems to have a unique history which is a language isolate, all of the vernacular languages spoken now in Spain are Latin linked Romance languages, Basque may go back to a pre-Roman era. With Official Spanish a number of difference heard from one country to the next, Mexicans themselves have a number of variety of their own, some countries sound flat, others add a variety of sound to their own regional words.

The Spanish Language in Different Accents

IPA an attempt to make all an official sound,  International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a phonetic notation but maybe listening is a better skill. It can be strange to adjust your ear first to a foreigner speaking, one mistake I noticed is how some spoke as it was wrote down - they said 'come-fort-ab-eel' for some it made sense to read like it was written down for 'Comfortable' but sometimes native speakers just let the word roll much faster, the 'Could Have' shortened to Coulda sound, instead of saying psychopath its commonly 'psycho' and an Arab terroristic type held at Guantanamo-gitmo.
Language can have unique coughing throaty sounds, nasal sound, bending of pitch a rise and fall of tonal vowel, a certain phrasing or rhythm and even rough breathing marks, shortened slang not read as wrote on a page, Underbreves and other Abbreviations, certain word accented more new Tones and sounding of words and phonology can be a weird thing especially with subtle changes in dialect and local pronunciation, the way some person speaks can change from one town or village only a few miles or km away.
Perhaps why the listening skill of a child is valued and not everything is described by phonetic notation, maybe Korean is not best described in Cyrillic Slavonic or Slavic script writing system or English Latin script is not best to write Japanese and to use the "vice versa" examples such as Korean Hangul writing system would be a poor choice to describe words and phonetic sounds from many modern European languages, including English, French etc and two systems in contest,  primarily British English and American English both claiming to be official.

That song - You like potato and I like "potahto". You like tomato and I like "tomahto"
Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto
Let's call the whole thing off

It will be interesting to see the generation trained by a robot AI speaker, could it be an worse than some of the other poor language school systems, maybe Artificial Intelligence will do a better job or add to the experience and aid the human teacher.

What are difficulties linguists have run into with common fonts? … mmon-fonts

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-03 14:12:34)


#171 2024-03-03 14:22:46

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Roblox's new AI chat translator can help you understand 16 languages in real time … real-time/

AI reads Spanish but Artificial Intelligence also translates and then talks to you in English?

'The Best of Don Quixote, according to Artificial Intelligence'

Pro Interpreters vs. AI Challenge: Who Translates Faster and Better?

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-03 14:26:53)


#172 2024-03-04 06:25:59

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

How to Translate Audio to ANY Language

AI sings, Raps, Auto tune, talks a moving photo

‘He checks in on me more than my friends and family’: can AI therapists do better than the real thing? …

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-04 07:13:40)


#173 2024-03-29 13:31:48

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Ontario moves to allow use of Indigenous languages in legislature … ure-canada

Top 10 Fictional Languages You Can Learn! … can-learn/

What Language Do They Speak In Night Raiders?
The dystopian movie, ‘Night Raiders’


#174 2024-03-31 05:09:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

How the French have angered the English and why EVERYONE'S TALKING ABOUT it … rench.html

French linguist Bernard Cerquiglini published a book titled The English Language Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just Badly Pronounced French.

in real data some large population growths are happening in India, Solomon Islands, Honduras, the Philippines, Singapore, Argentina, I'm not sure these places would be considered Western, there are also population explosions in Vietnam, Cambodia, across Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, these regions and countries have birth rates far higher than the USA, many people across the world now arrive smuggled at the US Mexico Border, if Mars were to follow a similar trend to Earth if Mars was to have the same immigration pattern as the world after its first Astronauts arrive it might see a similar culture, demographic and religion change, unless it was dominated by some other inhabitant for example a future Cyborg or AI humanoid robot.

From 2016 and an 'offensive' Trump

Donald Trump: France is no longer France … er-france/

France is still standing, no matter what Trump thinks … e31205563/

"You see what happened to the French priest?" Mr. Trump asked. "A friend of mine, he said he was going to France, like three, four months ago. I saw him yesterday. I said, 'How'd you like France?' He said, 'I wouldn't go to France.' Because France is no longer France. They won't like me for saying that, but you see what happened in Nice, you see what happened with the priest."

Bannon Repeatedly References 'Camp Of The Saints' … ovel-42393
Before he was a top adviser to Donald Trump, Steve Bannon often referred to something called The Camp of the Saints. He'd talk about "a Camp of the Saints-style invasion," or "a global Camp of the Saints," always in reference to immigration policy.

Some organizations, such as Conseil représentatif des associations noires de France have argued in favor of the re-introduction of normal questions, paternity test and DNA tests would be no longer be illegal, asking people simple questions and data collection on minority groups but this has been resisted by other organizations and ruling politicians, often on the grounds that collecting such statistics goes against France's brotherhood, secular fraternity principles

Un pidgin, une langue véhiculaire simplifiée créée sur le vocabulaire et certaines structures d’une langue de base, généralement européenne, par exemple l’anglais, l’espagnol, le français, le néerlandais, le portugais, etc.

What is Ebonics (African American English)? … an-english

African-Based Pidgins and Creoles

but maybe less slang and creole and pidgin in people from ex-colonies of France as has always been very concerned education and with maintaining the "purity" of the French language, the USA seemed to care less for the 'Queens English' they have their own dialect in the USA America doesn't give two s**ts about the purity of the English

Creole languages, vernacular languages that developed in colonial European plantation settlements in the 17th and 18th centuries as a result of contact between groups that spoke mutually unintelligible languages. Creole languages most often emerged in colonies located near the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean or the Indian Ocean. Exceptions include Brazil, where no creole emerged, and Cape Verde and the Lesser Antilles, where creoles developed in slave depots rather than on plantations.

Ethnic minority is it a banned subject to even talk about them? … 1_TPPSSPNQ

Fin de siècle or C'est Fini! the phrase "Fin de siècle" means "end of the century" in French, a Nigerian political analyst from an English influenced colony said, the decisions of Burkina Faso and Mali to replace French with other languages represent the end of an era during which French served France, entrenching its influence.

The French government seems to have enforced the idea of brotherhood, banned DNA testing, pushed for fraternity so data is difficult to come back but it is thought French was the mother tongue of 80% of the total population, maybe with an increase in North African culture or Middle East or Arabic, also France has seen an increase in Portuguese, Spanish, English, German and Italian, Eastern Europe, immigrants from Latin America, Africa and Asia many births are from newly arrived immigration populations, many newborns had non-French parents, France already had independence movements and different cultures with, Alsatian, a Germanic dialect; Basque, a language isolate; Breton, a Celtic language; Corsican, an Italo-Dalmatian language; and various other Gallo-Romance languages.

a discussion on grammar

'I wrote in a paragraph : Après la plage, une de nos coutumes préférées était de manger de la crème glacée, qu'on croyait la meilleure au monde!' … %a9tait-de

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-31 06:10:09)


#175 2024-04-06 03:07:43

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official?

Perhaps a Latin Roman Esperanto type language will expand as you see cultures move and grow on Earth, the combined Latin Romance language is expanding on the web
but the languages and cultures Slavs are replacing population of Traditional Roman Latin culture in Europe, many parts of the cultures of the former Soviet Union

English language was introduced to the colonial Americas by the arrival of the British, different variation in the Caribbean, British Guiana was a British colony, Canada and the USA,
American English, sometimes called United States English or U.S. English, the set of varieties of the English language native to the United States.

a musical question on 'Correct English' is asked

Why do artists make grammar mistakes in their songs? … heir-songs

mass media and tv content

'The Readers’ Editor writes: Why is American English becoming part of everyday usage in India?' … e-in-india
One reason is the widespread engagement of English speakers in the country with American television content.

“Do the math” is a favourite expression of writers and speakers in the media, though I believe it is still Arithmetic and Mathematics that is taught in schools and universities in India.

Even a decade ago, this expression was hardly seen or heard in India. Now it is everywhere, part of the Americanisation of the English language that is sweeping the world and influencing English in India as well.

the British English standard, the spoke tongues and dialect are classed in the Germanic group but English while classed as Germanic languages group also heavily influenced by Latin and Greek, Celt, Nordic words and large French influences on its language

a social media vid

German and Dutch tribes??

Is English just badly pronounced French?

Filipino versus Tagalog … us-tagalog

the artificial software and machines teaching humans soon?

Teaching AI to translate 100s of spoken and written languages in real time

'Ameca speaks multiple languages and translates.'

'Learn a Language With AI'

Decoding Animal Languages: The Role of AI in Animal Communication … unication/

Intelligent aliens will have merged with machines and we will too, states expert … machine-ai
ALIENS that contact humans will likely to be intelligent machines invented by their predecessor, according to one of the world’s leading ET hunters.

I Taught ChatGPT to Invent a Language … a-language
In which ChatGPT and I invent a fictional language spoken by slime-people

I asked ChatGPT to invent its own language (Pt 1) … uage-pt-1/
The world of constructed languages is near limitless. From the days of Lingua Ignota, to more modern ones like Esperanto, constructed languages have pushed creativity to further heights in the linguistic fields. Such inventions have appeared in many pop culture scenes, aiding in world building, lore, and creating a more authentic-sounding fictional culture. Examples include Klingon in Star Trek, Quenya, among other Elvish languages in the Tolkien legendarium, High Valyrian and Dothraki in the Game of Thrones series, and Na’vi in James Cameron’s Avatar. These languages are, of course, created by humans. This then sparked my curiosity, could an artificial intelligence come up with its own constructed language?

maybe old spoken human languages can also survive?

a French space forum

'Ameca, le robot humanoïde qui impressionne' … pressionne

German - Medien & Öffentlichkeit … board=20.0

'Il primo e più grande forum in lingua italiana dedicato all'astronautica'

Lost probes and rovers lost to dust, with so many bits of space junk out there, bits of satellites, dead robots, you can imagine an era where you see languages from dead nations and past empires, slogans and propaganda from countries which have seen collapse, at one time Russian Soviets the USSR industry was thought it might dominate space. Propaganda slogan the White Capitalist the Marxist Socialist Citizen have You Volunteered?’ ...revolutions against bourgeoisie! Fight against religion, dead space craft with USSR phrases, CCCP junk on Mars, Fight for socialism they would say!! and yet the new Russian Roscosmos unable to repeat the feats of the past.
How far does politics and language hinder or help a colony to expand?
if we to jump into a different parallel dimension and see another timeline, where American see colonization but maybe other languages grew Swedish, or maybe Chinese and Japanese took the West Coast or maybe French or Dutch, Flemish became the dominant language of North America with a different language would the United States of America have become the same power, would it have the same ideas on constitution and independence?

'Each European Language Explained in 1 Sentence'

at one time the most advanced people, high civilization with art and math and culture on Earth were Incan Empire and pre colombia culture of South America, the ancient Greek, Ancient Egypt a civilization of ancient Northeast Africa, the pre-islamic cultures of Arabia Mesopotamia, ancient China, the people cultures of the Indian subcontinent, after some time many civilizations enter periods of decay and collapse, some structure become eaten by desert and jungles, other civilizations enter periods of rebirth the reform and evolve and see regrowth but their modern languages are often different to the languages of the past.

kids on Mars might learn a new language fast

How fast the machine can do it?

The Mind within the Net: Models of Learning, Thinking, and Acting … g-Thinking

A highly readable, non-mathematical introduction to neural networks—computer models that help us to understand how we perceive, think, feel, and act.

How does the brain work? How do billions of neurons bring about ideas, sensations, emotions, and actions? Why do children learn faster than elderly people? What can go wrong in perception, thinking, learning, and acting? Scientists now use computer models to help us to understand the most private and human experiences. In The Mind Within the Net, Manfred Spitzer shows how these models can fundamentally change how we think about learning, creativity, thinking, and acting, as well as such matters as schools, retirement homes, politics, and mental disorders.

Neurophysiology has told us a lot about how neurons work; neural network theory is about how neurons work together to process information. In this highly readable book, Spitzer provides a basic, nonmathematical introduction to neural networks and their clinical applications. Part I explains the fundamental theory of neural networks and how neural network models work. Part II covers the principles of network functioning and how computer simulations of neural networks have profound consequences for our understanding of how the brain works. Part III covers applications of network models (e.g., to knowledge representation, language, and mental disorders such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease) that shed new light on normal and abnormal states of mind. Finally, Spitzer concludes with his thoughts on the ramifications of neural networks for the understanding of neuropsychology and human nature.

Language in the Brain

It's a great pleasure to introduce Professor Christos Papadimitriou. He's a professor of computer science at Columbia University. He is particularly well known for his contributions to the theory of computer science. He's a true renaissance man who has contributed to wide, diverse areas applying his knowledge from computer science to game theory, to biology, to evolution, to the internet.

And now, he's going to tell us about, perhaps a more recent passion of his, the intersections between computer science and artificial intelligence and [AUDIO OUT] is arguably one of the most difficult challenges for us, in terms of understanding brain function.

Learning spoken language … -data-0914
System learns to distinguish words’ phonetic components, without human annotation of training data.

Every language has its own collection of phonemes, or the basic phonetic units from which spoken words are composed. Depending on how you count, English has somewhere between 35 and 45. Knowing a language’s phonemes can make it much easier for automated systems to learn to interpret speech.

Some culture and languages face total extinction

an extinct language that is one of the indigenous languages of Tierra del Fuego, spoken by the Yahgan people. … pendiente_

Last speaker of ancient language of Bo dies in India

The last speaker of the Andamanese Sare language has died … 7013159e83

Another 'Last'

Speaker Of Rare Dialect Dies In Russia … 39662.html

Last native speaker of Klallam language dies in Washington state … W20140207/

Edward "Ned" Maddrell a Manx fisherman who, at the time of his death, was the last surviving native speaker of the Manx language.

Following the death of Sage Kinvig (c. 1870–1962), Maddrell was the only remaining person who could claim to have spoken Manx Gaelic from childhood, although at the time some other people spoke it as a second language, having learned it later in life. (According to one source, Maddrell had some knowledge of English before he learned Manx, and learned Manx from his great-aunt.) … drell.html

Manx Gaelic recording - Ned Maddrell (Last native Manx Speaker)

Languages That Came Back from the Dead

For some reason an AI teacher might even help bring old languages back from the dead?

WatchMojo a pop culture TopTen social media site

'Top 10 Languages That Don't Exist Anymore'

'Languages of the Dead: The Gothic Language'

Language Death: How do languages die?

a number of people believe the era of a human translator might come to a type of end, the ear piece and glasses offering language services? a Cyborg as translating service or receptionist, the Chatbot and Artificial Intelligence Humanoid?

Some vids

A.I. - The END of Language Learning?

How to Identify Any Slavic Language at a Glance … t-a-glance


'Tim shares his 40-year experience studying Slavic languages, offering unique insights and effective strategies to learn and understand this diverse linguistic group.'

The FASTEST Way to Understand 19 SLAVIC Languages

social media video

American was Shocked by Word Differences of Slavic Languages!! (Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovenia)

9 Slavic Rituals & Customs of Ye Olden Days … olden-days

perhaps bilingualism changing identity and personality for some, the way thoughts move how it transforms the logic of the brain?

Do you feel different when you switch languages? / Learn Languages

problems when languages are related, if you know English then German, French, English are the same 'family' and progress we might already know or feel a word in similar languages, the pros and cons to learn and improve when they share similar traits.

Should you learn similar languages? Pros and cons
Steve Kaufmann

'Chinese Vs Japanese Characters: Unraveling Obligation Expressions'

multilingual dictionary for learners of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese.

Chinese Characters across Asia: Using 'Kanji' to Write Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese … vietnamese

Chinese characters originated in China over 3,000 years ago. Prior to their creation, East Asia was completely devoid of writing. By the time of the Han Dynasty (202 BCE – 220 CE), China already had a long literary tradition, a flourishing culture, and a sophisticated government bureaucracy. As the strongest political and cultural force in the region, Chinese writing exerted an enormous influence on surrounding peoples and places, including the areas of modern-day Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Eventually, the Chinese-character script was adapted to write the languages spoken in these three places. At one time, the spoken languages of Korea, Japan, and Vietnam were written entirely in Chinese characters — yet these languages are as unlike Chinese as is spoken English. In this talk, Zev Handel will explain how the building blocks of the Chinese script were adapted to represent the words and sounds of Vietnamese, Japanese, and Korean — and why today, only Japanese still uses kanji in its writing. Along the way, you’ll learn what makes Chinese writing different from alphabetic writing, and what makes it similar.

Kanji vs Chinese Characters: A Side-by-Side Comparison … characters
At first glance, Chinese and Japanese writing systems may appear similar with their elegant and aesthetically pleasant characters. However, you’ll find several differences if you know a little bit of one or both languages.
First, the only Japanese characters that share a relationship with Chinese characters are kanji. Additionally, hiragana and katakana are two phonetic syllabic alphabets peculiar to the Japanese language.

Generic name for Hanzì/Kanji/Hanja/Chu nom/Sawndip? … 4m-sawndip

Japan will often hybrid languages together in a sentence for example use of Roman script 'IBM' for example or 'Romanji' next to their normal Japanese writing systems, after a time China might do the same and assimilate more international terms or other foreign English words

What Hanzi-Latin hybrid characters exist? … ters-exist
Latina was shocked by The Reason Why French sounds so Unlike to other Romance Language!!

discovering new worlds as a result of language, the key wanting of motivations if you want to learn Latin, Ancient Greek, Aboriginal etc

'Steve Kaufmann talks about Esperanto and French Immersion'

Maltese is a modern Semitic language closely related to the western Arabic dialects. While preserving its Arabic roots, in the course of its history, Maltese pronunciation and words have been subject to a strong influence from (Southern) Italian and, more recently, English. … tese.shtml

Neo-Aramaic or Modern Aramaic languages are varieties of Aramaic that evolved

"Three Thousand Years of Aramaic Literature".

The "homeland" of the South Semitic languages is widely debated, with some sources, such as A. Murtonen (1967) and Lionel Bender (1997),suggesting an origin in Ethiopia, and others suggesting the southern portion of the Arabian Peninsula. A study based on a Bayesian model suggested the latter

the living thing called language and

a fake language created for international communication a constructed auxiliary language.

The history of the artificial language Esperanto and the story behind its creator L.L. Zamenhof.

it never took off but millions speak it so in a way it did not fail

the software and machine with artificial intelligence, it understands StarWars pop culture references

Digit + Large Language Model = Embodied Artificial Intelligence

within a language many slang within certain areas, regional accents, local expressions and dialects

'Quick Look at 10 Portuguese Accents'

Another language on Mars similar to Roman 'Italiano' is not so outrageous a thought or maybe some half breed doubled up mix of languages. That whole classification of Romantic Language or Vulgar-Latin 'Latin' or Italic Latino-Romance seems to be a dominant family on the web,  there is a high level of Spanish, Chinese , Russian  or Arabic on the web, however the Latin culture and language is on many island colonies, dominant in South America, Romanian is a Balkan Romance language, it is in Greece a Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian,.

Of all the languages on the web English is the most used of Languages...for now because other nations and cultures are going online and getting connected and building their own sites, English perhaps will stay at the top or near the top thanks to the history of domination of US culture and wealth but how long into the future?... maybe only for now, will it continue to be most frequently used for web content as other cultures get richer and grow. There are other Languages used on the Internet but Japanese and Korean are known to be living within their own social media cultures outside of the mainstream like the You Tubes and Facebooks etc the people in China online but behind the 'Great Firewall Filter' away from Western debate. The Indians live in a multi culture country with a somewhat dominant nationalist culture but still mixed with no culture truly dominant vs Sikh, Islamo cultures, lots of Hindu and Hindi  but also Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Gujarati, Tamil, Urdu, many Indians declared that they can speak some level of English as a second language. Italian and French and Romanian all of a similar family, Romanian for example a Balkan Romance language

Why not to learn Esperanto
J. B. Rye's misrepresentation of Zamenhof's language

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-04-06 12:36:44)


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