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#101 2023-03-08 07:58:35

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Maybe Cyborgs will be more 'useful'? … e9700d9f59
‘No place in court for robot lawyers’, says Australia Law Council

The president of the Law Council of Australia has condemned the use of AI-operated lawyers in the courtroom, saying the “sound judgment” of human beings could not be easily replaced by technology, despite moves in the US to allow the world’s first automated defence lawyer to front a court.

The robot is an artificially intelligent machine, while a a mix of both human and robotics is the cyborg is an organic being with technological modifications.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-08 07:59:49)


#102 2023-03-18 08:38:34

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

The other days I was think about robots scanning a new tunnel or lava tube and looking at some kind of crawling or flying robot that would drop a reflective package and then use a laser scan to amp out the inside of caves before humans arrive for off world exploration a cave would be completely mapped.

It seems a lot of work has already been done in this area.

'Smart three-dimensional processing of unconstrained cave scans using small unmanned aerial systems and red, green, and blue-depth cameras' … 4211017728

Here is a forum where they discuss scanners

'Best Scanner For Caves?' … hp?t=19138

Paving the way for long-term missions on the moon: European team of autonomous robots explores lava cave in Lanzarote … -lanzarote

As potential locations for future base camps, the lava caves on the moon are of great interest. But how can they be reached and explored? This has been investigated by a European consortium coordinated by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in the project CoRob-X

Robotic dog will be on patrol in Pompeii … f-pompeii/

Spot won’t patrol the ruined city alone. Its partner on this mission is a drone equipped with a laser scanner, which will fly its patrols above the site, scanning the ground beneath with lasers to map the ruins and the surrounding terrain.

Exploring Mars caves, leaving ‘breadcrumbs’ … nd-gretel/

Future astronauts on Mars might use caves or lava tubes as habitats. They could provide shelter from the harsh conditions on the surface, the intense radiation in particular. On March 1, 2023, researchers at the University of Arizona said they’ve developed a new technology where small autonomous robot rovers could start exploring caves on Mars. The rovers – inspired by the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel – would drop high-tech “breadcrumbs” to find their way.

In this case, the “breadcrumbs” would be miniature sensors, which the robots would deploy within the caves in order to monitor their environment and remain in contact with each other. In this way, they could scout for suitable underground places for future astronauts to live and work.

Autonomous Cave Surveying with an Aerial Robot … 3883v2.pdf


#103 2023-03-21 19:47:59

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,657

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Query: "Utube, Tesla Bot Expert Shows PROOF Bots Already Making Cars (and 500 by End of Year) | Scott Walter"

That's a good video, but I finally found the one I had looked at by another machine.  This one is longer: … &FORM=VIRE

Really some good stuff.  A change is coming, I expect.


Last edited by Void (2023-03-21 19:57:55)

End smile


#104 2023-03-22 09:31:50

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,657

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Another video: Quote:

Is Optimus Building Tesla MODEL S and X NOW?! Changing the Factory Landscape with Scott Walter


If Tesla Bot is a good dancer, it could charge itself through the floor, 12 to 48 Volts DC.  You can have perhaps the use of a SCR to block the power if a short circuit occurs if the foot steps in the wrong spot???

Still watching.........

Maybe something like this Crowbar circuit: … gate%20pin.

As a result, it is known as the crowbar circuit.
The voltage over which the circuit should short is determined by the Zener voltage. The circuit consists of an SCR that is directly connected across the circuit’s input voltage and ground, but this SCR is kept turned off by grounding the SCR’s gate pin.

Image Quote: th?id=OIP.4SFI_eXWAiErD2RqI01TSgAAAA&w=200&h=121&rs=1&qlt=80&o=6&dpr=1.1&pid=3.1

So, low voltage is relatively safe, and the robot may at times have a foot on (-) and the other on (+), and so charge while working.  The Crowbar circuits or something like it would limit the continuation of a short circuit, if Optimus is not good enough to dance with Ginger Rogers.
Image Quote: 220px-Ginger_Rogers_Colorized_1943.jpg

Tough luck bad dancers, Optimus is going to get your babe.


Last edited by Void (2023-03-22 10:22:54)

End smile


#105 2023-04-10 17:02:05

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Canada proposes to develop robotic lunar rover for Artemis … r-artemis/


#106 2023-05-15 07:55:06

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Robotic milkers, so why not robotic herders? … ic-herders

A robotic elephant will now help conduct ceremonies at an Indian temple that has vowed not to use real elephants again. He became a gift from animal rights activists who called on temples to abandon the cruel and dangerous exploitation of elephants … eta-india/


#107 2023-05-24 15:43:57

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Japan’s GITAI raises $29 million for space robotics business … -business/


#108 2023-06-17 10:26:52

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

A Robot Is Helping Reforest The Amazon … tion-robot


#109 2023-07-01 13:40:48

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Scientists in Japan develop a wearable robot with 6 arms in a first step towards a cyborg future … s-a-cyborg-


#110 2023-07-01 14:47:47

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Robots becoming useful...

For Mars_B4_Moon re #109

When I clicked on the link you provided I got a 404 error.

Then when I searched using the text argument, I found this: … s-a-cyborg-

The two links appear to be the same, so an Internet glitch of some kind may account for the 404.

Another possibility is that Euronews has programmed the web site to intercept links it does not like.

In any case, thanks for the link to this interesting report.

Update a bit later ... OK ... the links are the same.

The 404 error appears when I click on the link I saved above.  Below the 404 error is a link to the Euronews home page, which does work.

If anyone is interested in seeing the video Mars_B4_Moon showed us, it appears that a successful strategy is to copy the text parameter and paste it into the search window. 



#111 2023-08-07 17:11:02

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Robots becoming useful...

It is fun to bring one of Louis' topics back to life!

The article at the link below is about robots for commercial scale cleaning that can be operated remotely as well as given autonomous assignments: … 19304.html


We Adore This Delightful Little Robot Helping Save Lake Tahoe

Noor Al-Sibai

Mon, August 7, 2023 at 12:20 PM EDT

Welcome Bots

Lake Tahoe's got a new high-tech resident — one with a fairly important job no less. In a press release, the Keep Tahoe Blue nonprofit introduced their brand new PixieDrone, an aquatic robot built to patrol the lake's famously-blue waters, and extract trash and invasive plants.

Created by the French startup Searial Cleaners, PixieDrones are deployed on lakes like Tahoe to help clean water sources in ways human hands can't. Using on-board LIDAR (light, detection and ranging) technology, the roughly desk-sized robot can be operated autonomously or via remote control, as it "captures debris inside its open 'mouth,' just like manta rays and humpback whales capture prey," the nonprofit's press release notes.

Interestingly enough, the PixieDrone is, as the press release and local reports note, one of a pair of robots deployed to clean up the star-studded lake. Its larger beach-combing counterpart is known as BeBot, which sifts through the sand on the lake's shore as it motors along picking up difficult-to-extract "micro-debris" — which is, as Keep Tahoe Blue notes, "difficult to detect, hard to remove, and potentially harmful."

Great Lakes

Though the land-and-lake pair are just making waves in Tahoe, the tech has been deployed in other waterways as well. For example, last year, the Meijer grocery store chain put up the money to deploy a PixieDrone and BeBot in the Great Lakes Region (which, like Tahoe, has a massive trash problem).

"This not only impacts Great Lakes wildlife, but also the 40 million Americans and Canadians that require the Great Lakes for their drinking water," Lora Shrake of the Council of the Great Lakes Region said in a press release. "Once collected, the litter is analyzed providing valuable data that allows us to understand the scale of the problem."

Last year, Axios reported that a single BeBot costs $55,000, which would make it difficult for conservationists at smaller and less-tony water sources to purchase. And while the impact of companies like Meijer funding these sorts of efforts is objectively positive, it's hard to imagine this kind of aquatic and beach trash solution being deployed at scale without massive government investment in this sort of infrastructure.

All said, however, the robots are nothing if not cute — and at the very least, a novel solution to an ever-accumulating environmental problem.

More on trashbots: Researchers Pleasantly Surprised That Only One New Yorker Attacked Their Cute Trash-Collecting Robots



#112 2023-08-15 06:14:11

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Epson bolsters space robotics through GITAI investment … t_999.html

In a move emblematic of the burgeoning space industry's trajectory, Epson has announced a fresh investment into GITAI, a startup focused on creating versatile robotic solutions for space-based applications. GITAI's mission centers around supplying safe and cost-effective labor for myriad tasks in space, ranging from operations within space stations orbiting Earth to more ambitious endeavors on the Moon and Mars.

The escalating pace of space exploration, underscored by projects targeting lunar resources, Mars expeditions, and the commercial opportunities presented by the International Space Station (ISS), is inevitably leading to an increased volume of space-based work. These tasks encompass a wide gamut, from constructing novel space stations to establishing lunar and Martian bases. The nature of such work often presents inherent dangers, and the current modus operandi relies heavily on astronauts-individuals who undergo extensive training and whose transportation incurs monumental costs.

GITAI is strategically positioned to address these challenges by developing universal robots tailored to cut down both the risks faced by astronauts and the substantial expenses tied to their training and transportation. This development can play a transformative role, rendering space exploration and subsequent development not only safer but also more economically feasible. Highlighting their commitment to this mission, GITAI has, since 2021, showcased a steady streak of accomplishments. This includes the creation of robots designed for lunar tasks, robots that can operate outside vehicles (extravehicular robots), and the successful execution of in-situ experiments with prototype models on the ISS.

Northampton: Warehouse uses robots to help staff shortage … e-65846611
Robot gardener grows plants as well as humans do but uses less water … ll-as.html


#113 2023-08-15 06:26:40

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Robots becoming useful...

For Mars_B4_Moon re # 112

Thanks for finding and posting the story about the robot gardener performing better than humans ...

Something like that would be valuable for RobertDyck's Large Ship, and for any habitat on Mars.

The robot used less water than humans, learned when to plant individual plant species to maximize growth, and showed a model for growing multiple plant species together, which is better than monoculture but which is impractical for large human managed farms.



#114 2023-08-15 17:50:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Sure it does. not over heat or need water or air but it sure does need power and just wait until the AI wants to join a union....


#115 2023-08-29 14:28:23

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Japanese space robotics company GITAI raises $15 million … 5-million/
Japanese startup GITAI has raised an additional $15 million to continue work on lunar robotics technologies, three months after raising $30 million.

Ten Companies Leading the Upcoming Humanoid Robot Wave … oid-robots


#116 2023-09-16 03:20:26

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

GMV tests robot for assembly and maintenance of structures in Earth orbit … t_999.html
Multinational technology company GMV has successfully concluded ground validation tests for a space robot designed to assemble structures in Earth's orbit as part of the European Space Agency's (ESA) MIRROR project (Multi-arm Installation Robot for Readying ORUS and Reflectors). These tests were conducted at GMV's facilities in Tres Cantos, Madrid, in the Platform-art robotic laboratory, where conditions resembling those on future space missions are simulated.

Space robotics has been identified by leading European and global space entities as a pivotal technology for the future of the industry. Both the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission (EC) are funding numerous initiatives related to orbital robotic technology, with a vision of establishing an ecosystem of rockets, orbital logistics, and complex robotic systems. This ecosystem aims to facilitate a long-term clean and sustainable presence in space and enable subsequent space exploitation.


#117 2023-09-17 10:04:43

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425


#118 2023-09-20 18:50:00

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Robots becoming useful...


#119 2023-09-20 20:48:00

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,657

Re: Robots becoming useful...

I think it is a good idea, as at least it might take a look at ice deposits, take samples put them in test equipment, scratch the surface more or less.


End smile


#120 2023-09-21 09:29:18

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,657

Re: Robots becoming useful...

A robot factory to build 10,000 robots per year: … r-AA1gTzIn  Quote:

Oregon robot factory will open later this year with people and robots working together
Story by Mike Rogoway, •

I don't see this as a problem for Tesla's Optimus Robot, as it fills a certain kind of task.  Moving heavy objects in a warehouse.

I think Optimus will eventually do more complex types of work.

Peter Zeihan has said that robots while they produce will not be that much for consumption, not like a young family.  So, I guess that will be deflationary.  Money people often don't like deflation, but the consumer should like it if it makes prices lower, of course there is the danger that they will have to find different means of income.

But with Digit, then there should be fewer lifting injuries in the population, so, perhaps less of certain kinds of medical costs, and pain.

My speculation on this is that the conflict between the verbal hive mind, and the technological visual individualists will continue, with the gradual decline of the power of the verbal hive mind, until it turns around in perhaps 85 years.  This will be a good thing.  It has become far too easy for verbal's to capture wealth and power by using words to direct thuggish people to suppress the American public.

And if there is objection to this last paragraph, keep in mind that robots have a social consequence.  I may or may not have projected the somewhat true path of further circumstances, and I admit that.

The Great Turning suggests that post WWII is what did incredible things that generation even sending us to the Moon.  What followed afterwards was the emergence of the power of slavers who use words and thuggish violence to extract wealth, and bleed the nation dry.  This is the dark view.  It is also true that they kept us from conquest from the Soviet Union and Communism.  So, yes I can see the value of the verbals and even their thugs, but the situation needs rebalance, and we are seeming to have another industrial revolution in progress.  A good thing for perhaps ~85 years, until we have to go the other way.


Last edited by Void (2023-09-21 09:43:18)

End smile


#121 2023-10-18 06:40:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Robots becoming useful...

This post is about the number of topics our members have created that contain the word "robot"...

The list below is a summary of topics as of October 18th, 2023:
The list is sorted in the default Descending Order by Date

Topic    Forum    Replies    Last post
Robotic Camels for Mars Transportation                                       by kbd512
Planetary transportation    11    2023-10-09 08:34:26 by Mars_B4_Moon

Green Space, Including Earth, Robots, and Space Technology. by Void
Not So Free Chat    9    2023-09-29 13:21:12 by Void

Humanoid Robots Could Build Martian Settlements by Scott Beach [ 1 2 3 ]
Martian Politics and Economy    65    2023-09-25 07:21:07 by Mars_B4_Moon

Robotic Mining by Adaptation
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    5    2023-09-23 06:38:34 by Mars_B4_Moon

Robots becoming useful... by louis [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    119    2023-09-21 11:29:18 by Void

Collaborative Robots Market by StraitsResearch
New Mars Articles    20    2023-09-16 14:01:34 by tahanson43206

Robot Farming. by Void [ 1 2 ]
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    35    2023-08-17 06:06:14 by Mars_B4_Moon

Laser scanning cave with robotic spores / eggs a precursor to humans by Mars_B4_Moon
Interplanetary transportation    1    2023-03-17 19:42:32 by Mars_B4_Moon

Productive walking Baba Yaga Robot Trees. by Void
Terraformation    11    2022-10-04 00:16:44 by Mars_B4_Moon

Abandon Mars. Nomad Life for family at Quarry & move Robot miners by Mars_B4_Moon
Human missions    0    2022-09-22 06:49:43 by Mars_B4_Moon

Tesla AI robot by louis
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    3    2022-08-11 21:00:24 by SpaceNut

Robot Equipment on Mars by tahanson43206
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    6    2022-07-30 13:40:57 by Mars_B4_Moon

Humanoid Robots and useful Animals. Helpers by Void
Life support systems    5    2022-07-27 07:37:13 by Mars_B4_Moon

Should we send humans or robots to Mars? by artursk [ 1 2 3 ]
Human missions    63    2022-07-12 09:36:22 by Mars_B4_Moon

Robot Education Mars Related by tahanson43206
Youth Group / Educational Outreach    1    2021-09-17 20:00:12 by SpaceNut

Robotics Education by tahanson43206
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    2    2021-09-16 00:12:16 by tahanson43206

China testing robotic satellite capture systems by Decimator
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    5    2021-06-20 12:51:52 by Mars_B4_Moon

Turnkey Robotic Systems And Automated Solutions by lesleytelfer
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    2    2020-10-13 12:02:10 by tahanson43206

Giant robots on Mars! by Tom Kalbfus
Planetary transportation    11    2020-09-07 21:30:43 by SpaceNut

In-Space Construction Techniques / Robotic Construction by tahanson43206
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    8    2020-03-29 13:15:30 by SpaceNut

Robotic ISPP Demonstrator Mission by kbd512
Interplanetary transportation    7    2019-11-10 10:34:11 by tahanson43206

Robotic landers to the moon by SpaceNut
Unmanned probes    0    2019-06-05 19:04:12 by SpaceNut

Rover Robot equipment by KamileBa

There is a lot going on in the field of robotics, and this Forum certainly has a variety of topics for members to contribute updates.



#122 2023-10-18 06:59:08

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Robots becoming useful...

This post is inspired by a need for a remote visitor robot.  Thanksgiving is coming up, and the year end Holiday season is approaching.

For many years, our family has held Thanksgiving gatherings, with the only exception being the year when Covid was rampant.  However, this year, it appears likely we will have to skip again, for different reasons.

Zoom on a laptop is a possibility, and there are other video communications tools available, such as the venerable Skype.

However, the hardware platform is not to my liking.  The recipient has to be technically savvy enough to set up the laptop, and if there are multiple people in a location, the laptop has to be manually moved by someone who then is not in the picture.

In addition, the sound quality may not be optimal.  The laptop microphone may pick up more sound than needed, or may not pick up voices at a distance, or there may be reverberation in the room that makes the experience less that enjoyable.

This post is offered as a vision of what may be possible ...

I'm a Wyze subscriber.  There are competing providers of remote viewing equipment.

I asked Google for a list, and here is a response:

Google Nest

Looking a bit further in the Google Results, I found:


Bestbuy shows this list:

Arlo - Ring - eufy Security - Blink - Google - Swann - Night Owl - TP-Link

My vision (for this post) is of a camera with audio (in and out) mounted on a mobile platform that can be controlled by the remote visitor.

The mobile platform would be visually appealing.  It could be mounted on wheels or possibly tracks, and it should be light enough to be lifted easily by a child, so it can sit on a small table at the center of a gathering, and swivel around to see and talk to everyone.

Cost could vary, from the bare minimum functionality to a full package based on the forthcoming Tesla Robot.



#123 2023-10-18 08:53:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Follow up:

Wyze has a community forum.

Associated with the community forum is a Wishlist.

That list has a ** lot ** of requests, but none seemed to match the Mobile Platform for Holiday Visits idea, so I took a Moderator suggestion and created a Wishlist item:

This post is offered in hopes someone will be inspired to develop a system for Home Holiday Remove Visits. What I have in mind is a mobile platform that looks cute (or at least harmless) that allows a remote family member to interact with folks who are present at a gathering. A laptop with Zoom is an example, but someone has to carry the laptop around. What I have in mind would have wheels or tracks, be light enough to be lifted onto a table by a child, and would be able to move in a number of ways to interact with folks.

I'll report back if anything happens. I'm not expecting anything, to be realistic, but the forum is set up to allow members to vote on suggestions, so someone might decide to vote ... The votes are limited to Up and Down, so the best I think I can hope for is to stay above water.

The Wishlist item has to be approved by a Moderator.  it may not even pass ** that ** hurdle.

A bit later on, this came in:

Seapup Forum Moderator
October 18

Closing this topic as it is now a duplicate of the following wishlist topic:

    Mobile Platform with Wyze Camera for Holiday Visits Wishlist

    This post is offered in hopes someone will be inspired to develop a system for Home Holiday Remote Visits. What I have in mind is a mobile platform that looks cute (or at least harmless) that allows a remote family member to interact with folks who are present at a gathering. A laptop with Zoom is an example, but someone has to carry the laptop around. What I have in mind would have wheels or tracks, be light enough to be lifted onto a table by a child, and would be able to move in a number of w…

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

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The Moderators are (apparently) operating independently of each other.

One told me to add my post to the Wishlist, so I did that, and now another Moderator seems to be saying the item was already there.

In NewMars, we don't seem to have that problem, or if we do, I'm not aware of it.

Follow up to the follow up: Oh! If the second post was a duplicate, then it would appear that a Moderator must have approved it.

I guess that's progress ?



#124 2023-10-29 14:26:41

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

'End-effector,' robotic system developed by engineering team puts autonomous cotton harvesting within reach … otton.html


#125 2023-10-31 07:07:48

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Robots becoming useful...

Groundbreaking method for robotic space assembly inspired by human arm dynamics … s_999.html


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