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#1 2023-08-31 17:54:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

A submission of Ethics, precepts and Moral Law-ish rule on Mars

I will come back to this post in a few days perhaps for now it is a sci-fi idea.
This could be a scifi setting but also real. Imagine a large colony perhaps on the edge of failure but looking for spiritual leader, Preacher or religious teacher 'guide'.
in another thread Tahanson replied to a post by another person

tahanson43206 wrote:

I am intrigued by the proposition, that God might be excluded from Mars.


I do not support Communism it has killed millions
I also do not support the Laws of the 'Religion', it also has killed millions

Some civic people want guidance preached, they want a set of guides for Mars

Mars could have a spiritual Wayist offering guidance. I will try to draw upon past history and religion and submit a new belief on Mars the Morals of the 'Wayist' person of Mars perhaps a spiritual influence to the community sky of Mars...this is a ramble and vague post for the moment perhaps I will quote it later.

This not a submission of Law but perhaps a suggestion of Way or Code or Guide

If Mars has tens of thousands perhaps it will need a Code for Civilization and perhaps some kind of spiritual guiding Law for Culture

Mars shall be conquered by natural means, test tube babies and pregnant artificial wombs will not be fired upon Mars to conquer its lands.

If you think this a ridiculous if you  thought from a scifi book I encourage people to read the contests between Chile, the British Navy and the Argentine Military and how a Baby Staked Argentina’s Claim on Antarctica,

I suggest only a team of natural men and women can make their claim upon their Mars scientific resource site, upon claim of resource Mars shall also allow open trade and bid from other colonies like Europa, Titan, the Moon of Earth, the floating city on Venus and the Asteroid Belters.

This does not however mean an Enhanced Person, an Artificial Man or Cyborg can not claim a created site on Mars in later generation and maybe AI artificial men explorers conquer a region with future mission but early Mars can be established by natural legit means, a flag can be put in ground by the living natural man as was done with Apollo.

Cults can threaten an entire culture of Mars and therefore will be banned, a religion that became dominant on Earth the religion of Christianity is now considered more enlightened today at one time it was not. Some say islam a cult, new Russian imperial preaching a cult, in the past time Witches burned and today in Russia a man with territory, imperial and past Empire claims now approves Russians killing Ukrainians, today I would consider islamism and the way of the jihadi a 'Cult'. Empire and War and Cult mix but that is not to say all people from islam regions are terrorists and some people born as muslims perhaps will have a quality, Doomsday Jonestown Moongod death cults of Mars shall be banned, any cult that seeks to attack, bomb or overthrow a Federal system on Mars, a Utopia free social unity or kill Democracy shall be classed as an invader 'Cult', any persons on Mars who would quit a Mars religion do without threat, a man who quits the religion system has not to worry about being killed by another because change of faith is allowed. If a foreign murderous religion tries to force its Sharia Law system on Mars that another zealot killing religion will be already banned. The people on Mars will not be encouraged to go to War or commit violence in the name of a foreign Neo-religion nor murder for an old religion and its hypnotic preacher can be mocked and disrespected, guru, rabbi, sheik, emir, sultan and caliph, the older Earth religion must allow some kind of  allow criticism or at least once upon a Mars year listen upon ideas of change. There shall not be a lust for religious fighting but a culture contest of game or debate or sports can exist, Mars people if under attack can defend upon attack but in general it is a society teaching a way of cooperation, opposing all imperial warfare, Mats will not give birth to a Holy War it is forbidden for Mars and punishable.

One person Mars mars will try to be a good citizen, the Mars citizen will perhaps try Support the people of planet. The Mars citizen maybe supports morally or intellectually or spiritually and as a Mars Citizen or Colonist do Try to behave in a moral peaceful way, ask how you can support Mars and when dispute and clash begins, try to settle a fight with agreement, a Mars colonist makes a serious crime with escalation and physical conflicts, do not kill your neighbor, do not cheat and destroy family in your colony, thou shall not thief the goods and production of your neighbors. As a Mars citizen you must not steal new and you can not be a thief of product, do not steal an old breed of successful animals  and planet or steal new animal or plants. A finding and claim must be respected with legal due process, when a colonist upon expedition claims new ores in their village it must be respect by Law or when in contest you shall not steal and suck anything by illegal means of thy neighbor.

It is forbidden to raise the dead in respect of the original burial Faiths from Earth, you can not take the brain of a dead man out and replace it with a computerized machine to build a monstrous creation. The person who Died will respect as a peaceful corpse, a man or woman must be allowed die a natural death, the decay or funeral of the once living man shall be respected upon wishes of that culture and family as long as it is a death of respect does not destroy Mars culture, for the first 4 generations all natural man colonist who die trying to conquer Mars and all women who die in child birth shall have a stone or monument erected with the names of these people to respect the people who tried to found the original Mars Civilization.
I wish also to respect perhaps those who pass on Mars will have a ritual funeral, obituary, saira, Chinese Russian Jewish Germany French ceremonies tradition el obituario, remember of past, death notice
A person on Mars can be Atheist but must also try to respect other ancestors, Necrobiotics might in a terrible setting exist in other horror offworld regions in space but this is not Mars on Mars do not wake the dead to violate their body, peace and image and do not use them as slaves.

Any person on Mars must not chase intoxicated drug highs and a person of Mars take responsibility for their own reason, even the most simple of man or simple woman will be respected for their successful duties, a wife or family member or commander, military firm company or nation or sponsor can fix difficulty and help them achieve these goals. A duty might be as simple as driving a robot digger or airplane to collect water, teaching a child to repair and clean a system, prepare foods or teach a class to a child on how to fix solar and geothermal, it might be husband and wife duties, there shall be risks linked to drug intoxication through alcohol, drugs, or other means, however gaming and social time and down time will be allowed. The more simple Mars pagans that pray to Nuclear power or Solar power will be respected as long as their chanting and mantra praying to the Nuclear-Solar 'God' does not intoxicate their own self, immorality and vices and drugs shall not be promoted in regions where duties are needed. Mars will not have 'Prohibition' and by not having a ban Mars allows a regulated down time Market, it will not give a Mob control of product to 'chase the dragon' and other intoxicated highs.

This set of ideas and these Moral suggestions are not Law they are guide upon the Way-of-Mars.

It is possible the religious teacher might even be a Cyborg or Robot

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-09-01 16:35:49)


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#2 2023-08-31 18:12:18

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,539

Re: A submission of Ethics, precepts and Moral Law-ish rule on Mars

For Mars_B4_Moon re new topic ....

This topic deserves a first reply to set it into motion, so here it is.

I note that your opening did not include the Ten Commandments, or even a reference to them.

Your opening post seems to be a set of suggestions.

I note (for example) that future humans on Mars are encouraged to "try" to behave in various ways.

The "commandments" idea hasn't worked out very well, from my perspective.

The US military (and no doubt others) has a well developed (and severely tested) code of conduct, including but not limited to setting an entire way of life for the Japanese after World War II, and something pretty close to that for Europe after the same conflict.

This topic might be a good place for someone to post excerpts from military doctrine for self-government.

I note that the United States is having a tough time with self government, and numerous countries around the world appear to have given up on the idea.



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#3 2023-09-13 12:53:49

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: A submission of Ethics, precepts and Moral Law-ish rule on Mars

I would think of establishing a spirit of some kind of unity and morality in space that seeks to establish communication and co-operation without military involvement, maybe something similar to the scientific treaty of Antarctica or how the ISS has managed to get all these people working together.
I would avoid talking of military rule on Mars but maybe military will be part of Mars life, perhaps Mars will have a military, perhaps Martian Civilian control of the military. However I would think it would be colonized by co-operation, scientific research and peaceful contests.

I do understand as towns get bigger Law might break down, so maybe some event might happen so I would go back to the hidden Sheriff and Law and Order or one hidden Officer or Lawman in Antarctica without need for 'militarization'. I feel military is the wrong tool for scientific study and science colonization.

Each nation on Earth has its own military philosophy, the military might be best at getting things done in military war time but less effective in civilian peacetime.

Germany and Japan were unique in that it was war, they had been bombed so military could perhaps help with occupation and perhaps a tone set in place and a culture established so Post-War 'rebuilding' could begin.
Germany and Japan both had people in factories making stuff during the war, not all of them by choice and some in slave like conditions but perhaps it was easier to rebuild and put people back to work in these cultures and push them in a new economic direction even if life was difficult for everyone after the war.

A not very studied period of history

British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF) was the British Commonwealth taskforce consisting of Australian, British, Indian and New Zealand military forces in occupied Japan, from 1946 until the end of occupation in 1952. The BCOF was also responsible for the occupation of the western prefectures of Shimane, Yamaguchi, Tottori, Okayama, Hiroshima and Shikoku Island. BCOF headquarters was at Kure, a naval port near Hiroshima. … ction/bcof
British Commonwealth Occupation Force was responsible for 20 million Japanese citizens in an area of around 57,000 km2
Near the end it was reported as a mostly Australian Occupation Force inside Japan.

Here is a vid on perhaps a little known the British / Australia Occupation of Japan
an 'Allied' Occupied Zone or sort of Commonwealth Occupation of a region in Japan.

At the South Pole, a place with no war, there was the example story of 'Only Gun in Antarctica Keeps the Peace, Enforces the Law in World's Most Remote Town' and the only firearm for 2,000 miles, a shotgun in a locked cabinet, which was only taken out once.

Canada does have a military budget but I am not sure on its new philosophy, it seems to be pushing multi-cultural ideas and diversity in its military, I'm not sure filling your military of all type from all parts of planet Earth is good for morality, efficiency or cohesion, at one time the British Empire took soldiers from all cultures on Earth but is it number one today? Also I think some cultures might just not fix to fill Canadian ranks with all Occultist Sects, the new post modern Lesbian Gay Homosexual Transexual parade pride movements, the Scientologists, Iranian Shiite purists, Children of God or The Family International.reformed Aum Shinrikyo, Gold Rosicrucian Brotherhood, radical Left, radical Right, the Sikhs, Black Panthers, Osho movement, Satanists, crazy Christian nuts, crazy Atheists, crazy Jewish nuts, Saudi Sunni purists, the Jim Jones Cult, Hare Krishna movement, Branch mix all these groups and ideas together for the sake of Canada feeling good about hiring diverse people seems like a bad idea, maybe a cults and cultures are not equal and it could be correct to discriminate against those who can cause Canada problems and yet Canada wants it all as diverse as possible.

To quote some because you mention military doctrine and self government

Chapter 1 – The Australian profession of arms Ethical leadership and command Ethical leadership. All leaders are responsible not only for their own actions, but also for setting the ethical environment in their team. ADF leaders must know what is happening within their team(s) and are accountable for both its successes and failures. Leaders take responsibility for the consequences of their decisions and how these affect their team and others. Leaders also accept that each team member must be allowed to carry responsibility for their own part in the implementation of its tasks. ADF leaders must identify, correct and report
any ethical drift within their teams.
Leaders at all levels also have a responsibility to mentor and educate their personnel on the ethics of a particular conflict or situation. This mentorship guides junior members in their understanding of the strategic context within which their own ethical dilemmas may arise when carrying out their individual
As a whole, the ADF seeks to create an environment in which we develop individual and collective ethical decision-making while ensuring individuals, teams and leaders are held to account for ethical failures

Code of the UnitedStates FightingForce

Article VI: … 10631.html
I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America. … thics.html

1.1  Treating every person with respect and fairness.
1.2 Valuing diversity and the benefit of combining the unique qualities and strengths inherent in a diverse workforce.
1.3 Helping to create and maintain safe and healthy workplaces that are free from harassment and discrimination.
1.4 Working together in a spirit of openness, honesty and transparency that encourages engagement, collaboration and respectful communication.

I for one will NEVER respect islam so I suggest throwing these Canadian military ethics into the Mars Trash can or throw it into a Bag of Garbage and then burn it

Chinese are on Mars with a Rover and a satellite in orbit, so maybe their military ideas would be quoted and taken into consideration by some and India is on the Moon, the people of government from India or China might have a totally different set of rules or doctrine on how military forces will contribute to space campaigns, major operations.

With different military offering different ideas
and religion pushing their different divisions and ideas
and perhaps a religion "commandment" idea might not work out

I want to try and mostly avoid the topic of War but I do understand conflict can break out.

Perhaps for a while sections of Mars colonized by say the United States or China for a while the smaller villages or sections might coperate under a USA-town rule for the American base or a China-town rule for the Chinese base.

even if towns and villages 'rebel' on Mars perhaps little can be done, just as the British Empire and other Kingdoms and Empires were unable to stop their collapse regardless of them commanding the seas, having some of the best military powers of their times. If Mars develops a form of Self-Sustainability and then political self-rule and Autonomy and the Martian wants to break away and go it alone perhaps there is little that nations on Earth can do about it.

If Mars is colonized with a Spirit of Ethics or Morals. I would instead wish Mars would be colonized in some spirit of cooperative scientific colonization or scientific research like what happens at the ISS or the South Pole of Earth.

However if one Nation Launches a Space-Force to Mars then it changes everything
but for now I see Mars occupied scientifically and colonized also by Private means and Civilians

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-09-13 13:55:41)


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