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#1 2023-08-17 16:04:44

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Biomineralization, algae, potato, fungus to make Chairs, Homes.

I thought I might provide some links on Biomineralization. To save Robots time building a Matrs colony, the Biomineralization might be combined with other normal building techniques such as Mars Woods or Mars Concrete and helped by 3-d printing techniques.

This is not a fully new technology people have studied it and linked the topic to space colonization  but some of it might slip under the radar, I hear humans are now producing maybe 2 Million Papers of Discovery and Academia experiment and science papers per year, math says that is 38,461 and a half publication or 'papers' per can we keep an eye out for a Bio mineral topic?

Bio-minerals are something different than previous builder ideas but not much discussed, we have newmars topics discussed on building a  series of concrete landing pads or making types of Cement & Concrete but this topic is something different.

Biomineralization walls on Mars might even be self-healing just as a human bone heals itself or a Shark grows new teeth. Also maybe the use of growing Woods not just Potato or Fungus for materials, if life has been on Mars it is possible a Rover might find the leftovers of Mineralized biology but long dead, the new biology and mineral would instead be created in a controlled Mars Lab or Mars Farm.

'Bio-mineralization' as a subject does not appear much in newmars discussion, it is a new expanding science where biologically controlled mineralization, occurs the crystal morphology, growth, the mold and structure of an item or location are completely controlled by these cellular processes. The famous the White Cliffs of Dover are an example of a massive structure, they were almost entirely formed from fossil skeleton remains. In digs this can also seem like a type of petrifaction look is also a natural process Biomineralization when fossils of a long dead animal become a structure of mineralized calcite and aragonite. Types of Crab or Lobster already have natural external exoskeletons, mollusc shells are bio-mineral structures, types of sea-life not an animal, plant, or fungus can have protective mineralised shells.

Biomineralization inspired crystal growth for biomimetic materials preparation … 4822005115
Biomineralization is the process by which living organisms fabricate biominerals by regulating their nucleation, growth and assembly. This process inspires many biomimetic mineralization strategies for functional materials preparation. In this review, the biomineralization and related crystallization mechanisms are briefly introduced. We focus on introducing the recently developed strategies for biomimetic mineralization, as well as the biomimetic materials, including structural materials, medical materials and organism-material hybrids. We highlight the important role of biomineralization mechanisms on the synthesizing and design of novel materials, which can promote our life in the future.

As early as 3.5 billion years ago, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, organisms gradually developed the ability to synthesize minerals.

Food for your Lab scientist? … l-00111634
Lab-grown — or cell-cultivated and cell-based, as the industry prefers — meat is developed from cells drawn from live animals, combined with a nutrient mixture of proteins and vitamins, and cultivated in large vats that resemble beer breweries.
Although it remains a time-intensive and expensive process, the industry is pitching the technology as a relief for several challenges in American agriculture. Proponents say lab-grown meat can address supply chain and land use problems, alleviate greenhouse gas emissions and improve animal welfare. In reality, their arguments aren’t clear cut yet.
The industry tapping K Street to one day dethrone beef

Scientists develop a 'cosmic concrete' that is twice as strong as regular concrete … 114049.htm

The scientists behind the invention used simulated Martian soil mixed with potato starch and a pinch of salt to create the material that is twice as strong as ordinary concrete and is perfectly suited for construction work in extra-terrestrial environments.

Scientists have created a new material, dubbed 'StarCrete' which is made from extra-terrestrial dust, potato starch, and a pinch of salt and could be used to build homes on Mars.

The team calculate that a sack (25 Kg) of dehydrated potatoes (crisps) contain enough starch to produce almost half a tonne of StarCrete, which is equivalent to over 213 brick's worth of material. For comparison, a 3-bedroom house takes roughly 7,500 bricks to build. Additionally, they discovered that a common salt, magnesium chloride, obtainable from the Martian surface or from the tears of astronauts, significantly improved the strength of StarCrete.

Space station biomining experiment demonstrates rare earth element extraction in microgravity and Mars gravity

Crystallization Pathways in Biomineralization … 910-095803

Applications of Cryogenic Electron Microscopy in Biomineralization Research

Biomineralization: mineral formation by organisms … 9/9/098003

Instead of Building Structures on Mars, we Could Grow Them With the Help of Bacteria … -bacteria/
NASA and the China National Space Agency (CNSA) plan to mount the first crewed missions to Mars in the next decade. These will commence with a crew launching in 2033, with follow-up missions launching every 26 months to coincide with Mars and Earth being at the closest point in their orbits. These missions will culminate with the creation of outposts that future astronauts will use, possibly leading to permanent habitats. In recent decades, NASA has conducted design studies and competitions (like the 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge) to investigate possible designs and construction methods.

For instance, in the Mars Design Reference Architecture 5.0, NASA describes a “commuter” architecture based on a “centrally located, monolithic habitat” of lightweight inflatable habitats. However, a new proposal envisions the creation of a base using organisms that extract metals from sand and rock (a process known as biomineralization). Rather than hauling construction materials or prefabricated modules aboard a spaceship, astronauts bound for Mars could bring synthetic bacteria cultures that would allow them to grow their habitats from the Red Planet itself.
The concept, known as “Biomineralization-Enabled Self-Growing Building Blocks for Habitat Outfitting on Mars,” was proposed by Dr. Congrui Grace Jin – an assistant professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her proposal was one of several selected by the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) for Phase I development, which includes a grant of $12,500. This program makes annual solicitations for advanced, innovative, and technically feasible concepts that assist NASA missions and further the agency’s space exploration objectives.

Making Furniture from Fungi … rom-fungi/
Your next chair or table could be all natural, free of toxins—and compostable

Scientists’ new 3D bioprinted wood could yield futuristic eco-friendly furniture … re-186185/

Bio-based printing materials

As the race to head-off global warming heats up, scientists are now developing synthetic biomaterials as a more sustainable alternative to natural feedstocks.

Researchers at the University of Freiburg have taken a different approach to the MIT team, and created a novel wood-based 3D printing material of their own. Using compounded cellulose balls, the German team produced a biosynthetic polymer, that could be deployed within light construction or industrial applications.

Similarly, as part of the EU-backed NOVUM project, researchers are currently 3D printing cellulose-based components for use within the automotive, marine or electrical insulation industries. Overall, the program aims to drive greater global resource efficiency, as a means of both tackling climate change, and building a more circular economy.

In more experimental research, scientists at the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, are attempting to 3D print termite refuse into eco-friendly structures. While the novel biomaterial initially exhibited low mechanical strength, it was also capable of being binder jetted without polymeric additives.

The researchers’ findings are detailed in their paper titled “Tunable plant-based materials via in vitro cell culture using a Zinnia elegans model,” and was co-authored by Ashley L. Beckwith, Jeffrey T. Borenstein and Luis F. Velásquez-García.

Biomineralization-Enabled Self-Growing Building Blocks for Habitat Outfitting on Mars … ng_Blocks/

To build the centrally located, monolithic habitat, NASA has a history of experimenting with lightweight inflatable habitats to reduce mass and volume. However, the physical structures used to outfit the inflatable must generally be launched by a second spacecraft. This research proposes that, rather than shipping prefabricated outfitting elements to Mars, habitat outfitting can be realized by insitu construction using cyanobacteria and fungi as building agents. Synthetic biology toolkits will be employed to create a synthetic lichen system, composed of diazotrophic cyanobacteria and filamentous fungi, to produce abundant biominerals (calcium carbonate) and biopolymers, which will glue Martian regolith into consolidated building blocks. These self-growing building blocks can later be assembled into various structures, such as floors, walls, partitions, and furniture. In this self-sustaining system of synthetic lichen, each participant supports different functionalities. Cyanobacteria are mainly responsible for 1) capturing carbon dioxide and converting it to carbonate ions and 2) providing oxygen and organic compounds to support filamentous fungi. Filamentous fungi are mainly responsible for 1) binding calcium ions onto fungal cell walls and serving as nucleation sites for calcium carbonate deposition and 2) assisting the survival and growth of cyanobacteria by providing them additional carbon dioxide and reducing their oxidative stress. In addition, both participants secrete extracellular polymeric substances that enhance the adhesion between regolith particles and calcium carbonate precipitates and the cohesion among precipitated particles. The first innovation of this project is to use filamentous fungi, instead of bacteria, as biomineral producers. Although a variety of microorganisms have been shown to be able to promote calcium carbonate precipitation, studies on biomineralization-enabled self-growing materials have been so far limited to bacteria. In the past few years, the PI has conducted extensive research on biomineralization, and her results have demonstrated that filamentous fungi possess distinctive advantages over bacteria to be used as building agents due to their extraordinary capability to promote large amounts of mineral precipitation within short periods of time. The second innovation of this project is to explore a fully autonomous self-growing technology by creating a synthetic lichen system and making use of the mutualistic interactions between photoautotrophic diazotrophic cyanobacteria and heterotrophic filamentous fungi. None of the current self-growing practices is fully autonomous, since the building agents used in the existing studies, very often restricted to a single species or strain, are all heterotrophs and thus their survivability depends on a constant external supply of organic carbon.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-25 17:44:03)


#2 2023-08-17 17:47:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Biomineralization, algae, potato, fungus to make Chairs, Homes.

For Mars_B4_Moon

Best wishes for success with this ambitious new topic.

I am hoping that this technology can be adapted for Earth as well as for locations away from Earth.

There is a massive need for homes for individuals and families around the world ...



#3 2023-08-17 17:51:09

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Biomineralization, algae, potato, fungus to make Chairs, Homes.

I think if you had a base with reactor power, growing structure could be possible for a Biomineral facility, it might work not just on Mars but on other offworld locations like Ceres, Ganymede, Titan, Enceladus, Europa, Callisto, having access to waters, graphite, sulfur, carbonates and ammoniated phyllosilicates and sulfur dioxide in Ceres and many Hyrdocarbons in Titan and of course many technology in space can also apply to Earth based science and construction. Using Food Organics for 3d-Printing material is not a new topic on newmars discussion however Bio-minearlization is a new route for building artificial surface or walls on Mars

In a future you might have a possibility a type of genetic engineering and of having Lab grown food such as Artificial Meat, it is possible other material and bio-minerals could be grown in a Lab. If bone or shell was produced to be a structure for a home what limits had nature imposed, historically Earth had many very large species go extinct that were huge, types of Crab, Lobster or 'Sea Scorpion' have died off, they were 7 feet or 8 feet long or 2.1 meters to 2.4 meters, the Sea Scorpion going as large as 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) in length, extinct genus of giant exoskeletons, the land animals sauropods were 40–60 m (130–200 ft) long, Whales today are some of the largest animals ever to have lived on Earth. Here are some chemistry bio-chemical Gemstone videos, Biologically Induced vs Controlled Mineralization.

here is a pic of an ancient sea creature from a Japanese blog … oulae.html

a science vid blog explaining Biomineralization, also a Chinese bio-mining Lab video and another video on Biominerals



Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-18 01:50:25)


#4 2023-08-18 04:28:23

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Biomineralization, algae, potato, fungus to make Chairs, Homes.

This topic might also fall under the Alien Life and 'Extremophiles' since lifeforms might be engineered or selected for Offworld colonies

The smallest space miners: principles of space biomining

As we aim to expand human presence in space, we need to find viable approaches to achieve independence from terrestrial resources. Space biomining of the Moon, Mars and asteroids has been indicated as one of the promising approaches to achieve in-situ resource utilization by the main space agencies. Structural and expensive metals, essential mineral nutrients, water, oxygen and volatiles could be potentially extracted from extraterrestrial regolith and rocks using microbial-based biotechnologies. The use of bioleaching microorganisms could also be applied to space bioremediation, recycling of waste and to reinforce regenerative life support systems. However, the science around space biomining is still young. Relevant differences between terrestrial and extraterrestrial conditions exist, including the rock types and ores available for mining, and a direct application of established terrestrial biomining techniques may not be a possibility. It is, therefore, necessary to invest in terrestrial and space-based research of specific methods for space applications to learn the effects of space conditions on biomining and bioremediation, expand our knowledge on organotrophic and community-based bioleaching mechanisms, as well as on anaerobic biomining, and investigate the use of synthetic biology to overcome limitations posed by the space environments.

DNA nanostructures as templates for biomineralization

Nature uses extracellular matrix scaffolds to organize biominerals into hierarchical structures over various length scales. This has inspired the design of biomimetic mineralization scaffolds, with DNA nanostructures being among the most promising. DNA nanotechnology makes use of molecular recognition to controllably give 1D, 2D and 3D nanostructures. The control we have over these structures makes them attractive templates for the synthesis of mineralized tissues, such as bones and teeth. In this Review, we first summarize recent work on the crystallization processes and structural features of biominerals on the nanoscale. We then describe self-assembled DNA nanostructures and come to the intersection of these two themes: recent applications of DNA templates in nanoscale biomineralization, a crucial process to regenerate mineralized tissues.

blind, colorless cave-dwelling crustaceans

'Astronauts Spent 6 Nights in a Pitch-Black Cave, and Emerged with a Brand-New Species of Crustacean' … acean.html

Plant Farming - Using Biology to Maximize Growing Systems

Scalable bacterial production of moldable and recyclable biomineralized cellulose with tunable mechanical properties … 642100165X

Biomineralized Materials for Sustainable and Durable Construction … 720-105303

Phase-Field Modeling of Biomineralization in Mollusks and Corals: Microstructure vs Formation Mechanism

From 2022

Microbial miners could help humans colonize the moon and Mars … 094746.htm
'Researchers uncover mineral modification through biology'

Biomining on the Moon … -the-moon/
Microorganisms are already used on Earth to mine economically important elements

Robotic 3D printed lunar bionic architecture based on lunar regolith selective laser sintering technology … 22-00014-9
The lunar base is not only an experimental station for extraterrestrial space exploration but also a dwelling for humans performing this exploration. Building a lunar base presents numerous obstacles and requires environmental perception, feedback design, and construction methods. An integrated fabrication process that incorporates design, 3D printing workflow, and construction details to build a bionic, reconfigurable and high-performance lunar base prototype is presented in this paper. The research comprises the study of the lunar regolith 3D printing mechanism, the real-time control of powder laying and compaction procedure, and the development of a 3D printing tool end system. In this paper, many scientific questions regarding in situ fabrication on the lunar surface are raised and addressed with the proposal of a progressive optimization design method, the molding principle, and gradation strategy of lunar soil-polyaryletherketone (PAEK) hybrid powder, and the principle of dual-light field 3D laser printing. The feasibility of the technical strategy proposed in this paper is verified by the presented empirical samples.

In-situ biomineralization: Living Building Materials (LBM) … rials.html

With the approach of biomineralization, the IKTS group “Biologized Materials and Structures” addresses the development and structuring of Living (Building) Materials (LBM). They are capable of controlled and targeted uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) and conversion into carbonate (CO32-, in combination with calcium suppliers as "lime"). The required carbon dioxide can be absorbed from the atmosphere as well as extracted from industrial processes. Microorganisms contained in the LBM (e.g., cyanobacteria) use the CO2 for carbonate mineralization (MICP = microbially induced carbonate precipitation). This is intended to develop an alternative to conventional cement/concrete production, which typically generates tons of CO2 from burning mined fossil lime.

Under the biomineralization approach, carbon dioxide is extracted from existing sources and used to produce biogenic lime. This biogenic lime then serves as binding component between fillers and aggregates to produce mineralized solids. With the aid of selected microorganisms, consolidation takes place. Depending on the ceramic-based and biogenic aggregates, such solids can be used as novel biomaterials or as sustainable building and construction materials on land, sea and even in space. The scope for these interesting materials and material combinations is wide. They address essential societal issues on greenhouse neutrality in industry, sustainable business in cycles, energy, the environment, and our health.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-18 04:40:20)


#5 2023-08-18 19:26:05

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Biomineralization, algae, potato, fungus to make Chairs, Homes.

All of these can be used to make plastics after processing them.


#6 2023-08-20 12:17:59

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Biomineralization, algae, potato, fungus to make Chairs, Homes.

Bio-Mineralizarion might also be used to decontaminate toxic Mars soil or a type of Bio-Mineral process might improve the quality of Mars sands and clays, the Perchlorates are toxic in large doses

Here is a link to decontamination technology

'A green decontamination technology through selective biomineralization of algicidal microorganisms for enhanced astaxanthin production from Haematococcus pluvialis at commercial scale '

the people working in these facility would have to be of the correct mindset and personality type as people who can do long tours inside a Submarine or Longer periods of research inside a remote region like Antarctica.

Some of this is near term science but a lot can grown into scifi speculation. So I was thinking about two methods that might be used in building an expanding Bio-Mineral Mars base, which comes first the Chickens or the Eggs?

1 is near science possibility, stuff we use today, walls that heal themselves are real. One in the near future and the plausible types of power sources and materials available and tech we already use on Earth.

2 is the scifi speculation of the near-ish future, gene manipulation and the second scene is one in the longer future timeline of the future, where a giant Egg shaped base is grown by genetic engineering and we already have small villages and Nuclear reactors and other technical achievements of 'fringe' science, there is Trade between Moons and Planets and near scifi speculation are possible.

One method is to have molds or test tubes or petri dishes and you grow these 'blocks'. You Mars colony is growwn and expanded like a  Children's Toy Construction Sets but rather than being Rock and Steel you are using the Bio-Mineral process. You grow all parts of your Dome like a Kids Meccano or Lego or Knex or Mega Bloks set, even a type of bone pipe or long shell can be grown to transport air or liquid material but they are smaller individual sections grown inside a Lab. Rather than digging and constantly mining and blowing stuff up to get your materials you simply make maerial by way of Biomineralization. We have many examples of Bio-Minerals in nature and the calcium carbonate model might show competitive crystal growth also the eggshell matrix components regulate eggshell mineralization, a type of living creature system might grow on Mas 'Self Healing Concrete' where Concrete Heals like Wounds in Human Skin, this is not scifi, this science really exists. Self Healing Bio Mineral Concrete seals back up with Fungal Bacteria assemble material, the minerals are extracted and these materials make a Martian base, in the shape of the mold / statue or object you want, the process would need to be speeding up to Mass Industrial Production Levels.

The second scene would involve a type of genetic manipulation and building a type of Living Ship or Bioship-Base. Within DNA there are messages that tell something to grow a certain size, with future genetic manipulation perhaps the extinct giant Crustacean can grow even bigger, Giant Egg of the Elephant bird or Giant Egg of an Extinct Dinosaur could be made 'grow' into something even bigger a Bio-Ship. As described in speculative science fiction, books, video games and tv shows like Farscape, Star Trek or Babylon-5 the concept of a Bio-Base or Living Bioship would be able to regenerate or heal damaged parts. The Bio-Base would not be as complicated and dreamy and fictional as a scifi Starship flying between planets but it might simply be a giant 'Egg Shape' grown ina  Lab, the Egg might not be used as a human habitation, humans might perfer to live in a artificial forest looking at the Sun inside a Biosphere while the grown Giant Eggs might simply be used as storage space or maybe to store important liquids. There is some message in a small egg that tells it to stay small and another message in a Dinosaur Egg or Elephant Bird that makes it grow Large, a message inside a Dinosaurs bone or a Giant extinct crustacean to tell it to grow so massive, if scientists could manipulate these messages perhaps they could build an Organic BioEgg as big as a house.

All of this speculation assumes you would have had prior missions to Mars, supply routes set up, resources found and the Moon is also a hub trading material. The early Bio-Mineral Egg or Sphere or more simple base, might unfold and lock in, the Biomineral base might be put together in parts as a kid assembles a Meccano or Lego set. The Bio-shell-base would provide protection against the toxins in Dust storms. A basic series of Fission power or maybe in the future they will figure out a Fusion power sources, a Mars Lab will probably have a Nuclear Technology power support, this might be the only early option to provide power to a Base that wants to construct more Bio-Mineral Bases. The Bio-Mineral Egg shape might also store some chemicals and an artificial atmosphere that would support plants, animals and humans. The round Bio-Mineral shape of Bone or Shells or Eggs would handle the great pressure differences between the deadly Martian exterior and help provide air, liquid fertilizers or waters and structural supports for the Mars interiors. The planet Mars has little Magnetosphere or Atmosphere so its possible you might also cover these put-together-jigsaw structure of Shells with Sand or you might cover a series Bio-Engineered Egg-Shells with both frozen material and sands to block space radiation from reaching the ground, a person on Mars receives many times the radiation that they experience on Earth and after a few years they exceed radiation limits imposed by NASA on its ISS Astronauts so maybe it would be wise to cover these Bio Materials in a type of ice or liquid to add extra radiation protection. Alternatively the Bio-Egg or Shell might be engineered underground and stay underground inside a Lava tube which would already block Solar Flare events and not need extra radiation protection. The large Bone Tube or Egg might be covered in 3 feet of dirt or a meter of Mars clay, from above it might look like some ancient burial mound but it would provide radiation protection and living space.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-20 12:27:49)


#7 2023-08-25 07:54:41

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Biomineralization, algae, potato, fungus to make Chairs, Homes.

Some tissue engineering techniques pioneered in regenerative medicine might grow shell or bone shapes, Biominerals might be fed by a bag of artificial skin or Bioreactors large machines similar to brewery tanks which expose the cells to a large variety of environmental factors necessary to promote some kind of growth, the Bones structures might come from an artificial womb or artificial uterus a "biobag" used to grow and clone the next dolly the sheep, these structures will not be alive they will not have a brain but there are debates on Culture and Governments of Mars, like the Stem-Cell debate there could be Religious considerations.

Some other links

Advances in biomineralization-inspired materials for hard tissue repair

Hormonal regulation of biomineralization

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-25 08:00:52)


#8 2023-09-17 09:48:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Biomineralization, algae, potato, fungus to make Chairs, Homes.

I came across a Bio-Mineral vid but I'm not sure the you-tube video is a real person it might be a similar to one of the click bait science topics but with an AI Chatbot...however the video had some interesting points but I think it got some facts wrong or took data from other sources which were not accurate but some of its other data in the video is very interesting.

The claim that Nearly 6,000 different minerals are known to exist on Earth, but after 50 years of investigations, only 161 minerals have been recorded on Mars might be correct such research does lead to science papers quoting groups such as the American Geophysical Union. Biomineralization techniques might be more difficult on Mars, when a working method is found Biomining could also be used on Asteroids, other Moons around Jupiter and Saturn and on the Moon of Earth.

Biomineral tech for the future Mars Design Architectures, it could revolutionize construction on Earth.

quote from above previously posted articles

Space station biomining experiment demonstrates rare earth element extraction in microgravity and Mars gravity


Magnetite biomineralization and ancient life on Mars … 3199000721


We believe that it will not be possible to reach a consensus for the ancient-life hypothesis without additional compelling biomarkers in ALH84001. The absence of such additional biomarkers may tend to produce a negative consensus. Resolution might have to await future samples returned from the ancient crust of Mars.

As humans explore and potentially settle in space, microbe–mineral interactions have been recognised to be important, including in biomining. In addition to mining beyond the Earth, advancing our understanding of microbe–mineral interactions in space could be applied to: soil formation from nutrient-poor rocks, (formation of biocrusts to control dust and surface material in enclosed pressurised spaces25,  use of regolith as feedstock within microbial segments of life support system,  use of regolith and microbes in microbial fuel cells (biofuel),  biological production of mineral construction materials. All of these diverse applications have in common that they require experimental investigations on how microbes attach to, and interact with, rock and regolith materials in space environments. Furthermore, there is a need to know how organisms alter ion leaching and mineral degradation in altered gravity regimens, which will occur in any extraterrestrial location.

Perhaps unless future mankind figures out a way of Re-starting the Martian core maybe it will remain and dead-ish world

A book

The story of Earth: the first 4.5 billion years, from stardust to living planet

In this radical new approach to Earth's biography, senior Carnegie Institution researcher and national bestselling author Robert M. Hazen reveals how the co-evolution of the geosphere and biosphere--of rocks and living matter--has shaped our planet into the only one of its kind in the Solar System, if not the entire cosmos.

The channel is called 'The Cosmos'

'NASA Discovered Something New About Mars'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-09-17 12:47:05)


#9 2023-12-24 19:26:46

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Biomineralization, algae, potato, fungus to make Chairs, Homes.

somewhat related

Researchers produce artificial cells with potential for drug delivery and tissue engineering … ering.aspx

The materials produced in the study possess similar properties to living cells and have the potential to be used in applications including drug delivery and tissue engineering.

The cells are microscopic structures crafted through a process called biocatalytic polymerization-induced self-assembly (bioPISA), and represent a significant advancement in the field of synthetic biology.

They have the ability to produce a range of proteins in their insides, including a fluorescent protein, the structural protein actin, which enables it to craft a structure similar to what is known in nature as a cytoskeleton, and the enzyme alkaline phosphatase, which enables it to imitate the biomineralization process found in human bones.

The study was carried out with researchers at the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany and the University of Basel and the Adolphe Merkle Institute of the University of Fribourg, both in Switzerland, It has been published in the journal Nature Chemistry.


#10 2024-05-19 07:37:13

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Biomineralization, algae, potato, fungus to make Chairs, Homes.

If DNA was taken from an animal and just flesh and bone grown from a clone non-living thing or a plant maybe be used, Mulberry Tree smaples, then including mammals and fish Fast growing animals include Blue whale calves, which can gain up to 200 lbs per day or Salps, which can grow to maturity in 48 hours, Picochlorum doubles every 2.2 hours, Honey Fungus is fast growing, Duckweed will double in mass every 16 hours, Bamboo is a very fast growing plant, they believe the T-Rex Dinosaur grew for about 14 years.

Meet the Fish That Grows Up in Just 14 Days … 180969926/
The turquoise killifish, which lives in ephemeral pools in Mozambique, progresses from embryo to sexual maturity faster than any other vertebrate

On Mars or another offworld colony maybe a lab that has a type living organism Bio creating a hard well-defined chemical composition or mineralization, plants, baceteria, cloned animals, teeth, corals, pearls, people but very unique bio made structures, zinc sulfides, the calcium carbonate group, iron sulfide another perhaps a giant shell or exoskeleton made from manganese oxide coatings, they can be used in zinc ore mining, Magnetite a mineral iron ore and the chemical formula Fe2+Fe3+2O4 oxides of iron, and is ferrimagnetic.

Organic Matrices of Calcium Carbonate Biominerals Improve Osteoblastic Mineralization

Pinctada margaritifera is well known for the ability of its organic matrix to stimulate bone cells.

For a better understanding of the Pinctada-bone mineralization relationship, we evaluated the effects of 4 other nacreous mollusks that are phylogenetically distant and distinct from the Pinctada genus. In addition, we tested 12 non-nacreous mollusks and one extra-group. Biomineral shell powders were prepared, and their organic matrix was partially extracted using ethanol. Firstly, the effect of these powders and extracts was assessed on the viability of MC3T3-E1. Our results indicated that neither the powder nor the ethanol-soluble matrix (ESM) affected cell viability at low concentrations. Then, we evaluated osteoblastic mineralization using Alizarin Red staining and we found a prominent MC3T3-E1 mineralization mainly induced by nacreous biominerals, especially those belonging to the Pinctada genus. However, few non-nacreous biominerals were also able to stimulate the extracellular mineralization. Overall, our findings validate the remarkable ability of CaCO3 biomineral extracts to promote bone mineralization. Nevertheless, further in vitro and in vivo studies are needed to uncover the mechanisms of action of biominerals in bone.

Optimized Nanoscale Mineralization Strategy for Maintaining Bio-enzymatic Stability … 24-02624-x

Eco-friendly in-situ mineralization of bamboo for flame retardancy … 9023004090

Anisotropic Liesegang pattern for the nonlinear elastic biomineral- hydrogel complex

pdf … dv.adl3075

The Liesegang pattern is a beautiful natural anisotropic patterning phenomenon observed in rocks and sandstones. This study reveals that the Liesegang pattern can induce nonlinear elasticity. Here, a Liesegang-patterned complex with biomineral-hydrogel repetitive layers is prepared.

To emulate these natural features, the diverse hydrogel (HD)–based anisotropic structures have been developed through the shear force, electric field, magnetic field, directional ice freezing, ion diffusion, and three-dimensional printing techniques . In particular, these anisotropic patterns have mechanically reinforced the HD itself (9–12). Furthermore, because the applied stress could be buffered by the incorporated strong components [for instance, glassy polymers (13, 14), nanoparticles (15), and graphene (16), the anisotropic pattern of soft HD and strong components would considerably improve the physical features of the entire complex material. Accordingly, the technologies for anisotropic patterning of soft HD and strong components are promising for advanced biomimetic and bioinspired material systems.

Renaissance for magnetotactic bacteria in astrobiology

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-05-19 08:01:45)


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