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#101 2023-05-25 03:30:18

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

Vice filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy,

Sometimes it had good science articles. It has been accused of 'Gonzo Journalism' and Vice itself part of scandals. Hollywood had a near endless flood of scandal during the 'MeToo'.

‘The Flash’ praise isn’t fooling those unwilling to look past Ezra Miller’s misdeeds … -misdeeds/

Rapper Slowthai appears in court charged with rape … ape-oxford

Matthew Lawrence Says He Was Fired From Agency After Refusing To Strip For Director Offering Him A Marvel Role … 235351299/

Russian Actor Faces Rape Trial in Singapore … 235614170/

Marilyn Manson Loses Again In Court Battle With Evan Rachel Wood … 235361107/

Brooke Shields Reveals Sexual Assault by Hollywood Executive … 235555278/

Prosecutors Drop Charges Against Former ‘Rick and Morty’ Actor … arges.html

Harvey Weinstein Will Not Face New Trial for Remaining Charges in Los Angeles … 235553360/

during the Bill Cosboy, Harvey Weinstein 'MeToo' stuff like this would pop up … 4802946051

I interned at Vice at 18. My editors constantly talked about their STDs but how they were safe to have sex with because they were under control. Editors hit on another intern I knew...she quit and left journalism. And it gets worse...

They published an issue w/my photo and graphically quoted me about my sex life...which they completely fabricated. They retracted it... after it went to print. I was humiliated. I WAS 18

Under Elon Musk, Twitter has approved 83% of censorship requests by authoritarian governments: The social network has restricted and withdrawn content critical of the ruling parties in Turkey and India, among other countries, including during electoral campaigns … ments.html

more news on the War

Washington is investigating reports that U.S. military vehicles were used in raids on Russia, a White House official said warning Ukraine and pro-Ukraine forces against using U.S. equipment to attack inside Russia. … a-ukraine/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-05-25 03:32:50)


#102 2023-05-26 06:14:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

IRS ‘whistleblower’ who claimed Hunter Biden case was ‘slow-walked’ won’t talk to Democratic-led Senate panel … 26432.html


#103 2023-05-27 09:41:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

Greece is worst EU country for press freedom (again), report says … om-report/
Greece ranks 107th globally, behind Qatar and Thailand.

'Greece sucks for journalists, according to a new report. '

Not sure about some of these rankings as a place like Afghanistan ranks better than Laos, Bangladesh, Egypt, Philippines, Cambodia, India, Singapore, Cuba, Thailand, Syria.

How many places for example could you report news that jihadi islamics go to a mosque bash their heads into the ground, stick their butts up in the air to pray to an old camel jacker pedophile?

Reporters Without Borders is careful to note that the WPFI only deals with press freedom and does not measure the quality of journalism in the countries it assesses, nor does it look at human rights violations in general … dology.pdf

Joe Biden mostly ignored them, Trump got down and dirty fighting and shouting at them.

Biden has held the fewest news conferences since Reagan. Any questions? … nferences/

President Trump’s combative, freewheeling, “fake news” press conference, explained … -fake-news
The president designated the media as his most important opponent.

the guy who was shot

Sander Vanocur (NBC): You once said that you were reading more and enjoying it less. Are you still as avid a newspaper reader, magazine—I remember those of us who traveled with you on the campaign, a magazine wasn't safe around you. … -the-press

THE PRESIDENT: Oh, yes. No, no, I think it is invaluable, even though it may cause you—it is never pleasant to be reading things that are not agreeable news, but I would say that it is an invaluable arm of the presidency, as a check really on what is going on in the administration, and more things come to my attention that cause me concern or give me information. So I would think that Mr. Khrushchev operating a totalitarian system, which has many advantages as far as being able to move in secret, and all the rest—there is a terrific disadvantage not having the abrasive quality of the press applied to you daily, to an administration, even though we never like it, and even though we wish they didn't write it, and even though we disapprove, there isn't any doubt that we could not do the job at all in a free society without a very, very active press.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-05-27 10:11:53)


#104 2023-05-28 11:40:00

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

What if Walter Cronkite, the most trusted man, was Blackmailed?

3D-TV, Automated Cooking and Robot Housemaids: Walter Cronkite Tours the Home of 2001 … 1-7907942/
In 1967, the most trusted man in America investigated the home of the 21st century


'Sinclair Broadcast Group' does this kind of stuff, founded by Julian Sinclair he died in 1993. David D. Smith, Christopher Ripley, the guy Perry Sook would be another name that could have ordered something like this done, he had once been a principal of Superior Communications.

Like a bad plot to a bad movie?

Richard Nixon was the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974

But it's not just the ratty part of town. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time—it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco. Decorators. They got to do something. But we don't have to glorify it. You know one of the reasons fashions have made women look so terrible is because the goddamned designers hate women. Designers taking it out on the women. Now they're trying to get some more sexy things coming on again.

Some people in discussion have compared Trump to both 'Hitler' and 'JFK' personally I see a lot of Nixon in Trump and maybe even a bit of Jimmy Carter (who btw banned islamist immigration from Iran)

Tape transcripts (1971)

Clarence Thomas and Bohemian Grove: What goes on at the all-male club?

The Bohemian Club was started by journalists, artists and musicians in San Francisco in 1872 - Mark Twain was an early member.

Over time the artsy roots of the club expanded to include businesspeople and politicians. Members are allowed to bring guests but the gathering is closed to media and outsiders.

Past members include presidents Herbert Hoover, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, along with a litany of famous writers, actors and businessmen.

A 1989 article in Spy magazine called the encampment "the most exclusive frat party on earth" and detailed a speech by Mr Reagan, who had just left office.

In the year 2000, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones snuck in and recorded one of the club's rituals, the burning of an effigy.

He made a documentary filled with lurid accusations about grand plots and human sacrifice.

He was accompanied by the journalist Jon Ronson who had an altogether different take. He later wrote: "My lasting impression was of an all-pervading sense of immaturity… I wondered whether the Bohemians shroud themselves in secrecy for reasons no more sinister than they thought it was cool."

and another Walter Cronkite quote

It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace.
To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order.
But the American colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect unions the world has ever seen.
Walter Cronkite

These guys get millions of views, the pot smoking Flat Earther Joe Rogan,  Elon Musk has appeared on 'The Joe Rogan Experience'
'What is the Deal with Bohemian Grove'?

The guy he is talking to Duncan Trussell is an actor, comedian and voice actor for weird cartoons. Trussell is also a burgeoning spiritual teacher in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, he frequently invokes applicable uses of Dharma teachings, he talks a lot of pseudo metaphysics voodoo stuff  and tries to blab about non existent math which does not make sense. I'm not sure 'Duncan Trussell' is all there but he is 'Out There' he might have spent too much time flying high as kites fly going around with hippies or went to some Rave or Psychedelia Woodstock Rock thing or Burning Man or did too much Deep Art and Psychedelics, he can spend 2 hours going hyper talking about nothing while not making any sense. It's possible Duncan Trussell is not shocked by any weird stuff Rogan says because Duncan Trussell is out of it, too stoned too have any reaction other than a stoner weed look on his face while replying Cheech & Chong 'dude man yeah, dude yeees, cool dude, yeah what, that sucks, man dude... '. Its also possible Duncan Trussel has already been to many sado masochist drugged out nudity parties so its just a normal weekend just as other people find drinking a cup of tea or cup of coffee normal, the weirdest stuff possible is probably normality for Duncan Trussell. He seems to play dumb, it seems he does know about the Grove already and talks into the camera and asks for an invite while winking. He says he knows Witches, Satanists and Occultists and defends their rituals, he seems to promote alternative pagan religion lifestyles. As crazy as all this conspiracy stuff sounds 'Bohemian Grove' is a real place, mostly covered by the now banned Alex Jones Infowars, Alex Jones is a paranoid idiot sued by Parents of Sandy Hook victims, in Defamation Suits because of his stupid ranks. The conspiracy guy Alex Jones is a fool who got many of his online accounts closed by social media but Bohemian Grove is a real thing.

What I find weird about it is not the people who wear a wizard religion hood or pagan robe it seems to be more than a Gentleman club but a strange a secret society, elected officials that are supposed to represent but operating among strangeness and behind closed doors.

Before Nixon, President JFK once said
The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.

Bohemian Grove is a restricted 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground at Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, United States, belonging to a private San Francisco–based gentlemen's club known as the Bohemian Club. The Bohemian Club's all-male membership includes artists and musicians, as well as many prominent business leaders, government officials, former U.S. presidents, senior media executives, and people of power. Although no woman has ever been given full membership in the Bohemian Club, the four female honorary members were hostess Margaret Bowman, poet Ina Coolbrith (who served as librarian for the club), actress Elizabeth Crocker Bowers, and writer Sara Jane Lippincott. Former U.S. president Herbert Hoover was inducted into the Old Guard in 1953; he had joined the club exactly 40 years prior. Redwood branches from the Grove were flown to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, where they were used to decorate a banquet room for the celebration. In New York City and other American metropolises in the late 1850s, groups of young, cultured journalists flourished as self-described "bohemians", until the American Civil War broke them up and sent them out as war correspondents. Nathaniel J. Brittan co-founded the Bohemian Club of San Francisco in 1872, and by 1892 Brittan was the president of the club. The Bohemian Club was originally formed in April 1872 by and for journalists who wished to promote a fraternal connection among men who enjoyed the arts.  Members have included some U.S. presidents (usually before they are elected to office), many cabinet officials, and CEOs of large corporations, including major financial institutions. Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people and with few permanent ties. It involves musical, artistic, literary, or spiritual pursuits. In this context, bohemians may be wanderers, adventurers, or vagabonds. Major military contractors, oil companies, banks (including the Federal Reserve), utilities, and national media have high-ranking officials as club members or guests. Many members are, or have been, on the board of directors of several of these corporations; however, artists and lovers of art are among the most active members. The Nathanial Brittan Party House, also known as Nathaniel Brittan Party House, Brittan Party House, Brittan Lodge, is located at 125 Dale Avenue in San Carlos, California, and was built in 1872. The counter ceremony was first held in 1980, organized by Mary Moore, a former beauty queen turned left-wing activist. Moore was less concerned about the Cremation of Care ceremony than with the likelihood that club members with corporate interests would gain influence in government.

Like the whole 'MeToo' scandals, Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein and Casting Couch news and assaults, the topic of 'Bohemian Grove' seems to have been known by many and an 'Open Secret' for many years.

Teddy Bears' Picnic for example covered the Grove, it is a 2002 American comedy film written and directed by Harry Shearer. It was released in May 2002 to limited audiences. The actual retreat itself begins after the members have returned without any women and kicks off with the "Assassination of Time", based on the real Cremation of Care at the Bohemian Grove, with a pelican replacing the latter's owl. After that, the festivities begin, including an all-male chorus line in drag, which is photographed by one of the club employees who smuggles out the pictures to the news media. The film has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on reviews from 19 critics.
On Metacritic, the film has a 32% rating based on reviews from 10 critics, indicating "generally unfavorable reviews". … b8053.html

For many years, a recording of the voice of club member Walter Cronkite was used as the voice of The Owl during the ceremony

‘House of Cards’: All About The Secret Society … t-society/

If you’re like me, you might have started “Chapter 60” of House of Cards and wondered if you were watching the right show. The lingering shot of the creepy giant statue didn’t feel entirely out of place, but as soon as the eerie score swelled and the group of figures wearing scarlet cloaks were revealed, I immediately paused to see if I had accidentally started another Netflix show by accident. These dudes were legit doing a fake human sacrifice to a giant stone crow that spoke back to them with what sounded like a Darth Vader voice changer.

What’s it called?

No, it’s not Bohemian Grove. This secret society is known as Elysian Fields, a name that can be traced back to Greek mythology. In the mythology, Elysian Fields is known as Elysium, or the “paradise of the heroes“, a conception of the afterlife that exists separate from the realm of Hades and is reserved for mortals who carried some relation to gods and heroes or were chosen by them. It’s basically their 5-star version of heaven – you can indulge in whatever you like, so it makes total sense that D.C.’s most powerful men would want such a retreat.

Following sexual misconduct allegations from 2017, House of Cards actor Kevin Spacey maintained a lower profile and his career stalled.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-05-28 14:01:22)


#105 2023-05-30 06:35:30

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

French minister threatens to ban Twitter if it doesn’t follow EU rules … -eu-rules/

Former Navalny team coordinator leaves Russian prison after serving a 27-month prison term for sharing a music video by the German rock band Rammstein online … 24120.html

'Rammstein - Deutschland' song by industrial metal hard rock, the Neue Deutsche genre, while sheltering during COVID-19 lockdowns, the band spontaneously wrote and recorded their eighth studio album


#106 2023-06-12 15:02:33

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

'Putin doesn't have enough Novichok for all his opponents', former Russian state TV journalist tells Sky News
Speaking on Beth Rigby Interviews, Marina Ovsyannikova, the former Russian state TV editor who made global headlines for her on-air protest last year, taunts her President

Fox News has sent a cease-and-desist letter to Tucker Carlson, alleging that the conservative network’s former star anchor breached his contract by launching a new show on Twitter … -rcna88842

Don Lemon is a fired American television journalist best known for being a host on CNN from 2014 until 2023. … nn-source/

On January 4, 2007, US District Court Judge Jack B. Weinstein issued a temporary restraining order forbidding a number of activists and their organizations in the psychiatric survivors movement, including MindFreedom International and the Alliance for Human Research Protection from disseminating ostensibly leaked documents purporting to show that Eli Lilly and Company knowingly concealed information on potentially lethal side-effects of Zyprexa for years. The "Zyprexa documents" had been sealed by an earlier court order in a mass tort case; they were widely disseminated after Alaska attorney James Gottstein issued a subpoena for them in an unrelated case. The Electronic Frontier Foundation came to the defense of one of the parties silenced by the restraining order to defend the First Amendment right of Internet journalists to post links to relevant documents on wikis, blogs, and other web pages. While Eli Lilly maintains that the documents were obtained unlawfully and should not be part of the public domain, critics cite the leaked Pentagon Papers as precedent for the right of individuals to report on the existence and contents of such documents, and in this particular case, maintain that court sealing of documents should never be allowed to protect individuals or corporations from criminal liability. … Id=6881294

Jo Glanville, editor of the Index on Censorship, states that "the Internet has been a revolution for censorship as much as for free speech" … p-internet

An older link From the Open Culture Website

A Brief History of Hollywood Censorship and the Ratings System


#107 2023-06-14 12:56:34

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

That weird dystopian Technocracy has arrived

Guy gets accused of racism by his doorbell… Amazon shuts down his smart home… … mart-home/


#108 2023-06-16 03:52:16

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

RFK was on the Joe Rogan experience, the broadcasts of Joe Rogan have many viewers he has come up in discussion before and has a controversial radio show
RFK is running as a Candidate, his voice changed and he now suffers a rare disorder that affects the muscles in the voice box
Robert Kennedy, Jr. on his Father, his Uncle JFK and the Military Industrial Complex.
Although his voice sounds a little strange many fear that RFK would beat Biden in a debate, Biden seems to hint that he will refuse to debate. 80% of Dems think Biden Should respect Democracy and debate RFK Jr - including 72% of those who voted for Joe-Biden Kamala Harris and supported Joe Biden,  say they would like to see debates between President Joe Biden and his fellow Candidates .


#109 2023-06-19 02:06:56

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

Anti-war activist dies in Russian prison ‘after being tortured with stun gun’ … 45548.html


#110 2023-07-01 15:27:03

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

France man

He now wants the United States of America and the World to censor the internet?

'Macron Wants Platforms To Delete Riot Content, Blames Social Media and Video Games For Riot Spread' … ot-content

Macron’s comments are hardly original, yet they warrant scrutiny from a free speech perspective.

'One cannot help but raise an eyebrow as President Macron pleads with social media giants to erase the “most sensitive” content pertaining to the rioting. With a wave of his hand, he decrees, “platforms and networks are playing a major role in the events of recent days.” His words, veiled under a guise of concern, echo a familiar tune that has been played on the world stage before.'


#111 2023-07-04 08:24:15

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

Teenagers in French riots are copying video games, says Emmanuel Macron … urce=email

A Saudi woman was given 30 years in prison for criticizing the Neom megacity project on Twitter … 00324.html

Two men executed for blasphemy in Iran … tem_4_news

Saudi wants to spend money on 100-mile-long of mirrors and skyscrapers in a sandy expensive Desert?

while in Iran, the poor weak super sensitive pedophile jihadi Moongod al Lah takes great offense to 'words'


#112 2023-08-04 16:41:42

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

Russia court sentences Alexey Navalny, jailed opposition leader and Putin critic, to 19 more years in prison … -sentence/


#113 2023-08-21 18:20:25

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

If you’re a journalist who wants more freedom to write and a higher income, then publish directly on this platform!


#114 2023-09-07 10:07:44

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

The ADL Has Lost Its Way. Elon Musk Is Right to Stand Up to Its Censorship | Opinion … on-1824691

Sweden: Muslims enraged, pelt cops with rocks, set dozens of cars on fire in protests against Qur’an burning … an-burning

Saudi Arabia sentences man to death for criticizing the government on social media … 7-20230830

Seems he didn't even write it just 'liked' a post or death for retweeting posts critical of government

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-09-07 10:10:08)


#115 2023-09-21 07:53:50

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

Video platform Rumble rejects MPs’ call to demonetise Russell Brand … sell-brand

Platform says it is ‘inappropriate and dangerous’ for parliament to ‘attempt to control’ who makes money from content

Megyn Kelly weighs in on Russell Brand rape allegations: ‘I’m sorry, this is extremely detailed’ … legations/


#116 2023-11-25 13:38:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

Adverts that offend Speech

It seems England, Wales and Scotland have wilderness protection laws, fields, peat, bog and soil grassy land areas are protected or under some degree of having a big car or truck doing damage to those areas churning up bits with wheels spinning is considered a visual offense.

the Trucks driving off-road and crossing a river before getting back on a paved road and driving through a city...and two trucks cresting a hill and throwing up dirt, while a large number of trucks follow in the background. According to the ASA, those ads “condoned the use of vehicles in a manner that disregarded their impact on nature and the environment

Toyota Truck Ads Banned In UK For Lacking 'A Sense Of Responsibility To Society' … 1851042154


#117 2023-12-01 10:00:40

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

In the last ten years, Turkey has made 249 requests every day for removal of interwebs contents

Turkish government agencies have requested the removal of a total of 90,400 web pages and other content from Google in the last decade, Voice of America (VOA) Turkish edition reported … -10-years/

A report from the Free Web Turkey platform also showed in late October that access to at least 40,536 URLs belonging to domains, social media posts and social media accounts were blocked in Turkey in 2022 in a sign of growing censorship by the ruling AKP.

Sex Crimes?

No. 1 Nation in Sexy Web Searches? Call it Pornistan … pornistan/

So here's the irony: Google ranks Pakistan No. 1 in the world in searches for pornographic terms, outranking every other country in the world in searches per person for certain sex-related content.

Pakistan is top dog in searches per-person for "horse sex" since 2004, "donkey sex" since 2007

The Constitution of Pakistan is not worried about since pedophiles and terrorist criminal online but instead acknowledges the pedophile demonic terrorist Moongod al-Lah as the sole sovereign of the universe and the Parliament as a delegate. The Constitution of Pakistan requires that all laws conform with Islam and not conflict with the Quran or Sunnah.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-12-01 10:04:38)


#118 2023-12-23 10:00:39

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

More than 1,100 officers under investigation for sexual or domestic abuse in England and Wales … -and-wales

Putin the imperialist who started murder and invasion, maybe he will be remembered alongside those who put their nations on a backward path, Stalin, Mao and other Tyrants and Puritans.

Russia: Ex-reporter barred from challenging Putin in 2024 – DW … a-67809903

I shared many news articles over the years, many of the science some of them politics, I shared the Left CNN, the Right Fox, the NewYorkTimes, Breitbart, Reuters and independent foreign media and France24 or maybe even RT a different opinion but is now a Russian state-controlled international news television network while Putin is classed as a dictator. Here is the thing though with media and news, is it becoming a hypercritical mob of hysteria and does the West trust its own people anymore? when someone wanted to create damage for Joe Rogan who I am not a fan of but I support his right to broadcast that nonsense, the Media Tech News power dug up an old joke from many, many years ago about some rap event, joke routine, the media star apologies over past use of reference of 'racist' link to an N-Word with his "deepest" apologies and called use of the slur "shameful" fear of suddenly getting cancelled as someone takes a clip of your words and cuts and edits the media video to make it so much worse and he is suddenly in danger of losing the business to other BigTech media.  Trump is banned, he was cancelled across much of social media after a Riot, however the media is back now calling it an attempted coup d'etat event. We all know 'RT' is propaganda but the West does not trust its own people any more, they have their own personal judgement but is not taken into consideration but 'owned'.


#119 2023-12-24 15:53:44

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

At one time they were hated for comments on the invasion of Iraq, and criticism of little President George W. Bush

Laura Lynch, founding member of The Dixie Chicks, dies in car crash in Texas … rcna131039

The band, which changed its name in 2020 to The Chicks, said it was "shocked and saddened" by her death. "We hold a special place in our hearts for the time we spent playing music, laughing and traveling together," the band wrote in a statement.

"Laura was a bright light…her infectious energy and humor gave a spark to the early days of our band," it said. "Laura had a gift for design, a love of all things Texas and was instrumental in the early success of the band. Her undeniable talents helped propel us beyond busking on street corners to stages all across Texas and the mid-West."


#120 2024-02-12 06:22:36

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

There is also a contingent of lawmakers who believe that eliminating AM radio capability is an attempt to cut down on the reach of talk radio. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas previously declared his opinion that preserving AM radio capability is akin to protecting free speech. The arguments against forcing automakers to include broadcast AM radio capability is largely the cost that such would add to each vehicle. There are also those who see the Act as big government meddling. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky vetoed a push to approve the bill under unanimous consent in December of last year, saying, "Mandating that all cars have AM radio is antithetical to any notion of limited government."

Don't Touch That Dial: AM Car Radio Is Not Dead Yet

Not if the U.S. Congress has anything to say about it. The lawmakers want it mandated in all vehicles so it can be used for emergency and safety notifications. … -congress/

The AM For Every Vehicle Act is close to passing, making broadcast AM capability a requirement in new cars sold in the United States.
    The Act has wide support in both Senate and Congress, on both sides of the aisle.
    Proponents say passing the Act is about providing emergency services or free speech. But there is a cost to manufacturers.


#121 2024-03-02 08:29:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

Steve Baker, a writer for Glenn Beck's "The Blaze" website, who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6 and was arrested on misdemeanor Capitol attack charges

Musician and libertarian writer who works for 'The Blaze' arrested on Jan. 6 charges … 28813.html

Mr. QAnon Shaman goes to the Arizona Capitol … a-capitol/
Jacob Chansley, more commonly known as the QAnon Shaman, was a guest of Glendale Republican Anthony Kern at the Arizona Capitol this week

Mark Austin cuts Jacob Chansley off mid interview, Sky News

Chansley was represented by St. Louis attorney Albert Watkins starting in January 2021 until his guilty plea on September 2. In a written statement, Watkins argued that Chansley had no part in the violence, did not hide his identity, was unarmed, not destructive, and followed the instructions of law enforcement officials in a respectful fashion; and that Chansley was carrying a megaphone so his voice could be heard. He also presented evidence Chansley had been diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder while serving the Navy. Chansley pleaded guilty to a single count of obstructing an official proceeding on September 3, 2021, and agreed to accept the prosecution's recommended sentence of 41 to 51 months in prison as part of the settlement. Earlier, his lawyer said Chansley broke away from QAnon and asked that it no longer be used in terms for him. Prosecutors have alleged that Chansley believes he is an alien or higher being and is destined to ascend to another reality. … -1.5874440

Putin's legacy, in death an idea lives, Alexei Navalny is another of Vladimir's nemesis

Dozens of Alexei Navalny supporters are detained by Russian police after thousands flocked to Putin critic's funeral … neral.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-02 08:41:48)


#122 2024-03-30 03:10:22

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

A Russian journalist who covered Navalny’s trials is jailed in Moscow on "charges of extremism" … 8f0fe4709e


#123 2024-04-21 02:20:37

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

Free Speech Is Under Such Threat In Canada It Would Make Orwell Blush … ell-blush/

Scotland’s New Hate Crime Law Sparks a Backlash Amid Alarm on Continent Over Perils of ‘Transmania’ … transmania

France could introduce ‘hair discrimination’ law in the workplace … workplace/
The French parliament will debate a proposed law tackling racist “hair discrimination” in the workplace that results in people with certain hairstyles losing out

Sell or Be Banned: Anti-TikTok Bill Passed by US Representatives … tiktok-ban

'While lawmakers in the House advanced a similar bill last month, this effort is different for two reasons: It is attached to a sweeping foreign aid bill providing support for Ukraine and Israel. '

Every once in a while a friend might show me a viral tikking toks type video I think I might even make a tikker toks account just to see what all the fuss is about

Some political types were already thinking of expanding the Laws to include 'Gamers' who might be doing 'racist' things when they shoot a type of Monster, kill Orcs or a Goblin in their fictional fantasy video game....those unhinged types seem to be addicted to authoritarianism and expand those controls again.

Meanwhile sites like Telegram openly commit crimes, engage in human exploitation, spy on American steal identities online, organize mass shootings, theft and fraud, sexual abuse and child crimes, organize an invasion, engage in mass islamist terrorism attacks but hey somehow they managed to attract a few of those Left loons and patriot Right loon QAnon types, real 'balance' they say so it must be ok right? ...but that's the way it is now. Maybe its almost over but there might be one final period of extravagant spending for America to do go to Las Vegas for one more final gamble, ignore the financial books and ignore the math and make its own Tikky Toks, all the major spending Trillions upon Trillions in the Negative that is Bailouts, Medicare, Grants and Breaks for Bankers, another War and Conflict and Meat Grinder of Blood to Gamble on with Arms and Missiles and Grenades and RPGs moving everywhere, more Medicaid, Negative Spending into the Red on Debt, interest alone on Previous Debts from Previous Administration, entitlement programs and ideas like paying people because their ancestors might have been 'Slaves' once upon a time and other mandatory spending and Military . The USA inc government know-it-alls they even took it up the tailpipe and censored 28 pages for the islamics. Telegram has been used to drive terror attacks across France, French anti-terrorism investigators asserted that the two ISIS-directed terrorists who murdered a priest in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray in Normandy, France, and videoed the murder, had communicated via Telegram and "used the app to coordinate their plans for the attack" and only recently carried out a mass terror attack in Russia but maybe someone perverted sees the islamic on Telegram as a useful idiot?

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-04-21 02:21:19)


#124 2024-05-05 12:25:02

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

Lebanese Christian leader says Hezbollah's fighting with Israel has harmed Lebanon … 29207.html

Israel shuts down local Al Jazeera offices in ‘dark day for the media’ … -the-media

Russia arrests Forbes journalist over Bucha massacre posts … 618_4.html

Australian PM Pushes for Crackdown on “Misogynistic” Speech Amid Fears Free Speech Is Fading … -is-fading

Leading Thai activist jailed for two more years over royal insult … 89016.html

It is the latest charge levelled against prominent human rights lawyer Arnon Nampa, who now faces more than 10 years in prison.

He is currently in jail after he was handed down a four-year sentence in January over three messages posted on Facebook in 2021, adding to the four years he was already serving for a prior lese-majeste conviction.

Critics say the government has used the strict legislation to silence dissent, prosecuting scores under a tough law that protects King Maha Vajiralongkorn and his family.

Thailand's youth-led pro-democracy protests in 2020 saw tens of thousands of people take to the streets to make unprecedented calls to reform the monarchy.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-05-05 12:34:11)


#125 2024-05-18 07:30:27

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Free Speech ZONE?

French Tiktok ban makes VPN usage soar in New Caledonia, Proton confirms a 2500% spike in VPN sign-ups … -caledonia


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