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#301 2023-05-10 08:48:15

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is jorgedlt  from 2003

ID is 411 .... email is Yahoo ...

Registered: 2003-03-06 (

Last post: 2003-03-09 22:25:17

Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Topic: Not So Free Chat » Changing Jobs - looking for a mars related job! »

jorgedlt wrote:

Open Letter to all;

If you or someone you know is looking for a motivated & hard worker with Engineering & Telecommunications experience, I'm your guy.

At 40, I find myself out of job, and looking for a real challenge and change. I'm interested in working with any company that is actively working towards either a Moon or Mars mission.

I have worked for the Offshore Oil & Gas Industries, which has several parallels with space exploration. (If you don't bring it with, you can't get it there!)

I have also worked at the (NASA) Michoud Assembly Fac. as a technician while in college. (I still can't believe they get anything to fly.) & Air Force F15 Avoinics experience.

Please contact me for a full resume.

Best Regards, /

I am most definitely going to send SpaceNut's email to this gent!


#302 2023-05-13 10:13:13

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Our candidate for today is John_McGowan ID 789 from 2004

Email is, and the last time I checked, that was still working ... Yup! It still has a server...
Registered: 2004-03-31 (

Last post: 2004-03-31 02:18:27

Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Topic:  Life on Mars » Methane on Mars - Proof for life on Mars?

John_McGowan wrote:

Regarding possible methane on Mars, please see my paper "Oil and Natural Gas
on Mars" from 2000.

Oil and natural gas on Mars
John F. McGowan III, "Oil and natural gas on Mars," in Instruments, Methods,
and Missions for Astrobiology III, Richard B. Hoover, Editor, Proceedings of
SPIE Vol. 4137, pp. 63-74 (2000).


On Earth, according to conventional theory, the largest, by mass and volume,
identifiable trace of past life is subsurface oil and natural gas deposits.
Nearly all coal and oil on Earth and most sedimentary source rocks
associated with coal, oil, and natural gas contain molecules of biological
origin and is proof of past life. If Mars possessed an Earth-like biosphere
in the past, Mars may contain subsurface deposits of oil and natural gas
indicating past life. Life might still exist in these deposits. Subsurface
oil and natural gas on Mars would probably cause seepage of hydrocarbon
gases such as methane at favorable locations on the Martian surface.
Further, if Mars contains substantial subsurface life, the most detectable
signature of this life on the Martian surface would be gases generated by
the life percolating up to the surface and venting into the Martian
atmosphere. In this paper, systems that can detect evidence of subsurface
oil and gas, including ground penetrating radar and infrared gas sensors are
explored. The limitations and future prospects of infrared gas detection and
imaging technologies are explored. The power, mass, and volume requirements
for infrared instruments able to detect venting gases, especially methane,
from an aerobot is estimated. The maximum range from the infrared sensor to
the gas vent and the minimum detectable gas density or fraction of the
Martian atmosphere - as appropriate for the instrument type - is estimated.
The bit rate and bit error rate requirements for transmitting the data back
to Earth are also estimated.



John McGowan

This topic went on for some time.  The most recent post was by SpaceNut, who showed an image of methane readings over a year on Mars.

Since Mr. McGowan received several courteous replies, I'm surprised he never returned.

Perhaps he was just stopping by to advertise his paper.

Nothing wrong with that, but he missed an opportunity to engage with the courteous members who replied.

Because we are nearly 20 years further along in collecting data about Mars, I'll send an email.



#303 2023-05-14 08:31:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is JohnnyNyro from 2017

The candidate reports Bulgaria as location. 

The post is in a topic about militarization:
    » Civilization and Culture
    » Militarization -Before- Colonization?

Mars_B4_Moon added to the topic as recently as February of  2023

The post seems (to me at least) out of place ...

JohnnyNyro wrote:

How long do you reckon a cell pellet can survive before it must be resuspended? I figure it limits how large a batch of samples can be processed at the same time.

The email provider exists ... there is a server at the address. However, the address appears to be a business.

I'll pass ..



#304 2023-05-15 09:03:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Our candidate for today is joelvelzflaske3 - From 2020 using

The date suggests spammer but the name and email match which suggests "real" person ....

Let's find out ...

Registered: 2020-06-03 (Butuan, Caraga, Philipines)
Last post: 2020-06-03 03:56:33
Last visit: 2020-06-03 03:56:42

So far all good ...

Topic: Meta New Mars » What happens if you drink mold from a water bottle?

This is disappointing .... there is one reply ... let's see what a member at the time did with this ...

SpaceNut sent a reply the same day. 

The topic ended at that point.

I am not inspired. Pass!



#305 2023-05-16 10:41:25

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candiate is from 2002 ... Member ID 315 shortly after RobertDyck

Email is showing a server active.

Registered: 2002-10-17 (

Last post: 2002-10-17 19:42:28

Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Topic:  Human missions » mars biological threat? - Germs here, there, everywhere?

The topic lasted through #6 in 2002 ....

The post was well received, but for whatever reason the candidate did not return.

20 years have passed... we humans know a bit more ... I'll send the email.



#306 2023-05-17 08:32:23

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

for SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign...

Today's candidate is: jmiller3002 Member 1009 First Wave

Registered: 2004-12-08 (

Last post: 2004-12-08 20:22:50

Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Topic: Human missions » What Kind of Manned  Program Should We Push For? - A Time to choose

This post is #132 of an active topic. … 109#p58109

It's nearly 20 years later.  If jmiller3002 is still with us, it would be interesting to hear his take on current plans.

The sample return mission(s) appear to be in steady if slow development.

People missions appear (to me at least) to be on hold until better ground proof is available.

We have a Hohmann window coming up next year, but at this point there is only one flight planned (that I know of).

If Starship makes good progress Elon might be tempted to send something to Mars. 

I'll send SpaceNut's email.  Yahoo is still taking email.



#307 2023-05-18 09:13:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ....

Our candidate for today is jkosar

Member 680 - First Wave

Registered: 2004-02-02 (
Last post: 2004-02-05 21:39:43
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 is shown as a valid domain name.

Ping showed it is alive and well.

However, the site itself refused to come up.

I assume the ping means there is a server, but whoever runs it does not offer a web site at that address.

Whois reports the side is owned by Consolidated Communications, Inc. US

OK ... let's see what our candidate chose as a topic:

Re: Water on Mars » H20, where'd it go? - What happened to Marsian water?

The post is #80 of a running topic in 2004 ...

jkosar wrote:

big_smile The Mars orbiters, both American and EU have shown water on Mars, yet the People at NASA, that control the ground based Rovers,  keep saying that they are looking for past evidence of water on the Martian surface. If there is supposedly water with in a few feet of the surface, why don"t they just dig a hole and analyze the material.  They keep looking for minerals and rocks that prove water once existed.  If we are ever to go to Mars we need to know where the water is and how much.  You cannot drive rocket engines with rocks.

That discussion was in 2004 .... we've only had one attempt to drill on Mars, and that one "discovered" how not to do a drill in that environment.

I'll send SpaceNut's email.



#308 2023-05-22 12:30:55

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: jjcmarsh7

ID is 1866 so probably First Wave ... no: Second Wave

Email is gmail so access is possible.

Registered: 2006-11-04 (

Last post: 2006-11-04 16:08:55

Last visit: 2006-11-04 15:13:42

Topic: Re: Human missions » Thermal Depolymerization / thermal conversion process »

The first post created a new topic.... … 912#p93912

The post is a quote from Wikipedia ....

The topic continued for a total of 20 posts.  RobertDyck and SpaceNut both contributed.

The candidate who started the entire discussion never returned.

20 years has gone by. The post was reasonable, and it received quite a response.

I'll send SpaceNut's email.



#309 2023-05-23 12:09:56

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

Our candidate for today is: Jimmy Pierre

The email name is different enough so that I suspect a spammer ... email provider is gmail.

Time of registration is 2017 when spammer activity was high ...

We do have an IP address ...

Registered: 2017-07-21 (Canada Skyway Cable)

Last post: 2018-05-01 18:52:25

Last visit: 2018-05-01 18:57:56

Topic:  Life on Mars » Convergent evolution? How much convergence?

Jimmy Pierre wrote:

However, Mars has different climate conditions/gravity from earth, so I believe if life were to exist/(existed?) it would not be quite the same.

This was a topic created by Louis

Louis replied ...

The topic persisted through 50 by SpaceNut in 2021.

The post was reasonable so I'll send the email even though the email name is different from the user name.

This doesn't seem to be spam, or if it is written to fit into the topic.



#310 2023-05-24 07:47:33

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: jefferywinkler

jefferywinkler registered in 2004 as Member 930

Email is unfamiliar (to me for sure)

Surprise! There is a server at that address!

Registered: 2004-08-04 (

Last post: 2004-08-06 17:47:27

Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Topic: Human missions » Moon vs Mars? - What did President Bush intend? … 670#p45670

The post is long so I'll just provide a link in case someone would like to read Mr. Winkler's rant against speeches by then President GW Bush.  I was taken aback but the idea that a Mars ship might be built on the Moon, and by Winkler's vehement objection to the idea. 

The post is #46 in a long running topic ... it reached #78 in 2004 with a post about processing human waste, and growing wheetgrass.

The post was written in 2004, and the space scene has changed.  The US government is still plodding along, and if the competing efforts succeed or not won't make much difference.  NASA is about to launch a ground simulation of a Mars expedition, and while that effort will duplicate numerous others, it will be carried out with NASA precision, so it will probably serve as a reliable test bed for the actual expedition.

Meanwhile, China, India and SpaceX seem (to me at least) most likely to mount expeditions well before NASA is able to do so.

I'll send the email, but am not expecting much.  2004 is a long time ago.



#311 2023-05-24 07:55:29

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

Just for fun, I put the name Jeffrey Winkler into Google's Query window, and I was rewarded with a hint that the Jeffrey Winkler of our post from 2004 might be the same person listed as Merriam Professor of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania. 

About 4,920,000 results (0.41 seconds)

Jeffrey D. Winkler | Department of Chemistry
University of Pennsylvania › profile › jeffrey-d-win...
Home; Jeffrey D. Winkler. Winkler Image. Merriam Professor of ChemistryUndergraduate Chair. (215) 898-0052. 449 Chemistry Bldg.

    Jeffrey D. Winkler – Winkler Group › winklergroup › jeffrey-d-...

    Merriam Professor of Chemistry [CV]. Office Location: 449 Chemistry '73 Building. Phone Number: (215) 898-0052. Fax: (215) 573- 6329.

Images for jeffrey winkler
wealth management
Jeffrey D. Winkler | Department of Chemistry
Out of Their Elements | Omnia
Jeff Winkler, winner of NYU's Matthew Power Award, became a ...
Jeffrey Winkler (@JDWinkler1956) / Twitter
Jeff Winkler | The Guardian
Jeffrey Winkler | Trimaran Advisors | Boca Raton/Boston ...
Jeffrey Winkler - Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, United States ...
Jeffery WINKLER | PhD physics | American Physical Society ...
Jeffrey Winkler (@JDWinkler1956) / Twitter
Jeffrey Winkler - Senior Team Leader/Special Agent - Drug ...
View all
View all

Jeffrey Winkler (@JDWinkler1956) / Twitter
Twitter › jdwinkler1956
Deturck Award for Innovation in Teaching AND Ludwig Distinguished Teaching Award to Tobias Baumgart, Deans Award for Distinguished Teaching by Affiliated ...

Jeffrey Winkler - Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, United States
LinkedIn › jeffrey-winkler-374b391
View Jeffrey Winkler's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jeffrey Winkler ...

Jeffrey Winkler
Google › citations
T Yano, S Kassovska-Bratinova, JS Teh, J Winkler, K Sullivan, A Isaacs, ... Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (12), 10276-10287, 2011. 306, 2011. Nontoxic ...

Jeffrey D. Winkler - Publications
The Academic Family Tree › chemistry › publications
Chemistry Tree: publications by Jeffrey Winkler, University of Pennsylvania.

Jeff Winkler, Contributor at Texas Monthly
Texas Monthly › contributors › jeff-wi...
Jeff Winkler's work has appeared in the New Republic, Vice magazine, Playboy, The Daily Caller, The Awl, the Oxford American, and elsewhere.

Jeffrey Winkler at University of Pennsylvania
Rate My Professors › professor
Jeffrey Winkler is a professor in the Chemistry department at University of Pennsylvania - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating ...

The critical tone about the GW Bush speech(es) seems understandable to me, if the two Winker's are the same.

Building a space craft on the Moon must have seemed wildly optimistic in 2004, and it is still a distant goal in 2023.



#312 2023-05-25 11:14:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is jcastro

jcastro is a member of the First Wave, from 2004 - ID 754

Registered: 2004-03-09 (

Last post: 2004-03-10 00:10:28

Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Civilization and Culture » Let's lay out a hypothetical colonization plan - Nuts and bolts » … 778#p29778

From Tennessee, US

The post is #8 in a running topic ... The topic itself faded out in 2005 with #19

I'll send the email. still exists.



#313 2023-05-28 06:34:18

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: jc314

Member 697

Registered: 2004-02-10 (
Last post: 2004-04-18 18:15:01
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Email is unfamiliar (to me for sure)

Topic: Terraformation » Atmospheric Degeneration

Post 27 and the last in this topic ...

jc314 wrote:

I just wonder if Mars suddenly gained an Earth magnatude magnetic field, say someone littered the surface with bus sized bar magnets, or by moving a large electromagnet around the surface like the write head of a planet sized hard drive, would such a field allow the atmosphere to thicken with the gasses present in the solar wind?

Also might the consentration of energy on the poles (assmuing the magnetic field lines up with the existing poles) add a bit of heat and thus contribute to melting the poles?

EV1.NET originated with The Planet in Texas. According to Wikipedia, the company merged with Everyone's Internet in 2006.

According to Whois, the domain is now owned by Earthlink, based in Atlanta, Georgia.

The question posed by jc134 seems reasonable enough.

I'll send SpaceNut's email.



#314 2023-06-07 07:17:16

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

This activity has been quiet for a few days

Today I took a look at the next email address to be considered for one of your messages.

The next name in the queue is James Burk, from 2017.  I'm inclined to send Mr. Burk one of your messages if the email provider still exists.

It appears to be a company where he may have been working at the time.

Update later:
There is a server at the address given in the user record for jburktest021817-33

I would be surprised if Mr. Burk is actually checking that address, but some folks I know use a consolidation service that notifies them at their personal email when traffic arrives at an unused address.



#315 2023-06-07 10:13:50

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,355

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

Mr. Burk disabled form email on the test account he created. 

No harm done.  Tomorrow we'll resume with regular members.


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#316 2023-06-08 14:16:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

Our candidate for today is Jboily

Jboily is member 1670 from Canada. Registration Year was 2006.

The email provider is still there. 

Topic:  Interplanetary transportation » Space tug »

The post is #7 in the topic ... I've decided to show the post here because it is unusual in several respects.

RedStreak wrote:

What I heard regarding the CX is it is a tug designed to stabilize existing satellites in their orbits via ion propulsion.  Given the high fuel efficency this definetely extends satellite lifetimes which have usually only been cut short by running out of maneuvering fuel.

All it will do to dock, which has been the major stickler point since no commercial satellite has ever been designed for docking of any sort, is stick a probe into the empty fuel nozzle of the satellite in need and hold that position with the satellite above.

Its as simple a scheme as can be conceived so I route for the CX but I'd have to see what they could come up for future space tugs before casting any real opinions.

There was just one post after that one.  Forum members have created new topics since 2006.

Curiously, the forum software cannot find this topic.

I'll add a link to the topic:

In any case, I'll fire up the Dell to send SpaceNut's email.



#317 2023-06-13 07:11:42

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

Our candidate for today is: Janus20

Janus20 is member 533, from 2003 and the First Wave

Registered: 2003-09-24 (

Last post: 2003-09-24 06:44:34

Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

The email provider does not respond to ping.

Whois says the company that owns the domain has it registered through fall of 2023.

It was last updated in January of 2023.

Looked at the post ....

OK .... this was a BIT OF HUMOR.  I'll pass.



#318 2023-06-18 10:44:39

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign...

Today's candidate is Jan

The email provider is not a major name... could be for New York, but it could be for many cities on Earth today.

The registration is current, but all the details are redacted.
CloudFlare is the business associated with the IP address.

CloudFlare | Better Business Bureau® Profile
Better Business Bureau › ... › CloudFlare
Contact Information. 101 Townsend St. San Francisco, CA 94107-1934. Visit Website. Email this Business. (650) 319-8930 ... - IP Address Lookup
BrowserLeaks › ...
Telephone, +1-650-319-8930 ; Organization, Abuse ; Address, 101 Townsend Street San Francisco CA 94107. United States ; Registration, Tue, 15 Feb 2011 00:00:47 GMT.

Cloudflare | Internet-Related Services
Arizona Technology Council › list › member › cloudflar...
Internet-Related Services. Cloudflare. Visit Website. 101 Townsend Street. San Francisco, CA 94107. (650) 319-8930. LinkedIn · Facebook · Twitter · YouTube.

Jan registered in 2003 ... Member ID is 466

Registered: 2003-05-18 (

Last post: 2003-05-18 07:01:03

Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Topic: Intelligent Alien Life » Should Klingon be an official language?

Oh oh!  ... the post started a topic which went on through #15

Several folks participated, including a person from India .. alokmohan ...

We'll meet alokmohan again when we are visiting members with 169 posts .... that will be a while

However, regarding our candidate for today ... after receiving such a nice response from the membership at the time, this individual did not post again. I am going to pass.



#319 2023-07-09 08:08:16

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

Today's candidate is James Burk in his former role as webmaster.

It's been since June 18th that I've made time for this outreach effort.

An email to Mr. Burk may go into the bit bucket, but there is a small chance he will see it.

James Burk



#320 2023-07-11 08:31:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: Jamaryn

Jamaryn is member 983 from 2004 from Australia

Registered: 2004-11-04 (
Last post: 2004-11-04 21:06:55
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Topic: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » Terraforming the new Venus - Discussing John Ackermans alternate view

Jamaryn wrote:

Has anyone read the alternate view of venus by John Ackerman. I would like to discuss terraforming this venus … spaper.pdf smile

There don't appear to have been any replies....

The email provider still exists ... I'll send the email.



#321 2023-08-28 07:48:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

The last successful email sent by the forum software was on July 11th.  After the outage, I found that email was not working.

Last night, during the Zoom work session, kbd512 found the log entries for the test email I sent him, and the email arrived at his email account.

Based upon this success, I'll try restarting the Email Outreach Campaign.

Today's candidate is J. Richard Jacobs

The email provider is which still exists...

J. Richard Jacobs is member 778 from 2004

J. Richard Jacobs wrote:

The reasons for going to Mars and/or the moon are many and varied.  Most of them are valid and some are not.  One reason I don't see posted is that it is a way of ensuring our survival as a species.  I don't have the time to go into all the details surrounding that remark at the moment, but if you would like to contact me by email, please, feel free to do so and I would be happy to enter into a brief dialogue with you on the subject.  In the meantime, let's just say that spreading out through the solar system is just the first tiny step in our destiny as a species, with more exciting things to come.  I hope you do well with your project.

J.  big_smile

I'll send the email.



#322 2023-08-29 06:48:32

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

Today's candidate is: interstellarvoyager

The email provider is hotmail, which still exists.

interstellarvoyager was member 760 from 2004

Registered: 2004-03-13 (
Last post: 2004-03-13 17:51:53
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << first wave

interstellarvoyager wrote:

My first (& maybe last) post...

The Space Elevator - always excited by this idea since I read the AC Clarke novel siting this huge tower on a (South-shifted to the Equator) Celon  (OK, Sri Lanka - which apparently translates as Royal Celon...)

Eyeballing the Space Elevator website a while back I recall that the tower is no longer required - you "just" lower a cable (yea - ribbon) to an equatorial sea platform from a satellite hovering in synchronous 24hr orbit - piece of cake, really.  The ballancing force is supplied by "letting out" a countermass into higher orbit.

You can drop into any orbit from a given height up the cable - although any but synchronous will require thrust if the orbit's to be circular.  One of the beauties is that by climbing up high near the countermass you can in theory get thrown out to Mars and beyond.  (This must what Doc Z is working on...  )

I have a feeling that this will all happen, the only snag is we'll lose those spectacular rocket liftoffs forever.   (Ahh, that majestic Saturn V) :;):

Will send email.

As a side note ... nearly 20 years later and space elevator remains out of reach with known technology, for Earth.  it appears to be quite practical for smaller bodies, including Mars.



#323 2023-09-10 11:37:25

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut (with a side to kbd512) ...

I am still testing the email send feature of FluxBB ... it does not seem to be operating reliably, since the recent outage.

It is 17:35:53 UTC as I type this ... the email's for today are just going to admins... the email send feature appears to batch up the requests and they may be sent as much as 10 minutes after they were requested.  The first of today's set of five test emails just went out, so the will show up in the error log after the UTC in this post.

Here are the lines that should show up in the error.log for the server, after the UTC given above:



#324 2023-09-11 08:53:40

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,355

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut .... kbd512 has been buried with work so we did not try to work on forum issues.

However, I'll continue testing the email service until it seems reliable enough to resume the outreach campaign.

This test is starting at UTC 14:53


Last edited by NewMarsMember (2023-09-11 09:11:50)

Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#325 2023-09-12 10:11:47

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

Today's email test sent only three of four planned ...

Input Line:     128
Input Line:     165
Input Line:     202

I did not receive any of the test emails yesterday.



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