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#1 2023-03-28 08:43:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

Almost ten years ago a referendum on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom was held in Scotland in September 2014 it asked "Should Scotland be an independent country?", which voters answered with "Yes" or "No". The "No" side won with 55.3%...but maybe they will soon run this vote again. Great Britain or the United Kingdom is in a strange place, the Scottish, British and Welsh have sometimes become more Atheist or Nihilist, Northern Ireland is still religious. The SNP leader had family who were Pakistani or from the British Empire in Nairobi, Kenya, they later emigrated to Scotland. Yousaf was with a group blocking the M8 motorway to protest the War on Terror to find bin Laden in Afghanistan,  he ran to replace the female leader Sturgeon as leader of the Scottish National Party and First Minister of Scotland. London is like a multi cultural foreign place, Rishi Sunak an Indian leads the British Conservatives, they perform  Hindu ‘Religious Rituals’. Sadiq Khan rules London, he is the first islamo type muslim politician to head a major European capital as he succeeded Boris Johnson as mayor after a bitter campaign facing the son of a Jewish billionaire, Zac Goldsmith. He wanted to ban US President Donald Trump and to overturn the ban on Louis Farrakhan. Khan hasvisited terrorists extradited to the U.S. he campaigned for the release and repatriation of Shaker Aamer, Britain's last Guantanamo detainee and has defended Zacarias Moussaoui, a 9/11 terrorist who admitted to being a member of Al Qaeda. England and Wales voted to quit the EU on the Brexit vote, Scotland and the North of Ireland chose to remain. The former first Minister  Minister Nicola  had said Scotland is once again to seek an independence vote in October 2023.

'Humza Yousaf elected SNP leader: What does this mean for Scottish independence?' … 00982.html

After winning the vote, Yousaf stressed that he wanted an independent Scotland to be a part of Europe, describing himself as "a proud Scot" and saying he was sure the party could "deliver independence for Scotland".

Shortly after winning, he said he would follow the actions of Sturgeon and request a Section 30 and legislate for a new referendum - widely seen by his wing of the party as the “gold standard” for achieving separation.

The UK Government swiftly moved to quash it, with the PM's spokesman saying: "I think you know our well-established position."

Support for independence has continued to grow over the past 45 years, despite appearing to splutter of late. Recently, results from individual polls by YouGov and Techie show the 'No' voters have a current majority - with 53.8% and 54.7% respectively - while the yes votes from the polls (taken in February) show 46.2% and 45.3% respectively.

The 'Yes' vote has dipped recently. Support for Scottish independence grew following the UK's vote to leave the EU in 2016 - with a poll in 2019 showing that support for independence had reached more than 50%.

However, 'Yes' support reached a real peak during the coronavirus pandemic - with polls showing support for independence grew to 56% in November 2020.

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Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-28 08:58:53)


#2 2023-03-28 09:27:50

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

Scottish Muslim leader's rise underlines 'new norm' in UK … norm-in-uk
(AFP) – The jury is out on whether Humza Yousaf can deliver independence for Scotland.

But history's verdict will be clear on the 37-year-old's breakthrough as the first Muslim leader of a western European democracy.

The newly-elected head of the Scottish National Party (SNP) joins the growing ranks of leaders from Britain's old imperial possessions who are remaking the face of UK politics.

Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is the Hindu son of parents whose familial roots lie in India.

One of the new SNP leader's chief adversaries in the Edinburgh parliament will be Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar, who is also of Pakistani heritage.

The evolution confirms "how far ethnic and faith diversity at the top has become a new norm across British politics," said Sunder Katwala, director of the demographics think tank British Future.

King Charles III will now be inviting a Hindu prime minister of Britain and a Muslim first minister of Scotland to his coronation in May, he noted in the Eastern Eye newspaper.


#3 2023-03-28 11:23:57

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,764

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

I think this Muslim will alienate a lot of Scottish people away from the SNP.  Their whole sales pitch exploits the prejudice that Scots have against being run by people that they consider to be foreigners.  Now their own leader is about as foreign to most Scottish as it possible to be.  They have more in common with the English than they do this man.  I don't think he will last long.  I don't think Rishi Sunak's Tories will last long either, for much the same reason.  A lot of White, middle class English people, that wouod usually vote Tory, are not interested in being led by a racial foreigner.

Last edited by Calliban (2023-03-28 11:27:06)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#4 2023-03-28 11:59:57

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


Do you actually think it's more important that someone looks exactly like you, than not being a member of the nuthouse radical left trying to find any possible way to completely destroy western civilization?

What he looks like is utterly irrelevant to anything.  How he thinks is the difference between having a country left, or not.  So long as he was an American, I'd take Rishi Sunak over President Biden, any day of the week.


#5 2023-03-28 14:17:23

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

In history the 5th fifth column refers to revolutionaries, rabble-rousers. What does it take to win, a face people recognize or maybe If Canadian actor Michael John Myers comedian moved to Scotland and put on a silly accent would people there vote for him or do you need separatism, Pro Europe-ism, radical left or Regionalism political positions today?

Maybe I am a futurist who also respects tradition and for people to make some form of effort to assimilate and have a little more respect for a history and culture. Sometimes I think controlling borders can be ok or some form of Secularism can be a good idea like French once considered or before radicals took Turkey. Maybe religion can work if it is benign and not jailing people and oppressive. Perhaps religion can work softly guiding morals not forcing agendas and conflict. I do not know what to truly think of Rishi Sunak I think of myself as Agnostic and you think of yourself as Atheist but perhaps looking at it objectively I am probably more Anti-Theism and you are probably more Agnostic than we would like to admit to ourselves. Rishi Sunak has political experience as British Chancellor of the Exchequer, he is well educated and although he is of an immigrant background he does not parrot the slogans of far-left Neo-Left types who want open borders. Having Borders can be important bringing in too many foreign radicals changed Lebanon from the 'Paris of the Middle East' to country destroyed by Civil War. Once in a while I do look at Alt-media opinions so if breaking news did come out on him it would not shock me to see him bank rolled by other Euro Globalists Elites, I would not be shocked to see any leader Left or Right bankrolled by some royal political globalist elite. Rishi Sunak seems to be far more reasonable than many expected, he is not as fringe as say the islamic Scottish guy or the Mayor Khan of London known for his jihad quotes. The British have truly changed, maybe in a ways I almost feel sorry for them but if you continue on a losing streak you can only get so much sympathy. I think one of their greater weakness was 'Political Correctness' they are historical subjects of a Monarchy they don't speak up as American do after all and they did take peoples from their Empire back home, these cultures are now permanent they will not simply pack their bags and 'migrate' back to their ancestral homeland because they made some money, generations of an alien culture that came to England and Scotland will be born again.

I personally think one of the worst cultures you can bring in are the islamic mohammedan jihadi ones, some will even dress Western and act Western so they can blend in, not all will be into terrorism but some will be a problem. I have many values which might be somewhat Left or Liberal but I am against the spread of islamics I also might be a person who supports cultural assimilation, meaning if you go to a country you should obey the Laws of that country and not try over throw everything, make chaos and riots and explosions and burn down their culture. You don't try to sneak in and 'Sabotage', when you get there you make an effort, maybe others say when in Rome do as the Roman. I have looked at many religion and everyone I have seen has its corruptions, I am probably against mass religious control and maybe I support a form of religious spiritualism removed from a Big Corrupt Religion State Institution, I do not think Hinduism is an answer to a Corrupt Royal Family or a Decaying Religious Church, these things are without doubt part of England's heritage and Hinduism also does have its flaws, in Canada because Trudeau has taken in so many Indians they are forced to pass laws to protect the rights of people against crime, the crimes which are considered normal culture in Hindu culture of India. I would also not be shocked to see outside forces manipulate English or British politics, sometimes riots in England were not White English Football Hooligans fighting Jamaica African Gangsters, sometimes you can find running streets battles between Sikh or Muslim or Hindu immigrant populations, the same issues you see among Desi people's in the Indian Sub Continent...these historical angers and grievance can be exploited. The Scottish vote was very close, sometimes it would flip in 2014 maybe 50 percent for as compared to 49 percent against and as Low as 1 % percent unsure, down to the very last day the election could flip either way the "No" side won with 55.3% of the vote. The SNP and Conservatives are already almost on totally opposite sides and now on top of all this you add in people's who had cultural fighting against each other and sometimes even wars in places like 'Kashmir'. While I think the Quran or Koran is a book filled with radicalism, superstition, folklore, pedophilia, terrorism and Sharia Law Garbage I also find it interesting the Western World now has people like Turkish Dr Oz running, Rashida Tlaib or illhan Omar or of India Sikh Tamil heritage like Kamala Harris, Nikki Haley, Rishi Sunak running for political office, I would argue having more islamics can be a problem not because every one is a radical terrorist but because some might be a problem and the book itself instructs islamics to go to non-moslem Lands and open a path so eventually more can come and invade and eventually reach a percentage where by Sharia Law they occupy over throw the original Laws and take over non muslim land. Some might think having a Pakistani islamic leading Regionalism and a Hindu lead British Conservatives it will be ok...just as it is in Kashmir? When there are less jobs and a hot summer, anything can spark and you have no idea what will cause people to go out and riot. An islamic heads Radical left independence or Pro-Europeanism and Nationalism in Scotland and a Hindu Indian Conservative, some say this diverse mix can make Britain Great and mend the United Kingdom but others will have doubts.

Here is Humza Yousaf Rant against Scot 'White People'

Kbd512 it is not Calliban that race baits looking for someone who looks exactly like him, it is the islamic Leader of the SNP who first went down this route.
'Angry' about comments on the interweb or that Racialisms has made senior Lord Justice judges in Scotland 'White' he wants them Sharia Law islamic Paksitanis who came from the town came have family from near that military base who hid bin Laden? He has anger, his energy shooting against that guys who drive Fire Trucks who are 'White'. Angry that Police are White Christian Scottish? He is angry High Court Judges are 'White'.
Can you imagine some guy from North Korea going to Israel complaining there are too many Jews
or a guy from Haiti moving to Saudi Arabia and complain it has too many muslim Arab Bedouin and doing this without consequence?
If he can so openly bash Scot Whites how long before he and his gang can attack some Yellow B*stard or African or Jew? thsi is the same culture where Cat Stevens' Yusuf Islam can broadcast comments about killing Salman Rushdie on Live tv and yet people still support the musician gone islamist, if things are already this insane, people broadcasting calls for terrorism for an offense to islam how many decades longer before people broadcast 'God Bless Hitler' or nonsense quote from Joe Stalin?
He has anger and hatred the Chief constable police officer is 'White'.
Why such hatred and anger for White Scottish people, did he learn this from Scotland is this Marxist-Bolshevism or is this his 'Jihadi' islamic philosophy?

This is not a bin Laden meeting or Black Panthers meeting, he is speaking at the building of Scottish government, the Scottish Parliament Building at Holyrood, Dùn Èideann Edinburgh he uses the moment to express his hatred for Scottish Whites being in positions of power.

An islamic who hates Scot ethnicity leading fake slogans of Scottish Nationalisms...Is this truly all some kind of false controlled fake clown show?

Some people will look for peace and reconciliation, Nelson Mandela chose a path of peace but perhaps people like Elon Musk and other immigrants seen this kind of stuff before, they seen it happen before gangsters like Winnie Mandela captured and kidnapped Black kids in South Africa, they had some political dispute so directed hatred by putting burning rubber wheels on the teens heads a practice know as 'necklacing' when things do kick off I wonder what Humza Yousaf  will offer?  Useful idiots sometimes elect their gangsters into power, I;m sure at one time Putin was almost charming to the Russians now he is sending Russia to die killing Ukranians, when an idiot gangster gets power it can be difficult to remove that culture.
The islamic SNP 'Leader' he uses the word 'White' almost spitting it out like a curse almost like Germanic would use 'Juden' in the 1940s...and what will happen the other minority when Humza Yousaf and his Sharia Law islamics and Leninism Loony Left buddies not just defeat the old Scots elite but truly take power?

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-29 04:22:49)


#6 2023-03-28 15:28:34

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,764

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

kbd512 wrote:


Do you actually think it's more important that someone looks exactly like you, than not being a member of the nuthouse radical left trying to find any possible way to completely destroy western civilization?

What he looks like is utterly irrelevant to anything.  How he thinks is the difference between having a country left, or not.  So long as he was an American, I'd take Rishi Sunak over President Biden, any day of the week.

This man is not Scottish.  He is not British by any definition.  He is not a European.  The fact that he is a left-wing nut job makes him worse.  Left-wing ideology is simply a tool that he uses to vandalise the British culture that he loathes.  He is an islamic, middle-eastern pretender.  And I would bet a pound to a penny, that that is exactly how most people in Scotland will see him.  So much the better.  When your enemies sympathise with a cause, you know that you should be wary of it.  As someone with a lot of Scottish ancestry, I have always seen the Scottish Independance movement for what it is.  A Marxist project to undermine Britain.

And while we are on the subject, racial differences do matter.  Red and grey squirrals do not run together.  Human beings have different breeds.  They are not equivalent.  You cannot pretend that they are simply interchangable parts in the same social organism.  Biological differences are real.  At a quite basic level, this man is not and never will be one of us.  His anti-western ideology only makes him more obnoxious.  He joined the SNP, not because he cares about Scotland, but because he wants to vandalise Britain.  He is a parasite.

Last edited by Calliban (2023-03-28 15:37:56)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#7 2023-03-28 15:46:15

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


My commentary was about Rishi Sunak.  I've heard enough of the man's speeches and what was said about him by members of the Labor Party to know he's not a communist or other type of radical.  I know very little of Siddiq Khan and nothing of Humza Yousaf, but if they hate their fellow countrymen that much, then maybe they should be removed from power.  It's not possible to represent the best interests of people you openly despise.

All I can say is that even Ilhan Omar had to walk back some of the more racist things she's said about Jewish people, or proposed doing to them.  Sadly, racism is the history, stock, and trade of the Democrat Party.  Contrary to their assertions, there never was any "flip" between Democrats and Republicans.  The Democrats promised jobs to black people back during the Great Depression to win votes- they'll say or do almost anything to gain power because they have no other principles.  The only thing that's changed over time is who Democrats presently hate.  It used to be black people, but now it's white people.  Give them some time and they'll learn to hate some other group of people, with some superficially similar characteristic, which they see as an impediment to their power.  Some of us would like to move past the petty animosity towards others based upon superficial appearances, but the Democrats won't do it.  Even the people of Dearborn who elected Democrats like Ilhan Omar, are slowly but surely learning that these Democrats don't actually represent their interests.


#8 2023-03-28 15:46:32

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

I for one welcome Scottish independence. They gave us Blair; giving the SNP full control is less than they deserve but it's something.

Re. Rishi sunak, with respect kbd you know nothing about British politics. The man is a solid paid up member of the anti growth coalition, with the exception of growing the population through means of mass immigration. He's an awful Prime Minister who has the job because Tory MPs panicked when Liz Truss mentioned economic growth.

Last edited by Terraformer (2023-03-28 15:48:12)

Use what is abundant and build to last


#9 2023-03-28 16:51:08

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,764

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

An independant Scotland would mean an independant England.  An England free from the commitment of hosting a common British nationality, would rediscover its racial identity.  That is a neccesary development in my opinion.  England is the least patriotic country in Europe.  English nationalism is suppressed by the British government.  The weakness of English nationalism was exploited by politicians who imposed mass immigration upon us.  Rishi Sunak is a foreigner and enemy of the English.  You cannot blame an enemy for behaving like an enemy.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#10 2023-03-28 17:07:49

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


Rishi Sunak was born in Southampton, England.  Humza Yousaf was born in Glasgow, Scotland.  I listened to Humza Yousaf just now in his acceptance speech and he sure sounds like he's from Scotland.  That, or he does a really good job of faking it.  They can't change their skin color.  They were born that way.  You'll have to get over that, or not.  Maybe this is just an American thing, but skin color is not what makes us Americans.  As far as which ones are far left radicals, that's down to how they govern.  Bill Clinton would be called a far right wing radical by the Democrat Party if he ran for office today, "me, too" would undoubtedly be after him, and unless half his cabinet was filled with people approved by the permanent political establishment, he'd never be allowed to get things done.

This is my notion of "far right wing radicalism":
1. Don't spend money you don't have to spend.  At some point, the answer is not to "just spend more money".
2. Don't promise things to people you know or should know you have no ability to deliver on.
3. Nothing in this world is "free".  Stop demanding things from other people which you don't demand of yourself.
4. Don't start wars you don't intend to win.  This hurts morale and erodes trust amongst allies, so don't.
5. Don't let people into the country without at least first checking to see if they're a drug cartel member or terrorist.

That's some real crazy talk, isn't it?  You can do just about anything else as a left or right politician, which is not an outright absurdity or direct assault on our Bill of Rights, and I really don't care.  That makes me "far right", according to the "far left".  I would've been a middle of the road American when I grew up.

I already know what the far left wants.  They want absolute control and authority over every aspect of our lives, because they're out of control and aren't sufficiently self-aware to admit to that fact.  They've done less than nothing to earn a level of trust so great that they should ever be given such power.  Until they pull a 180 on all of the self-destructive nonsense they support, I'm not going to go along with what they want.  They can either start acting as if they're not the only people in the country with valid opinions and beliefs, or they can go pound sand.  What they opt for makes no difference to me.


#11 2023-03-28 17:10:04

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


You're absolutely correct.  I know nothing of British politics.  From the look of all this, I don't want to know anything about it, either.


#12 2023-03-28 17:16:08

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

Being born in Harlem doesn't make someone African-American. Your ethnicity is not derived from being raised in a particular place, it's derived from ancestry and culture.

I can accept culturally English as a concept, but we have ethnic ghettoes. I'm not going to accept that someone raised in one of them has been raised in English culture and is as such culturally English. Assimilation takes time, at least three generations, and requires a shedding of the old culture. Any groups that can't let that go cannot be called English without rending the term wholly hollow, a mere geographic descriptor instead of a pointer to a person's culture and upbringing.

They can have British. That *is* a mere geographic descriptor.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#13 2023-03-28 22:21:08

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


I don't believe that ethnicity or money or titles makes anyone American, let alone less than or more than or special in some way.  My grandfather was amongst the first generation born here in America after his mother and father immigrated from Ireland.  He grew up on a ranch in Texas.  He served in the United States Marine Corps, Second Marine Division, during WWII.  I don't recall anyone ever telling me, or him, that he wasn't a real American, or that he hadn't assimilated.  He certainly wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth.  During the Great Depression, almost everyone was poor in America.  That sad fact of life didn't make any of them less American.


#14 2023-03-29 02:51:30

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


Yet again you bring up America in a thread about Britain. Why. Do you not understand that we are not the 51st state, that's just a joke?

England has been around for a millennia before America declared itself into existence. It's quite arrogant to tell us that we should uproot our culture and adopt American ideas of identity instead.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#15 2023-03-29 10:17:10

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


You just told me that what makes your "English culture" unique, is passing between your mother's legs in the same approximate location where she passed through her mother's legs.  Calliban seems to think it's skin pigmentation.  So, immutable superficial physical characteristics define who the English are.  I'd like to think that how you choose to treat others defines who you are, as well as who others are.


#16 2023-03-29 10:39:19

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

No I didn't. You, however, seem to think what makes your "American culture" unique is where your mother was when she birthed you. Or later, where you moved to. That's not culture, that's an empty geographic signifier.

I did mention English culture (not ethnicity, which is linked but not the same) after I'd talked about English ethnicity, which is about the environment you were raised in or perhaps later assimilated to. This isn't difficult to understand. Words can have different meanings in different contexts -- legally, mushrooms are vegetables (American law; the important thing to understand about legal definitions is their tenous connection to truth. They're not made for truth, only usefulness.). One can be culturally english (assimilated, raised in english culture etc) without being ethnically english (of english descent). I don't know why you're so, um, keen on messing with the definitions of words. It's not even your language to mess with! The founding fathers should have had a conlanger amongst them! Or at least Webster could have gone a lot further in his meddling.

Last edited by Terraformer (2023-03-29 11:02:01)

Use what is abundant and build to last


#17 2023-03-29 12:15:02

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


For Rishi Sunak to not be one of your countrymen, or as English as any of the rest of you, I'm wondering how he avoided English culture during all of his childhood and most of his adult life.  There was that one stint at Stanford to get his MBA, but he'd already attended two English colleges at that point, so whatever indoctrination was done, it happened in England.  At most, there should've been some polite indifference to our strange American ways while he was living in California.  His father was a medical doctor and his mother was a pharmacist.  He attended a prep school.  I'm guessing his parents paid a good bit of money for that.  I don't know what qualifies as "not being from ghetto culture", but he was born into more money than most Americans or English will ever have.  He certainly wasn't raised in a ghetto.  He was going to knife and fork school before most of the officers serving in our military.

How can such a person not "come from English culture"?


#18 2023-03-29 12:27:33

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

The RAIR Foundation does report news on islamism and Scotland, but I personally don't consume much of its reporting, a website like this it is somewhat Neo-Con right-biased and questionable political spins are put on its reports. However that does not mean everything they report is false, reports say the SNP's Yousaf is now praying in his islamic way and he was formerly the Media spokesperson for terror-tied Islamic Relief Worldwide, groups like this have been linked to terror in 1999, Islamic Relief Worldwide received a payment of $50,000 from a Canadian charity that the US Department of the Treasury and other governments identified as a Taliban style Al Qaeda Chechnya Jihadi and a bin Laden -ish front. The SNP leader on twitter seems to have joked about people's concerns with islamo rape gangs, mocking people attacked by illegal invaders or mocked victims of rapists. Mainstream news media reported he was going to jail people for offensive words, mocking elderly, ban mockery of transgender culture as 'Offensive' and religions was seen as 'Hate Speech' and he was announcing measures with 7 year jail terms. He is an enthusiastic supporter of the foreign islamic leaning media Al Jazeera and has also boasted on his social media of his deals with the foreign theocratic monarchy of Qatar  he has organized gatherings featuring three prominent 'Islamists' Mohammed Sawalha, Anas Altikriti, and Ismail Patel plus he has family links with the guy Osama Saeed who links to the 'Muslim Brotherhood'  Osama Saeed himself has called for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate. I don't know if these Rair or Breitbart or Foxnews style reports are true but I have never seen them truly debunked, Breitbart has a London office so in Orwellian England if they were posting outright lies and falsehoods I feel they would be forced to retract stories.

Remember during the War on Terror and after the Fall of Libya and a Civil War that followed, next Syria, then ISIS both refugees and jihads started arriving by boat into there were mass shootings and bombings.

News groups like the BBC would talk to muslims on violence

'The majority of British Muslims oppose violence.


and the strange thing is a lot of statements are useless when followed by the word 'but'...
But 27% of the 1,000 Muslims polled by ComRes said they had some sympathy for the motives behind the Paris attacks.

Almost 80% said they had found it deeply offensive when images depicting the Prophet were published.

'Mohammad Cartoon Controversy: The Jihad Against Free Speech' … ree-speech

There was a time when even islamics made pictures of mahomet … c_mo_full/

quote … k-31293196

11% feel sympathy for people who want to fight against western interests

93% believed that Muslims in Britain should always obey British laws.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-29 12:53:19)


#19 2023-03-29 12:30:32

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


You're confusing me with Calliban. Unless you mean ethnically rather than culturally, which you also get confused.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#20 2023-03-29 12:53:17

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


Ethnicity - the quality or fact of belonging to a population group or subgroup made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent.

Culture - the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.

Is Rishi Sunak English?  If he's not, then why not?  If he's not English, then what is he?


#21 2023-03-29 13:22:04

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

I will also ask you a couple of questions, and if you answer me, I will tell answer yours.

Is a mushroom a vegetable? Is a tomato a fruit?

Use what is abundant and build to last


#22 2023-03-29 15:11:16

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


A mushroom is a fungus, so not a vegetable.  A tomato is a type of fruit.


#23 2023-03-29 15:32:57

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

1) Legally it's a vegetable, 2) Culinarily it's a vegetable.

Ethnically Rishi Sunak is not English, culturally he may be (I am not privy to his internal state -- to be quite honest though he looks like someone who doesn't really *have* a culture). Geographically he is. Legally he is British, as Englishness doesn't exist in law. But the most common definition used is the ethnic one, and by that he is not English. As to what his ethnicity *is*, it appears to be British Punjabi.

Is this so hard to understand? That words can have meanings that shift according to context? Must every word have one precise meaning, and categories nice, sharp, clearly defined, and utterly useless borders?

Last edited by Terraformer (2023-03-29 15:34:19)

Use what is abundant and build to last


#24 2023-03-29 21:09:04

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.


Do you want Rishi Sunak to follow the social norms of English culture, especially given the fact that he was elected Prime Minister?

If so, then he has to have agency as an Englishman.  Telling someone, or especially an entire group of people, that they can never truly belong to the culture you want them to assimilate to, because they don't look like you, essentially that they don't share your specific parentage, is a better than average way to remove agency.  They can never change who their parents are, or where their parents came from.  People can only belong to a group who accepts them.  There can be rules to follow for being English, and there should be rules, but the rules cannot be written in such a way that they're not possible to adhere to.

If you despise ghetto culture, or other groups of people who immigrate but then try to recreate or imitate the culture of the people they left behind, then you need to provide an attainable alternative.  They have to belong to some group, so if you want them to behave like part of your group, then that's how you need to treat them.  They can't be "the other", or they'll behave like "the other", and that's probably not something you actually want.


#25 2023-03-30 04:41:47

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,764

Re: ScottishNationalParty is Punjab Pakistani muslim Humza Yousaf.

How Scottish is Humza Yousaf?

Clearly, being born in Scotland does not make this man Scottish.

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