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#51 2006-01-19 22:14:49

Registered: 2006-01-10
Posts: 54

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

Like the Anti-Establishment,  Arabic Rappin' Rock Star that he is, Osama bin Laden has just released his latest Audio Cuts on the al Jezeera Label.  Confirmed to be "Authentic Osama" by the CIA, young hipsters are jammin' 'round the planet to the hip-hop beats of their funky Islamic Monkey.

Since the paid professionals (we assume) of the CIA, FBI, NSA and Homeland Security (hay how come they don't get an ACRONYM ?) are busy trying to anticipate Osama's next US target, and we wait to find out who ends up limbless next, I though perhaps we could entertain ourselves.

It seems to me that since the whole point of the Islamic Jihad is about (their version of) Justice, a valid strategy (for them) might be to try to make THEIR justice look (as much as possible) like OUR justice.

Since we are the "Great American Satan", what better way to prove the unjust nature of our Satanic form of self-governance by underlining (one of) it's failures?

By "executing" someone perceived to exist as a living example of the ineffective and unjust nature of the American Judicial System, such as....

Well, OJ Simpson for one.


Or how 'bout Michael Jackson ?

Both even.  Heh, that would have impact, for sure.

Next to a Venezualan-Al-Quaida alliance resulting in the public assasaination of TV Evangelist Pat Robertson (as a retaliatory measure), I can think of nothing more entertaining than the videotaped beheading of Michael Jackson being made available for download at  Or OJ even.  But I think Michey would squeal better.

Note to beheaders:  This time do it right and use high-quality video-recorders.  Also, please give Mikey lots of time to squeal before slaying the infidel.


#52 2006-01-21 14:47:42

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

This has nothing to do with mars. I say kill this thread. But well we’re here you did say one thing somewhat intelligent. Although maybe it was too obvious an observation. That being that the media loves a story people can get attached to. Countless crimes happen every day and the media only selects a few for us to see. Your right, one of the criterion is probably looks. They probably look for something we can get attached to. The victim can’t be poor lazy or reckless. It has to be someone that can garner mass sympathy. Someone with a future. Someone with everything to lose.

So is this an astute observation or just you gave us or a blind statement of the obvious. I’m not sure, but another probable truth is Clakes excellent job of describing you psychological profile. You asked the question what is a troll, and in my honest opinion Clark did a very good job at summing it up. Clark may call him self an idiot but he is one of the people I come to read when I come to new mars.

Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]


#53 2006-01-21 21:48:02

Registered: 2006-01-10
Posts: 54

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

This has nothing to do with mars. I say kill this thread.

It has everything to do with Mars.  Humanity can join together in a shared endeavor (space exploration), or we can do everything else.  I merely describe what that "everything else" looks like.

clark is as vain and degenerate an idiot as I have ever encountered, and he knows and has admintted it.  Interesting how selective a person can be about picking and choosing which qualities they choose to believe in.

Furthermore, the explanation as to exactly what "trolling" is, and why it should be considered "bad" by the community was feeble and pointless, and it's level of insight was directly proportionate to the level of ability and efforts of both it's pontificator and his syncophant.  Which is to say nil.

I find it rather amazing that I am castigated for "blindly" stating the "obvious", while the accuser apparantly missing the vast majority of the points made.  The existance of this dynamic here on THIS forum may be one of the primary reasons humanities progress toward space has been retarded.

You can't get to space until you can define "trolling" and adequately explain why (or if) it should be considered "bad", but I won't tell you why.  Think about it, if the capacity exists.

The problem with any Great Endeavor is that it requires the involvement of the unwashed; either their active support, their passive permission or both.

Behold the Unwashed, in all my resplendant Glory.


#54 2006-01-22 01:11:36

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

This has nothing to do with mars. I say kill this thread.

It has everything to do with Mars.  Humanity can join together in a shared endeavor (space exploration), or we can do everything else.  I merely describe what that "everything else" looks like.

clark is as vain and degenerate an idiot as I have ever encountered, and he knows and has admintted it.  Interesting how selective a person can be about picking and choosing which qualities they choose to believe in.

Furthermore, the explanation as to exactly what "trolling" is, and why it should be considered "bad" by the community was feeble and pointless, and it's level of insight was directly proportionate to the level of ability and efforts of both it's pontificator and his syncophant.  Which is to say nil.

I find it rather amazing that I am castigated for "blindly" stating the "obvious", while the accuser apparantly missing the vast majority of the points made.  The existance of this dynamic here on THIS forum may be one of the primary reasons humanities progress toward space has been retarded.

You can't get to space until you can define "trolling" and adequately explain why (or if) it should be considered "bad", but I won't tell you why.  Think about it, if the capacity exists.

The problem with any Great Endeavor is that it requires the involvement of the unwashed; either their active support, their passive permission or both.

Behold the Unwashed, in all my resplendant Glory.

Cicero, a great statesmen and political scientist considered the idea of a philosopher king a horrible idea. He beveled philosophers as statements would not get anything done as they spend their time sitting around and arguing with each other.

Anyway one, with the mentality that we need to define trolling before going to space has the sort of anti productive mentality that Cisero feared would be in the philosopher king.

Trolling is the most inconsequently form of anti-social behavior and was defined very well by Clark. It is creating posts purely to get a response usually because of some need for self-gratification of delusional ideas. It is away for the troll to blame society for their shortcomings and not them selves.

I highly recommend that if you want to participate in these forms that you read the terms of service. There is a free chat form and if you want to discuss trolling, call your thread trolling, and I am sure the moderations and administrators will let you go on and on with your trip. But if you continue to assert that this has anything to do with space exploration I hope you quickly get the boot.

Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]


#55 2006-01-22 17:46:51

Registered: 2006-01-10
Posts: 54

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

Cicero, a great statesmen and political scientist considered the idea of a philosopher king a horrible idea. He beveled philosophers as statements would not get anything done as they spend their time sitting around and arguing with each other.

Well, if the "Philosopher" was also "King", it really wouldn't matter what all the arguing was about, would it ?  Seems to me that Cisero kind of missed the whole definition of the word "King".

Now, George Bush is not a King.  Nor is he a philosopher.  But he does have significant power over America's future space endeavors, as well as America's military endeavors.

Lacking the education and inspirational insight of a philosopher, he has used his king-like powers to invade a foreign country.

Most inhabitants of non-democratic countries fail to see political events in terms of their "inter-relatedness'.  The uneducated young and the mentally retarded also have this condition.

However I assert that, by virtue of America's Democratic nature, the connection between Space Exploration and any other National Endeavor (such as the invasion of Iraq OR Mexico) ARE related.

As an American Citizen, they are related because I say they are.  It's an amazing and wonderful thing to be an American, but it's difficult to truly appreciate exactly how wonderful it is until one encounters the feeble-minded "thinking" from feeble- minded souls from inferior countries and cultures.

Certainly, this is one "positive" I have gained thus far from my experiences here.

This thread was titled to mean exactly what I meant it to mean.  "Uh, I thought ..."'s subject is "me", and what I "thought" about our future hopes of exploring Mars by a manned misssion.  To a certain extent, this question has been answered insofar as I have been "set straight" about what other people think Bush's Space Exploration Policy was and is.

But I still think it is within the parameters of the topic to discuss WHY it might be that Bush and his administration created the impression that the goal of landing a manned mission on the surface of Mars was something that was really going to happen.

The notion of "Weapons of Mass Distraction" is already well-accepted by most people.  I merely assert that the "Mars announcement" was a variation on the same theme.

The point has already been made that (Bush in particular) cannot be held responsible for what I (or anyone else) THOUGHT he said, which I chose to ignore.  But now is a good time to ridicule that notion.  Imagine, a politician that has a population that refuses to hold him accountable for what they THOUGHT he said.

Ha HA HA !  That universe would be called "Policial Heaven".  Imagine trying to hold the politician accountable, and he points to the fine print of the disclaimer of his Political Ad.  And they accept it and go away.

Ha HA!

Of course politicians are held accountable for what we (and/or I) think they say.  The ability to to create these kinds of illusions are the very reason why they are what they are, instead of serving 44 oz. Slurpees at the Neighborhood Diamond Shamrock.

So my point is:  George Bush created this illusion, I believed it and now I discover it was a lie.

So why was it a lie ?  Did he wave "bye-bye" and send Marines off to die, to invade a foreign country and it was all just one big lie?

Hell, I thought we were going to Mars.

Well, I'll just be taking back my faith and trust now.  And re-examining the motives of the Bush administration, and coming up with my own explanations as to why we aren't going to Mars but we ARE going to Iraq.

Hay, did you hear they're talking about Iran as the next big threat ?
Maybe George will be promising us a trip to Venus next.


It (trolling) is creating posts purely to get a response usually because of some need for self-gratification of delusional ideas.

is a completley inadequate definition as it depends entirely on the reader's ability to derive the intentions of the "troller".

And if you can't understand the meaning of the post as it appears right in front of you in black & white, you certainly aren't qualified to determine the intentions of the person that created it.


#56 2006-01-23 12:51:20

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

Of little men who dream of ships
And thunder with forked tongue and lips
Sweet tender comes their subtle lie
With words untied to make us sigh
Oh woe, woe, they long exhale-
The same, the same grows ever stale.

Wow. I mean, WOW. Riz4rocket, not content with the attention received so far, strikes out in ever more numerous threads. It is so… so… pathetic. I for one am enjoying watch you try to reach for that brass ring. I mean, it almost sounds like you might know what you are talking about, but then, like an ass, like the fool, you just keep talking, revealing just how absurdly stupid you really, truly, and utterly are.

I could forgive you if you demonstrated (as any –good- troll knows) that you were trying to reach your point through a round a bout manner that fostered discussion and made people question their own perspective. I could forgive you. But I can’t because you just bray on and on like the innumerable meaningless idiots that have learned to read at a 4th grade level and can write at a 2nd grade level. So now, because some moron did us all the disservice of showing you what a computer is, how the internet works, and made you realize that you CAN be a shut in and still noticed, we all suffer.

I still love you.


#57 2006-01-23 21:17:04

Registered: 2006-01-10
Posts: 54

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

I feel dirty and ashamed, everytime you say that.  Hay we should call this thread "Broked**k Martian Mountain".

And I can play the dozens
with you AND your martian cousins,
Your talent never WAS, 'n
Only YOU can hear the buzzin'

It might sound kind of callous,
and I say this with no malice, but
you've confused this Ivory Palace
with playing with your phallus

My posts are meant to seed it,
the message shines to lead it, and
a pig to trough you read it.


#58 2006-01-25 20:29:28

Registered: 2006-01-10
Posts: 54

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

Someone in the National Security Administration should hire me:

Instead, lets invade Mexico, pocket the profits from that endeavor and use them to fund a vacation trip to Mars.

A president who did that would probably need to go to Mars afterwards to escape with his life. The American people would remove him, by impeachment if possible and revolution if necessary, and if America actually invaded Mexico, the world would come to their defense and America, mighty as it is, would fail.

Mexico Military crosses US Border in effort to smuggle Narcotics

Heard it on the AM radio today.

The Mexican Government is claiming that the border-crossing narcotics traffickers weren't part of the Mexican Military, which in my opinion proves the allegation.

Because they couldn't possibly know that to be the case, without at least SOME investigation.

So the denial is more like an admission of guilt.

Y'know, Saddam never invaded the Untited States and he never got got smuggling narcotics into it.

And Mexico has oil.

LOTS of oil....       wink


#59 2022-07-06 18:09:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

China plans new mission to Mars


#60 2023-03-10 08:12:37

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

New Budget

$27.2 bn for NASA to boost Moon, Mars

for some reason the SpaceRef does not link and gives an error message when I try post

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-10 08:13:32)


#61 2023-12-08 14:35:43

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

What's Correct what was not correct after 16 years when he published an essay.

“We’ve Lost Ground”  - Former NASA Administrator, Mike Griffin

and talks about NASA budgets adjusted for inflation

Mike Griffin also talks about Heavy Lift possibility, he is highly critical of the Lunar 'Gateway' Station, he also talks about Free Market of product and ideas, Government and Commercial Space Flight.

older topic
'Really big rockets'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-12-08 15:02:41)


#62 2023-12-13 00:53:01

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Uh.. I thought we were going to Mars within the Decade ?

Mars has always been mid 2030's if you paid attention 30 years ago, or at least that was what the "plan" from NASA at the time, supporting technology development plans, and monetary focus all pointed to. A fast track to Mars was never in the cards unless there was some kind of larger competing narrative that served a political purpose. In the absence of that, development and progress has occurred at a sustainable rate.

The shuttle had to go, that was a gate. ISS will have to go, that is a gate. Reliable commercialization of space launch has to occur, that is a gate, which is on track.  The moon is a test bed, but it remains to be seen if that will trap us for another 10-20 years. The Artemis plan is what should be watched. There won't be much Mars if we sink everything into the Moon. If they stick to the plan, Mars in most here's lifetime. If they don't, probably your kids or when you near the end of your own.


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