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#1 2022-06-03 17:21:49

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

Some people develop personality flaws when put under high stress for example the protests on Skylab and MIR from overwork and no downtime. Others like Lisa Marie Nowak née Caputo, a highly skilled and educated mission specialist, served her country and may pass psychological tests even become astronauts but something happens to their life where they follow a path of criminality, there might be need for people living in stressful conditions on Mars to have  medical check ups on their mind or body and need of psychiatric evaluation

This is not a criticism of any one person and the individual personality, but a thoery on what could go wrong with the wrong stressful conditions and wrong people. Let's imagine fictional future on Mars, you build a community in the near future a few high tech but vulnerable towns must be filled on Mars, resources are scarce but man power and ideas and work is needed to get these towns moving. Let's imagine a fictional scenario where you first interview everyone, you get to screen or interview people going to Mars and stop certain types from going to a Titan colony or a Mars settlement. Alexithymia is a personality trait characterized by the subclinical inability to identify and describe emotions experienced by oneself. The core characteristic of alexithymia is marked dysfunction in emotional awareness, social attachment, and interpersonal relation. Human psychology sometimes will class 4 Personality Types Director, Socialize Type, Thinker, Supporter A, B, C, and D  there are pop psychology books for example Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, there is also Myers & Briggs' has as many as 16 Personality Types. The worst type you could have would be a combination of flaws from many types, the borderline crazy perhaps. The Narcissist, a Rasputin type fringe witch doctor or Religious Zealot, Stubborn Easily Angered Impatient, Lack of Foresight and Insight, Arrogant or cocky, too Skeptical disbelieving or stubborn, some people have supported the use of Drugs and Alcohol on Mars, however would this really be a solution to stress? What could drugs do to Pushy or Aggressive with Instability combined with some sociopath or borderline psychopath disorder and drug or alcohol addiction problems.  People who find themselves over-ride by emotions rather than calm logical thinking?

4 temperament theory is a proto-psychological theory which suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. Five personality modern traits is a suggested taxonomy, or grouping, for personality traits, they were refereed to as openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious) plus conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless) also extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved) and agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/rational) plus neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident). Someone described as conscientious is more likely to be described as "always prepared" rather than "messy". These associations suggest five broad dimensions used in common language to describe the Five human personality, temperament and psyche. Most old Greek 4 temperament formulations include the possibility of mixtures among the types where an individual's personality types overlap and they share two or more temperaments. Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BC) described the four temperaments as part of the ancient medical concept of humourism, … mperaments
that four bodily fluids affect human personality traits and behaviors.  The Asian blood type personality theory is a pseudoscientific belief prevalent in Japan and South Korea, which states that a person's blood group system is predictive of a person's brain personality, temperament, and compatibility with others, it has been compared to other pseudo science and spiritualism like UFO-ology, astronomy or 'magic' superstition. Psychology itself can often come across as a philosophical science rather with too many variables and random factors than a factual real world science. In 2014, a Korean matchmaking company Duo conducted a research survey closely examined 3,000 couples and found that blood type had no significant impact on the possibility of a couple getting married. In 2017, a meta-analysis of studies, using the Big Five personality test, involving 260,861 subjects found that six genes affected human personality.  However, the coefficient of determination was as low as 0.04%. This is usually considered to be an error. In Japan, discussion of blood types is widely popular in women's magazines as a way of gauging relationship compatibility with a potential or current partner. Morning television shows feature blood type horoscopes, and similar horoscopes are published daily in newspapers. It has been suggested that the Big Five system should be replaced by HEXACO, or revised to better align with lexical evidence.

The HEXACO six factors, or dimensions to examine a person's mind or personality, include Honesty-Humility (H), Emotionality (E), Extraversion (X), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), and Openness to Experience (O). Each factor is composed of traits with characteristics indicating high and low levels. Trait theory (also called dispositional theory) is an approach to the study of human personality. Trait theorists are primarily interested in the measurement of traits, which can be defined as habitual patterns of behaviour, thought, and emotion. Disinhibition personlaity has been consistently associated with substance abuse disorders, obesity, higher BMI, excessive eating, an increased rate of eating, and perceived hunger. Harm avoidance (HA) is a brain type human personality trait characterized by excessive worrying; pessimism; shyness; and being fearful, doubtful, and easily fatigued. In MRI studies HA was correlated with reduced grey matter volume in the orbito-frontal, occipital and parietal regions, it has been suggested that HA is related to high serotonergic activity. The 16 personality type Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has become popular thanks to internet websites, videos and online debate.

Narcissist or Psychopath—How Can You Tell? … n-you-tell

A question I am often asked on social media is: What differentiates the narcissist from the psychopath? This is a profound question that has many divergent views, depending on who you talk to.

As I have written in previous posts, narcissists, in my experience, are noteworthy for their principal trait of overvaluing themselves at the expense of devaluing others. They think of themselves as special, privileged, entitled, and void of flaws—in other words, they give themselves plenty of latitude, while giving others little to none. In their mind, they are always right, and the rules don’t really apply to them. They are incapable of admitting mistakes and taking responsibility. If things work, they believe it is thanks to them. If things fail, it’s the fault of others.

Signs of a Narcissistic Sociopath

A narcissistic sociopath describes a dangerous person who demonstrates traits and symptoms of both narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and antisocial personality disorder (APD). They derive satisfaction from manipulating, deceiving, using, and abusing others in order to get what they want.
They may use charm, charisma, humor, or other disguises to get people to like and trust them, making it harder to detect their narcissistic and sociopathic traits.

Are Narcissists and Sociopaths The Same? … n-overview

Though narcissism is typically present in sociopaths, all narcissists are not sociopaths. The primary difference is the motivation behind the actions and decisions of the two. Whereas narcissists are driven by their ego and an extreme need for recognition from others, sociopaths typically are driven by persistence and achieving a goal or specific result by any means, not necessarily because they are in pursuit of recognition or outside validation.

It is said the narcissistic sociopath will Live In a Deluded Reality, it is wrote that they would develop a Psycho Obsessed With Power & Control.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-03 17:39:32)


#2 2022-06-03 20:11:43

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

For Mars_B4_Moon re new topic....

Best wishes for success with this ambitious new topic.

Your opening post, with citation of a few of the many personality assessment systems that have been developed, included one or two I'd not heard of, and the idea of using ** blood type ** to measure ** anything ** was a surprise, so thanks for that one.

It's been a number of years since everyone at the good sized company where I was working had to take a personality assessment.  I'll try to recall the elements of that system.  At the time, I thought it was reasonable, and I got the impression most employees agreed.

However, the needs of a large capitalist corporation are quite different from the needs of a community wanting to survive on Mars.

I'm hoping other members will add to this topic, with examples of assessment systems from their experience, or perhaps ones they've studied that were not included in your opening post.

Whatever personality assessment used for selection of crews for submarines would seem worth considering.

Whatever personality assessment used for selection of candidates for elite military organizations might be worth considering.

There are some in this forum who have (in the past) suggested no limits of any kind on personalities that might be showing up on Mars.

I'll bet the Chinese will give a ** lot ** of thought to the harmonious makeup of their crews.

Their recent example of confining literally millions of people to their homes/apartments for weeks demonstrates the high level of harmonious co-living the Chinese have achieved.

Other cultures have demonstrated an inability to endure such restrictions.

It will be interesting to compare success of various expeditions in the years ahead.



#3 2022-06-04 07:15:40

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

This post is about a personality assessment framework that I have seen applied in a corporate (US private business) context.

I'm doubtful it is applicable to the extreme risks identified by Mars_B4_Moon. 

I asked Google for snippets about the personality assessment method that features: analytical, driver, amiable and expressive.

About 1,360,000 results (0.79 seconds)

Personality Test: Driver, Expressive, Analytical or Amiable? › blog › personality-test-are-...
Take the personality test and you'll be presented with additional information about the Driver, the Analytical, the Expressive and the Amiable.

Analytical Blue Driver Red Amiable Green Expressionist Yellow › Personality CategoriesPDF
Merrill-Reid method, which categorizes personality types into 4 as: •. Driver. •. Expressive. •. Amiable. •. Analytical. These styles are defined by two ...
11 pages

Personality Types › WASA › Academies › ECSAPDF
The four personality types are: Driver, Expressive, Amiable, and Analytical. There are two variables to identify any personality: Are they better at facts ...
8 pages
People also ask
What are the 4 personality styles?
What is a driver personality type?
What is an amiable personality type?
What are the strengths of an amiable person?

The Four Different Personality Types | by Brett Hardin › the-four-different-personality...
The four personality types are: Driver, Expressive, Amiable, and Analytical. There are two variables to identify any personality: Are they better at facts ...

A detail I remember was (is) that the procedure involved was for each employee to ask for feedback from four other employees.

Each person who agreed to participate was then given a detailed questionnaire.  The results were compiled and delivered back to the employee.  The system has a built-in bias.  The employee is going to give the request to four people who might be willing to make the effort required. Presumably this means those four people are either good friends, or not unfriendly.

And no... before anyone asks ... I am NOT going to reveal my assessment.  I still use the system to (attempt to) evaluate the various personalities with whom I interact, but until Mars_B4_Moon created this topic, I had not thought about this in years.



#4 2022-06-04 09:42:36

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

If Sweden built a Mars settlement would they sterilize their undesirable or dangerous crazy types?

Some people here used to question the sanity of Elon Musk and if he was the right guy for Mars, perhaps still do.
Concern about his physical and mental health because he made a number of erratic statements, tweets and confessions

GW Johnson wrote:

Workaholics usually do implode at least once before they die.

Meanwhile,  he needs to relax now and then.  Get away from work.  Unless he can do that,  he will stay addicted to the drugs,  and become increasingly erratic behaviorally.  I've seen this before,  we all have.  His relatives should probably attempt an intervention. 


Maybe they will test a colony of monkeys and ants or dogs on Mars before humans and if we are sending different types of people should they be tested psychologically? Should an tourist or astronaut or business man or explorer on Mars be give a code of morals or ethics to follow by Rule of Law? There might also be a situation where not just one person is destructive but a system or corporation or religion or form of government might be incorrect for Mars, for example the trouble and radical issues of islam, the oppression and crimes of forced Communism, not one individual but a group following one 'charming' individual with the wrong personality types. Sometimes Doctors themsleves might have questionable morals and ethics, an experiment was a controlled experiment showing empirical evidence of classical conditioning in humans they have done it in the Western world on twins, it was an un-ethical and immoral experiment done in the West, triplet brothers discovered one another by chance in New York. One very interesting film I seen was 'Three Identical Strangers' it was about 3 Twins who were all put up for adoption and separated, who went on their separate ways, lived different lives but then almost randomly came across each other and met up later in life. The movie 3 Identical Strangers was a 2018 documentary about the lives of Edward Galland, David Kellman, and Robert Shafran, a set of identical triplet all raised by by separate families. It turned out the whole thing was organized, possibly an experiment by some sicko doctor and had possible government involvement it also leads to questions if inside of each of us do we have some kind of genetic code or bloodline or DNA that makes us like certain books, gravitate to certain music or will some people have a very similar taste in food or others from a different genetic line have a far different set of tastes and mannerism and behavior . I will not spoil the 3 Identical Strangers movie but the film holds an approval rating of 96% based on 186 reviews and it is very interesting a good watch and the background story is a good read. There have also been morally questionable experiments and study also done on dog and infants from Johns Hopkins University to induce phobias inside kids and animals where none had previously existed. There is the biologist, psychologist and doctor belief that animal behavior can be studied I'm not sure with moral ethics but studied profitably and compared in a situation like inside a room or in a new colony and the expected behavior of an animal can be compared with the instincts with human behavior.

In regards to depression there have been interesting replies in some other newmars threads

' Civilization and Culture Psychology - issues and concerns...

kbd512 wrote:

I don't think happiness / unhappiness rates has anything to do with where you live, or that you somehow "adapted" to be happy in dimmer lighting, even though that is certainly possible.  There's probably quite a bit more to it than that.  It could be the case that everyone who was not well-adapted to such conditions killed themselves, and that's why the remaining people seemed "happy", or maybe they do a better job of hiding angst and depression, hard to say for sure.

World Population Review - Suicide Rate by Country

From the article (Suicides by Country):

Top 10 Highest Suicide Rates:
1. Lesotho - 72.4
2. Guyana - 40.3
3. Eswatini - 29.4
4. South Korea - 28.6
5. Kiribati - 28.3
6. Federated States of Micronesia - 28.2
7. Lithuania - 26.1
8. Suriname - 25.4
9. Russia - 25.1
10. South Africa - 23.5

Bottom 10 Lowest Suicide Rates:
1. Antigua and Barbuda - 0.4
2. Barbados - 0.6
3. Grenada - 0.7
4. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 1.0
5. Sao Tome and Principe - 1.5
6. Jordan - 1.6
7. Syria - 2.0
8. Venezuela - 2.1
9. Honduras - 2.1
10. Philippines - 2.2

Going to a single country and proclaiming that the people living there have "the happy pill" because they've adapted to life in low lighting conditions is probably not a good correlation to make, especially when the Russians are offing themselves in such numbers, despite living in the same latitudes for the same period of time.

The psychology of the mob and masses?

Some believe society itself on Earth, in the West or USA may be reaching 'critical mass'

kbd512 wrote:

The fundamental problem is that we have a critical mass of self-centered people who very selfishly believe that the purpose of a government is to give them whatever they want.

tahanson43206 wrote:

I'll bet the Chinese will give a ** lot ** of thought to the harmonious makeup of their crews.

I find a lot of the Asians in the East operate a similar harmonious 'Hive-Mind' for example Japan, Thailand, China all having something very similar in their culture, I found the Koreans to be the most Western or almost unpredictable, Nationalist but also 'Free Spirited' maybe its because they are on heightend alert with their culture people divided into North and South or maybe it is the Christian Western influence, you see a lot of Western Americanized stuff there and sometimes giant glowing Neon Christian Churches like something from Hollywood or a weird scifi movie, I think all Asians have this 'Hive Mind' but maybe some cultures like South Koreans less so. Nordic can also be very hive-minded,  the Nordics have this thing about not sticking out, they can often have this 'passive aggression' don't do any unworthy and inappropriate behavior, do not speak out too much or don't be loud, a unique form of passive hostility and an avoidance of direct communication, they will protest in their own way but it might be subtle and a protest which other's from other cultures may not see. However I have also seen them go outright crazy 'Viking' like maybe it was the alcohol and vodka that removed their inhibition and allowed their more truthful expression. Swedish as a government and culture for a while became obsessed with statistics, they wanted to have the most diverse language schools, have the best welfare benefit numbers, they wanted better diverse immigrant statistics than France or England or the USA.

In a ways Swedish society might have changed for the better or worse, maybe just changing to something different or even becoming more 'unstable'. Australia and New Zealand were once considered frontier nations, I expected them to have less restrictions like the USA's South however they went into full lockdown almost like China, perhaps both Australia and New Zealand Locked Down too much and it cost their people's jobs and hurt the economy. I expected Sweden to go into full restrictions like some of its European friends started to bring in vaccines, Covid Passports and Corona restriction, however Sweden did not, it followed the first guidelines and only the first guideline from the WHO to the letter. Some say it is wrong to compare Swedish numbers to numbers in Japan or Brazil or Greece or some place which have different cultures, they say to truly understand what Sweden did with lockdown or lack of lockdown it should be compared with neighbors from Norway or Finland or Iceland or Denmark, if you compare this method and compare these cultures then Sweden's total number of deaths per 100,000 far higher than its other Nordic friends. The strategy for herd immunity might have worked but Sweden allowed Covid to spread into its Nursing Homes, their strategy killed and sacrificed all their old people. Swedish with their group think might have found a way to defeat the virus but there was a cost in human lives, these Swedish Deaths which shouldn't be overlooked. The Borg like almost scifi or sometimes Stockholm syndrome like group think mindset of 'Law of Jante' has existed inside the minds of Swedes and Nordics for hundreds of years, also called 'Janteloven' real chaotic individual public debate is not needed, a very different way of thinking than America.

Compulsory sterilisation has been a very common thing in Sweden, starting in 1906 continuing through the fasicst communist nazi WW2 eras, then happening again in Post WW2, people were sterilized on medical and socialist grounds, right up until the year 2013, an idiot with failed IQ tests, the gay, the thief, the rapist, the lesbian, the cross dressing transsexual, the retarded, the undesired in Sweden's perfectly utopian society they claimed would all be sterilized. It was not just Sweden many Nordic governments enacted marriage limitations, they made wombs infertile, engaged in sterilization, castration and abortion laws intended to curb reproduction by the mentally ill and disabled, transmitters physical diseases weeded out and social undesirables had their bloodlines ended, Nordic countries might have all done this but Sweden may have continued it the most right up until 2013.  Up until year 2012, for the cross dresser types sterilization was mandatory. They in Sweden had an Institute for Racial Biology that merged itself with Sweden's Universities and Swedish government's medical facilities. The Swedish state is now paying out damages to victims who filed for compensation. … s-1999-332

tahanson43206 wrote:

Whatever personality assessment used for selection of crews for submarines would seem worth considering.

Personality characteristics of successful Navy submarine personnel

The Human Factor in Maritime Transport: Personality and Aggression Levels of Master Mariners and Navigation Students

Personality and Coping Strategies During Submarine Missions … e_Missions


'The Difficult Ones'

louis wrote:

"difficult ones"  that people want to discuss?

louis wrote:

Drugs and alcohol...the difference here is that everyone in a pressurised environment is much more vulnerable. That's one of the reasons why we treat drunkness on an airplane differently from drunkeness on the street or in a bar. We are far less tolerant of inebriation on an airplane, even though we do allow alcohol to be consumed.  There have been plenty of examples of people off their heads on drink and/or drugs trying to open the cabin door at 30,000 feet. Similarly someone might try and open an airlock.

If Mars has murder and crime then maybe

Not all Killers on Mars might be Low IQ Brutes that seem to have come from a Cave and club things to death, some intelligent people can become dangerous, they might be good at telling people what they want to hear, they might even pass a Lie-Detector Machine. Harold Shipman aka Fred Shipman, was a Doctor and became one of the world's biggest serial killer in modern history, he seems to have developed a weird obsession and addiction of murdering and killing his patients with an estimated 250 victims. Kristen Gilbert was a similar story inducing a heart attack by using epinephrine. Ted Bundy was an American serial killer who kidnapped, raped, and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s, his crimes became a thing fo Live CourtRoom tv, many women watching their tv then found themselves sexually attracted to him, engaging in Hybristophilia, writing Ted Bundy and OJ Love Letters in Prison, this Hybristophilia is like a weird mental disease, women with a sexual interest in people who have committed cruel, gruesome crimes such as murder and rape. Women who develop an insane a sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit mass murder crimes. Mass School Shootings used to be a rare happening in the USA but they have become more common since the 1990s. A lot of Serial Killers and Mass Shooters have been White Caucasian but one of the highest death count shooters was an Asian Seung-Hui Cho and the killer George Waterfield Russell, Jr was a Black African American with a hatred for women. “The Unabomber” Theodore John Kaczynsk was almost uncaught, explosions would seem to go of almost randomly and over a 20 year period he mailed out bombs to his victims. His targets mostly professors, even as a child he was a genius, scored 167 on an IQ test in the fifth grade.

issues and concerns...

AltToWar wrote:

If you had a mission to mars that did not have any jealousy, retribution, grudges, or power plays, you certianly did not send humans to mars.
People have trouble and difficulties in life.  Sometimes caused by others.  This is part of being human.
I personally think some of the people on this board are wacko(myself included), but everyone here is devoted to go to mars .  I think even the nut-jobs here could put their differences aside in order to make that happen.
Sometimes it takes a nut to get things done right.
Psychology is a mushy side of science.  I am very dissapointed in how we are now turning to drugs so often to treat mood problems.
Sorrow, anger, and depression are just as much a part of the human experience as joy, love, and passion.

Palomar wrote:

Chances are humans in general will always follow a leader; most people are like sheep [and don't jump me for referring to people as sheep, like you have in the past; I've seen you refer to people as sheep more than once here, *after* complaining about my having done it...and now you'll probably ask, "Where did I ever get on your case about your referring to people as sheep?"  Well, I'm not inclined to wade through over 7000 posts to find it; however, I do recall your criticizing me for referring to most people as sheep during a discussion centered on ethics, in the "Marsian Dead" thread, I'm pretty sure]...however, that's no excuse for fatalism.  There's always room for improvement, both individually and in the collective human species.  I'm going to hold onto a bit of optimism that eventually our species will evolve to shake off the need for flocks and shepherds.

Byron wrote:

But when it comes to things like space missions and enclosed environments, psychology is possibly one of the most important things that must be taken into consideration..after all, "sanity" is the most important quality in an enclosed the folks that "winterover" at Pole Station in Antarctica can readily attest!

Crime in Antarctica is relatively rare, isolation and boredom affect certain people there negatively and may lead to crime. Alcoholism is a known problem on the continent, and has led to fights and indecent exposure. Other types of crimes that have occurred in Antarctica include illicit drug use, torturing and killing wildlife, racing motorbikes through environmentally sensitive areas, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, and arson. Sexual harassment also has been reported.

Under the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, ratified by 53 nations, … crime.html
persons accused of a crime in Antarctica are subject to punishment by their own country

Brown Station's original Argentina facilities were burned down by the station's Argentine doctor on 12 April 1984 after he was ordered to stay for the winter. Station personnel were rescued by the ship USS Hero and taken to United States’s Palmer Station. … fm?id=4151
At the Russian Soviet Research Vostok Station there was a fight between two scientists over a game of chess. When one of them lost the game, he became so enraged that he attacked the other with an ice axe. After a KGB investigation, chess games were banned at Soviet/Russian Antarctic stations by the Antarctic Soviet. … fects-mind

The Concordia station, operated by France and Italy, is one of his research sites. “It’s very isolated,” he explains. “And it’s located in a place with really bad weather and low atmospheric oxygen because of high altitude. There are about a dozen people there in the winter.” Once a week, staff read and record a standardized short story and an oral diary, which they share with researchers via the Internet. “My colleagues in Europe measure characteristics of speech,” says Suedfeld, “things like speech rate, voice pitch and volume and number of hesitations, that might reveal the level of stress.”

Stress comes in a variety of flavours at an Antarctic station. There’s the fear of illness or injury in a place far from hospital, where high winds, low temperatures, remoteness and darkness make winter medical evacuations risky. There’s the monotony of eating, sleeping, working and spending leisure time in one place with the same people for months on end.

On 11 May 2000, at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, an American research station located at the South Pole, Australian astrophysicist Rodney Marks had a fever, stomach pains, and nausea. On 12 May, he died. It was believed at the time that Marks died of natural causes. The onset of winter coming, his body could not be transported for six months. His body put into a freezer after the six months were over, Marks' body was flown to Christchurch, New Zealand, for an autopsy. The autopsy concluded that he had died from methanol poisoning. How the poisoning occurred remains a mystery.

Had Marks been in his native Australia, he may have received medical attention that could have saved him. However, Marks was stationed at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica, one of the most remote places on Earth.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-04 10:51:46)


#5 2022-08-08 06:27:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

Study explores effects of extended spaceflight on brain … 141100.htm

Donna Roberts, M.D., a neuroradiologist at the Medical University of South Carolina who helped lead the study, said a challenge when it comes to exploring the effects of spaceflight has been that there aren't many people in the U.S. who have traveled to space. Combining information about NASA astronauts with that of Russian cosmonauts and astronauts from the European Space Agency gave the study depth.

"By putting all our data together, we have a larger subject number. That's important when you do this type of study. When you're looking for statistical significance, you need to have larger numbers of subjects."

The study focused on 24 Americans, 13 Russians and a small, unspecified number of astronauts from the ESA. It used MRI scans of their brains before and after six months on the International Space Station to evaluate changes in the perivascular spaces.

The Wrong Mental Stuff?

Albanian actor and his wife hurl themselves off Bronx building

hurl themselves off sixth floor of NYC apartment building - while their two sons, 6 and 2, yelled for their mother from inside the home


#6 2022-09-01 13:16:39

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

The Effects Of Isolation On Mental Health In Antarctica … ntarctica/

t appears that extended periods of isolation, particularly in harsh environments, has negative psychological effects. Specifically, people in particularly harsh situations show reduced positive affect and reduced usage of coping mechanisms after being isolated for a long period of time. More research is needed to elucidate the potential benefits (it is possible that “switching off mentally” could lead to increased productivity) and harmful effects (it is possible that cognitive performance is negatively affected by this “psychological hibernation”) of such periods of isolation.

Vostok Station then a Soviet research station the scene of a fight between two scientists over a Russian game of chess.
lowest reliably measured natural temperature on Earth of −89.2 °C or -128.5 F
station is at 3,488m above sea level and is one of the most isolated established research stations on the Antarctic continent.

Fights at McMurdo and FBI agents from the United States were sent to McMurdo Station to investigate and make an arrest … a-in-rare/

Living in isolation tests strength of Antarctic adventurers … D520100106

Halley VI: Dropping in on the British Antarctic Survey
A member of the first group of journalists to visit the British Antarctic Survey's isolated Halley Research Station for almost 20 years, Matthew Teller was captivated by the landscape, the team spirit, and surprisingly even the architecture.


#7 2022-09-07 08:04:22

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

A more fun 'Star Wars Character Test'

'Staying Sane in Space'

Talks about experience and long duration flight, ‘Meal Ready to Eat’ and Food uplifting people's mood, goes into the scifi speculation realm and current methods of dealing with 'stress'.

He also has videos on other social media$/search?q=IsaacArthur

If religion gets exported to space?

'The Shamanic View of ‘Mental Illness’: Birth of a Healer' … illness-2/

Cognitive Typology?

Which Carl Jung Archetype Best Describes You? … ribes-you/

Politics Test - the source of many arguments

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-07 08:07:21)


#8 2022-09-07 20:44:15

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

While we are more liberal in the Not so free chat area, this is not that area, and we need to tread lightly.
We still must be mindful that the website is provide for discussion that effects mars and how to solve going to Mars safely. That setting up a colony would be very much unique in all aspects related to having never lived anywhere else in that we would not want to make the same mistakes.


#9 2022-09-13 05:45:29

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

Reducing Social Isolation Isn’t Rocket Science, or Is It? … e-or-is-it

Is narcissism a mental health problem? And can you really diagnose it online? … 16108.html

The Ghosts of Antarctica Will Haunt the End of the World … the-world/
As climate change threatens to upend the icy kingdom, we're writing ghost stories in real time.

2020 news item

Fears for crew mental health after reports of deaths on coronavirus-stranded cruise ships … -c-1045588
Fears have been raised for the mental health of crew members stuck on cruise ships.

old 2019 article

A lesson in mental health from Antarctica … 6-09-2019/

The legendary naturalist Sir David Attenborough was immortalised today, as a polar research vessel was unveiled with his name.

Inevitably most eyes today will be on that ship, whose name was changed from the original public choice of 'Boaty McBoatface'.

Most, however, will not be aware of the extraordinary construction work that had to go on in Antarctica ahead of its arrival, led by Bam Nuttall in partnership with Ramboll.

Before watching the boat naming in Liverpool today, I was able to listen to a series of exciting insights into how the project was optimised for environmental sustainability, including the use of solar power and details of an innovative design that will prevent the need to clear snow from the roof of the research centre.

Being sustainable is not just about what's 'green', crucial as this may be. Social factors are also important, and the wellbeing of workers on this build is vital.

The phase one construction team were on site for a seven-month construction period, which ended in April this year. That's seven months away from friends and family, working 70-hour weeks in freezing temperatures.

The mental health implications of such a stint could be stark – there's a reason why such extreme and isolated conditions have inspired writers to come up with films like John Carpenter's sci-fi horror The Thing.

Those who applied to the project therefore underwent psychological evaluation before being accepted.

Impressively, a Bam team member was assigned to visit all 60 workers at their homes before the project began, so that everyone would have a familiar face on site. He, in turn, was able to assess the team members.

This kind of personal touch shouldn't just be limited to extreme environments. Mental health awareness in this industry has become a far more pressing consideration than ever before, as highlighted in CN's annual Mind Matters survey. And with good reason – the fact remains that there are more worker suicides in construction than any other industry.

The Guardian recently reported that 10 workers had attempted to take their own lives in the first four months of 2019 at the Hinckley Point C nuclear site, a reminder that remote sites exist closer to home too.

Graham Hopper, Bam Nuttall's operations director on the Antarctica project, was unequivocally positive about the morale among his team over the phase, saying that the workers he spoke to all want to return for future phases of the five-year project.

This demonstrates the success of a wellbeing strategy that is at once systematic and highly personal.

No one should feel isolated on a project, no matter where they are. Surely, if we can look out for each other in the South Pole, we can get it right here too.

Putin's Key Man in the Artic Found Dead After Falling Overboard … rd-1742218

MultiLink Analysis: Brain Network Comparison via Sparse Connectivity Analysis

How COVID Brought Out the Worst in Us … e-worst-in


#10 2022-10-11 13:21:46

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

Post-traumatic stress disorder that can develop because of exposure to a traumatic event

Minds damaged from war,  psychological help.

Psychologists battle to help Ukraine's shell shocked population


#11 2022-10-12 01:52:08

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?


So-called "shell shock" is newspeak for "brain injury".  I'd love to know how a psychologist would go about "fixing that".  If there's a pill that can repair or replace destroyed brain tissue, then we can fix a lot of problems really quickly.


#12 2023-02-21 04:20:28

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

Putin rages against West and praises Russian soldiers in major speech … ocator=urn

South Pole journey was 'extreme challenge' for Inverness Army GP – even though she'd done it before … rm-300510/

The South Pole: Psychology of Living in Antarctica

In the 1960s, psychologists hired by the U.S. Navy analyzed evaluations of over 1,000 people who had wintered over

“Hello and welcome once again to the slow mental decay of South Pole researcher, Chris Bero. Last weekend we all had to think of a disease to dress up as for the Bio-Med Death and Dying party. I went as scurvy and Seasonal Affective Disorder… Oh man, this place is starting to get to me.” -1996 journal entry by Chris Bero

Isolated, Confined Environment (ICE) … thPole/467
Psychologists categorize Antarctic research stations as isolated, confined environments (ICE, appropriately). People who live at these stations are isolated from the outside world, from their family and friends back home, and from many of the ongoing global issues. They are not allowed to leave the continent during their stay, and most are not permitted to leave the base, confined to a very small area. Furthermore, relatively few people live at these stations, so everybody interacts with the same people on a daily basis (even at McMurdo, which hosts a maximum of 1,200 people during the peak summer season, people interact only with the people in their work, dining, and dorm spheres). People become interdependent on each other, and they develop camaraderie and a tight-knit community. This tight-knit community, however, comes with a lack of privacy; everybody knows everybody else’s business.

In Antarctica, people do not have the same responsibilities and obligations that they do at home. The absence of these duties sometimes leads to more time for introspection and forming closer, more intimate bonds with other people. People pay more attention to their personal feelings and Antarctica is so separated from people’s homes and normal lives that many use their time on the continent as an opportunity to re-invent themselves. People may experiment with completely new behaviors and personalities that they never would at home. They utilize this time-out from the responsibilities of everyday life at home to discover who they want to be and who they really are.

The inability to contact family and friends emphasizes that Antarctica is not home. Also, mobility is limited and there are few people to interact with. Because of the constant inability to contact loved ones, get away from the base, and meet new people, pressure to fit in increases. In order to fit in better, many people may conform to the norms of the group; this gives people a sense of belonging and helps them develop relationships.

When people leave Antarctica—or any ICE—they often feel emotionally connected to the place and the other people who lived with them. Many feel that they have become more self-confident, understanding, and humane.


#13 2023-08-24 08:06:02

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

White House says 'no one should be surprised' if Prigozhin actually died in a plane crash in Russia … -us-2023-8


#14 2023-09-13 11:02:56

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

if the USSR of Russia is gone and Russian leadership is no longer communist then what is it?

perhaps the Russian Federation is still ruled by Dictatorship, a Federal semi-presidential republic under an authoritarian imperial leader.

Putin and Kim meet at Vostochny Cosmodrome, North Korean leader vows 'full support' to Russia … -13-892422
Kim is expected to seek economic aid and military technology, though an arms deal would violate international sanctions

'Putin congratulates Modi on Moon success' … on-success

while Luna-25 crashed


#15 2023-09-14 12:06:11

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

The article at the link below is about mental health, as it relates to mass shootings in the US.

The gist of the article (as I was able to understand it) is that mass shooters develop over a long period of time, and that if people interacting with the future mass shooters were able to pick up the signs, and if there were adequate funded support, the crisis could be averted. … a-00035762

I am following up on a comment by another member, who seemed to think that kids who grow up without fathers are likely to be less than ideal members of society.  I'd like to see statistics on how many mass shooters have just one parent.



#16 2023-12-27 14:25:49

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

Why Is Turkmenistan Toning Down Its New Year's Celebrations? … 40458.html

Central Asia Faces in Economic Repositioning … 023/12/27/

The beautiful country known as the 'North Korea of Europe' that's one of the least visited … orea-visit
Turkmenistan's historical isolation from the outside world has led to comparisons with the secretive state of North Korea.

Turkic culture wanted this guy to rule for the rest of life so in 1999, the Assembly of Turkmenistan declared Niyazov President for life of Turkmenistan.

Niyazov requested that a "palace of ice", or indoor ice skating rink, be built near the capital, so that those living in the desert country could learn to skate. The rink was built in 2008 and is located near the new Turkmen State Medical University … 554626.stm

He outlawed opera, ballet, circuses and philharmonic orchestras in 2001 for being "decidedly unturkmen-like"

I wonder what he replaced them with? Joe Stalin patriot songs? or maybe jihadi islamist high decibel screeching from Mosques? … 227681.ece

In 2005, he closed down all rural libraries and hospitals outside of the capital city Ashgabat

In 2006 the European Commission and the international trade committee of the European Parliament voted to grant Turkmenistan "most favoured nation" trading status with the European Union, widely seen as motivated by interest in natural gas, after Niyazov announced he would enter a "human rights dialogue" with the EU … 01632.html

'There is a giant statue of this President that was constructed to always face the sun' … rd-of.html

Under his rule, Turkmenistan had the lowest life expectancy in Central Asia. 

In December 2006, Turkmen state television announced that President Saparmurat Niyazov had died

Niyazov was buried in his ready-prepared tomb in Kipchak Mosque

have things changed much?

'Turkmen leader buys Putin a puppy for his birthday'

According to Reporters Without Borders's 2014 World Press Freedom Index, Turkmenistan had the 3rd worst press freedom conditions in the world (178/180 countries), just before North Korea and Eritrea. … ex2014.php

The Darvaza gas crater also known as the Door to Hell or Gates of Hell, or, officially, the Shining of Karakum, is a burning natural gas field collapsed into a cavern near Darvaza, Turkmenistan. The floor and rim of the crater are illumined by hundreds of natural gas fires. The crater has been burning since the 1980s. In January 2022 President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow ordered that the fire at the Darvaza gas crater, known informally as the country's "Gateway to Hell", and one of Turkmenistan's most popular tourist attractions, should be extinguished for environmental and health reasons, as well as part of efforts to increase gas exports.  Despite Berdimuhamedow's intentions, the crater remains open and burning. In post-Soviet Turkmenistan, the crater has become a minor tourist attraction.


#17 2024-02-20 04:27:02

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

Wife of Haiti's assassinated president amongst dozens indicted in his killing … is-killing


#18 2024-03-30 04:41:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

if humans go to Mars to the Moon again to live and build villages and other space towns and research  sites across the Solar System they will deal with unique conditions, but we can already see how certain events unfolded on Earth and compare offworld.

Tragedy at the Titanic is an analogue for a mission to Mars … -1.6886336
A technique used by the Apollo 13 crew could at least ensure astronauts sent to Mars return to Earth

Drugs confiscated from Oakland store that allegedly sold cannabis, tobacco to minors … to-minors/

Association between adolescent tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use and individual and environmental resilience protective factors

Trajectories of anxiety and depressive symptoms during enforced isolation due to COVID-19 in England: a longitudinal observational study

Do you smoke weed recreationally? Here's what experts want you to know. … rt-disease
Today’s cannabis strains are not your grandma’s weed—and they may be impacting your mental health, heart health

How Antarctica’s history of isolation is ending—thanks to Starlink … -internet/
The seventh continent has always been a bleak, unconnected place. Elon Musk’s satellite internet is changing that, and people want to see what life is like there.

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, anxiety, and depression


#19 2024-06-05 07:08:11

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Dangerous Human Personality Types for Mars?

Hollywood Actors will take on Hollywood Actors involved in propaganda?

The actor Steven Seagal got popular in the late 80s, achieved mainstream success in 1990s and by the mid to late 90s starts to decline, he had a role in the Kurt Russell film Executive Decision, portraying a special ops soldier who appears in only the film's first 45 minutes, he then started to make direct to VHS, direct to DVD, cheaper low budget nasty silly plot direct-to-video releases, he would later try being a type of 'Cop' role in the reality television series.

His story is beyond strange and at times seems like a delusion, like he's in the plot of a bad 1970s B-movie, Billy Jack, a mixed-race multi cultural every person and a Navajo, is a Green Beret Vietnam War veteran and a hapkido master … billy_jack

'The Trial of Billy Jack 1974'

Steven Seagal  an American actor, producer, screenwriter, martial artist, and musician, an expert in aikido, he began his adult life as a martial arts instructor in Japan. For a while he was a reserve deputy sheriff and entrepreneur, he said he was Italian or then Jewish and then acted Black for a while like a Rapper. For a while he was starting to call himself a reborn deity god thing like a Lama, was said to be  "the biggest jerk" to ever host a tv comedy show SNL, he started to also style himself on Native American, for a while he gets accused of sexual harassment, then goes to Russia and kind of falls in love with the politics of Vladimir Putin, to whom he once referred as "one of the great living world leaders".  He said has been asked to teach martial arts to martial arts experts or Aikido to the various Special Forces, Seagal holds citizenships in three countries: the United States, Serbia, and Russia.

He married a Japanese, opened a Dojo when before he divorced the Japanese is with another woman and in 1994, Le Brock filed for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences" and during this time, it emerged that Seagal was having an affair with who knows how many women, he seems to be currently married to a woman 'Elle' who trained as a dancer at the Children's Palace in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Seagal has seven children from four different relationships.

Some have accused Seagal of being involved in an international scam, being a lair or delusional or a professional charlatan.

There seems to have been a marriage to Adrienne La Russa but it was annulled before it was legally official that same year

he seems to have many different kids from a total of four different marriages and at least one 'relationship'

Arissa Wolf is the mother one of his kids, and there are not many details about her. However, she went into a relationship with Steven Seagal when he was still married to another his ex-wife, Kelly LeBrock.

from 2008

Seagal And Van Damme Fisticuffs At Stallone Party … ty_1058456

"At a party in my home in Miami in 1997, Van Damme was tired of Seagal claiming he could kick his ass so he offered Seagal outside into my back yard. "Seagal made his excuses and left. But Van Damme, who was berserk, tracked him down at a nightclub and offered him out again." The pair's fight never materialised, but Stallone is confident who would have triumphed in the brawl. He adds, "Van Damme was too strong. Seagal wanted none of it."

Seagal has often been accused of sexual harassment during his film productions

In 2011  a guy sued Seagal and claimed that his 11 month old puppy was shot and killed during a Live Tv show Police episodes killing his dog during the raid

In August, 2014, Seagal appeared at a Night Wolves-organized show in Sevastopol, Crimea, supporting the Crimean annexation and depicting Ukraine as a country controlled by fascists.

2016 Belarusan President Alexander Lukashenko welcomed Steven Seagal with a carrot and two watermelons … 20014.html

The Bizarre Reason Steven Seagal Once Attacked John Leguizamo … leguizamo/

John Leguizamo calls Steven Seagal a 'horrible human' and said he based his 'washed up' character in 'The Menu' on him … an-2022-11

Seagal has been accused by former stunt performers who have worked with him, including Kane Hodder, Stephen Quadros, and Gene LeBell, of not holding back intentionally hitting stuntmen with full strength and power during scenes.  while serving as stunt coordinator for Out for Justice, LeBell allegedly got into an on-set altercation with Seagal over his mistreatment of some of the film's stunt performers. After the actor claimed that, due to his aikido training, he was "immune" to being choked unconscious, LeBell offered Seagal the opportunity to prove it. LeBell is said to have placed his arms around Seagal's neck, and once Seagal said "go", proceeded to choke him unconscious, with Seagal losing control of his bowels. … g-himself/
Ronda Rousey reacts to passing of ‘Judo’ Gene LeBell … ene-lebell
LeBell was requested to confirm the on-set incident publicly in an interview with Ariel Helwani in 2012, but he avoided answering the question, albeit implying that it was true. … g-himself/
On the other hand, when Seagal was asked about the incident, he directly denied the allegations, calling LeBell a "sick, pathological scumbag liar", and offered the name of a witness who could prove LeBell had fabricated the entire story. … ven-seagal
The claim garnered a heated response from LeBell's trainee Ronda Rousey, who said that Seagal was the one lying, and declared "If [Seagal] says anything bad about Gene to my face, I'd make him crap his pants a second time." … eforce-mma
Michael Jai White, who acted with him in a number of movies, stated that he routinely hit stunt men, and that he was known for it. He said they just accepted it. However, he stated that Seagal never hit him.

In 2018, Seagall promoted a purported cryptocurrency purportedly "superior" to Bitcoin … tcoiin2gen

'Clooney Foundation are lunatics Kremlin' … cs-kremlin

At one point Seagal said he was a type of world super-spy Seal Commando or CIA black ops … ya/276364/

Some say Seagal was linked to the Mafia or Italian Mob

According to Vanity Fair, on one occasion he offered an ex-CIA operative named Robert Strickland $50,000 in cash to kill someone. Strickland had been working with Seagal on an original film project, which never got off the ground. Strickland later sued Seagal for co-opting aspects of his life story and passing them off as his own … 069817282f

Monument to the futility of ego Steven Seagal has been in the news that isn’t real news lately for spouting his bad opinions on affairs both foreign and domestic.

What STEVEN SEAGAL says about VAN DAMME and other action stars
Steven Seagal full tv interview with Jimmy Kimmel (2012)

There is debate about how useful his fighting style was
'Effective Aikido? ' … o.1235710/
Decline of truly effective Aikido? … ive-Aikido
MMA and UFC has only become a 'sport' in recent years and Before the 2000s and late 90s with mobile cell phone pix and camera inside a portable telephone, it was difficult to prove one person had an outcome in a fight with another, it would depend on reputation, audience witness, a ring judge or a boxing magazine guy to record something but as I understand it for a while Steven Seagal was a legit martial artist even if he seems very lazy and very crazy today. There is debate about how effective Aikido can be as a martial art versus some of the other forms such as Karate, Judo, Wrestling, Boxing or Muay Thai or Thailand Kickboxing or people who cross train multiple styles for an Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts event.

Seagal seems finished these days, an embarrassment to Hollywood culture and maybe an embarrassment to Aikido according to his ex-Wife the Japanese.
However this may have been part of a bitter divorce dispute but when there is so many stories against Seagal perhaps there is some truth to it, the daughter of Miyako Fujitani named Ayako Fujitani does not seem to hold any grudge against her father, she is a Japanese actress and writer. His ex-wife Fujitani has  also refuted allegations and has also dismissed Seagal's claims that he had combatted the Japan Mafia or the Yakuza. However confirming some Seagal claims the Brazilian mixed martial artist Lyoto Machida, has credited Seagal for helping him perfect the front kick that he used to knock out Randy Couture at UFC

Steven Seagal’s Acting Career Hits New Low in Nutso Kremlin Speech … 43375.html

Actor-turned-Putin sycophant Steven Seagal declares Ukraine 'was known for organ trafficking, child sex trafficking … dship.html

Steven Seagal turns up for Putin's inauguration as star's strange bond with Russian leader revealed … s-32751823
Steven Seagal made a surprise appearance at Vladimir Putin's inauguration ceremony

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-06-05 08:17:02)


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