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#226 2023-02-11 08:00:05

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign...

Today's candidate is mugshot (from 2004) Member 882

Email looks iffy ... ping << This URL does not work.

However, Whois reveals that QuantumHydro does exist - hydroponic growing system

The URL is now through (etc)

Registered: 2004-06-22 (
Last post: 2004-06-22 06:57:54
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Recently Mars_B4_Moon posted about hydroponics ...

Company Name : Quantumhydro. Co Ltd
About Us : Quantumhydro presents its double award winning hydroponic growing system that wastes no water or nutrients. Quantumhydro. Co Ltd have a range of growing sysems to suit many types of farming Supplying just the equipment or turnkey projects. Hydroponics is the growing of the future. It provides instant organic farming. Full flavour in the food. Looking to convert your farm, prices for hectarage are on request
Product/Service : Hydroponic growing system, Hydroponics Growing Equipment, Garden Tools
Country/Region : United Kingdom >
Category : Tools
Contact Person : Mr. Barry Winsbury |||Director/CEO/General Manager
Link More : United Kingdom Tools ,United Kingdom Agricultural & Gardening Tools
Telephone :
Fax :
Address : 5 Riverside Drive Ham
Website :
Business Type : Distributor/Wholesaler

OK ... let's see which topic our candidate chose back in 2004...

Topic: Life support systems » Food! - Marsians=vegetarians?

mugshot wrote:

Having invented a hydroponic growing system and still looking to market the idea
Mars could well be a good place to try it out.

Food and fish could be grown in the same enviroment
fish living and growing in the nutrient resouvior also providing nutirent for the plants

Guppyponics is already proven to work

with a closed system which this is.
able to work in outerspace and in a low gravity enviroment.

food could be growing on the way out there

so if anbody knows who to point this at for further interest
would be much appreciated.

This is serious dont wish to spam board can give further info to interested parties.

Above was post 182 of a long running topic ... It was still going in 2022 at post #205 by SpaceNut

Well, if the email address were any good I would definitely sent the email to this candidate.  I'd like to know how the business developed since 2004.

We have several members who live in the UK ...

Reference:  Mr. Barry Winsbury |||Director/CEO/General Manager

Telephone is given as: 44-0208-9487282

If anyone has a couple of minutes to spare, please give this gent a call to see if he is "mugshot" from the NewMars forum in 2004.

I'd be curious to know how far he took the hydroponics idea. The business appears to be focused on garden tools at this point.



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#227 2023-02-12 08:18:01

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

Today's candidate is MrMorden from 2005

The email looks iffy ... Ping found an IP address assigned to the DNS, but there is no response

whois found the IP address in Littleton, Colorado - it is now held by

I would guess this is a personal web site that is unpaid.

Registered: 2005-10-06 (
Last post: 2005-10-06 11:18:14
Last visit: 2005-10-19 11:23:38

Topic: Human missions » Against the Human Exploration of Mars if Everyone can't go.

MrMorden wrote:

Traveling to Mars is not a lark, it is a JOB.  You hire people for a job who are qualified.  I'm sure that the checkout clerk at Wal-Mart is a nice guy, but he is not qualified to be on a Mars mission.  He has none of the skills or knowledge to allow him to contribute to the trip. 

What about handicapped people?  Should we invite them along too?  Wouldn't want to discriminate, you know.  A quadrepalegic and an epileptic would make great additions to the crew, I'm sure.

The definition of "discriminate" the original poster needs to learn is "To make sensible decisions; judge wisely."

This was post 31 of a topic that appears to have generated some animated discussion.

SpaceNut re-activated the topic in 2018, and OldFart1939 responded the same day with a sensible observation.

This topic reached #94, with Mars_B4_Moon in September of 2022. 

This candidate might have been worth an email, but the email provider is no longer available.

I would observe that Louis was active in this topic, in "conversation" with OldFart1939, kbd512 and others.



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#228 2023-02-13 08:05:18

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ,,,

Today's candidate is: Mr.E - the email provider is hotmail, so there will be a receiver for an email.

Mr.E was/is member 987

Registered: 2004-11-09 (
Last post: 2004-11-09 14:52:26
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 <<== First Wave

Topic: Not So Free Chat » Another metaphor - for the "War on Terror"

The post was about the Iraq War, and not about Mars. 

There was only this one post.




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#229 2023-02-13 08:14:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Mr.E will not receive an email.  I decided to try the next candidate today ...

The next candidate is Moony >> Member 2960

Registered: 2008-02-21 (
Last post: 2008-02-21 10:02:26
Last visit: 2008-02-21 09:58:26

Topic: Martian Politics and Economy » A Republican Constituency

This post was about Houston, Texas.  It provides details that are far above the level of the typical post in this category.

The post was #1 of the topic ... No one responded in 2008, but 7 years later, Tom Kalfus observed that the Shuttle program was cancelled.

And that was the end of the topic.




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#230 2023-02-13 08:28:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

The next candidate looks spammish to me ... we'll see shortly...

Candidate is: mmmintu

Registered: 2017-03-17 (China)
Last post: 2017-03-17 11:57:30
Last visit: 2017-03-18 00:08:29

Topic: Mars Society International » Projects - projects we can do now to get to Mars

OK .... the post ** is ** spam, but the author took the time to create a post that is actually appropriate for the forum....

mmmintu wrote:

"We are actually far better prepared for Mars now than NASA was in 1961 as it looked to getting a man on the Moon before the end of the decade and returning him safely to the Earth again," Dr Clarke says.

"If we put our mind to it we could be on Mars in 10 years."

NASA's timeframe is a little longer. The first step is to land astronauts on an asteroid around 2024, then it hopes to land astronauts on the Red Planet in the 2030s.

In the meantime it is testing out a range of technologies on the International Space Station, exploring the surface of Mars with robot landers, and developing space suits, exploration vehicles and deep space habitats to help astronauts live and work on Mars.

According to Dr Clarke, there are five key issues we need to look at in preparation for sending people to Mars.

<< spam link removed >>

This topic went on for a while, and ended in 2017 on Post #31 with Elderflower's suggestion of clothes washing using a tub and a wringer.

I can vaguely remember a wringer in use.  Those are hard on buttons.

I suspect there's a reason they went out of fashion, and every modern household has a rotating drum dryer.

The candidate ** did ** make an effort to create a post appropriate to the forum, but the post was carrying a spam link.


I'm giving up for today.



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#231 2023-02-14 08:24:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

We have a new day at hand ... perhaps we'll have better luck today ...

Our candidate is: Mlawsky

By the username, I deduce that Mlawsky may have been (is?) a medical doctor

The email provider is and I'm reasonably confident that provider is still available.

Ping confirms is still there.  OK! We may have a viable candidate today!

Registered: 2004-03-18 (
Last post: 2004-03-19 00:28:25
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Topic: Human missions » Hubble mistake - Action needed »

This was post #77 of a long running discussion about Hubble...

Mlawsky wrote: … index.html
Tell 'em with pictures
Worth billions and billions of words
Hubble Need to stay up the a while longer.
Maybe they can pick it up a set in on the moon for awhile.
That might be a good platform.

18 years have passed .... Hubble is ** still ** flying although it is just ** barely ** holding on.

Status per Bing: Hubble is over 30 years old at this point, and it is predicted to last up to 2030 and possibly as far as 2040

2023 update: Per Bing ... Feb 2, 2023 - Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have for the first time directly measured the mass of a single, isolated white dwarf. 

OK .... I'll send the email. 



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#232 2023-02-15 08:16:12

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is unusual, in the sense that the user name and the email address are the same.

I'm (a bit) surprised that the forum software accepted that username, but it must have done very little checking.

Today's candidate is: >> Member 818 from 2004

Registered: 2004-04-23 (
Last post: 2004-04-23 22:08:28
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 <<== first wave

The topic chosen was: Interplanetary transportation » Quantum Nucleonic Reactor - Hafnium Powered Reactor wrote:

Dear Forum Members:  I am a long time reader of these forums, but I have decided to try to post for the first time.  This is a group that has the technical competence I lack. 

I just read an article in Popular Science or possibly Popular Mechanics about a nuclear airplane that is supposed to be powered by the metal Hafnium.  Apparently, hafnium generates a great deal of energy when exposed to X rays.

I would like to hear some conjecture and speculation about whether or not this DARPA financed aircraft engine could be used in space and what the likely ISP would be for it, if anyone is familiar with the same article I read.

Thank you. big_smile

This was the opening post of a topic, and it received one reply from Euler, point to another topic ....

Well, I'll send the email.  18+ years have gone by.  Perhaps Mike Moody got an answer to his question.

Note... The url in Euler's reply was defective, so I fixed it.

It now points to

Interplanetary transportation» Quantum Power For Spaceflight? - Unusual source of energy - useful?

The topic reached #6

I can see why it faded out.

Never-the-less, I'll send the email.



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#233 2023-02-16 09:17:38

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

Today's candidate is: MikeMars Member 556

Email provider is Yahoo.

Registered: 2003-10-31 (
Last post: 2003-10-31 15:49:11
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 <<== First Wave

Topic: Space Policy » What Your Up Against - And these guys should know better

MikeMars wrote:

Well luckily, for all types of issue, what the general public thinks really isn't too much of a factor.

Space is an issue that is decided upon on a closed circuit.  The decisions on what the US does in space are made behind closed doors.  And most of these are never reportred to the general public. 

In general Space is not an issue that the general public is against.  Most people in the US support a space program.  Of course there are probably many who don't, but they are not in the majority.  And they certainly DO NOT make visits to their local congressmen telling them why we shouldn't go to space.

So your chances when lobbying for specific changes in space policy isn't really dependent upon what the US public THINKS.

What matters more is what the legislators KNOW.  If you tell them that you can get to mars for 50 billion, and have it verified somehow, than you may actually get your represenative behind going to mars, and that's what counts.

So if the general public, and astronomers who are uneducated about mars issues think that it costs 1 trillion to go to mars, let them eat their cake..... because they don't care enough to say anything about it.


This was a short topic.  It was opened by Free Spirit with comments about an astronomy forum, and it was closed by Mike's post.

It is 20 years later, and perhaps things have changed in Mike's perspective.

I'll send the email.



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#234 2023-02-17 08:24:55

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is mike

This appears to be Mike Moody who we met previously as

This version of Mike Moody is/was member 825 from 2004

Registered: 2004-04-27 (
Last post: 2004-04-27 17:20:17
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

For comparison, Mike_Moody49 registered 2004-04-23

Topic: Unmanned probes » Results of Spirit and Opportunity - a quick question for my astronomy paper »

This was the first post of what became an active topic in 2004 ...

mike wrote:

Can anyone give me a basic summary of the work done by the rovers, and the results from the analyisis of their collected data?

If anyone is interested in seeing the collection of posts that followed Mike's inquiry, here is the link: … 838#p34838

I'll send the email.

18+ years have gone by .... perhaps Mike's career has developed along lines that he would care to share with NewMars.



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#235 2023-02-18 08:48:22

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign...

Today's candidate is: MichaelM

The email provider is Yahoo.

Registration is in 2018, at the height of spammer activity.  We do have an IP address to visit.

Registered: 2018-07-24 (SBC-Miami-Florida)
Last post: 2018-07-24 20:01:31
Last visit: 2018-07-25 05:11:24

Topic: Human missions » Indoor farming update

MichaelM wrote:

Antius (or anyone), where did you get the values for CO2?  I put the same values in at the NIST website and am getting a Cp of 761 J/kgK and Pr # of 0.78.

I did a few heat transfer calculations to help answer this question.

I will calculate convective heat loss from a cylinder approximately at 30cm wide, 2m tall with a temperature of 36C in the Martian atmosphere.   Wind speed = 10mph (4.5m/s).  Density of Martian CO2 at -50°C and 0.81KPa is 0.44mol/m3 or 0.02kg/m3.  Dynamic Viscosity is ~1x10-5pa.s.  On this basis, the Reynolds number is:


L is characteristic length, which is equal to 4 times cross-sectional area, divided by perimeter or 0.15m in this case.  Reynolds is therefore 0.02x4.5x0.15/0.00001 = 1350.

Using the cylindrical cross-flow equation, Nusselt number can be calculated:

Nu = 0.193Re^0.618 x Pr^0.33

Prandtl, Pr=Cp.μ/k.

For CO2 under these conditions, k is 0.01W/m.K and Cp at 220K is 1960J/KgK.  So Prandtl is 1.96.  On this basis, Nusselt can be calculated to be 20.8.
The heat transfer coefficient, h= Nu.k/L.  Which works out to be 1.4W/m2K.

For a cyclindrical body with a surface area of ~1m2 and a temperature difference of 86K with the environment, heat loss rate can be calculated using Newton’s Law of Cooling:

Q=hA(T1-T2) = 1.4 x 1 x 86 = 120watts.

By contrast, radiation would lose 400watts of heat from the same body under the same conditions.  So on the Martian surface, heat loss will be dominated by radiation and conduction.  As a rough rule of thumb ‘the convection heat losses in the Martian atmosphere for any structure at room temperature, will be about 30% of the black body radiation heat loss rate’.

In a dust storm, with air velocity of 20m/s, the convective heat transfer coefficient increases roughly 2.5 times and thus reaches 75% of the black body radiation heat loss.

This was post 127 of a long running topic.

The topic itself received some attention from members at the time.

However, I didn't see evidence anyone responded to the question asked.

I'll send the email.



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#236 2023-02-19 12:09:40

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Our candidate for today is: mexicodoug

mexicodoug registered in 2008.

Registered: 2008-01-27 (
Last post: 2008-01-27 04:41:16
Last visit: 2008-01-27 04:37:04

Member ID is 2937 ... After First Wave but ahead of spammers

Topic: Space Policy » Mike Huckabee the most pro Space Program candidate?

That was a vigorous topic in 2008 .... RobertDyck was in the thick of things.

I'll pass on sending the email.  If anyone else would like to invite this candidate feel free to do so.



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#237 2023-02-19 12:19:16

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

The next candidate is Master Berman

Master Berman is member #1161 from 2005 ... Second Wave

Registered: 2005-08-05 (
Last post: 2005-08-05 12:54:28
Last visit: 2005-08-05 12:51:34

Topic: Mars Society International » Mars in Argentina!!

Hi! I´m looking to create a section of the Mars Society in Argentina. Does anybody knows anyone involved in that, or how can I do it? By the way, i´m looking for co-founders or members from the american down-under! Greetings!


This is definitely someone I'd like to encourage to come back into contact. 

The topic only ran for a total of 3 posts, but both of those offered encouragement.

In 2023, the Mars Society has a volunteer position for chapter coordination, so I expect the process would be a lot more efficient.

Ten years later, apparently someone followed through on the idea ...

About Us – Mars Society Argentina › contacts-2

TMSA was founded in 2018 as the official chapter in Argentina of the NGO “The Mars Society” (TMS), of the United States and founded by Robert Zubrin, ...
Chapters of the Mars Society

Chapters of the Mars Society are local, independent groups that members organize. There are Mars Society chapters in many U.S. states and countries around the ...

Mars Society Establishing New Chapter in Chile › news › 2018/11/29 › mars-society-establishing-ne...
Nov 29, 2018 · The new chapter will join other Mars Society groups in Latin America, including in Mexico, Brazil, Peru and Argentina, in promoting Mars ...
Forward to Ares - The Mars Society › ares › forward

These chapters have engaged in all sorts of public outreach activities, including booths and tables at space, science fiction, and teachers' conventions and ...
Mars Society Argentina Launching - Part 1 - YouTube › watch

May 31, 2018 · . ... On April 14, 2018, the official launch of the Argentine ...
Duration: 10:22
Posted: May 31, 2018

Will send email.



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#238 2023-02-20 13:05:36

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

Today's candidate is another First Wave member from 2004 ... ID is 810

Marzipan used an email provider that still exists ... it is reported as Cloudflare London, LLC in Washington DC

Marzipan gave London, England as the location in the profile.

Registered: 2004-04-16 (
Last post: 2004-04-16 16:28:25
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Topic:  Unmanned probes » Nasa hoax: why?!?

The post was #27 of an active topic ... it came across to me as sympathetic to NASA for their attempts to make Mars images understandable to humans.

Apparently some contributors to the topic were critical.

In any case, this candidate will be queued up to receive one of SpaceNut's emails.

19 years or so have gone by ... the account may still be in use. 



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#239 2023-02-21 10:07:55

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: martyterraformer Member 2848

The email provider is in Australia ... Ping test: There is an IP assciated with the email provider, but ping failed.

I assume that an email would fail, although it ** is ** true that some servers deny pings

Registered: 2007-10-19 (
Last post: 2007-10-20 00:09:53
Last visit: 2007-10-20 01:03:29

Let's see what our visitor from Australia might have chosen for a topic:

Topic: Terraforming the Earth’s great Deserts - Turning the Sahara into a rainforest.

The post is quite long, so I'll just paste a link: … 98#p101898

This was post #81 in a long running topic ... The topic ended at #89 in 2008.

If the email were working, I'd definitely send one of SpaceNut's emails.



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#240 2023-02-22 13:53:54

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ....

Today's candidate is from 2006 ... a member of the Second Wave: MartianMatt82

Member ID is 2054

The email is Yahoo so potentially we might be able to send an email.

Topic:  Civilization and Culture » Expanding The Political Debate

This is post #12 of a topic that continued past this point.

MartianMatt82 wrote:

Why not eliminate political parties altogether?
Forces people to consider issues directly instead of choosing sides.
If not that then how about instituting a test on the candidates and current issues and events that people must pass in order to even vote at all.
Keeps people from voting for a particular political party just because its the party their parents voted for.  In addition it would mean that a greater percentage of votes are well informed votes...
I could elaborate further but I'm pretty dang tired,

Let me just say though that is feels fantastic to be back and involved here, I had a profile here a couple of years ago, "Nirgal82" I believe it was called (anyone remember me?  :? ).  Anyhow, things have been weird for me the past few years, but now I think I'm finally ready to participate again in Mars related discussion.

Keep up the fight!

John Creighton replied the next day ... so did Palomar, and then the topic just expired....

Well, I'll send the email for to exercise the email sender ...



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#241 2023-02-23 10:30:55

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is Marsrover from 2004

Email is Yahoo, so a send is possible.

Registered: 2004-02-22 (
Last post: 2004-02-22 18:58:28
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave Member 725

Marsrover gave a location of Copenhagen in the From field of the Profile

Topic:  Unmanned probes » Broken spherele has dark spot inside it????

Post #7 is in an ongoing topic ...

Marsrover wrote:

Tektites are still poorly understood. They are irregularly- and at times intricately-shaped nodules and blobs of a glassy substance. They have no crystal structure, and are therefore similar to obsidian, but are not associated with volcanic processes. Their chemistry is unique and somewhat unexplained.
The leading theory concerning their origin is the "Meteorite Impact Theory". It is postulated that many odd events occur during a meteor's impact because of the tremendous heat and pressure produced. Tektites may be fused glass that formed during an impact of a meteor with layers of rock on the Earth's surface. Tektites occur in broad bands in specific localities in different parts of the world. These bands produce characteristically similar tektites and are sometimes loosely associated with meteorite craters or suspected craters. Could these fields represent splash material from an impact? Many believe so and this idea is gaining acceptance from many scientists. The odd and diverse chemistry of the tektites could be a result of unique meteorites hitting unique rock types with the combinations producing particular effects.

Some tektites, called Moldavites, are especially prized for their clarity and unique green color. Moldavites are found in a "splash field" centered around Moldavia in former Czechoslovakia and are believed to have come from a meteorite crater in Germany. Moldavites are sometimes cut as gemstones or put into jewelry as natural uncut pieces to show off their often eerie and beautifully intricate shapes.

The topic kept going in 2004 until it reached #48 ... I guess the membership of the time had said about as much as could be said about blueberries.

Still, the observation by Marsrover inspires me to sent SpaceNut's email.

We know a lot more about Martian terrain by now.



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#242 2023-02-24 07:53:00

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign...

Today's candidate is marsnut - from 2004 - Member 934

Email is ... that provider may still exist ... Ping confirms it is still there ...

Registered: 2004-08-07 (
Last post: 2004-08-07 05:09:21
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 <<== First Wave

Topic: Not So Free Chat » Doom3 Released, takes place on Mars - Video Game with revolutionary 3D Engine

marsnut wrote:

If you have had your head in the sand then you probably have not heard of Id Software's release of Doom3.  What is quite possibly the most anticipated game release in history has finally gone gold.

Doom3 is a remake of Doom2 originally released in the early '90s.  Doom3 is using a revolutionary new 3D engine.  I myself being quite the PC Gamer freak had reserved a copy and played through it over the last few days.  Whats it got to do with Mars?

Well, the original game Doom2 actually took place on Phobos.  Doom3 has had a few changes though, the game now takes place on Mars.  So whats it all about?

You are a Space Marine (Corporal) assigned to security detail at the Research and Development Company called UAC (Union Aerospace Corporation).  UAC has a series of highly classified R&D complexes located underground on Mars.  One of the highly classified projects is a project working towards teleportation.  In an effort to jump great distances without actually traveling, the teleportation technology moves matter from one point to another by passing it though another dimension.  Sounds cool, however when the teleporter is finally brought on line and used, the dimension pierced is that which seperates Mars and Hell. 

With an array of weaponary available from a shotgun to a BFG9000, you are tasked with getting to source of the demonic cross over point and shutting it down when all hell breaks loose literally.  The monsters are like nothing ever rendered in a game in exquisit detail.  The hallways and labs are dark from most of the lights being blown out and have a very errie closterphobic feel.  I literally jumped out of my seat as things leaped from dark corners of the complex and errie moans filled the dark chambers and walkways.  The graphics are like nothing you have ever seen before in a video game.  Mars is rendered beautifully, like no hollywood production has ever attempted.  There times when I had to go outside the facility to access another sector of the complex. 

After leaving the airlock and stepping out on the Mars soil (in the middle of a dust storm), I could make out the red hue, and blowing dust across the Mars dirt as I made my way from one airlock to another.  My suit had a rapidly depleting air supply and I could'nt spend much time outside before I needed to enter the next airlock at my destination.

From windows you can look out across the Mars landscape and get freaked out as the occasional demon crawls across the outside of your glass.  The game plot has more twists than a summer blockbuster when you find out that the technology used for the teleporter was actually found in a cavern that apparently contained the remains of a long lost Mars civilization that was wiped out when they invented it.  Your mission takes you on a wild adventure in incredible 3D detail right into hell itself including a section of the facility that is part hell and part Mars.

You'll need a pretty hefty PC to play it.  The graphics are revolutionary.  Your PC will need at least a 2GHz processor, 1GB of RAM, and a video card with at least 128MB of memory onboard.  If you want to check out Mars like no NASA video ever has, try it, but be warned its very graphic and scary.  Not for the kids.


This post got one reply, which had more to do with the location of the post than the content.

I'd say response was underwhelming.

However, I'll send an email ... 18 years have gone by and much has happened in the world of gaming, and many other areas.  Perhaps Marsnut will have a follow up thought.



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#243 2023-02-25 10:20:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: MarsMouse

Last post
2018-02-10 15:05:19

There are no topics by this user in this forum.

2018 was right in the middle of the spammer flood.

Admin has removed the post.



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#244 2023-02-25 10:36:27

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

The next candidate is marsianer2

marsianer2 is member 876 from the First Wave in 2004

Registered: 2004-06-09 (
Last post: 2004-06-09 07:53:00
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

The email provider has an IP address, but it is not responding.

Whois reports the IP is assigned to Amazon ...

Whois reports the IP is associated with Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The profile says "From: Vienna"

The topic chosen by our candidate was: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » B.A.S.E jumping from mars - it's just a game

The post started a topic which ran briefly but then expired.

marsianer2 wrote:]B.A.S.E. Jumping from mars

The web site is long gone ...




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#245 2023-02-25 10:45:13

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

The next candidate is marsguitars.

The email address is for a company by that name located in the UK.

The company web site is no longer in existence, according to Microsoft Edge....

Registered: 2007-08-30 (
Last post: 2007-08-30 16:45:59
Last visit: 2007-08-30 16:48:49 << Second Wave

Topic:  Interplanetary transportation » Guitars & Rockets: Similarities

The post was added to a topic started by Palomar...

marsguitars wrote:

What a great article! I've just registered and searched for 'guitars' (having read about "Mars Needs Guitars"), but didn't expect to find this! Both entertaining and informative - nice one.  smile

Mars and guitars - what a great combination wink

Nice contribution.


I'm giving up for today.



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#246 2023-02-26 17:34:27

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign...

We have another "Mars" themed user name today: marscat is/was member 1177 from the Second Wave in 2005

The email provider is which might still exist ... Well, ping found an IP address but there was no response from a server.

I'll assume no email is possible.

Registered: 2005-08-14 (
Last post: 2005-08-14 23:41:34
Last visit: 2005-08-14 23:25:38

Topic:  Unmanned probes » Mars Exploration Rovers (MER)

marscat wrote:

Midnight Mars Browser... Heh.

Hi all... I am the author of Midnight Mars Browser, Michael Howard in real life. Found out about this forum from Rxke and via MMB's website stats, just checking it out and saying "hi" smile (I'm jumping in here without getting a "feel" for the place, hope I'm not violating any 'net etiquette.)

This was post 233 in a long riunning topic ... no one responded...

I'll pass



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#247 2023-02-27 13:21:20

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate chose a ** really ** short name: Mars

The email provider is, so an email is possible, if everything else checks out...

Mars is/was Member 337 from 2002, shortly after RobertDyck ...

Registered: 2002-11-21 (
Last post: 2002-11-21 18:09:28
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Topic:  Not So Free Chat » School project - Life on Mars

Mars wrote:

smile  Doing a project on living on mars somethime in the future, I need to describe two potental sources of water and three soureces of energy and any information would be helpful.

This opening post generated a nice response:

Byron wrote:


Well, I think you could kill two birds with one stone by locating a geothermal source of water, which is possible if you drilled deep enough into the regolith.  The water would come up under its own pressure, and it could be harnessed for energy as well.

The obvious source of water on Mars, however is the polar ice caps...just chip a bit off and melt it, although this would require a good deal of energy.  As for energy, I think the two best bets besides geothermal, would be solar and nuclear.  Hyper-efficient solar panels (I'll let Josh explain the details of that  wink  do have the potential to provide a majority, if not all of a settlement's energy needs, although I think a nuclear power plant of some sort would be needed as a backup system.

Anything else you need, just let us know  smile


And that was the end of it ....

Over 20 years have passed ... the student of that time is an adult in full career or other similarly demanding activity....

I'll send the email, although after all this time, it seems unlikely (to me at least) that the account is still active.



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#248 2023-02-28 12:01:32

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: Marklar Member 907 First Wave 2004

Registered: 2004-07-13 (
Last post: 2004-07-13 10:35:55
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Email is Yahoo, so email is possible, if everything else checks out...

Topic:  Water on Mars » Great Site - Pics and comments

The post seems be a pitch for a web site ....

The topic was started by Rxke from Belgium, and Marklar pitched in with an endorsement.

The topic stopped there.

I am not inspired.



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#249 2023-03-01 10:34:13

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: markapp Member 1085 First Wave 2005

Email provider is Yahoo ...

Registered: 2005-04-15 (
Last post: 2005-04-15 14:15:48
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

topic: Index» Human missions» The air we need to breathe - Anybody a human physiology specialist?

markapp added Post #21 to the topic.  He appears to have posted without checking references.

RobertDyck contributed several authoritative posts to the topic.

I'll pass... the candidate was wrong, had not done research before posting, and never returned.



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#250 2023-03-02 13:21:48

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,829

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign...

Today's candidate is: man ID 261 ahead of RobertDyck in 2002

Another short username ...

Email is Yahoo

Registered: 2002-08-02 (
Last post: 2002-08-02 21:44:39
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Human missions » ariane 5 - how was the solid fuel booster capacity

man wrote:

I would like to know how was the solid booster capacity decided for ariane 5

If you look at the specs, ariane 5 has two srb with 230 tonnes of propellant loading. How did ariane settled on this number. I would like to know the formula or design criteria based on which this number was arrived ?

I will be happy if any one can shed light on this..


A reasonable question .... Probably a bit ambitious for the forum in 2002, and even today...

No one attempted a reply.

However, 20+ years have gone by and perhaps "man" found the answer.

Email on it's way!



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