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#1 2023-01-08 08:09:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Business Opportunity Synthetic Fuel from Solar/Wind Power

The production of synthetic fuels from original sources (air and water) using renewable power (solar/wind) has received sufficient development in other topics to deserve it's own topic.

I'm hoping this topic will contain details that an investor could use to build a successful company.

This topic ** does NOT ** need any cheer leading efforts.  Those have been made at exhausting length elsewhere in the forum.

A new topic was created for cheer leading posts and all other discussion that is NOT specifically helpful to an investor.

This topic is set up on the assumption everyone who participates in ** this ** topic understands the potential of the technology, and is ready to work on making it happen.

This topic would most certainly be a place where existing efforts are reported.   There ** are ** already a number of commercial activities underway in various locations around the world that are similar in purpose to what is needed for success in this endeavor.

There is at least one company already in existence making methanol from thermal energy originating in the Earth's core.  While that energy is NOT renewable, it ** is ** inexhaustible (on the scale of human lifetimes).

There may well be other companies (or perhaps research projects) doing work along the lines envisioned for this topic.

If NewMars members find such companies (or activities) please post links here!

If there is someone not already enrolled in NewMars, who is wealthy enough to be able to take the risks involved in starting a business along these lines, please follow the guidelines in the Recruiting topic to apply for membership.

The forum membership includes folks with a variety of backgrounds.  A search of the forum archive would yield posts of varying degrees of value with respect to this topic, but a few would be (or could be) quite helpful.



#2 2023-01-08 08:12:42

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Business Opportunity Synthetic Fuel from Solar/Wind Power

The article at the link below does not appear to contemplate the kind of synthetic fuel recommended by kbd512 in the forum archive.

It seems to me that an industry based upon the ideas of kbd512 would be immune to the objections of environmentalists, because the equipment and processes would operate entirely with renewable energy.

In order to qualify as "green" from start to finish, all the equipment created to support this (currently nonexistent) industry would need to come from renewable supplied factories.  Such factories do not exist (to the best of my knowledge) but from news reports, I get the impression there are folks working in that direction. … 00486.html

What Counts as a 'Renewable' Fuel?

John McCracken, Grist

Wed, January 4, 2023 at 1:35 PM EST

A tractor moves hackled corn plants at a bioenergy plant on September 17, 2008 in Gross-Gerau near Darmstadt, Germany.

This story was originally published by Grist. You can subscribe to its weekly newsletter here.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed new standards for how much of the nation’s fuel supply should come from renewable sources.

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The proposal, released last month, calls for an increase in the mandatory requirements set forth by the federal Renewable Fuel Standard, or RFS. The program, created in 2005, dictates how much renewable fuels — products like corn-based ethanol, manure-based biogas, and wood pellets — are used to reduce the use of petroleum-based transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The new requirements have sparked a heated debate between industry leaders, who say the recent proposal will help stabilize the market in the coming years, and green groups, which argue that the favored fuels come at steep environmental costs.

Below is a Grist guide to this growing debate, breaking down exactly what these fuels are, how they’re created, and how they would change under the EPA’s new proposal:

The fuels
Renewable fuel is an umbrella term for the bio-based fuels mandated by the EPA to be mixed into the nation’s fuel supply. The category includes fuel produced from planted crops, planted trees, animal waste and byproducts, and wood debris from non-ecological sensitive areas and not from federal forestland. Under the RFS, renewable fuels are supposed to replace fossil fuels and are used for transportation and heating across the country, and are supposed to emit 20 percent fewer greenhouse gasses than the energy they replace.

Under the new EPA proposal, renewable fuels would increase by roughly 9 percent by the end of 2025 — an increase of nearly 2 billion gallons. The new EPA proposal will set a target of almost 21 billion gallons of renewable fuels in 2023, which includes over 15 billion gallons of corn ethanol. By 2025, the EPA hopes to have over 22 billion gallons of different renewable fuel sources powering the nation.

Advanced biofuel, a type of renewable fuel, includes fuel created from crop waste, animal waste, food waste, and yard waste. This also includes biogas, a natural gas produced from the methane created by animal and human waste. Advanced biofuel can also include fuels created from sugars and starches, apart from ethanol.

In its newest proposal, the EPA suggests a roughly 14 percent increase in the use of these fuels from 2023 to 2024 and a 12 percent increase the year after that. The EPA wants roughly 6 billion gallons of advanced biofuel in the marketplace by this year.

Nestled inside of the advanced biofuel category is biomass-based diesel, a fuel source created from vegetable oils and animal fats. This fuel can also be created from oils, waste, and sludge created in municipal wastewater treatment plants. Under the new EPA proposal, the agency is suggesting a 2 percent year-over-year increase in these fuels by the end of 2025, which equals a final amount of nearly three billion gallons.

Cellulosic biofuel, another type of renewable fuel, is a liquid fuel created by “crops, trees, forest residues, and agricultural residues not specifically grown for food, including from barley grain, grapeseed, rice bran, rice hulls, rice straw, soybean matter,” as well as sugarcane byproducts, according to the 2005 law.

The EPA’s recent proposal aims for nearly double the amount of the use of these fuels by 2024. Then a 50 percent increase the year after, equivalent to 2 billion gallons.

The new RFS proposal also hopes to create a more standardized pathway for renewable fuels to be used in powering electric vehicles, with more and more drivers turning to EVs in recent years.

“We are pretty pleased with what the EPA proposed for 2023 through 2025,” Geoff Cooper, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuel Association, an industry group whose members primarily include ethanol producers, but also represent biogas and biomass producers, told Grist.

Cooper said that the EPA and the Biden administration recognize that alternative fuels are a growing and needed sector while the country tries to move away from fossil fuels. Setting standards for the next three years will help the biofuels industry grow, said Cooper, who predicted more ethanol, biomass, or biogas producers will emerge in the coming years.

“I think the administration recognizes that you’re not going to electrify everything overnight,” Cooper said, “and in the interim period, there’s going to be a need for lower-carbon, renewable liquid fuels.”

The controversy
While renewable fuel standards have gained a stamp of approval from industry producers and the federal government, environmental groups see increased investment in ethanol, biomass, and biogas as doubling down on dirty fuel.

“It’s not encouraging because it continues on the false premise that biofuels, in general, are a helpful pathway to meeting our climate goals,” Brett Hartl, government affairs director for the nonprofit environmental group Center for Biological Diversity.

Hartl argues that investing in increased corn production to fuel ethanol will continue harmful agricultural practices that erode soil and dump massive amounts of pesticides on corn crops, which causes increased water pollution and toxic dead zones across the country and the Gulf of Mexico. The United States is the world’s largest producer of corn, with 40 percent of the corn produced used for ethanol.

A study released earlier this year from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that when demand for corn goes up, caused by an increase in blending requirements from the RFS, prices increase as well, which causes farmers to add more fertilizer products, created by fossil fuels, to crops. The EPA’s own internal research has also shown greenhouse gas emissions over the next three years will grow with the increase in blending requirements from the federal mandate.

The Center for Biological Diversity has been critical of the EPA’s past support of renewable fuel without a calculation of the total environmental impacts of how the fuel is produced and is currently in legal battles with the federal agency. They’re not alone in their critiques.

Tarah Heinzen, legal director for Food & Water Watch, a nonprofit environmental watchdog group, said in a statement that an increase in both industrial corn production and biogas, a fuel created from animal and food waste, are not part of a clean energy future.

“Relying on dirty fuels like factory farm gas and ethanol to clean up our transportation sector will only dig a deeper hole,” Heinzen said. “The EPA should recognize this by reducing, not increasing, the volume requirements for these dirty sources of energy in the Renewable Fuel Standard.”

Alternative fuels, like biogas and biomass (a fuel created from trees and wood pulp), have gained steam thanks to the ethanol boom of the renewable fuel category. The biogas industry is set to boom thanks to tax incentives created by the Inflation Reduction Act.

Biomass is a growing industry in the South, with wood pellet mills popping up in recent years. Scientists from across the globe have decried the industry’s suggestion that burning trees for electricity is carbon neutral, with 650 scientists signing a recent letter to denounce the industry’s claims.

The world’s largest producer of wood pellet biomass energy has come under fire from a whistleblower who said the company uses whole trees to create electricity, despite the company’s claims of sustainably harvesting only tree limbs to produce energy. Wood pellet facilities have faced opposition from local governments and federal legislators, with community members in Springfield, Massachusetts successfully blocking a permit for a new biomass facility in November.

Despite concerns from environmental groups, the forecasted demands of the EPA show that the nation is pushing for more of these fuels in the coming years. This past spring, a bipartisan group of Midwestern governors asked the EPA for a permanent waiver to sell higher blends of ethanol year-round, despite summer-time smog created by the higher blend of renewable fuel. More recently, Missouri officials sought the same waiver

What are those fuels again?
Renewable fuel is an umbrella term for the bio-based fuels mandated by the EPA to be mixed into the nation’s fuel supply. The category includes fuel produced from planted crops, planted trees, animal waste and byproducts, and wood debris from non-ecological sensitive areas and not from federal forestland. Under the RFS, renewable fuels are supposed to replace fossil fuels and are used for transportation and heating across the country, and are supposed to emit 20 percent fewer greenhouse gasses than the energy they replace.

Advanced biofuel, a type of renewable fuel, includes fuel created from crop waste, animal waste, food waste, and yard waste. This also includes biogas, a natural gas produced from the methane created by animal and human waste. Advanced biofuel can also include fuels created from sugars and starches, apart from ethanol.

Nestled inside of the advanced biofuel category is biomass-based diesel, a fuel source created from vegetable oils and animal fats. This fuel can also be created from oils, waste, and sludge created in municipal wastewater treatment plants.

Cellulosic biofuel, another type of renewable fuel, is a liquid fuel created by “crops, trees, forest residues, and agricultural residues not specifically grown for food, including from barley grain, grapeseed, rice bran, rice hulls, rice straw, soybean matter,” as well as sugarcane byproducts, according to the 2005 law.

More from Gizmodo



#3 2023-01-08 08:16:20

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Business Opportunity Synthetic Fuel from Solar/Wind Power

Posts in this topic are expected to be helpful to an investor who already understands the issues, and merely wants guidance for allocation of funds to achieve a return on the investment.

Examples of businesses that are engaged in the production of synthetic fuel are pertinent to this topic.

Examples of businesses that are producing power from wind or solar flows are pertinent to this topic.

Examples of businesses that integrate other businesses to achieve a coordinated objective are pertinent to this topic.



#4 2023-01-16 18:13:29

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Business Opportunity Synthetic Fuel from Solar/Wind Power

Too late to the game as A new ‘mega-scale’ factory in Texas will create use solar and wind power to make fuel out of water: ‘Green hydrogen’
The project will be a joint effort by two corporations, Air Products and AES Corporation, which will invest about $4 billion into building and running the factory.


This gives the concentrated hydrogen to send into a processing chamber but where is that concentrated source of carbon?


#5 2023-01-16 18:25:28

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Business Opportunity Synthetic Fuel from Solar/Wind Power

For SpaceNut re #4

Thanks for this helpful addition to the topic.

As you know, hydrogen is an input to the production of artificial fuel.

Hydrogen can be used as a fuel itself, and much of it will be.  However, the advantages of carbon chain fuels are significant, so I expect that some hydrogen will be syphoned off to make it.   My guess is that the profitability of various options will determine how hydrogen is distributed.



#6 2023-12-18 08:57:54

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Business Opportunity Synthetic Fuel from Solar/Wind Power

This topic is available for contributions that document the exact process needed to make synthetic fuel using solar or wind power as input.

We have had discussions along these lines in the past, and there are even hints of what kind of solar or wind power devices might be most effective.

This topic is available for contributions that go beyond wild hand waving to actual products available for purchase today, that can be assembled to make fuel.

What I'm looking for is a detailed specification an investor can follow to create a productive plant.



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