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#551 2022-10-12 19:34:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Election Meddling

Pro-Trump Georgia Officials Plotted to Swipe Voting Data. We Caught Them

Trump’s team colluding with friendly local election officials to pull sensitive data out of election equipment. That search has landed Trump’s team in court, with groups charging Powell and company of potentially compromising sensitive data in a failed, partisan effort to overturn the 2020 election. The illegal data breach in Coffee County is now being investigated by a district attorney looking into Republican attempts to overturn the election here.

More efforts to win at any cost....


#552 2022-10-12 23:12:54

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Election Meddling


Oh boy, more "colluding" to get what should be public information, not some "big secret".  Eek!  Whenever we take flak from Democrats, we know we're over the target.  Don't look here, or else you might find evidence of our voting fraud schemes.  Quick!  Let's make up some more BS that nobody but our base is buying into.  It's the Russians.  It's white supremacy.  It's "QANON".  It's Alex Jones.  It's this.  It's that.  It's the other.  It's a bird!  It's a plane!  No!  It's SuperTrump!

Everyone knows that dead people vote Democrat all the time and minorities don't know how to get an ID card (according to Democarts) that they need for every other aspect of their adult life (buy a car / pack of smokes / beer / house, rent an apartment, board a plane, buy a gun to protect themselves from their fellow Democrats after they defunded the Police, the list is endless).


#554 2022-10-22 18:41:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Election Meddling

2016 campaign trail seems so long ago but this has played out accross the many that had Trump appear in a trail of not paying for services to protect Trump while present. Nothing has changed as
Trump refuses to explain why he won't pay El Paso $500,000 he owes the city after nearly 4 years


#555 2022-10-28 18:35:47

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Election Meddling


#556 2022-11-05 16:08:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Election Meddling

More states trying to reduce the counting of votes this time Wisconsin suing to prevent the immediate counting of military ballots in her state after she received three ballots under fake names.

If you are counting a fake ballot, then you have a problem with what is a qualified ballot and not its vote.

Delayed absentee ballots getting to the person via mail is also causing that same reduction in voting.


#557 2022-11-06 11:16:08

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Election Meddling


I agree.  No fake ballots should be counted, regardless of source and regardless of who the ballots favor.  If our elections do not have integrity, then they're performative art and not an accurate representation of the will of the electorate.  All US military members have ID cards, by law, and are required to properly identify themselves on request, by law.  I would not throw out any ballots until verification of the source is complete, and also to prosecute anyone who breaks the law by submitting a fraudulent ballot.


#559 2022-11-21 03:35:07

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Election Meddling


Preventing someone from running for office because you don't like them is the dictionary definition of election meddling, is it not?


#560 2022-11-21 08:32:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Election Meddling

actually the 14th is about stopping a criminal from being able to hold office of power. It was written after the civil war and probably needs updating like most of what govern the US.
Taylor Green also was able to defeat it in court and it was not pursued upon by any appeal after would.
If you do not like the law sue and get it overturned in court seems the way forward and if you do not like what comes up continue until you do with appeals or other claims to get its judgement overturned.
Meddling seems to be withholding ballots from the count whether collected or mailed in tossed by the roadside to keep them from being counted.


#561 2022-11-21 15:53:21

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Election Meddling


The 14th Amendment applies to a whole host of topics, but it doesn't apply to President Trump's ability to hold office, because he was never impeached, if that's what you're after.  Congress attempted and failed to do that- twice.

Your argument is that the legal process is wrong when it doesn't produce the result you want.  In short, you're a scofflaw.  When the law doesn't work the way you think it should, you thumb your nose at it and make claims backed up by nothing but personal opinions of someone you personally don't like.

Who has been withholding ballots, SpaceNut?  Start naming people so we can arrest and try them.

Your Democrats go around to people and pay them for their vote, which is in fact a crime, and then you expect Republicans to just say, "oh well, I guess they won."  Umm...  We don't see scofflaws committing criminal code violations as acting in good faith in accordance with our elections processes.

Project Veritas has recorded these clowns doing this nonsense and then bragging about how many thousands of voters they bribed or duped into voting for their candidate, and Democrats' response has been, "nothing to see here, move along".  If they weren't so brazen and so stupid, they'd probably manage to get away with it, too.  Based upon what I've seen, there's nobody and nothing I would put up on a pedestal and pretend is above reproach, regardless of what party they're from.

18 U.S. Code § 597 - Expenditures to influence voting

Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and

Whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

You're not helping your case, either.

Democrats definitely don't care about democracy or the rule of law.  California's entire gay marriage issue basically proved that to me beyond a shadow of a doubt, and it's only become much worse and more blatant since then.

After President Trump won in 2016, Democrats asserted that he cheated, that he "colluded with the Russians to steal the election", that half the country were less than human, and all sorts of other nasty trash that spews forth from their hate-filled minds.  All of that was a bunch of political garbage masquerading as a legal issue or criminal investigation, which produced zero convictions related to any manipulation of the election whatsoever, and that was according to other Democrats working in or with the FBI who utterly despised President Trump.  These clowns persisted in their falsehoods for 4 flippin years, making endless wild claims backed by nothing but their own word, no evidence, nothing.

Jumping up and down, stamping your feet, and generally acting like a toddler didn't change who was elected President in 2016, but it did make those of us who voted for President Trump question whether or not the people throwing their temper tantrums were acting in good faith or simply pitching a fit after not getting what they wanted, who then attempted to use the law to attack their political enemy, which is in fact against the law on so many different levels that it's nuts.

This same crap was pulled under President Obama who used the IRS to go after his critics.

As a Republican, we're really tired of Democrats demanding blind faith and trust where absolutely none has been earned through good faith action.  Believe all Democrats, which was exactly like believe all women, except when Democrat women were accusing Democrat politicians of sexual abuse, and then it was time for an investigation.

Governor Cuomo sent thousands of people to their deaths by putting COVID-positive patients back into nursing homes, but Democrats were worried about the women he allegedly inappropriately touched.  I've no idea if that was even real, or if it was retaliation for not running for President and America ending up with a (sometimes) walking vegetable who can't be understood by anyone in his own press office.  I guess those old timers were probably Republicans, which is why you didn't care then if a Democrat was literally "killing Grandma", because maybe Grandma wasn't voting the way she was supposed to.


#562 2022-11-21 16:13:45

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Election Meddling


More than anything else, I really want Hillary Clinton or President Obama to run as a Republican candidate for President and get elected, so that the rest of this country gets another eyeful of Democrat Party behavior to prove to the entire world, through their party's treatment of its own former members, what I already know to be true from having witnessed it play out against President Reagan and then President Trump.  A third time won't be an coincidence, it'll be a pattern of ill-intentioned behavior masquerading as something it's clearly not.

This is about power and partisanship for Democrats and nothing else.  They're not good faith actors, they're not trustworthy, and they don't have anyone else's best interests in mind except for their own, which is money and power for them and nothing but misery for the rest of us plebes under their capricious dictatorial edicts.


#563 2022-11-21 17:11:43

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Election Meddling

That would be funny to just see if changing a label really matters. I do not vote for labels or ideals.

Here is a case where the post office mail drop box was ripped up and disposed by people unknown

A dozen Santa Clara County ballots found discarded in mountain ravine; investigation launched

The ballots were discovered in a pile of other mail, discarded in the woods near Sugarloaf Road off Highway 17, Borja said. The ballots appear to have been removed from the mail and not one of the county’s designated ballot dropboxes.

Ballots Found in Santa Cruz Mountains Now in Hands of Federal Investigators


#564 2022-11-21 20:22:56

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Election Meddling


Remove all labels from political parties and we'll figure out pretty fast who is just pulling the lever for their tribe and who knows what they're actually voting for.  I'd bet the next election that most Democrats don't know and can't explain what their party's values are.

Remember when Tulsi Gabbard was called a "Russian agent"?

She was the only Democrat on that stage who was sane and rational that I would be perfectly willing to accept over President Trump, and prior to being treated like trash by her own fellow Democrats, she was a loyal card-carrying Democrat who towed the party line on most of their major issues.  That sane and rational part was, quite apparently, unacceptable to most Democrats, and especially the ones in the media.

Until we know a lot more about that incident, there's no better understanding of how or why that happened, but it's one more incident that erodes my faith in elections.  I'm guessing it's not much of a priority because the Democrats in California got the result they wanted.  Some lip service will be paid to the idea of investigating, and maybe someone reviews security camera footage, but that's about it.  In the mean time, we can have people who show up to vote in person the way they were doing before "COVID changed everything" (in the minds of people who don't like following rules), on election day, using a paper ballot, which can be physically counted.


#565 2023-03-31 03:27:49

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Election Meddling

'Not a crime. Not a misdemeanor': Trump dismisses NY probe … s-ny-probe

he told supporters in Waco, Texas. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is investigating a $130,000 payment from Trump's office to pornographic actress

Trump Indictment Caught Key Players by Surprise … se-1791670

SpaceNut wrote:

Truth social is 100% Republican as it belongs to Trump and his followers not democrats.

I have seen this website, it is very boring an absolute echo chamber.

Yet he needed to do something, the mob were ready to blame him for everything. If you look at social media BigTech as a collective group outright banned the voice of Donald Trump, there was a riot and media went crazy saying he was part of a 'coup d'état' and after the was blamed for everything like the boogeyman. He was banned on Facebook, Amazon censors Trump, u tube censors his voice, Snapchat joins Twitter and Facebook, a gamer channel Twitch tv censor's any mention of his name, people who write books or magazines are banned, trying to fight a mob one mob vs another, it turns into a witchhunt. While it is true the US Conservative Republicans had a lot of fringe nuts on their side just as the Democrats had a lot of fringe Marxist, BLM, Antifa on their side.

Trump attracted fringe people and Khe left attracted fringe people. Before the riot there was already a slow social media purge of Tea Party types and Q-Anon nuts, but I think too much blame and dirty was thrown at him after the riot. So Trump starts his own 'blog and a website Truth Social. Normally a person's speech would be protected by First Amendment Rights but they banned a sitting President. Plus it wasn't just Trump banned it was almost anyone connecting to anything on his team, writing a book about Trump with something positive - BANNED !! Whitewash out those names and block that writer from this publisher companies, Blacklisted ! Truth Social became his voice, giving out his speeches meant banning his voice was impossible as people would retweet or mirror his posts from Truth Social onto other platforms, it also shifted Middle people who wanted to see Trump's voice to more radical places like Truth Social or 4Chan type websites. Elon Musk would come in later, then took over twitter and his Trump voice and other voices slowly come back, I believe he still has not returned to post on twitter but his account was 'unbanned'. Another big site that went down was 'Parler' I never really was on it, I think I briefly seen a link to it and it had a bunch of crazy Q-Anon type stuff and something felt wrong, I didn't ever say the site should be censored but something felt 'off' about the site. Apple and Google removed Parler's mobile app from their app stores, and Parler went offline in January, 2021, a few days after the riot, when Amazon Web Services canceled its hosting services...Parler's parent company agreed in principle to a purchase of Parler by American rapper Kanye West, who was last seen acting crazy and ranting about Jews and Space Aliens and off his meds, a Parler Kanye West deal that was rescinded in December. Parler also had Rudy Giuliani right-leaning gay crazy activist Milo Yiannopoulos who un-gayed himself and found 'God', very little of the interwebs makes sense.
and If you think about it the Taliban jihadis and Iran terror groups and other radicals are all still out there on mainstream social media, how is this making any sense?

Rumble and Gettr are much better with a stronger balance of Right and Left, if I am on these sites I can go on some scifi engineer outdoor art type channels and just watch stuff without politics.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-31 04:04:34)


#566 2023-04-02 17:22:09

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Election Meddling

I see that the various charges are just now coming after the many cases have finally gone forward.
The stormy Daniels as 'He is scared': Trump biographer says Donald can't process his fear — and that's why he's freaking out online

He has gotten away with crimes and wrongdoing, everything from plying 12, 13, and 14-year-old children to gamble in his casinos, by giving them liquor and limousines and rooms in his, and being involved up to his eyeballs with a major international cocaine trafficker for which he did major favors — to getting away with lying under oath in some proceedings.

Despite multiple allegations against Trump over the years, this is the first time he has personally been charged with a crime. There are civil matters and lawsuits he's faced, but nothing that was a felony. Meanwhile, Trump is facing charges in Fulton County, Georgia, and from special counsel Jack Smith for his role on Jan. 6 and the theft of government documents.

"The other is Donald stealing national security documents," continued Johnston, "which the court record indicates included material that would allow someone to identify undercover agents or our assets — the assets being someone inside the Kremlin speaking out to the intelligence services.

Followed by a game of hide and go seek Justice Dept. Has New Evidence of Potential Trump Obstruction in Classified Docs Case: Report

comes from after May 2022, which is when Trump’s advisers received a subpoena demanding all classified documents in the former president’s possession be returned to the government. Federal investigators have obtained what the paper called “new and significant evidence” that suggests Trump rifled through some of the boxes containing the documents in question after receiving the subpoena, apparently in an attempt to hold on to certain items, the paper reported Sunday. If true, that could point to obstruction of justice. In a filing last August, the Justice Department concluded “that government records were likely concealed and removed from the Storage Room and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation.”

DOJ warrant cites fresh evidence Trump may have moved his documents around to hide them after FBI searches

Trump refused to turn the documents over for nearly a year when the Justice Department and FBI got involved. The FBI was then given an envelope with additional documents, but that still wasn't everything. Ultimately, the DOJ got a search warrant and went to Mar-a-Lago to get the documents.

According to the fresh evidence, there is more that has been discovered pointing to former President Donald Trump's obstructions of justice, those familiar told the Post.

"The additional evidence comes as investigators have used emails and text messages from a former Trump aide to help understand key moments last year," the report explained, citing the sources. Trump refused to turn the documents over for nearly a year when the Justice Department and FBI got involved. The FBI was then given an envelope with additional documents, but that still wasn't everything. Ultimately, the DOJ got a search warrant and went to Mar-a-Lago to get the documents.

"The additional evidence comes as investigators have used emails and text messages from a former Trump aide to help understand key moments last year," the report explained, citing the sources.

Of course this snowball is still getting bigger as Former Manhattan DA explains reason why Trump wasn’t charged earlier in hush money case now being charged over allegedly criminal activity which occurred as far back as 2016.

All due to a DOJ policy that you can not charge a sitting president...

The NY has 30 plus fraud and tax evasion.

Trump will face the 'worst jury pool in America' for him in Manhattan: legal analyst Trump faces the embarrassment of arraignment, fingerprinting and a police mugshot in Manhattan on Tuesday.

Any normal person would not be treated with kid gloves....


#567 2023-04-02 19:37:15

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Election Meddling

This exact same charge didn't stick to Democrat Senator John Edwards while his wife was in the hospital dying from cancer as he was busy having an affair with another woman named Lisa Jo Druck, known in Hollyweirdo circles as "Rielle Hunter".  There were direct payments from Senator Edwards to this woman to keep quiet about their affair.  If there's not a double-standard here, then it's more frivolous persecution masquerading as "nobody is above the law".  If that were true, then Senator Clinton would be in jail and President Biden would be in jail for the exact same classified material theft that they accused President Trump of.  President Trump has plenary authority to declassify anything he wishes to declassify, whether anyone else likes it or not.  Congress gave him that power.  Basically, Democrats believe they are above the law, all of their behavior proves it, and none of their tribe have any morality or ethics.  Morality and ethics is something that only applies to Republicans, seldom if ever to Democrats.

Your first MSNBC propaganda source is projection of Democrats' derangement syndrome when it comes to President Trump, just like everything else you posted about the Democrats' Russian collusion hoax while President Trump wast still in office.  You and GW were absolutely certain of yourselves back then, but we later found out through President Biden's Justice Department that Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential Election Campaign was behind all of that hoax.  The Democrats repeatedly outright lied about it, and knew the entire time that their own people were behind it.  Comey certainly knew.  The only people who are afraid are Democrats.  They attempt to project their emotions onto everyone else.  They're absolutely terrified of President Trump for telling the truth about what Democrats and Republicans have done to the people of this country, which makes his political opponents look stupid at best, criminal at worst.  The more Democrats and Republicans go after this man, the more naked their derangement-fueled persecution scheme becomes, and the more support they garner for President Trump.

This DA has nothing on President Trump, except for more lies and more burning hatred.  President Trump's own lawyer, Cohen, admitted that he charged the Trump organization legal fees and then paid Stephanie Gregory Clifford, aka "Stormy Daniels", out of his own personal funds.  He also said he didn't tell President Trump what he was doing, and the fraudulent charges were hidden, by Cohen, as "legal expenses".  Beyond that, paying money to make people stop harassing you is not a felony.  It's not going to take too much effort to prove this, since it all came out at Cohen's trial, where he was disbarred for ethics violations and various other felonies.  Unless President Trump recently became accountable for the behavior of a lawyer, then this more of the same nonsense.

We've been through the Democrats' freak show for 7 long years now.  It's time to give it a rest.  Democrats have nothing on President Trump that we wouldn't also have to indict them for, if the law truly does apply to everyone.  President Biden had classified information stored at his home from years ago while he was still a Senator.  President Biden openly gropes women in public on national television, so President Trump's "locker room talk" is no worse than what we get to see on TV every week.  President Clinton raped women and your party did and said nothing.  His wife called it "another bimbo eruption"- no "believe all women" or "me, too" when it applies to Democrats in power.

This is the same DA who charged a shop owner with murder and put him in prison for defending himself against someone who was trying to murder him, on video, while he routinely downgrades felony assault / armed robbery / burglary charges to misdemeanors for career criminals.  If President Trump is the "career criminal" that Democrat propaganda claims he is, then this DA should have left the charges as a misdemeanor, just like all the murderers and rapists he's let back out onto the streets of New York City.  Psychosis prevents these evil cretins from knowing when to step back and stop their insanity just long enough to avoid shooting themselves in the foot for a second or third time.

Democrats are more and more transparent by the day.  They support criminality when it helps get them into office or keep them in power, and persecute anyone who points out all the criminal activities they engage in, which is where President Trump ran afoul of the Democrat Party crime syndicate.

Democrats know their voters are not capable of independent thought, so they can and do feed anything to them, secure in the knowledge that their lemmings will swallow it without question.  So long as it is somehow connected to their tribal politics, Democrats' criminal behavior gets a pass from other Democrats.  This is like the government investigating itself and finding that it did nothing wrong.  It's as laughable as it is absurd and pathetic.  If this is not political, then someone needs to explain how this case isn't a mirror of the one Senator Edwards was involved in.

For four glorious years, this country dodged a bullet by electing President Trump.  Now we have a President who can't read a teleprompter or talks about his favorite ice cream flavor to a room full of parents who have had their children shot by one of their fellow nutcases / Democrats.  We had no expansion of war under President Trump despite the various bad actors doing what they always do, the economy did well until Democrats decided to use COVID as an excuse to either mass murder the elderly and infirm or to prevent healthy people from working to support the ones who were sick, we didn't leave tens of billions of dollars of advanced American military equipment and thousands of Americans behind to the mercy of a terrorist organization, we had affordable energy, and the only person to threaten to nuke America got real quiet after learning that President Trump wasn't joking about turning North Korea into a glass parking lot for our tanks.  Basically, while the nutjobs went nuts over "mean tweets", the rest of the world seemed to get on just fine.  We can't make any such claims about Democrat President Biden.  President Biden hasn't nuked America yet, but only because he can't remember the nuclear launch codes.

Democrats have succeeded in turning America into another banana republic.  Bravo!


#568 2023-06-24 06:14:20

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Election Meddling

Is America Ready For AI-Powered Politics? … 753c2aa4ee

I thought 45th President of the United States Donald Trump had some good and bad elements to his Admin. I don't think I had an irrational dislike for Donald Trump, he did some good and some bad IMO but the one of many things I did not like about Trump is how he got so many lunacy types on his side, its that what he needed to win? An example of loony characters take Steve Bannon he's not an idiot but he's often described as politically 'crazed'. Bannon is the investment Biosphere Trump guy, there has been news breaking the past days but very little on his site about the latest Russian news. Stephen Bannon at times cheers Russia Putin style Christianity I'm not sure why, for a while I clicked some vids out of curisoity and I have not watched many of his videos for a while but knwing his style of has this religion element. He perhaps he thinks Patriarch of the East or Eastern Christianity should win an Apocalypse Fight because it fights Trans-humanism or something but I think he at times confuses cybernetics and prosthetics with 'child grooming' and transexuals? He has an Evangelical Catholic EndTimes Bible thing happening, at times he is praising India and ranting about 'Zelensky' he often blows a horn, cheers, trumpeting for more Populist Nationalist Trumpism and when you fail in an election then of course the 'Elections Are Stolen'. Bannon is no fool he also a former U.S. Naval Officer and he is well read up on history, he is the conservative type who helped guide Donald Trump to his remarkable presidential victory when Hillary Clinton was tipped to win and for a time Bannon was part of Trump's brain, he worked with a group that helped the Koch brothers . I don't know what to think of Bannon, he claims to be Patriotic but sometimes comes across as more 'Mad Man' than rational or a guy with an agenda. If you think of Michael Moore as the Anti-Bush guy then think of Bannon as the Anti-Kryptonite-type of Anti-MichaelMoore theTrump fans will say Bannon is unfairly oppressed like Lobbyist Roger Stone and during the Trump Admin he's Fired!! Bannon was finally let go from the Trump administration in August 2017 some say he bankrolled projects with residuals from Seinfeld, which he had a small hand in producing, others compare David Joel Horowitz  a former figure in the New Left who turned new National Republican and arch-conservative. He is not 'Pizzagate' level but he does often call out Hollywood and Pop music culture for its weirdness.

Bannon even after getting fired, placed his bets and is still All-In for Trump … bilit.html

Once Trump got himself banned across Instagram, Twitter, the U tube and Facebook type sites guys like Bannon came in and helped build up an entire Alt-Media Alt-Internet social media network

Donald Trump Talks Ballot-Stuffing With Fox News’ Bret Baier, Who Then Says, “You Lost The 2020 Election” … 44731.html


#569 2024-02-25 15:24:44

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Election Meddling

As the primaries are nearing selecting a nominees If Electoral College Ties, Biden Victory Is Nearly Impossible

Five states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – voted for Trump in 2016 and flipped to Biden in 2020. These same five states will determine the election and could easily split between the two nominees. Should Biden win Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin while Trump carries Michigan and Pennsylvania, the Electoral College would tie, 269-269 (provided the two states that award electors by congressional district, Maine and Nebraska, both vote as they did in 2020).

If there is a 269-269 tie, the election will be decided by the House of Representatives, currently under Republican control. This does not guarantee a Trump victory right away, however.

First, the Electoral College results are traditionally unsealed, counted, and certified only after the new House is seated on Jan. 3, so Republicans could lose their miniscule majority before the House votes. The certification can be moved up on the calendar, but that would require the consent of a Democratic Senate, so Republicans should not count on it if Democrats have the majority after Jan. 3.

Alaska. Alaska’s at-large seat is the reddest district represented by a Democrat, Mary Peltola. Democrats must hold it for Biden to win.
Arizona. Republicans have a 6-3 majority on the delegation, but two flips could change that. Democrats are targeting AZ-01’s David Schweikert, whose finances are questionable, and AZ-06’s Juan Ciscomani, who won by about 5,000 votes in 2022. Republicans need to hold at least one of these seats.

Maine. My beloved home state is represented by two Democrats in Congress and will not vote for Trump, but one flip could deadlock the delegation, removing it from Biden’s column. National Republicans are excited about their racecar driver recruit, Austin Theriault.
Michigan. Democrats lead this delegation 7-6, so Republicans just need to flip one seat. They have three chances to do so: The two most competitive Democrat-held districts, MI-07 and MI-08, will be open in November, and the third, Gerald Ford’s own MI-03, is represented by freshman Haley Scholten.

Pennsylvania. Biden’s birth state has nine Democrats and eight Republicans in the House. The GOP has tried and failed repeatedly to flip two GOP-leaning districts along the Delaware River: Matt Cartwright’s PA-08 and Susan Wild’s PA-07. The reverse is true of neighboring PA-01, represented by Republican Brian Fitzpatrick. Democrats must win two of these three to keep the Keystone State in Biden’s corner.

Virginia. Virginia will most likely vote for Biden, but with VA-07’s Abigail Spanberger retiring, her exurban district could be in play. It is a reach for Republicans, but if they manage to flip the 7th, they will hold a 6-5 majority on the commonwealth’s delegation. Democrats need to hold this seat to keep Virginia on their side.


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