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The Pentagon’s Nuclear Thermal Rocket Is Getting Serious … 00299.html
A nuclear thermal flight project aims to propel astronauts to parts of space between the moon and Earth.
DARPA is looking for proposals to design and build the engine, in hopes of using nuclear thermal propulsion for more efficient space travel.
The technology could even work for long-haul spaceflight in the future, like Mars missions.
The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is calling for proposals for the next generation of spacecraft: a nuclear-powered rocket. The technology would allow a craft to travel farther with less propellant than today’s chemical rocket systems. The Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations (DRACO) would also enable agile spacecraft maneuvers in space, which is a goal for future space operations, according to DARPA. In case of war, fast maneuvering would be crucial to get out of the way of enemy craft.
DARPA is accepting applications in an open competition so that the project is not limited to the companies that are already involved. The defense agency is looking for detailed proposals that describe how engineers would design, develop, fabricate, and assemble the engine. Submissions are due August 5.
Scientists have been investigating nuclear thermal propulsion since the 1960s. When the Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application program was active, Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists helped develop and test nuclear rockets.
If the DRACO program works as it’s intended, we could see a new generation of nuclear rockets zooming through space soon. They may even make it easier to reach Mars.
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U.S. Space Force to step up protection of satellite ground systems in the wake of Russia’s cyber attacks
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U.S. imposes fresh sanctions on N. Korea over missile development
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The Spanish Air Force is now the Spanish Air and Space Force … force-too/
US Space Force seeking alliances in Europe to guard orbit
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Satellite companies watching where DoD goes with 5G
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Space Force coming to grips with cybersecurity threats
ever since the government stopped using its own proprietary software it opened itself up to more and more hacking
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Analysis: Space Force budget growth could be short lived
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DoD signaling demand for satellite support services in geostationary orbit … ary-orbit/
Navy Unit Transfers Into Space Force, Becomes 10th Space Operations Squadron … -squadron/
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-26 01:51:33)
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Saltzman tapped to succeed Raymond as chief of the U.S. Space Force … ace-force/
If confirmed by the Senate, Saltzman will replace Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, who is retiring after 38 years of service
WASHINGTON — President Biden has nominated Lt. Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, currently serving as U.S. Space Force deputy chief of operations, for promotion to four-star general, and selected him to lead the Space Force as chief of space operations.
The White House on July 27 submitted Saltzman’s nomination to the Senate and it will be referred to the Senate Armed Services Committee.
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Russian satellite is following or it’s spying on the US spy satellite?
Top U.S. generals take issue with Russian satellite near U.S. orbit … 5831493597
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-11 01:36:07)
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Army looking at new ways to use space technology for unconventional warfare
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U.S. looking to encourage more countries to join ASAT testing ban
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That would possibly lead to less orbital debris that could take you out....
The fact that we have no readily available means to get unmanned or manned to orbit for multiple flights means we have not gained much in the likes of control.
Paying for a rocket on the fly and getting it to orbit sure is not a fast response if the ship is still in the factory.
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This presentation features the commander of the Space Force. The interviewer asks questions that may be of interest to NewMars members.
AUGUST 31, 2022
Space Force Operations Chief Discusses Innovation
“Space underpins every instrument of our national power, whether it be diplomatic, information, military, or the economy,” said General John Raymond, the chief of space operations in the U.S. Space Force. He and Mark Kennedy, president emeritus of the University of Colorado, discussed the Space Force during a virtual event hosted by the Wilson Center. General Raymond elaborated on why it was necessary for the Space Force to be established, saying space has become more contested and competitive and therefore plays an important role in national security. He also described how the branch’s partnerships with academia, the commercial sector, and other nations help drive innovation, such as the launch and development of new satellites. close
The general avoided a question about weapons systems, but answered almost every other question posted by the audience.
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Surveillance systems are not considered weapons and it's that detection and reviewing that catches the enemies' activities.
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S. Korea, US, Japan warn of ‘unparalleled’ scale of response in case of N. Korea nuclear test … lear-test/
Putin monitors practice launches by Russia's nuclear forces … in/014000c
Explained: Why India's submarine-launched ballistic missile test is significant … 52161.html
In 2019 India–Pakistan border skirmishes were a series of armed clashes consisting of cross-border airstrikes and exchanges of gunfire between India and Pakistan. An Indian aircraft was shot down, in 2019 an Indian pilot captured by Pakistan after his fighter jet went down over disputed Kashmir has been handed back to India at the Wagah road border crossing between the two countries. A dogfight between Indian and Pakistani fighter jets during this airstrike resulted in the downing of an Indian MiG-21 Bison by the Pakistan Air Force, some in media asked why India was sending old Soviet 1950s era MiG-21s to take on Pakistan's more modern F-16s? Then in March Year 2019, India tested an anti-satellite weapon (ASAT) during an operation code named Mission Shakti the target of the test was a satellite present in a low Earth orbit, which was hit with a kinetic kill vehicle.
TheDiplomat article in 2019
Why India’s ASAT Test Was Reckless
Publicly available data contradicts official Indian assertions about its first anti-satellite test. … -reckless/
'The analysis underlines that a ‘harmless’ ASAT test involving a real intercept of an orbiting target does not exist. The Indian ASAT test and the earlier 2008 American ASAT demonstration show that even intercepts at low altitude create lots of debris that is ejected into higher orbits.'
Russia's more recent ASAT test in 2021 to destroy one of its own satellites, Kosmos 1408, created a field of at least 1,500 trackable pieces of debris in low orbit and threatening space operations and human spaceflight.
Space Force expects budget growth into 2024 amid ‘tremendous need’ … dous-need/
UK and South Korea pledge not to conduct anti-satellite weapons tests … ons-tests/
Who’s Responsible for Space Junk? (infographic) … fographic/
As our chart shows, most space junk comes from three countries: Russia, the U.S. and China. Last November, Russia blew up one of its old satellites using an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon
Space Force to seek budget boost beyond 2023, China’s capabilities are ‘close to ours’ … e-to-ours/
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-10-26 20:02:46)
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Space Force seeks ideas for potential 'commercial space reserve' fleet
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That opens the door to adversary nations treating civilian satellites / spacecraft / launch vehicles as military hardware, but to be fair they probably already do, especially after StarLink's deployment to Ukraine.
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Space Force sees greater demand for national security launch program
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Senator Asks Biden to Block Relocation of Space Command, Citing National Security Worries … rries.html
Putin ‘tried and failed’ to launch intercontinental ballistic missile during Biden visit to Ukraine
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Astronaut Buzz Aldrin promoted to honorary brigadier general, member of the Space Force
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Space Force official: Lack of communication with China increases risk of mishaps in orbit
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Bold proposal aims to bring NASA's deep-space Spitzer telescope back to life … n-proposal
The U.S. Space Force wants to bring a venerable NASA space telescope out of retirement.
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Air Force picks Colorado for more Space Force missions as politics loom over headquarters decision
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