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#1 2018-05-13 08:44:13

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Culture, craft and art on Mars.

I think we should never forget the important role of art and culture on Mars. Here's a quick imaginary tour around the arts quarter of Sagan City - Year 50 PHS (post human settlement).

You can begin the tour in the central atrium - the Atrium Dome. Here in the centre of the dome is the wonderful Mars Globe (20 foot diameter) - a representation of how Mars will look once the planet has been terraformed, fashioned out of Mars material. It is the focal point of the whole community.

Of course the dome is at the heart of commercial activity at Sagan City. Here there are numerous stalls selling Mars souvenirs that will eventually find their way back to Earth.  These are mostly produced in the Studios to the south of the central atrium - a block of units rented out to experts in various crafts.  Jewellery making is one of the most important crafts, but painting ,tapestry and sculpture are also well represented. All made-on-Mars objects carry the distinctive red circle logo and an authentication number which can be checked on the Mars Consortiumwebsite.

Most jewellery is exported to Earth and is a large revenue earner for the settlement.

The Arts Supply Organisation is funded by the Mars Consortium and produces various arts materials including paints and pigments (made from various in situ resources e.g. coloured rocks that are then pulverised), paper (a rare item on Earth), frames, glass, and various metals and other materials used in jewellery making.  The ASO comes under the Mining and Materials Department of the Consortium and so co-ordinates its activities with the wider resource-gathering operations.

A more commercially orientated enterprise is the Rolex factory that operates on Mars, under a rental agreement with the Mars Consortium.  The factory imports watch parts from Earth and then assembles finished watches at the Mars factory incorporating Mars jewels and grains of regolith.  The watches are designed on Earth in collaboration with the Chief Designer on Mars. The factory itself is essentially a robot operation overseen by a few humans. The watches command high prices back on Earth and the business is worth hundreds of millions of dollars per annum.

Other watch manufacturers have expressed an interest in opening factories on Mars.

Mars-produced luxury clothing is also becoming increasingly popular back on Earth. These include Mars-made chiffon scarves and garments and the popular mens jacket Ares Star. The clothing is designed on Mars and produced mostly robotically.

From the Studios gallery you can see the Mars Sculpture Park. This was one of the first artistic endeavours on Mars. Various artists on Earth, including Damien Hirst, were approached and became the first artists to produce objects on Mars. Centrepiece is Damien Hirst's large work "Human Meets Alien" (an imposing  50 foot high sculpture). Various approaches were adopted in producing the sculptures. It is valued at $150 million. Hirst's scultpure was imported from Earth in parts and assembled on Mars. Other sculptures were created on Mars in accordance with designs sent by Earth based artists. Some were robotically assembled by Earth based artists directing Rovers to move stones.  Other sculptures were 3D printed.   The total value of the objects on display in the sculpture park is estimated at over £1 billion.
There are some sound sculptures as well - the sounds are broadcast inside the city at observation points.   

Night lighting is a big feature of Sagan City - a lot of creative effort has been put into lighting the city at night and people often go to the main observation gallery at night to take in the view.

Another aspect of Sagan City's artistic effort is the work put into creating indoor landscapes comprising rocks, vegetation and water features.  In addition some of the outdoor spaces visible from within the pressurised environment have been turned into artificial Earth-like landscapes with artificial flora.

Others are employed by the Architectural Division of the Habitat and Life Support Department working on creating new habitats that are aesthetically pleasing as well as functional.

The Mars Arts Colony was established in Year 10 PHS, beginning with a Visual Artist in Residence. There are now also a Sculptor in Residence, Writer in Residence, City Poet and Composer and Leader of Music who form part of the colony.

The central venue for performing arts is the City Hall Complex. The main hall is used for sports (basketball, tennis and roller blade hockey being the main attractions), theatrical performances (by the part-time theatre company of Mars), cinema, lectures, and musical and dance performances.

There is a lively cultural magazine that appears monthly as an e publication "Focus on Mars".  There is also an annual Cultural Prize event.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#2 2022-03-25 17:25:39

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Culture, craft and art on Mars.

Music Improves Wellbeing and Quality of Life, Research Suggests … h-suggests

Quiz: Which classical composer are you? … er_are_you … index.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-03-25 17:28:22)


#3 2022-05-09 11:21:15

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Culture, craft and art on Mars.

Musical Economy - Orchestras of Mars, Titan, Europa?

First musical instruments played in outer space were an 8-note Hohner "Little Lady" harmonica and a handful of small bells carried by American astronauts Wally Schirra and Thomas P. Stafford aboard Gemini 6, on the ISS NASA astronaut Catherine Coleman played a flute aboard the International Space Station, Ellen Ochoa former director of the Johnson Space Center took a flute with her on her first STS mission to space, the Guzheng and Cucurbit flute have been played on the Chinese Space Station. Bagpipes were played in space for the first time in  2015. US Astronaut Kjell Lindgren played “ to commemorate the life of Victor Hurst, a scientist involved in his team’s training, his pipes were custom made out of plastic and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield's videos went viral watched more than 22 million times. All of these instruments were manufactured on Earth.

What new sound or notes will inspire, what harmonics will they hear from the machines and the winds blowing? Will someone like Fender, Yamaha, Rickenbacker, Ibanez, Fender or Gibson send their robot makers out there to build the music of Mars? Or will Mars just have recordings and perhaps DJs?

SpaceNut wrote:

There is actually 2 different speeds for sound on mars.

Its speed depends on whether the sound is high-pitched or low-pitched

The speed of this sound is about 250 meters per second, the team reports. That’s slower than on Earth, where sound travels through the air at about 340 m/s.

Martian surface at frequencies below 240 hertz, or slightly deeper than middle C on a piano: 240 m/s.

It possible instruments will be 3-D printed, however its also possible New Worlds will have scarce resources demand for wires a big thing, it might be more in demand to print building material or medical equipment first than 'music' and arts and building something like a Spanish Guitar or Grand Piano frowned upon seen as a Waste of resources by colonists. However everywhere mankind as gone the arts and music have followed. Many Russian cosmonauts and American astronauts have made use of the International Space Station’s guitar. The Flute is one of the oldest instruments in the world, possible came when some person picked up the femur Human Thigh Bone of a Lost Loved one with holes in it and someone blew into it and found notes, or maybe it was a piece of bamboo or wood that was found floating, skin covering a fallen enemy's skull could become a War Drum. An instrument called a Yu  is a free reed wind instrument used in ancient China, it is similar to the sheng's multiple verticle pipes. The oldest piece of a plucked string instrument known as the ‘se’, dated to 2,700 years old, some drawings were found in the Chinese province of Hubei, Lyres a type of Chordophone Harp Stringed Musical Instrument date back to ancient Egypt and Greece, the Konghou refers to three different musical Chinese instruments, the Crwth a Welsh instrument and Kinnor from Israel and Tanpura from India,  Haegum is a contemporary bowed Korean stringed instrument, Arabic North Africans had a banjo like instrument and Shamisen a Japanese banjo-like lute with three strings. Some intruments have new world history The banjo for example is a New World instrument born in the Americas and Caribbean and early in transatlantic history. The Banjo was born to suit the needs of a new kind of society based on displacement, Slaves of west and central African origin in the Americas are considered to be the source of the Peru cajón drum, in Brazil simple steel containers or barrels used as drum or Handheld frame drum with metal jingles or platinela attached, tuned through adjusting the tension. Bamboo seems to be used a lot as an instrument material, the Shakuhachi is a vertical bamboo flute used for Zen meditation. When colonies grow and Mars is built up it might have grand ceremony just as Tutankhamun’s Trumpets. From Mexico came the marimba a Xylophone-like instrument with wooden square tubes resonators, thousands of year old Lithophones have been found inside Vietnam and India.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-09 11:26:26)


#4 2022-05-09 12:46:28

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,702

Re: Culture, craft and art on Mars.

I wonder what architecture Martians will create?  Given that most structures on Mars will be built underground, architects only need be concerned with the aesthetics of interiors.  I wonder what styles will be popular?  Italian Renaisance perhaps?  The earliest construction techniques will probably be masonry structures covered with soil.  The structures will be constructed from compressed soil bricks, which will have compressive strength equal to regular baked bricks, but no tensile strength at all.  These will be purely compressive structures.  Such building techniques are quite compatible with classical architecture here on Earth.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#5 2022-05-23 05:54:49

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Culture, craft and art on Mars.

Will they be inspired by Scary sounds

NASA releases eerie ‘singing’ from a black hole and it’s straight out of a horror movie … ing-sound/

some Space Art updates

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-27 09:32:44)


#6 2022-05-23 14:21:53

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,885

Re: Culture, craft and art on Mars.


I have made the case before on here for the hexagonal block, in the context of Luna. Almost the same enclosed area as a circle, and you can include a circular pressure vessel between an inner and outer hexagon, filling the spaces between with things such as radiation shielding. As they tessellate, new blocks can be added on as the city grows, and old ones redeveloped if they end up sitting on more valuable land. As for the interiors, that will depend on what it's being used for... some might have an array of light pipes to bring in sunlight, for their service as parks.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#7 2022-08-27 10:46:25

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Culture, craft and art on Mars.

Robots from the USA, Russia, China have put tracks on the Moon or Mars, the United States of America has landed people on the Moon and Footprints left there so perhaps that is why it is easier for us to imagine construction over ground. Things have been left on other worlds, other planets, flying past Pluto, landing on Titan, a spacecrat in orbit of Jupiter, but humanity has not been able to dig down on another world yet so maybe this is why our minds do not easily imagine examples of Subterranean Outer Space Architecture.

What we do know from our past is if the military minded group design something like a cafe or scientists make a cafe it tends to be functional and have less 'aesthetic' however if a President, Emperor or King asks for something to be designed it tends to look 'nice'. Even a bland functional boring building can later be changed and improved by adding artist craft and artistic works.

Some of us will wonder what architecture Martians will create, will a desert landscape or cold region have influence and what will they write, what will they draw, what buildings can they make, can they prepare for a Sandstorm, long cold, batten down the hatches and be ready for something that could compare to 1 year Earth winters? However maybe we already have cultural comparisons, analogy, history, analogues for different human cultures going to Mars.

If you have a crazy nation with money to throw silly projects sent on rockets, your nation and its moronic psychopath leaders are traitors and or dumb enough enough to export something alien and foreign like helping move islamic mohammedanism off world. How much can you expect done offworld if their men must go to the Mosque five times a day to stick their buttocks in the air while banging their skull into a floor, maybe expect these culture to be invasive on your freedoms and 'difficult' maybe even eventually destroy other people's Churches and Temples and Synagogues or attack and jihad a Library. Maybe if you send a mosque jihadi off world the only thing they can truly build is a 'mosque' to further proliferate even more mosque. A random insult might happen to a follower of the pedophile terrorist so called prophet mahomet, an insult happening for almost no reason, the mohammedan horde might riot or shoot or bomb a book shop or music festival because someone offended their Moongod al-Lah or painted something or wrote a poem that caused the jihad terrorist an 'offense'. Maybe not all religions will be as equally difficult, which is why I personally choose to be Agnostic on other non-mohammedan faiths, other temples might even be useful to keep a level of spiritualism in exploration when the human feels something empty inside.

Other historically less explosive more intelligent history of desert dwelling cultures include all peoples from all over the world, the Aboriginal who stare at the stars thought about dream time and wondered and new Empire that came with ships the White Caucasian Great Australian that arrived to claim the Subtropical sands, the Asian Mongoloid Gobi Desert of Cold winter and their use of China design and Chinese writing hanzi alphabet characters, the Khoisan another culture of sands the White Boer Afrikaans and Bantu Congoid Negroid culture of Niger-Congo of Kalahari Desert some of these regions even have some near extinct France and German culture recognized as national languages, Ferlo Desert culture Subtropical in Africa, Senegal the French and Arabic invades and there is also a Congoid Bantu Jola languages culture, they also speak some kind of creole jive ebonics pidgin language culture Portuguese Creole, locally known as Portuguese but no Portugese speaker can understand them nor Brazilian, nobody outside their own local gangster hiphop community can read what jib jabber they have written down. Sometimes ethnic groups and culture migrate or are imported, in the sands of Africa they still have many Hindu Indian ethnic groups and Jewish among their community. In the new world Patagonian Desert a Latin culture with a Cold winter, Atacama Desert Mild coastal, the Native American cultures who lived before the arrival of Explorers and Colonialism should be mentioned, at the Great Basin another Cold winter the Chihuahuan Desert Subtropical, the Colombia Basin Canada and the United States, Washington, Oregon, a cold US Winter, in Colorado a Plateau with a very United States and new world American culture, Thar Desert Subtropical Desi culture of Southern Asia, Ladakh Desert a Cold winter and a region of Dispute between China, India and Pakistan. The biggest Desert of them all Barren area of landscape of the South Pole, although there is ice there it is rare for it to rain, by definition Antarctica is a Desert also, the language and religions can spread as far as the South Pole. All kinds are there with their Bases and churches and rituals, the Bulgarian going down to the icey south and now radio stations which broadcast in Korean, Spanish, Japanese, Russian and French? All across the North pole a Nomad culture of Eskimo peoples, Inuit. the Yupik Siberia, Canada and Alaska, a related third group by language and culture the Aleut, Ainu people culture, classed as Native Japanese and yet Native Russian, Natives who lived before the arrival of the Yamato Japanese and Russians, Sami Lapland people that have a similar but different culture, the language and art classed as a branch of the Uralic language family.

Subterranean Architecture and Underground construction can be less impressive simply because it is hidden and less available to seem being underground does not make 'The IceCube Neutrino Observatory' less impressive it is one of the greatest experiments and constructions done in the world, everything there already prepared for heat, water and snacks because they never know when things might go wrong or how long they might be stranded there in one building. We also have Nordic Biodome cultures from different nations, or people who go on tours of Northern Regions, people doing experiments in Greenhouse of Canada, Norway, Russia, Iceland, Greeland, Sweden, Finland, Alaska, science groups and companies then moving and doing their own experiments in Growing plants. There are wonders underground the construction of underground tunnels, shafts, chambers, art pieces and paints and sculpture and shopping regions and shipping and warehouse storage and passageways, some underground spaces have served us as religion burial places or amazing art can be found inside crypts, the rich and elite and paranoid build underground bunkers with their own entertainment inside, wide variety of military fortifications were underground, the Vietnamese used tunnels to effect in their wars, the Queen of England is said to have their escape routes if things go bad, Metro-2 the Russian is the informal name for a purported secret underground metro system, Paris and London and Rome are all said to have ancient tunnels, in China they buried an ancient army but in recent times an entire city complex was constructed from 1969 to 1979 in anticipation of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union, as Sino-Soviet relations worsened the Chinese put a city under the Earth covering an area of 85 square kilometres (33 sq mi) 8 to 18 metres (26–59 ft) under the surface, in some old the basement is opened up and becomes a place where people sleep and wake up and go out and engage in the street life, in Seoul South Korea we see it take life and become a danger when a city is hit by floods. For the military they would protect their assets and equipment and people an underground hangar is a type of hangar for military aircraft, usually dug into the side of a mountain for protection, going underground can be an answer for transport and logistical problems, Chicago Tunnel Company was the builder and operator of a 2 ft (610 mm) narrow-gauge railway freight tunnel network under downtown Chicago the tunnel of illinois. Australia you have people living under the Earth, the underground jewellery shop in Coober Pedy, in Scotland, Serbia, dugout, an Earth house or Hillhouse or dug-out, also known as a pit-house or earth lodge, a shelter for humans or domesticated animals and livestock based on a hole or depression dug into the ground or hillside,  Loess Plateau Chinese caves called yaodongs and old Native hillside cliff structures and House ruins at Mesa Verde National Park. In our modern world dug in constructions are new and high tech, in Osaka Japan you can live a life without going to the surface, an enormous underground networks in the Umeda, Namba, and Shinsaibashi districts, Umeda the old Japan the "plum field" region commercial, business, shopping and entertainment district within a city now includes over 1,200 retail stores and restaurants,  post office in Slovenia and a new data center in Stockholm old tunnels of Paris, under groudn routes in London and winery in Italy, the cold-winter northern continental climate of much of Canada makes underground pedestrian malls particularly useful to fight the cold.

If we send enhanced Post-Humans to Mars, the genetically engineered, Cyborgs for example, new AI robo dogs perhaps it is more difficult to draw from our historical lesson.

yet maybe there is already forward thinking and inspiration

Archimania-designed sunken courtyard … -leed-gold
Swedish design … architects
Germany’s Expanded Städel Museum … rt-germany
Underground Architecture: 5 Subterranean Stunners … hitecture/
While skyscrapers can be undeniably impressive, sometimes it's those buildings that go down instead of up that are most intriguing. Building underground can save precious ground space as well as getting round strict planning regulations. We take a look at some of the best examples of subterranean architecture … t-4344887/
Underground subway tunnel corridor modern architecture … ge69735272
Solvenia Caves … tojna-cave
This Tuscan winery has an “invisible building” where the roof is a vineyard … a-vineyard

In our scifi and fantasy culture we also have the hobbit holes as described in the stories of LOTR and The Underground City by Jules Verne.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-27 11:43:51)


#8 2022-10-16 08:09:13

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Culture, craft and art on Mars.

Auto Tune and Drum Machine were already a thing

Hopefully Mars chooses a sound that is more real and human and organic?

'Researchers at Sony Computer Science Lab (CSL) have Developed a Machine Learning-based Model called 'SampleMatch,' that can Automatically Retrieve Drum Samples that Match a Specific Music Track from Large Archives' … fic-music/


#9 2023-02-19 18:58:20

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Culture, craft and art on Mars.

I asked ChatGPT to write me some songs and poems about Wales and it went surprisingly well … s-26233814

David Guetta says the future of music is in AI

Chart-topping DJ David Guetta has said "the future of music is in AI"


#10 2023-03-02 05:35:26

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Culture, craft and art on Mars.

The 'Space Architects' of Mars | The Age of A.I.

Life on Mars won't be how David Bowie pictured it. With the help of artificial intelligence, architects and scientists are painting a picture of what life in space could be like and how it will be possible.

The Age of A.I. is a 8 part documentary series hosted by Robert Downey Jr. covering the ways Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Networks will change the world.

The day of the Voice actor are over?

Amazing voice switches the AI Voice Conversion Demo

Before super-heroes go the way of the Dinosaur and vanish in popular as Western Cowboy movies faded maybe one day AI will make the next entertainment trend?

Every Single Country Created as a Supervillain with AI paint, Artificial Intelligence

I notice it using lots of Black and Blue and pointed features in Costume or Masks, sometimes it paints horns or armor, Greece looks like the classical mythological Neptune, Indonesia and Hungary look like a Vampire and Iceland looks like angry 'Thor'. Belarus looks similar to the dictator of today, Brazil a look that gives a Hulking Monster from the Jungle feel, Bhutan and Boliva look like something from a comicbook
Australia and Austria very different, Canada looks like a Canadian 'Batman' and Colombia looks like an Alien, the Vatican city looks like a character from Warhammer or a Playstation Xbox video game, Vietnam looks like Vietcong army but with zombie face make-up.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-02 05:55:20)


#11 2024-06-04 02:59:01

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Culture, craft and art on Mars.

NASA Art Program … rt-program

and what if some rich but drunken stoned barbarian from Holland Netherlands damages your wonders of art and monuments

'Dutch tourist accused of defacing an ancient roman villa' … 024-06-03/

not just ISIS but also idiots deface monuments and destroy ancient relics


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