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#51 2022-07-16 06:30:53

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,016

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

A less obvious knock-on effect of establishment of a local government, is that most people would probably want the same or similar legal protections and personal protections afforded by existing nation-states as a precondition for moving.  State laws are modeled after federal laws for that reason, with nuances specific to each state, but still operating within the same normative legal framework.  If you told most people that you'd like them to move somewhere with their family that has no legal or military or regulatory protections established, then most rational people will tell you that they're not moving there.  This is one reason why I've told my wife, who is from Viet Nam, that I'm never going with her to Viet Nam while it remains a communist country.  They can accuse you of anything without evidence and imprison you indefinitely with no recourse.  Basically, despite having many good people it's not a civilized country.  In any event, without establishment of laws, regulations, and enforcement, this second branch of human civilization will be very short-lived.


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#52 2022-07-16 20:22:43

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,016

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?


Human children are not disposable personal property to be discarded like trash, whenever they become or might become inconvenient.  For people who profess to "believe in science", "the science" says that human life begins at conception.  So long as these religious believers profess to be "science followers", I really do wish they'd start acting like it.  This is the same criticism leveled at the Christians by the Sciencers.  If you profess to believe in a religion, then do try to actually follow its tenets.  Unless what our "science believers" actually believe in is more correctly defined as "scientology", then any argument to the contrary is scientifically incorrect.

If it's the life of a human child we're talking about, then the person doing the killing is doing so for entirely selfish reasons.  They may feel justified in killing their child and may even convince enough others to agree with them so that they get to kill their own child.  For example, I will agree with them if they've been raped or the continuation of the pregnancy will likely result in the death of the mother, but that's my absolute limit.  Apart from that, my general view is that children are not "mistakes to be corrected" because the mother later believed that she slept with a vile and/or irresponsible man, after behaving to the contrary.  I can certainly sympathize with her plight due to her poor decision-making skills, but not her destructive behavior.  That is the ultimate demonstration of an unwillingness to accept personal responsibility for your own actions.

In all other cases, abortion is an artifact of a serious character flaw of someone who refuses responsibility for their own actions.  Children are the natural consequence of men and women having sex.  There is no point in time in all of human history when this was not the case.  Anyone who is so immature as to be incapable of accepting the consequences of having sex, should probably find something else to do with their free time that requires less personal accountability and forethought.  Sex, like drinking, driving, and owning weapons, requires a level of personal responsibility beyond mere self-interest.  Sure, getting to do what you want to "feels good" at the time, but then that time passes and the consequences to rest of your life begin.  Learn how to be agreeable enough to your chosen sex partner that the two of you are not running away from responsibility like children the moment one of you says or does something that the other doesn't like.

There are good reasons why you have to be considered a legal adult to drink or smoke, drive a car, own property and weapons, join the military, or sign any other life-altering contract that have nothing whatsoever to do with trying to subjugate women or "control their bodies" or any similar nonsense.  Are there people who attempt to do that?  Sure, but the west grants the freedoms it does as a result of a belief in fairness and personal liberty.  If you lack the maturity and personal integrity to act as if you're accountable for your actions, then a good number of people would fairly determine that you do not merit the same privileges as an adult.  The same is true of having sex.  There is no such thing as having sex without consequences.  The act itself may be pleasurable, but the reason for its existence is procreation, not pleasing yourself or proving that you're worth something specific in someone else's eyes or anything else.

In the past, religious groups were primarily deciding when life begins, because organized religion held dominion over society, civilized or otherwise.  They non-arbitrarily "decided" that life begins at conception.  They happen to be scientifically correct, despite all the rest of their profoundly unscientific nonsense related to other matters.  No matter how contorted the thought process of people claiming otherwise, that is when life actually begins.  That's also why more than half of the states in America define killing a pregnant woman as a double homicide, which indicates dignity and respect is due not only for the life of the mother but for the lives of all her children as well.

Sidebar Begins
You already know my position on organized religion, which is not supportive.  I had a baptist man and his son (we’ll call him “Will”, and his son “Will Jr”, because that is what they told me their names were) come today talk to me at length.  They came to tell me the “good news” that “god loves me and all his children”, but god will also send me to a “lake of fire for all eternity” if I do not accept god’s love.  I told him that sounds more like burning hatred and capriciousness than love.  I said that I would sooner jump into that lake of fire myself than ever allow a single one of my children suffer that fate, because I actually love my children and would never do that to them, no matter their mistake or transgression against me.  From my perspective there seems to be a night-and-day difference between what “god says” and what “god does”, which sounds an awful lot like human behavior rather than divinity or transcendence, thus not someone I would ever willingly submit to.  Will also told me why he believes in god, which is more than I ever received while I was forced to partake in Catholicism, so I kept talking to him and his son.  Will said he “can’t otherwise explain or understand the beauty and complexity of the universe, and that it had to have been designed the way it was by some higher power”.  I said that was fine, and I can’t offer up a better explanation using what little I know of science, but that I require evidence in order to believe that something exists.  I told Will that while science can’t presently explain everything he experiences, I don’t think we should stop searching for answers in order to worship “a god” who loves us all but will also send us to a lake of fire for all eternity for a temporary mistake or transgression.  He also talked to me about subjective truth and objective truth.  I told him the only kind of truth I’m aware of is in fact objective, whereas only personal belief is subjective.  I used gravity as an example.  Gravity requires no faith in any particular religion.  It simply exists everywhere and at all times, as if it was a “force of nature”.  Is gravity a manifestation of the work of “god” or “gods”?  I can’t say because I can’t disprove the existence of “god” or “gods”.  Will Jr never said much, so I still have no idea why Will Jr believes what he believes.  I did not find Will’s answers very compelling, but at least he was honest and wasn’t so fearful of introspection that he could not define the basis for his own belief system.

Will asked me to read the Book of Romans (an Epistle from “The New Testament” of the Bible for those who don’t know) and “Evidence That Demands a Verdict”.  I’ve read from Romans in Catholic School because I was required to do so.  Maybe the Baptists think that the Holy Roman Catholic Church doesn’t require their adherents to read from Romans?  I’ll read the Epistle again, just in case there’s something there that will change my thinking.  I was a child the last time I read it.  I’m over 40 now, so that’s a considerable maturity gap.  I re-read through the first 4 chapters of Romans and pondered over the meaning of the words, but no deeper insight on my part.  No doubt my own beliefs affect my thinking, but not without cause.  That said, I also retain some small measure of humility and introspection to accept that I do not understand everything and could be wrong.
Sidebar Ends

Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973, 7 years before I was born.  Since then, there have been more than 60 million abortions performed in the US.  On average, more than 1.2 million babies were put to death per year for the "crime of existing".  The "right to exist and be accepted“ is what all our gays / lesbians / transgender people assert is what they want.  Since my morals and internal logic are consistent, I wholeheartedly agree that they are no less human and no less deserving of basic human dignity and respect than any other person.  Anyway, the relative "safety" of the medical procedure for the life of the mother is highly questionable and is an elective surgery performed in response to a completely natural part of life- namely the continuation of life.  There's no Constitutional argument for killing your own child, thus no legal basis for the federal government giving their blessing to the practice of killing your child, and thus they returned it to the 50 states for further adjudication, because the issue does not fall under their jurisdiction.  In the 49 years since 1973, after more than 60 million babies electively killed by their own mothers, it's utterly impossible to conclude that the practice is rare.  "A woman's right to choose in America" has resulted in a body count equivalent to 49 years of the Alpha and Delta variants of COVID.

Alternatively, every woman in America has been raped at least once if not several times during her life, yet also refused to ever file a Police report so the rest of us can try, convict, and imprison the men who are criminally responsible.  If that is indeed the case, then the response of women to one heinous crime appears to be the commission of another.  If such is the case, then the crime of rape seems to be accepted by American women and men, which is blatantly false.  Since even other violent criminals routinely murder convicted rapists in prison, I find such an assertion to be facially absurd.  A huge number of women therefore killed their own children out of convenience.  Killing another human, let alone your own child, is nothing like stepping on an ant or a cockroach or even shooting a wild animal to eat it.  There are lots of reasons why people kill each other, but very few of them are something most of us would feel was justifiable, if done to us.

If any other group of people had committed such an atrocity as the murder of 60 million children, then we would rightly categorize them with the worst mass murderers in human history.  Some people act as if abortion is a Coke vs Pepsi argument, or some other similarly trivial "choice", as if they're selecting something off a restaurant menu.  If men had done this, then they would be locked up or executed outright, same as we did to the nazi mass murdering thugs following WWII.  For some strange reason, if your own mother murders you and nobody can hear your screams because you're totally defenseless and dependent upon her care, that makes it all better.  If women feel the need to exercise their "right to choose", then they can start becoming a lot more "choosey" about who they have sex with.  Whenever men kill someone outside of a self-defense scenario, they're locked up or executed.  The only times that doesn't happen is lawlessness or when people with no morals are placed into positions of power.  No more "special rules for special people" is my reply.  Women are not better than men.  Men are not better than women.  Both sexes should be held equally responsible for wantonly killing others, no matter how big-and-strong or weak-and-powerless their victims happen to be.  Deliberate premeditated killing of other people who have done no wrong to you is plainly psychotic behavior.  Anyone demonstrating such behavior should be institutionalized to protect the rest of society from them, and them from themselves.

Women can be "liberated" from the "Oppressive Western Patriarchy" by choosing not to have sex with any men they don't want to have their children with.  Women can outright reject any request for sex that's not completely on their terms.  They have always had this power and responsibility to use it wisely.  If it turns out that their standards or preconditions for having sex are unattainable, then most of them will live and die alone, as will most men.  Many western women, given their abhorrent attitudes and behavior and outright refusal to accept personal responsibility for their own decision making, should in fact remain alone until they learn to behave appropriately and make themselves attractive to the opposite sex.  So, I wish women and men would exercise this sort of "right to choose” early and often so that they don't end up in dodgy abortion clinics killing their own children.  Likewise, men can outright refuse to share their time, labor, and resources with any women who don't behave like good wives, which they are already doing, because they learn about the behavior of women from the women they interact with or were raised by.

People who refuse to behave like well-adjusted adults or to minimally take care of themselves can choose to self-select themselves out of the dating and gene pools if they're not serious about marriage and having children.  Good riddance.  The world won't miss the continuation or their atrocious self-absorbed behavior and poor decision making skills.  Furthermore, in light of that fact, all these dimwit "population reduction" schemes from our anti-humanists will have been much ado about nothing.  Let the human population naturally collapse for one generation until the remaining men and women figure out what it means to behave like desirable mates.  Maybe 1% of the entire human population could be happy living alone.  The rest are only fooling and hurting themselves, which benefits no one.

It's regrettable that our feminists / incels / men-go-their-own-way / black-pillers / etc (their own descriptions of themselves, not mine) who have had their thinking so messed up by society's anti-humanists that they will die alone, but that is what happens when saboteurs or nihilists, basically everyone on the radical left, are allowed to drip their poison into young and impressionable minds through academia, media, pop culture, and politics.

If all of that leads to better personal decision making while producing fewer and fewer children, born to two people who voluntarily commit to a stable, if trying at times (no relationship I’ve ever seen is entirely without quarrels and disagreements), long-term relationship with each other, for the purpose of raising well-adjusted children, then that's a win-win for both them and society.  Women won't sleep with men who they believe are poor candidates to become fathers for 10 minutes of sexual pleasure.  If men are truly refusing to become good partners or good fathers, then that's an excellent idea.  Believe it or not, some still do make these wise and rational decisions.  In surveys women judged that 80% of men are "below average" and not worth having sex with.  In terms of marriage rates, well over 50% of men judged that the women available to them would be poorly suited to be their wives, so an ever-growing number of men are refusing to marry them.  80% of divorces are initiated by women, which suggests that 80% of the time they're unhappy with whomever they voluntarily chose to marry, and also seems to suggest that these divorced women are poor judges of character or potential or personality traits that make their partner someone they'd want to stay with over the long term.  For some strange reason, poor decision making on the part of women also means that the men they slept with have to give up more than 50% of communal property and assets to financially support “strong and independent women”, who are still financially dependent on men.  Why is it that we do not judge that women are imprudent and/or unwise decision makers if they regret their most important and consequential decision 80% of the time?  What was "liberating" about that for women?  Why is it permissible at all for women to "liberate" money made by men they are not in a committed relationship with, or vice versa?  Women say they want traditional men who are good providers, but their lack of long-term commitment to stable relationships says otherwise.

In a moral and just and introspective society that highly values personal responsibility, both women and men can behave like mature adults who blame themselves rather than others for their poor mate selection.  If women want equality with men, then most of them will also have resigned themselves to becoming wage slaves like men, reporting to a boss who has no love for or loyalty to them and absolute control over whether or not you receive the money to eat and live indoors, who will discard them any time they're not convenient.  Women can also be sent off to fight and die on the whim of a bunch of angry / ignorant / self-absorbed geriatrics, just like so many young men.  Imagine how "liberating" it must have been for all the young men who fought in WWII to never have sex or a right to vote or a right to anything else in life but to engage in mortal combat with the literal historical nazis, or to bear witness to the insanity of genocide!  Ah, the "beauty" of equality.  You get to reach into your own toilet whenever it's clogged, kill your own roaches and spiders, fend off violent criminals, watch your best friends die in truly horrific ways long before they have the chance to grow old and watch their children become adults, dig graves to bury your dead, smell the fragrant aroma of rotting trash on the back of a garbage truck, lay bricks in blisteringly hot temperatures, and fight wars that know no limit to their brutality or inhumanity.  If that was the sort of “liberation” that women actually wanted, then yes, I think sleeping with your boss and getting things handed to you, as your boss has things available to hand to you, is a much better “lifestyle choice”.  There’s a reason the men on the Titanic gave up their seats in life rafts to save their women and children, and it wasn’t selfishness or an oppressive patriarchy or any similar utter nonsense.

If you think being a woman who some man has decided to look after and provide for and grow old with is somehow degrading and oppressive, then wait till you have an officer tell you that he thinks all enlisted men are pieces of shit to be stomped on, and that is your only purpose in life.  That was only a joke, meaning the officer who said that to me said it as a joke, and I chose to believe him, but it was surprising how funny all the rest of the officers in the room found it to be.  However, that's true "equality with men".  You're not a "special turd”, nor even a "polished turd", you're "just a turd" in the minds of those you volunteered to serve.

At the end of the day, this issue of "choice" boils down to  being so reckless and selfish that some have chosen to kill their own children instead of living with the consequences of their own decisions.  And no, that's not a "choice" that anyone should be legally permitted to make.  People making such choices are plainly stating that they don’t value human life, except when it comes to their life.  The Titanic survivors illustrate how highly valued women and children were before the society of the never-ending now came to be.

If you cut all the flower buds off an apple tree the moment they appear, then you will never get another apple tree.  If we did that to all existing apple trees, then when the existing apple trees die, apples cease to exist.  Humans eat apples to survive and thrive.  That’s why deliberate continued removal of all the buds is both wrong and selfish beyond belief, thus intolerable to a free, open, and civilized society that values all of its members.


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#53 2022-07-16 21:17:20

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,332

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

For kbd512 re #52

This post is a notable addition to the topic!


There are surely other search terms (tags) that would help folks to find this long and carefully organized piece.



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#54 2022-07-19 17:20:39

From: Thunder Bay
Registered: 2017-03-10
Posts: 87

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Well, to move gently back to this thread's stated topic, I found in the 1st post that Byron asked 'how an actual governing structure would be set up on Mars'
Scott Beach has a thread about a possible constitution that lays out how settlers can apply for a claim to some territory - right here.

An earlier thread got as far as this post

In my own humble opinion, actually setting up the governing structure would take a major series of conferences between all potential settling parties such as SpaceX, national space agencies, the UN maybe, and so on. It could get messy. But if a well-known body such as the Mars Society formed an outline in advance and convened such a conference, it might help to kickstart the process and get the job done.

Forming the outline would require people with practical political experience, I think, as well as a detailed vision of how a robust and free society could function. So you'd need some advisers. Think of the scholars who've written papers on Mars culture & government and recruit them. And some others who have hands-on experience of the closest analogue ... maybe negotiating the creation of new corporations?

-- Because it's there! --


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#55 2022-07-27 11:36:12

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

With the Russians possibly pulling out of the ISS then on Mars what are the options if problems arise and some government or corporation wants to pull back, it won't work the mines, or the facility and module for recycling water won't be maintained, or they don't deliver supply cargo ships, a government or corporation won't work on the sewer system, it deliver the air it promised, instead want to move colonists or astronauts and explorers to its other Biodome Space Station site?

A long time ago there were British, Spanish, Portugese, Dutch and French in the America's, the British became the dominant sea power but then shocking loss for the Brits and it was unthinkable that these unruly colonists across the ocean would beat them with unconventional warfare with their guns, dare set up a republic, rebuking Europe’s powerful monarchies and insulting England’s King George. Perhaps after a while Mars will become unhappy from rule off planet from another world and far away Corporate Kingdom, the Martian human might also look to rebellion.

Musk will get beat by other companies?

An Ambitious Team Aims for Mars in 2024 with a 3D Printed Rocket. Two companies, Impulse Space Propulsion and Relativity Space. … mars-2024/

Does anyone think we SpaceX (Elon Musk) can land the first people on mars by 2024? … 024.37691/

On CNBC Thursday morning, host Jim Cramer asked Muilenburg whether he or Musk would “get a man on Mars first.” “Eventually we’re going to go to Mars and I firmly believe the first person that sets foot on Mars will get there on a Boeing rocket,” Muilenburg responded. Elon Musk offered a pithy response on Twitter: "Do it."
This is not the first time Muilenburg has challenged Musk’s plans to initiate human travel to Mars. At a tech conference last year in Chicago, Muilenburg echoed a nearly identical sentiment. “I’m convinced that the first person to step foot on Mars will arrive there riding on a Boeing rocket,” he said, according to Bloomberg. In recent years, Musk has generally been recognized as the face of mankind’s goal to colonize Mars due to his celebrity status. … s.1949896/

The Radicals who hate Humans and compare them to insects want a word?

Considering the colonisation of Mars? Werner Herzog would like a word
Film-maker Werner Herzog has upended the scorn bucket over billionaire electric car and space firm mogul Elon Musk's plans to create a city on Mars. In an interview with Inverse, Herzog described Musk's dream of colonisation as "an obscenity", and compared humans to locusts … mars_plan/

Mars could be ruled by a UFO cult?

Cult of Personality?

A crazy religious UFO-ology spritual doomsdayish Godworship group Ashtar Command? some an etheric group of extraterrestrials, angels and light beings and millions of “starships” working as coordinators of the activities of the space fleet over the western hemisphere, or they come from other dimensions and talk to humans after they smoke some weird stuff and open their third eye. big_smile Ashtar (sometimes called Ashtar Sheran) is the name given to an extraterrestrial being or group of beings that a number of people claim to have channeled. UFO contactee George Van Tassel was likely the first to claim to receive an Ashtar message, in 1952. Van Tassel held weekly channeling sessions at Giant Rock at which people could "ask questions" and "channel answers" from extraterrestrials. Yvonne Cole, who claimed to be channeling Ashtar messages from 1986, predicted the destruction of all Earth civilizations and the arrival on the planet of various alien cultures in 1994

Elon Musk ..Humans Would Set Foot On Mars 2024...SURPRISE...1953 book ‘Mars Project,’ Named Elon Would Bring Humans To Mars … e-1953-boo


Some brand of Nu-Communism or Neo-Socialist?

China releases images of Martian satellite … e01/c.html

Religion still getting exported to space?
President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan announced the selection of Sultan Al Neyadi

Elon Musk: Direct Democracy on Mars … conference

Prince Charles says it's OK to ditch monarchy in stunning Commonwealth speech … d-of-state

Elon Musk says we should completely rethink government on Mars to get rid of special interests and 'coercion of politicians' … cians.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-31 08:36:14)


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#56 2022-07-28 09:41:58

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

So how would the Anarcho-Capitalist Mars culture actually function? is it not vulnerable to take over by World spanning Mega Corps where everything is owned by the private sector, from the police to the fire department to the national service for flood and wildlife, sometimes even to the military and the corporate degenerate corruption of the courts, 1936 Spain immediately led to a dictatorship? The Tea companies, British Hong Kong, the city state of Portuguese Macau and  Icelandic Commonwealth may not have been as technologically advanced when the continent influence of a Norway church bought up all the godard defense groups creating a monopoly in defense and the Norwegian kingdom annexed. The Mega Corp and its new high tech it has become a common theme in Cyberpunk fiction, the technology turned against the free human and all the Mega Corps in charge of everything. Moving away from the 'Corporate Government'

and back to the old issues of Monarchy as told in our real life history, tv documentaries and scifi fictional books of fantasy and speculation. Britain's Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, less than a year into his reign, the public did not like his woman. The British King was determined to marry American divorcée Wallis Simpson and keep the throne but the news papers and public painted her as something of a prostitute. In a more prude time the divorce did carry great stigma at the time, the King was supposed to be the head of morality in the Church of England.  In the times Ancient Egypt the ruler become a self procalimed Godman for most if not all the pharaonic period. In particular a new form of God-King or God-Emperor, perhaps the Communist Democrat Reople's Republic of North Korea shares much with every pharaoh was regarded as a reincarnation of the god Horus. In Thailand today insulting the King a literal crime a poor Thai man got 37 years in prison for insulting the King's dog, blaspheme !  Other times an Emperor or Tsar or Ruler might be a female ruler, disguse herself with a more masculine role, Latin titles, swapping the "-or" for "-rix" is a general rule when the holder of a position is a woman seen in dominator/dominatrix, although not a King the woman Janet Yellen, Queen of the Fed Bank and successor to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, chose to use "Chair" rather than "Chairwoman" or "Chairperson" as her formal title. The old English example would be King Stephen, who usurped the throne from his cousin Matilda — the rightful heir — because as a woman, she was regarded as incompetent to rule by the standards of the times of the 1100s.  Hindu kings of Cambodia back in its old times when part of the Khmer Empire would take the title "Devaraja", literally "God-king" and claimed to be incarnates of the Hindu gods. House of Habsburg ruled large parts of Europe for several hundred years eventually inbred so much marrying its own cousins and brothers and sisters it eventually passed on all its egentic deformities and inbred itself out of existence. Christina of Sweden another void left behind, she abdicated the Throne in favor of her cousin Charles X Gustav to convert to Catholicism and go live in Italy, at the end of WW1 a forced Abdication for the German Royals, they made the announcement the Kaiser abdicated the throne, in favor of a new German republic. Ostrogoths offered a Crown and wanted to give support to a Byzantine general Belisarius as ruler of the Western Roman Empire after he invaded Italy on behalf of Eastern Emperor Justinian but then  realized they simply couldn't defeat him. The Byzantine Decadant Court Empire back in its day was so infamous for crazy it became to be described as "Byzantine politics." Case in point,  Empress Irene and her gender swapped version of King Henry VIII's spouse killing spree, cutting out the eyes of former Emperors and current Emperors. In the mohammedan islamist jihadi Saudi culture internal politics of the Al Saud can be dangerous. In the Game of Thrones books and tv show a fictional world inspired by the LOTR fictional universe but with more gore and degeneracy, the Song of Ice and Fire, there are examples of an Aristocracy of Evil  where people call themselves Kings or Queens and these people are hard to pin down morally, often falling on the side of degeneracy and evil.  Nero and Caligula examples of insane Royal Emperors wildly irrational, violently moody, poor leadership, extremely debauched and a political plague upon their own Empires and Kingdoms.

Switzerland today might be one of the closest forms of Direct Democracy,  pure form of direct Democract ruler exists in the Swiss cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden and Glarus.
britannica reads
Direct Democracy, also called pure democracy, forms of direct participation of citizens in democratic decision making, in contrast to indirect or representative democracy. Direct democracies may operate through an assembly of citizens or by means of referenda and initiatives in which citizens vote on issues instead of for candidates or parties.


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#57 2022-07-29 03:57:39

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Bloodlines, Monarch, Ethnostates Polytheistic, Animistic Religion, ritual the Tahitians and other Pacific islanders, Huna New Age Voodoo Metaphysics, Theosophy Rituals, Indian Chakras, Kapu is or was or maybe still is the ancient Hawaiian code of conduct of laws and regulations. The kapu Hawaii system was universal in lifestyle, gender roles, politics and religion. An offense that was kapu was often a capital offense in Hawaii culture, but also often denoted a threat to spiritual power, or theft of manaMental Vortexes plus Ley Lines and “Lineal Descendants”. Sounds like something of the distant past or a future MadMax post apocalypse horror thriller movie?

Some of the Gods?
Hawaiian Renaissance also known as the Hawaiian Cultural Renaissance was the Hawaiian resurgence of a distinct cultural identity that draws upon traditional kanaka maoli culture, with a significant divergence from the tourism-based culture which Hawaii was previously known for worldwide. Polytheistic and Animistic with belief in many deities and spirits, including the belief that spirits are found in non-human beings and objects such as other animals, the waves, and the sky. However it seems that some ancient Hawaiians were atheists, referred to as 'aia'.

Maybe Hawaii trying to deal with its own history, Protestant Christian missionaries arrived  eventually gain political, moral and economic influence in the Kingdom of Hawaii. Most converted to Christianity, including the own famous Native Leader people but it took 11 years for Kaʻahumanu to proclaim laws against ancient religious practices. A New Thought system Religion was Only Allowed? Worshipping of idols such as sticks, stones, sharks, dead bones, ancient gods and all untrue gods is prohibited. They now say there is one God alone, Jehovah. He is the true Church and the God to worship.  Suddenly the hula is forbidden, the chant olioli, the song of pleasure(mele, foul speech, and bathing by women in public places. The planting of ʻawa is prohibited. Neither chiefs nor commoners are to drink ʻawa. In year 2019, an online petition titled "The Immediate Halt to the Construction of the TMT telescope on Mauna Kea" was posted on The petition had gathered over 100,000 signatures. … e-project/

...well guess what happened those Telescopes of Hawaii.

A new law is putting astronomy back in the hands of Native Hawaiians … y-control/

and what if the new settlement of Natives born on Mars go rogue and decide to worship Olympus Mons?


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#58 2022-07-31 08:05:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Ration coupons and rations Stamps, the Rationing is often done to keep price below the market-clearing price determined by the process of supply and demand in an unfettered market. Thus, Scarce resource, Extending Butter, saving and Trading your Food vouchers and other War Time Rationing Trick.

Could that sound like Martial Law, a military influence involving the suspension of ordinary law

and what if a worse scenario
Banana Republic economics
the Government joins a Mafia, chases down the jury and legal system?

Britons braced for 'compulsory water metering' and 'water queues in streets' … ve-updates

Corruption in Guatemala is at unprecedented levels under an "authoritarian" government that punishes prosecutors and judges investigating organized crime, Jordan Rodas, the country's ombudsman said "We're going through one of the worst moments" with respect to corruption … -ombudsman

Rojas says the international community "Could do more" to fight corruption in Guatemala, including hitting more people with sanctions, including businessmen who "Feed this perverse strategy".

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-31 10:32:59)


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#59 2022-08-01 16:11:50

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Political Business Family?

One day perhaps the Dog Bites Back, Daughters become their Mothers corruption Like Father, Like Son, they get more crazy over time a Sanity Slippage the con man or Con-Woman doesn't choose to play the shell game with you if there is any possibility of him actually losing and Maintaing the Lie ...Political Dynasties, Big, Screwed-Up politics Clan, family of business government elites, politics families.

refuses to resign over video showing alleged hit-and-run crash with cyclist

Amy DeGise ? … run-video/

Months before hit-and-run, NJ councilwoman tried to influence cop towing her car … e-car-tow/

9 overdue tickets are among the dozens councilwoman has racked up since 2005, records show … -show.html

WATCH: Video shows NJ councilwoman allegedly hitting man, driving off … XO7QYQHVY/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-01 16:12:09)


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#60 2022-08-07 08:04:59

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Mob Rules

...and a point of no return?

The Point of No Return
By Dr. Thomas Sowell … -no-return

This is an election year. But the issues this year are not about Democrats and Republicans. The big issue is whether this nation has degenerated to a point of no return — a point where we risk destroying ourselves, before our enemies can destroy us.

If there is one moment that symbolized our degeneration, it was when an enraged mob gathered in front of the Supreme Court and a leader of the United States Senate shouted threats against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, saying "You won't know what hit you!"

There have always been irresponsible demagogues. But there was once a time when anyone who shouted threats to a Supreme Court Justice would see the end of his own political career, and could not show his face in decent society again.

You either believe in laws or you believe in mob rule. It doesn't matter whether you agree with the law or agree with the mob on some particular issue. If threats of violence against judges — and publishing where a judge's children go to school — is the way to settle issues, then there is not much point in having elections or laws.


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#61 2022-08-14 06:15:21

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

U.S. Army hands over satellite operations to Space Force, but keeps a foothold in space … -in-space/

There's a very good reason you will never see a Tesla in Mad Max … ax-1305884
Fury Road director speaks about how he kept it real with the cars in Mad Max

It's all logical, captain

This internal logic is the thread that sews all the randomness of the movie together - whatever you see on the screen should look like it could have been rebuilt by the person driving the thing. "Every design of the cars, the wardrobe, the weapons had to work to the same logic which is basically everything is repurposed, explained Miller.

"So the cars that would survive an apocalypse are earlier technology. There are no microprocessors, no crumple technology, no airbags. They are robust cars."

Tesla then, as much as it is the most futuristic car brand out at the moment, wouldn't survive a day in Mad Max territory and it's all because of pesky computers and petrol.

"The big problem with something like a Tesla is the computers would let them down, they had no way to repair them. So we had to use simpler technology. And they had the gas from GasTown."

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-04 05:24:18)


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#62 2022-09-01 04:02:29

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Countries in Space and the Economics of Solar System Colonization - by Neatling


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#63 2022-09-05 09:41:52

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Who has or had satellites at Mars, machines in Orbit or on the surface of Mars now?
NASA, JPL and the companies linked to the Space Agency of the federal government of the United States
The Chinese have a Satellite and Rover.
European Space Agency which links to a number of European member states both EU and non-EU
a Soviet Russian USSR aerospace company and modern Russia have made attempts and explored Mars.
Indian Space Research Organisation is at Mars
Japan's Nozomi Planet B spacecraft failed but it plans to return with Martian Moons eXploration (MMX)
Kamikaze Japan and the USA have helped and islamic theocracy monarchy get to Mars

Federal presidential constitutional republic

Officially a People's Republic, Unitary Marxist–Leninist Chinese ruled socialist republic

An Agency that may or may not be part of an Economic Union of Nation states

Collapsed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which reformed after collapse and became a Federal semi-presidential republic but now under under an imperial authoritarian government

Unitary parliamentary Japanese constitutional monarchy has invested

Hindu dominated Federal parliamentary constitutional republic

for some reason people are investing in sending an alien mohammedan Jihadi Monarchy culture to Mars

Is Direct Democracy Right for Mars? … t-for-mars

Representative democracy can work without elections, as well. Modelled on the ancient Athenian democracy the martian people can chose to selection the government members by lottery, which can be regarded as a more democratic principle. Unlike the Athenian democracy the parliament on Mars allows every adult member of the martian community to be selected, including women.


Americans on Mars will probably be subject to the The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984


Possible Penalties

    Restricted privileges
    Reduced rations
    Unsavory tasks - such as waste management
    Duties which separate one from the group, such as scouting for resources

A number think  Biden has failed to unite the country, some of think the possibility of a Civil War … hat-likely

43% of Americans think a civil war is at least somewhat likely within 10 years.

Intellectuals and Democracy: The Case Against Radical Ideology … onzalez-7/

Russia cuts off gas exports to Europe via Nord Stream indefinitely — Winter has come … e-93996127

Once again, here is Laith Marouf, the guy who just got $130K from CdnHeritage to go on a six-city tour and teach Canadian broadcasters about "anti-racism"

Attempts to control a Culture - White Noise

Jackson mayor: residents face 'longer road ahead' before safe water is restored … road-ahead

Basketball Players Ignore Warning Not To Kneel At Game, College President Takes Action … es-action/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-05 11:16:29)


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#64 2022-09-06 03:58:22

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Years of Tensions at Mauna Kea May End with Peaceful Negotations … gotations/


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#65 2022-09-12 08:58:56

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Queen Victoria’s Obsession With The Occult & Her Dead Husband … d-husband/

But her obsession didn’t start with the death of her husband.  “Spiritualism”, as it was referred, began to sweep over Great Britain in the mid 1800’s, and the Queen and her husband were not immune.  According to an article in Victorian Web

The meaning of Faith, to Believe in Curses or Voodoo, some people avoid 13, the Japanese also have their launch superstitions

the Hex is to practice witchcraft

Rudolph Valentino’s Cursed Ring Remains Locked In A Hollywood Vault
Even a thief who attempted to steal the ring died before getting away.


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#66 2022-09-15 16:31:20

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

So here is something I read of but a vid I did not noticed before, the US Space Force on the Space Station.

The Space Force is the smallest U.S. armed service, consisting of 8,400 military personnel. The Space Force operates 77 spacecraft in total across various programs such as GPS, Space Fence, military satellite communications constellations, X-37B spaceplanes, U.S. missile warning system, U.S. space surveillance network, and the Satellite Control Network.

After President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that the Biden administration would not re-evaluate the decision to establish the Space Force … SKBN2A32Z6

There seems to be a song … rce-anthem

Young Latinos Create Anthem for U.S. Space Force … rce-anthem

Miami Ensemble ‘Voices of Freedom’ Hopes

Their Composition Is Officially Adopted 

The United States Space Force Anthem

Lyrics and music by Azerak and Federico Arango


To the Moon, to Mars,

Into space, far beyond,

The future of our country lies in the stars.

We march onwards!

Deep into the darkest night,

We shall bear a torch of light,

We defy the abyss with all of our might.

We fight! We are!

The United States Space Force!

We fly upwards, blast through the void,

And we rise into space, fighting for freedom.

All of mankind looks to our people

To safeguard the peace in the search for salvation.

We swear to be defenders of Earth.

We are The United States Space Force.

We march onwards!

The future of our great nation lies in our determination

To triumph with glory into the stars.

We march onwards!

Not a foe nor any terror, not an alien invader,

Shall hinder our destiny to go forth.

We fight! We are!

The United States Space Force!

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-15 16:37:10)


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#67 2022-09-21 15:06:42

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Emergency Government?

NASA lander 'hears' first impact sounds of space rocks on Mars … 324664.cms

Rival China adds urgency to US return to moon … /50741283/

Mars as a Base for Asteroid Exploration and Mining … and-mining

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-22 05:59:20)


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#68 2022-09-22 08:52:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

North Korea as a topic has also come up in the thread 'Space fairing Nations - The ever changing view'

North Korea tells U.S. to "keep its mouth shut" as it denies arming Russia … ia-1745171


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#69 2022-09-26 06:38:04

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

You think it would be almost impossible to get worse than Putin?

'Patriarch Kirill' … 02101.html
Orthodox Church leader says Russian soldiers dying in Ukraine will be cleansed of sin

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, became Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus' and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2009.

Humility, a poor humble man, connecting with common people in Religious Life? Kirill was accused of wearing a Swiss Breguet watch worth over £20,000 (US$30,000) Kirill claimed that the watch was a Deep Fake photoshopped airbrushed image and had been doctored into the image but Kirill later admitted that he did in fact own the watch. Kirill has advocated for banning Jehovah's Witnesses, newspaper Novaya Gazeta had report estimated his worth at $4 billion to $8 billion, although the figures have not been verified.

After Kirill lauded Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine, clergy in other Orthodox dioceses condemned Kirill's remarks, with Bartholomew I saying that Kirill's support for Putin and the war were "damaging to the prestige of the whole of Orthodoxy."

Why Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill supports Putin's war in Ukraine | DW News

Ukraine War Dive of Faithful or is Kirill just a Rasputin wannabe or wannabe warmongering Tsar.

Ukraine War Divides Orthodox Faithful … hurch.html
'Ukrainian cleric wrote a letter severing all ties to the Moscow Patriarchate.'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-26 06:48:57)


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#70 2022-09-26 17:53:16

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,332

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options? … ket-newtab

The essay quoted below seems to make a case for competing communities on Mars, instead of a single unified whole.

Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind
How Europe Became So Rich

In a time of great powers and empires, just one region of the world experienced extraordinary economic growth. How?

    Joel Mokyr

Read when you’ve got time to spare.

How and why did the modern world and its unprecedented prosperity begin? Learned tomes by historians, economists, political scientists and other scholars fill many bookshelves with explanations of how and why the process of modern economic growth or ‘the Great Enrichment’ exploded in western Europe in the 18th century. One of the oldest and most persuasive explanations is the long political fragmentation of Europe. For centuries, no ruler had ever been able to unite Europe the way the Mongols and the Mings had united China.

It should be emphasised that Europe’s success was not the result of any inherent superiority of European (much less Christian) culture. It was rather what is known as a classical emergent property, a complex and unintended outcome of simpler interactions on the whole. The modern European economic miracle was the result of contingent institutional outcomes. It was neither designed nor planned. But it happened, and once it began, it generated a self-reinforcing dynamic of economic progress that made knowledge-driven growth both possible and sustainable.

How did this work? In brief, Europe’s political fragmentation spurred productive competition. It meant that European rulers found themselves competing for the best and most productive intellectuals and artisans. The economic historian Eric L Jones called this ‘the States system’. The costs of European political division into multiple competing states were substantial: they included almost incessant warfare, protectionism, and other coordination failures. Many scholars now believe, however, that in the long run the benefits of competing states might have been larger than the costs. In particular, the existence of multiple competing states encouraged scientific and technological innovation.

The idea that European political fragmentation, despite its evident costs, also brought great benefits, enjoys a distinguished lineage. In the closing chapter of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1789), Edward Gibbon wrote: ‘Europe is now divided into 12 powerful, though unequal, kingdoms.’ Three of them he called ‘respectable commonwealths’, the rest ‘a variety of smaller, though independent, states’. The ‘abuses of tyranny are restrained by the mutual influence of fear and shame’, Gibbon wrote, adding that ‘republics have acquired order and stability; monarchies have imbibed the principles of freedom, or, at least, of moderation; and some sense of honour and justice is introduced into the most defective constitutions by the general manners of the times.’

In other words, the rivalries between the states, and their examples to one another, also meliorated some of the worst possibilities of political authoritarianism. Gibbon added that ‘in peace, the progress of knowledge and industry is accelerated by the emulation of so many active rivals’. Other Enlightenment writers, David Hume and Immanuel Kant for example, saw it the same way. From the early 18th-century reforms of Russia’s Peter the Great, to the United States’ panicked technological mobilisation in response to the Soviet Union’s 1957 launch of Sputnik, interstate competition was a powerful economic mover. More important, perhaps, the ‘states system’ constrained the ability of political and religious authorities to control intellectual innovation. If conservative rulers clamped down on heretical and subversive (that is, original and creative) thought, their smartest citizens would just go elsewhere (as many of them, indeed, did).


A possible objection to this view is that political fragmentation was not enough. The Indian subcontinent and the Middle East were fragmented for much of their history, and Africa even more so, yet they did not experience a Great Enrichment. Clearly, more was needed. The size of the ‘market’ that intellectual and technological innovators faced was one element of scientific and technological development that has not perhaps received as much attention it should. In 1769, for example, Matthew Boulton wrote to his partner James Watt: ‘It is not worth my while to manufacture [your engine] for three counties only; but I find it very well worth my while to make it for all the world.’

What was true for steam engines was equally true for books and essays on astronomy, medicine and mathematics. Writing such a book involved fixed costs, and so the size of the market mattered. If fragmentation meant that the constituency of each innovator was small, it would have dampened the incentives.

In early modern Europe, however, political and religious fragmentation did not mean small audiences for intellectual innovators. Political fragmentation existed alongside a remarkable intellectual and cultural unity. Europe offered a more or less integrated market for ideas, a continent-wide network of learned men and women, in which new ideas were distributed and circulated. European cultural unity was rooted in its classical heritage and, among intellectuals, the widespread use of Latin as their lingua franca. The structure of the medieval Christian Church also provided an element shared throughout the continent. Indeed, long before the term ‘Europe’ was commonly used, it was called ‘Christendom’.

    If Europe’s intellectuals moved with unprecedented frequency and ease, their ideas travelled even faster.

While for much of the Middle Ages the intensity of intellectual activity (in terms of both the number of participants and the heatedness of the debates) was light compared to what it was to become, after 1500 it was transnational. In early modern Europe, national boundaries mattered little in the thin but lively and mobile community of intellectuals in Europe. Despite slow and uncomfortable travel, many of Europe’s leading intellectuals moved back and forth between states. Both the Valencia-born Juan Luis Vives and the Rotterdam-born Desiderius Erasmus, two of the most prominent leaders of 16th-century European humanism, embodied the footloose quality of Europe’s leading thinkers: Vives studied in Paris, lived most of his life in Flanders, but was also a member of Corpus Christi College in Oxford. For a while, he served as a tutor to Henry VIII’s daughter Mary. Erasmus moved back between Leuven, England and Basel. But he also spent time in Turin and Venice. Such mobility among intellectuals grew even more pronounced in the 17th century.

If Europe’s intellectuals moved with unprecedented frequency and ease, their ideas travelled even faster. Through the printing press and the much-improved postal system, written knowledge circulated rapidly. In the relatively pluralistic environment of early modern Europe, especially in contrast with East Asia, conservative attempts to suppress new ideas floundered. The reputation of intellectual superstars such as Galileo and Spinoza was such that, if local censorship tried to prohibit the publication of their works, they could easily find publishers abroad.

Galileo’s ‘banned’ books were quickly smuggled out of Italy and published in Protestant cities. For example, his Discorsi was published in Leiden in 1638, and his Dialogo was re-published in Strasbourg in 1635. Spinoza’s publisher, Jan Riewertz, placed ‘Hamburg’ on the title page of the Tractatus to mislead censors, even though the book was published in Amsterdam. For intellectuals, Europe’s divided and uncoordinated polities enhanced an intellectual freedom that simply could not exist in China or the Ottoman Empire.


After 1500, Europe’s unique combination of political fragmentation and its pan-European institutions of learning brought dramatic intellectual changes in the way new ideas circulated. Books written in one part of Europe found their way to other parts. They were soon read, quoted, plagiarised, discussed and commented upon everywhere. When a new discovery was made anywhere in Europe, it was debated and tested throughout the continent. Fifty years after the publication of William Harvey’s text on the circulation of blood De Motu Cordis (1628), the English doctor and intellectual Thomas Browne reflected on Harvey’s discovery that ‘at the first trump of the circulation all the schools of Europe murmured … and condemned it by a general vote … but at length [it was] accepted and confirmed by illustrious physicians.’

The intellectual superstars of the period catered to a European, not a local, audience and enjoyed continent-wide reputations. They saw themselves as citizens of a ‘Republic of Letters’ and regarded this entity, in the words of the French philosopher Pierre Bayle (one of its central figures), as a free commonwealth, an empire of truth. The political metaphor was mostly wishful thinking and not a little self-flattery, but it expressed the features of a community that set rules of conduct for the market for ideas. It was a very competitive market.

Above all, Europe’s intellectuals contested almost everything, and time and again demonstrated a willingness to slaughter sacred cows. They together established a commitment to open science. To return to Gibbon: he observed that the philosopher, unlike the patriot, was permitted to consider Europe as a single ‘great republic’ in which the balance of power might continue to fluctuate and the prosperity of some nations ‘may be alternately exalted or depressed’. But this apprehension of a single ‘great republic’ guaranteed a ‘general state of happiness, system of arts and laws and manners’. It ‘advantageously distinguished’ Europe from other civilisations, wrote Gibbon.

In this regard, then, Europe’s intellectual community enjoyed the best of two worlds, both the advantages of an integrated transnational academic community and a com­petitive states system. This system produced many of the cultural components that led to the Great Enrichment: a belief in social and economic progress, a growing regard for scientific and intellectual innovation, and a commitment to a Baconian, ie a methodical and empirically grounded, research programme of knowledge in the service of economic growth. The natural philosophers and mathematicians of the 17th-century Republic of Letters adopted the idea of experimental science as a prime tool, and accepted the use of increasingly more sophisticated mathematics as a method of understanding and codifying nature.

The idea of knowledge-driven economic progress as the primum movens of the Industrial Revolution and early economic growth is still controversial, and rightly so. Examples of purely science-driven inventions in the 18th century are few, though after 1815 their number rises rapidly. Yet dismissing the scientific revolution as irrelevant to modern economic growth misses the point that without an ever-growing understanding of nature, the artisan-driven advances of the 18th century (especially in the textile industry) would slowly but ineluctably have ground to a halt.

Furthermore, some inventions still needed inputs from learned people even if they cannot be said to be purely science-driven. For instance, the marine chronometer, one of the most important inventions of the era of the Industrial Revolution (though rarely mentioned as a part of it) was made possible through the work of earlier mathematical astronomers. The first one was the 16th-century Dutch (more accurately Frisian) astronomer and mathematician Jemme Reinerszoon, known as Gemma Frisius, who suggested the possibility of what John Harrison (the ingenious watchmaker who cracked this thorny problem) actually did in 1740.

    The triumph of scientific progress and sustained economic growth was no more predetermined than the evolution of Homo sapiens as dominant on the planet.

It is interesting to note that the advances in science were driven not only by the emergence of open science and the growing sophistication of the transnational market for ideas. They were also driven by the appearance of better tools and instruments that faci­litated research in natural philosophy. The most important ones include the micro­scope, telescope, barometer and modern thermometer. All of them were developed in the first half of the 17th century. Improved tools in physics, astronomy and biology refuted many misconceptions inherited from classical antiquity. The newly discovered notions of a vacuum and an atmosphere stimulated the emergence of atmospheric engines. In turn, steam engines inspired scientists to investigate the physics of the conversion of heat into motion. More than a century after Newcomen’s first pump (the famous Dudley Castle engine of 1712), thermodynamics was developed.

In 18th-century Europe, the interplay between pure science and the work of engineers and mechanics became progressively stronger. This interaction of propositional knowledge (knowledge of ‘what’) and prescriptive knowledge (knowledge of ‘how’) constituted a positive feedback or autocatalytic model. In such systems, once the process gets underway, it can become self-propelled. In that sense, knowledge-based growth is one of the most persistent of all historical phenomena – though the conditions of its persistence are complex and require above all a competitive and open market for ideas.

We must recognise that Europe’s (and the world’s) Great Enrichment was in no way inevitable. With fairly minor changes in initial conditions, or even accidents along the way, it might never have happened. Had political and military developments taken different turns in Europe, conservative forces might have prevailed and taken a more hostile attitude toward the new and more progressive interpretation of the world. There was nothing predetermined or inexorable in the ultimate triumph of scientific progress and sustained economic growth, any more than, say, in the eventual evolution of Homo sapiens (or any other specific species) as dominant on the planet.

One outcome of the activities in the market for ideas after 1600 was the European Enlightenment, in which the belief in scientific and intellectual progress was translated into an ambitious political programme, a programme that, despite its many flaws and misfires, still dominates European polities and economies. Notwithstanding the backlash it has recently encountered, the forces of technological and scientific progress, once set in motion, might have become irresistible. The world today, after all, still consists of competing entities, and seems not much closer to unification than in 1600. Its market for ideas is more active than ever, and innovations are occurring at an ever faster pace. Far from all the low-hanging technological fruits having been picked, the best is still to come.

Joel Mokyr is the Robert H Strotz Professor of Arts and Sciences and professor of economics and history at Northwestern University in Illinois. In 2006, he was awarded the biennial Heineken Award for History offered by the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences. His latest book is A Culture of Growth: Origins of the Modern Economy (2016).



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#71 2022-10-03 08:46:48

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

What if the West goes the way of the Roman Empire, what will happen the Mars Colonies?

The thread that wouldn't die

Why the US isn’t happy with Turkey or India … -or-india/


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#72 2022-10-05 06:49:53

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

They announce $60 million in aid to Flordia or Puerto Rico while Kamala Harris wanted to spin and change where money moved so it would go to more BLM Wakanda Reparations people?
racial equity so when you are so invested in Woke SJW Idenity Politik why not Politicize every single Tragedy?

Bill Maher a comedian once known as an Anti-Bush leftist now calls himself a centrist and says the party needs to dump Kamala not Joe and jokes party is now so woke it'll pick a 'deaf Eskimo' to replace her

Mid-Terms are arriving and with Hurricane damage, costs of living and recession people will ask about another $40 billion to Ukraine or other Printing of Money and overseas Aid Spending.

not millions but Billions and some types during Covid have even considered minting a Trillion dollar coin, that is TRILLION with a 'T'

Why the heck would anyone think of 'Monarchy' to fix something, how broken would something have to be?

Monarchy imperialism and a pedo Prince Andrew blackmailed on those islands and people beaten by Cops for speaking out against him at the funeral.

It is clear Russia is the imperialist and Putin a criminal war mongering invader, the loss of helicopters, tanks and the bodies of young men broken will cost his economy for years, now pipelines are blown up but is there more to this story?

Criminals Selling Guns and Bombs in Afgnanistan and other Warzones of the world, Lots of people exporting Bombs and Guns, the USA, Russia, Sweden, sometimes they like a War to Drag on for years. Western and Communist countries selling, Germany, Israel, Italy and other nations they are now in the bullet and missile business it can go on for years and years Years Don't Want Peace In Ukraine

The economic military competitions of blood across the world, is it an Empire and is it dying? Russia seems to be dying quicker but what of the other side the leaders in the West, the USA, the US is 246-years-old if it is an Empire then comparing to history it is very rare for any Empire to go beyond 250 years, so what happens the Constitutional Republic ... on the 20th anniversary of Apollo in year 1989 there was a mission to Mars, or is it just a period of decline and corruption?  Russians seem to be Retreating but some others commented perhaps they fall back to a more fortified position, more and more people from Russia will move in, and once again Putin willing to sacrifice so many in a meat-grinder style invasion. Elon Musk started to hook up the mobile cell phones to breaking news but then looked at deaths and numbers and posted online thoughts of peace, Elon Musk now hated by some political types, curses and denounced by Kyiv or what was it called in all the hundreds of ethnic groups over hundreds of years and histories and invasions and Empires and peoples was it Kiev?

Zelenskiy’s Servant of the People: the TV show that made Ukraine’s president … -president
He starred as a president in this smart satire, only to launch a political party named after it – then win an election.

'Zelensky as nobler than Winston Churchill and saintlier than Mother Theresa.Will the Real Volodymyr Zelensky Please Stand Up.' … ky/5787367

Steering One of the Biggest Ponzi Schemes in World History

Meanwhile in January 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a civil forfeiture complaint—the fourth against him—which alleges that Kholomoisky and Gennadiy Bogolyubov, who owned PrivatBank, one of the largest banks in Ukraine, embezzled and defrauded the bank of $5.5 billion which went missing.

The two allegedly obtained fraudulent loans and lines of credit from 2008 through 2016 and laundered portions of their criminal proceeds using an array of shell companies’ bank accounts, primarily at PrivatBank’s Cyprus branch, before they transferred the funds to the U.S. where they continued to launder them illegally through an associate operating out of offices in Miami.

Revealed: ‘anti-oligarch’ Ukrainian president’s offshore connections … -zelenskiy
Volodymyr Zelenskiy has railed against politicians hiding wealth offshore but failed to disclose links to BVI firm

The hypnotic circus of media comes out and sends messages to people about a cool tv star running as President? Servant of the People  Sluha narodu, a guy who who is unexpectedly elected President of Ukraine after a viral video filmed by one of his students shows him making a profane rant against government corruption in his country. Tv shows about a fictional President ran for 2015 to 2019, and a film adaptation was released, produced by Kvartal 95, which was founded by Zelenskyy.and became much more involved in Ukraine's actual real life politics;  a political party named after the television series was registered with the Ministry of Justice. Most leading figures of Kvartal 95 tv channel and show joined Zelenskyy's administration as Deputy Heads of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine and one was appointed Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Secret Service, but no matter what happens in a horror show its only Putin that can be an evil bad guy?

A monarchy troll called Yarvin has a following. Comments are posted online, some want his voice banned and censored, comments by a troll or a monarchist this 'Cathedral' term is used to describe a larger Newspaper Media, Oligarch, Deep State, KGB/CIA, Military Industrial, Tv media machine club, maybe not an actual Cathedral but an overall Machiavellianism Corrupt group overall decaying club of the original Republic.

Jimmy Dore once know for Leftwingism and worked with young Turks but then almost got banned for questioning the 'jab'

Benjamin Boyce an online media channel had a voice asking about saving kids from LGBT pervert nonsense and the gender cult, he and so many others called an Alt-Right Super-Nazi Trumper because they don't want weirdos near their kids?

So why look back on Monarchy?

Elizabeth II: South Asia's difficult relationship with British monarchy … a-63070523

Elizabeth II was crowned queen of the United Kingdom in 1952, just five years after India and Pakistan gained independence from British colonial rule. The memories of British rule, which was marked by the subjugation of the people of then-undivided India, were fresh in public memory at the time.

Just 25 years old when she became queen, Elizabeth, however, is largely admired and respected by people in the former British colonies.

People in India and Pakistan — as well in other South Asian countries, such as Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan — received the news of the queen's death with a great deal of sadness. Thousands of South Asians posted condolences on social media.

"The role of Queen Elizabeth II between 1952 and 1956 was passive and uneventful. She deliberately kept herself away from interfering in Pakistan's internal matters," Mazhar Abbas, a historian at Government College University Faisalabad, told DW.

"She engaged with India and Pakistan through the Commonwealth platform," he added.

Elizabeth also remained neutral in conflicts between India and Pakistan.

"In fact, Indian politicians appreciated her stabilizing role in British politics" after she took over as head of state of the United Kingdom, according to Indian historian Rakesh Batabyal.

Young Heretics online video channel

'Klavan’s take on the Dark Enlightenment' … nment.html

Why The Left Always Wins w/ Curtis Yarvin … is-yarvin/
I would disagree with Yarvin that the “left” always wins. The left is certainly winning the culture wars but is so far losing big time on economics, foreign policy, the carceral state, and the expansion of the police state. The left is losing on the environment. This is why I have pushed my “totalitarian humanism” thesis so fervently over the years. We have a “right-wing” system by any measure. The Democrats are center-right (neoliberal) on economics and far-right (imperialist) on foreign policy, and the Republicans are a right-wing plutocratic party similar to comparable parties in Latin America. The Republicans are far-rights militarists like Israel’s Likud Party. Domestically, the USA has 25% of the world’s prisoners. It’s just that our ruling class now used cultural “leftism” (multiculturalism, feminism, gay rights, etc) as a cover for what they really are, which is overlords of a hyper-imperialist, carceral state with an economy that increasingly resembles a Third World level of class stratification.

Vid Peter R Quinones

Curtis Yarvin is a prolific writer who used to blog under the name Mencius Moldbug. He is famous for coining the phrase and the concept of “The Cathedral” which will be explained in this episode.

Long Read of the Week: A brief explanation of the cathedral – by Curtis Yarvin (aka Moldbug) … a-moldbug/

The mystery of the cathedral is that all the modern world’s legitimate and prestigious intellectual institutions, even though they have no central organizational connection, behave in many ways as if they were a single organizational structure.

Most notably, this pseudo-structure is synoptic: it has one clear doctrine or perspective. It always agrees with itself. Still more puzzlingly, its doctrine is not static; it evolves; this doctrine has a predictable direction of evolution, and the whole structure moves together.

For instance: in 2021, Harvard, Yale, the Times, and the Post are on the same page. If there exists any doctrinal difference between any two of these prestigious American institutions, it is too ineffable for anyone but a Yale man to discern. (Though it may say something that Gray Mirror is not taught at Harvard.)

In 1951, Harvard, Yale, the Times, and the Post were on the same page. But Yale in 1951 was on nowhere near the same page as Yale in 2021. If you could teleport either Yale into the other’s time zone, they would see each other as a den of intellectual criminals.

So it’s not just that everyone—at least, everyone cool—is on the same page. It’s more like: everyone is reading the same book—at the same speed. No wonder all the peasants are seeing conspiracies in their motherfucking soup. If you saw a group of bright red dots move across the evening sky this way, what would you think they were? Pigeons? Remote-controlled pigeons, illuminated by lasers? Sometimes even Occam is baffled.

Moreover, this mystery is critical to the nature, fate, and epistemology of our society, because we regard the distributed nature of these prestigious and trusted institutions as an inviolable principle of our intellectual security. We would never concede this level of axiomatic infallibility to a single organization, like the Catholic Church—that would be putting all our brains in one basket. No egghead would make that mistake.

He's a poet or not?


Just a troll? Curtis Yarvin, a crazy political guy wants America to become a monarchy again?

Praised by Peter Thiel, praised by a guy running as senate James David Vance and another candidate Blake Masters.

Curtis Yarvin a troll or an Alt-Right podcaster or a controversial US monarchist?

'roasts the modern British'

Curtis Yarvin's Neoreactionary Authoritarianism: The Case for Feudal Autocracy and Against Anglo-American Democracy
https://darwinianconservatism.blogspot. … onary.html

The Young Turks interviews him, it has been criticized for playing down the Armenian genocide but also Cenk Uygur is known for recognizing Armenian Genocide.

Mentions the British Monarchy, FDR, Atatürk Turkish, George Washington

Online tv channel the Young Turks can't turn down an interview. 'Curtis Yarvin on TYT — What’s Going On, Bros?'

Is effective altruism effective? … -effective
"I just wanted to point out the mountain of skulls."

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-10-05 07:27:46)


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#73 2022-10-10 08:51:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Will Mars keep its culture icons of exploration

and will Martains live in a Utopia or will they have the same types of problems and violence and political issues we see on Earth?

Leaving Shackleton’s Endurance on seabed will destroy it, claims explorer … b0b945adc5

At one time I used to think certain movies had a level of shock or meaningless garbage, Maniac Cop for example a 1988 American horror shooter action slasher film the movie seemed with message and without meaning.

Today in Thailand news of a school massacre.

Although a motive has not been established, police understand that Khamrab was plagued by marital and financial troubles. He was separated from his wife. Colleagues recalled Khamrab experiencing mood swings and said that he was not well-liked. He had allegedly threatened a bank manager with a pistol after being found sleeping instead of carrying out guard duties at the bank. He also argued with his wife over a suspected affair, and with a neighbour after holding disruptive house parties. An argument had occurred between Khamrab and his wife on the morning of the attack.

On the 6th day of October 2022, 34-year-old Panya Khamrab killed 36 people and injured 10 others by shooting, stabbing, and vehicle-ramming in Nong Bua Lamphu province, Thailand, before killing himself. The attack mainly occurred in a children's nursery located in the Uthai Sawan subdistrict of the Na Klang district. It is the deadliest mass murder by a single perpetrator in Thailand's history,

The perpetrator was identified by police as 34-year-old Panya Khamrab. Khamrab was a resident of Nong Bua Lamphu province and a former police sergeant in Na Wang district … a-63156417
, … s/1549869/

Thai king and queen visit relatives of nursery gun massacre after families wept and broke down beside coffins carrying the 36 victims … assed.html

In Eastern Europe, Donetsk People's Republic a disputed entity created by Russian-backed separatists, Luhansk more separatists it began as a breakaway state then annexed by Russia, occupation of Kherson Oblast, Russian invasion of Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Talk wiki


'This article was nominated for deletion.'

a military fandom website … _of_Crimea

The origins of the Russian historical claim to Crimea, which would culminate in the 2014 annexation of the territory, date to the 18th century, when the Russian Empire, under the Empress Catherine the Great, annexed the peninsula for the first time, in April 1783. While ostensibly recognised by the Ottoman Empire in December that year, the annexation sowed tensions which ultimately contributed to the outbreak of Russo-Turkish war of 1787–1792, in which the Ottoman Empire attempted to reverse it, but to no avail: the 1792 Treaty of Jassy, which formally ended the war, reaffirmed the 1783 annexation again. From 1802, Crimea constituted a southern part of the Taurida Governorate of the Russian Empire until the collapse thereof in 1917. During the Russian Civil War (1917–1921) Crimea changed hands multiple times, being inter alia the last territory held by the White Russian government in the European part of Russia in 1920, and finally became an autonomous republic within Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) in 1921.

During World War II, in 1944, the central Soviet authorities deported the Crimean Tatars for alleged collaboration with the Nazi occupation regime; in 1945, the region was stripped of its autonomy status.

The "Big Three" at the Yalta Conference in Crimea: Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin.

In 1954, the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet transferred the region from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, another constituent republic of the USSR, then a highly centralised state, wherein borders between constituent republics was a technical issue of administration, despite the fact that Ukraine was a separate member of the UN. The Crimean Tatars were allowed to return to Crimea in the mid-1980s under perestroika

Divisions over Ukraine dominate Bulgarian politics in aftermath of elections … elections/

How Putin lost hearts and minds in eastern Ukraine … ian-moscow
'The sham referendums serve only to highlight that many once pro-Russian Ukrainians are turning their backs on Moscow'

Silicon Valley a region in Northern California serving center for media political technology. Neoreactionary movement of the USA and West aka neoreaction, NRx, the Dark Enlightenment seems to be a loose defined cluster of interweb thinkers who wish to return society to forms of government other than left or social ideas and older than liberal democracy.

and Chomsky talks about them as a threat or he himself once described by media as a hero of the Left during the Bush jnr years?

Noam Chomsky on James Burnham, Tucker Carlson, Curtis Yarvin & the Right's Critique of Bureaucracy

says it will be the most extreme form of Tyranny

Japan honours slain former PM Shinzo Abe in controversial state funeral … -1.6596987

Japan Emperor, Empress Restarting Regional Visits … isits.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-10-10 09:07:08)


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#74 2022-10-25 16:58:15

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

The Queen dead and a new King.

Superstition the faiths exported to space, denoting a system of government in which priests rule in the name of religions.

The religion, the Guru, Rabbi, Priest, Monk the Holy it can mean culture or it can mean 'Holy Wars'?

took his oath as MP on the Bhagavad Gita

Fans spot Rishi Sunak’s red bracelet as new prime minister meets King Charles III … arles-iii/

Instead of freedom: Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church suggests adding love for motherland and sacrifice to list of values of Russians … 00456.html


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#75 2022-10-26 19:32:35

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Government on Mars - ...what are the options?

Quebec politicians refuse to swear oath to King Charles III … arles-iii/

Deadline looms for ethnic Serbs to switch to Kosovo-issued car plates … 32381.html

Denmark a political group lead by an A.I. chatbot that claims to be aware of the needs of Danish people?

How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping This Political Party in Denmark … 10865.html


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