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#1 2022-07-06 14:01:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

People are fleeing California, however they are fleeing crime ridden cities like Chicago more. Some people leave California now and arrive in NewYork while the people of NewYork also flee from their own city. California had Hollywood, it had BigTech, after Trump's banning other more free alt-tech platforms have grown. Before the Glamour of Hollywood was lost in that Will Smith Slap, Weinstein and Kevin Spacey scandals, California Had the World Biggest Movie Industry, Franchises like Batman, Transformers, Harry Potter, Spider-Man, Planet of the Apes, Jumanji, Shrek. The Avengers Infinity War are the multi Billion Dollar hits of Marvel in 2018 was probably the peak of Hollywood Block Buster Earnings, it might never hit those box office numbers again. Hollywood loves its diverse ideas, unique characters, its animated cartoonish explosive fun, its shooter thriller scenes and crazy politics in its film. The Hollywood movie industry was a big earner for everyone, from t-shirts to food, for the part timer and under employed. In movies many things makes sense, the Black Othello makes sense as it was part of the original William Shakespeare story, however the new politik of today putting a Black Muslim Transexual into everything including a King Arthur story is kind of jarring and disturbing, it is a Hollyweird current obsession. Putting Gayness Lesbian Transexual messages into kids tv shows and movies is not helping them sell more product, they also push Radical Environmentalism and other Leftwing Political Product 'The Message'. People now watch some re-run of a Japanese cartoon or download and pay for S.Korean movies rather than watch the political 'trash' or get lectured by the film that Hollywood produces. So is there a name for what is wrong with Hollywood California, I think the Conservative Republican and Traditional Libertarian Democrats call it 'SJW Wokeism'.

The political fallout, agendas pushed into movies has got so bad that even giants like Disney and Netflix are vulnerable to shares crashing. What other economies are out there in California? Tourism, Construction, Food, Technical Services, Finance, Transport and Warehousing a lot of these industries could be moved to cheaper areas, better States. Also they have a Dark Underground Blackmarket of Drugs, Human Smuggling, Pornography, these industries will not be missed by any sane person. Corona lockdowns hit the worldwide film industry hard, a near Cinematic Wasteland, before the Covid virus hit the peak of Hollywood film might have already come and an industry in decline. That does not mean money can not be made. A sequel to a movie Top Gun Maverick showed that a Pro-Americana movie can make big earnings at the box office but the elite of Hollywood don't want it this way.

California has decided to tax lithium, a critical mineral mineral used in car batteries. … 022-07-01/

It seems now California could lose congressional seats over the current mass exodus. The California State Senate is made of Republican and Democrat Political groups, Democratic (31) and Minority Republican (9). Sometimes strange people appear in elections, the election stage show a famous midget on tv and pornographic star have tried to run for election in California, Elisha Shapiro an American nihilist and conceptual artist who wanted secession from the United States, and marriage for gays only ran against Arnold Schwarzenegger, another guy was Green Party but Venezuelan. Nancy Patricia Pelosi thrid in line for the US President and serving as speaker of the United States House of Representatives since 2019, has served as a U.S. representative from California since 1987. Maybe there is 'something in the water' but perhaps one day they might pass an Oxygen Tax so Air can be more clean or they could tax your farts? Joe Rogan and Elon Musk are two famous people who easily had the wealth and resources to abandon California and move everything to another State.

California is not the most dangerous place in the world other cities in the US are more dangerous and other nations have far more murder and crime and theft and killings, Iraq, Brazil, Ukraine, South Africa, Mexico, Syria, Venezuela etc are far more dangerous place to live, it does not have the worst taxes either with Bhutan in the Middle East and Croatia and Sweden in Europe ranking higher. Ivory Coast  has higher taxes than California, Ivory Coast Africa has higher taxes, Finland higher tax rates, Japan although people are comfortable there and it has low crime people are highly depressed and it also has higher taxes. California is not the most dangerous place, it is not the most taxed place. However many say California is in decline and the 'Exodus' is happening.

Right now in parts of Russia there are probably bright intelligent people afraid to speak out because of a tyrant who will punish them for daring question his crazy murderous invasion of Ukraine.
In a far off future or maybe not so far? Eventually life in parts of this world could become so ridiculous that people finally move off-world?

if in a future wealth and a workforce is going to move out of your State or your Nation, then why not move it to Mars?

California exodus: Remote workers move to Mexico due to sky-high gas and housing costs … ove-mexico
The California exodus continues as residents head south of the border … ation.html

One of my comments about building an off world settlement in the future was

It's possible most of the early work will be A.I and Machine, perhaps AI will colonize before the human. However once farming happens, once some kind of domes or Base or Biospheres are set up on Mars they key will be to attract more.
Give the Mars citizen some kind of Wage
No Housing Crisis Mars will have enough Beds and Homes for all.
Little to no Taxes, this often causes people to move from one state to another or quit their country of birth.
No Riots, Theft, Looting, Unrest, Earth Quakes or Storms or Insecurity. Mars might have activity but potentially it can be more Secure than Earth.
Best Domes money can build, the landscape inside the Biodome is safer than Earth. The air has no smog is cleaner than LA or the polluted cities of China, Less Radioactive than Fukushima or Chernobyl, No Major Industrial Accidents No Devastation from Landslides or Wildfires, the parks and rivers and ponds inside the Biodomes are beautiful and pleasing, Mars has art, music and craft and culture.
No gridlock, short trek on a buggy or Mars subway or train, Convenience of Working from Home
Social and Economic benefit to being on Mars.
Unemployment keep it low, the Mars person will have more jobs available on average than Earth.
Maybe it might need some 'police' or sheriff but no outright oppression, theocracy, dictatorship etc
No Political Problems, corruption is minimal, people can vote for change.
Advertise Mars as was done after the California Goldrush getting people to move to the State.

To which Tahanson replied

There are many aspects of life in the Real Universe that are tradeoffs.

Maybe the quest is not to build a 'Utopia' but to build somewhere that the adventure of a new off-world and more free life is more attractive than California, Russia, Ivory Coast, Sweden, Venezuela etc

Perhaps a reward or incentive as the first early citizens, after doing their years long tour of Mars for an Earth agreement a citizen of Mars could return to Earth and chose the new state or new nation of their choice?

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-06 14:51:35)


#2 2022-07-06 15:40:35

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,764

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

What I find most remarkable is that people fleeing from far-left, woke hellholes, tend to bring their politics and 'wokeism' with them.  Even after things have gotten so bad that they have to leave, they continue to believe in all the garbage that caused the problem in the first place.  Rather like the islamics that dream of coming to England, only to bring with them the intellectual poison that ruined their countries in the first place.  At no point in the whole process do these people cotton on to the fact that they are the cause of the problems they are trying to escape.  They just carry their disease to other places expecting a different result.  I don't want these people to have the option of escaping offworld or anywhere else. If they cannot live with the consequences of their own actions, then they need to change or they need to die.  Take some responsibility for the mess they have created and put it right.  They should not be allowed to poison pastures new.

Last edited by Calliban (2022-07-06 15:42:41)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#3 2022-07-06 20:04:29

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Covid caused many to leave where they had lived for decades to other locals in the US.


#4 2022-07-10 07:57:48

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Mass Exodus Strikes NYPD, Over 1,500 Cops Retired Or Quit So Far This Year … this-year/

California Ranks Last in ‘Business Friendliness,’ #1 in Electricity Cost – and Another Company Flees the State … nd-another

While California ranks as one of the worst states in terms of overall business cost, “business friendliness,” and business tax climate - the high cost of utilities is a major factor fueling the exodus, as California businesses have the highest average cost of electricity:

In California, the cost of utilities is 3.5 times higher per head to produce pork compared to the 45 other U.S. plants Smithfield operates, a company spokesman told The Wall Street Journal.

In addition to the high “fixed” costs of California’s electrical system, public programs like CARE and wildfire mitigation, are also driving up the price of electricity in the state, a UC Berkeley study concluded, Cal Matters reports.

“When households adopt solar, they’re not paying their fair share,” the study’ co-author Meredith Fowlie told Cal Matters. While solar users generate power that decreases their bills, they still rely on the state’s electric grid for much of their power consumption — without paying for its fixed costs like others do, Fowlie explained.

Common Core Maffs is back?

Principal accused of trying to fire white teachers because of their race created school of 'insanity' plagued with low-quality education and 'dangerous' fighting, say students. High School for Law and Public Service students are angry at Principal Paula Lev. The students allege her diversity crusade has fostered 'insanity' in the classroom. … anity.html
'A Washington Heights principal accused of wanting to oust white staffers reportedly created a learning environment plagued by 'utter disorganization and insanity.'
Students attending New York City's High School for Law and Public Service claim their lives have become 'miserable' under the leadership of Principal Paula Lev.
They also allege their quality of education has declined after Lev ousted 'fully experienced and qualified' staff as part of her alleged diversity crusade.
A student-created petition claims a handful of Lev's new hires 'are super under-qualified' and that their 'lack of knowledge' has affected students' ability to learn.

Aide to mayor robbed at gunpoint in Brooklyn … t-gunpoint

'To me that is so inhumane': Suspect in 3-year-old's death blamed her brother … er-brother

Car thieves attack, steal keys from 71-year-old man in Brooklyn … n-brooklyn

Three women charged after violent food fight at Lower East Side restaurant … ries-video

California Accidentally Leaked the Personal Data of Thousands of Licensed Gun Owners … un-owners/

West Hollywood mayor slams move to defund cops and bring in 30 unarmed 'security ambassadors' … adors.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-10 08:11:34)


#5 2022-07-11 04:04:36

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Disturbing CCTV Footage Shows Man Being Set On Fire In Sanger Park, California … california


#6 2022-07-11 07:24:36

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus


SpaceNut wrote:

Covid caused many to leave where they had lived for decades to other locals in the US.

COVID did not "cause" anything except more deaths amongst the elderly.

Democrat politician responses to COVID, especially in the more liberal-regressive areas such as all the major cities, DID cause people to move.  It was an act of self-preservation, because with no job you become homeless and eventually starve to death.

I know it's a very popular pastime of Democrats to shift blame for their egregiously bad policies onto inanimate objects, but no, inanimate objects such as guns or non-thinking / non-sentient viruses created by Democrats and communists DO NOT change objective reality.

Democrats instituted lockdowns.  Democrats are real authoritarians, and COVID was another excuse to behave like tyrants, which they happily took to absurd places.

Democrats put COVID-infected elderly people back into nursing homes, which killed even more of them.

Democrats caused job losses in their states via the lockdowns.

Democrats refused to prosecute violent criminals, which has caused both businesses and their voters to flee.

Democrats rioted in major cities across the country, destroying their own neighborhoods.  There were no Republican mayors or Republican politicians who were involved in this.  Period.  It was blue-on-blue crime.  They attempted to make it look like it was Democrat vs Republican, but Mayor Wheeler is a Democrat, who was attacked by his own voters because his own voters couldn't stomach his policies.

SpaceNut's response is the sort of "Jedi Mind Trick" I've come to expect from Democrats, except that it only works on other Democrats.

Everyone in the Republican Party knows that it's "blame-shifting" for abject failures of public policy because 99% of all Democrat politicians can't manage their way out of a wet paper bag.

Democrat voters elected a pair of total morons to the White House, because they suffer from media-induced Trump Derangement Syndrome, because their media is deranged, much like their notion or ideas about governance.  They prove it every time they're given power.  They mindlessly pursue ideologically-motivated agendas, no different than any other religious group, and the destruction they cause speaks for itself.

Democrats ensconce themselves in echo chambers that do not merely allow any opinions that they disagree with.  This is proof-positive of weak positions and weak arguments that do not withstand cursory scrutiny, which their own media rarely, if ever, questions them on, until it becomes painfully obvious that they're about to lose favor with the American electorate, and thus political power.

Democrats are also magical thinkers, for the most part, or at least all the ones I've interacted with.  They will assert something completely absurd because some random idea struck their fancy, such as giving pregnancy tests to men, then attack people pushing back on the absurdity, rather than defending their position with reasoned arguments and logic.  They think all debate with people they disagree with is pointless, which is why they don't engage in any debate.  Bad ideas don't survive honest debates.  They'll debate people who generally agree with them on minor variations of their beliefs, but never with someone who fundamentally disagrees and has substantive arguments refuting their claims.  I'm not talking about political ideology, either.  There are far more important topics than politics.

We saw this in the post about using solar energy to create more fuel.  You made assertions about things with no slight clue about what you were talking about, such as suggesting that oil rigs only last for 10 years.  You did that to try to make your own ideology appear better to you, in your own mind, not because you knew what you were talking about.  You were trying to make "green energy" appear better than it actually was, because wind turbines and solar panels are what you favor most.  Why?  I don't know.  All I can deduce is that it's ignorance (not knowing, which is not the same thing as refusing to learn) backed by nothing but marketing claims from the green energy evangelists without evidence.  You're very far from the first person to fall for marketing hype.  A quick Google search, which took mere seconds, revealed that the average age of offshore oil rigs is 32 years, which means some are even old than that.

That's why I said that basic math and understanding the nature of the problem is so important to whether or not you're actually helping or hurting the global climate change problem.  If you won't do enough basic math to understand what you're asking for, then your public policy prescription is doomed to miserable failure.  Politics or beliefs about it don't matter one bit.  Math and physics get their say in what works and what doesn't.  Engineering is "a real thing".  When you start screwing with the national or global energy supply, without actually understanding what you're doing, large numbers of people can die as a result.

Anyone who goes near this underpinning of human civilization, oil company / solar company / wind company / politician / billionaire, should be treated with the utmost suspicion if they propose changing what actually presently works, until such time that they can show a working implementation of their idea.  If the Republican Party had pinned all of their energy dreams to nuclear fusion, without showing a single working implementation of their idea, then I would be every bit as suspicious and would push back just as hard.  Ditto for the food and water supply and criminal justice system.  Outlandish ideas, however potentially "great", but with no working implementations, have no place here.  If you chance upon something that works well, it will be self-evident and copied elsewhere- because it works.

What do I mean by "working implementation"?

The model country or state or region is self-sufficient in energy, food, water, and shelter, without importing huge quantities of any of those civilization-critical things.  Trade is fine, so long as lives are not at stake if the trade cannot continue, reason unimportant.  The model doesn't have to have a military to speak of, it can be situated in the most ideal location for whatever it is they use for energy, etc.  I don't care about any of that.  I care about listing out all sources for their food and energy, with relative contributions to the total, as well as how they went about doing what they did.  You copy success when lives are at stake and the entire idea is to be highly successful.  You do not reinvent the wheel, for sake of saying that you came up with a new wheel.

If you don't have a working model, then you admit to yourself and everyone else that you don't have it and then you run small-scale experiments until you do.  The fusion bubbas, at the very least, recognize the importance of working models.  You do not run an experiment involving energy on an entire country, especially not one the size of the United States or China.  Nobody I know of is saying we shouldn't experiment or try to do better, but an entire world cannot function as an R&D lab when the success of the project determines the survival of human civilization.

This is what I'm talking about when I say that the fundamental policies are bad ideas.  You don't mess with something that's working unless you really know what you're doing, and that has never been demonstrated by any political or ideological faction when it comes to science and engineering.  The microchip makers, for example, have some revolutionary new tech that's still not ready for prime time, which is why they continue pumping out chips that do work as advertised.  When the new tech is ready, it will be self-evident, and yes, then "the way of the future" will take over- but not a moment before then.  If that doesn't agree with anybody's "climate goals" or whatever else, then that's just too bad.  Learn to be more patient and more careful.  You can't always get what you want at the moment you want it.  True adults understand and accept this concept, even if children do not.


#8 2022-07-17 17:42:23

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus


#9 2022-07-17 20:26:10

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

For SpaceNut re #8

Voting with feet could start happening on a large scale.

The folks who move might be able to keep employment by telecomputing.

The changes of population patterns could be interesting to watch.



#10 2022-07-18 08:17:34

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus


At least the liberal regressives managed to find 1 woman out of the entire State of Texas, asuming it's not a lie, who is so committed to death cult ideology that she's moving to death cult central, Seattle, Washington.  Does this also mean they couldn't find 2 women from Texas who support their death cult enough to leave Texas?  I also wonder if these two found better jobs in Seattle and were simply paid to make a specious claim.

I couldn't help but notice that this "Jessica Hoxworth" from the article is also married to a man.  She's a "strong and independent woman" who also married a man.  Why?  I thought being single, staying away from "toxic masculinity" or "the oppressive patriarchy", and "working till you drop" were some of the highest ideals of radical 4th wave feminism.  Why did she get married at all if she didn't want to have children?  She could have casual sex with anyone she wanted to if she didn't get married.

I couldn't help but notice that this woman attended "Southwestern Assemblies of God University", where she received a Bachelor of Science in Marketing.  She also started a new job very recently.  So...  This woman attends university with "god" in the title, then declares she's moving to Washington because she believes in abortion and black lives matter.  Things that make you go, hmm...  Maybe it's all genuine, but we also know that liberal regressives will tell any lie and do any deed.


#11 2022-07-26 06:37:59

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

In a far future?? Come fly away and retire to Mars, Europa, the Moon or Titan?

and today
How far the big design and urban planning has fallen?

From coast to coast, prospective homebuyers are on the hunt for affordability — even if it means leaving their city to find it. A record number of potential U.S. homebuyers are seeking to relocate, according to a report published last week by real estate brokerage firm Redfin. The report ranked the cities Redfin users appeared most likely to try to leave — San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York topped the list.
1. San Francisco
2. Los Angeles
3. New York

The ones people are moving to?
Miami Tampa,

and the Conservative states and red cities need more neo-lefts and nu-liberals moving in? or will they bring new resources, for example tankers of water, avoid the Wildfires and Earthquakes of California but immigrate to Las Vegas and other states and yet know that also it is running out of water?

'How Long Will the Exodus from California Cities Last?' … ities-last

A new report found that 60 percent of moves in California during the first year of the pandemic were families leaving the state.

Moving out: California cities are bleeding residents. How long will the trend last? … rend-last/
Only Illinois ranked worse off than the Golden State when it came to moving vans

California’s Idle Crop Land May Double as Water Crisis Deepens

California’s historic drought may leave the state with the largest amount of empty farmland in recent memory … 53341.html

an exodus of cash going outside the USA and into posh but cheap areas of Mexico or the Caribbean islands?
Mexicans complain their vacation towns are getting Americanized, Gavin Newsom and inflation also blamed for this so-called exodus, an exodus which some online websites still dispute.

Runaway crime in LA, NYC, San Francisco might also be an issue, seems Chicago almost survives its zombie apocalypse, just barley but is to broken and bust to have people that are able to flee or move.

Bankrupt and bust?
Detroit, Cleveland, Philly, Chicago, NYC, & Baltimore … 50/268951/

Arizona is  now marketed as a retirement area maybe thats what brings a new current migrant of Californians?

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-26 06:42:32)


#12 2022-07-26 20:34:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

I have a huge out of state plate count that have been here since the pandemic and it's still increasing. Not to mention that are not speaking English at all.


#13 2022-07-26 20:57:32

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus


Now you get to deal with what we've been dealing with here in Texas.  Have fun.

California has lost population rather than gained population for 2 straight years under Governor Newsom.


#14 2022-07-28 04:39:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Californians are moving to Mexico City and not everyone is thrilled about it … it-n485686

Wikipedia says


California exodus is a disputed mass emigration of residents and businesses from California to other U.S. states

I guess that's why you have wikipedia sucks websites

or alternatives like rationalwiki or conservapedia when the loony of wikipedia go too leftwing or rightwing?

From a previous discussion

One day we might have Planetary Exodus...people quitting Mars for Titan or leaving Titan to go back to the Moon or the Cloud tops of Venus?

California Exodus, term became popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, some say Covid or Corona Lockdowns were the final tipping point. … ple-leave/ … ing-point/ … e-pandemic

California may never really be California again and it is not the only Demographic Exodus, at one time it was a Goldrush State endless people moving into the State, at one time million were trying to get out of Europe, at one time it had demand for Labor on the railways, people used to go to Argentina for work, people would immigrate leave Italy for richer parts of Switzerland or the USA. People would arrive from Canada, from Asia, flee War and poverty, then for a while people quit the Rust Belt is a region of the United States that experienced industrial decline starting around during the 70s and recession of the 80s,  Detroit’s  Motor City seen a decline as manufacturing went to Japan and Germany, now we see a rise in poverty, drugs and crime once again and Governor Apologizes For Blaming Gangs For Mass Organized Looting Of Trains In LA ...there is no War in California, its politics that costs California State? That new Exodus seems to be politically inflicted, Texas is one state where people flee, some like Musk blame too much government regulation and endless taxes, all of it causing rental truck price spike in California, new opportunities appear in Arizona, Florida and other States. People are still arriving in California from very very poor countries, Cross-border immigration accounts for much of the population growth in developed countries however what has changed in California is people are giving up on the State and more people are moving out then moving in. Even with the whole legal and illegal human trafficker business the Exodus programs some of them linked to Global religions or Charity CEO focused on receiving illegal immigrants or refugees as they arrive in the United States, from South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East helping them find apartments, they still are bleeding out tax paying people from the State.

Valley Could See Farmworker Exodus, Collapsed Communities as Land is Fallowed … -fallowed/
The Modern Exodus: California Streamin’ … to Florida, Texas, Arizona, and Nevada … nd-nevada/
California’s Population Shrank In 2021 For The Second Year In A Row … -in-a-row/
Some entered the US fraudulently? … amophobes/
California Energy Officials Warn of Possible Blackouts This Summer For Up To 4M … -lights-on

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-28 04:43:01)


#15 2022-07-28 18:35:59

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Mexicans don't want hordes of foreigners who don't speak their language or follow their customs overrunning their sovereign country.  Who could've predicted that?  Now that they have to "Press 1" for Spanish, they don't like it anymore than Americans do.  Entire countries should not have to cater to special interest groups who don't want to play by the same rules as everyone else.  When the Mexicans complain about the destruction of their culture and way of life, it's not racism or xenophobia.  When you come to Mexico, hablas español por favor.  When you come to America, you speak English.  I was stationed in Japan, so I learned Japanese.  You can't cross international borders without at least giving the courtesy of reporting to the host nation's government so they know who is in their country.  You need to speak the language if you intend to live there permanently.  Criminal offenses are not a matter of your opinion about the law.


#16 2022-07-28 20:29:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Thumbs up kbd512 and when it is an American that does that after being here since birth, we have a problem when they knowingly speak español when they are Americans on purpose. It's one thing if you are visiting and have difficulty with broken English and another when you are a legal resident.


#17 2022-08-01 15:01:47

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Space View Shows Explosive Growth of Massive California Wildfire … -wildfire/

Two bodies found in burned vehicle as California wildfire grows out of control … onditions/

not the first time

2018 people did not listen to warnings and 'Man Criticized for Sharing Footage of Bodies Charred by Wildfires'


#18 2022-08-26 12:39:47

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Portland, San Francisco and Cleveland have America's most deserted downtown areas. People Flee Soaring Crime in Downtown Areas of San Francisco, Cleveland and Portland. … areas.html


#19 2022-08-26 19:42:14

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Downtowns are deserted even not in Californian cities but even in those small cities in NH as there is no parking and if there is a municipal lot it's a distance from where you want to go to. Its why the down towns are becoming business mixed residential style/ workplace living areas instead of just all business.


#20 2022-09-01 13:28:49

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Maybe we finally understand those spoof news 'Clownworld' headlines the Onion, Weeklyworldnews and BabylonBee run?

Confusing? California Bans Gas-Powered Cars But Says Don’t Charge Electric Cars Due To Power Grid … ower-grid/


#21 2022-09-07 08:48:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

California Power Grid Almost at Maximum Capacity: How to Track Demand … ts-1740508

Distance from Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe to San Francisco, California is 10,264 miles / 16 518 km flying … ncisco,+CA

Reparations Teach-In comes to San Francisco … francisco/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-07 08:52:50)


#22 2022-09-07 20:27:03

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Is the charging of EV's causing Californians to leave?
Or is it the browning or outright outages that are causing them to leave as they are without power?


#23 2023-05-17 03:32:03

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Mars or Europe or the Moon might have to be screened for the right explorer and person who can build the vliiage and city of space, early colonists have certain personality and skilled, it will have stress news reports say Sleeping will be one of the challenges for a new human on Mars missions

A rise in the culture of crime, more Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft

murders in Chicago mostly unreported

Chicago shootings: 26 shot, 8 fatally in weekend gun violence across city, police say … /13249448/

Rapper Sheff G among 32 purported gang members charged in string of Brooklyn shootings … /13255316/

California: Moment thieves ram truck into store and make off with up to $90,000 worth of goods … s-12881597

Why Most Californians Aren't Happy with the State
Victor Davis Hanson


#24 2023-05-17 11:22:37

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

What sort of personality do they select for in the astronaut corps at the moment? I know some of them have turned out to be a little unstable, but not most.

I feel like extraverts would do poorly on a mission, only having five other people to talk to. Someone would get killed. Extraverts have a pathological need to be around people, people who do not necessarily want to talk all the time.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#25 2023-05-21 09:19:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: California Exodus...perhaps one day we will see an Off-World Exodus

Here is another state that the same thingis happening within Florida’s Retirees Are Fleeing: Here’s Where They’re Going Instead
Not to mention they keep their plates even after being in this new state over 30 days, never returning to where they came from.


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