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We call those ‘natural monopolies,’ because they exist due to location, and so on. Telephone, water, electricity, cable, etc, are all natural monopolies. In our current level of society we have to pipe those things through each and every household. In fact, my neighbors cable lines probably go through the walls in my apartment. Same goes with telephone lines, pipes, etc.
So it makes little sense for some private entity to own something which goes through my own property. This is why they're regulated. I want some control over a resource which I actually share a part in.
Actually this is untrue. If your house has never had a cable line ran to they will take make a new connection from the cable that is ran overhead along with the other powerlines. It will then get ran down the pole and into your house. cable is not like the water or sewer line. it is not built off a neighbors line, after all who would pay for it.
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I would say something like this, to entice people to go to mars: Your base(/outpost/colony), and 10 km is YOURS, you can do whatever you want with it. Everything not in someone's area is (get this, it seems like josh would like it) EVERYONE'S Of course, there could be something like everything you manufacture is yours, unless you sell it, but natural resources can't be claimed, anyone who can get to them can use them.
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Er... does anyone want to Terraform this planet?
I can just Imagine it.
Person on top of a Mountain: 'I think we should Terraform Mars'.
Person in Crater/Canyon: 'No, I don't. I'll get flooded.'
Trraforming goes ahead; who's going to compensate the person in the crater?
How about: Governments or companies can't claim land, only individuals or groups. How much you can claim is limited by how much you can hold. That would ensure that each group gets as much as they need to survive per person.
Use what is abundant and build to last
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Hmmm, I don't like the idea of being limited to Paraterraforming. If whether or not to terraform is decided on before the colinization, then people would know not to settle in areas that would get flooded.
Use what is abundant and build to last
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As you know, I believe that paraterraforming is the only way to do the job right, or semipermanently.. So it's not really 'limited' to paraterraforming, more that the other methods wouldn't really work as well. However, A general consensus should be established first.
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Unless we agree 'No Seas'.
Use what is abundant and build to last
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If they don't want paraterraforming, then we can stop the dome right outside of their owned area-10 km. If they don't want to be flooded, they can build themselves a dam.
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Don't you mean the people who the terraforming should build the dam? They're the ones causing the flooding.
Use what is abundant and build to last
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They can share the cost. Lets hope everyone thinks ahead far enough. besides, it doesn't make a huge difference, having your town in a near vacuum and having it underwater.
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Actually, you're going from the pressure being on the inside forcing out, to the pressure from the outside trying to crush you.
But we don't really need seas anyway. A few lakes should do. Let Venus become the sea world (It would according to the proposals I've seen for terraforming it.)
Use what is abundant and build to last
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Honestly, it was you who brought up that idea anyway. But this has gone so foar off topic, it really fis in civilization and culture now.
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I want to be the first man to pee all over Mars, therefore claiming the land.
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Except it will vaporise in the near-vacuum before reaching the ground
Use what is abundant and build to last
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I've got a better idea. Give NASA the money, and let them do there job right. It will take some time, but it will happen.
Except it will vaporise in the near-vacuum before reaching the ground
Vapourise in YOUR Face!!!
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I won't be anywhere near mars when the costs of getting there are low enough for you to get there, Gregori. I'll be terraforming Ceres, mining the asteroids, zipping around the solar system in my personal, NTR Powered shuttle...
I'll say it again: You should be allowed as much land in space as you can hold. That includes asteroids as well.
Use what is abundant and build to last
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I won't be anywhere near mars when the costs of getting there are low enough for you to get there, Gregori. I'll be terraforming Ceres, mining the asteroids, zipping around the solar system in my personal, NTR Powered shuttle...
I'll say it again: You should be allowed as much land in space as you can hold. That includes asteroids as well.
Terraform Ceres, LMAO
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Moon shot redux … hot-redux/
To reach Mars, we need biotechnology … ce-travel/
Elon Musk Says Sending Starship to Orbit Is Still One of His 'Main Goals' For 2022 … -for-2022/
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