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#2426 2022-08-13 11:28:57

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative...

Trailbreaker reached 76200 with a Green screen.

Completed Sequence for ID: 76200

Total Command Lines found: 60
Total input Lines in script: 192

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 75901

Last Number of Run: 76200

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-13-2022 at 13:28:17
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:37
15 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:22:46

Total time Program was Active: 03:24:26

All 15 skips were potholes.
Inspect will check the posts.

Update at 17:15 local time ...
Inspector finished with a Green screen...

Completed Sequence for ID: 76200

Total Command Lines found: 30
Total input Lines in script: 182

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 75901

Last Number of Run: 76200

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-13-2022 at 17:14:14
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:20
15 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:39:50

Total time Program was Active: 03:41:20

There were 15 potholes (as expected) and no edits.  Good run

Tomorrow's Trailbreaker will try for 76500



#2427 2022-08-13 17:17:31

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For kbd512, GW Johnson and all forum members re upcoming Zoom...

If (by any chance) you are thinking of participating in the Zoom  tomorrow, I'm trying to coordinate with everyone to use the set of meeting numbers published in Post #1 of the Zoom topic.

When we (kbd512 and I) were given the keys to the Professional Zoom, we were offered assistance if we had any questions.  I didn't know enough to know what question to ask, so didn't ask any.

kbd512 and I have (sort of) managed to use the system, but we made a discovery that is a concern.  Zoom has the capability of setting up multiple repeating sessions, for multiple audiences on different dates.

We have accidentally created multiple sets of numbers for meetings.

I'd like to (try at least to) keep a single set of numbers for all meetings.

The set of numbers I'm hoping we can use over and over again, is published in Post #1 of the Zoom topic.

The correct way for one of us (kbd512 or me) to open a meeting is to start AS A REGULAR MEMBER, and open the Zoom session using the Post #1 numbers.

After the host has connected to the Zoom using the Post #1 numbers, THEN the host can log in using the Mars Society email and special Zoom password.

The result of following this procedure is that we will always be using the same set of numbers.

There is no need (right now) for more than one set of numbers.

You can help (if you are planning to attend tomorrow night's Zoom) by locating the Post #1 numbers and using them to connect.  You should receive a message that the host will admit you shortly (or words to that effect).



#2428 2022-08-14 10:16:31

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ...

Trailbreaker reached 76500 with a Green screen

It found some potholes, and may have found some FluxBB edits needed

Completed Sequence for ID: 76500

Total Command Lines found: 60
Total input Lines in script: 192

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 76201

Last Number of Run: 76500

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-14-2022 at 12:08:00
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:38
10 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:41:50

Potholes: 76428 76424 76375 76356 76349 76326 76230 76228

The number of potholes is less than the number of skips reported, so there may be posts to edit.

I'm not sure at this point, because occasionally skips will occur due to delays or other Internet obstruction.

Because it is so much more efficient, I'll now run Inspector to show any edits that might be needed.

Inspector finished with a favorable report ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 76500

Total Command Lines found: 30
Total input Lines in script: 182

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 76201

Last Number of Run: 76500

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-14-2022 at 14:47:15
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:20
8 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 02:02:54

Total time Program was Active: 02:17:00

Potholes: 8 were expected and 8 were reported
Edits: Zero
Good run!

Tomorrow's Trailbreaker will try for 76800



#2429 2022-08-14 10:28:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re WBA update to examine pixels (to "see" the screen)

A test of a newly added feature for the Extract utility ran perfectly in live mode on the laptop yesterday.

I took a number of screen shots in association with pixel inspection, and intend to study them.

It ** must ** be this method used by machine readers ... I'm guessing that the pattern in a "box" of pixels (of just the right size) would show a letter or other character.

A machine reader would need to be able to deal with all the fonts that exist, as well as all the languages that exist, as well as all the images that exist, such as Asian ideographs packed into the form factor of a set of pixels.

I'm sure glad the current project does not depend upon this exploration!

At it's simplest, a probe of a single pixel at the upper left corner of the Edit window would be either white or beige.

The screen ahead of the Edit screen is beige, so when the Edit window appears the pixel in the upper left corner would change from something other than (255)(255)(255)(255) to that pattern.  I am imagining a Script Command that performs a Smart Wait until a given pixel matches the desired pattern, which would be stored with the command.

If the pixel never matches (I am thinking now) then the procedure would mark the post as Skip, and would proceed to the next post.

That scenario would handle the (very rare) situation where the browser says it received a page for editing, but the actual display of the edit window is delayed due to Internet delay or interference.

I still see a few of those situations.  In the present operation, Inspector reports any such situations, so I don't have to spent time poring over the log file from Trailbreaker.  Trailbreaker is ** full ** of details, such as SpaceNut posts it found and skipped, so the very rare FluxBB rejects are hard to find, as are the even more rare Internet delay fails.

Starting Inspector now...

Update a bit later ... Inspector is running ....

In thinking about pixel capture, and knowing the format of the data for color (255)(255)(255)(255), it occurred to me that it would be (should be) possible to write out a text file in "csv" format, so that individual cells of a spreadsheet would be illuminated in the color of the pixels captured.

Thus, the operator would be able to see in magnified form, the individual pixels of a section of screen.

Something like this must be happening in the many graphics programs that allow for viewing, modification and even creation of icon bit map files.

Here is a hint that Google found, indicating a direction to look to implement the idea:

People also ask
How do I add color to a csv file?
Can CSV files have colors?
The colors in the csv file can be in whatever format is most convenient for the tool which ends up being used, although ideally it would be able to specify shades and colors (perhaps via hex RGB or RGBA), however even just specifying the xcolor by name would work fine.
Color table with data from csv file with colors from csv file - TeX › questions › color-table-with-data-from-csv-file-wi...

Where I'm headed with this is to be able to "look" at a part of the screen presented by a browser, and confirm that the pixels I am looking at have been set correctly, so that the next operation in a series can be performed.

Update later ... Inspector is still running ...

OK ... CSV does not support export of cell colors directly.


Plus, I read extended discussion on StackExchange ... the preferred solution was to write data in XlS format (or similar).

However, I'm not interested in writing data out in XLS format just to see the colors of a set of pixels.

There ** may be ** a solution readily at hand ... while CSV can deliver text to a spreadsheet, the spreadsheet (usually) has macro capability, so the cell that contains text which itself is a color specification (theoretically) could be interpreted by a macro and used to cause the cell to be formatted with the desired color.

Either way, it is necessary to learn ** something ** in order to make progress.

Which is more work (I wonder) ... learning how to write XLS, or learning how to write a macro to deliver a color from a text string?

Since I'm working with a computer language able to deliver products that run on current computers, perhaps the most efficient use of time is to see if the language has functions to write XLS format output files.  That would be nice!

Update a bit later ... Inspector is still running

That didn't take long .... Google found the answer in a few seconds .... Just create an Excel Workbook project and merge it with the Solution.

Update a few seconds later ... ** that ** solution is not available (to me at least)  It requires that Microsoft Office be installed.

Oh well ... back to Google for a work around

OK! This looks promising .... XML is a text based language that can be written by a program and read by a spreadsheet.

About 149,000 results (0.41 seconds)
How to Import XML Into OpenOffice
Start Calc or Writer. With Calc you can import XML files as a speadsheet. ...
Select "Open" in the "File" menu.
Browse through the files on your computer in the navigation panel that appears. Select the XML file that you want to use.

How to Import XML Into OpenOffice - Techwalla › Tech Support › How To
About featured snippets

People also ask

The key to this working is to see if OpenOffice (or LibreOffice) can export to XML.  If it can, then it would be (relatively) easy to copy the format for output in a file that can then be imported into the spreadsheet package.

Update a few minutes later .... Surprise!

OpenOffice ** is ** able to write out in XML ... I'll post the output in the next message!



#2430 2022-08-14 12:41:54

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

Update: There is an online viewer for XML:

To see the XML properly formatted, copy the XML from the Quote below, and paste it into the online viewer web site.

Then click on format to see the lines properly indented.

There does not seem to be a way to export the view (at least that I can see)


SpaceNut ... this is a "for the record" item


SearchTerm:XML for XLS
SearchTerm:XLS import using XML

The OpenOffice spreadsheet contained a single cell with the value of "1" and the color of "green"

Here is what the output looks like when displayed without editing:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?><Workbook xmlns:c="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:component:spreadsheet" xmlns:html="" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:x2="" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"><OfficeDocumentSettings xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"><Colors><Color><Index>3</Index><RGB>#00ff00</RGB></Color><Color><Index>4</Index><RGB>#c0c0c0</RGB></Color><Color><Index>5</Index><RGB>#ff0000</RGB></Color></Colors></OfficeDocumentSettings><ExcelWorkbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"><WindowHeight>9000</WindowHeight><WindowWidth>13860</WindowWidth><WindowTopX>240</WindowTopX><WindowTopY>75</WindowTopY><ProtectStructure>False</ProtectStructure><ProtectWindows>False</ProtectWindows></ExcelWorkbook><Styles><Style ss:ID="Default" ss:Name="Default"/><Style ss:ID="Result" ss:Name="Result"><Font ss:Bold="1" ss:Italic="1" ss:Underline="Single"/></Style><Style ss:ID="Result2" ss:Name="Result2"><Font ss:Bold="1" ss:Italic="1" ss:Underline="Single"/><NumberFormat ss:Format="Currency"/></Style><Style ss:ID="Heading" ss:Name="Heading"><Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center"/><Font ss:Bold="1" ss:Italic="1" ss:Size="16"/></Style><Style ss:ID="Heading1" ss:Name="Heading1"><Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center" ss:Rotate="90"/><Font ss:Bold="1" ss:Italic="1" ss:Size="16"/></Style><Style ss:ID="co1"/><Style ss:ID="ta1"/><Style ss:ID="ce1"><Interior ss:Color="#00ff00" ss:Pattern="Solid"/></Style><Style ss:ID="ta_extref"/></Styles><ss:Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet1"><Table ss:StyleID="ta1"><Column ss:Width="64.26"/><Row ss:Height="12.816"><Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">1</Data></Cell></Row></Table><x:WorksheetOptions/></ss:Worksheet></Workbook>

The section of interest in this case is:


This is the specific section that specifies the color of the cell: RGB>#00ff00</RGB>

It will take a bit of study to find out how to write the XML to represent all the bits in a bit map, but it sure looks doable at this point.

Update the next day: I used the same technique to make an XML file as output from OpenOffice, showing a grid 16 cells on a side, with a variety of colors.  The XML file is quite large, because it contains all the information needed by a spreadsheet program to re-create the original.  The advantage of XML in this case, is that it is operating system and hardware independent.



#2431 2022-08-15 12:02:20

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative...

Trailbreaker reached 76800 today.  9 skips were reported.  I'm guessing they were skips.

Completed Sequence for ID: 76800

Total Command Lines found: 60
Total input Lines in script: 192

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 76501

Last Number of Run: 76800

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-15-2022 at 13:47:34
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:37
9 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:32:30

Total time Program was Active: 04:08:31

Potholes: (9) 76697 76676 76670 76653 76652 76651 76647 76620 76615

No FluxBB rejects were reported. Inspector will now confirm that result.

Update at 15:54 local time ...

Inspector finished with a Green screen ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 76800

Total Command Lines found: 30
Total input Lines in script: 182

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 76501

Last Number of Run: 76800

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-15-2022 at 15:55:29
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:19
9 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 01:49:55

9 potholes were expected and 9 were reported.
Edits: Zero
Good run!

Tomorrow's Trailbreaker will cross 77,000 on it's way to 78,000.



#2432 2022-08-16 14:04:23

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative

Trailbreaker reached 77100 with a Green screen, 6 potholes and one (possible) FluxBB reject

Completed Sequence for ID: 77100

Total Command Lines found: 60
Total input Lines in script: 192

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 76801

Last Number of Run: 77100

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-16-2022 at 15:48:05
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:38
7 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 06:50:42

Total time Program was Active: 06:52:32

  Lines containing String One 36 <<== SpaceNut posts / 3 >> 12
  Lines containing String Two 300<<== posts visited
Lines containing String Three 18 <<== Potholes reported => 6 found
Lines containing String Four 14 Lines containing "skip" matches 7

There is (apparently) one fluxBB reject ... Inspector will find it.

This evening the local Linux user Group will meet on Zoom as usual.  This particular group tends to dive deep into technical issues, usually involving Linux but not necessarily.

I'm planning to show them the (preliminary) work I've been doing in a Super Simple OCR concept I've been exploring to try ti improve the performance of WBA in working with a browser.

The path I am on is to use XML as the Linqua Franca between pixels on the screen and the various computer languages that exist.

In the most recent Zoom meeting, kbd512 reported on his experience using sophisticated OCR software for a client.

What i am doing is most definitely NOT that!

I have established that WBA can pull the properties of a single pixel: ARGB as (255)(255)(255)(255) (black)

White is (255)(0)(0)(0)

All the colors of the rainbow are encoded between those two end points.

I have convinced myself that an ordinary spreadsheet can write out colors encoded in a spreadsheet, using XML.

For tonight's session, if the group is interested, I'll show them what I've learned so far, and ask for advice/feedback on how to proceed.

The goal is (at least on paper) simple enough ... I want to know that the Browser has loaded the edit page and that the page is ready for download.  The Address Bar text message does not necessarily correctly report the state of display in the Edit window.

Inspector will start now...

Update at 18:18 ... Inspector finished with a Green screen...

Completed Sequence for ID: 77100

Total Command Lines found: 30
Total input Lines in script: 182

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 76801

Last Number of Run: 77100

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-16-2022 at 18:14:22
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:20
6 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Potholes: Six expected and six found
Edits: Zero
Good run

Trailbreaker is on the Home Stretch ... the goal of 78,000 is clearly in sight

Tomorrow's run will try for 77400.

As a side note ... the larger-than-normal number of potholes may be related to the transition from the old forum to the new one.  The old forum may have been failing as the days of it's use came to an end.



#2433 2022-08-16 19:01:08

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,314

Re: Housekeeping

We lost many posts in the transition end of 2005 through to 2008 and again near 2010 as well.
The computers have hardware mapping for pixel information, a driver operations structure and a display compensation for screen pixel display mode but it looks like you come up with a solution.

Now at work the excel outputs from various sources to import into access seems to be catching onto others at work as its now being pushed out to more people as it places the user in a reading mode rather than inputting input manually into each data source only to combine by hand into excel spreadsheets later at the expense of it being outdated data and requiring many more man hours to process a working schedule to materials required to perform the work.
Today another was working to generate a standard PowerPoint instruction on how to make use of this tool. It's about time as I designed it amost 2 years ago...


#2434 2022-08-17 08:29:55

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #2433

First, thanks for noting the increased number of potholes that have shown up recently, as we approach the end of the earlier forum software. 

Second, thanks for noting the ongoing investigation of primitive OCR for possible use by WBA to improve performance.

I brought up the project at last night's Linux meeting, but the person who would have been most interested was not in attendance, so I settled for a short discussion of how to approach this.  The upshot/summary is that if we have a letter of the alphabet set in black pixels on a white background, then a quick scan of 256 pixels should deliver a report that shows the presence of only black or white pixels.  The pixels that would appear if the Edit screen was NOT present, would be a variety of colors with emphasis on beige, so it should be (relatively) easy to confirm one way or the other.

Finally, thanks for update on your progress at Work.  Two years seems like a long time to wait for a good idea to gain a foothold, but on the other hand, any organization that is still using Excel and Access is one that resists change.

Persistence and patience are required, and you seem to have those qualities.

In another topic, Mars_B4_Moon has called attention to the absence of bans under your leadership.  I have no way of knowing if people are behaving better, or if you have been more patient, but I am looking forward to seeing what Mars_B4_Moon's new topic may produce.



#2435 2022-08-17 08:31:27

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ... We have only three more days to go before we reach the goal of 78,000.

Today's Trailbreaker is planned to cover 77101-77400.

I'm expecting more potholes and no edits, but we'll see.

Update at 15:07 local time:

Completed Sequence for ID: 77400

Total Command Lines found: 60
Total input Lines in script: 192

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 77101

Last Number of Run: 77400

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-17-2022 at 14:59:52
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:38
7 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 04:27:16

Total time Program was Active: 04:45:06

Skip analysis:
  Lines containing String One 33 << SpaceNut posts (11)
  Lines containing String Two 300<< posts in run
Lines containing String Three 21 << Potholes/3 >> 7
Lines containing String Four 14  << Skips/2 >> 7

It appears no edits failed. Inspector will double check

Update at 17:30 local time...

Completed Sequence for ID: 77400

Total Command Lines found: 30
Total input Lines in script: 182

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 77101

Last Number of Run: 77400

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-17-2022 at 17:26:08
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:20
7 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 02:16:47

Total time Program was Active: 02:17:49

Potholes expected: 7 Potholes found: 7
Edits: Zero
Good Run

Tomorrow's Trailbreaker will try for 77700

Work on a simplified OCR tool advanced a notch .... The key translation "language" is Microsoft 2003 Excel XML. This version of XML is able to be formatted as human readable text.  A test file with 256 cells is coded and tested on multiple systems.  The next step is to attempt to modify the base file with the colors read from the screen in a live test.



#2436 2022-08-17 19:12:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,314

Re: Housekeeping

I found the post by Mars_B4_Moon and it recounts the last final ban that as it was put very much insulting at a personal level and that took out 2 very active members as determined by the executor after being reported. We had only been banning before that the in slot of spammers and I cannot remember the last to be banned for crossing the line before them.

As for data bases at work I am still trying to learn how we might convert them to what is really needed. Most likely it's going to need a new front-end program designed to put in the data in a format for all to make use of. Part of the issue is trying to reduce the physical hand jamming of information into the data base.


#2437 2022-08-17 21:10:49

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #2436

Thanks for looking back over that difficult moment in the life of the forum.  I am glad to learn that this is a rare event.  The spammers, on the other hand, richly earned their exclusion, but their activities led ultimately to the opportunities we have today, to bring in members who will (hopefully) contribute to Mars Society goals, in additional to the personal rewards they may receive for participation.

And! Thanks for adding a couple more hints about the challenges you are facing in trying to help a large and old, well established organization to try to improve without disturbing productivity.  That's never easy, but having the right people in place can help.

I'm looking forward to experimenting with the text XML file I created for the Simple OCR study.  The question I hope to answer tomorrow is whether I can update the XML file with new color values and then import the modified file into any spreadsheet.  The imports should all work, and the display should show the new colors, regardless of the operating system or the spreadsheet software.

The ** next ** phase of the study is to see if I can collect pixel data from a live running web page.  I've already pulled one pixel, so pulling another 255 should be easy enough.  The resulting output file can then be applied to the model XML file.  The result ** should ** be a many times magnified view of a 16x16 pixel section of the web browser screen. 

Trailbreaker only has two more days to run ...

I'm thinking of creating a special VictoryLap script just for one day after reaching 78,000, and then setting up a PotholeFinder script to run in 1000 post sections, to see if things settled down after transition to FluxBB.  I would imagine they did, but the new script will provide ground truth.

*** Email Outreach ....

As mentioned earier ... I am thinking about tackling this one username at a time, using the list you provided, and working from the bottom.



#2438 2022-08-18 06:35:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ....

Trailbreaker will be retired after it reaches 78,000

This post is reserved for a copy of the script, for the record, and in case it is needed again.

SearchTerm:Trailbreaker Archived copy of Trailbreaker script - Retired 2022/08/19

For historical purposes, here is the Trailbreaker script for the Post Repair initiative.

This script is designed for operation by a Moderator, so includes procedure to skip Administrator posts.

The script had to be edited so that FluxBB would accept it. Asterisks are substituted for live expresssions

# 2022/08/08 Update to use Mouse instead of Tab and adjust waits
# 2022/07/29 Update to activate login verification - halt if not
# 2022/07/24 Update to add login verification - halt if not logged in
# 2022/06/30 Update to test Clipboard Load and Paste
# 2022/05/14 Update to Change CheckSendSize:n to check array row before paste
# 202re2/05/09 Update to add CheckSendSize:nnnnn command before Submit
# 2022/04/26 Update due to "You do not have permission to access this page."
# 2022/03/24 Update to catch [url= because url= was not found
# 2022/03/14 Update to compare Serial transfer to source Halt if mismatch
# The script will halt the run if there is a mismatch after serial data transfer
# 2022/03/10 Archive copy saved on P3 ... running script to be updated
# 2022/03/06 Addressing img inside url problem
# 2022/03/06 Added script to drop [***] and [****] and url= <<== url and url/
# 2022/02/03 Replaced hard Wait with Soft Wait command
# 2022/01/31 Replaced WBA and corrected skip command
# 2022/01/31 Added new Skip commands using WBA 2022.1.30.1
# Format is: SearchClipboardZeroSkipIfMatch:Text
# 2022/01/29 Added /color as search parameter
# 2022/01/28 Added verify viewtopic at step 41
# 2022/01/27 Edited Search String to Step 41
# 2022/01/26 Added Smart Wait after Submit
# 2022/01/25 Search for:
# Step: 41 [***][/***]? <<== url
# To find any reports of deletions, search for Deleted:
# To edit a post directly:
# [***][/***] <<-- url
# 2022/01/24 Adding script to show Address Bar after update
# 2022/01/22 Need commands to handle [***][***] and [/***][/***] <<== img and url
# At the very least, we should capture the result of an update
# 2021/12/01 The script is updated to return edited text to the server
# PasteClipboard:#  causes the text in saved Clipboard # to be inserted at focus location
# Adding Tab:3 to exit edit window and perform Submit
# 2021/10/25 Add script line for color= due to discovery of same
# 2021/10/22 Script to Edit Posts by Post Number new edit removed
# Parameter adjusted added colon
# 2021/10/21 Script to Edit Posts by Post Number new edit added
# 2021/10/20 Script to Edit Posts by Post Number Revised
#  Corrected Color to color: Add StoreClipboard:0
# 2021/10/19 Script to Edit Posts by Post Number Show results
# 2021/10/19 Omit <Enter> report only
# This script requires Moderator privileges and Logged In status
# 2021/05/21 Revised to use new Smart Wait command WaitForEventAddressMatch:abcde
#    Storage Assignments:
#    Clipboard 0: Available
#    Clipboard 1: The contents of a post Edit Window
#    Clipboard 2: Post Edit Window after revision
#    Clipboard 3: Available
#    Clipboard 4: Available along with rows 5-10
#Starting Over: Wait at the top allows operator to set focus on browser
#Ctrl/l to insure the browser is in the address bar
# We should now be on the Rules page - Reorient script before Edit operation
#    If there is a match, continue the run, otherwise stop now.
#    2022/07/22 (th) Adding new command to confirm logged in status
#  Clipboard Row Zero is used by the function
# option: Write the current value to the log for record
#SearchClipboardZeroHaltIfMissing:Logged in as tahanson43206
WaitForEventPageTextMatch:Logged in as tahanson43206
#    Halt the run NOW if the program is not logged in properly
#    Adding ctrl/l to reset for tab operation
# Request a post by Post #
# Compute post Number from Run Form
#    The server should respond with the requested post
#    We should be on the query results page for this post
# Halt the run if there is a mismatch
# tab:1 << replace with mouse click 2022/08/07 (th)
#    Mouse position is from June of 2021 script
# Userlist php Username field - note this works in 2022
# Adjusted Y up for Edit window application
#  Clipboard Row Zero is used by the function
# option: Write the current value to the log for record
SearchClipboardZeroSkipIfMatch:Bad request
#    In the next version we want to capture just the Edit window
# Adding script to remove url inside img elements 2022/03/06
PerformFunctiondeleteTextClipboardZero:[***] <<== url
PerformFunctiondeleteTextClipboardZero:[***] <<== /url
PerformFunctiondeleteTextClipboardZero:[***= <<-- url
# Resume script working prior to 2022/03/06
PerformFunctiondeleteTextClipboardZero:color=# StopAt:]
PerformFunctiondeleteTextClipboardZero:color=  StopAt:]
PerformFunctiondeleteTextClipboardZero:/color: StopAt:]
PerformFunctiondeleteTextClipboardZero:/color StopAt:]
PerformFunctiondeleteTextClipboardZero::post_uid StopAt:]
# Edits should be complete. The test below verifies problem is removed
SearchClipboardZeroSkipIfMatch:[***][***] <<< img and url
# The new command to load data into the system clipboard is next
# now attempt to paste the clipboard into the edit window
#     2022/08/07 (th) Increased wait after paste from 1 to 3 seconds
# Procedure: after paste, copy pasted text back to clipboard
#     2022/08/07 (th) Increased second wait after paste from 1 to 3 seconds
# Compare clipboard to Array from which the data was sent
# CompareClipboardSaved CPS is a candidate. It halts if there is a mismatch
# If the compare succeeds, then tab to Submit
# The record should have updated
# Hard wait retired 2022/02/03 (th) If FluxBB rejects, skip ID
#    If there is a match, continue the run, otherwise stop now.



#2439 2022-08-18 07:11:30

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ....

Trailbreaker is on it's way to 77700.

Update at 11:58 local time .... Trailbreaker finished with a Green screen as it reached 77700.

Completed Sequence for ID: 77700

Total Command Lines found: 60
Total input Lines in script: 192

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 77401

Last Number of Run: 77700

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-18-2022 at 11:58:43
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:38
4 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:37:07

Total time Program was Active: 03:43:23

Those four skips were probably potholes

Lines containing String One 63    << SpaceNut / 3 >> 31 posts
  Lines containing String Two 300  << Total posts
Lines containing String Three 12    << Potholes / 3 >> 4
Lines containing String Four 8       << Potholes / 2 >> 4

Inspector will now confirm the potholes and no edits.

Update at 13:47 local time ... Inspector reached 77700 with a Green screen.

Completed Sequence for ID: 77700

Total Command Lines found: 30
Total input Lines in script: 182

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 77401

Last Number of Run: 77700

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-18-2022 at 13:48:07
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:20
4 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 01:41:01

Four potholes were expected and four were found.
Edits: Zero
Good run!
300 posts to go to goal of 78,000

Tomorrow's Trailbreaker will cross the finish line, if all goes to plan, and the Internet remains free of Tsunami or Rogue Waves.



#2440 2022-08-19 05:45:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative

Trailbreaker will try for the goal of 78000 today....

There's a small chance you might be interested in a study of spreadsheets....

I could (probably) have gone the rest of my life unfamiliar with the code that underlies spreadsheets.  The current attempt to create a "simple OCR" for the WBA program is forcing me to look at how spreadsheets are set up.  The clues are available for anyone to study, by converting any spreadsheet to Microsoft 2003 XML. That was (apparently) the last time Microsoft went to the trouble of allowing the inner workings of their spreadsheets to be shown in simple text form.

Be that as it may, what I'm learning is that the specifications for cells are separated .... specifications for formatting of cells is done separately from the data contents.  I suppose that makes sense, because a single color specification can cover an entire spreadsheet.  In the case of my early experiments, where I set columns to specific colors, I discovered that those columns are given color specifications separately from the data.

In addition, cells themselves are NOT identified by a number, bur are instead identified by position within rows, and the columns are derived from the count of the rows from top to bottom.

it turns out that for my "simple OCR" I only need two colors .... black and white.

When I'm writing out cell specifications from a program, I need to include a reference to either the black or the white color specification.

At run time, (apparently) the spreadsheet program follows the link from the cell it is painting to the color specification, to find the color to apply.

Another discovery I made is the codes to copy from a previous cell are embedded in the cells, and NOT the numeric value ...

I suppose that makes sense, because the source value you  can change, so the cells containing formulas will be automatically updated to show the correct values at run time.

Regardless of all that, for MY purposes, I need to put a simple number into the cell, and set up color reference to either the black or the white color specification at the top of the XML file.

Update at 12:43 local time...

Trailbreaker crossed the finish line with a Green Screen.

It reported 14 potholes, which seems surprising to me since we ** should ** be well into the FluxBB time.

Completed Sequence for ID: 78000

Total Command Lines found: 60
Total input Lines in script: 192

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 77701

Last Number of Run: 78000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-19-2022 at 12:23:53
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:37
14 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 04:35:41

Total time Program was Active: 04:41:35

  Lines containing String One 66 << == SpaceNut / 3 >> 33 posts
  Lines containing String Two 300<< -- Total posts
Lines containing String Three 42 << == Potholes / 3 >> 14
Lines containing String Four 28  << -- Potholes / 2 >> 14

Inspector will confirm the potholes, and (more importantly) confirm the absence of FluxBB rejects.

Update at 15:08 local time ...

Inspector reached the goal with a Green screen ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 78000

Total Command Lines found: 30
Total input Lines in script: 182

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 77701

Last Number of Run: 78000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-19-2022 at 15:09:12
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:20
14 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 02:08:16

Total time Program was Active: 02:09:27

14 Potholes expected - 14 found

Edits: Zero
Good Run!
Good Game! Good Set! Good Match!

A special version of Inspector will be set up to look for potholes tomorrow.

It will have the "one time" name of "Victory lap".

After that, I'm thinking for running Inspector to check for potholes.

On the "Simple OCR" front ... I'm thinking of trying experiments to see if there is a basic configuration of text that can be used as a framework for pixel reporting.



#2441 2022-08-19 15:03:15

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Excel inner workings

I have no way of knowing how deeply you've had an opportunity (and a need) to study how spreadsheets work.  I've had NO need (or desire) until now, and the only reason I'm pursuing this is to display screen captures in a way that is easy for anyone to display.  I figure that spreadsheets are familiar to everyone, and they run on every operating system that I know about.

My first experiments were overly ambitious.  I tried to create a grid of 16x16 cells, and convert that to human-readable XML.  From those experiements, I learned to cut ** way ** back on complexity.

The XML (in Pretty Print format) I'm about to post here is of a simple one row spreadsheet with 16 columns.

The cells have two color specifications, but I notice that the spreadsheet software decided I needed four codes.

The converted(readable) XML totals out to 151 lines, so anyone in the NewMars audience who might be interested can download the file and see if it runs on their system.  I expect it will, but would be interested in any and all reports:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>
<Workbook xmlns:c="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:component:spreadsheet" xmlns:html="" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:x2="" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
  <OfficeDocumentSettings xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
  <ExcelWorkbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
    <Style ss:ID="Default" ss:Name="Default"/>
    <Style ss:ID="Result" ss:Name="Result">
      <Font ss:Bold="1" ss:Italic="1" ss:Underline="Single"/>
    <Style ss:ID="Result2" ss:Name="Result2">
      <Font ss:Bold="1" ss:Italic="1" ss:Underline="Single"/>
      <NumberFormat ss:Format="Currency"/>
    <Style ss:ID="Heading" ss:Name="Heading">
      <Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center"/>
      <Font ss:Bold="1" ss:Italic="1" ss:Size="16"/>
    <Style ss:ID="Heading1" ss:Name="Heading1">
      <Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center" ss:Rotate="90"/>
      <Font ss:Bold="1" ss:Italic="1" ss:Size="16"/>
    <Style ss:ID="co1"/>
    <Style ss:ID="co2"/>
    <Style ss:ID="ta1"/>
    <Style ss:ID="ce1">
      <Interior ss:Color="#ffffff" ss:Pattern="Solid"/>
    <Style ss:ID="ce2">
      <Interior ss:Color="#000000" ss:Pattern="Solid"/>
    <Style ss:ID="ta_extref"/>
  <ss:Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet1">
    <Table ss:StyleID="ta1">
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Width="36"/>
      <Column ss:Span="1007" ss:Width="36"/>
      <Row ss:Height="12.816">
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce1">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">1</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce2">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">2</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce1">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">1</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce2">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">2</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce1">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">1</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce2">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">2</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce1">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">1</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce2">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">2</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce1">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">1</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce2">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">2</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce1">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">1</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce2">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">2</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce1">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">1</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce2">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">2</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce1">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">1</Data>
        <Cell ss:StyleID="ce2">
          <Data ss:Type="Number">2</Data>
        <Cell ss:Index="1024"/>
  <ss:Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet2">
    <Table ss:StyleID="ta1">
      <Column ss:Width="64.26"/>
      <Row ss:Height="12.816">
        <Cell ss:Index="1"/>
  <ss:Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet3">
    <Table ss:StyleID="ta1">
      <Column ss:Width="64.26"/>
      <Row ss:Height="12.816">
        <Cell ss:Index="1"/>

My (tentative) plan is to attempt to write code to use the simple one row XML as a model, and to create a two row XML as an output.

If (by remote chance) there is anyone else interested in learning (or showing what they already know) by posting the two row solution, I'd be interested in that as well.

To make it more interesting, I'm offering the challenge to change the alternating 1-2 number pairs to a sequence from 1-32

We've seen some pretty remarkable posts in this forum, over the years.

This is a (slightly) new-ish direction for creativity, but it might catch wind in ** someone's ** sails!



#2442 2022-08-19 17:20:43

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,314

Re: Housekeeping

You sure have been busy with all of the programing which is still in high demand for a variety of needs.
Next week I talk about the work I have been doing which will need some simplified training for all to know how to make it work for them. Aside from coping the master db to a computers desktop to be able to run multiple configurations from using the same data but in different views which a user might require. Some of this is rollback date control and others are using it to set condition flags sort of a go no go for the top-down level to view readiness condition of required materials to execution date.
Some groups as well will be getting a simple lean course on how problem solving is done while others are to gain knowledge of the material movement tracking system.


#2443 2022-08-19 19:41:24

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #2442

Thanks for noting the current color investigation ...

Best wishes for success with your education campaign at work!  It would appear that someone has decided to take a chance you might be able to help the organization improve performance. 



#2444 2022-08-20 05:53:39

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re new Pothole Discovery procedure ...

A special VictoryLap script ran over night.  It reached 79000 and reported two potholes.

More surprising to me, was it's report that two posts contained the color parameter.

The potholes are 78387 and 78498

The color posts are 78035 and 78400

I'm taking no action because at this point, I don't know if FluxBB supports color.

Completed Sequence for ID: 79000

Total Command Lines found: 30
Total input Lines in script: 183

  Number of ID's processed: 1000

Starting Number: 78001

Last Number of Run: 79000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-20-2022 at 07:28:10
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:20
2 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 12:18:27

Total time Program was Active: 12:22:01

Potholes: (2) 78498 78387

78035 color
78400 color

For the record .... FluxBB is currently creating posts in the series 199###

It would take 120 Earth Days to reach that number, if the PotholeFinder runs every day at the rate of 1000 posts per day.  Four months: September, October, November and December.

A series of runs at that level would finish by the end of the year.  These runs are read-only. No updates are performed.

Follow up a few minutes later .... I looked at those two posts with color, and while the posts did not look different on the Dell laptop, the color commands did not appear to be causing a problem.



#2445 2022-08-20 06:09:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut and anyone who might be interested ... here is a section of the BBCode button results:

Text style
The following tags change the appearance of text:
Bold text produces Bold text
Underlined text produces Underlined text
Italic text produces Italic text
Strike-through text produces Strike-through text
Deleted text produces Deleted text
Inserted text produces Inserted text
Emphasised text produces Emphasised text
Red text produces Red text
Blue text produces Blue text

Heading text

Heading text

Color ** is ** supported by FluxBB ... I notice that the layout of the color specification matches the pixel color specification I've been studying recently.

However, the use of keywords such as "blue" shown above is a convenience.





The Pothole Finder does not need to continue looking for color.  I'll take that command out.



#2446 2022-08-20 08:01:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,314

Re: Housekeeping

Keep in mind the earlier color formats were done with hex code numbers but I think it's safe as we are well past those forum software bbcode systems.


#2447 2022-08-20 08:08:59

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #2446

Thanks for noting the demonstration of color codes supported by FluxBB.

I have removed the color search from the new Pothole Finder script, which will begin operations this evening.

The new Pothole Finder should be able to reach the current post before the end of 2022, at the rate of 1000 per day.

As a reminder, the Pothole Finder does NO updates, but it ** will ** overlook your posts as usual.

On the Simple OCR front ....

I was (mildly) surprised to find that my guess was correct, that the 2003 Microsoft XML format could be tweaked offline, to advance from one line of data points, to 16.

I used a simple text editor to duplicate the single row so there are now a total of 16, and that file imported into OpenOffice without hesitation.

I can now confidently take that model over to the development machine, to put the pixel readings into the model.

At this point, the model supports only black and white pixels, but that is not a problem because I'm curious to see what letters (and other characters) look like,

Email Outreach .... I'm edging toward putting the campaign into motion, at the rate of one person per day.



#2448 2022-08-20 18:07:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re PotholeFinder run ...

Tonight's run will try for 80000.

210,498,982 km [26.1 km/s] 8 AM

Update on Sunday after overnight run ....

End of Text from Clipboard Row 0

Completed Sequence for ID: 80000

Total Command Lines found: 26
Total input Lines in script: 183

  Number of ID's processed: 1000

Starting Number: 79001

Last Number of Run: 80000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-21-2022 at 08:31:38
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:20
2 Skip Exceptions were recorded.
2 potholes were found
Edits: Zero
Good run

Total time of Processing: 12:22:55

Total time Program was Active: 12:27:58



#2449 2022-08-22 07:30:59

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Pothole Finder ...

Today's scan reached 81000.

Completed Sequence for ID: 81000

Total Command Lines found: 26
Total input Lines in script: 183

  Number of ID's processed: 1000

Starting Number: 80001

Last Number of Run: 81000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-22-2022 at 09:23:55
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:20
2 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 09:54:08

Total time Program was Active: 09:58:57

Two potholes: 80437 80102

Tonight's scan will try for 82000



#2450 2022-08-23 06:19:30

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,189

Re: Housekeeping

Today's Pothole Scan reached 82000

Completed Sequence for ID: 82000

Total Command Lines found: 26
Total input Lines in script: 183

  Number of ID's processed: 1000

Starting Number: 81001

Last Number of Run: 82000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 08-23-2022 at 08:07:15
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:20
4 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 12:38:50

Total time Program was Active: 12:41:53

Potholes: (4) 81442 81397 81396 81065
Edits: Zero

Tomorrow's scan will try for 83000

Today's schedule also calls for:
1) Visit Email Outreach
2) Advance Collect Grid option of Extract program
3) Advance Make XML option of Extract program

For the record: GW Johnson is back from an out-of-town trip.

The North Houston chapter of NSS has agreed to think about a venue for GW Johnson presentations.



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