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#1 2022-08-17 06:16:18

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Mars people Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'

This ban culture popped into my mind again while going through old threads, while Mars might not be fully religious it could have banishments.

On these forums we can have heated, spirited lively debates about if a Production Facility should be set up next to a Crater with Water, or Put your Factory linked to a Biodome Farm on Mars or maybe it should be done inside the Tunnels and Lava Tubes of Mars., we can discuss different ideas for processing chemicals, we speculate on cultures on booze and drugs and religions and future politics of Mars, we discuss different ideas for energy and international culture on Mars...we can have open free speech discussion without anyone crossing a line.

Tom Kalbfus was a big user here, thousands of posts and his old threads still spark discussion, he posted far more than me. It may seem like I post a lot lately but a banned user Tom has far more posts on NewMars than me. I was missing from these forums for a while while I lost bookmark and the old ikon board went down and I asked what happened some banned users and it was explained to me you can still find that old discussions and when Tom went into the realm of nasty insulting personal attacks he crossed a line, many other user names got banned and it seemed a lot of political discussion shut down. while a lot of almost spam like alien speculation or UFO-ology topics remain locked.  The free chat and culture section are now more open and free.

However something about it all says to be that Mars might have people Ostracize or Excluded, Mars might have 'Persona non grata' they are forced out and live their life almost secluded and without communication or they move on and if they stay on Mars they live among the Wandering type, the Carnies, Outcasts, Space Pirates, the fringe Cultists or 'Underground' culture.

Sometimes a guy who leaks to media or a political activist is chased down. In October 2021, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared the ambassadors of ten Western countries including the United States, Germany, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden persona non grata for advocating for the release of the imprisoned businessman and philanthropist Osman Kavala.

Julian Assange was he more than a disruptive person? and what of hackers or leaks or breaking exposure stories? news editors from newspapers, including The Washington Post and The New York Times, as well as press freedom organizations, criticised the US government's decision to charge Assange under the Espionage Act, characterize it as an attack on the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees freedom of the press. During the Bill Clinton presidency, Julian Assange said he was living all over the place, mostly Aus or was he in the US, working on a Ph.D. According to Assange, the Aussie or US government cut his funding without providing an explanation, Assange studied programming, mathematics and physics at Central Queensland University and the University of Melbourne, sometimes his recollection of events seems a little confused or paranoid. Some media say Assange may have been involved in a hack at NASA in 1989, but this has never been proven, the Australian government caught him in a hack of a Canadian multinational telecommunications corporation. He was involved in starting one of the first public Internet service providers in Australia, he gave compuet advice in the 90s, he registered the domain in 1999, but "didn't do anything with it". Assange and others established WikiLeaks in 2006 and that's where all the political trouble came. The US left sometimes seen him as a 'hero' when he published documents which discredited the little Bush jnr administration but soon turned against him. He  locked up under arrest but asked views on political events 'I was asked this question: Did I prefer Clinton or Trump? And, I mean, the answer is: Well, you’re asking do I prefer cholera or gonorrhea.' He seems to have support from fringe people in the US, the Greens,  Noam Chomsky and journalist John Pilger, Secretary, the people of the little Bush Jnr Admin didn't like and Hillary Clinton once proposed, "Can't we just drone him?".

A government can try silence, now BigTech can silence an unwanted voice in big mainstream social media websites, sometimes the Christian Church would cast people out, sometimes Jewish got offended by a Greek idea of Panentheism a belief that the divine pantheon of deity intersects every part of the universe and also extends beyond space and time, soemtimes the Hindu Indian Culture, Chinese or Japanese would cast out people because of superstition against their family, a caste or possible sins in a previous lifetime.  Danda of Sanskrit is the ancient Hindu term for punishment they were generally sanctioned by the Indian ruler. Penalty was an oath made by participants of the original Nauvoo endowment ceremony instituted by Mormon Latter Day Saint man Joseph Smith never to reveal the inner secret of Mormonism. Disconnection the severance of all ties between a Scientologist and a friend, colleague, or family member deemed to be antagonistic or having contamination, Banishment or exile can be a form of punishment of the Jewish Torah, the Herem is the highest ecclesiastical censure in the Jewish faith and the total exclusion of a person from the traditional Judean Israeli community, Excommunication is an institutional act of religious censure used to end or at least regulate the communion of a member of a congregation with other Christian members. The mohammedans keep things more brutal and simple and barbaric and simply go into physical or verbal violent attack by carrying out death threats against each other fighting over who is the better muslim, if someone offends islam or mahomet or the Moongod al-Lah they can simply stone them to death, or carry out a fatwa on Rushdie and stab him, or blow someone up for being an Ex-muslim Atheist or an Apostate they might try kidnap them and chop of their heads, of course a backward religion like this should never be on a future Space Colony.

However the other forms of Banishment, Shunning, may happen on Mars even if a colony is religious or not. … ewcontent/

A Mars civilian can unfortunately also be declared 'persona non grata' by a specific Martian establishment, in our fictional world of tv shows, books, video games and movies the tv series  30 Rock, Tracy Jordan can't go back to Abu Dhabi without being executed, for reasons unknown, in the cartoon show the Simpsons characters Bart Simpson and Milhouse are banned for life from Comic Book Guy's store. Ina  supernatural fictional horror fantasy book he Dresden Files novels, an adult version of Harry Potter with a detective, Harry Dresden is banned from a college bookstore which caters to the supernatural crowd, on account of trouble following him everywhere. However in real life Michael Savage censored and silenced by the British, is banned from entering the United Kingdom for saying things that offend islamist terrorists and saying offensive stuff about the culture of muslim jihadis,  Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao was banned from entering 'The Grove at Farmers' Market in Los Angeles California due to a statement he made in regards to same-sex marriage. Kasepekang is a punishment under Balinese customary law, the persons or entire families are subject to it are shunned by their local community. The silence of voice continues, thanks in part to Russian imperialism in Ukraine we see this expand once again in our times, Russians unwelcome in parts of Europe, the Ukraine or dissident speaker an unwelcome voice inside Russia. Also there can be a removal of a status sometimes given by a host country to foreign diplomats to remove their protection by diplomatic immunity from arrest and other normal kinds of prosecution.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-17 08:35:08)


#2 2022-08-17 07:49:16

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Mars people Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'

For Mar_B4_Moon re new topic...

The ways in which human beings try to deal with disruptive or threatening persons seems (to me at least) worth considering, as we (humans) contemplate setting up shop on another Planet.

The time honored way of dealing with disruptive persons is by killing them.

That practice is on the wane, but it has not ended on Earth, in 2022.

We see it in mass right now in Ukraine, and have seen it very recently in various locations in Africa.

There might be a better way for a society to deal with disruptive, unpleasant, annoying or otherwise undesirable persons.

Your new topic might provide a place for forum members to offer suggestions.

Under the current leadership of the forum, banning individuals has not been happening.

I don't have any way of knowing if members are better behaved, or if there is greater patience in the leadership team.

It seems to me any society that hopes to maintain good order needs to be able to manage the behavior of it's citizens.

Russia provides an example of the extreme, by condemning an American to 9 years of unpleasant confinement for bringing medicinal treatments into the country.

That's certainly ** one ** way to keep persons from engaging in activity you don't consider acceptable.



#3 2023-04-01 06:05:20

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mars people Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'

The plan of Excommunication seemed to be mostly a religious practice.

Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch plans Lithuanian branch, in blow to Moscow … 43426.html

Is An Orthodox Theology of Revolution Possible? … evolution/

Russian Orthodox Church Shares Blame For 'Crimes' In Ukraine, Says Ecumenical Patriarch … 29943.html

The troublesome community, then we see Sheriff, and political sanction, a community hijacking stealing then we could see bank transaction stopped, embargoing arms and related materials, banning the export of aviation and rocket fuel,  banning the trade of gold, dangerous chemicals, biological material precious metals,  with the hostile community / government, banning the import of minerals. Does this alaways work? No! On Earth many cults and regimes can survive under blockade, embargo and sanction.


#4 2023-04-01 07:23:07

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,885

Re: Mars people Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'

Martian communities would have an advantage against embargoes, in that the distance and expense of shipping stuff there will force them to be almost entirely self reliant (in mass terms; shipping computer ships isn't going to be too expensive for what they are worth). They can stockpile what they can't produce and smuggle in small things.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#5 2023-04-01 07:45:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Mars people Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'

For Terraformer re #4

This post is not intended to call attention to a typo.  Please leave the typo in place.

Having read a lot of science fiction, I am perfectly capable of imagining a space craft that is self operating.  In fact, such ships seem to have become almost a staple of futuristic environments.  Thus, it is fun (for me at least) to speculate on an embargo defeating trade performed by self-operating vessels.

Since this topic is a refection of paranoia about possible human misbehavior, it is not much of a stretch to imagine that mental illness in a self-operating ship might occur.  In fact just exactly that state is imagined by one author, who has built an entire world around a crashed advanced human space ship, whose AI components have been left untended for centuries, while the human survivors have fallen into disarray and are gradually relearning  civilized behavior.

A self-operating ship would (presumably) need human trade for essential supplies, so interaction with humans would seem obligatory. 

"Civilized" behavior by the self-operating ship would seem (to me at least) to be the "norm", and departure from that standard would be unwelcome.



#6 2023-04-01 08:07:03

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,885

Re: Mars people Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'

There's no typo to leave in place.

But whilst we're talking about typos, you misspelled "civilised".

Use what is abundant and build to last


#7 2023-06-25 03:14:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mars people Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'

How would such a religion ceremony go? You are have betrayed? I the Supreme Religion Soviet Leader, cast you out!

News back on Earth says Belarus will take the Banished Exiled man

criminal case against him on the same day was dropped; according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Prigozhin will go to Belarus.

it was once recorded that Ivan the Terrible once Exiled or Banished a 'Bell' he did not like its sound? When people of town of Uglich rang their bellthe cruel Czar executed two hundred nobles, and exiled the Uglich bell to Siberia.

The Exiled Bell of Uglich … glich.html

In the Russian Orthodox faith, bells are believed to have souls and since only living creatures can have one, bells are considered alive and very much like humans. The church bell, in particular, was once considered a prominent citizen of the village. They had human-like names and parts of the bell’s body were given names after human body parts. A Russian bell had a head, a waist, a lip, a tongue, and ears.

    In Russian history and culture, church bells occupy a mysteriously important position. Their tolling, Father Roman told me, has been known to bring miserly or hard-hearted people to repentance, and to dissuade would-be murderers and suicides. In “Crime and Punishment,” Raskolnikov falls into a guilt-induced fever, hearing the ringing of Sunday church bells; he gives himself away by returning to the scene of the crime and compulsively ringing the murder victim’s doorbell. In “War and Peace,” the Kremlin’s bells ring during Napoleon’s invasion, disquieting the Grande Armée. Considered in Russian folklore to be animate beings, bells exercise a profound power over humankind—a power that lay dead or dormant for most of the twentieth century.

    The New Yorker, April 2009

The anthropomorphism of church bells has one drawback. Time and again church bells have been tried and punished, like human wrongdoers, for sounding at the wrong time, or for the wrong person.

Perhaps a person like Patriarch Kirill or Cyri would be brought in to ease minds with religious propaganda spinning.
It has been part of our human history, in the Bible and Banishment in the Torah,
Genesis 3:24
So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden the cherubim, and the flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way to the tree of life.
Exodus 30:38
Whosoever shall make like unto that, to smell thereof, he shall be cut off from his people.'
Kirill is close ally of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Kirill has described Putin's rule as "a miracle of God." According to Putin, Kirill's father baptized him. During his tenure as Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus', Kirill has brought the Russian Orthodox Church closer to the Russian state. After Kirill lauded the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, clergy in other Orthodox Churches condemned his remarks, with Bartholomew saying that Kirill's support for Putin and the war were "damaging to the prestige of the whole of Orthodoxy." Bartholomew is the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople,  the island of Imbros later renamed Gokceada by Turkey, the other Patriarchate comes from another troubled history, inhabited by ethnic Greeks since the Iron Age until approximately the 1960s, when many were forced to emigrate to Greece as well as to Western Europe, the United States and Australia, due to a campaign of discrimination and ethnic cleansing sponsored by the Turkish Democrat Party (DP) government in the 1960s. Buddhism was probably not 'Banished' from India but instead wiped out, the Muslim conquests in the Indian subcontinent was the first great iconoclastic invasion into the Indian subcontinent
and the Patriarch Kiril who supports war … hurch.html

Users on Mars forums have talked about Exile and Banishment before.
We even once had had discussion on Mars on Buddhism and Christianity and if a new Mars colony would ever use such old tactics, this might be the best place to continue discussion, the Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'.

Napoleon was once exiled to the island of Elba, between Corsica and Italy but times changed and the Bourbons were restored to power and so he somehow escaped. British finally exiled him to the remote island of Saint Helena in the Atlantic, where he died. Banishment seems to be less effective these days with virtual online avatars, instant messages by internet and mass communication world wide.
I am not familiar with the quotes and canon from Eastern Orthodox tradition, different Bible use slightly different words or interpretation sometimes they reject entire books as non-canonicity but I would expect the quotes on Banishment used to be similar to books from Western Christian tradition

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-06-25 03:24:28)


#8 2023-12-01 11:49:07

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mars people Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'

George Santos Accused Of Stealing House Member’s Personal Credit Card Info … 31948.html


#9 2023-12-01 12:28:13

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mars people Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'

George Santos’ exit sets up a competitive special election … rcna127236

politician is caught spending his campaign contributions on X-rated online content … pitol.html

Rio de Janeiro drag queen named Eula Rochard claimed to be friends with Santos while he was in Brazil in 2005. She claimed he was calling himself 'Anthony Devolder' (Santos's two middle names) and also performing as a drag queen.

Another source said Santos regularly appeared in drag pageants under the name 'Kitara Ravache' and aspired to be crowned 'Miss Gay Rio de Janeiro'. A furious Santos at first rejected these allegations as 'categorically false' but, as online commenters warmed to the idea of a drag queen Congressman, he made a U-turn. 'I had fun at a festival,' he countered in January. 'Sue me for having a life.'

'Brazilian drag performer speaks about Santos connection'

Also reports he stole money from a 'Military Veteran'.

Once was a Republican candidate for NY 3rd Congressional District then wins an election, lost an election and while under investigation for corruption, will not admit he lost.

It's politics goes back to Dutch settlers in New Netherland, NY-03 is the wealthiest congressional district in New York, and in 2022 and the fourth-wealthiest nationally … s-of-2022/

It expands across northern Nassau County

This aristocratic dynasty is across many regions in Europe, Germany, North America and South America, they often have many Freemasonry, Babylon, Vatican, Pagan, Masonic symbols on their Building.

The family Dynasty links to New Jersey and during the American Revolutionary War, Nassau Hall at Princeton was fought over and was possessed by both British and American forces

Code of Canon Law rule governing the Catholic Church that Masons are automatically excommunicated but 'The Code of Canon Law' does not explicitly condemn Freemasonry

Pathological lying...Maybe a Compulsive Lair? when the stories do not add up??

Some of the regions of Brazil where he is accused of dressing up like a Drag Queen are also regions of Dutch settlement in Brazil, under the Habsburgs, governor, John Maurice of Nassau, Mauritsstad  was the capital of Dutch Brazil, and is now a part of the Brazilian city of Recife. Dutch finally lost control of Recife in the mid 1600s leaving to the Portuguese their colony of Brazil. A Treaty of the Hague was signed which demanded that the Portuguese winners would pay millions to the loser from Holland Netherlands to help the failed Dutch losers recover from the loss of Brazil.

An Outsider wins? A guy comes in and wins the New York region. Some online reports said George Santos worked for various companies like; Citigroup, Goldman Sachs.
Neither Citigroup nor Goldman Sachs could verify his employment.Santos has previously laid claim to Jewish heritage, saying his grandparents were actually Jewish immigrants who fled persecution during World War II. After the Jewish newspaper Forward called those claims into question, Santos told the Post: "I never claimed to be Jewish. I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was 'Jew-ish.'" In an interview on WNYC in November, Santos said he "lost four employees" at the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando ...has he been a pimp for gay prostitutes?
The nightclub shooting was one of the worst terrorist attacks in the USA when Omar Mateen perhaps an anchor baby born to Afghan-American refujihadi parents? shot and killed 49 people and wounded 53 more in a mass shooting at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
According to the Times, none of the 49 victims of the Pulse shooting appear to have worked at any of the companies mentioned in Santos' biography and a mother of one of the victims said she didn't know of anyone who lost more than two employees, let alone four, in the tragedy.  The chair of the Nassau County Republican Committee said that, during his first bid for congress in 2020, Santos claimed to be a college volleyball "star" at Baruch University.
"He said he was a star and that they won the championship and he was a striker," Joseph Cairo, chair of the committee, said in a press conference Wednesday.
As Santos has since admitted, he did not attend the school. And while it's unclear exactly where his lie about playing volleyball stemmed from, Inside Edition reported that the story bears a striking resemblance to the resume of his former boss, Pablo Oliveira.
According to the outlet, Oliveira — who was Santos' boss at financial services company LinkBridge Investors — graduated from Baruch University, where he played on the school's winning volleyball team and was a two-time All-American volleyball player. A LinkedIn profile appears to back up Oliveira's resume, though little is known about LinkBridge itself.
His instagram page seems to be deleted
In the USA the Processes for expulsion differ somewhat between the United States House of Representatives and the US Senate.

Expulsion of Members of Congress: Legal Authority and Historical Practice … R45078.pdf
'Misconduct That Occurred'

Expulsion is the process by which a house of Congress may remove one of its Members, after the Member has been duly elected and seated

Some in other threads discussed faith and belief on Mars
a religion element?

Persona non grata

Actress Leah Remini developed a series for A&E focusing on ex-Scientologists speaking about their experiences, entitled Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.

'Leah Remini: Scientology & the Aftermath'

'Does the Mormon Church Shun?'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-12-01 16:44:09)


#10 2023-12-01 16:35:08

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mars people Banishment, Shunning, Herem Censure & 'Persona non grata'

George Santos' expulsion sets 'very concerning' precedent, lawmaker warns

Sign Removed, Lock Changed at Capitol Hill Office … ill-o.html


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