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amazing discovery, now if only we could get NASA to stop looking at the Moon and to take putting people on Mars serious again
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Deuteronilus Mensae region on Mars … 81F_0.html
21 May 2007
The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA’s Mars Express has captured breathtaking images of the Deuteronilus Mensae region on Mars.
'first steps are not for cheap, think about it...
did China build a great Wall in a day ?' ( Y L R newmars forum member )
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amazing discovery, now if only we could get NASA to stop looking at the Moon and to take putting people on Mars serious again
Going back to the Moon is the only way right now to get to Mars, a direct route is not politically, technically or financially possible. Once back on the Moon we'll have the heavy lift necessary to go to Mars, the basic infrastructure and most of the other technologies.
[color=darkred]Let's go to Mars and far beyond - triple NASA's budget ![/color] [url=irc://freenode#space] #space channel !! [/url] [url=] - videos !!![/url]
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Impact Craters in Tyrrhena Terra
'first steps are not for cheap, think about it...
did China build a great Wall in a day ?' ( Y L R newmars forum member )
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'first steps are not for cheap, think about it...
did China build a great Wall in a day ?' ( Y L R newmars forum member )
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Mars Express scientists find a different Mars underneath
MARSIS found evidence that these buried impact craters – from about 130 to 470 kilometres in diameter – are present under much of the northern lowlands. The findings appear in the 14 December issue of the journal Nature.
More from Marsis
Mars Express probes the Red Planet’s most unusual deposits
The radar system on ESA’s Mars Express has uncovered new details about some of the most mysterious deposits on Mars: The Medusae Fossae Formation. It has given the first direct measurement of the depth and electrical properties of these materials, providing new clues about their origin.
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'first steps are not for cheap, think about it...
did China build a great Wall in a day ?' ( Y L R newmars forum member )
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'first steps are not for cheap, think about it...
did China build a great Wall in a day ?' ( Y L R newmars forum member )
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Wow dates to about the time of the crash so I am surprise that its still intact...
This week, the European Space Agency released a picture taken by its Mars Express orbiter that showed what it described as “a curious cloud formation” stretching from east to west near Arsia Mons, the southernmost in a string of three volcanoes.
Suspended over the western slope of Arsia Mons, an enormous volcano near the red planet’s equator, the elongated cloud stretches for about 930 miles
What's That Weird Cloud That's Been Looming Over Mars for Weeks?
With its 12-mile-high peak and diameter of nearly 400 miles, Arsia Mons is 30 times more voluminous than the largest volcanoes on Earth. Its humongous bulk condenses and cools air currents as they pass over the summit, creating this “orographic cloud”—a nephologic formation that tend to form over leeward (downwind) slopes—on the western flank of the volcano.
Similar clouds observed in 2009, 2012, and 2015 coincided with the winter season, so it’s not surprising that this one showed up a few weeks before the Martian winter solstice on October 16. Plus, Mars was recently gripped by a dust storm that encircled the planet in June and July that likely boosted the cloud’s visibility and size. … cloud.html
Wow 4th times a charm ....
sounds like the perfect place to land near....
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Arsia Mons is one of several large volcanic structures in the same region, so how come its the only one with a plume?
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I would to something simular on earth like the hawain islands which means the surface crust stopped moving over the plume location direction for the mars techtonic movement.
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You would only need a few fumaroles to be active to produce this plume.
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Mars orbiter spots return of long, thin cloud on Red Planet
The long, narrow cloud of water ice was observed on the leeward side of Arsia Mons, a large volcano near Mars' equator. Mars Express captured images of the recurring feature in mid-July and scientists at ESA shared the photos online this week.
"This elongated cloud forms every martian year during this season around the southern solstice, and repeats for 80 days or even more, following a rapid daily cycle," astronomer Jorge Hernandez-Bernal said in an ESA news release.
Sounds like a good water source
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Jezero Crater As Seen By Mars Express
Mars Express has been imaging the Red Planet in three dimensions and in colour since 2004.
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ESA will try to fetch data from China's Mars rover with a new method: listening
Next month on Mars, the ESA and China's National Space Administration (CNSA) will try something that's never been attempted before in space: Sending data from a planet-based rover to an orbiter that it can't receive any messages from. Specifically, China's selfie-taking Zhurong rover, which has been on the Red Planet since May, will try to shoot data over to the ESA's Mars Express Orbiter.
As the ESA explains, Zhurong can't actually receive any communications from the Express Orbiter, due to a radio incompatibility. That means it can't hear the hail signal sent from the orbiter, which is typically what a rover waits for before it starts sending out data. Instead, next month Mars and the ESA will attempt a new method that's previously only been tested on Earth. During five tests, Zhurong will send a signal blindly into space, and the Mars Express will listen for that signal and any potential data.
"If [Mars Express] detects the magic signal, the radio will lock on to it and begin recording any data," ESA's Josh Tapley writes. "At the end of the communication window, the spacecraft will turn to face Earth and relay these data across space the same way it does for other scientific Mars missions. When the data arrive at ESOC, they will be forwarded on to the Zhurong team for processing and analysis."
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I think they could be playing up the difficulty of this challenge and this will be done easy enough, ESA's Mars Express will without doubt hear something, it was already ready to listen to the 2003 Beagle mission which since failed. The Chinese Rover probably can listen into downlinks, but not intentionally from other satellite orbiters. The Amateur Radio ground stations have already listened to the Chinese Rover and Tianwen? Orbiter, although I wonder if some of those amateur stations in Germany should really be called 'amateur'. It's probably just about moving frequency or a matter of chaning bandwith, if not hearing the actual signal they will probably hear a harmonic maybe perhaps on dayside ionosphere of Mars is generated through the photo-ionization of its upper atmosphere so something should be picked up. Mars is getting more and more busy, the whole thing about Mars getting busy is while more stuff is going to Mars, NASA and the Chinese have this ban or political banning from US politics on working with each other, I guess another space agency as a go-between gives them all a second option. I also think it would be wise if NASA and China had some kind of communication policy at Mars just in case some emergency event happened and another space agency needed help.
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' Télécommunication entre Rover chinois Zhurong et l’orbiteur Mars Express de l’ESA est un succès ! '
European Spaceship Catches Message From Incompatible Chinese Mars Rover, Sends It to China … 75551.html
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-12-02 12:22:21)
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Mars sleeps with one eye open
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There is still no update on the replacement for the Kazachok lander, however the almost 20 year old Mars Express Satellite continues to do great science.
'Stunning new Mars photos explore the solar system's largest canyon' … lar-system
maybe NASA will help Europe with that Exomars landed now that sanctions continue against Russia for the invasion of Ukraine?
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Repurposed technology used to probe new regions of Mars' atmosphere
To achieve this, ExoMars' Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) teamed up with another ESA spacecraft orbiting the red planet: Mars Express (MEX). The two craft maintain a radio link, so that as one passes behind the planet, radio waves cut through the deeper layers of the Martian atmosphere.
Changes in the atmosphere's refractivity—how it bends the radio waves—cause tiny but detectable shifts in the radio frequencies received by the spacecraft. By analyzing this shift, scientists can determine the density of the lower atmosphere and the electron density in the ionosphere—a charged upper layer of the atmosphere. The technique is called mutual radio occultation.
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