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For kbd512 re #375
First, thanks for hosting so many sessions over the months since you first suggested we try this!
Second, I agree that the first burst of enthusiasm seems to have run it's course, so changing to an On-Request format makes sense.
Calliban hinted he might be interested in a Zoom session at some point, and I hope that happens.
I'll change the daily announcement tomorrow, to reflect an On-Request mode for Zoom.
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Today is Zoom Day for NewMars forum.
We are now in an On Demand mode. Any member may request a Zoom meeting. Times and other details can be worked out as needed.
We have two hosts available, so kbd512 and I should be able to cover most member needs.
Recording of meetings is an option for anyone needing to keep track of details discussed at a meeting.
My preference (speaking ONLY for tahanson43206) is to support project meetings that are intended to accomplish some measurable objective.
On the other hand, there will be times when purely social (getting to know you) sessions are needed. Between kbd512 and me, we ** should ** be able to cover most needs that members may have.
The NewMars forum is an International network of talented, creative, knowledgeable and helpful individuals. The forum exists within the context of the larger goals of the Mars Society. The ability to think about the future on a large scale is quite normal for members of this forum.
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Meeting ID: 843 9817 1219
Passcode: 519958
I've started the NewMars Nightowl session 1 hour early. I guess I'll see if Tom or anybody else joins in.
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For kbd512 re #378
Thank you for offering the Zoom meeting opportunity to anyone who might be available and interested in meeting kbd512 and others who might join in.
This is a good time to remind our European members that we have two co-hosts, so ** should ** be able to accommodate an earlier meeting if there is interest!
We would appreciate your letting us know before Sunday, so we can adjust schedule if necessary.
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I just ended the meeting. Nobody showed up.
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For kbd512 ...
Thanks for making the offer!
I'm doing what I can to try to bring in new members.
Hopefully the Zoom will come in handy as we move along.
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For all .... today is "Zoom" day on NewMars forum.
No meetings are planned. However, the service is ready for anyone who might care to use it.
We have two co-hosts, and between kbd512 and tahanson43206, we ** should ** be able to assist members with either social or working sessions.
A recent post by member reminded me that social connection is an important part of the value proposition for the NewMars forum, or the Mars Society as a whole.
If any member would like to have a meeting with another person, and the somewhat unique characteristics of a NewMars Zoom meeting would be useful, please drop a note here.
An email outreach campaign is in late stages of planning. Perhaps Zoom will be useful for members who might be brought back into active status.
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I'm assuming that the meeting ID and passcode in post #1 of this topic is the updated zoom site for our meeting. I'm going to try to attend.
GW Johnson
McGregor, Texas
"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew, especially one dead from a bad management decision"
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For GW Johnson ...
We have two potential start times.
Please indicate when you will be connecting.
Please use UTC. You can find current UTC at
As I type this note, UTC is showing as 22:43 and local time is showing as 18:43 (a four hour difference at this location)
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For GW Johnson and anyone else who may care to join a Zoom at 1 AM UTC.
I'm planning to open the Zoom at 1 AM UTC.
It is just past midnight UTC now (local time is 20:03)
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GW and I were in the meeting, but we've been booted out.
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The Zoom ** may ** be up .... I'm not sure!
If GW Johnson is trying to connect and not getting in, please let me know.
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I'm trying to connect, not as the host because I keep getting booted, but as a member. No bueno.
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Got booted twice, nothing I try lets me back in. It says "the host has another meeting in progress". I think this problem has cropped up before, but being as old as I am, I have no understanding of the problem or any solutions. My slide rule never went on strike.
GW Johnson
McGregor, Texas
"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew, especially one dead from a bad management decision"
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I signed back into the meeting as the host.
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Okay, well, we keep getting booted out.
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Hi kbd512
I apologize (once again) .... Please restart .... I'll wait for your message you have the system open
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Meeting restarted.
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All you have to do is click on the link to rejoin the meeting, and I'll admit everyone.
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Hi kbd512,
I'm wondering if I need to change the name I'm trying to use .... I'll bet that is what is going on.
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Okay, but are you joining the meeting or trying to have two simultaneous meetings (not sure how well that'll work)?
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I think GW gave up on it.
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Yeah, it looks like tonight is going to be unreliable.
The topic of poor acquisition decisions is a good one. My Dad knew early on that the TFX project that became the F-111, would never be a top fighter for the USAF, and never anything for the USN, but it got built anyway. It was originally supposed to be a top fighter for both services. The USAF ended up using it as an attack bomber. USN never bought a one of them. Too heavy to operate off a carrier.
There's an awful lot of engineering art involved in designing military airplanes. That's the part nobody wrote down because no manager would pay for it. That art is more or less unique to companies and the customers they serve. Lockheed knew nothing about carrier designs, but wanted to build the S-3 Viking. They teamed with LTV as a sub to do it, because LTV knew the Navy and carrier operations well. There was friction on the team until both sides realized the original Lockheed design would go right through the flight deck on landing, something LTV knew from day 1. That's why the S-3 looks like a Vought airplane, but has Lockheed's name on it.
Last edited by GW Johnson (2022-07-31 19:18:04)
GW Johnson
McGregor, Texas
"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew, especially one dead from a bad management decision"
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Kbd512 ... FYI ... the message I'm getting is "The host has another meeting in progress.
If I try to login as host, I'll cause a conflict.
I'll try rebooting.
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