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#2201 2022-05-28 06:09:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ... today's Trailbreaker will try for 53700.

The next ReScan will be scheduled when Trailbreaker crosses 54000

GW Johnson has two new files ready for posting. I hope to have them up later today.

Work on the new Audit script command is on the work schedule for today.

Update at 12:19 local time.

Trailbreaker finished with no potholes, lots of SpaceNut posts, and 23 posts to check for Smiley Faces.

Update at 13:00 local time ... edits are complete ... Inspector will check the work.

There is no ReScan today.

Update at 15:00 local time...

Completed Sequence for ID: 53700

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 53401

Last Number of Run: 53700

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-28-2022 at 15:01:07
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22

Total time of Processing: 01:49:07

Total time Program was Active: 01:54:41

Potholes: Zero
Edits: Zero ... Good run!



#2202 2022-05-28 16:32:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Sounds like you have had a full day....mine was making a round trip to visit the son up north.

I put $45 in the start of the trip and according to the trip miles per gallon I got 42.1.
So the 9.6 gallons put in I still have 4 of them for the work week to come as I typically do not drive all that many miles during the week ends.


#2203 2022-05-28 17:10:13

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #2202

Thanks for the update on your trip out of town.  42.1 miles per gallon is impressive! 

Picking up on the well water again ... is the equipment to pull that water still working?

While it might not seem like it, I think you are in as good a position as anyone to help to advance the state-of-the-art of water processing to obtain potable water.

You have reported trying traditional chemical solutions.  The problem needs to be solved, both for Earth and for Mars.

Your interest in the recently reported water absorbing gel is encouraging (to me for sure).

If you can persuade the Sun to heat a batch of well water in a tub, where you've allowed it to settle for a day, then the water ** should ** lift up from the surface and enter the gel positioned above.  At the end of the day, the gel should be loaded with clean, potable water.

That gel can be held overnight to be heated by next day's Sun, to release the water.

Meanwhile, another batch of gel would be empty and waiting to accept another load of clean, potable water from another tub, or perhaps the same tub.

The entire operation ** should ** be affordable, compared to chemical solutions.

One thing that would make this worth while would be to keep accurate records of each stage of the process, so that a report can be prepared for publication.

If your investigation shows promise, then an organization with scientific credentials might be willing to attempt to duplicate the results.

The traditional way of doing this is the moonshiner's still.  I am wondering if the gel would turn out to be less expensive and easier to maintain, and conceivably even more efficient.

I did a quick lookup on what elements are found in the best spring water ... the elements reported are all way lighter than iron.

This suggests (to me at least) that separating atoms by mass is a possible way to obtain clean, potable (and healthy) water from otherwise useless contaminated water.

A centrifuge is a time honored way to separate atoms by mass.

Perhaps there is a variation on the centrifuge process that could be used with a continuous stream of water containing suspended material, to improve throughput.

Update later .... one problem with the separate-by-mass idea is that Carbon is lighter and would remain in the mixture.

All compounds with Carbon needed to be removed.  Potable water does NOT contain Carbon compounds, since these are associated with life. 

CO2 might be acceptable as a contaminant, but the safer bet is to eliminate any molecule that contains Carbon.



#2204 2022-05-29 06:08:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative....

Today's Trailbreaker is trying for the round number goal of 54000

If the goal is reached, then the ReScan will be scheduled to cover 53001-54000

Meanwhile, work is scheduled on both programs:

Extract: New feature to delete lines specified by a match string

This tool will reduce the size of the reference file to be fed into WBA for Auditor activity

WBA: The new AuditPostByID script item needs to be given substance. The framework is finished.

Update at 11:43 local time...

Completed Sequence for ID: 54000

Total Command Lines found: 52
Total input Lines in script: 177

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 53701

Last Number of Run: 54000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-29-2022 at 11:29:10
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:37
45 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:05:08

Potholes: Zero
45 Skips were reported. 45 less 24 >> 21 non-SpaceNut posts to review
Skip Analysis:
  Lines containing String One 90
  Lines containing String Two 48 <<-- 24 SpaceNut posts

21 posts to edit means a work session of about one hour.  Due to other scheduled activities, that work session will occur later today.

Update at 19:57 ... 21 edits were completed. 

ReScan will be scheduled after today's Zoom.

It will cover 53001-54000.

Update next day: The ReScan halted at 53043.

It had barely gotten started.  I'll investigate and report the failure, but I suspect a rogue wave on the Internet.

WBA has visited 50000+ posts multiple times and this was an Inspector run over previously cleared posts, so it must have been a pretty significant Internet failure to stop the program.

Update at 8:54 local time .... there was nothing in the log to show what happened.

The post in work came right up when requested this morning.

I'll reschedule the ReScan for this evening.



#2205 2022-05-29 20:49:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ...

This post is to hold information about human settlement on Earth at altitude ...

As the altitude increases, the barometric pressure decreases. The availability of oxygen decreases as the altitude increases. The increase in oxygen content through the increase in the number of red blood cells is one of the most important mechanisms of adaptation to high altitude. As of May 2003, National Geographic Magazine reports that La Rinconada, Peru, is currently the highest permanent human habitation. La Rinconada, a mining village of over 7,000 people in Southern Peru at an altitude of up to 5100 meters, has been in existence for over 40 years.

Monique Anthony -- 2005 … hony.shtml

Air Pressure at Altitude Calculator
Calculate Altitude from Air Pressure
Pressure at Sea Level
101325 Pa
15 °C
Air Pressure at Altitude
50000 Pa

Altitude =
5574.44 m
Calculate Air Pressure at Altitude
Pressure at Sea Level
101325 Pa
15 °C
5100 m

Air Pressure at Altitude =
53301.9 Pa

Humans live continuously at 5100 meters without oxygen boosting.

RobertDyck's atmosphere prescription for Mars is 3-5-8 3 psi O 5 psi N 8 psi net.

The discussion on Zoom was whether people would be comfortable at 1/2 sea level atmosphere.

The answer appears to be that when oxygen is maintained at equivalent partial pressure to sea level, people ** are ** comfortable.

However, it would be helpful to know who humans experience RobertDyck's prescription for extended periods.

The Peruvian miners appear to show that humans can adapt to 1/2 BAR without oxygen enrichment.

A Real Universe test could be carried out on Earth on the side of a mountain where the atmospheric pressure is 1/2 BAR.

The test would be to fill the human habitat to the Mars prescription of 3-5-8 and measure human experience for an extended period.



#2206 2022-05-30 06:57:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ...

Today's Trailbreaker will try for 54300.

The ReScan over 53001-54000 will be rescheduled for this evening.

Update at 13:04 local time

Completed Sequence for ID: 54300

Total Command Lines found: 52
Total input Lines in script: 177

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 54001

Last Number of Run: 54300

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-30-2022 at 12:43:23
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:42
58 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:30:12

Total time Program was Active: 03:37:15

Potholes: Zero
Skip analysis for 58 skips:
  Lines containing String One 100 <<== 58 less 19 >> 39 posts to check
  Lines containing String Two 38 <<== 19 SpaceNut posts

The 39 posts to check included a surprising number of FluxBB rejects.
I suppose I should be happy to get the puzzles to solve, but 39 posts is a ** lot ** to deal with.

Update at 15:31 local time .... it took about an hour for those 39 posts...

A surprising number were unfinished ... I had to complete those manually, but all are now showing "normally" for 2004.

I'll start the Inspector now to check all that work.

Update at 19:23

The Inspector finished it's review of today's updates without incident ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 54300

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 54001

Last Number of Run: 54300

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-30-2022 at 17:31:02
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22

Total time of Processing: 01:48:59

Potholes: Zero
Edits: Zero ... good run!

The ReScan over 53001-54000 will be scheduled for around 22:00 local time.

Work continued on a new feature for the Extract utility today.  An anomaly in the counting of input lines was traced to a curious behavior of the Notebook program ... it has an internal limit on the number of characters it will treat as a "line".  It turns out that a number of our NewMars authors indulge in run-on sentences that exceed the Notepad internal limit.  This is NOT a problem except for the count of input lines being lower than expected, since Notepad breaks up long lines into two lines, and counts one "line" as two internal lines.

With that question out of the way, I expect to finish the new Delete on Match feature tomorrow.

Update next day: The ReScan over 53001-54000 finished with the a Green screen.  The Internet was glassy smooth last night.

Completed Sequence for ID: 54000

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 1000

Starting Number: 53001

Last Number of Run: 54000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-31-2022 at 07:05:19
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:25
2 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 06:54:47

Potholes: two
Edits: Zero
Good run!



#2207 2022-05-31 05:14:05

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ...

Today's Trailbreaker will try for 54600.

The next ReScan will be run when Trailbreaker crosses 55000.

The new Extract feature to Delete a line on Match should be working today.

The Audit command is pending in WBA.

Update at 10:30 local time

Completed Sequence for ID: 54600

Total Command Lines found: 52
Total input Lines in script: 177

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 54301

Last Number of Run: 54600

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-31-2022 at 10:22:08
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:37
36 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:04:43

Total time Program was Active: 03:06:26

SpaceNut posts: 19
Posts to edit: 17

Update at 14:13 local time ... edits are complete ... Inspector will review the work

Update at 16:49 local time...

Completed Sequence for ID: 54600

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 54301

Last Number of Run: 54600

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-31-2022 at 16:47:14
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22

Total time of Processing: 01:49:15

Potholes: Zero
Edits: Zero
Good Run



#2208 2022-06-01 05:22:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ...

The spreadsheet with the production plan for Trailbreaker runs shows 78,000 on August 19th.

All of June, all of July and most of August remain ahead for the laptop daily duty.

Today's run will try for 54900.

The next ReScan will be scheduled for Thursday.

Work on the Auditor feature is tentatively scheduled for later today, but other local needs may take priority.

Update at 10:32 local time ...

Work on the Auditor feature progressed through completion of a detailed program flow document.

The next step, tentatively scheduled for a work session tomorrow, is to translate the flow to code.

Meanwhile, Trailbreaker just finished a dash to 54900 with a Green screen.

Completed Sequence for ID: 54900

Total Command Lines found: 52
Total input Lines in script: 177

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 54601

Last Number of Run: 54900

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-01-2022 at 10:33:40
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:36
63 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 02:58:47

Potholes: Zero
Analysis of 63 skips: <<== less 48 >> 15 posts to edit
  Lines containing String One 127
  Lines containing String Two 96 << 48 SpaceNut posts

The edits will be performed later today.
No ReScan is scheduled for today

Update at 20:44 local time ... 16 edits are complete ... all 16 appeared to be a conversation between a gent in Nova Scotia and one in Sweden.  I did't see any Smiley Faces, but there must have been plenty of European punctuation.

In any case, Inspector will now check the work.

Update at 23:01 local time ... Inspector finished with a Green screen...

Completed Sequence for ID: 54900

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 54601

Last Number of Run: 54900

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-01-2022 at 23:01:37
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22

Total time of Processing: 01:48:57

Potholes: Zero
Edits: Zero
good run!



#2209 2022-06-01 07:29:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re magnets in magnetrons in microwave ovens ...

Your hint that there might be magnets inside microwave ovens inspired me to ask Google ...

There were many citations, but this one seemed to cover the question pretty well...

About 14,100,000 results (0.60 seconds)

Up close and personal with magnetrons - Test & Measurement ... › up-close-an...
Sep 25, 2020 — Modern magnetrons use permanent magnets, among the items frequently scavenged from discarded units. Either way, the magnetic flux and ...

I did notice a warning to take care in dis-assembling a magnetron (or the oven... not sure which) ... the warning was about the insulators which (apparently) contain a hazardous substance ... apparently the insulators include beryllium.

People also ask
Is beryllium harmful to humans?
Breathing in fumes or dusts of beryllium compounds may injure the lungs. While most commonly associated with diseases of the lungs, beryllium may also affect such organs as the liver, kidneys, heart, nervous system, and the lymphatic system.

Beryllium - Health Effects : OSH Answers



#2210 2022-06-02 06:20:59

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative

Trailbreaker will try for 55200 today.

If the attempt succeeds, ReScan will be queued up to cover 54001-55000.

Chances are good the Audit update to WBA will make some progress today.

A bit of progress was made in developing the new Audit procedure. The current ID is needed, and it was found.

Work will resume tomorrow.

Trailbreaker finished with a Green screen...

Completed Sequence for ID: 55200

Total Command Lines found: 52
Total input Lines in script: 177

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 54901

Last Number of Run: 55200

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-02-2022 at 11:26:05
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:35
63 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 02:57:53

Potholes: Zero
Skip analysis for 63 skips:
  Lines containing String One 126 <<-- 63 less 53 >> 10 edits (not bad!)
  Lines containing String Two 106 <<-- 53 SpaceNut posts

Our contributors from Nova Scotia and Sweden gave me a break! Only ten edits today!

Palomar (Cindy) seems to show up in these edits frequently ... she posts frequently about astronomy.

Apparently she has an exotic character on her keyboard when she's talking about astronomy.

Inspector will review the work.

Completed Sequence for ID: 55200

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 54901

Last Number of Run: 55200

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-02-2022 at 14:31:12
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22

Total time of Processing: 01:49:04

Potholes: Zero
Edits: Zero
Good run!

ReScan will run today, at about 22:00.

Update next day: ReScan finished with a Green screen ...

1000 posts reviewed from 54001-55000.

Zero potholes, Zero Edits, Good run!



#2211 2022-06-02 07:31:49

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Water Separation initiative...

By default, you are the PI for water separation .... you have the opportunity.  You have the incentive!  You have a nurturing environment in which to stretch your abilities.  Very little going on these days is of greater importance than mastering the separation of water from suspended matter it carries.

Mars_B4_Moon just posted a report of what it looks like when humans move from theory and hand waving to practical results! … 86#p195686

I'd like to see NewMars forum make that same leap, unimaginable as it may be to most onlookers.

Thinking about water separation a bit further .... so far (to the limit of my recollection (which is **really** limited)) we have discussed:

1) Gravity separation of material in a turbid set of water
2) Mechanical separation using a wide variety of filters of various sizes and materials
3) Chemical separation using introduced chemicals that react with materials in turbid water

As possible additional separation ideas, we have considered the weak effect of permanent magnet fields on iron oxide particles floating in the water

A rigorous, scientific study of this idea, suitable for publication in a top tier journal, is a possibility.

Members of this form do not include scientists in the formal sense, but a "citizen scientist" is a possibility.

However, anyone in the forum who might wish to perform the duties of a "citizen scientist" would do well to secure the sponsorship/supervision of a "real" scientist, so that whatever experiments are carried out are done with generally accepted rigor, and the results recorded and published with peer review.

Before going to all that trouble, however, Google may offer a pathway to records of such experiments having already been performed, somewhere on Earth, in the past 500 years.



#2212 2022-06-02 08:22:10

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut (primarily --- all others welcome)

For a water study of any rigor, it would be helpful to be able to identify the atoms present in a sample.

The best / most convenient way to accomplish this (that I know of (caveat)) is the spectrograph.

What I inquiring about now is:

Does there already exist a probe that can be inserted into a liquid to take spectrographic readings of the atoms present in the vicinity of the tip of the probe?

Such an instrument would seem (to me at least) to have value in many areas of human activity.

If such an instrument ** does NOT ** exist, what would it take to create one?



#2213 2022-06-02 09:29:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ...

Mars_B4_Moon hinted there might be a need for a new topic ... … 01#p195701



#2214 2022-06-03 05:10:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ...

Today's Trailbreaker will try for 55500

The next ReScan will be scheduled when Trailbreaker crosses 56000.

The Trailbreaker finished with a Green screen and a set of edits to visit.

Two were more interesting ... one author used brackets to enclose a character.
The other had an extra quote.

All the rest were humdrum Smiley Faces and European punctuation.

The Inspector will now check the work.

Nice to see all the interesting posts by Mars_B4_Moon!  He's really enlivened the forum since his return.

Update at 17:16 local time ....

Completed Sequence for ID: 55500

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 55201

Last Number of Run: 55500

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-03-2022 at 17:13:28
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22

Total time of Processing: 01:49:35

Potholes: Zero
Edits: Zero
Good run!



#2215 2022-06-03 06:48:56

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re water preparation ....

Void just published some research on water preparation, in his worlds topic...

I get the impression he doesn't read anything else, and that's understandable.

He suggested a topic for water preparation, which (of course) we already have.

I like (appreciate) the detail about chemical and physical processes used in the past (and even at present) to clear contaminants from water.

However, if all we do is to repeat the past, we are missing an opportunity to develop new technology.

I remain hopeful that an atom-by-atom, molecule-by-molecule separation technique will be discovered along the way, as NewMars proceeds on multiple fronts.

The model I have in mind is a mail sorting facility of the USPS, or a package sorting facility at FedEx, UPS or UHL

The specific, measurable properties of each molecule to be routed are read by sorting agents, and the molecules are routed appropriately.

It will take energy to perform the separation.   So what?  Anything worth while takes energy, and in some cases, it takes time and thought.

So what!  Humans have evolved powerful brains and capable structures to interact with the environment.

This is just another way to use those assets.



#2216 2022-06-04 06:20:48

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re post repair initiative ...

Today's Trailbreaker will try for 55800.

There is no ReScan scheduled for today.

Work on the new Auditor feature is on the agenda.

The data input file is ready for initial testing. It contains the edit outputs for posts 1-300.
These are to be compared byte-by-byte with the actual posts stored in the NewMars database.
The intention is to find Smiley Faces and International Punctuation that did not reach FluxBB.

Update at 11:38 ... work on the new Audit feature advanced a short distance...

A loop framework now is ready for a search of a loaded data array to find the post that matches the current ID.

Trailbreaker finished with a Green screen ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 55800

Total Command Lines found: 52
Total input Lines in script: 177

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 55501

Last Number of Run: 55800

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-04-2022 at 11:32:43
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:38
52 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:10:45

Potholes: Zero
Skip analysis for 52 skips:
  Lines containing String One 95 <<== 52 less 39 >> 13 posts to review
  Lines containing String Two 78 <<== 39 SpaceNut posts

Editing today's flagged posts is complete... as usual, the FluxBB rejects were more interesting.

One gent substituted a left brace for a left bracket.

Another gent made such a mishmash of his quotes i gave up on trying to figure it out and just deleted some of the dangling signals.

A couple went up under manual paste without complaint, so I have no idea what the program thought it saw.

In any case, Inspector will now check the work.

Update at 16:26 local time ....

Inspector finished with a green screen ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 55800

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 55501

Last Number of Run: 55800

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-04-2022 at 16:23:12
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22

Total time of Processing: 01:49:37

Potholes: Zero
Edits: Zero
Good run!

If all goes well, and Trailbreaker crosses 56000 tomorrow, we'll set up a ReScan tomorrow night.



#2217 2022-06-04 20:19:50

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

I do read through the many posts which are somewhat confusing but non the less interesting. I see that Mars_B4_Moon has been busy in many topics as well. Interesting that the post count brings us up to John Creighton post in 2004-11-20


#2218 2022-06-05 05:46:12

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #2217 .... John Creighton is coming up often in the Edit list ... he lives in Nova Scotia, and he seems to use either a keyboard with a European setting, or European punctuation.  Thus, his posts show up, and copies of his posts in other posts show up.  Another author who shows up frequently uses a distinctive name that includes Yang or Wang and Rocket.  His posts are usually long, and he provides perspective on the activities of China that suggest closer familiarity with China than most NewMars posters have.

The range of Mars_B4_Moon interests is wide, and his willingness to dive deep into the archive allows the work of others to come back into view with current updates.

I appreciated his recent report on the use of the entire rover arm to aim the sample drill, as an example of NASA/JPL responding to equipment failure.

Today's Trailbreaker will try for 56100.

If the run succeeds, the ReScan will cover 55001-56000.

Work on WBA's new Audit feature will resume with the Fetch Data loop to collect text from logs from last year.

I was glad to see your post about the water on your property, and am looking forward to your progress.

I was surprised (and pleased) to see that the current Analog hard science article includes a section about the specific problem I'm hoping you will work on.  If all goes well, I'll be able to post an excerpt later today.

Update at 12:35 local time...

Trailbreaker finished with a Green screen, Zero potholes and just 7 posts to review.

Two of the seven may have been FluxBB rejects, which provide little puzzles to solve.

One of two FluxBB rejects went up clean when posted manually, so I'm not sure what was going on.

However, the ** other ** had too many slashes, which provided a bit of a challenge.

As always, I wonder how the software in use at the time allowed these quirks to admit into the database.

Inspector will now check the edits.

A ReScan will be run after tonight's Zoom, to cover 55001-56000.

Update at 14:56 local time ...

Inspector finished with a Green screen ...Zero potholes Zero Edits... Good Run!

Update next day:

Completed Sequence for ID: 56000

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 1000

Starting Number: 55001

Last Number of Run: 56000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-06-2022 at 08:59:40
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:24

Total time of Processing: 06:41:21

Potholes: Zero
Edits: Zero
Good Run



#2219 2022-06-06 06:28:22

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Posts Repair initiative ...

Today's Trailbreaker will try to reach 56400

There will be no ReScan today.

Work on the new Audit feature is scheduled to continue.

Detail of collecting text from logs of updates taken last year is in work.

A number of today's edits were posts by John Creighton of Nova Scotia

Index» Interplanetary transportation» Space Elevators and Pipelines

I wanted to bump that topic but it refused. … 367#p56367

It is time for this topic from 2004 to come back into view.

I am forced to read it because Mr. Creighton is from Nova Scotia, where (I gather) European punctuation is embedded in the keyboard.  However, as I read along, I realized these are the sorts of ideas that the modern/current set of NewMars members like to consider.

I suspect that there are a variety of errors in the topic, so i'm hoping that modern/current members will point them out.

Any chance your ID can bump that topic?

Inspector will review the posts edited today.

Update at 20;49 local time ... Inspector finished looking at the series through 56400...

No potholes. No edits. Good Run.

The laptop gets a well earned night off.

Tomorrow's Trailbreaker will try for 56700.



#2220 2022-06-07 06:33:38

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair Initiative ...

Today's Trailbreaker will try for 56700

There will be no ReScan.

Work on the new Audit feature of WBA should continue.  At this point, the top of a sequence is found, and it's ID compared to the current ID in work.

There are three signal strings yet to find and verify, at which point the text to be compared can be collected.

Update at 12:54 local time: Trailbreaker finished with a Green screen.

There were Zero potholes and 38 skips.

Work on WBA's new Audit feature reached a mini-milestone ... the first draft of the procedure to collect text from a data file, and to compare it to the same text downloaded from the NewMars database, is complete.  This version was saved, and it will be given some scrubbing offline tomorrow, to flush out inevitable first draft errors.

Update at 15:23 local time ... edits are complete ... there was one FluxBB reject ... A contributor was trying to show an image.

Inspector will now run to check the work.

Completed Sequence for ID: 56700

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 56401

Last Number of Run: 56700

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-07-2022 at 17:33:56
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22

Total time of Processing: 01:49:01

Potholes: Zero
Edits: Zero
Good run



#2221 2022-06-08 12:04:11

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ...

Trailbreaker reached 57000 today with a Green screen ...

These round number milestones come every 10 days, due to your decision to go with 300 posts per day.

There were 36 skips...
Of these, 12 were SpaceNut posts, so there are 24 posts to review

That will take the better part of an hour.  A couple are mystery posts.

Updates went fairly smoothly.  A couple posts had to be manually edited because they didn't download.

One of Cindy's was flagged but there was nothing to fix.

Inspector will now check the work.

However, because we turned over to 57000, I'll just queue up a ReScan and let it run all night.

Update at 22:46 local time ... The ReScan finished with a Green screen...

1000 posts were reviewed, from 56001 through 57000

Completed Sequence for ID: 57000

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 1000

Starting Number: 56001

Last Number of Run: 57000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-08-2022 at 22:47:42
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:25

Total time of Processing: 07:05:02

Potholes: Zero
Edits: zero
Good Run



#2222 2022-06-08 12:17:49

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ...

Do we have a topic suitable for members to describe competitive business solutions to create synthetic fuel using solar power or nuclear power?

We seem to have repeating calls for exactly such businesses, but nothing ever happens.

The forces that will provide incentive for solutions appear to be either present already or growing with conviction.



#2223 2022-06-08 19:59:19

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ....

Here is a report on how a major energy company is planning to "go green" and still use gas.

Apparently they are planning to take carbon out of the air at the same rate as they are putting it in from gas fired power plants. … b0cac4d831

Associated Press

PG&E pledges net-zero emissions by 2040, will keep using gas
By KATHLEEN RONAYNE, Associated Press - 2h ago
© Provided by Associated Press

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The nation’s largest utility on Wednesday outlined a multi-decade plan that aims to more rapidly reduce to zero its net greenhouse gas emissions while still using natural gas to produce power.

Pacific Gas & Electric’s plan is to take as much carbon out of the air as it emits by 2040, five years earlier than the goal set by its home state of California and Southern California Edison, the state’s second-largest utility.

The utility's climate strategy also calls for more ambitious near-term goals. These include lowering emissions to 50% below 2015 levels, expanding the use of biogas — created when food waste and other organic matter breaks down — so that it constitutes 15% of its natural gas production, and ensuring 70% of its electric supply comes from renewable sources like solar and wind, all by 2030.

FILE  Pacific Gas & Electric's Colusa Generating Station is seen near Maxwell, Calif.,  Nov. 15, 2011. The utility on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, outlined a plan to achieve climate goals including net-zero emissions by 2040. The report says natural gas plants like the Colusa generating station are likely to remain online but produce 40% less emissions by 2030 compared to 2015 levels. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File)

The utility also plans to add enough charging stations to power 3 million electric vehicles and will help customers swap out gas-powered appliances for electric options. The latter seeks to address a growing trend of communities banning or severely restricting gas appliances in new construction. Los Angeles last month joined more than 50 California cities that have approved such plans.

PG&E predicts its output of natural gas will decrease by 40% by 2030 compared to 2015 levels, but the utility will keep its three gas-fired power plants in operation.
Continue reading



#2224 2022-06-08 20:26:09

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

tahanson43206 wrote:

For SpaceNut ...

Do we have a topic suitable for members to describe competitive business solutions to create synthetic fuel using solar power or nuclear power?

We seem to have repeating calls for exactly such businesses, but nothing ever happens.

The forces that will provide incentive for solutions appear to be either present already or growing with conviction.


These would fit under science technology. Creating a new topic that we know we have posts for in other topics means a narrow focus but to what eventual out come is up to those that share a topic goal. As I have seen not many are willing to contribute....


#2225 2022-06-09 07:08:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post #2224

Thanks for thinking about the challenge of trying to organize topics in the NewMars forum to support activity as compared to discussion.

Discussion is definitely good!  Activity directed toward achieving an objective is better!

Discussion of what others (outside the forum) are doing is good. 
Discussion of what forum members are doing is better.

We have a nice variety of action oriented topics around the theme of water.

Your investigation at the home owner level is important, because it can be duplicated by almost anyone.

Building a water pipeline is a group project, as is creating drones to harvest clouds.

The NewMars forum is capable of managing both individual and group projects.

In the mean time, this post is set up to report on today's Trailbreaker run to 57300.

There will be no ReScan for the next three days, until Trailbreaker crosses 58000.

Update at 12:45 local time ... Trailbreaker finished with a Green screen.

WBA passed offline debugging yesterday, and it will be given a first chance to fail online today.

The test post is #1 ... no updates will be performed.  The current contents of the post will be downloaded live, and compared to the edit text from last year's update log.  I expect that the two texts will differ.  There's a lot going on to try to make this happen at all, let alone happen without error.

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-09-2022 at 12:36:11
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:37
46 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:03:31

Potholes: Zero
Skip Analysis for 46 skips:
  Lines containing String One 93 <<== 46 - 30 >> 16 posts to visit
  Lines containing String Two 60 <<== 30 SpaceNut posts
Note: actual posts to visit is 17 ... one may be a SpaceNut post

Edits are complete ... Inspector will check the work

After Inspector finishes I'm tentatively scheduling a test run of WBA with the new Audit feature.

Update at 17:35 local time ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 57300

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 57001

Last Number of Run: 57300

Summary for Web Automation Report for 06-09-2022 at 17:32:45
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22

Total time of Processing: 01:48:55

Potholes: zero
Edits: Zero
Good run!



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