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#1 2021-12-10 09:55:54

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Does anyone feel the long recession of the 1970s and 80s coming again? California already had problems, forest fires, droughts, debts, more water shortages, illegals and drugs and now a century of fires...sometimes its not just global warming but bad government policy or some psycho makes a fire and it was arson. ...and now a looming forever wave of crime coming into cities?... needles everywhere and on your phone you can get this poop maps to avoid the human excrement … s-n1467447 map? … reets.html

California sure is becoming a strange place, its gangs are allowed Loot stores. The entire economy at risk because of crime & Shipping shut downs or trucking slowing at the Ports. Some other cities are becoming odd or strange. I also find it difficult to understand why no Constitution party or Centrist political group or Libertarian party have not managed to really gain any ground.

I don't think one single Republican or Democrat party is to blame for this, all of this nonsense has been going on a while but the Left seems to be going more crazier than usual of late. Durinng the Bush jnr years, Obama years, it happened under Trump although I will admit Trump was different, a lot of people didn't like his hotheaded rhetoric and a lot of people thought him crazy, now under Biden and Harris the Madness continues. The outsourcing of the best of US technology sending jobs overseas it also heppened under Republicans and under Democrats, the mass importation of immigrants some illegal when enter the job supply chain and overall cost the economy. There could be something politically and religiously dark in America, there are some who never trust a government to do anything and some who have belief 'The Apocalypse Is Coming' train shooting your target, stock up on tinned foods and these Doomsday people believe that someday 'War Is Inevitable'...I guess they live off-grind and are called preppers or something. Inside the towns and cities some 100,000+ Americans now now dying from chemical poisons smuggled across the borders, US citizens are killed by Drug Dealers, but not all is illegal some corrupted doctors and immoral BigPharma pharmacists are also doing a damn fine job killing Americans.

In areas in Minneapolis, gangs of Somali invade people's homes, attack their appartments and beat women and their mothers? … 0585826318 at High Schhols students are head stomped and pistol whipped, one student pummeled, another held at gunpoint in shocking scene outside US school … d-students Some say its tension and fear around Corona, some say its 'Poverty' some blame Lockdowns, every side has another political opinion and Harris Biden say they will break the debt ceiling once more so they want want to raise taxes by another Trillion dollars! in a stealth way of course by printing more money, one thing both parties agree on that will hurt the Biden Admin the Gasoline Prices!!! In Seattle they tried to build this new socialist kingdom called the 'Chaz' or the 'Chop' it turned out to be a group of stoners, drunks and drug addicts going around in the Che-Guevara t-shirts... they wanted to get away from the oppression and unfair Laws but instead inside their very own Chaz or Chop? community there was lawless crime, rape and shootings...simple wiki explain the madness in a simple way

Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
They wanted the United States of America to lower costs of rent, destroy expensive buildings near cheap buildings, make medicine and hospitals free, make all people who have been seen destroying things while in groups be let out of jail, and to lay off all police officers. Lay off means to make someone stop working.
Some people liked the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Some people did not like the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz did not like the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. The mayor of Seattle Jenny Durkan thinks that it is party, not a real country

That was last years madness and this year in 2021 Crime-ravaged Seattle is now so dangerous it will not protect its people, it says it can no longer protect its own workers. The Right Conservative perhaps not wanting to be outdone by the Left have made a choice to try and break-away from parts of California, Texas has also talked of the secessionist movement.  During the Trump Presidency he made a threat the United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist never happened even as they joined BLM and Antifa Looting and Killing and Rioting and Buring US Cities. In Chicago in cities like Portland, in Minneapolis, in California, in Detroit, in NYC, in Milwaukee sometimeas an act of violence or Looting can become a regular day, dozens upon dozens upon dozens of people sometimes get shot, some killed, many mass shootings of dozens of people every month, sometimes dozens shot in a single weekend and yet none of these mass shootings ever seem to make the news headlines? Is the news media so politically crazy that a minority or a Black African American life only has value when it can become a political toxic message, the Black life only has political value if it gets shot by a White Cop? Not all of these places are redneck Republican gun states as the media could try to paint, some of these places are Leftwing, Democrat, Neo-Democrat, Regressive-Leftist citities,  a new record in shootings or robbery or drive-by shooters or new record in killings and homicide sometimes inside Leftwing gun control States.The small tiny city of Portland has numbers of crimes that sometimes surpass the big cities like Detroit and NYC.  Even now more than one full year after the election and almost a full year into the Biden Presidency Anarchy still Reigns in Portland by a Rioter Antifa people who helped defund the Police, today there is a constant rise in assault, rape, theft and gun violence in Portland . They say that Portland today has only 788 cops - the lowest number since 1989 - amid violent looting, murder and crime surge

Like a scene out of Escape from NewYork or Escape from LA? Some are allow this hoodrat gang thugs to smash and grab from all of their stores, they basically get a 'parking ticket' they say the jails are already full so they barely get a slap on the wrist to do so as long as it's under $985 bucks yanno that's not a crime the regressive progressive cities say? Here are some news headlines on the lawlessness of the whole broken window theory thing?

'It's just crazy': 12 major cities hit all-time homicide … d=81466453
LA cops arrest 14 suspects in connection with 11 smash-and-grab robberies - but release ALL of them because of California's 'zero bail' policy … olicy.html
‘Walgreens fed my family’: inside the San Francisco stores closing over ‘retail theft’ … ime-debate
California Apple store robbed of $18,000 worth of cell phones … ll-phones/
Smashing-and-Grabbing “Blue America” into ruin … _ruin.html
Politically Orwellian wrong-think Police say don't refer to Looting as Looting because that might be Racist!?? … s-n2599546
Death of the City by the Bay … y-the-bay/
Ridiculous CA Shoplifting Law … away-video
more Smash and Grab Looters … l/2746697/
The sick disturbing horror comedy continues overseas in England, a trans male female transgender transexual has accused the retailer of transphobic discrimination after being terminated for shoplifting from the store he / she / it worked at?
Skynews Australia says Shop Lifting cleaning out of stores by Hordes of Flash Mobs is more or less 'Allowed' … 00fbdf10e4
Of the dozen cities that have already surpassed the grim milestones for killings, five topped records that were set or tied just last year. … 100146239/
Armed Robbery at Home Holiday Party as L.A. Suffers 'Brutal, Brazen' Crime Wave … crime-wave
Burglars pose as landscapers and target Asian-American homes in Los Angeles … geles.html
California woman suspected of stealing $300,000 in merchandise from retailers … retailers/
‘Smash-and-grab’ robberies hit California high-end stores … nd-stores/

The Exodus has begun?

California's population exodus is intensifying … ornia.html … 56966.html … ia-exodus/ … c1cac3e97b … _migration … alifornia/ … california … ias-exodus … e-pandemic

First a few company moved, some media people said they were fed up and tech guys pack up boxes and bags and get out of dodge and celebs said they were moving out, now they all are in a panic to run, they don't care about the threat of back taxes, they are all leaving.
The Death of California may have been official once Musk Announced the Tesla to Move Headquarters to Texas

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-10-03 08:53:07)


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#2 2021-12-10 13:54:10

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,016

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?


It's that old "uni-party" / "oligarchy" issue that ultimately messes up all nation-states.  Russia and China are the best examples outside of the United States, but there are many others throughout history.  I trust that government can do a lot of things, but I also trust that it seldomly does anything particularly well, no matter who is in charge, because government's interest is in perpetuating and expanding itself, not picking a few things that it does well and then "staying in its own lane".  Therefore, the government that governs least also tends to govern best.  If there's no money and no power to be abused, then there's no incentive for abusers to waste their time on pursuits that won't ultimately give them what their dark little hearts desire.

The people who are attracted to government is what bothers me, because so many of them are either outright evil or incompetent, or worse, apathetic to the end result.  That's why I left the Navy.  I saw enough dumb stuff being done that I simply wanted no more part of it.  I still want a strong and moral military, but it should be a military built for brief and decisive offensive operations that destroy the war machines of our enemies rather than terrorizing their people (that "shock and awe" nonsense), crippling their ability to effectively wage war, but done without "war of attrition" (the kind of wars that everyone involved ultimately loses) occupations of foreign countries.

If we can destroy all of their ships / planes / tanks / artillery / munitions depots in less than a month, then that's good enough to prevent them from attacking us or our allies in any significant way, so then we have no longer have any justified business there.  We can afford that kind of military campaign without bankrupting the American people.  We can't afford endless occupations with tens of thousands of troops on the ground.  That was the "method behind the madness" of my suggestion of using airborne aircraft carriers- flying weapons that can respond to a military attack in 24 hours or less, solely used to destroy the enemy's war machines and thus their ability to effectively wage war.  RobertDyck took that as me wanting to expand our military, but I wanted to scrap all of the sea-going amphibious ships and aircraft carriers, in order to eliminate the possibility of an invasion / occupation, because we have no real justification for doing that.

The ultimate result would be a Navy with a few tens of thousands of personnel at most, nearly all of them dedicated to offensive airborne operations intended to destroy war machines following an enemy attack, which would undoubtedly come in the form of war machines used to attack the symbols of America- primarily our ships / over seas bases / the homeland itself.  Our submarines could then be devoted to patrol and preventing sea-borne attacks, rather than protecting surface action groups that represent little more than the threat of an invasion to all of our enemies.  With so few personnel, we can afford to be highly selective about who is hired, whether or not they have the right attitude and temperament for the job, and we can afford a level of training that other nations with a traditional military could not.

This would no doubt make me highly unpopular with those who want to perpetuate and expand the military, but absent a credible threat, I fail to see the point of spending so much money on something that isn't used, or is misused / abused by those in positions of power within our government.

After we reduce the military to a more practical size, then we need to work on eliminating our failed entitlement programs.  The people who have invested into the system (at gunpoint) will have their money returned to them and told to invest it as they see fit.  The government will exit the retirement / investment income industry, the health care industry, the education industry, and the military occupation industry, because the management skills and behaviors have been so inexcusably poor that they will otherwise ensure that America can never repay its debts.

After all of that has been accomplished, there will be very little reason for the oligarchs and ideologues to involve themselves with government, because there's no money to be made there and far less power or authority over the lives of the citizenry.  If the system we have was working well, then there would be some evidence to indicate that it was.  There's no such evidence to be found, because it isn't working well, and that's the one thing that Democrats / Republicans / radicals / moderates / rich / poor all seem to agree upon.  The most logical solution is to stop what we're presently doing and return to our founding principles as a Constitutional Republic created by / of / for the people, in order to protect personal liberties and to not grant power unto itself that it has no authority to grant unto itself.


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#3 2021-12-10 19:37:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

The real issue is this behavior of mob thievery is becoming the norm and its got to stop....


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#4 2021-12-11 11:49:00

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,016

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?


We have a major political party, the Democrat Party, supporting mob violence, so long as it aligns with their politics.  The Democrat Party has become a criminal enterprise that preys upon the people living in the cities and states that they control.  What the hell were the "mostly violent rioters" in places like Chicago or Seattle actually "protesting" while they were burning and looting their way across the city?  It sure as hell isn't any Republicans, because all of the people they've voted into office are Democrats.  Now they're starting to vote for Republicans, because they've grown tired of the lawlessness of the Democrats.  There are no Republican-run cities experiencing wave after wave of mob violence, because Republican District Attorneys and Judges and voters put those people in prison.


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#5 2021-12-11 13:05:50

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Not all of this mob violence is Democrat as its been twisted into as being seen that way and to always say it is says rose colored glasses are being worn.


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#6 2022-02-21 06:38:58

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Masked Train Robbers Turn Los Angeles into Wild, Wild West … wild-west/

Looting over kim potter sentencing … nte-wright

Illinois teen accused of breaking into neighbor’s home, trying to beat him to death because he’s gay: police … hate-crime

According to a sworn affidavit, police were called to a home on Delray Court after a report of a broken window and a potential break-in.

When an officer arrived at the scene, the door was locked. After identifying himself, the officer said he could hear somebody screaming for help inside.

Howie Carr: Biden ‘Justice’ Department taking it easy on rioters … n-rioters/

Biden's doomed election plan: Downplay crime … play-crime

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-02-21 07:13:37)


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#7 2022-02-21 10:04:33

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

There is a painting of a violent America going on even when most of the nation is silent, That lawlessness rules all of the streets is as well not true, that hate is the only answer for religion, race and more when it is not the case.


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#8 2022-04-10 07:46:16

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Domestic violence in the USA, robbery stabbings,  gun crimes, more than 1,000 children younger than 18 have been shot so far this year.

Shootings Rise in New York, Coloring Perceptions of City’s Safety … afety.html

California jewelry store target of brazen daylight smash and grab robbery, steal millions … 13336.html

Three shot in Portland and Hillsboro … =component

Spate of home burglaries in California may be 'linked to criminal tourists' who target the rich … -rich.html

Hillsborough Police said it suspected the 'crime tourists' were behind at least two brazen burglaries that took place recently in the affluent Bay Area community, where the average home price sits around $5.4 million, according to Zillow. 

Security footage from the home captured the moment a thief walked up to one of the homes and appeared to notice the camera as he quickly backed away.

The footage, shared by police, cuts to a scene later in the night as a black car rolls up to the driveway and two thieves walk out of the house with bags full of stolen goods.

One of the thieves appears to have trouble closing the door behind him as a third crook comes to assist him.

The thieves load up the car and return to the house to make off with more - before returning to steal the homeowner's SUV and make their getaway.

The suspects have not yet been apprehended.

Chicago shootings: 18 shot, 3 fatally, in weekend violence, CPD says … /11733265/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-04-10 09:30:49)


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#9 2022-04-12 06:57:03

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Is it a Federal Crime to Attack a Government Postal Worker?

The United States Postal Service just announced they were suspending mail delivery for a neighborhood in Santa Monica, California after their mail carriers were getting assaulted. USPS suspends services in Santa Monica neighborhood, citing attacks on carriers … -carriers/ Mail Service in Santa Monica Halted After String of Attacks … f-attacks/


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#10 2022-04-30 06:05:34

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Portland police to add six detectives to homicide division, temporarily shut down cold case squad … squad.html

Two Shot and Killed In Baltimore … baltimore/

The Legislature must take action to address rampant retail theft … ail-theft/

'Wenot even goin play like dat 4No Grade' … 7251265545
They speak this weird mix of jive creole ebonics pidgin english with lots of cursing
'show off their guns in a school gymnasium'.

You see a lot more of this culture on 'WorldStarHipHop' a weird anti-social video site that features hood rapper culture and content-aggregating video blog.


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#11 2022-05-08 15:14:48

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Another Summer of Looting and Riots Coming?

BLM violence can’t be ignored … nt-page-1/
Rooftop Korean-Americans? … iots-1992/
LA Riots: A look back 30 years later

Richard Reyes Fruto wrote in an article in The Korea Times, "Looters targeted Korean American merchants during the LA. Riots, according to the FBI official who directed federal law enforcement efforts during the disturbance."

The English-language Korean newspaper focused on the 1992 riots, with Korean Americans at the center of the violence. Initial articles in late April and early May described victims' lives and damage to the Los Angeles Korean community. Interviews with Koreatown merchants such as Chung Lee evoked sympathy from readers. Lee watched, helpless, as his store was burned down: "I worked hard for that store. Now I have nothing"

In a survey of local residents in 2010, 77 percent felt that the economic situation in Los Angeles had significantly worsened since 1992 … ars-later/

Smash and grab thieves target eyeglass store outside DC, make off with more than $20K … ands-video


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#12 2022-05-15 03:36:25

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

A Normal Day in Chicago?

9 killed, 26 others wounded in Chicago weekend shootings … ings-crime

3 California Nordstrom looting suspects arrested out of 90 in Walnut Creek heist … g-arrested

Duo break into NYC jewelry store, steal over $100K in loot, video shows … onx-store/

Mass Shooting by a White Terrorist from Reddit / 4Chan,  'Payton Gendron' he posted a 180 page manifesto and some Azov Battalion logos from Ukraine and talks about 'his people' being replaced, the first person he kills is 'White'. He tries to make a video like some go-pro video game selfie thing, he streams the mass killing live on a video game social media channel TwitchTv and the first woman he shoots is a White Woman, Shoots Her in the Head. Online across twitter it seems Troll or bots on twitter are trying to blame a totally different person they say it was totally different person, they troll and blame a comedian Sam Hyde. The real Terrorist Shooter Payton Gendron is so psycho doesn't really see himself as doing murder and blames 4Chan for himself becoming radical, he was earlier probed for threatening violence in schools
a Retired Cop is among the dead
it looks like he was trading Silver on reddit and chatting about ammo hours before the shooting

Reddit seems to be deleting anything he linked to and covering the whole thing up like they covered up how they were deleting calls for Blood Donations during the Florida Terrorist Attack Orlando nightclub shooting

Chicago Shot Clock?
Every 1 hour 56 minutes someone is murdered in Chicago

Portland Police arrest two suspects in two different Old Town shootings … shootings/

After 10 shot in one day, Baltimore residents and leaders decry increasingly brazen gun violence: ‘It’s like a norm now’ … story.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-15 05:57:00)


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#13 2022-05-20 17:25:52

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Dem Rep. Beatty blames White supremacy for Dallas Korean hair salon shooting, but suspect is Black … pect-black

Ex-college basketball player, 22, and female friend, 23, are shot and burned to death … death.html

Nikki Huang, 23, and Jesse Parrilla, 22, were kidnapped in the Bronx

their bullet-riddled bodies were found early the following morning in a burning car at the Pelham/Split Rock Golf Course.

The Legislature must take action to address rampant retail theft. We have all seen the viral videos of brazen looting from stores in California. … ail-theft/

10 people shot, one killed, in three separate incidents across Baltimore … story.html

Wild video shows thieves with sledgehammer snatch $100K worth of jewelry from NY store … kers-store

Portland police seeks information on Roe v. Wade protest vandals … st-vandals

Mass shooting: 9 shot, 2 fatally, at State and Chicago on Near North Side, CPD says … /11872407/

Dow is on pace for longest weekly losing streak since 1923 ???

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-20 17:30:34)


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#14 2022-05-26 06:12:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Portland sees 483 shootings in first four months of 2022 … -officials

Action must be taken to address rampant retail theft … ail-theft/

Biden is color blind on shootings … 6bdad.html

Three people Shot in Baltimore … story.html

Guns Became the Leading Cause of Death for American Children and Teens in 2020

The question of how to address that failure, of course, is something experts, community leaders and activists have long grappled with—even more so since the surge in gun violence that began at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-26 06:14:53)


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#15 2022-05-28 13:24:56

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

NYC subway crime is soaring because we no longer bother to prevent it … revent-it/

The city’s justice system is still good at solving the most serious crimes. Just hours after Enriquez’s murder, police identified a suspect: 25-year-old Andrew Abdullah. But Abdullah’s background points up the fact that there shouldn’t have been a serious crime to solve in the first place. He has a criminal history that stretches back to his teen years. He has 19 arrests and served a state sentence for a previous gun crime. Just six months after winning parole on that conviction, Abdullah was quickly busted again in January 2020 for carrying a loaded gun. His two most recent outstanding cases are for domestic violence and possession of a stolen vehicle. In the car-theft case, just last month, a Brooklyn judge, following guidelines set by New York State’s bail “reform” law, released him without bail.
Like many offenders who ratchet up their lower-level violence to homicide, Abdullah, who has now been apprehended, isn’t the kind of criminal who just made a mistake in the heat of passion and deserves a second chance. When he was 16, he allegedly accosted and sexually assaulted three women in Central Park, all strangers to him, within moments. But New York State’s criminal justice system allowed this antisocial behavior to escalate until, allegedly, he killed Daniel Enriquez on the train.

' Last month, 98 violent felonies took place on the subways, up from 66 in April 2019, despite ridership being just 60% of the pre-COVID normal. '

1 killed, 10 wounded in citywide shootings … ngs-friday

Man Points Gun At Chicago TV News Crew During Live Report On Gun Violence … 53147.html

Boston University video calls property racist, justifies George Floyd riots … loyd-riots

Sayreville man charged with murder of live-in girlfriend … irlfriend/

Beloved Pastor Slain, Set On Fire By Former Prisoner She Was Mentoring … 31109.html

St. Pete woman drives cart into Walmart displays, tells workers to ‘f- off’: police … ff-police/
A Florida woman has been arrested after investigators say she ripped through a Walmart on an electric shopping cart, damaged merchandise, struck an employee, and cursed out when staff tried to get her to leave. Police say she began driving the electric buggy into the displays, knocking merchandise off the shelves.

Man shot and killed at vigil for victim of earlier deadly shooting in California … ng-victim/

Boy, 10, Among Several Shot In Baltimore … e-weekend/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-28 13:41:40)


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#16 2022-05-30 02:37:44

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

10 people shot in 10 shootings in 24 hours in Portland … -portland/

Oakland is target of most Bay Area freeway shootings, data shows. There have been over 215 freeway shootings in California since 2018 with most of Bay Area shootings happening in Oakland. … 0b93b.html

The other California exodus: parents pull their kids from public schools … c-schools/

11 people shot, two fatally in Milwaukee … milwaukee/

Police are also asking for help from the public in locating a stolen vehicle which was used in a fatal hit-and-run

So far, no suspects have been arrested in that incident.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams urges support for police after subway shootings: 'Raise your voice' … 23799.html

Workers fight off thieves wielding hammers at California jewelry store, video shows … 05602.html

Phoenix cops find 1,200 catalytic converters as thefts soar … efts-soar/
An Arizona man was facing multiple theft charges

One dead, six injured in Memphis … 54462.html

Detroit Police shot at while trying to stop car with man hanging out back door … 40784.html

Chicago shootings: 31 shot, 5 fatally … /11852122/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-30 06:33:42)


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#17 2022-05-30 08:21:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Its pretty sad that crimes are continuing at this rate


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#18 2022-05-30 10:00:01

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,016

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?


It's not sad, it's predictable.  Democrats defunded Police, they let off violent criminals with little to no sentencing for their crimes, they refused to do their jobs in many cases (this would be the Democrat District Attorneys, Judges, Police), and their media lackeys worked overtime to create false public perceptions that such things were either not happening or they blamed inanimate objects (guns) or racism or poverty for grotesquely violent human behavior.  Anything to avoid personal responsibility, I guess.

Criminals don't magically "go away" because the Police refuse to arrest them, or the DAs refuse to prosecute them, or by blaming anything and everything else besides the actual person responsible for the criminal activity.  Ignoring or excusing problems doesn't change the fact that those problems still exist.


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#19 2022-05-30 10:41:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

sentencing comes from a table of duration for the crime not from democrats or republicans, just like the speed ticket and other offenses.

So if they are not going after them then it must be due to the penalty not being worth the effort. Since the examples are to give them money to silence them from pushing the charges in court and its dropped even if they have proof of the crime.


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#20 2022-05-30 11:09:44

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,016

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?


Democrat DAs and Judges in major cities have refused to follow the sentencing guidelines handed down from higher courts.  Unless you can explain why someone who commits multiple assaults with a deadly weapon is out of jail in mere days, then you don't have an argument here.

This is not a function of bribery, it's a function of ideology.  Democrat ideology is to excuse criminal behavior, then act surprised when crime skyrockets, mostly as a ruse for more government intervention into the lives of people who are not criminals.


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#22 2022-06-01 05:39:18

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Chicago is supposed to be a 'Gun Control' city where firearms are banned? Yet America culturally is still a violent place so if guns are outlawed, the terrorists and criminal and outlaws will still have guns. Pass all new laws, bureaucracy and legislation against the ordinary citizens but maybe the criminals don't want to read the paper work and they don't listen to the law. If 47 were shot and 9 killed in Chicago alone...those homicide death count numbers for the weekend will likely go up.


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#23 2022-06-01 19:54:05

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?


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#24 2022-06-04 11:54:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

12-year-old psycho boy robs Hartford Michigan gas station
at gunpoint on June 1, 2022. 'Give me all your money': 12-year-old accused of robbing gas station in Hartford. Surveillance video shows 12-year-old firing gun during gas station robbery. … your-money … tation-gun … e-say.html

Lori Lightfoot deletes tweet detailing plan to curb crime by imposing curfew on minors … s-1240790/

In a since-deleted tweet, Lightfoot wrote, “We want our young people to have fun this summer and enjoy all the activities that our City has to offer. To ensure safety while doing so, anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult after 6 p.m. Let’s work together to have a safe and great summer, Chicago.”

Surveillance shows wild moments before Seattle encampment stabbing, firing of AK-47-style rifle

Four dead, three injured, including teens, in multiple weekend shootings in Baltimore … story.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-04 14:07:02)


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#25 2022-06-12 09:35:27

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Lawless Riots, Looting, Murder and Theft in Joe & Kamala's America?

Nicaraguan Missile Crisis Coming?


Nicaragua gives permission for Russian troops to enter country … r-country/

Nicaragua authorizes entry of Russian troops, planes, ships … -1.6485691

Ortega links non-invitation to the Summit of Americas to Nicaragua’s close ties with Russia … ith-russia

AOC Brags about Blocking SCOTUS Security Bill after Kavanaugh Assassination Plot … 41679.html

Chicago shootings: 21 shot, 4 fatally … /11951305/

Chicago weekend shootings have left at least 21 shot, four fatally, police said. A man was killed and a woman critically wounded in a shooting early Sunday morning in Grand Boulevard on the South Side. Just before 4:00 a.m., officers found the man and woman on the ground in the 4200 block of South State Street, Chicago police said. The man, 23, suffered a gunshot wound to the chest and was transported to the University of Chicago Medical Center where he was later pronounced dead, police said.

Rethinking Supply Chains … le-2022-06
Today’s supply-chain policy challenges are a consequence of forgetting that other considerations besides economic efficiency matter, and that hands-on craft knowledge cannot be transmitted online

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-12 09:54:05)


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