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#51 2022-05-05 21:29:59

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people


If by "free will" you mean tens of millions of Americans freely choosing to become morbidly obese, then I would agree.  US CDC reported that 78% of those who died from COVID were classified as obese at the time of their death.  Heaving an entire extra adult human off your chest every time you take a breath, when a respiratory virus is already making it difficult for you to breathe, is highly problematic.  All health decisions have consequences over time.  Whenever someone brings up that simple fact, they're "fat-shaming", rather than suggesting that the devil will be paid his due.  I know that there are various reasons why people become overweight, but most Americans were not that overweight in the 1970s and 1980s, so something clearly changed, and it wasn't basic human physiology.  If we're going to continue to over-eat to the point of becoming morbidly obese, then we're going to continue to have these problems.  If it wasn't COVID, then it would've been something else.


#52 2022-05-05 21:38:11

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Amoung other things that are considered as an ability to make a choice whether its bad for you or good.


#53 2022-05-06 13:13:17

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people


If you're not going to have government micromanagement over every aspect of life, then you will have people who make bad choices.  Under the opposite scenario, you would force an entire nation make bad choices when, not "if", the morons in government make bad choices.  I'll happily take the former over the latter.  I don't "boo hoo" over the people that died.  The lunatics on the left who hate humanity are happy that a bunch of people died and those of us on the right who are ambivalent about the bad decisions made by others, when it's not used as an excuse to try to "control" the rest of us, simply don't care and never will.

Whether alcohol is legal or illegal, some small percentage of the population will be drunkards.  If they die of alcoholism, then I really don't care unless I personally know them.  If I personally know someone, I will try to convince them to stop drinking, but when that fails I will accept the end result.  People who have a serious lack of behavioral control over their own behavior tend to be the ones who think someone from "on high" should swoop in and save them from their decisions.  Those are also the very last group of people I want making decisions on my behalf, because their purported "solutions" tend to be every bit as bad as the problem itself.

America is supposed to be "the land of opportunity".  America is not the "land of all important decisions have already been made for you, and you have little to no say in the matter".  The former describes what America can be for people who make good decisions.  The latter describes what America will be if people who already make poor decisions are allowed to make decisions on behalf of everyone.  There are no universal guarantees in life, except that one day you will die, but we know that success and self-esteem comes from within, and is never external except for people who lack control over themselves and believe everything good or bad was "done to them", rather than "done through and with them".

This is why we need a national divorce agreement.  The left can go try whatever poorly conceived and ill-advised experiments they wish to try on their willing participants while the rest of us on the right have a good laugh at their inevitable miserable failure.  We don't care how devout your beliefs are in "The Church of Government" if we don't have to participate in any of your schemes.  We already know you'll fail because we've already seen what happens when the radical left takes over the more moderate left.  The CHAZ/CHOP horror shows were the latest "we know better than anyone else, and the answer is communism" crapola coming from the left.  I'll give the left's next experiment with "Derp" a good six months before fantasy-land becomes untenable, and then your goofballs will destroy themselves, along with anyone who at least claims to be "moderate left", when there's no push-back from those of us on the right.  We know full well that their programming is defective, even if they don't.  The same applies to alcoholics, BTW.  Everyone but the alcoholic can see that they have a problem.

Anyway...  That's the big and small of it.  Stop trying to force everyone to accept the nuttiest worldviews imaginable (from their standpoint, not yours), let people make their own decisions, and then prepare to deal with the consequences.  If you assert that there is no universal truth, as the far-left does, then that same axiom applies to personal decision making about health choices.

From my standpoint, the lockdowns were insufferably stupid and foolhardy past the first few weeks when it was blatantly obvious who was becoming seriously ill and dying.  The vaccines were great when they worked, but they don't work against the latest variants and updated vaccines haven't been developed and distributed.  The rest of it?  Woulda, coulda, shoulda.  Globally, our various health care systems don't have much to brag about.  They're chonically under-staffed and behind the power curve.  Blaming individuals for poor responses initiated by government bodies or specific politicians is more damning of governments than individuals.  Turning vaccines into a political issue, which is what our very own Democrats did, was an absolutely idiotic idea that was/is both stupid and evil.  That's why they threw themselves at that concept for a very short-term gain, which absolutely everyone is now paying for in the long run, in terms of dollars and blood.


#54 2022-05-08 19:47:42

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

The herd immunity for covid is still a fleeting thing as we did America Is Starting to See What COVID Immunity Really Looks Like

Roughly 60 percent of people in the U.S. have caught SARS-CoV-2, according to the latest CDC estimates, which go through February of this year.

But what about the vaccines to total US count as well since this is suggested to be the same.


#55 2022-05-12 10:30:34

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Remember when the newspapers and tv media totally freaked out when 100 were dead and then 30,000 Americans lie dead from a spreading virus, they blamed everything on Trump but then silence once Biden is in office?

Now the Biden Kamala Admin is half a Million Plus, 580,000 + Dead?

and Macron the idiot learns nothing?
I think France will soon beat Brazil to become the Third worst numbers in the world

Germany had some new 70,000 + Cases, they as a country are are high vaccination and high restrictions so it seems the virus is unstoppable, however hopefully this is the more mild variant

Some news

'Early snapshot of pandemic's impact on children's mental health - Harvard Gazette' … al-health/

Portland schools reinstate mask mandate due to high COVID-19 transmission rates … sion-rates


    USA  80,087,617
    India 42,838,524
    Brazil 28,208,212

Now its
    USA  83,953,371
    India 43,113,413
    Brazil 30,617,786

New Confirmed COVID-19 Cases per Day by States/Territories, normalized by population

Russia's Corona Deaths have grown massive they have passed Iran, Italy, numbers have passed Mexico rates, numbers passed British numbers and Peru however the total deaths in India is still very far ahead with 524,181 dead.
Deaths Per head of population Peru and Eastern European countries like Bulgaria and Bosnia are the highest, from the East Europeans I spoke with they all seem to be very skeptical of 'restrictions' or vaccine passports and they will politically protest against it and in their minds see it as a form of USSR Communism about to return.
Faeroe Islands, Iceland, Andorra, Gibraltar now have the highest cases per population, however they might have played it right, as long as the new case is mild they will have mostly survivors and possibly herd immunity, that's if they made the correct informed decision or if they gambled right and did the medical math correct.

Sweden did try herd immunity early on with Corona but it started to get into areas with sick and weak, it greatly infected the old people nursing homes and compared to its Nordic friends like Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, it would seem Sweden has a terrible number of Deaths and the dumb Swede government basically sacrificed  and killed the old people of Sweden in a failed attempt to create herd immunity. The Swedish government's approach has been controversial. The impact on the country's healthcare system and its reported death toll have been far greater than in other Nordic countries, in part due to its unique strategy. An independent commission that evaluated the response found that Sweden managed to keep excess mortality lower than 31 other European countries, but also said that it failed to protect care home residents due to the overall spread of the virus in society and that the response overall was "slow" and "insufficient". The pandemic has put the Swedish healthcare system under severe strain, with tens of thousands of operations being postponed, and only emergency and COVID-related care being available during a surge in the winter of 2020. Initially, Swedish hospitals and other facilities reported a shortage of personal protective equipment.  Delta variant began circulating in Sweden in 2021, finally a requirement for vaccine passports for gatherings of over 500 people were introduced in December 2021 and Jan 2022 in response to an increase in cases due to the Omicron variant.

California COVID numbers hit highest point since February; Bay Area sees worst rates … 70372.html

Some of the state’s highest transmission rates are now being recorded in the Bay Area. San Francisco now has the highest daily case rate at 32 per 100,000, a 66% increase compared to two weeks earlier. The next four counties by case rate in Friday’s update were San Mateo at 28 per 100,000, Santa Cruz at 28 per 100,000, Santa Clara at 25 per 100,000 and Alameda at 22 per 100,000. San Francisco also has the state’s fourth-highest positivity rate at 8.6%, behind only Imperial County at 10.3% and the state’s two least populous counties, Alpine and Sierra, both at 14.3%. Marin and Sonoma counties each recorded 7.8% positivity, double the state average.

Coronavirus ‘ghosts’ found lingering in the gut

The U.S. has had the most covid cases in the world. Why isn’t it doing more to study long covid? … ong-covid/

589,289  Americans have died from COVID-19 since President Joe Biden took office. He promised the American people he would "shut down the virus." (Fact check: He has not.) … h-tracker/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-12 11:04:10)


#56 2022-05-12 19:53:59

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Fact check does not account for those that said its my rights to not take medical care, not to wear a mask, ect...


#57 2022-05-13 12:48:55

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people


A fact check does not need to account for any of what you just stated, because it's not germane to President Biden's assertion about what would happen if he was elected President.  President Biden said he would "shut down COVID".  That assertion was false, and he should have known better than to make any promises that he could never keep.  If President Trump was solely responsible for the COVID deaths under his watch, then President Biden is also solely responsible for all COVID deaths under his watch.  That is 100% fair.  Democrat politicians and propagandists decided to make vaccines a political issue because they are morons who only care about power.  They do not care about people.

President Biden also said that any President who has had as many American deaths under his leadership, should resign from office.  If President Biden actually believes that, then he should follow his own advice and resign from office because President Biden has had more COVID deaths with vaccines and treatments than President Trump had without vaccines or the new treatment options that came along over time, such as monoclonal antibodies.  Democrats should either follow their own advice or stop demanding that others live up to the standards that they also fail to live up to.

Stop trying to deflect blame.  President Biden is responsible for what happens under his administration.  Period.


#58 2022-05-13 16:50:20

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,717

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

There is also the simple fact that Biden's anti fossil fuel policies have made it more difficult for US oil and gas producers to increase production at a time of global shortages in the supply of all fossil fuels.  This has added to the already upward momentum of energy prices, which has pushed the economy into recession.  Poor people, with lower living standards, are more likely to get sick and less likely to be able to afford health care when they do.  So mortality rates will be higher than they would have been without Biden.  The average American has slowly been getting poorer since the turn of the century.  Biden's policies have helped accelerate that trend.  Disposible incomes is graduually withering away.  Nutrition in the US is already poor.  Life expectancy is now declining.  This is what energy poverty does to people.

Last edited by Calliban (2022-05-13 16:53:55)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#59 2022-05-13 18:43:44

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

A sign of a politician is they say anything that they know there mouth can not cash. All of which a divided America can not even be unified on a course of action as its my choice of rights.


We have seen disease that killed way more in a years time in the past and we did Smallpox used to kill millions of people every year.

coronavirus kills only about 0.7 percent of the people it infects.

sure in the last three years a million Americans have died of Covid-19....

The U.S. is in a fifth COVID wave, and for many, immunity is waning. Why aren’t second boosters available to all Americans?

Well the third and forth were voted against to be mandatory so with that this time will be no different. The pharma booster period was a year to 8 months now down to 6 months for each for how long its effects would last. With the introduction of a pill to be taken every month from what I understand.


#60 2022-05-20 17:36:34

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Belgian monkeypox outbreak linked to fetish festival … -festival/


#61 2022-05-20 18:27:19

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

The WHO has called a meeting to discuss the issue while cases of covid are on the increase here in the US. Have had quite a few at work with the decontamination team spraying areas of those with positive test results. They are just after the free time off by coming in sick before getting tested. Of course these same people care nothing about anyone else just their selves.
Son's girl friend in Texas is sick with it currently...


#62 2022-05-31 21:01:15

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

tracking the changes to SARS-CoV-2 variants … /figures/1



#63 2022-06-02 18:37:57

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Trained dogs sniff out COVID-19 as well as lab tests do, and the canines are even better than PCR tests at identifying infected people with no symptoms. … oronavirus


#64 2022-06-26 05:16:53

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

So it seems like eventually everyone on Earth might catch some variable mutation of the Corona Virus?

Perhaps even some isolated tribe in the Brazil jungle might catch it from a half wild half domesticated dog who was near humans?

1.7m people in the UK had Covid last week as levels continue to rise | Coronavirus … e-rise-uk/

COVID detection dogs can also detect long COVID, according to German research. … py-1719215

Vaccinated but anti-vaccine, Eric Clapton tests positive for COVID-19 … 32577.html

Dad 'paralysed' after rare Covid jab reaction wins £120,000 payout in 'horrendous' process … d-27315989

Adverse reactions to Covid vaccine suffered by Canadians released under FOI Act … s-foi-act/

605,042  Americans have died from COVID-19 since President Joe Biden took office. He promised the American people he would "shut down the virus." (Fact check: He has not.) … h-tracker/


    USA  88,777,558
    India 43,391,331
    Brazil 32,061,959

Age and sex-specific risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 messenger RNA vaccines

S. Korea: New infections below 7,000 for 2nd day as omicron slows … ction=news

Sudden death mystery of 'healthy people' … eople.html

No, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is not linked to vaccines … 7ed32e42c4

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-26 05:20:35)


#65 2022-06-28 01:18:55

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,717

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

The COVID vaccine appears to be damaging human fertility.

Forcing people to take these experimental treatments before adequate medical trials was nothing short of evil.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#66 2022-06-28 21:23:10

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Well after the abortion rights are removed then we now will have caused the extreme to make more claims that women have committed another form of birth control....
The herd immunity that others wanted should based on cases of those that got it should have been reached.
This has a timeline of exposure … 363e3b657d

The FDA says we need an updated booster one that is customized for the omicron strain.

Sure we are seeing a slow climb of cases but there is no overcrowding of hospitals and large numbers of deaths.


#67 2022-07-10 03:23:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

LA County COVID-19 Hospitalizations Top 1,000 as Virus Spread Continues … s/2934292/


#68 2022-07-27 07:29:13

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Studies link COVID-19 to wildlife sales at Chinese market, find alternative scenarios extremely unlikely … 132600.htm

Pleas for mask wearing as Australia ranks third worst for COVID cases and deaths … /101266098

Sustained VWF-ADAMTS13 axis imbalance and endotheliopathy in Long COVID syndrome is related to immune dysfunction

TSA, American Airlines hit by COVID outbreaks at LAX … reaks-lax/


#69 2022-07-30 14:11:41

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Biden tests positive for COVID-19 again — just 3 days after he was cleared to exit isolation … -1.6537368


#70 2022-07-30 19:53:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

So much for the accuracy of the test or of the vaccines...

The virus is still infecting but it seems to not be killing like it started.

Recently a restaurant was closed for a vacation but come to find out they go covid and have been closed for more than 2 weeks and have cleaned the place to allow for the reopening...


#71 2022-08-02 22:27:26

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

I stumbled by chance on the state of NH numbers for 2022 for each town reporting for the last 2 weeks and case count for the year and how many have died in each.


#72 2022-08-12 11:11:58

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Long COVID recovery is finally getting the attention it deserves in the US


#73 2022-08-20 20:18:12

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

The President got it and had to stay quarantined after getting a second positive test and even his wife has come down with it. They took advantage of the anti-viral medication. Of course, that has not stopped the lawsuits to remove any mandates that are still in effect. It's taken a bit to develop the Omnicron vaccine for covid variant but its going to be a limited roll out.
Now comes Monkey pox and the panic since its new but what of it? Recently we heard of a polio comeback, and some are worried that big pharm is going to have the same disaster as they did with covid vaccine. This Is How the Polio Crisis Could Spin Totally Out of Control


#74 2022-09-14 10:55:33

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

The mystery of why some people don’t catch COVID. Scientists think they might hold the key to helping protect us all. … tch-covid/

Why it took so long to recognize airborne transmission of the coronavirus, and how to do better next time … sion-covid

New Orleans court hears case against COVID vaccine mandates … 70bc32fffc
A lawyer for opponents of the vaccine requirement said the requirement imposes an “unconstitutionally intolerable choice”

Bill Maher and Aaron Rodgers Talk COVID: The Frightening Thing Was Government Control, Not the Disease

https://www.uspresidentialelectionnews. … e-disease/

Covid-19 Illnesses Are Keeping at Least 500,000 Workers Out of U.S. Labor Force, Study Says … 1662955321

Mask mandate ends on domestic and international flights as Australia rolls back Covid protections … rotections

Auckland local board candidate claims Covid-19 vaccine 'experimental' … perimental

Ryburn-Phengsavath previously shared her disagreement with Covid-19 vaccine mandates on social media

New Zealand drops mask and vaccine mandates in sweeping Covid changes … id-changes

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-14 11:11:55)


#75 2022-09-14 20:21:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

The real issue was those that did not feel that wearing a mask did anything and same held true for the antivax groups. Some say that we should have followed this nation or another, but the reality is some did better in actually following what was needed while others did not want to as it infringed on freedom....


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