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Since Nature provides for spontaneous joining of atoms to one another, and to atoms of different types, the Universe is filled with examples of combinations of atoms.
Some of these combinations have proven useful to human beings over the evolution of the species.
Documentation of combinations of elements into useful forms has been underway for thousands of years, so this forum is unlikely to contain more than a tiny fraction of what is already known, let alone what is knowable.
Never-the-less, this topic is available for members to report new discoveries, or to report on existing ones as they become pertinent to the present time.
There should be no occasion for opinion to show up in this topic.
What I am looking for are citations or examples of existing technologies, or ones that can be imagined based upon the known behavior of matter.
For mars we know that we need water, oxygen and fuels from a co2 atmosphere but from the basic elements we can make many other useful products.
Plastics come to mind