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#1 2004-11-15 14:25:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

In a local paper was an article on Three U.S. land crossings begin testing new border security technology

We have always used technology to secure the borders but since 911 it has been slowly but surely increased even to the point of being an anoyance for those coming and going by planes.

Getting into America at three U.S. land crossings is about to get a little more complicated for some visitors.

Gateways from Mexico at Laredo and Douglas, Ariz., have been chosen to begin testing the Homeland Security Department’s increased border security technology on Monday. The Canadian border city of Port Huron, Mich., also is participating.

Other little know facts to me at least was on temporary border crossings.

Mexican citizens holding Border Crossing Cards, or laser visas, would not be subject to the printing and photographing.

The cards allow Mexicans to enter the United States for short visits, as long as they do not travel more than 25 miles from the border in Texas, California and New Mexico; and 75 miles in Arizona.


#2 2022-01-22 13:56:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

Wow found the post why cleaning up the corruption in the entry.

See even back then I saw the problem was not going to be just high tech...


#3 2022-07-03 04:41:37

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

Ominous warning: Ex-border chief says next terror attack may have already crossed porous U.S. border … fit-border

Reps. Pfluger, Flores call for House hearing on border encounters of suspected terrorists. Border Patrol encountered 50 migrants on the TSDB between ports of entry this fiscal year … terrorists

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-03 04:43:06)


#4 2022-07-03 10:48:33

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

There was news that indicated Irainian's were caught trying to cross in the caravan recently.


#5 2022-07-03 17:08:02

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

an older news item that might have missed the front pages

The 2022 plot to kill 43rd President George W Bush?

In conversations with the FBI source, Mr Shihab said he wished to murder Mr Bush for "killing many Iraqis" and "breaking apart" Iraq.

He added that he hoped to take part in the operation personally "and did not care if he died, as he would have been proud to be involved".

Mr Shihab was allegedly seeking fake police badges and was inquiring about whether militants could be smuggled across the Mexican border to conduct the operation and then smuggled back out to escape.

Two people he hoped to smuggle in to the US were described as former Iraqi intelligence agents with experience in assassination operations.

Mr Shihab was also allegedly in touch with a second FBI source who claimed to be a client for the faux smuggler. Both informants recorded meetings with him.

George W. Bush Assassination Plot Puts Spotlight on Border Fight … ht-1709683

After news broke of the alleged plot, several GOP legislators took to Twitter to call for border security reform, including Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee noted the person who allegedly wanted to kill Bush wanted to make use of the border in his scheme.

"The alleged plotter came into the U.S. in 2020, claimed asylum, and was planning to smuggle his terrorist friends in through the southern border," Blackburn tweeted.


#6 2022-07-04 07:40:19

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

This post is inspired by the experience of reading this topic from the top ... it was created in 2004 and recently returned to view with the news that an Iraqi was planning to move co-conspirators across the Southern Border to assassinate a former President.

It am glad our Nation is willing to afford to  maintain security for our former Presidents. 

However, this topic blends (in my mind at least) with the corresponding topic about borders on Mars.

Someone offered the opinion that borders may not be necessary on Mars, because life will be hard for everyone, and cooperation will be necessary.

That said, the United States (and perhaps other nations) have "soft borders" between jurisdictions.  Those "soft" borders have ** real ** implications, and have had for many decades, and quite possibly from the Founding.

Some jurisdictions prohibit certain substances and certain objects, for example.

A crime committed in one jurisdiction may not be recognized as a crime in another, so a person who violates a rule of conduct in one jurisdiction may escape to another where that rule is not present, and escape retribution by the original jurisdiction.

Americans have been escaping retribution for behavior by escaping to Canada (and other Nations) since the first days of the Nation.

This is for SpaceNut .... when you created the topic, long ago, it seems (to me at least) you did not (at the time) see the need for discussion of why we have borders and what (if anything) we should be doing to regulate them.

There is a cost associated with regulating a border, and that cost is (usually) borne by the citizens of the Nation with the borders.

Recently Nations in Europe have been investing in physical fences along borders, to try to stop or at least slow the movement of migrants/refugees from the Middle East. 

This topic ** could ** become a repository for thoughtful writing about the questions associated with borders.

All we seem to have so far (in this topic) are reports of problems of various kinds.

There is an opportunity for the topic to expand to include thoughtful exploration of the need for borders, and for border security, and how best to implement measures, ** and ** the cost of various measures that might be implemented.

The least cost border security method is to NOT secure the border.  That is essentially the case in borders between states in the United States, except that in most States, a small sum is invested in signage at the border on roads (of all sizes) to mark the borders.



#7 2022-07-04 14:14:29

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

8 years, 3 crashes, several software upgrades ect... little wonder why there were no other posts to it.

Even in the first post the card used to gain crossing to America was being abused as many did not go home at expiration. This still holds true even today.
Technology by itself is also insufficient to stop all that cross illegally but then again little does to stop only slow and even then, not by much when the numbers wanting to head north are on a steady increase.
Those that come legally are not here to become American only wanting what is the good life and nothing else...not language, or culture and not even first or second generation born.


#8 2022-07-05 08:46:35

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

Does Iran Have a Hit Team in the US?-Former U.S. and Iranian intelligence officials tell a haunting tale. … timmerman/

Iran’s Quds Force, which the Biden White House has reportedly discussed removing from the terrorism list, has more than a hundred active agents operating inside the United States, according to former U.S. and Iranian intelligence officials.

Their current goal is to penetrate the security perimeter surrounding former President Donald J. Trump and to kill him.

The Iranian plot is not a secret: Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamene’I, boasted in January that Iranian agents inside the United States were tracking the former president’s movements, and could penetrate the security systems protecting him.

That boast appeared in the form of a chilling video, posted to the Khamenei’s website and to Twitter by regime sympathizers and intelligence analysts, showing Quds Force operatives targeting the president on the tee of his West Palm Beach golf club. It ended with a photograph of Qassem Soleymani, the Quds Force commander killed by a U.S. drone strike outside the Baghdad airport on Jan. 2, 2020, and a black screen: “Revenge is Definite.”

They have also threatened to kill former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and CIA Director Gina Haspel in retaliation for their role in the drone strike that killed Suleymani and 17 others on Route Irish at the Baghdad airport. “Ironically, that’s the same road where Suleymani had killed dozens of Americans,” said John Maguire, a former CIA deputy station chief who worked in Iraq after the 2003 invasion.

U.S. intelligence agencies, including the FBI, have known for over a decade about Iranian programs to recruit and train Quds Force operatives – preferably non-Iranians – capable of penetrating Western countries.

“The Quds Force started creating this capability in Baghdad in 2004,” Maguire said. “They wanted educated candidates; ideally, candidates with foreign travel documents and experience traveling in the West. The Quds Force organized, controlled, trained and supported this capability.”

The prospective agents learned how to make improvised explosive devices out of common materials, how to identify concealed fire positions for a sniper attack, and how to conduct surveillance and counter-surveillance, among other operational skills. Many went to Lebanon for a full year’s paramilitary and martial arts training with Hezbollah.

Once these “super-agents” had completed their training, they were dispersed around the world “and we lost them,” Maguire said. “But we do know that they have been coming to the US in increasing numbers since 2011.”

I published photographs of a group of these “super-agents” in my 2005 book Countdown to Crisis: the Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran. I obtained the pictures from former Iranian intelligence officer, Hamid Reza Zakeri. One set showed the group during the armed counter-surveillance training in Tehran. A second set showed the same men back in Iraq in civilian clothes.

Iran’s clandestine U.S. network may have emerged from the shadows in April when the FBI conducted a raid on a Washington, DC, apartment complex and arrested two men for impersonating federal officers.

and more

The two men, Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Sher-Ali, 35, were found in possession of U.S. driver’s licenses and credit cards in different names, chip cards identifying them as DHS officers, and an astonishing arsenal of weapons, including sniper gear, high-capacity magazines, counter-surveillance detection equipment, a mini door ram and a Halligan tool used for breaching locked doors.

Investigators rushed the arrest because the two men had been tipped off in an email from a U.S. Secret Service agent that they were under investigation. Four Secret Service agents were suspended just before the April 5 arrest, including one on first lady Jill Biden’s personal protection detail, according to the FBI.

“Because of the breakneck pace of the investigation, there are many facts that we still do not know,” federal prosecutors said in a court filing. “But the facts that we do know about the Defendants – that they lied about their identities for years, stored a cache of weapons and surveillance equipment in their apartments, compromised law enforcement agents in sensitive positions, and tried to cover up their crimes – leave no doubt that their release poses a public safety risk.”

Court papers filed by federal prosecutors at the time painted an alarming picture of the two men and their alleged activities. They regularly boasted of their ability to conceal-carry DHS Glock 19 Generation 5 pistols, and provided favors to Secret Service agents, including a rent-free Penthouse apartment. They communicated with their Secret Service friends using official DHS email addresses.

The two men “fit the Quds Force profile well,” former CIA officer Maguire said.

One witness interviewed by the FBI observed Taherzadeh use a Private Identity Verification (“PIV”) card “to access a laptop that is labelled with a “DHS” symbol.” When Taherzadeh logged onto the laptop using the PIV card, the witness “saw a federal logon privacy notice” on the screen. Taherzadeh also boasted of having a list of all the government agents living in their apartment complex.

In a subsequent filing, prosecutors fleshed out the mission of the two men. “They compromised United States Secret Service (USSS) personnel involved in protective details and with access to the White House complex by lavishing gifts upon them, including rent-free living.”

They also “procured, stored, and used all the tools of law enforcement and covert tradecraft: weaponry, including firearms, scopes, and brass knuckles; surveillance equipment, including a drone, antennae, hard drives, and hard drive copying equipment; tools to manufacture identities, including a machine to create Personal Identification Verification (PIV) cards and passport photographs; and tactical gear, including vests, gas masks, breach equipment, police lights, and various law enforcement insignia,” prosecutors alleged.

Heidar Ali told one witness that he had ties to Pakistani intelligence, the ISI, but his passport records also showed four trips to Iran through Mashad, a known hub of the IRGC, and multiple trips to Qatar and to Iraq.

Both men possessed U.S. passports, suggesting they had become naturalized U.S. citizens.

The deeper they dug, the more alarmed prosecutors became. In yet another filing before the court, they noted that “with every new fact uncovered in the investigation…. the story only gets worse.”

“Certainly, infiltration of the [Secret Service] presidential detail would be a key goal,” said Charles (Sam) Faddis, a senior CIA operations officer who spent more than twenty years working in the Middle East and South Asia and now publishes the online And Magazine. He is also a former US Army JAG officer.

“I think everything we know about these guys suggests strongly this is a Quds Force Op. They have the profile. The gear recovered is exactly what I would expect to find in a safe house for a team doing the initial casing preparatory to an attack of some kind.”

Defense attorneys argued that prosecutors had failed to prove a foreign connection and were “making a mountain out of a molehill.” The Obama-appointed judge in charge of the case, G. Michael Harvey, agreed and ordered the release of the two suspects, arguing that they did not “pose a danger” to the community.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-05 08:47:06)


#9 2022-07-05 11:00:59

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism


Terrorists and hyper-violent drug cartels that rape / rob / murder are why some of us, who actually live nearer to the border than you do, don't want wide open borders.  It has zero / zip / zilch / nada / nothing to do with not liking immigrants or racism or any of the other total nonsense that your Democrat political party uses as a wedge issue to gaslight Americans over.  If you've never had drug cartels drop off 50+ murdered illegals in your neighborhood, then that's probably why you can't understand our thought process.

Whereas you like in Podunk, New Hampshire, where a liquor store robbery makes the evening news, I live in one of the largest cities in America.  We have drug cartels, gangs, drug users, assorted nutjobs, and general purpose street thugs to contend with.  Basically, crime is a becomes a problem when Democrat DAs and Judges refuse to even hold, much less prosecute violent prior-convicted felons who then go out and do what they do the moment they're let back out onto the streets.

Whenever the Republicans are in charge of law and order, those anti-social problems seem to get reduced over time.  Whenever the Democrats are in charge, those problems always get worse, and without exception.  Why our Democrat voters tolerate that from the people they elect to power is beyond my comprehension, unless they actively support criminality.  I have to believe that not even most Democrats want violent criminals marauding through our streets.  In my naive worldview, I would think that prosecuting violent criminals should not be a political issue at all.  If some street thug murders their girlfriend or store clerk, then whether Democrats or Republicans are in charge, that criminal gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and sent to prison for a very long time.  Politics, race, gender, money or no money, shouldn't have anything to do with how the government handles that problem.

Anyway, where the priorities are is quite clear to me, and Priority #1 is clearly not protecting the people whenever the Democrats are in charge.  Nearly every major city in the country has a Democrat Mayor, Democrat judges, and Democrat District Attorneys (DAs), so we can't very well blame the Republicans for positions they so seldomly get elected to hold.  It's all about Democrat agendas, whatever those are, from that point forward, until the next election cycle.

I wouldn't even care if Mayor Turner handed out contracts to his political donors to fix the drainage problem here in Houston, but after the federal government allocated billions of dollars of tax money to correct that problem and ensure that nothing like Hurricane Harvey would destroy large swaths of Houston ever again (it was a 500 year flood), he didn't spend a dime of that money.  The money went back to the federal government and the flooding problem remains as it was before.  I'm guessing it came with strings attached, so that it wasn't a slush fund and could only be used to improve flood control.  Upon learning of that, I'd wager that the Democrats immediately lost all interest in using said public money because it wasn't something that they could steal to enrich themselves without doing real work on behalf of the people they're supposed to serve.

This is the fundamental problem I have with your Democrats.  They talk a good game about what they intend to do, if elected, then immediately do something entirely different after being elected to office.

President Biden said nothing would fundamentally change if he was elected.  Well, under President Trump we weren't short of absolutely everything, we weren't importing foreign oil from countries who hate us, and we weren't handing over billions of dollars of weapons to a terrorist organization like the Taliban, and we weren't playing stupid political games with the border or national defense.  When the Russians tried to attack our Marine Corps units in Syria while President Trump, we massacred the Russians.

North Korea threatened to nuke their neighbors, so we threatened to ensure that North Korea ceased to exist.  We parked 2 aircraft carriers off the coast of North Korea and started practicing penetration runs into Pyongyang, and wonder of wonders, Kim Jong-Un received that message loud and clear.

Now it would seem that we need to do the same thing with the Chinese.  President Biden needs to send about 4 carrier battle groups into the waters around Taiwan to start intercepting Chinese military aircraft or ships as they try to enter Taiwanese airspace or territorial waters.  If they don't turn back, then turn them into confetti.  Trust me, they will receive the message.  Let the Chinese know that as badly as the Russian invasion of Ukraine has gone, if the PLA /PLAN tries to invade Taiwan, it will go even worse for them.

Rather than threatening to nuke them or mass murder their civilians or any other such "shock and awe" crapola, we will instead cut off every last drop of crude oil and every last kilo of coal they import.  Whatever they already have is all that they're ever going to get from anyone except for Russia, from now until the end of time.  They will have their "Come to Mao" moment so fast your head will spin.

The following are my non-negotiable issues, this is what I vote on, and this is what I expect any of our elected officials to demonstrate the ability to focus on and excel at:

Energy / Economy / Food / Medicine / Law Enforcement / National Defense and Technological Prowess over Foreign Adversaries / Trade Deals Benefiting Average Americans

This is the sort of stuff that keeps me up at night.  I don't give a crap about where people originate from, what they look like, turning men into women or vice versa, any of the other "woke" idiocy intended to divide people for partisan political reasons, "green energy", or other metaphysical woo-woo nonsense that Democrats think we're supposed to care about, and I never will.  I am not a fan of "derp" in any of its insufferably stupid forms.  I will never be a Derpistani tribesman for either political party.  If they start pursuing stuff that is not on my agenda, which should be on the agenda of every national government since that's the definition of what they're supposed to be doing, then they no longer have my vote.

If Democrats would start doing these things and do them consistently, and lay off the special interest agendas that don't contribute to America as a whole, then if they fielded a better candidate than the Republicans, I would vote for the better candidate.  That is the entirety of the reason that I voted for President Trump.  He was the first Democrat, pretending to be a Republican, who actually acted like a real Democrat rather than a foreign subversive trying to undermine America.  There should be zero disagreement from either side about energy, taking concrete steps to improve our economy, food, medicine, or national defense.  If something doesn't work out, then you either drop the idea and move on to the next idea or stick with whatever works well until something truly better becomes practical to do.

From my perspective, the Democrats either need to go back to Kennedy era policies or reinvent themselves to become something minimally recognizable to the average working man or woman in America.  They need to establish or reestablish a code of ethics and then stick to that code, they need to show loyalty to the country that gave them everything they have and refuse to give the time of day to anyone who does not, and then we will have a functional duopoly, which is the system they want to maintain to stay in power.  They're not going to get everyone to agree with them at all times, which is why the people need at least two functional political parties to vote for.  Beyond that, their media needs to quit outright lying to people and presenting their biases as facts.


#10 2022-07-05 15:40:41

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

I think that what I have seen from the large cities that have the drug cartels, gangs, drug users, assorted nutjobs, comes from the very close packing of people as if they are sardines in a can. They are too tightly packed...I see this in the larger city next to me where the residential streets of apartment buildings are full of slum lords.

Where are the police to catch them at these crimes? If the police force is not large enough then it should be made larger but if it's made up of more barny fifes, then you're going to remain in trouble.

Where is the removal of property from landlords that do not care to do a background check to see if all they are going to do while living in the neighborhood?

My wife just went onto the town Facebook only to find comments of the republican corruption that is still ongoing with 2 paid officials on paid administrative leave. Of course, no names but in the small town it's not going to take long before the cats out of the bag for what occurred.

Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Sher-Ali, 35, were found in possession of U.S. driver’s licenses and credit cards in different names, chip cards identifying them as DHS officers. Both men possessed U.S. passports, suggesting they had become naturalized U.S. citizens

I am more concerned about the post proceeding yours about identity being forged or gotten and used to gain access to computer systems and privileges.


#11 2022-07-06 15:06:09

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

2 undocumented immigrants arrested in July 4th mass shooting plot, police say


#12 2022-07-06 20:03:05

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

Here are some more undocumented as 3 arrested after feds find 79 undocumented residents at Phoenix residence

Prosecutors say the three suspects are facing charges of conspiracy to transport and harbor illegal aliens for profit, a charge that carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, a maximum fine of $250,000, or both.

The arrests were the result of a joint task force that attempts to dismantle smuggling and trafficking networks operating in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.

Maybe more will think twice if the penalty out ways the amount of money that can be earned by working this way.


#13 2022-07-09 18:15:57

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

Political killings seem common in Japan, they are attacked or some Mayor or leader of some group they will die or be assaulted on repated, a little over 7 years on repeat, they Yakuza leaders also kill other Japanese Mafia leaders, but in general Japan is a low crime nation and a high trust society. So I was just thinking about a future scifi fantasy setting on Mars and what one day might be possible and other troubles of a future colony, will people try shoot an ex-Leader. It is possible there would exist crime and would be immigration to Mars, it is possible Mars will have local citizens unhappy and workers who are unsatisfied. Right now people have concern about Trump and Obama, these US Presidents did have a following but a lot of critics and controversy, the greatest protection will be given to a current Prime Minster, President or King, yet what of past rulers. Mars like Japan probably will not be able to afford to give its past political people full protections.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-09 18:25:36)


#14 2022-08-10 12:47:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

US uncovers Iran 'plot' to kill ex-National Security Advisor John Bolton … ohn-bolton

Fentanyl awareness group applauds Florida AG's 'necessary' call to declare drug a weapon of mass destruction … estruction

GOP senators sound alarm over terrorist suspects at southern border … uspects-s/

FBI director breaks from Biden administration on border: 'Significant security issues' … r-security

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-10 12:50:07)


#15 2023-10-21 15:50:49

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

not sure if border related or terrorism but

Detroit synagogue president found stabbed to death outside home … =104197780
Several Michigan leaders expressed condolences for Samantha Woll.

Large pro-Palestine protest Sydney, Australia … 0271836231

Police in England fight hand to hand with Pro-Palestinian protesters in the streets today. … 0611368213

Why Biden is building Trump's border wall … pot-im-jac
Joe Biden — who once said “not another foot” of wall would be completed — is building it.

Another report says stuff about human smuggling, deaths from drugs, human slavery and another report says officially 169 Terrorists let into U.S. So Far This Year Alone

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-10-21 16:02:49)


#16 2023-11-02 15:27:37

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

Hamas Fighter Hand Delivers Explosive To IDF Tank … -idf-tank/

Biden says Hamas let 74 US citizens leave Gaza — but hundreds remain trapped … ds-remain/

Hamas is hoarding vast amounts of fuel as Gaza hospitals run low, U.S. officials say … rcna122977

Texas lawmakers advance new bill that would see illegal immigrants sent straight back to Mexico … omply.html

US officials to meet with counterparts in Mexico on drugs, arms trafficking and migration … 24251.html

to discuss shared security issues

Democratic mayors plead with Biden for help addressing migrant crisis … 10798.html

Biden calls for ‘pause’ in Israel-Hamas war after being heckled by rabbi demanding ceasefire … 38238.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-11-02 15:40:49)


#18 2023-11-22 20:48:03

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

Rainbow Bridge between U.S., Canada still closed after crash, but 'no terrorist activity' … 45740.html

Gov. Kathy Hochul speaks at a press briefing following a crash at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing between the U.S. and Canada

The crash took place in Niagara Falls, a city of 50,000 just north of Buffalo. Photos and video taken by news organizations and posted on social media showed a security booth that had been singed by flames.

The initial reports of an explosion had put authorities on high alert. Earlier in the day, Hochul directed the State Police to work with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force to monitor all points of entry to New York. The Rainbow Bridge and three others that connect the U.S. and Canada in the Buffalo-Niagara Falls area were all shut down.


#19 2023-11-23 10:18:21

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

Yes, the news was playing it up but there were no indications that it was terror related.


#20 2024-03-06 10:40:44

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

Terrorists and the Border

FBI warns about Iranian spy allegedly plotting to kill US officials

a country terrorized by killer smugglers and run runners, rapper voodoo gangs in control

Gangs in Haiti try to seize control of main airport as thousands escape prisons: "Massacring people indiscriminately" … emergency/

Not sure that Haiti has a government

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-06 10:44:16)


#21 2024-03-29 07:06:47

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

Russia’s security services knew of ISIS threat before concert attack, new evidence from investigative body suggests … 58876.html

Lukashenko contradicts Putin, says Moscow terrorists were fleeing to Belarus, not Ukraine … t-ukraine/

Why Russia Is No Better at Fighting Islamic Terror Than We Are … han-we-are

America and Russia could fight Islamic terrorism but that would be politically inconvenient. After the Islamic terrorist attack in Moscow, Russia’s basic response (stripped of blaming Ukraine) looks a lot like ours

US Actor Steven Seagal Visits Moscow Terror Attack Victims … 04528.html

other terror topics which do not directly discuss 911

U.S. air strikes in Somalia

'Penal Colony on Antarctica'

a very bad idea to export islamic terrorist criminals to a jail on the South Pole

Not Forgiven - The Taliban


#22 2024-04-06 06:26:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Border crossings - and Terrorism

the Mexico border

the Texas National Guard member arrested and charged after allegedly smuggling

Texas National Guard member charged with human smuggling after high-speed chase near the border … c282c85e98

it is said on social media they eventually used a spike strip to immobilize the vehicle.

He confessed on the spot to trafficking the illegal migrant invaders or smuggling undocumented immigrants for $5,000

the Guardsman / Criminal Smuggler is reported to be in possession of a firearm at the time of the smuggling, police chase and arrest


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