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#26 2016-10-23 09:35:46

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

Antius posted this:
Plenty of room for dreams there.
Caves in mountains of ice floating in frozen Nitrogen.  Yes, you have your coolant then as well.

Last edited by Void (2016-10-23 09:37:46)

End smile


#27 2016-10-23 10:07:42

Mark Friedenbach
From: Mountain View, CA
Registered: 2003-01-31
Posts: 325

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

That's why you sign up for Alcor. But anyway, back to awesome cave art of plutoid objects.


#28 2021-11-07 09:11:22

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

I am restarting this, I had forgotten it.

Bump?  I guess that's how it is done.

End smile


#29 2021-11-07 09:12:38

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

Just now, I am thinking about Plutoids.

I am surprised that I have posts here, and that this topic already exists.  Not
so sure I approve of VOID.

This link was provided to without much notice from members, whish is OK.
But here it is again, for notions of  possible future human presence in the
Kuiper Belt, the Oort Cloud and interplanetary space on Rogue planets. … lanet.html


Object Bigger than Pluto Discovered, Called 10th Planet


Next up: Mars-sized objects?

Alan Stern, of the Southwest Research Institute and leader of NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto, predicted in the early 1990s that there would be 1,000 Plutos out there. He has also contended, based on computer modeling, that there should be Mars-sized worlds hidden in the far corners of our solar system and even possibly other worlds as large as Earth.

In a telephone interview after Friday's announcement, Stern, who was not involved in the discovery, said he stands by those predictions and expects Mars-sized objects to be found within decades.

"I find this to be very satisfying," Stern said of 2003 UB313. "It's something we've been looking for for a long time."

Stern stopped short of calling it one of the greatest discoveries in astronomy, however, because he sees it as just one more of many findings of objects in this size range. Last year, for example, Brown's team found Sedna, which is about three-fourths as large as Pluto. Others include 2004 DW and Quaoar.

Stern sees the outer solar system as an attic full of undiscovered objects.

"Now we have the technology to see them," he said. "We're just barely scratching the surface."

Not really the classical Sci Fi reality for the books I read when I was young.

And that makes it very interesting.

Granted, it seems like it will be necessary to have some kind of Fusion power to make these objects become in reach for what we choose to call our civilizations, but I just might be that Hydrogen Bombs, and/or fission may be of some use in some cases.  I am only saying that to show that we do already have some tools for the task.

Elon Musk's flash bombs, or perhaps even a form of relatively clean bomb.

For the fission, option, I am thinking that needed fuels might come from the cores
of smaller objects, perhaps starting with 16 Psyche.  I am just trying to establish a method that at least permits imagining.

And I wonder about the potential population of planets in these remote regions.  Some people don't seem to think that the Oort cloud is a part of the solar system.  I guess that does not matter anymore than if Pluto is a planet or a dwarf planet.  It is just word people starting to become silly.

My computer is starting to bog down so I will lay some groundwork.

I have wondered about condensation on these objects, and also evaporation.
For instance Pluto is thought to loose atmosphere, but if a "Plutoid" existed in the Oort cloud, beyond the solar wind, might it accumulate more matter from interstellar space?

Sometimes these objects may pass in and out of Interstellar Space/Solar Wind.

We seem to, at this time more visualize planets like our classical ones, and also Rogue planets.  What if a Rogue ejection was only partial and the object generated
closer in the solar system, ended up loosely bound to the Oort cloud?

Could it gather an atmosphere.  I would suppose Hydrogen, and possibly Helium.

Some Rogue planets, are speculated to have Nitrogen/Argon  atmospheres below the Hydrogen/Helium, and perhaps even open water.

I would be quite satisfied with any planet with any kind of an atmosphere at all.

What happens to the Mass that the solar wind projects outward?  Does it condense on objects at some point. 

Is our solar system a bit like storm clouds?  Evaporation closer in and condensation further out, and then comets get pushed into the inner solar system, by various processes, as if they were hail stones/Snow/Rain.  Of course not liquid, except perhaps inside.

I will take a pause....


Last edited by Void (2021-11-07 09:32:35)

End smile


#30 2021-11-09 12:04:54

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

Well, Eris, and Ceres are of some interest per this topic.

Eris as it is apparently more rocky than Pluto, and Ceres as it is possibly a Kuiper belt object that somehow got into the asteroid belt.

So, where I am going with this is that as may be obvious to many people, it is possible that many "Worlds" of peoples in the solar system and out into the Oort Cloud might just come to exist, if a favorable flow of human actual efforts, does come to be.

Just now, the greens are a true threat to the possible futures of human types, they more an more make me think of very bad actors, those who wish to be waited on hand and foot, and who think that all things existing are for them.

Good chances still that they will not get to have the level of power that they may want.

I am all in favor of fixing up this planet, keeping it sound.  Just not that it should become an excuse for the "Royals" to become a sponge that absorbs the future of the human race into a death spiral.  Which is what they would do, if they are allowed. to.


End smile


#31 2021-11-09 12:38:16

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

And then this excites me: … ort-cloud/

Interstellar Objects Might Outnumber Solar System Objects in the Oort Cloud

If this is true, then there could be any number of strange objects in the Oort Cloud, and perhaps, maybe some strange members in the Kuiper belt.

It excites me.

Of course we do not yet know.  Still, it gives us a imaginary place to put very interesting things.

What, indeed about a world where the Hydrogen and Helium deposits are so, much that also under them could be a Nitrogen atmosphere?

Even better for humans, maybe ice covered oceans of water, because some worlds might have a lot more radioactive materials in them. 

Really though I am largely interested in Ceres and Plutoid Dwarf Planets.  Dwarfs need love too....   smile


Last edited by Void (2021-11-09 12:44:05)

End smile


#32 2021-11-09 12:48:37

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

So, then is Mars a path to Ceres, and Ceres a path to the Kuiper belt, and that then to the Oort Cloud?

It is not so far what Sci Fi has produced in my times of reading Sci Fi.

I don't mind having a silly Sci Fi world.  Chances to dream new realities.

Not bad at all!..

Currently, I am thinking nuclear bomb fusion reactor.  Not for Ceres, but maybe something like Eros.  So, what, half of the world for bombing, and the other half, and orbital assets for habitation.  At least this sort of Fusion reactor is actually, sort of possible.

So, it then may say that it could be.

I like "Could Be".


End smile


#33 2021-11-11 18:33:33

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

I guess that this can be of interest, possibly real. … &FORM=VIRE

Woah! Potential Planet 9 Candidate Found In The Old Data - Could This Be It?
YouTube · 793 views · 2 hr ago · by Anton Petrov

This candidate might be 3-5 Earth masses, and so may be more of a "Super Earth", if it exists.  I prefer that to a Mini-Neptune.

Perhaps it can have a Hydrogen/Helium upper atmosphere, and no Hydrogen/Helium cryogenic oceans.

Even under that perhaps a Nitrogen/Methane/Argon mix.  That's optimistic.

I guess I would like something with a major moon or two, so that the parent body can be somewhat smaller. 

But of course, it will exist or not, and will be as it is if it does exist.

Perhaps a body that big could still have an ice covered liquid ocean of water, maybe water Ammonia?

Maybe plate tectonics then I suppose.  But with greater gravity than Earth, not much land projecting above any presumed ice covered ocean(s).

Of course this can fit in here as it would gravitationally influence the plutoids, and I guess if it did have a moon(s), that  or those might resemble plutoids.


Last edited by Void (2021-11-11 18:39:57)

End smile


#34 2021-11-14 04:52:49

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,704

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

Void, well done for resurrecting this lost thread.  I find the smaller Plutoid bodies most interesting from a habitability and terraforming perspective.  There are a great many bodies in the Kuiper belt in the 100km diameter size range.  A fission, fusion or hybrid reactor, in the middle of one of these objects, would gradually melt an internal ocean through waste heat.  The pressure from the ice shell floating over the ocean, would prevent bulk boiling.  The result would be a huge volume of water within which pressure would be ~1bar.  This could support an aquatic ecosystem and humans could live in floating cities.  Convection within such a system would be a very weak driving force due to weak gravity and the surface area of a sphere increase with the square of radius.  Hence, the centre of the ocean (close to the core) could be very warm, with temperature declining to cryogenic temperatures as one heads further to the surface.  This allows the whole system to be stable, with a cold, frozen outer shell and a warm, liquid interior.  As time proceeds, ammonia dissolved within the water would be metabolised by aquatic plants.  A layer of nitrogen and oxygen gas would accumulate under the ice shell.  This gas layer would become a promising location for human habitats.

The interesting thing about these bodies is that terraforming is an incremental process.  You begin with a small human population, cutting a shaft to the centre of the body and placing a small reactor in the middle.  As the ice melts outward, the settlement and human population can grow over centuries and the size of the ecosystem within the melt volume can grow accordingly to support them.  The small reactor is replaced with larger reactors, generating even more heat and accelerating the process.  Starting with just a few hundred people and a small reactor, the colony would grow to a population of millions after a millenia and an aquatic planet with an ecosystem to rival Earth's oceans amidst an ocean of many thousands of cubic kilometres in the centre of an icy kuiper belt object.

Last edited by Calliban (2021-11-14 05:21:14)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#35 2021-11-14 07:16:56

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

For Void and Calliban re topic ....

SearchTerm:Plutoid terraformation of Post 34

Question: Gravity ? evolution of humans to live in low gravity ?

Question: Trade opportunities ? Digital / radio exchange economy would be lively

Mining operations in the vicinity would be ongoing, I would think.

Education level of population would be high (compared to Earth mean) due to atomic power and nature of environment.



#36 2021-11-14 10:38:41

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

I have been pleased with the members recent posts.

I like your calculations Calliban.

This is an alternated reality of humans spreading into space, which of course is not the same as interstellar, ship travel, but related to it.  Lesser tasks and perhaps more achievable tasks.

Time latency should be considered a resource.  It is almost impossible for the human hive mind tendency to restrain itself from greater and greater regulation of the members of such a hive.  Time latency, makes it easier and easier for individualism to exist.

I do not particularly care for individual humans to have reduced mental capacity's due to the material efficiency of hive minds.

Even if  is able to work, eventually, with time latency, and distance, tyrants at the "Royal" positions of hive minds, will not be able to easily track the activities of individuals in real time.  This will make it much harder for the "Royals", to administer "Corrections". to individuals in real time.

Specialization is for Insects.  Time latency is our friend, as we do not want to be hive mind insects.  At least I don't.  We are emerging from a period of specialization, and at it's worst extend, not even the "Royals", "Alpha's", actually
comprehend reality in it's true extent.  So hive efficiency is likely the death, of awareness in the human mind.

I have borrowed from: … or_insects

Specialization is for insects. — Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love The competent man, more often than not, is written without explaining how he achieved his wide range of skills and abilities. When such characters are young, there is often not much explanation as to how they acquired so many skills at an early age.

Also George Friedman.


I am interested in your work Calliban, and your interest (th).

As we may be able to work with the Martian moons, we then learn the asteroids, and smaller worlds in general.  I am also interested in the difference between Pluto, and Eris. … /in-depth/

Eris seems more rocky, with a thinner ice layer.......

But back to the Martian moon, we can think of that as a sort of start, and then to the Asteroid Belt, including what may be a Kuiper Belt object, Ceres.

Then on to the Trojans.

Then to the Moons of Jupiter, consider taking them apart and building mini-worlds similar to what your calculations suggest.

And then of course to other moons, and finally the Kuiper Belt, then perhaps to the Oort Cloud.  Then perhaps if another adjacent star has such icy bodies, you go interstellar.

And lots of time latency, as a prize.

Frankly I am very sick of our current society in the USA trying to "High School" ordinary adult citizens.  I expect some rebellion up ahead.  That also can go wrong, but balance between hive mind and individualism is needed to prevent the loss of in humans.

To loose that for material efficiency is indeed a loss, one to avoid if at all possible.


Last edited by Void (2021-11-14 11:00:15)

End smile


#37 2021-11-16 13:34:06

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

This is interesting: … &FORM=VIRE

Lots to learn about them.

Minor Planet?  Dwarf Planet?  I guess it is useful, but they are still planets.  You might alternately say "Little Planet".

Anyway picking out one "Little Planet" Collection, Pluto and it's moons,  I have an interest in inhabiting it.

Charon seems as if it might allow a vast city under it's icy surface.  I have to presume some sort of Nuclear for that.

Pluto, then might be be a source of chemicals, and perhaps energy.

As for rocky materials, I am going to suppose that there may be some from impactors that would not be too deep.  Perhaps, both for Charon and Pluto.

I have been thinking about some sort of cascade nuclear bomb(s) to produce energy on Pluto.

I guess a trigger to trigger a Hydrogen bomb explosion(s) which might then initiate a further fusion using Helium 3 and/or Boron.

And then just maybe a explosion such as happens inside of our sun where regular Hydrogen would be fused?

My thinking is that once you had a ice covered ocean of water, of great enough depth, that might be sufficient containment to allow
that sort of a cascade nuclear process.

I suppose that it would be desired to keep radio active pollution minimized, but also I anticipate that for Pluto, it might be possible, to keep one side of the planet cleaner.  The other side that would get nuked, would then be an energy source.  A very large nuclear reactor.

But I certainly require more education on the notion.


Last edited by Void (2021-11-16 13:41:48)

End smile


#38 2021-12-04 22:04:51

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

So, I found a wonderful video on my phone today, but have been unable to get it on my computer.

The title was "NASA's New Major Discovery on Pluto | New Horizons".  It was posted 14 hours ago, so maybe that is why I can't get it on my computer.

Anyway they talked about how they took pictures of the dark side of Pluto on the way past it.  They hoped to use reflected light from the moon Charon to get photo's.  But the sun's glare prevented the perception of the data recorded, until computer programming exposed the photo data.

They found cryovolcano's.

I have this anyway: … C48F228D3F

Anyway, I have two things on my mind now:

1) If we think about a Planet like Pluto, (Yes it is a planet, even if it is a dwarf planet) smile  Really!

A Kuiper Belt object of size....So how might Oort Cloud objects interact with worlds like Pluto?  Well, I think it is hit and miss.

Some, people already think that if Mars gets hit by a significant object, it can heat up enough to have rain for 10's or more years.

What about Pluto.  All that frozen Nitrogen laying around.  What if an Oort Cloud object of significance hits it, say about once an eon?

Well, you might have a sudden temporary atmosphere of Nitrogen, maybe Methane, and other greenhouse gasses,  you might get intense rain.

And a very big lake of sea should melt very quickly at the point of impact.  And so this could be a way that liquid seas get rejuvenated.
I would expect the water to sink towards the core, if it is of a large size.

Also added to the sea, would be the dust of the Comet, which could foster life, and the production of Hydrogen by Oxidation.

And we also know now that Radiolysis can produce Hydrogen and perhaps CO and other chemicals in ocean sediments on Earth.

2) I started to think that this ocean water might be very cold and salty.  I am not so sure of that.  In addition to salts it may well have things like Ammonia in it, but I guess we don't know.

However I started thinking of salinity gradients, that they might oppose convection in such a sea.

So, some Antarctic lakes are very cold -13 C, and Hypersaline and do have microbes in them.

And some have room temperature water at their bottom, because the very salty warm water is still heavier than the less salty cold water that is above it.


So, we might think that such seas should not persist, but if there are occasional inputs of energy by Oort Cloud impactors, and also a situation that opposes convection, maybe they can persist, or at least be re-awakened from time to time.


Last edited by Void (2021-12-04 22:25:21)

End smile


#39 2021-12-05 11:46:02

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,704

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

Fusion is the energy source of choice in the outer solar system.  At -14°C, the vapour pressure of ice is about 2 millibar.

The atmosphere will have a temperature gradient, just like all atmospheres.  So any sublimation of the ice would give rise to water vapour that will freeze out at higher altitudes and fall as snow.  So aqua-forming a world like Pluto is quite feasible, converting it into a world of ice covered seas.  All outer planet moons could be terraformed in the same way.  In world's too small for atmospheres, the warm ice would slowly sublime into space.  Larger bodies would slowly accumulate oxygen atmospheres as water vapour dissociated under UV flux.

Last edited by Calliban (2021-12-05 12:19:11)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#40 2021-12-05 12:10:23

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

That is pleasing information to have.  I was planning to say more on this topic and Fission.

I think that Fission can be viewed as similar to stone age people using fire.  We have quite a bit learned how to use fire responsibly, but not completely without faults here and there.

Fission power is simply similar to power left over by the big bang, Hydrogen and other elements.  It is just born in Supernova's, we think.

While fission products will likely be found on rocky worlds, we also have the prospect that 16 Psyche, is a broken-up core.  How convenient, if true!

And from there, it is possible that the cores of small moons could be accessed for more.  And then out to the Kuiper Belt, maybe even beyond.


Morality about inhabiting Kuiper Belt worlds with Oceans, can be decided by those who may end up being there.  I am interested in thinking more about the whole thing, as it might naturally be over time.

So, if worlds like Pluto could be considered the Anvil of God/Life, then perhaps the Oort Cloud objects (Comets and bigger), could be considered the hammer of God/Life.

Of course, a "Strike" event also could bring death, but also maybe rebirth.

So, there may be many Oceans in our skies.  Distant Oceans, but not as distant as the stars, unless they are the Kuiper belt of another star.

What of Panspermia in this situation?


Some more things.....

No two strikes will be identical, (Very often :)), it's a big universe.

If materials float off of Mars or Pluto, from their atmospheres, can we say that it is lost materials?  I don't think so.

It may eventually condense onto, Kuiper Belt objects, or Oort Cloud objects, and like hail stones come towards anvils, as hammers, bringing life and death, and rebirth.

Finally, for now, if our sun goes white dwarf as it is expected to, its loss of mass will refuel the Kuiper Belt, and the Oort Cloud objects, very likely, and the loss of the sun's mass will be also a loss of relative gravitation, more gravitation going to the outer solar system, and it is currently thought, (I think), that then these objects will tend to be "Lost" to the VOID.  But if Panspermia has been going on for billions of years, in the objects of these outer regions, then then "Lost" objects may end up in Stellar Nurseries, to infect new born objects, and perhaps to be the seeds of planets and stars.

Interesting.....Universe is how old?  Panspermia?


Last edited by Void (2021-12-05 12:27:05)

End smile


#41 2021-12-05 12:30:06

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,704

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

Uranium and thorium are found in ppb quantities in asteroids and comets.  So fission is not a likely energy source supporting large scale colonisation of the outer solar system.  But as I have noted before, small amounts of fissile material can serve as a trigger for IC fusion.  I am confident that IC fusion could be developed rapidly if we needed it.  Fission is needed to ignite the reaction.  But it is rather like a match igniting a fire.  The match is a negligible contribution to total energy production.  But you can't light a fire without a match...

There is sufficient deuterium dissolved in water in outer solar system bodies, to sustain a large human population for billions of years.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#42 2021-12-05 12:34:23

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

For Void re "conversation" with Calliban ...

You said:

I think that Fission can be viewed as similar to stone age people using fire.  We have quite a bit learned how to use fire responsibly, but not completely without faults here and there.

But Calliban said:

Fusion is the energy source of choice in the outer solar system.

It seems to me you are both right, but (regretably) it seems you are talking past each other.

Fusion and Fission are very different, but each of those words has four letters in common.

There are only a few bits difference between "u" and "i" .... it is easy (for me at least) to find them confusing.



#43 2021-12-05 12:44:13

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

Oh, I don't think there is a problem of any magnitude.

I myself have speculated on a Hydrogen bomb method to get immense energy, in the Kuiper belt.  Might work for Titan as well.

Ideally, we would eventually be able to fuse regular Hydrogen itself someday.

I have been thinking about if you made such a bomb and put it down under hundreds of miles of water and ice.  Could there be enough inertial confinement, to cascade up to what happens in the core of our sun?

Of course, if you have put a bomb into such an ocean, you will have investigated for the exitance of life.


End smile


#44 2021-12-05 12:59:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

I was reminded by RB's interest in making use of the moons in our solar system

REB wrote:

I added each worlds mass to the chart. That makes it a little more interesting.

World..........Diameter (km)..  Gravity (G). .  Mass (kg)


#45 2021-12-06 11:41:13

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,885

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

Re. fusion, isn't part of the problem the requirement for large amounts of hard vacuum? Might be best to have the reactors in orbit and beam the power down.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#46 2021-12-06 12:45:52

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

That's possible, and a likely and sensible choice to do.   

However, with my dim abilities, I am hoping to achieve the kind of fusion that goes on in the sun, so that regular Hydrogen is fused and transmuted into other things.

Having that, and if there are small worlds beyond the sun's plasma bubble, we then enter an interstellar environment were depending on the nature of the interstellar gasses/dust, you can accrete substance for as long as substance exists to accrete.

Silly, I suppose.  That's a very long time.  I don't expect to be there, not like this anyway.

I am not sure that the big bang is all.  I don't abandon it but am curious if all the energy output from Stars and Black holes, etc. may not bring virtual particles into existence as real particles somewhere, sometime.

I am probably a dog barking at the Moon, a Loonie Dog, but still I keep one eye open for deviations from what we are told.

I am now traveling/visiting, so will be out of touch.


Last edited by Void (2021-12-06 12:48:42)

End smile


#47 2021-12-06 14:59:17

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,704

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

This article examines the possibility of constructing a p-p fusion reactor. … 2cf82ba38e

To cut a long story short, a magnetically confined pure protium plasma would need to be huge to achieve break even.  We are talking cubic kilometre scale plasmas at achievable magnetic field strengths of 20T.  Impractical on Earth, maybe not so in space.  Likewise for IC fusion, we would probably need pellets the size of golf balls.  But that isn't necessarily unachievable if you are building reactors that will illuminate entire worlds.  Maybe a few centuries down the line, we could build things like this.

It changes the bounds of practicality somewhat.  If we can build reactors that generates terrawatts of power, then terraforming Mars may be a lot more achievable than it presently appears.  Pump this sort of heat into the Martian environment and we could warm it up very quickly.

Last edited by Calliban (2021-12-06 15:05:06)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#48 2021-12-06 15:52:32

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

That's good information.  Thanks.


End smile


#49 2022-10-29 09:57:34

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

Dwarf Planet Haumea is one of the Stranger Objects in the Solar System. How did it get That way? … -that-way/


#50 2022-10-30 18:40:22

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,635

Re: Plutoids and Rogue Planets, Titanformation process, a cold treasure?

Again, interesting materials (Mars_B4_Moon).

If humans ever get fusion going in a profitable way, I will think that a possible future of things would not so much be trips to star systems, but rather to deal with objects like this.

To prep such a world for processing, I would imagine the projection of materials to the surface of this would, perhaps using lithobraking.  Then perhaps synthetic gravity world-ships would bring people there.

Eventually converting worlds like this to cores that could be mined, with a relatively shallow ice-covered ocean.  Most ice then being transferred into sea-moons.  Those Sea-moons then to also be habitations for humans and to have spin gravity devices internal and external.

And with such a pattern, perhaps that expands out into the Oort Cloud and then to the rogue worlds of the galaxy.

And I suppose most solar systems not having an approximation of Earth, some Terra formation projects in other solar systems.

But it is not assured at all to play out that way.  Maybe it will to some degree.

People will need to replicate and not die out as they seem to be doing now.

Probably if not rendered extinct in a large event, people will become procreational again, as those who don't replicate do not leave as much heritage behind.


Last edited by Void (2022-10-30 18:46:02)

End smile


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