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#476 2021-10-10 17:11:10

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,742

Re: South of the Border Politics


President Trump was the only person holding back the tide of utter insanity.  You never missed an opportunity to express your dissatisfaction with President Trump, yet have absolutely nothing to say about President Biden.  Why is that?


#477 2021-10-10 19:24:14

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

Before Trump took office do you remember any divide for America? Some say that America has grown more divided since 9/11 attacks. It doesn't comes as a shock that Trump divided the country—Americans weren't exactly unified before he showed up on the scene. Some say that its so bad that only 2% of Americans trust our elections. We have become so divided over whether to get the COVID vaccine. Of course Race has always divided Americans and has always been used to divide Americans.

Are we to say that Americans always have been, and always will be divided. We are the United States of America because the individual states wouldn't have survived. One of the major factors that has contributed to this polarized political climate is recent enhancements in technology and communication. No matter who wins in the future, the underlying divide between the American people that brought us to this point will remain.

We must change....


#478 2021-10-10 20:09:57

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,742

Re: South of the Border Politics


Yes, absolutely.  President Trump was not the root cause of any divisions in America.  The American media attempted to paint one man as causing every conceivable problem on planet Earth.  Intellectually honest people know how patently false that narrative was and is.  Americans were divided over every issue imaginable since before the Civil War, but you'd have to pick up a real history book to know it, and probably a library full of them, the way I did.  Technology hasn't enhanced or diminished ignorance.  People have been ignorant since the dawn of time.  Social media allows more people to share their ignorance with a wider audience, but that's about it.

The root cause of the divide is the constrained vs unconstrained vision of what America is and could be, as outlined by Thomas Sowell.  I happen to be an adherent to the unconstrained vision of what America could be.  People who believe in this vision of America don't need authoritarians to dictate every aspect of life to them, from cradle-to-grave.


#479 2021-10-10 22:29:01

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,742

Re: South of the Border Politics


Mass media and pop culture told the Derpistani tribe to spaz-out after President Trump was elected, so that's exactly what they did, because they're the most susceptible group to wild emotionally-fueled total freak-out benders over absolutely anything that sets them off.  They're predominantly creative types, even if what they direct their creativity towards is highly questionable, so they can effortlessly construct entire alternate realities in their 3 pound universes to explain away any behavior they exhibit, no matter how bat guano crazy.  Simply listen to what Jimmy Dore had to say about Bill Maher, and that sums it up perfectly.

Maybe 150 of our tribe's worst nutters, out of a total count of voters that exceeded the number of votes that President Obama ever received, lost their minds over the election results, totally ignored President Trump since they were never there to listen to his speech and heed his admonishment to remain peaceful at all times, and then the Derpistanis whined that "our Democracy is under attack" after spending all summer long attacking random people in cities across America, while burning entire city blocks to the ground, to include the homes / business / vehicles of the minorities they claimed to care about so much, causing more damage than the purchase price of a Ford class Aircraft Carrier- the most expensive war machine our government has ever created, while killing more of their fellow American citizens than we were losing in Afghanistan at the time.

If you don't see the disparity between damage and body count there, then that's because you belong to a tribe, and that tribal ideology is preventing you from taking proper account of who did what to whom, and at what scale.  Republicans didn't make Kenosha, Wisconsin look like a war zone, whereas the Derpistani tribe did.  The Democrats actually bail these people out of jail.  The Republicans throw the book at them, especially if the perpetrators are also Republicans, because unlike the Derpistanis, the Republicans are "supposed to know better".

Republicans and conservatives did our best to stick our heads in the sand and ignore the sheer lunacy of the Derpistanis until they gained total control over every aspect of life, and then started trying to implement every idiot idea that they could conceive of, to the point that you couldn't get a job, couldn't eat in some cases, and we simply grew tired of the constant stream of highway bandits demanding money at gunpoint because there's not enough money on the planet to try every stupid anti-social experiment that the Derpistanis could come up with.

What kinds of "bad ideas" do the Derpistanis come up with?

Well, how about spending $70 million dollars in fabrication costs alone, to come up with a single seat solar powered aircraft, with a wingspan equal to an Airbus A380 (a real commercial airliner that seats up to 800 passengers), to fly around the world one time, that was utterly incapable of completing a second flight, because it was so highly stressed that there was an unacceptable risk of it literally breaking up, mid-flight?

Derpistanis act as if non-repeatable publicity stunts are some kind of substitute for engineering reality.  It's no different than when Redbull spends money to get a stuntman to jump out of a balloon at over 100,000 feet, and then Derpistanis act as if your average skydiver could complete that jump without becoming a greasy red smear on the ground.

If we "just" (that filthy four-letter word in engineering) created an aircraft with double the wingspan of the world's largest passenger carrying aircraft, then we could transport a whopping 2 people, for approximately the same cost as an airliner, for one flight.  I call that special brand of idiocy "Derp", therefore the people peddling it are "Derpistanis", and when you live in a country run by people like that, you're living in "Derpistan", not America.  Some of us don't want to live in Derpistan, we're not particularly fond of the Derpistanis, and we don't really care about how many flerps it takes to herp the derp.

What do stunts like that actually prove?

If money, durability, and every other aspect of aircraft design that makes an aircraft useful to have is totally ignored in favor of Derpistani ideology, then we could make one / uno / ichi person (the pilot him or her self) fly around the world using solar power.  Solar Impulse 2's circumnavigation flight took more than 1 year to complete after numerous stops.  Steve Fossett completed the same flight using a single seat jet, in 76 hours and 45 minutes, with a wing area of 400ft^2 for Virgin's GlobalFlyer vs 2,200ft^2 for Solar Impulse 2.  GlobalFlyer cruised at 285mph and Solar Impulse 2 cruised at 43mph.  The travel related costs associated with Solar Impulse 2, more than 20 million Euros, exceeded the total fabrication and fuel cost for GlobalFlyer by a factor of 25.

The Derpistanis hold the same idiot ideas about electronic cars, wind and solar powered societies (sunshine and brain farts and purple flying unicorns), what causes the most destruction to Earth's environment (my opinion is that clear-cutting hundreds of square miles for solar and wind farms is worse than emitting a little more plant food into the atmosphere), boys dressing like girls (as if I'm supposed to play along with a man dressed in a tutu using the same bathroom as my wife and daughter), or that people who cut other peoples' heads off or push them off buildings, in observance of their "religious practices", are merely "a cultural difference" (yeah, like the difference between a barbarian and a Roman).

Knowing what I know about their resplendent display of idiocy in the face of problems not amenable to a greater display of "derp", do I want to give a mob of Derpistanis absolute control over every aspect of my life?

Let me "Just Have a Think" about that for a Planck length of time...

No way in hell, no how, no sir, not me.

I wouldn't choose to elect any of them dog catcher, because they would come up with some ridiculously hair-brained scheme to "just let stray dogs come to them", rather than going out and picking up strays and taking them to the pound when called on to do so.  Their ability to organize people and resources, to pursue and achieve worthwhile goals, is practically nonexistent.  They know how to spend other peoples' money and how to overrun something that works, that far better men and women have built, then turn it into dirt inside of a generation, and run away to another place after they've destroyed something that worked beautifully before they were allowed to ruin it in the name of "progress".

The barbarian hordes knew how to overrun Rome as well, but contributed absolutely nothing to humanity, except for a historical footnote about how brutal and destructive they were.  So would I rather be a Roman or a barbarian?  I'll be a Roman, thank you very much, even with all the imperfections of the Roman empire, as judged by our standards, with 2,000 years of hindsight.  All of our Derpistanis who think Romans are the problem with Rome, need an all-expense paid trip to Afghanistan, to live with the end results of derp.  Any who survive for a year are welcome to come back and tell us what they've learned about how terrible their life in Rome was.  Funny thing is, nobody who's been to Afghanistan wants to leave Rome ever again.  Funny that.

That's what I really think about allowing my beloved Rome / America, our beautiful shining city on a hill, to be overrun by the Derpistani hordes demanding that we destroy it all in service to their ideologically-motivated and Orwellian-inspired dystopia.

I don't really care about what they want, because no part of what they want is of any practical use to America.  Similarly, they don't care about what I want.  I'm perfectly willing to let them carry out their experiment in idiocy upon themselves, but I will never be a willing test subject for their anti-social experiments, because I already know what the result will be, since that experiment has been tried over and over and over again, throughout human history, with the same horrific results.


#480 2021-10-25 19:23:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

We have another caravan coming to the US with more than 3,000 migrants which started out at caravan Tapachula on the border with Guatemala on Oct. 23.
'Tell Biden we are coming': New migrant caravan marches through Mexico to US border

The migrants, mostly Central Americans, South Americans, and Haitians, are taking the 2,500-mile journey to Texas

I guess that they have not heard that we are still with "Remain in Mexico" policy.

Biden needs to get reinforcements to the border to aid in the capture and return if they cross.


#481 2021-10-25 19:43:49

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,742

Re: South of the Border Politics


They've probably heard that President Biden's administration is openly defying an order from the Supreme Court regarding the international law regarding "seeking asylum at the nearest country of safe haven".


#482 2021-10-26 08:32:09

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: South of the Border Politics

I'm not sure the Approval thing means much, Nixon got impeached with low Approval but there are Presidents with much Lower Approval than Nixon who never left office early. Mid Terms are where Biden could be politically hit, the Midterms focus on the Congress, seats in the House of Representatives and seats in the Senate...what happens as politics is so toxic? Is there any Centrist or Independent or constitutional party that would gain, maybe Democrats will keep some seats.

However Biden's Approval is dropping even more

First it went below 50%, then 43% Approval, after this below 40% now its at one of the Lowest Levels in US History.

I believe what may be on Americans minds is many things or an overall feeling, one is the 'Taliban' thing and the way he seems he was forced to evacuate from Afghanistan? It's 'The Economy' stupid, Stimulus, Bailouts, Debts, more money wasted in Relief, Inflation and loss of buying power of the US Dollar, jobs figures...I guess some of the slowdown was happening with Covid and Trump and you could go on and on but the economy is not as stroing as it could be. Also Biden going for election said he would do things different to Donald Trump but the Joe Biden Kamala Harris Admin seem to be now ready to 'Double' the figures of Corona numbers, also Double the Covid Deaths under Trump.

The blockade or delays shows bad management with Trucking items at the Ports while that guy was on vacation. The lack of energy Independence not enough Solar, Nuclear, Wind power while the price of Gasoline increases. Social unrest, more theft, two dead and six injured in Idaho Mall another unreported Mass Shooting in Chicago, mass murders in Portland, more drugs more street attacks and more Looting and more Robbery. I think there is a general feeling of loss of freedoms with loss of movement and trade and freedom with more Lockdowns and loss of freedom of speech with a sitting President getting banned while today the jihad Terrorists are allowed operate their social media accounts. The new Cancel Culture an all seeing Technocracy has also spread into other cultures like tv shows or comicbooks, video games becuse they offended some LGBT Feminist Muslim agenda, cancelled your show or game is banned!? or censorship of comedy or newspaper and movies or book...people are offended that someone is offended by some other offensive thing. Americans the US citizens while 'Free' to speak also respect strength and the Borders look open with the immigrant thing or illegal alien thing or caravan or whatever you want to call it, not good when Jimmy Carter who Americans seen as 'Too-Left' is now was a better President than you are.
I believe there might also be a general feeling that Foreign powers or Royal Globalist elites or China or someone is getting in front or catching up at least while America is leading from behind.

I see now Social media is cancelling Suspends Us political people, banned Rep. Accounts after they were 'Misgendering' ... they recently promoted some Transexual looking Crossdressing dude who goes around in women's clothes promoting him / her / it Rachel Levine is Now First Fmale Male Feminist Trans 4-Star Admiral in U.S. History!??
No this is not 'TheOnion' paraody news nor is it an epsiode of Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger in  M*A*S*H television series ... this is real world madness, the new crazy reality.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-10-26 08:36:50)


#483 2021-10-26 18:11:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

August 24, 2021, US Supreme Court ruling upholding the program, Human Rights Watch which affirmed a lower court ruling ordering the Biden administration to make good faith efforts to restart the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program, known as “Remain in Mexico,” which has resulted in more than 71,000 asylum seekers being sent to dangerous Mexican border cities to await the outcome of their US immigration court proceedings. Some believe that those coming to the US are lairs ect.. and should not be allowed asylum.

The justices’ decision effectively reinstated a Trump administration rule that prevents migrants from applying for asylum if they passed through another country other than their own before arriving in the US. That means that asylum seekers from any country but Mexico will now be ineligible for asylum if they show up at the southern border.

So policy and not law...

Department of Justice spokesperson Alexei Woltornist said that rule will help “bring order to the crisis at the southern border, close loopholes in our immigration system, and discourage frivolous [asylum] claims.”

When does this happen as its been decades already, so they are still thinking that all are liars still as to why they would walk thousands of miles with little to eat....


#485 2021-11-12 21:05:43

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

With the latest help wanted not getting people to fill those positions we may be seeing a change.

Days before the Three Amigos summit in Washington, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has a new pitch for his plan to have the U.S. greatly expand migrant visas: North America desperately needs workers and Mexico has them in spades.

The Mexican president first made his proposal to Biden for a work visa program during a virtual meeting in March. At the time he said he wanted the U.S. to accept between 600,000 and 800,000 Mexicans and Central Americans annually for a guest worker

With all that get here and not all are deported then we have a real big problem


#486 2021-11-20 19:57:59

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417


#487 2021-11-24 15:31:10

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

finally a caravan stopped Caravan migrants accept Mexico visa deal to disperse

The caravan is one of two large groups of migrants, many from Central America and the Caribbean, that left the southern city of Tapachula in recent weeks to embark on foot on the long journey north toward the U.S. border with families including young children.

The caravan migrants who left Tapachula last week accepted a government proposal to "begin the process that will allow them to regularize their legal status," according to a joint statement from the interior ministry and national migration institute.

This is a good thing that Mexico has done to stop the border crossings. Now to follow and see if it continues...


#488 2021-12-09 21:19:10

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

There is the rightway and then the Trump and now Biden administration ordered to return land to a Texas family fighting federal land seizures for the border wall since 2018 so will the Governor do the same?


#489 2021-12-20 21:12:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

There is something wrong if materials are not used Monday it will use border security funding allocated by Congress to close wall gaps and pay for environmental and clean-up projects in areas of Arizona, California and Texas affected by barrier construction undertaken by the Trump administration.AAS09QH.img?w=768&h=511&m=6

The new construction and clean-up projects will take place in areas of the U.S.-Mexico border where the Army Corps of Engineers had been tasked to help build former President Donald Trump's wall. The corps is terminating wall construction contracts so DHS can assume control of the unfinished construction sites.

The projects announced Monday will take place within the Border Patrol sectors in San Diego and El Centro, California; Yuma and Tucson, Arizona; and El Paso and Del Rio, Texas. Work near El Paso, Tucson and Yuma will focus on closing wall gaps, adding gates and fixing barrier foundations, DHS said.

The nearly nearly 2,000 mile-long U.S.-Mexico border that Congress allocated $6 billion for border barrier construction between fiscal years 2018 and 2021, but Mr. Trump, secured $15 billion to finance the project, most of which came from diverted military counternarcotics and infrastructure accounts. The former President ultimately built only 450 miles of border barriers, most of which replaced existing barricades.


#490 2021-12-21 01:15:29

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,681

Re: South of the Border Politics

I think it tells you something about the people in charge when they clearly want your country's borders to be insufficiently guarded.  It should tell you that they aren't on your side.  They want to use immigrants to dilute your people.  They want to undermine you.  They want to destroy you.  They want to erase your culture and ethnicity and replace it with something else.  They are telling you this.  Why would any white American support a party that wants leaky borders?  Why support someone that self-evidently wants to destroy you? To do so is a kind of masochism.  Not a sign of good mental health to be sure.  Is it Stockholm syndrome?  The sort of mental weakness that leads one to sympathise with their abusers?

Last edited by Calliban (2021-12-21 01:19:33)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#491 2021-12-21 02:09:29

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: South of the Border Politics

I'm an American. Apologies for my countrymen, they are boorish and the result of a failed public education system coupled with poor parenting. As you can see, we have a degree of racism, xenophobia, and just a smattering of general ignorance. I come from a people where less than 5% have a passport. Yes, that's right, you are talking to hillbilly's  with enough sense to type a word but not enough to seek beyond the horizon. To them, the stars, inherit.

Any American with any education knows the failure of our history; any American with any intelligence knows the mistakes of our country, of Rome, of our society, and the lies we would pretend in their place.

I'll leave you to the racist natzi spouting's of Callbian. WTF is wrong with you for even entertaining it you bullsh*t cowards?

Mars is a dream. Some of you allow it it be sick.  F*cking sad.


#492 2021-12-21 02:29:09

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,681

Re: South of the Border Politics

clark wrote:

I'm an American. Apologies for my countrymen, they are boorish and the result of a failed public education system coupled with poor parenting. As you can see, we have a degree of racism, xenophobia, and just a smattering of general ignorance. I come from a people where less than 5% have a passport. Yes, that's right, you are talking to hillbilly's  with enough sense to type a word but not enough to seek beyond the horizon. To them, the stars, inherit.

Any American with any education knows the failure of our history; any American with any intelligence knows the mistakes of our country, of Rome, of our society, and the lies we would pretend in their place.

I'll leave you to the racist natzi spouting's of Callbian. WTF is wrong with you for even entertaining it you bullsh*t cowards?

Mars is a dream. Some of you allow it it be sick.  F*cking sad.

What you are writing does not sound mentally healthy to me.  It indicates a lack of self-esteem and social awareness and quite frankly, anger issues.  The few posts that you have written in recent years (and they are few) are filled with anger and vitriol.  Whilst I am not a doctor, it is obvious to me that if this is typical of what you spend your days feeling, then it cannot be doing you much good.  America has a lot of psychiatric professionals.  They aren't cheap.  But you might want to find one that you can talk to.

Do you have anything intelligent to say on the topic of the border wall?  And think before you write.  It would be a shame if you wrote something stupid.

Last edited by Calliban (2021-12-21 02:43:31)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#493 2021-12-21 02:58:16

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: South of the Border Politics

child. when you are not busy burning a cross or swastika, what do you do? you took the time to study my posts. you took the time to game me. and you settle on a meaningless political barb to lull me out? You are small. Your views are limited. You are not an American. Your views on immigration are not applicable.


#494 2021-12-21 08:53:30

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

History of America starts out with several European nations but turned to a common language to become a melting pot of the world at least in the larger cities but as more people became more national to the country they came from the nation has been in a gradual decay as they refuse to learn that common language to which our nation became.

The problem is not so much the immigrant but those that chose to not take on new life and what it means to be American. There is nothing wrong with those past cultures only the baggage that they are coming with with them. That is the American dilution...

The other day I was at a gas station pump and the vehicle that drove up and used its credit card had two gentlemen that got out and they were speaking Spanish in a NH state...I wonder if they would like it if I were speaking French to them or better yet American Indian Tribes of the Penacook. You are out in the public so speak American as I am sure that you can.


#495 2021-12-21 11:06:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,779

Re: South of the Border Politics

For SpaceNut re #494

If you were visiting in Spain, and traveling with a relative in a rented vehicle, you would need to refuel occasionally.

According to the principle you advocate in Post #494, when you get out of the car at the filling station, you and your companion are duty bound to speak excellent Spanish so the local at the next pump is not offended.

In actual fact, i feel confident you would speak English, and you would do so in the conviction that you have the right to speak English where-ever you go in the World.



#496 2021-12-21 11:13:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

The chance of continuing would be a once condition but continued long after in all transactions while continuing to live there not just for a few days of a week means you are not being part of the nation that you have planned to settle in. I understand broken English with many languages but they are attempting to assimilate to the new life and location. Its clear that they were not....
Having been with many a work exchange student and others means you learn and are aided to become part of the success.


#497 2021-12-21 11:35:59

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,779

Re: South of the Border Politics

For SpaceNut .... I am doubtful you would feel so obligated if you were in Spain, France, Russia or any other Nation where English is not the first language.

Visitors to the US are under absolutely NO obligation to speak to each other in a foreign language just because some local observer cannot speak the language.

It is up to the US citizen to become conversant in ** all ** languages that arrive in this country, to the extent possible, as a simple courtesy.

If you had introduced yourself and extended a suggestion of friendship, you might have discovered that the visitors were able to communicate with you at some level. 

We have workers visiting the city where I live who often are invited in to help with projects of various kinds.

I find that they try to communicate in English, although the range of ability varies.

My mastery of Spanish is so poor I am grateful they let me off the hook.



#498 2021-12-21 14:05:05

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

They were not visitors but residents of America so yes they are expected to learn some English. Otherwise profiling sets in and you get labeled.

What would you do if tomorrow law came out that said you had to learn the language insert none of the above or you would be rounded up and deported.

That is one of the reasons high school have second language courses. Maybe we should start a bit earlier to broaden one's horizons as languages are best learn early in life.

Oh by the way the ability to read is stronger than my speaking ability, so I would make the attempt to at least speak the language to where I go.


#499 2021-12-22 12:49:26

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

Moving content

clark wrote:


"I think it tells you something about the people in charge when they clearly want your country's borders to be insufficiently guarded.  It should tell you that they aren't on your side.  They want to use immigrants to dilute your people.  They want to undermine you.  They want to destroy you.  They want to erase your culture and ethnicity and replace it with something else.  They are telling you this.  Why would any white American support a party that wants leaky borders?  Why support someone that self-evidently wants to destroy you? To do so is a kind of masochism.  Not a sign of good mental health to be sure.  Is it Stockholm syndrome?  The sort of mental weakness that leads one to sympathise with their abusers?"

I cannot be any clearer.


#500 2021-12-22 13:23:11

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

The America that was started in the 1600's was never just white as the borders that now make up the US have always had people of color. Even the nations that came from the European continent are not white as they are shades of what once was.

The leaky border to the south has existed ever since the beginning and is not a new problem as it once was not part of the US. Is there something needing to be done yes but that must also be born by the nations that these people are coming from not just the final destination but every step or wave along the way. A fence on land only slows one of those paths as the waterways of the oceans are the other.


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