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Today on Mars: 0036/06/26 Thursday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/07/28 Wednesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 077.6 Sol Number: 166 Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL: 077.1 Previous Sol:165
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 249,044,990 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -023152 <= 0926 km/hour at 8.5 on 07/28 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 249,068,142 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -019901 <= 0865 km/hour at 7.5 on 07/27 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 249,088,043 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -020461 <= 0802 km/hour at 8.5 on 07/26 (time:8:30)
Next up: A micro-Boomer is in (just below) the path today: HIP 49518 Magnitude 7.34 about 10 hours ahead on Day 0
PGC 1420566 RA 10h 4m 32.9s Day 0 12 hours ahead Day 1 11 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 380,319,998
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 166 is in Month 06 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 06 extends from Sol 141 through 167. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 166 is Thursday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 6 of 24 - Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6] (This month has 27 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/06/28 Saturday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
One day note: <<== skipped Friday in last week of a quarter. The gap of weekdays is now back up to 2
Additional note: This was a four Sol work week in the proposed calendar on Mars. This design insures symmetry across the calendar.
I would like to (again) give credit to RobertDyck for the insight leading to this feature of the proposed Business calendar for Mars.
Today on Earth: 2021/07/29 Thursday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 078.0 Sol Number: 167 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 077.6 Previous Sol:166
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 249,021,236 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -023754 <= 0990 km/hour at 8.5 on 07/29 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 249,044,990 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -023152 <= 0926 km/hour at 8.5 on 07/28 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 249,068,142 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -019901 <= 0865 km/hour at 7.5 on 07/27 (time:7:30)
Next up: A trio of galaxies surround the path: PGC 29547, PGC 29508, PGC 29497 Day 0 about 5 hours ahead
Next up: we have another micro-Boomer on the scene: HIP 49644 is above Mars and a bit past
HIP 49518 Magnitude 7.34 about 10 hours ahead on Day 0 - on Day 1 49518 is shining brightly about 14 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 380,319,998
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 167 is in Month 06 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 06 extends from Sol 141 through 167. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 167 is Saturday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 6 of 24 - Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6] (This month has 27 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/01 Sunday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/07/30 Friday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 078.5 Sol Number: 168 Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL: 078.0 Previous Sol:167
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,997,622 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -023614 <= 1050 km/hour at 7.0 on 07/30 (time:7:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 249,021,236 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -023754 <= 0990 km/hour at 8.5 on 07/29 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 249,044,990 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -023152 <= 0926 km/hour at 8.5 on 07/28 (time:8:30)
Up next: Star TYC 833-504-1 Magnitude 12.86 directly in path Day 0 about 11 hours ahead
Note: there is a globular cluster in the view - RA 10h 8m 27.0s (lower right corner)
A trio of galaxies surround the path: PGC 29547, PGC 29508, PGC 29497 Day 0 about 5 hours ahead - Day 1 more than 11 hours past
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 380,319,998
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 168 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 168 is Sunday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/02 Monday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/07/31 Saturday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 078.9 Sol Number: 169 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 078.5 Previous Sol:168
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,967,001 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -030621 <= 1113 km/hour at 10.5 on 07/31 (time:10:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,997,622 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -023614 <= 1050 km/hour at 7.0 on 07/30 (time:7:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 249,021,236 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -023754 <= 0990 km/hour at 8.5 on 07/29 (time:8:30)
Next up: Micro-Boomer HIP 50159 Magnitude 9.92 just above path Day 0 about 12 hours ahead
Next up: Micro-Boomer HIP 50072 Magnitude 9.28 just below path Day 0 about 4 hours ahead
Star TYC 833-504-1 Magnitude 12.86 directly in path Day 0 about 11 hours ahead Day 1 about 15 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 380,319,998
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 169 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 169 is Monday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/03 Tuesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/01 Sunday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 079.3 Sol Number: 170 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 078.9 Previous Sol:169
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,939,925 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -027076 <= 1177 km/hour at 9.5 on 08/01 (time:9:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,967,001 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -030621 <= 1113 km/hour at 10.5 on 07/31 (time:10:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,997,622 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -023614 <= 1050 km/hour at 7.0 on 07/30 (time:7:00)
Next up: Galaxy and star asterism: PGC 1401611 RA 10h 16m 9.5s just above path Day 0 about 6 hours ahead
HIP 50159 Magnitude 9.92 just above path Day 0 about 12 hours ahead Day 1 almost exactly 11 hours past
HIP 50072 Magnitude 9.28 just below path Day 0 about 4 hours ahead Day 1 more than 11 hours past
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 380,319,998
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 170 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 170 is Tuesday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/04 Wednesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/02 Monday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 079.8 Sol Number: 171 Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL: 079.3 Previous Sol:170
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,909,956 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -029969 <= 1238 km/hour at 9.7 on 08/02 (time:9:42)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,939,925 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -027076 <= 1177 km/hour at 9.5 on 08/01 (time:9:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,967,001 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -030621 <= 1113 km/hour at 10.5 on 07/31 (time:10:30)
Next up: Galaxy below path about 12 hours ahead PGC 1394561 RA 10h 18m 42.9s Day 0 about 12 hours ahead
Next up: Micro-Boomer HIP 50467 Magnitude 9.57 above path Day 0 about 4 hours ahead
Galaxy and star asterism: PGC 1401611 RA 10h 16m 9.5s just above path Day 0 about 6 hours ahead - Day 1 about 16 hours past
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 380,319,998
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 171 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 171 is Wedneday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/05 Thursday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/03 Tuesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 080.2 Sol Number: 172 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 079.8 Previous Sol:171
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,880,326 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -029630 <= 1300 km/hour at 8.5 on 08/03 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,909,956 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -029969 <= 1238 km/hour at 9.7 on 08/02 (time:9:42)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,939,925 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -027076 <= 1177 km/hour at 9.5 on 08/01 (time:9:30)
Next up: A Mini-Boomer below path and about 5.5 hours ahead: HIP 50623 Magnitude 7.60
Galaxy below path about 12 hours ahead PGC 1394561 RA 10h 18m 42.9s Day 0 about 12 hours ahead - Day 1 about 12 hours past
HIP 50467 Magnitude 9.57 above path Day 0 about 4 hours ahead - Day 1 still in view but just barely
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 380,319,998
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 172 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 172 is Thursday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/06 Friday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/04 Wednesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 080.6 Sol Number: 173 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 080.2 Previous Sol:172
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,845,795 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -034531 <= 1359 km/hour at 9.9 on 08/04 (time:9:54)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,880,326 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -029630 <= 1300 km/hour at 8.5 on 08/03 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,909,956 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -029969 <= 1238 km/hour at 9.7 on 08/02 (time:9:42)
Next up: Galaxy PGC 1389376 RA 10h 23m 48.0s just below path Day 0 about 12 hours ahead
Note Mini-boomer just past Mars and just below path: HIP 50782 Magnitude 7.70 - This star is unlikely to be visible tomorrow
Mini-Boomer below path and about 5.5 hours ahead: HIP 50623 Magnitude 7.60 - Day 1 well past and nearing edge of the view
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 384,195,950
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 173 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 173 is Friday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/07 Saturday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/05 Thursday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 081.1 Sol Number: 174 Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL: 080.6 Previous Sol:173
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,812,223 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -033572 <= 1423 km/hour at 9.5 on 08/05 (time:9:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,845,795 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -034531 <= 1359 km/hour at 9.9 on 08/04 (time:9:54)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,880,326 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -029630 <= 1300 km/hour at 8.5 on 08/03 (time:8:30)
Next up: a nice cluster of galaxies ** right ** in the path PGC 141448, 141449, 139355, 139356, 30653 Day 0 about 13 hours ahead
Galaxy PGC 1389376 RA 10h 23m 48.0s just below path Day 0 about 12 hours ahead - Day 1 about 11 hours behind - just below 11 hour marker
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 384,195,950
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 174 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 174 is Saturday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/08 Sunday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/06 Friday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 081.5 Sol Number: 175 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 081.1 Previous Sol:174
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,779,635 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -032588 <= 1481 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/06 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,812,223 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -033572 <= 1423 km/hour at 9.5 on 08/05 (time:9:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,845,795 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -034531 <= 1359 km/hour at 9.9 on 08/04 (time:9:54)
Next up: Galaxy PGC 1384101 RA 10h 28m 37.5s above path about 15 hours ahead on Day 0
The scene is filled with galaxies and there are others not yet identified
galaxies ** right ** in the path PGC 141448, 141449, 139355, 139356, 30653 Day 0 about 13 hours ahead - Day 1 about 6 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 384,195,950
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 175 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 175 is Sunday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/09 Monday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/07 Saturday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 082.0 Sol Number: 176 Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL: 081.5 Previous Sol:175
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,741,914 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -037721 <= 1540 km/hour at 8.0 on 08/07 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,779,635 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -032588 <= 1481 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/06 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,812,223 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -033572 <= 1423 km/hour at 9.5 on 08/05 (time:9:30)
Next up: One lonely star in the path: TYC 841-1143-1 Magnitude 11.84 Day 0 exactly 11 hours ahead
Galaxy PGC 1384101 RA 10h 28m 37.5s above path about 15 hours ahead on Day 0 - Day 1 exactly 11 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 384,195,950
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 176 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 176 is Monday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/10 Tuesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/08 Sunday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 082.4 Sol Number: 177 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 082.0 Previous Sol:176
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,701,830 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -040084 <= 1603 km/hour at 9.0 on 08/08 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,741,914 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -037721 <= 1540 km/hour at 8.0 on 08/07 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,779,635 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -032588 <= 1481 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/06 (time:7:30)
Next up: Star TYC 842-877-1 Magnitude 10.86 just below path Day 0 about 15 hours ahead
TYC 841-1143-1 Magnitude 11.84 Day 0 exactly 11 hours ahead - Day 1 about 16 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 384,195,950
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 177 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 177 is Tuesday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/11 Wednesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/09 Monday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 082.8 Sol Number: 178 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 082.4 Previous Sol:177
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,661,861 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -039969 <= 1665 km/hour at 9.0 on 08/09 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,701,830 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -040084 <= 1603 km/hour at 9.0 on 08/08 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,741,914 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -037721 <= 1540 km/hour at 8.0 on 08/07 (time:8:00)
Next up: Star TYC 842-905-1 Magnitude 10.38 in path Day 0 right at the 11 hour marker
There are five galaxies in the top section of the view today, along with three mini-Boomers
Star TYC 842-877-1 Magnitude 10.86 just below path Day 0 about 15 hours ahead - Day 1 about 7 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 384,195,950
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 178 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 178 is Wednesday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/12 Thursday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/10 Tuesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 083.3 Sol Number: 179 Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL: 082.8 Previous Sol:178
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,623,059 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -038802 <= 1725 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/10 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,661,861 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -039969 <= 1665 km/hour at 9.0 on 08/09 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,701,830 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -040084 <= 1603 km/hour at 9.0 on 08/08 (time:9:00)
Next up: A substantial spiral galaxy viewed edge on: PGC 31553 RA 10h 37m 25.9s below path Day 0 about 9 hours ahead
There are 9 galaxies in the view this morning. Just one Mini-Boomer lingers at the far right.
Star TYC 842-905-1 Magnitude 10.38 in path Day 0 right at the 11 hour marker - Day 1 almost exactly 11.5 hours past (just past the 11 hour marker)
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 384,195,950
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 179 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 179 is Thursday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/13 Friday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/11 Wednesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 083.7 Sol Number: 180 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 083.3 Previous Sol:179
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,588,238 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -042821 <= 1784 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/11 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,623,059 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -038802 <= 1725 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/10 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,661,861 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -039969 <= 1665 km/hour at 9.0 on 08/09 (time:9:00)
Next up: Galaxy 1366671 RA 10h 40m 19.8s just above path Day 0 about 13 hours ahead
PGC 31553 RA 10h 37m 25.9s below path Day 0 about 9 hours ahead - Day 1 about 15 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 387,052,260
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 180 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 180 is Friday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/14 Saturday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/12 Thursday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 084.1 Sol Number: 181 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 083.7 Previous Sol:180
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,531,286 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -048952 <= 1847 km/hour at 10. on 08/12 (time:10:0)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,588,238 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -042821 <= 1784 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/11 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,623,059 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -038802 <= 1725 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/10 (time:7:30)
Next up: Pair: Galaxy PGC 1362692 RA 10h 42m 54.6s and Star TYC 839-926-1 Magnitude 11.17 Day 0 about 12 hours ahead
Note bright galaxy in bottom of view: NGC 3332 Magnitude 13.50 RA 10h 40m 28.6s
Galaxy 1366671 RA 10h 40m 19.8s just above path Day 0 about 13 hours ahead - Day 1 about 13 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 387,052,260
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 181 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 181 is Saturday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/15 Sunday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/13 Friday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 084.6 Sol Number: 182 Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL: 084.1 Previous Sol:181
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,491,250 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -040036 <= 1906 km/hour at 7.0 on 08/13 (time:7;30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,531,286 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -048952 <= 1847 km/hour at 10. on 08/12 (time:10:0)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,588,238 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -042821 <= 1784 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/11 (time:7:30)
Next up: An asterism with a Galaxy: PGC 1358614 and TYC 846-848-1 Magnitude 11.17 Day 0 about 15 hours ahead
Galaxy PGC 1362692 RA 10h 42m 54.6s and Star TYC 839-926-1 Magnitude 11.17 Day 0 about 12 hours ahead - Day 1 about 10 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 387,052,260
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 182 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 182 is Sunday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/16 Monday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/14 Saturday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 085.0 Sol Number: 183 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 084.6 Previous Sol:182
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,439,316 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -051934 <= 1967 km/hour at 9.4 on 08/14 (time:9:24)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,491,250 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -040036 <= 1906 km/hour at 7.0 on 08/13 (time:7;30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,531,286 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -048952 <= 1847 km/hour at 10. on 08/12 (time:10:0)
Next up: Another asterism at 11 hours ahead: TYC 846-624-1 Magnitude 10.32 Day 0 at 11 hours ahead marker
An asterism with a Galaxy: PGC 1358614 and TYC 846-848-1 Magnitude 11.17 Day 0 about 15 hours ahead - Day 1 about 11 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 387,052,260
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 183 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 183 is Monday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/17 Tuesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/15 Sunday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Note: a post for Sunday was prepared but appears not to have been posted. This is a replacement.
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 085.5 Sol Number: 184 Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL: 085.0 Previous Sol:183
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,393,459 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -045857 <= 2029 km/hour at 8.0 on 08/15 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,439,316 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -051934 <= 1967 km/hour at 9.4 on 08/14 (time:9:24)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,491,250 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -040036 <= 1906 km/hour at 7.0 on 08/13 (time:7;30)
Next up: Note one mini-Boomer and eleven galaxies are in the view today. Galaxy PGC 1348501 is well below and just ahead of Mars on Day 0
Another asterism at 11 hours ahead: TYC 846-624-1 Magnitude 10.32 Day 0 at 11 hours ahead marker - Day 1 about 11 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 387,052,260
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 184 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 184 is Tuesday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/18 Wednesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/16 Monday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 085.9 Sol Number: 185 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 085.5 Previous Sol:184
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,344,418 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -049041 <= 2087 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/16 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,393,549 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -045857 <= 2029 km/hour at 8.0 on 08/15 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,439,316 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -051934 <= 1967 km/hour at 9.4 on 08/14 (time:9:24)
Next up: Note one mini-Boomer and eleven galaxies are in the view today. Galaxy PGC 1348501 is well below and just ahead of Mars on Day 0
Another asterism at 11 hours ahead: TYC 846-624-1 Magnitude 10.32 Day 0 at 11 hours ahead marker - Day 1 about 11 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 387,052,260
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 185 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 185 is Wednesday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/19 Thursday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/17 Tuesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 086.3 Sol Number: 186 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 085.9 Previous Sol:185
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,290,715 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -053703 <= 2148 km/hour at 8.5 on 08/17 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,344,418 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -049041 <= 2087 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/16 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,393,549 km [22.0 km/s] Difference is -045857 <= 2029 km/hour at 8.0 on 08/15 (time:8:00)
Next up: A pair of TYC's bracketing the path: TYC 847-1032-1 and TYC 847-647-1 Magnitude 9.66 below Day 0 about 11 hours ahead
HIP 53148 Magnitude 8.29 just below path Day 0 - about 15 hours ahead - Day 1 about 8 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 387,052,260
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 186 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 186 is Thursday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/20 Friday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/18 Wednesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 086.8 Sol Number: 187 Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL: 086.3 Previous Sol:186
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,239,931 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -050784 <= 2208 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/19 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,290,715 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -053703 <= 2148 km/hour at 8.5 on 08/17 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,344,418 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -049041 <= 2087 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/16 (time:7:30)
Next up: A pair of galaxies just above the path PGC 1330972 PGC 1331021 Day 0 about 15 hours ahead
TYC 847-1032-1 and TYC 847-647-1 Magnitude 9.66 below Day 0 about 11 hours ahead - Day 1 about 12 hours past
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 387,052,260
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 187 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 187 is Friday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
Like button can go here
The view of Mars against the background of Stars and Galaxies that I view every day has an unexpected (by ** me ** only) visitor ...
Mercury will pass by Mars in the view from Earth in about 5 Earth hours ...
Time of posting is 19:48 local time.
Per Google, right now is 11:48 PM Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Like button can go here
Today on Mars: 0036/07/21 Saturday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/19 Thursday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
One Day Note: Mercury passed Mars in the View from Earth during the Sol just ended.
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 087.2 Sol Number: 188 Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL: 086.8 Previous Sol:187
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,182,047 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -057884 <= 2270 km/hour at 9.0 on 08/19 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,239,931 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -050784 <= 2208 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/18 (time:7:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,290,715 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -053703 <= 2148 km/hour at 8.5 on 08/17 (time:8:30)
Next up: Bracketing galaxies: PGC 1324915 above PGC 1322083 below Day 0 aout 15 hours ahead
A pair of galaxies just above the path PGC 1330972 PGC 1331021 Day 0 about 15 hours ahead -Day 1 about 9 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 387,052,260
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 20 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 40+ minutes round trip. [20:360,000,000] [21:390,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 188 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 188 is Saturday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
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Today on Mars: 0036/07/22 Sunday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/08/20 Friday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
One Day Note: Mercury passed Mars in the View from Earth during the Sol just ended.
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36 Martian Month in 12 month format: 3 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 90 degrees
Solar Longitude: 087.7 Sol Number: 189 Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL: 087.2 Previous Sol:188
Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.
Note#2: This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun. Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion occurred on Sol 152 at 71 degrees Ls.
Aphelion occurred near 70 degrees Ls on Sol 153 (per
Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations. The calculations use tenths of hours. The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,130,848 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -051199 <= 2327 km/hour at 7.0 on 08/20 (time:7:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,182,047 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -057884 <= 2270 km/hour at 9.0 on 08/19 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per 248,239,931 km [22.1 km/s] Difference is -050784 <= 2208 km/hour at 7.5 on 08/18 (time:7:30)
Next up: Star TYC 268-344-1 Magnitude 11.14 just above path Day - about 13 hours ahead
PGC 1324915 above PGC 1322083 below Day 0 aout 15 hours ahead - Day 1 5.5 hours behind
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.
Update 2021/07/30 I wrote to an astronomer to ask if there might be a web site with a view showing the galaxy in context of a given view.
Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal. Earth Distance at last update here) was km 390,083,083
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 21 and 22 minutes. Communications delay would be 42+ minutes round trip. [21:390,000,000] [22:420,000,000]
In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth. Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered. Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser. Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.
Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520
This web site offers an online model of the solar system: It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1
Sol 189 is in Month 07 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 07 extends from Sol 168 through 195. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 189 is Sunday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars. <<== Skip day occurred July 21 the next skip day is expected August 27 on Earth
The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.
The next Skip Day will occur in August (27th on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
For current weather on Mars see:
***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***
Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest
All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries
Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257
Month 7 of 24: - Quarter 2 of 4 [Month 7-12] (This month has 28 days)
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