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Videos: Starbase Factory Tour with Elon Musk [Parts 1 & 2 of 3] Take a tour of SpaceX's Starbase facility with Elon Musk as our tour guide.
This was posted earlier by me in the Starship is Go! thread
Sorry,but it's buried somewhere in over 1,000 posts. Buried is the appropriate describe your post. I still can't find it. That's the problem with endless threads that go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on for years into infinity. Interesting and timely posts can't be easily spotted when buried in never ending OP's in threads on boards that can sometimes go back for decades!
If the internet had been develop a century ago I can just imagine a lead threat announcing the new Model T car that now has 1 million, 250 thousand posts. Find the post that mentions the new and improved crank. Good luck.