New Mars Forums

Official discussion forum of The Mars Society and

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Announcement: This forum is accepting new registrations by emailing newmarsmember * become a registered member. Read the Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topic in Meta New Mars for other information for this process.

#1351 2021-07-10 07:30:55

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery ...

WBA halted at TestID11130 last night ... It looks like a positioning error, but there are already three commands at that location so I'm not planning to add more.

I'll try again for 11200 tonight.

In the mean time, this post is reserved for possible updates on work on Mouse Trainer ....

A curious discrepancy between earlier ration computations and current ones showed up ...

Current runs are delivering a ratio of 2.11.  Earlier ones gave 2.65.  The changes made to the program involved stopping at the borders of the reference frame.

I don't see why that would have made a difference.  2.65 gives the correct result when positioning the mouse, so now there's ** that ** issue to resolve, in addition to improving the work flow for generating valid position commands for scripts.

Noah's paper is waiting to be examined.
The new applicant's email is waiting to be reviewed.


#1352 2021-07-10 08:05:23

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,341

Re: Housekeeping

Here is an excerpt from the email from our application for membership ...

I have removed details that are of a personal nature.  Those can be added back by the application after admission.

I ** have ** asked that the applicant read Post #2 of the Recruiting topic and prepare answers to the questions by Administrators.

I'm a programmer for work and I make (authorized) street art for fun.

I would like to help contribute to NewMars because it is my intention to buy a one way ticket to the red planet sometime before 2040. For me becoming a Martian is an opportunity to help establish what's normal for an entire planet. I feel this is not just a once in a lifetime opportunity but a once in the history of human civilization opportunity.

I have a degree in Computer Science from the (prestigious institution(th)) with 9 years work experience. I work from home as a programmer for FedEx and I make decent money. I am already a paying member of and I am more than happy to help cover any costs of running

I'm an open minded person and when I'm wrong in a position I pivot.
I am interested in society planning and engineering here are some of my positions:

I believe there should be 3 primary objectives of a Mars colony:
To be a backup for humanity just in case all the Earth humans kill themselves.
To be companions for the robot inhabitants of Mars.
To help the robots if they get stuck during their first few generations.
(Asteroid mining wouldn't be a bad idea either)

I don't think terraforming Mars is feasible because even if we can create a magnetic shield protecting an atmosphere from solar winds with a satellite at lagrange point 1, there isn't a filler gas like nitrogen available on Mars to make the atmosphere usable. (a thin layer of 100% O₂ and CO₂ simply won't work.)

If I ever get to ask Elon Musk a question it would be about the economics of making an unpressurized veriant of the BFR for equipment like a Google server or a methane production facility.

I am fascinated by ideas about the Mars calendar however I have not yet settled on a position.

I am also interested in the Mars government but I want to collaborate with other people before strongly advocating a system.

To explain my current views briefly, I think the 1 million person colony should have 100 representatives and perhaps 1 president. With 50,000 colonists in each district and each colonist voting for 5 representatives in a ranked choice voting system.
Once in session each representative would get 1 work week (probably 5 days) every 100 weeks to propose any legislation, call any vote or have any discussion. This will mitigate problems of gerrymandering, filibusters and agenda blocking shenanigans.

Thank you.
I hope you accept my application.


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#1353 2021-07-10 08:17:54

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

The membership makes for a sold sign for an ID to be granted....


#1354 2021-07-10 09:43:47

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1353 ... I'll count that as a Yes! 

Still waiting for kbd512.

However, I am also in the loop here, and I am NOT interested in bringing more of the traditional members into the group.  NewMars has been open for membership for 20 years, and it has somehow managed to yield a core group who have all the leadership qualities needed.

At this point we need workers ... we need folks who are willing and able to assist those who've already defined goals to be achieved.

I am going to be looking for candidates who have actually read messages in the forum and have a sense of the flow.  I'm looking for candidates who've read all (or most) of the writings of one or two current members, and want to help one (or at most two) members to achieve real-world objectives.

The Large Ship is able to absorb hundreds of dedicated volunteers on its own.

My Hacienda is good for 7800 dedicated individuals, each of who can recruit additional persons to help them with their specializations.

Update at Noon+ local time

What appeared to be Internet congestion cleared up so I tried the run again ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 11200

Total Command Lines found: 111
Total input Lines in script: 337
  Total input Lines in data: 1397

  Number of ID's processed: 70

Starting Number: 11131

Last Number of Run: 11200

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-10-2021 at 12:15:18
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:01:28
8 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 01:44:53

Total time Program was Active: 01:55:25

Tonight's run will try for 11300.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-07-10 10:18:01)


#1355 2021-07-10 10:23:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re NewMars as a going concern ...

It seems to me that NewMars, like the Mars Society itself, is a going operation.

It has leaders for navigation, it has workers to keep the boilers topped up, and it has a crew gathered at port stops along a 20 year voyage.

Thanks to the opportunity created by your (to my mind, BOLD) decision to close off access to spammers, we are able to look for and (hopefully) bring into the group individuals who will contribute to the achievements of the group, whatever those turn out to be,

OF1939 has asked for peers (scientists) to help him work out a design for a 17 person expedition.

It is up to the existing members to help find those folks.

They haven't shown up here on their own.  They  have to be invited, ** and ** they have to believe NewMars is an organization that won't diminish or tarnish their hard won reputations.



#1356 2021-07-10 16:27:26

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Thats one of the reasons for a username that does not need to be personal and for why we can move forward with that names use rather than a real name that could be tarnished if its viewed in the wrong manner. That includes the choice for email as well to be disconnected from ones home or business email use.

Here is a small bug which I have seen in the past while trying to access

An error was encountered

Error: The post table and topic table seem to be out of sync!.

last post at end of page 9 … 77#p182077
by Mars_B4_Moon
post count #450

Finally got back to cleaning up what was started with the unbanning of group 8351 through to 8400...and they are now in the user list

edit just gave a post to the topic and all is well now....from the page 9


#1357 2021-07-10 19:10:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1356

Thanks for the updates to 8351 on!

Thanks for the observations about anonymous usernames and protected email.

Finally, thanks for the tip about a but that shows up occasionally.  I'll set a search tag in hopes of doing a lookup at FluxBB at some point:

SearchTerm:Bug possible bug in FluxBB

I would note that Mars_B4_Moon has been bringing ancient topics back to life, so there may be an occasional defect that goes back to the Great Crash.

The North Houston Chapter of the National Space Society meeting too place as scheduled today.  The meeting was well attended, the presentation was excellent, and the group stayed on well beyond the normal closing time.  An item saved for last was a visit to the restored Control Room for Gemini and Apollo missions.  The room has been restored in meticulous attention to detail, including cigarette butts in ash trays that are authentic (for what that's worth).

The audio visual effects include replays of flights, with live displays on screens and audio back and forth between the astronauts and the control room

The meeting will be saved on YouTube if anyone is interested.

The talk was a comprehensive overview of how the future may unfold, by a former NASA manager.



#1358 2021-07-11 05:36:08

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery ....

WBA completed a run to 11300 without incident, last night.

I'm planning to continue working on Mouse Trainer today.  By continuing to (try to) improve performance in computing the ratio between coordinate systems, I am starting to get a sense of how the Smart Mouse feature would work.  Conceivably it would actually improve performance of WBA, because it might be possible to replace the one remaining 10 Tab sequence in the Update script.  That script is already down to 90 seconds, and conceivably it could be reduced to 80 seconds.

We still have (on the order of) 5,000 ID's to upgrade (from the current batch of Zero Posts) so work on that feature might be worth while.

Today is Sunday ... I'm looking forward to clearing a backlog of chores here to be able to return to forum activities which are more interesting.

Completed Sequence for ID: 11300

Total Command Lines found: 111
Total input Lines in script: 337
  Total input Lines in data: 1327

  Number of ID's processed: 100

Starting Number: 11201

Last Number of Run: 11300

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-11-2021 at 07:03:22
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:01:29
10 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 02:29:56

Total time Program was Active: 09:50:50


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-07-11 06:21:02)


#1359 2021-07-11 12:44:42

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Just finished clearing the ban on the next group 8401 through to 8500 and hope to get to another batch later.

got 8501 through 8600 unban done and they are also ready.


#1360 2021-07-11 19:48:49

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1359

Thanks for making the extra effort to finish ID's through 8600!  That was a lot of work! 

WBA is quietly slurping at it's input file on it's way to 10400, if all goes well.

I started the run when no one was logged in.

Mouse Trainer is a hodgepodge of learning exercises that I'm trying to tease into something that flows smoothly.  My present thinking is that after everything is working, it would make sense to start over with a clean slate, and only implement the absolute minimum.  It turns out (for example) that finding the borders of the Virtual frame is totally unnecessary. 

The minimal functionality needed from all that work is the diagonal search for the Reference Frame.

Once a single point is found inside the reference frame, it appears that the Ratios of X and Y computed there will work for any point inside the Reference Frame.

I'm adding capabilities for capturing the contents of the Address Bar, and trying to clean up the flow in the hodge podge.

Update at 15:40 local time on Monday ....

Last night's run stopped 1 short of the goal.  I'll just include 11400 in the run tonight.

Mouse Trainer would (probably) come along a lot faster if I were to move the development to the Dell, but that is a limited machine.

At the moment, I can tease the desired output from the program by following paths that avoid the pitfalls I've created in the existing flow.

I can certainly see light at the end of the tunnel, but (mixing metaphors) it's like whacking underbrush with a machete in a rain forest right now.

There's a term for what's needed: "refactoring"   But I need to make the mental leap to start over ... it's ** so ** tempting to just try "one more time" to get the existing hodgepodge to work.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-07-12 13:47:09)


#1361 2021-07-12 20:36:35

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery ...

Tonight's run to 11500 was smooth.

Completed Sequence for ID: 11500

Total Command Lines found: 111
Total input Lines in script: 337
  Total input Lines in data: 1128

  Number of ID's processed: 101

Starting Number: 11400

Last Number of Run: 11500

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-12-2021 at 22:25:56
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:01:29
7 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 02:30:34

Total time Program was Active: 02:39:33

Mouse Trainer needs both real numbers and integers at various times for various purposes, and I've managed to mix them up while trying to deal with the hodgepodge I've created.  My plan for tomorrow's work session is to straighten out at least ** that ** part of the process.

Fun seeing the debate in several topics!

Just FYI ... I saw a teaser for a video someone created, about Elon Musk (supposedly) saying something off the cuff about (?possibly) making a telescope out of a Starship?  I wouldn't put it past him, for sure!

If you run across anything along those lines, I would imagine it would fit into the forum flow somewhere.

**** Update at 10:03 local time 2021/07/13 ... Mouse Trainer is in the focus today ... cleaning up the variable types (and conversions from one to the other) should yield a reliable mechanism for delivering AACKeys coordinates for a point selected by the operator on a target form.  There is only one mystery remaining and that is not a show stopper ... I'm getting two different sets of ratios between the coordinate systems, and (at this point) have no idea why.

The correct one seems to only show up after the incorrect one is tried and fails.  A wild guess is that two different origins are at play, but what to do about ** that ** (if the guess is correct) is even more of a mystery.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-07-13 08:07:55)


#1362 2021-07-13 08:37:33

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For RobertDyck re Mars Society file storage

May I ask how that is coming along?  Hopefully there will be enough file space for several small projects ...

Our new candidate is a professional programmer who expressed interest in working on the Space Elevator for Phobos project I started but did not finish.

A complete history of that project is available in the forum archive.  In addition, 3D models of a joining component are available for study at in the tahanson43206 shop.

I'm encouraged to think that the program might be completed and tested in its native language, and then converted to other more modern and perhaps more powerful languages.

I'm also looking forward to the adventure of learning how to use Unreal Engine as soon as you are able to find the time to provide some hints about how to proceed.  I expect it will be possible to provide renderings of the Large Ship more sophisticated than the ones I provided with Blender.  Those too are preserved in the forum archives.

Updated 2021/07/14 ... two or three megabytes should be enough for the application i'd like to offer to the new applicant.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-07-14 05:34:24)


#1363 2021-07-14 05:39:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery ...

The run stopped at 11555, at the usual place.  This is happening ** just ** enough to serve as an incentive to work on a Smart Mouse feature, but not enough to be really irritating.

I'm still planning to focus on Mouse Trainer today ... The mystery of differing Ratios between coordinate systems remains.  Today my hope is to complete a feature to regenerate the ratios after the initial set prove faulty.

I'll restart the run at 11556 and try for 11600.

Mars_B4_Moon is ** really ** posting significant content lately, and ** that's ** on top of steady production of restored old topics.

Completed Sequence for ID: 11600

Total Command Lines found: 111
Total input Lines in script: 337
  Total input Lines in data: 972

  Number of ID's processed: 45

Starting Number: 11556

Last Number of Run: 11600

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-14-2021 at 08:57:37
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:01:28
5 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 01:07:33

Total time Program was Active: 01:12:15


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-07-14 06:58:57)


#1364 2021-07-14 11:34:32

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For RobertDyck re Mars Society file storage - repeating in hopes of increased visibility

May I ask how that is coming along?  Hopefully there will be enough file space for several small projects ...

Our new candidate is a professional programmer who expressed interest in working on the Space Elevator for Phobos project I started but did not finish.

A complete history of that project is available in the forum archive.  In addition, 3D models of a joining component are available for study at in the tahanson43206 shop.

I'm encouraged to think that the program might be completed and tested in its native language, and then converted to other more modern and perhaps more powerful languages.

I'm also looking forward to the adventure of learning how to use Unreal Engine as soon as you are able to find the time to provide some hints about how to proceed.  I expect it will be possible to provide renderings of the Large Ship more sophisticated than the ones I provided with Blender.  Those too are preserved in the forum archives.

Updated 2021/07/14 ... two or three megabytes should be enough for the application i'd like to offer to the new applicant.



#1365 2021-07-15 07:14:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery ... Last night's run had several hiccups ...

Nothing's changed in hardware or software, so I have to assume the Internet was congested.

I'll restart the run shortly.

The recent dust up between two members caused me to think about policy that any group on Mars needs to establish and rigorously enforce.

A person who will not accept medical treatment designed to insure the well-being of the population cannot be accepted in the first place.

However, such a person might be born on Mars.  In that case, there would need to be a policy in place to insure such a person does not bring harm to others. For that reason, such a person would not be allowed to use public facilities of any kind.  Input to the habitat of such a person would be one-way, and any effluent would be incinerated (reduced to constituent elements) and the cost charged to the account of the individual.

The 3D Printer group met in hybrid mode last night.  I stayed home, and three folks showed up at the meeting site.

Video coverage was excellent, but audio was poor.  The acoustics in the room are poor (it is a renovated factory) so there is work needed to improve that.

Two remote members tried to log into the session, but they were unsuccessful.   

The local computer society is showing the way for hybrid meetings.  They have a host willing to handle the mix, and the meeting facility is equipped to support it.  The most recent session I attended had five folks on site and five remote.

The North Houston NSS will be attempting a hybrid meeting next month on the first Saturday at 2 PM Houston time. I'll be interested to see how that works. They will be limited to 22 people in person and they'll have at least one remote attendee.  I expect a more sophisticated group like that will have something set up to provide both good audio and good quality video, and potentially even interaction between the groups.

The local computer society did everything well, but lighting is a problem. The light in the on site room has to be low because they use an overhead project to show the remote attendees on the front wall.  That means remote viewers can't see the on site attendees.

The solution (for now) is low light, which means washed out projection, and dim room lighting.

A solution to that would be a gigantic LED screen, but that is not likely to happen.

A solution to the 3D printer experiment would be for all onsite attendees to bring their own laptop, and to turn the microphone on and off to insure only one person is speaking at a time, to prevent feedback, which can be obnoxious.

The programming group is thinking about return to on site but staying with Twitch for now.  That is an all virtual environment that (I think) works well, but the attendees like the personal interaction when seeking employment opportunities or when hiring, which happens a lot.

Completed Sequence for ID: 11700

Total Command Lines found: 112
Total input Lines in script: 339
  Total input Lines in data: 854

  Number of ID's processed: 27

Starting Number: 11674

Last Number of Run: 11700

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-15-2021 at 11:30:17
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:01:28
3 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 00:41:15

Total time Program was Active: 01:30:18

**** Update at 12:04 local time

Mouse Trainer is up for some incremental adjustments ... I am still mystified by the shifting ratios between the coordinate systems.

Another mystery is the observation I've made, that the AACKeys mouse position commands seem to need at least two tries to land on the designated target.

That behavior may have some relationship to the shifting ratios problem.  In addition to those mysteries, I am having to deal with the problem of overloading the AACKeys service program ... It seems as though that if I send too many position commands in a row (when adjusting the cursor position manually) the service program throws up it's ? hands ? and refuses to process requests.

Or the problem might be with the Microsoft RS232 program I am still using for the physical serial path.  There's not a lot of useful data coming back from the point of failure.

Update at 15:26 local time

Update for Web Automation Report for 07-15-2021 at 15:10:19
  Version 2021.7.15.2

Reference Frame: Left border: 1021
Reference Frame: Right border: 2051
Reference Frame: Top border: -3
Reference Frame: Bottom border: 771

Start re-computation of Ratio between AACKeys and System
System  X is: 1212 System Y is: 489
AACKeys X is: 459 AACKeys Y is: 184

Ratio computations: System:AACKeys X: 2.640523 Y: 2.657609
# Username field under user search

#  System X = 1212 System Y = 489
# Contents of Address Bar Save field manually entered
# Used Hide and copy/paste to capture above

At last!  The correct ratios are showing up ... 2.65 and 2.65 were close guesses.

These numbers look as though they might be on the money.  They delivered the cursor to the Username field in the center and with repeatability.

Update at 19:34 local time

The run to 11800 appears to have succeeded.  Tomorrow is a volunteer day so I wanted this run out of the way early.

Completed Sequence for ID: 11800

Total Command Lines found: 112
Total input Lines in script: 339
  Total input Lines in data: 826
  Number of ID's processed: 100

Starting Number: 11701

Last Number of Run: 11800

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-15-2021 at 19:42:00
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:01:29
9 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 02:30:22

Total time Program was Active: 02:38:45


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-07-15 17:44:19)


#1366 2021-07-15 20:53:12

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

I am falling asleep why unbanning, just finished 8601 through 8700 and they are ready for use...


#1367 2021-07-16 04:53:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1366

Congratulations in bringing the "ready" group all the way to 8700!



#1368 2021-07-17 07:25:11

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery and latest dust up ...

WBA halted last night ... I studied the log and trace information carefully, and conclude that (on this occasion) it appears likely the mixup with data flow occurred at the server.  A Userlist was requested, and the server came back with the Bans table.  fortunately, the Smart Wait feature caught the error and no harm was done.

The run from there through 11900 proceeded without further incident.

I'll add a thought about the recent dustup after the run report.

Completed Sequence for ID: 11900

Total Command Lines found: 112
Total input Lines in script: 339
  Total input Lines in data: 689

  Number of ID's processed: 63

Starting Number: 11838

Last Number of Run: 11900

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-17-2021 at 09:15:35
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:01:29
5 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 01:35:11

Total time Program was Active: 01:51:02

The latest sequence started by Edward Heisler ended with a statement by Mr. Heisler that he would have nothing further to say, and that would be a good outcome if he sticks to it.

However, I was disappointed that Louis was unable to restrain himself from responding to the bait, even though I specifically asked him not to.

I'd like to ask you to think about the possibility of convening a "meeting" of the two Administrators and two Moderators, when a personnel issue becomes a problem.

It is possible for members to be given "time out" periods of a short period of time.

In the past, numerous members have been banned altogether, but that is a blunt instrument.

In the case of recent posts, perhaps a very mild reminder of forum rules for decorum would be sufficient to at least cause a member to think for a nanosecond before hitting the Send key.



#1369 2021-07-17 09:32:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

They are both in this and even in the past another was baited much the same as the response did in the topic but I would not want to lose others due to the ideology issues that are strong in them. It is why I let the site admin know the last time as that was taken care of by the highest authority rather than the sites tenders. As you indicate its up to us to steer the success for the site...We must learn how not to push each others buttons if possible.


#1370 2021-07-17 13:59:09

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1369 ... thanks for thinking (out loud) about this situation ...

Strong personalities seem to end up in visible places in this forum.  That may be true elsewhere as well. 

Mouse Trainer is definitely making progress ... I discovered a way-of-doing-things to compute Ratios was not ideal ... A fix will go into the next version.

However, I discovered a whole new set of unexpected developments when I attempted to test the latest version on a machine where Virtual ports are available. The first complication was totally unexpected (although I suppose it should not have been).  The Win 7 has two monitors, and I like using the smaller monitor for the Primary monitor, where icons are kept and where the system boots.  However, what I was not expecting is that this arrangement results in the second monitor having negative coordinates, which is not something Mouse Trainer was written to deal with.

Fortunately, there is no one clamoring for this program to be finished, although I am hoping you'll want to try it out at some point.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-07-17 14:00:13)


#1371 2021-07-17 20:11:32

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

just finished the 8701 through to 8800 unban to place them back into the user list for future id's


#1372 2021-07-17 20:12:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re new posts ...

Just a quick note of appreciation for your interesting new ideas that showed up this evening.

I'm hoping you'll have time to develop them in weeks ahead.

The run to 12000 is due to start shortly.

The run to 12000 completed without incident! 

Completed Sequence for ID: 12000

Total Command Lines found: 112
Total input Lines in script: 339
  Total input Lines in data: 626

  Number of ID's processed: 100

Starting Number: 11901

Last Number of Run: 12000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-18-2021 at 07:33:32
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:01:29
17 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 02:29:44

Total time Program was Active: 09:09:09

FYI in case you happen to catch this update ...

The Mouse Trainer is on the verge of becoming both useful and reliable.  A while ago I inquired about the possibility you might have a public library or college in your area, where a computer able to run the Web Browser software might be found,  I'd like to renew the inquiry.  The program runs on Windows XP, but I am continuing to clear the way for it to run as well on Win 7 and Win 10.

I understand Windows 11 is do out soon... it will be interesting to see how it runs there.

It is ** very ** likely that there are working computers in your area that people are not using and which they would be willing to donate to the Mars Society.  Mars Society is a fully accredited tax exempt organization, and donating a computer to the Society for use by an officer of the organization should be no more complicated than securing a letter of acceptance by the Secretary of the Society.

Update at Noon(ish) local time:

The Mouse Trainer is approaching a stable state .... The ratio computation is accurate.

Points generated using the computed ratios are accurate and repeatable ... log with notes follows:

Update for Web Automation Report for 07-18-2021 at 10:59:33
  Version 2021.7.18.1

Test of Mouse Trainer on Dell

The lines immediately below show perimiter of Reference Form

Reference Frame: Left border: 1021
Reference Frame: Right border: 2051
Reference Frame: Top border: -3
Reference Frame: Bottom border: 771

Prior to executing the re-computation shown below,
the default (rough guess of 2.5) ratio was used.
It provided a starting point for fine tuning the
location of the AACKeys mouse pointer with respect
to the designated target.

Start re-computation of Ratio between AACKeys and System using Target
Target  X is: 1467 Target Y is: 328
System  X is: 1467 System Y is: 328
AACKeys X is: 553 AACKeys Y is: 123
Ratio computations: System:AACKeys X: 2.652803 Y: 2.666667

# m in Gmail of Apps form
#  System X = 1467 System Y = 326
# Contents of Address Bar Save field
Text:chrome://apps manually entered

# d of Docs on Apps form
#  System X = 1327 System Y = 326
# Contents of Address Bar Save field
Text:chrome://apps/ copy-paste

# T of YouTube on Chrome Apps form
#  System X = 1880 System Y = 324
# Contents of Address Bar Save field
Text:chrome://apps/ copy-paste

All three of these sets of script commands should work reliably. results from Gmail click … authuser=0

Results from Docs click results from YouTube click

In all cases, the screen shows:
There is no Internet connection

A script would use Ctrl/L to highlight the address bar

The address bar would be copied to Clipboard

The expected value in the address bar would be shown by WaitEvent

The expected result in the display would be shown by:
Ctrl/A and search for "There is no Internet connection"

Such a script could be run without an Internet connection.

Update at 12:30 local time:

The ID Recovery (of accounts created by spammers) is progressing well.  The total count of recovered ID's is now 8700, and the highest number of those waiting for Admin finish is 12,000.  We have 5,448 ID's in a pending pool, and 626 in the active work queue.
A tool to locate points on a browser form is now working reliably, with only minor GUI touchup pending.
The software and procedures are available for anyone running a FluxBB (or equivalent) web site who would like to recover ID's rather than deleting them.
I ** would ** like to see the software converted to languages other than the initial language, which is workable but definitely not "modern".

The post above was delivered to today.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-07-18 10:32:04)


#1373 2021-07-18 11:04:27

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping … 48992.html

Shaun O’Meara
Sun, July 18, 2021 10:28 AM
Several weeks ago, the Linux community was rocked by the disturbing news that University of Minnesota researchers had developed (but, as it turned out, not fully executed) a method for introducing what they called "hypocrite commits" to the Linux kernel -- the idea being to distribute hard-to-detect behaviors, meaningless in themselves, that could later be aligned by attackers to manifest vulnerabilities.

This was quickly followed by the -- in some senses, equally disturbing -- announcement that the university had been banned, at least temporarily, from contributing to kernel development. A public apology from the researchers followed.

The vulnerability reported in the article at the link above should be concerning to anyone who uses the Internet.

The article discusses trust and it's importance to smooth function of society.

The United States is struggling right now with issues arising from attacks on trust.

The Linux issue is truly global in impact.

I am posting this to the NewMars forum, where members are (presumably) thinking about social structures that would survive on Mars.

Trust is hard to create and easy to destroy.



#1374 2021-07-18 18:50:53

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

starting on home work of id's to unban and i see a pop quiz for solar, nuclear topic post thats funny

was able to clear from 8801 through to 9000 this evening from the converted banned list


#1375 2021-07-18 19:43:27

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1374

Thanks for putting all the time it took to reach 9000!  That's quite a stretch for just one weekend!  The round number will look good in tomorrows NewMarsMember report!

kbd512 really worked hard on that post to Louis!  Interesting to see the comparisons of temperature in England and Canada, between Louis and RobertDyck.

I'll be starting out from 12,000 shortly.

I'll be preparing a test script based on the output of the Mouse Trainer to try next week.  It'll be a test with a browser but not online.

Best wishes for a smooth work week ahead.



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