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#1 2021-07-01 09:38:40

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Dr. Robert Zubrin speech at the Space Renaissance Inaugural Congress

Dr. Robert Zubrin speech at the Space Renaissance Inaugural Congress June 26, 2021 Talk begins at 37:00 in the video


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#2 2021-07-01 12:26:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,485

Re: Dr. Robert Zubrin speech at the Space Renaissance Inaugural Congress

For EdwardHeisler re #1 (and new topic)

Thanks for the link to the Congress video, and the timing pointer to Dr. Zubrin's contribution.

I watched the video on a machine without audio, and enjoyed seeing the AI translation in real time.

Dr. Zubrin was really on a roll!  I enjoyed the presentation as much for the content, as for the AI struggles to keep up.

I found it enjoyable to be reminded of the history Dr. Zubrin recounted, and of the fallacies of the Club of Rome effort.

Hopefully other forum members with posting privileges will add their impressions as well!



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