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#1176 2021-05-21 06:04:54

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery

WBA had a clean run last night:

Completed Sequence for ID: 5900

Total Command Lines found: 110
Total input Lines in script: 309
  Total input Lines in data: 2557

  Total input Lines in data: 2557

  Number of ID's processed: 100

Starting Number: 5801

Last Number of Run: 5900

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-21-2021 at 07:56:16
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:03:35
17 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 05:59:58

Total time Program was Active: 11:23:13

Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally

Not reported above were skips ... I counted 39 by searching for them in the log

I'll start the Verify run for tonight's session now.

Edit at 9:49 local time ... Verify found four Usernames in Bans that are not in users

Edit at 13:12 local time ... while doing volunteer work, it came to me that the "Smart Wait" might not be so difficult after all ...

PossibleCommandFormat: WaitUntilEvent:abcde

Where abcde is the text we are waiting for. I could pulse the check sequence every second.

In many cases, the existing five second waits are not needed, so the average run time might be reduced using this method.

I'm thinking of giving the concept a try later today.

Interesting to see the paper Mars_B4_Moon showed in the Mars Terraforming topic! 

Also... while searching for something this morning, I ran across an article indicating that NASA might be thinking about using the methane on Titan (and oxygen from water on Titan) as fuel and oxidizer for a return from Titan to Earth with samples of the Moon.

Update at 16;20 local time ... updates to WBA to provide Smart Wait are coming along nicely... all the support structure is in place.

All that remains is to code to subroutine to actually do the work ... I'll save that for tomorrow, and let the current version have a run to 6000!

I enjoyed seeing the additions RobertDyck has made to his topic!


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-21 14:22:49)


#1177 2021-05-21 20:10:28

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

was trying to clear the user banned new accounts starting 5713 I think but it started to bog down so stopped at 5874...only 1 duplicate in the run to deal with.


#1178 2021-05-21 21:05:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1177

Would it be better to run WBA later?  Now that the program appears to be working reliably, and dealing with issues that stopped it before, I can run it after you've finished, or (if you need to work late) at some time that is better for you.

Most nights I try to turn in before 11 PM local time.  I started it early this evening so I could see it making progress on it's way to 6000.

Update next day at 8:43 local time ... Mini-milestone ... 6,000 ID's have been processed .... 5800+ are ready for use.

Prospective new members are invited to drop a line to NewMarsMember *  Read Post #2 of Recruiting topic for details.

I'll be testing a new version of WBA today.  Code is installed for a new Smart Wait feature, but it has not been tested.  If it works, it should reduce run time by about 1/3.

Completed Sequence for ID: 6000

Total Command Lines found: 110
Total input Lines in script: 309
  Total input Lines in data: 2414

  Total input Lines in data: 2414

  Number of ID's processed: 100

Starting Number: 5901

Last Number of Run: 6000

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-22-2021 at 09:24:30
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:03:24
15 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 05:42:54

Total time Program was Active: 12:45:49

Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally

25 Usernames were skipped due to having posts.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-22 07:30:09)


#1179 2021-05-22 06:51:02

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery ...

This post is reserved for updates on testing of a new version of WBA.

The new version will/does incorporate a Smart Wait feature. 

Edit at 11;17 local time ... two minor errors prevented the new feature from running in debug mode.  Both are now corrected, and the updated program will be tested live in a Verify run shortly.  The key component of the new feature is repeating the check of response from the server until a limit is reached. That capability is now working.

Update at 12:53 Local time ... after some stumbles coming out of the gate, WBA with Smart Wait is running a Verify for this evening's push beyond 6000.

The Smart Wait appears to have cut the average time of the Verify procedure by 1/3.

The re-try for 60 times feature was proven to work during debugging, because the wrong text for comparison was being fed to the new procedure.

Looking toward the future a bit ... 3D Printing (at the consumer level) is Level 0 automation.  There is no feedback ** at all ** during operation.

Just like the initial version of WBA, a 3D Printer follows a script and if it goes astray (as WBA did on multiple occasions) then the output is damaged or useless.

I acquired a 3D Printer recently, but am holding off on setting it up, in part because I am hoping to figure out how to build in (design/construct) some rudimentary feedback for the system.  The only pathway that looks at all promising is an optical inspection of work being done.  Modern web cams are now of sufficient quality that I think this may be possible.

Update at 14:14 local time ...

The Verify run completed for 150 usernames ...

Three usernames not in the Users table will be removed from the source file.

The average run time was 28 seconds

The average for a comparable run using the previous "simple wait" procedure ws 38 seconds.

The improvement was about 25%.  I'm hoping to see even better performance with tonight's run, because Verify only had two places where the new command could be installed.

A full run has (about) 11.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-22 12:23:40)


#1180 2021-05-22 17:19:23

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Was able to clear the 5874 throught to 6000 including the other duplicate which was left from a previous run

The duplicate is being held while the email does not get changed from its previous when you make the account change as its in the data base. By changing the second user identifications information and updating its email it releases the new account so as the unban is completed....


#1181 2021-05-22 18:53:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1180

Thanks for news of your progress, and notes about the challenges the spammers threw at you!

My guess is that when the program asks for the Ban Table record, and there is a duplicate Ban Table entry present, the FluxBB server may pick one of the two and present it for update.  The second may not be visible to the program.  It is not visible to me, when I am doing the operation by hand.

In general, if there is a record in the Bans table, and it has no corresponding User name, I think it can be deleted.  The reason is that the Bans Table does NOT contain an ID field that ties back to the User table.

I'm looking forward to seeing how tonight's run from 6001 to 6100 performs.  The new Smart Wait feature should reduce the time by some amount, but I don't have a good sense of how much to expect.  Based on the Verify run, I would hope for a 25% improvement, but we'll see.



#1182 2021-05-22 19:10:29

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

There is no way to delete the user name as its not in the user table as is only in the ban table. By changing the user name has the same name with a different email and making that also change unlinks them and it disappears from the ban table with the remove function which changes the state of the ban. It does not show back up with the new name which was changed so it appears to be getting flushed out of the system.
It may appear in a log file but only the direct access to the server that its on.


#1183 2021-05-23 05:41:39

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1182

There must be something different about Admin powers vs Moderator.

When I ran a test (with your approval) I was able to remove Bans table records using the Remove command.

The difference may be due to the "Unban" power which an Administrator has.  It is possible i was able to Remove the three test Usernames because you had already performed the Unban.

From my perspective (not knowing how unban works)  I would expect the "Remove" button to remove the record from the Bans table.  There is no linkage (that I know of) between a record in the Bans table and the Users table, other than the Username.

Do you get an error message when you try to Remove a duplicate record in the Bans table?

If you do get such a message, I might be able to look for it in the FluxBB source code, to better understand what is going on.

The run stopped at 6027 last night.  That's a surprise.

The run was on the Bans page and it reported a mismatch, so I'll study the log to try to understand what happened.

The new Smart Wait feature seems not to be involved, since it works only with the address bar, and it is correct.

Update at 8:29 local time ... The new Smart Wait had NOT been installed.  I added it and restarted the job.

Edit at 8:44 local time after finishing Daily Calendar update ... The problem that showed up today at the Bans table has shown up before, and I was not able to identify a cause, other than Internet delay.  Addition of a Smart Wait at the top of the Bans page ** should ** help to overcome occasional lags that can occur in the interaction between the browser and the FluxBB server, including all the Internet traffic flow that has to happen.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-23 06:46:53)


#1184 2021-05-23 10:04:20

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re … 76#p180276

I'm replying here to avoid putting my ID on display after ** your ** post .... Thank you for showing these little glimpses of efforts around the world to help those who are in need.

For Louis re … 74#p180274

It is good to see your contributions to our fledgling attempt to expand a new activity within the long history of the forum.

I am not sure that even OF himself is clear on what he would like to achieve.

All that SpaceNut and I can do is to help to keep the runway clear ... recently you expressed uncertainty about what we are attempting, and SpaceNut offered a Wiki as a possible model.  I've been hoping OF might create an article for mainstream publication.

You've introduced a (surprising to me for sure) concept in a recent post in the Companion .... you asked if this was intended to be a layout for Mission 1.

I have NOT been thinking of anything so bold.  In my mind, OF would be laying out Expedition number 7, after the Chinese, the Russians and others have already shown the way forward.

Your suggestion that this might be a layout for Mission 1 means OF would be writing a proposal for Elon Musk to read.

If that is the case, and I have no idea one way or the other, then you can understand why we are keeping the runway clear.

Whatever is in that proposal MUST be the words of OF.

It is possible for Administrators and Moderators to edit the work of others.  For the most part, we refrain from doing so.

In the case of the Primary topic for the 17 person expedition, it is particularly important that every word in each post is by OF himself.

In an ideal evolution of this cultural shift (if we can pull it off) OF would be able to copy the entire topic, remove the Post markers, and ship it off to the editor of a publication, the editor of a Wiki, or to the offices of SpaceX for their review as a proposal.

The work (in that case) should be comparable in quality and in content to the work that NASA routinely expects from its suppliers.

Edit at 12:58 local time... the run to 6100 completed after multiple halts (apparently) due to Internet congestion.

Total Command Lines found: 97
Total input Lines in script: 325
  Total input Lines in data: 2214

  Total input Lines in data: 2214

  Number of ID's processed: 42

Starting Number: 6059

Last Number of Run: 6100

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-23-2021 at 12:54:30
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:03:06
6 Date Exceptions were recorded.
77 Date Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 02:11:41

The average time is less than was reported for the version before Smart Wait, but less than hoped.

My guess is that the 31 skips contributed to delay, since each takes time that counts against the ID in work.

If the entire set of skips and successful updates are combined, and if the time is distributed evenly, then:

One minute fortynine seconds would be the average time.

I'll start tonight's verify run now ...

update at 14:43 local time:

The Verify run completed ... I set it to look ahead 150 usernames.

Query reported Not Found: Hanjoggima
Query reported Not Found: haojinming
Query reported Not Found: Harold03
Query reported Not Found: HiramNoill
Query reported Not Found: hopsterO
Query reported Not Found: ieltsproxy23

These names have been removed for tonight's attempt to reach 6,200.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-23 12:51:42)


#1185 2021-05-23 15:12:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Yes depending on content we can fill in a whole mission profile for the use of a particular ship or we can narrow down the information to just what we can do on the surface but keep in mind w3hat we plan to do on the surface is predicat4ed on the total mission profile and not just a small sliver...

Took the time to clear the runway of the banned from 6001 through to 6100 which did not have any duplicates and all are now in the user list without fail.

will take a peek at those names....


#1186 2021-05-23 16:41:58

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1185

Thanks for giving ID's through 6100 that final polish!  They are ready to go, whenever we begin to add new members.

In the mean time, I noticed no one is logged in (probably just a coincidence based on schedules in Europe and the US, primarily) so I've decided to launch the new updated WBA with Smart Wait and other adjustments to try to reduce run time.

WBA reached 6200 ...

Total Command Lines found: 97
Total input Lines in script: 325
  Total input Lines in data: 2120

  Total input Lines in data: 2120

  Number of ID's processed: 76

Starting Number: 6125

Last Number of Run: 6200

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-24-2021 at 07:21:21
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:02:49
11 Date Exceptions were recorded.
99 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:36:41

Total time Program was Active: 10:03:05

Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally
99 Skip Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally

I'll start the Verify run for the dash to 6300 shortly.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-24 05:26:46)


#1187 2021-05-23 16:58:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1186

Please ask one of the members with engineering experience and training if your idea is feasible.

My understanding is the metal skin of Starship is thin as a piece of cardboard and about as strong.

If I am reading your idea correctly (and I certainly could be misunderstanding it) you are thinking of piling meters of regolith on top of an arch made of the shell of a Starship?

As I understand it, the Starship itself cannot stand without support, if it has any mass at all inside.



#1188 2021-05-24 06:55:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery

This post is reserved for updates on WBA reports ... Verify is running right now ... it is looking ahead for 150 Usernames to find those missing from Users table.

I have a mystery to study ... last night the program halted in a way that made no sense, and the error reporting was not helpful.  The new Smart Wait is working well when the program is interacting with the remote FluxBB server.  The operations on the local browser remain unmonitored.  The tabbing function is currently used to get from the address bar to a field of interest, and there is no feedback available (right now) for cursor position.  Since the tabbing is happening locally, I've been assuming it is relatively secure from disruption, but apparently something can happen.

According to a couple of support web sites for developers, there may be a way to read the position of the cursor on the screen.  I'll try to make time to look into that. The problem has two parts.  The easy part is finding cursor(or mouse) position in an active form you own.  The more challenging task is to find the cursor position in a form that is active and which you do NOT own.  The solution **may** be to set that form to fill it's screen, and then (try to) get cursor position relative to the screen itself.   If **that** information can be secured, then it will be possible to write a "Smart Move" command, to move the cursor from the address bar to a specific location, and repeat the operation until it succeeds.


Verify completed ....

Query reported Not Found: Jamesecony

That username will be removed from the input file.

Update at 19:51 local time ...

I've started experimenting with mouse positioning and click actions.

The Active button is located at X=700, Y=100 on the system where the WBA is running.

I set up a short script to move the mouse to the Active button and click it.

The procedure worked.  It might be faster than tabbing.

The key consideration is that it might be more reliable. 

It would have the disadvantage of NOT being generic.

The existing tabbing procedure is hardware and OS independent.

Changing to mouse positioning would introduce dependency upon specific hardware.

None of the regular members were logged in when I checked just now.  I'll take a chance and start the daily Update run.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-24 17:56:45)


#1189 2021-05-24 19:47:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

While I was clearing the ban table up pops ID TestID06237 showed up twice with the same email and after a screen refresh it was now with a correct email and one with the original still present even after the next id was being created it was remaining....

Still clearing the 6101 through to 6232 where I had make this report....


Finished the group and you are currently at 6244 and the duplicate is still present in the ban table....


#1190 2021-05-25 05:56:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1189

Thanks for finishing the ID's through 67232!  It seems clear I need more patience, so the run starts later in the evening. It sounds as though there is a potential for conflict when you are trying to do your work and the program is still running.  I've been starting the run early recently,  because there have been halts that I don't understand. They are probably hardware/Internet delay related, but I ** am ** trying to increase reliability.

The Smart Wait feature seems to be working well.  It has not failed once in live updates, and it has been executed multiple times per ID, for hundreds of ID's.

So! With last night's run, we have another flawless run to report ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 6300

Total Command Lines found: 95
Total input Lines in script: 260
  Total input Lines in data: 2031

  Total input Lines in data: 2031

  Number of ID's processed: 100

Starting Number: 6201

Last Number of Run: 6300

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-25-2021 at 07:37:41
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:02:46
10 Date Exceptions were recorded.
125 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 04:38:48

Total time Program was Active: 11:38:22

Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally
125 Skip Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally

The figure of 125 skips shows that my Verify run of 150 is too short!  The total number of Usernames pulled from the data file was 225, so I'll have to set the Verify run to 250 to catch any missing ID's before tonight's Update run.

Update at 11:33 local time ...

Verify completed:

Verify run for 250 usernames
Query reported Not Found: johndupe123fdr
Query reported Not Found: Johnnierog
Query reported Not Found: JohnnieWhiff
Query reported Not Found: Kurtis

Those four names have been removed from the data file.

I'll do my best to resist temptation to start tonight's run before 22:00 local time.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-25 09:35:32)


#1191 2021-05-25 06:01:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Subaru report ...

In your last report, (as I recall) you (and the mechanic) had completed at least two idle-in-place tests of the rebuilt engine installed in the vehicle.

As I recall, the cabin heater circuit is not connected, and (again based on memory) the rest of the system seemed to be holding up.   I think you then took the Subaru out on the road, although I am vague on the distance you might have attempted.  I do recall that temperature of the coolant appeared to be within expected/normal range for those tests.



#1192 2021-05-25 14:38:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery .... specifically investigation of mouse movement

This is turning out to be ** far ** more complicated than I had imagined ...

Variables include:

1) Location measurements used by AACKeys are NOT identical to those used by PowerShell
2) The test machine has two screens, and they have different pixel counts
3) There may be other factors at work ... for example ... do both use the same "upper left" point?

For tonight, WBA will stay with the tried and true tabbing method.

Edt at 19:53 local time ...

There is a possibility the WBA might be modifiable to support a "training" mode for mouse movements.

This would be similar to (what I understand) is done with certain automatic mills .... The AACKeys program uses a different measuring system than the operating system, which counts pixels.  AACKeys uses some generic measure that (I assume) works regardless of the pixel density of a given monitor.

I ran a series of experiments this afternoon, starting with the AACKeys position statement (eg, X 100 Y 100) and recorded the Operating System readings for the location.  This convinced me there is a low likelihood of finding a conversion algorithm, because there are too many monitors in the market place, and those can be set to a wide range of pixel density.

An alternative ** might ** be to let AACKeys drive, and simply tell it when it reaches a target of interest (eg, Submit button).  The AACKeys program implements a feature called "anchor" that allows the operator to define a location (up to 26 are supported) as an anchor.

Then, at run time, a position statement could call for anchor:a (for example) and presumably the mouse will go to that location where a Click can be requested.

Tonight's run to 6400 will kick off at (or after) 22:00 local time.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-25 18:01:47)


#1193 2021-05-25 20:01:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

While subaru is useable the check engine light came on the other day going up a slope so its still got issues which if used for short duration runs will not be an issue for the summer use just check coolant levels each time before use, allow time to cool between to maintain...
Will need to see if I can tell which head or if its both, most likely they are not torqued enough to seal properly...stupid stretch bolts....

clear duplicate 6237 and all of the remaining through to 6300


#1194 2021-05-26 04:15:00

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1193

Thanks for update on the progress of the Subaru ...

The art of achieving and maintaining a seal between sections of an internal combustion engine is universal.  It will certainly apply at Mars, as our discussion of IC engines there makes clear.

Thanks for taking care of all those ID's through 6300.

Tonight's run went well ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 6400

Total Command Lines found: 95
Total input Lines in script: 260
  Total input Lines in data: 1914

  Total input Lines in data: 1914

  Number of ID's processed: 100

Starting Number: 6301

Last Number of Run: 6400

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-26-2021 at 06:04:08
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:02:50
15 Date Exceptions were recorded.
139 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 04:46:15

Total time Program was Active: 08:04:47

Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally
139 Skip Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally

The Verify run of 250 Usernames was clearly needed!

I'll set up the next Verify run for the same.

Update at 8:55 local time:

The Verify run for 250 Usernames completed.

Query reported Not Found: lpascher11

That Username will be removed from the data file.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-26 06:57:23)


#1195 2021-05-26 10:48:01

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery in general, and program performance improvement in particular...


I started work on a program with the name shown above in order to investigate my theory that it might be possible to write code that can generate script commands for WBA, if the operator clicks on specific locations on the target form (eg, browser "talking" to FluxBB).

My working theory, based upon experiments conducted yesterday, is that the interface used by AACKeys (GIDEI)  employs a generic location system that is independent of actual hardware.  The reason for this could be that hardware varies over a wide range.

The Utility I have in mind would use the speed of a CPU to "solve" the problem of matching the two coordinate systems for a particular application.

If I can get this to work the output would be a set of script command lines that tell WBA to "go to" a specific location on the browser form.

Right now, I am using tabs to move from the Address line to the target field.

This system works, but it is inherently fragile, because FluxBB can (and occasionally does) add or remove fields in the path from the address line to the target.

The program is started, in the sense that the GUI is set up with a blank screen, and the GlobalModule from WBA is copied and pasted, and then cleaned out to provide the services the new program will require.

What I'm ** hoping ** will work (without being sure above about 70%) is:

1) Start program ... it loads and the text prompts the operator to click anywhere
2) Operator clicks anywhere
3) Program captures the System Coordinates for the click and saves them, as well as reports them to the screen
4) Program ** then ** starts a loop to move the AACKeys Mouse Position location from 1,1 (upper left) to the location the operator clicked
5) When AACKeys location matches the location chosen by operator, then the loop stops and reports success
6) Operator can click "Save" and a script command will be generated and written to the output file

This scenario depends upon a situation that may not exist ...

I am hoping that when the AACKeys command positions the mouse pointer, the System Coordinates can be picked up by the running program.

If this theory/guess/hope is correct, then a feedback loop can quickly bring the AACKeys location into coincidence with the system location chosen by operator

If I can get this to work, then WBA can run more quickly (because tabbing takes about 1 second per tab (and there are 15, 20 and even as many as 22 tabs)) and more accurately, because FluxBB does NOT change the physical location of buttons when it adds or removes buttons elsewhere on the form.

Update at 20:18 .... Added RS232 functionality to the new program.  That is needed to allow AACKeys to perform it's mouse positioning function.  The code (provided by an online resource) to pull the mouse (click) position from the system, using System coordinates is working nicely.

Tomorrow I'll tackle trying to bring the two together ... the major unknown (potential show stopper) is whether the AACKeys generated mouse click is recognized by the Operating system reporting code.  I did a test with the browser connected to FluxBB and was able to send Active to the server, so I'm assuming the detector will "see" the click, but won't know for sure until I try it.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-26 18:23:38)


#1196 2021-05-26 20:54:24

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Well I spent 2 weeks at work making 3 different excel spread sheets interlace onto a single page for production to know when work is schedule, that the materials placed order had been completed and that the materials had been received in so that work could commerce as required. Of course all detected use non conforming matches indicate what is not ready and what must be done to make it so that material can be gotten in time to perform the work. So I added a rollback column for when the work is scheduled so that it can be reviewed long before we are ready to do the actual work. Its used as a means to show readiness for that material required.

Cleared the ban list for id's 6301 through to 6400 and all are set for use...


#1197 2021-05-27 05:32:42

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #1196

Thanks for the update on your spreadsheet consolidation! Impressive achievement!

Thanks too, for polishing all those ID's for the display window!!!

WBA had another flawless run last night.  If this keeps up I'm in danger of taking it for granted!

Completed Sequence for ID: 6500

Total Command Lines found: 95
Total input Lines in script: 260
  Total input Lines in data: 1793

  Total input Lines in data: 1793

  Number of ID's processed: 100

Starting Number: 6401

Last Number of Run: 6500

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-27-2021 at 07:24:18
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:02:55
10 Date Exceptions were recorded.
157 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 04:54:52

Total time Program was Active: 09:48:24

Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally
157 Skip Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally

I'd like to point out that Skip Exceptions number .... that number is more than I had run the Verify for!

It looks as though I need to set Verify for 300.

My guess is that every last one of those Skips was due to a spammer dropping off a single payload advertisement which had to be deleted by an Administrator or moderator.

Mars_B4_Moon expressed a desire to have Registration opened back up.  The 257 Usernames we have visited in a single evening run represent time invested by Administrators and Moderators to block them and clean them up, and that is just a few hundred of the many thousand spammer incidents suffered by this forum over 20+ years.

it is now taking many more hours for SpaceNut to recover those thousands of ID's for legitimate use.

If Mars_B4_Moon would be in a position to help, we have a way open for folks to apply for membership.

Update at 10:43 local time

Verify run for 300 Usernames

Query reported Not Found: LaurelPigd
Query reported Not Found: mark0211
Query reported Not Found: Mi
Query reported Not Found: michael29
Query reported Not Found: MichaelSuery

Update at 11:52 local time ... the Mouse Position utility is coming together ... All the surroundings are roughed into place.

I'm working on the heart of the new program, which is the loop to bring the AACKeys coordinate system into synchronization with the System one.

I ** think ** all needed variables are defined.

A safety exit is provided in case the code generates an infinite loop.

It **should** be just plugging elements into the structure from here.

I'm planning to deal with X and Y separately, instead of trying to manage them at the same time.

Update at 12:42 local time ... The program is ready for initial "live" testing. 

It's time (here) for another break ...


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-27 10:43:22)


#1198 2021-05-27 21:14:03

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Visited a few sites at work and found out that several of my spreadsheet features what others are doing as well...that they also agree with commonality of these would make the product going for better and more user friendly.
Now to solve updating the spreadsheet with a more automated feature is the next part to tackle so that we are doing that function less manually with regards to those changes in schedule or in materials required to perform the work.

Have taken care of 6401 through to 6500 homework for the night.


#1199 2021-05-28 05:16:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut .... Thanks for the update on data flows at work .... If you stay on your present path, you may transform yourself into a Business Analyst.  The step beyond that is Systems Analyst, but some study of Manufacturing Management software might help.

Manufacturing Software
Shop Floor Data in Real Time. Digitally transform your factory. Improve operations with intuitive manufacturing software. Connect your workers, machines, and devices to digitize process and drive efficiency. Faster Time-To-Value. Scalable No-Code Solution. Go Beyond Traditional MES. Enterprise Functionality. Types: Automotive, Electronics.
Transform Your MES · Talk To An Expert · Shop Floor Software · Start Your Free Trial · IIoT Platform Buyer Guide

Google came up with a long list of Manufacturing Management software providers ... the above is just one ...

Thanks for taking care of ID's through 6500 ...; I haven't checked last night's run yet, but will do so shortly.

Nice to see the spirited discussion of Louis solar panel ideas!

Good to see RobertDyck continuing to work on the Large Ship!

Edit at 7:17 local time ... 6,600 is showing !!! Yay!  Another successful run!  This is in danger of getting boring!

Falcon 9 just completed 100 flawless launches in a row.  Bravo! 

We'll ** really ** be on a role when Starship reaches that count, and ** then ** Super Heavy.

Completed Sequence for ID: 6600

Total Command Lines found: 95
Total input Lines in script: 260
  Total input Lines in data: 1660

  Total input Lines in data: 1660

  Number of ID's processed: 100

Starting Number: 6501

Last Number of Run: 6600

Summary for Web Automation Report for 05-28-2021 at 07:31:22
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:02:54
12 Date Exceptions were recorded.
155 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 04:52:55

Total time Program was Active: 10:00:46

Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally
155 Skip Exceptions were reported. Run ended normally

I'll run Verify for 400 today, just to be on the safe side.  Each Verify takes just under 30 seconds.

200 minutes is just over three hours.  The activity is a light load on the server, compared to the Update run.

Update at 11:46 local time ... Verify completed ...

Verify run for 400 usernames

Query reported Not Found: My
Query reported Not Found: MysteryBan
Query reported Not Found: OzmafaKix

These names will be removed for tonight's update run ...

Update at 14:00 local time ... work on the Mouse Position Trainer is both encouraging and perplexing.

The "hunt for match" loop appears to be working, but the report of AACKeys coordinates is incorrect.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-28 12:00:24)


#1200 2021-05-28 07:15:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Housekeeping

For RobertDyck ...

Re Computer and power supplies

After thinking about your situation for a few hours, I realized you just need more amperes for your additional demand on the system board.

The two power supplies both work (as I understand the situation).

Why not run them in parallel?

The new power supply has to receive a signal (via wire) that a computer is requesting its services.

You might only need three wires ... Ground, the 12 volt line (or 5 volt line depending upon the video card needs), and the computer-needs-me line.



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