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#1026 2021-04-29 10:42:31

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/03/23 Monday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/04/29 Thursday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 037.9  Sol Number: 79  Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL:      037.5  Previous Sol: 78

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,198,336 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +122978 <= 4440 km/hour at 12.2 on 04/29 (time:12:12)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,075,358 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +114812 <= 4502 km/hour at 8.5 on 04/28 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   244,960,546 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +109336 <= 4556 km/hour at 7.0 on 04/27 (time:7:00)

Next up: Galaxy PGC 136109 RA 6h 17m 5.8s above path Day 0 about 16 hours ahead - might be good for two days
Little Boomer HIP 29558 Magnitude 8.35 Below path Day 1 about 15 hours behind - last day for 29558
A Dinky: TYC 1881-1089-1 Magnitude 12 Above path Day about 8 hours behind - last day for 1089

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending slightly down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update (here) was km 299,314,671
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 16 and 17 minutes. Communications delay would be 32+ minutes round trip. [16:288,000,000] [17:306,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 079 is in Month 03 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 03 extends from Sol 057 through 85. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 01
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 079 is Monday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred March 30th on Earth ... next will occur in May on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in May on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4


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#1027 2021-04-30 06:31:16

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/03/24 Tuesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/04/30 Friday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 038.4  Sol Number: 80  Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL:      037.9  Previous Sol: 79

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,285,234 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +122978 <= 4388 km/hour at 8.0 on 04/30 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,198,336 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +122978 <= 4440 km/hour at 12.2 on 04/29 (time:12:12)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,075,358 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +114812 <= 4502 km/hour at 8.5 on 04/28 (time:8:30)

Next up: Star TYC 1882-1170-1 Magnitude 11.70 above path Day 0 about 10 hours ahead
Galaxy PGC 136109 RA 6h 17m 5.8s above path Day 1 Just past Mars in center of view - likely to still be visible tomorrow

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending slightly down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update (here) was km 299,314,671
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 16 and 17 minutes. Communications delay would be 32+ minutes round trip. [16:288,000,000] [17:306,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 080 is in Month 03 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 03 extends from Sol 057 through 85. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 01
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 080 is Tuesday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred March 30th on Earth ... next will occur in May on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in May on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4


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#1028 2021-05-01 09:05:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/03/25 Wednesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/01 Saturday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 038.8  Sol Number: 8  Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL:      038.4  Previous Sol: 80

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,397,974 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +112740 <= 4336 km/hour at 10.0 on 05/01 (time:10:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,285,234 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +122978 <= 4388 km/hour at 8.0 on 04/30 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,198,336 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +122978 <= 4440 km/hour at 12.2 on 04/29 (time:12:12)

Next up: Galaxy (we have three in view today) PGC 1723538 way above path and just ahead of Mars ... will be gone tomorrow
Next up: Galaxy PGC 1712704 RA 6h 22m 49.8s well below path Day 0 about 20 hours ahead ... may be good for two days
Next up: Galaxy PGC 1711094 RA 6h 22m 56.7s even further below path but even more likely to be in view for two days.
Star TYC 1882-1170-1 Magnitude 11.70 above path Day 1  out of view due to late visit to site

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending slightly down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update (here) was km 299,314,671
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 16 and 17 minutes. Communications delay would be 32+ minutes round trip. [16:288,000,000] [17:306,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 081 is in Month 03 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 03 extends from Sol 057 through 85. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 01
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 081 is Wednesday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred March 30th on Earth ... next will occur in May on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in May on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4


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#1029 2021-05-01 09:10:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

For SpaceNut ... a few posts back you showed an alternative calendar idea ...

I only had time to look at it briefly ... I think the one devised here, with the help of RobertDyck, is better.

However, I note the use of 28 day months, with 27 days used to even out the year, but my first impression is that the distribution of 27 day months is NOT as good as the quarterly distribution as suggested by RobertDyck, and the end of year situation is definitely NOT as good as the Long New Year's Day concept that is the heart of the Mars calendar ability to re-align the business calendar with the Astronomical Calendar once a year, to the nanosecond.

The Earth calendar would be greatly improved if this simple innovation were adopted, but chances of that happening seem (to me at least) on the slim side.

I'm interested in the suggestions for month names suggested by the attempt you showed us, but at this point, I'm inclined to let the colonists/settlers decide on the names they want for the months.  They have 36 names to assign in all ... 12 for the astronomical calendar, and 24 for the business calendar.

Thanks again for your discovery of this interesting alternative.



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#1030 2021-05-01 11:39:37

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

its basically the with different monthly names....

SpaceNut wrote:

I should have meantioned that on earth the week with the 22nd of april is earth day. A day to clean and reflect at our place that we live in with hope of keeping it clean for future generations. This might also be something to think of with mars looming nearer every day for man to live on. Would we want a place that will not support life...

I should have mentioned this a week or better ago but it has come and gone for another earth year.

Well we have not talked about days and months since post 70 ish in the topic.

One way to look at it is to keep the calendar to 12 months of which the number of days in the month is typically 56... we need 668 mars days for a calendar year to be obtained for planning. which means we need some months with less days in them to make the alignment.

The calendar view is important for the oldfarts1939 topics planning.


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#1031 2021-05-01 11:53:25

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

For SpaceNut re #1030

Post #1016 2021-04-22 08:27:53

Gotcha covered, for those who actually ** read ** the daily calendar post, which may be zero beyond the author.



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#1032 2021-05-01 11:55:43

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Here is a post that ** may ** have value to someone in the forum .... I am attempting (with the help of several members) to try to figure out how to adapt this rather lean data structure so it can have long term value ...

The editorial below is from a site devoted to the interests and needs of database professionals ...

I am hoping there is an idea or two in this article that would be helpful if applied here:

Edit#1: This was intended for another topic since it doesn't have anything to do with calendars.  But now (a day later) I don't remember where I was thinking it might be a better fit.  The article is about the skill of creating documentation.  That activity seems to (me at least) to be what this forum is about. The challenge for readers of this forum (and perhaps all of them) is finding useful content after it's been created.

From: SQLServerCentral <>
To: "tahanson43206
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021, 01:13:02 AM EDT
Subject: “Included columns” for non-clustered indexes explained (2021-04-30)

Documentation. The Under Recognised Skill

Today we have a guest editorial from David Poole, as Steve is out on holiday.

I have a confession to make.  I enjoy writing documentation and do so for a number of reasons.

    Writing is a tool I find effective in helping me learn
    I enjoy capturing how the different parts of a system work and how the different parts relate to each other.
    I enjoy sharing information which is a key part of my role. Writing is a soft skill that enables this.
    I enjoy the craftsmanship of writing and the information architecture supporting it

Many of you find the task of documenting systems to be a sin bin task.  You didn’t start a career in IT to be a scribe.  That is OK, everyone has different passions though I find that people give many reasons to avoid the task rather than say “sorry, I would rather do almost anything other than spend my time writing documentation”.

Yet many of the skills and thought processes that go into a good database design have comparable counterparts in producing good documentation.  As with a good database design you don’t notice the good until you have to deal with the bad.
What does good look like?

Let’s take a look at some Microsoft documentation to see some examples of the information architect’s skill.
Microsoft official documentation for sp_column_privileges Information architecture for Microsoft official documentation for sp_column_privileges

The screenshot of the sp_column_privileges documentation above also demonstrates some of the principles behind information mapping.
Principle demonstrated     Details
Chunking     The information on system stored procedures is broken up into discrete pages per stored procedure.

The pages themselves are broken up into discreet headings
Relevance     Our page is focussed entirely on one particular stored procedure
Labelling and consistency     The right hand “In this article” bookmarks label the relevant sections in a consistent way across the different stored procedures.  The structure of the documentation page is also consistent.

The consistency of the layout also reduces the cognitive load of trying to ingest the information on the page.

There are some variations in that some stored procedures omit examples where as others have an additional and explicit Azure Synapse Analytics and PDW set of examples.
Accessible detail     We can use the right hand “In this article” panel to skip to the part of the documentation that is relevant to us.

The other aspects on the page that are important are as follows.

    We see the document date
    As authors and readers we have an indicator as to how much time it will take to read the documentation
    We see supported versions of SQL Server clearly
    The left-hand table of contents is carefully categorised to group relevant information together
    We use the hyperlinked breadcrumb trail at the top of the page to keep track of where we are in the documentation set

Although not demonstrated on the sp_column_privileges page, where a stored procedure is marked for deprecation Microsoft does emphasise the fact by placing a shaded warning block around the disclaimer text.

The facility to allow the reader to feedback on whether or not the page is helpful to them gives valuable feedback to the authors.  Documentation is written for the reader, not the writer after all.

Although not visible to the reader, should you look at the page source for the documentation you will see a rich set of metadata categorising the content.  Search engines can use this to make the content easier to find.

In short, we probably don’t consider the thought, design and hard work has gone into the Microsoft online documentation.

We  can see similar thought processes have gone into the way that Redgate SQLDoc and Data Catalog present their information.
What else supports good information husbandry?

From the example above we can see two elements of good documentation that are vital for its success

    A clear template and pattern for documenting stored procedures and other SQL Server artefacts
    A carefully designed taxonomy and information architecture pattern to follow

The user community contributes to Microsoft documentation which is important for the following reasons

    Shared ownership of the documentation
    A peer review and approval process
    Librarianship to keep the documentation current, catalogued and relevant.

Data quality benefits from data stewards and governance and so too does information husbandry.

Without these three things any documentation will quickly degrade into an unnavigable swamp full of pages of uncertain provenance.  When people doubt the provenance, they lose trust and when they lose trust the hard work of assembling the documentation will be wasted through disuse.
Where else I think we can improve

By asking a few basic questions we can focus our efforts where they may be needed.

Do we have a business model measuring the cost of delay for not having sufficient documentation against the cost of producing that documentation?  I could waste a couple of hours (or more) Googling and reading Stack Overflow posts then trying to assimilate that information into a form useful for what I am actually trying to do.  As our teams repeat this the cost of doing so soon mounts up.

At the extreme end an absence of information may lead to system change being seen as too risky.  Because of this the system is considered legacy and requiring an expensive rewrite.

The reader determines the effectiveness of documentation so we must provide a mechanism for feedback.  We must also encourage that feedback and also have a process for acknowledging and acting on it?  Do the readers themselves have a means to upgrade the documentation?  Do they have shared ownership?

We devote considerable effort to measure the effectiveness and optimise our customer facing websites.  Could we make better use of our SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) skills for our internal documentation?

We must retire information that is no longer relevant because this will prevent it polluting our remaining documentation.

Do we seek to improve and refactor documentation as we find better ways to express what it is trying to communicate?

Authors must get clear guidance as to what should and should not get documented.  Where should they publish that documentation?

Do we provide training and tooling to help our would-be authors? Do we adapt to our authors’ needs?
Concluding thoughts

We find documentation "necessary" when it makes our life easier.  That should be measurable in some way

    Pace of change statistics
    Reduction in interuptions
    New starter onboarding
    System longevity

In an office environment I can simply interrupt a colleague to get the internal information I need. However this isn't practical in a distributed working environment such as we have during this pandemic.  I feel the absence of suitable documentation more keenly whether I need to give or ask for help.

I believe that businesses are slow to recognise the value of the support a suitably documented system can bring in much the same way as businesses are slow to recognise the value in the work described by Dr. Forsgren in her book Accelerate.   Does the organisation see the way we do things today as simply the cost of doing business, not an optimisation opportunity?

Hopefully increasing regulation and scrutiny of the data world is likely to change that perception.




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#1033 2021-05-02 07:33:49

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/03/26 Thursday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/02 Sunday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 039.3  Sol Number: 82  Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL:      038.8  Previous Sol: 81

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,494,318 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +096344 <= 4282 km/hour at 8.5 on 05/02 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,397,974 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +112740 <= 4336 km/hour at 10.0 on 05/01 (time:10:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,285,234 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +122978 <= 4388 km/hour at 8.0 on 04/30 (time:8:00)

Next up: Galaxy PGC 1711873 well below path Day 0 about five hours ahead
Galaxy PGC 1723538 way above path and just ahead of Mars - Day 1 - surprise! It's still in view on the far right - definitely the last day for 1723538
Galaxy PGC 1712704 RA 6h 22m 49.8s well below path Day 1 just past Mars - likely to be in view tomorrow
Galaxy PGC 1711094 RA 6h 22m 56.7s even further below path Day 1 even with Mars and good for another day

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending slightly down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update (here) was km 304,213,361
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 16 and 17 minutes. Communications delay would be 32+ minutes round trip. [16:288,000,000] [17:306,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 082 is in Month 03 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 03 extends from Sol 057 through 85. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 01
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 082 is Thursday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred March 30th on Earth ... next will occur in May on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in May on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4


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#1034 2021-05-03 06:52:02

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/03/27 Friday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/03 Monday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 039.7  Sol Number: 83  Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL:      039.3  Previous Sol: 82

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,594,968 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +100650 <= 4229 km/hour at 8.3 on 05/03 (time:8:18)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,494,318 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +096344 <= 4282 km/hour at 8.5 on 05/02 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,397,974 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +112740 <= 4336 km/hour at 10.0 on 05/01 (time:10:00)

Next up: Galaxy PGC 1713069 below path RA 6h 27m 13.4s Day 0 ahead about 14 hours - might be good for two days
Galaxy PGC 1711873 well below path Day 1 - still visible - last day for 873
Galaxy PGC 1712704 RA 6h 22m 49.8s well below path Day 2 - at the right edge of the view - last day for 704

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending slightly down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update (here) was km 305,381,684
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 16 and 17 minutes. Communications delay would be 32+ minutes round trip. [16:288,000,000] [17:306,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 083 is in Month 03 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 03 extends from Sol 057 through 85. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 01
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 083 is Friday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred March 30th on Earth ... next will occur in May on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in May on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4


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#1035 2021-05-04 06:37:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/03/28 Saturday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

One day note: Today is the last day of Month 3

Today on Earth: 2021/05/04 Tuesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 040.2  Sol Number: 84  Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL:      039.7  Previous Sol: 83

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,693,908 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +098940 <= 4175 km/hour at 8.0 on 05/04 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,594,968 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +100650 <= 4229 km/hour at 8.3 on 05/03 (time:8:18)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,494,318 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +096344 <= 4282 km/hour at 8.5 on 05/02 (time:8:30)

Next up: (There are 12 galaxies in the view) ... Lead position is held by PGC 1708462 well below path RA 6h 29m 56.6s Day 0 about 15 hours ahead
Galaxy PGC 1713069 below path RA 6h 27m 13.4s Day 1 about 10 hours behind ... last day for 069

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending slightly down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update (here) was km 306,564,073
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 084 is in Month 03 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 03 extends from Sol 057 through 84. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 01
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 084 is Saturday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred March 30th on Earth ... next will occur in May on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in May on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4


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#1036 2021-05-05 07:31:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today is "Skip Day" on Mars ... Sol 84 held over for another Earth day ... details to follow

Today on Mars: 0036/03/28 Saturday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

One day note: Today is the last day of Month 3 And! Today is a Skip Day at Mars

Today on Earth: 2021/05/05 Wednesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 040.6  Sol Number: 84  Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL:      040.2  Previous Sol: 84

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,796,893 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +102985 <= 4119 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/05 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,693,908 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +098940 <= 4175 km/hour at 8.0 on 05/04 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,594,968 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +100650 <= 4229 km/hour at 8.3 on 05/03 (time:8:18)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,494,318 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +096344 <= 4282 km/hour at 8.5 on 05/02 (time:8:30)

Next up: (There are 12 galaxies in the view) ... Lead position is held by PGC 1708462 well below path RA 6h 29m 56.6s Day 0 about 15 hours ahead
Galaxy PGC 1713069 below path RA 6h 27m 13.4s Day 1 about 10 hours behind ... last day for 069

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending slightly down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update (here) was km 306,564,073
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 084 is in Month 03 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 03 extends from Sol 057 through 84. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 01
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 084 is Saturday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred March 30th on Earth ... next will occur in May on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4


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#1037 2021-05-06 07:39:12

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/01 Sunday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

One day note: Today is the first day of Month 4

Today on Earth: 2021/05/06 Thursday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 041.1  Sol Number: 85  Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL:      040.6  Previous Sol: 84

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,894,421 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +097528 <= 4064 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/06 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,796,893 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +102985 <= 4119 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/05 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,693,908 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +098940 <= 4175 km/hour at 8.0 on 05/04 (time:8:00)

Next up: Star TYC 1884-1182-1 In path Magnitude 8.24 Day 0 about 12 hours ahead
Galaxy PGC 1715133 above path Day 1 about 12 hours behind
(There are numerous galaxies in the view)

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending slightly down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update (here) was km 306,564,073
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 085 is in Month 04 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 04 extends from Sol 085 through 112. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 085 is Sunday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred May 5th on Earth ... next will occur in June on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June (10th) on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6]


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#1038 2021-05-07 06:02:01

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/02 Monday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/07 Friday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 041.5  Sol Number: 86  Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL:      041.1  Previous Sol: 85

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,982,634 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +088213 <= 4010 km/hour at 7.0 on 05/07 (time:7:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,894,421 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +097528 <= 4064 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/06 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,796,893 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +102985 <= 4119 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/05 (time:9:00)

Next up ... a mini-boomer HIP 31650 Magnitude 6.47 directly in path Day 0 about 11 hours ahead
Star TYC 1884-1182-1 In path Magnitude 8.24 Day 1 about 10 hours behind
(There are numerous galaxies in the view)

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending slightly down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update (here) was km 310,095,026
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 086 is in Month 04 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 04 extends from Sol 085 through 112. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 086 is Monday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred May 5th on Earth ... next will occur in June on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June (10th) on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6]


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#1039 2021-05-08 05:20:43

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/03 Tuesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/08 Saturday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 042.0  Sol Number: 87  Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL:      041.5  Previous Sol: 86

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,077,680 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +095046 <= 3960 km/hour at 7.0 on 05/08 (time:7:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,982,634 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +088213 <= 4010 km/hour at 7.0 on 05/07 (time:7:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,894,421 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +097528 <= 4064 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/06 (time:9:00)

Next up: A mini-boomer HIP 32003 Magnitude 8.45 above path Day 0 well ahead - might last two days
Next up: Another midi-boomer HIP 31850 Magnitude 6.39 just above path Day 0 about even with Mars
HIP 31650 Magnitude 6.47 directly in path Day 1 about 11 hours behind - last day for 31650
(There are numerous galaxies in the view but they are now off to the right)

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update here) was km 311,233,282
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 087 is in Month 04 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 04 extends from Sol 085 through 112. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 087 is Tuesday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred May 5th on Earth ... next will occur in June on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June (10th) on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6]


Like button can go here

#1040 2021-05-09 06:45:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/04 Wednesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/09 Sunday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 042.4  Sol Number: 88  Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL:      042.0  Previous Sol: 87

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,175,104 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +097424 <= 3897 km/hour at 8.0 on 05/09 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,077,680 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +095046 <= 3960 km/hour at 7.0 on 05/08 (time:7:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,982,634 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +088213 <= 4010 km/hour at 7.0 on 05/07 (time:7:00)

Next up: Star TYC 1897-1011-1 Magnitude 11.31 just above path Day 0 about 20 hours ahead - might last two days
HIP 32003 Magnitude 8.45 above path Day 1 about five hours behind - unlikely to be in view tomorrow
As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update here) was km 312,468,521
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 088 is in Month 04 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 04 extends from Sol 085 through 112. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 088 is Wednesday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred May 5th on Earth ... next will occur in June on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June (10th) on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6]


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#1041 2021-05-09 07:02:01

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Online contact inquiry to the folks who run TheSkyLive web site:

Hello,I've been following the progress of Mars in its 2 (Earth year) passage around the Sun, in conjunction with another web site that provides other information about Mars in its orbit.

I am a member of the NewMars forum of the Mars Society, and I am quietly demonstrating the practicality of a business calendar proposed for Mars by a committee of NewMars forum members.

In doing my daily reporting, I have gained an understanding of the experience of a ** real ** astronomer who looks out at the heavens through an eyepiece.  Your rendering of the view such a person might see is rewarding for me, as I witness the background of stars and galaxies as Mars moves along its path.

Is there a way to enlarge the view, so i can see the galaxy in the context of the line of sight between Earth and Mars?

Thanks to everyone at TheSkyLive (and all the resources pulled together) for providing this (remarkable to me) work of scientific art.


If anyone in the forum knows of an online resource with the capability described, I'd be happy to add a link to the daily calendar post.



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#1042 2021-05-10 06:45:10

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/05 Thursday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/10 Monday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 042.9  Sol Number: 89  Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL:      042.4  Previous Sol: 88

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,269,231 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +094127 <= 3842 km/hour at 8.5 on 05/10 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,175,104 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +097424 <= 3897 km/hour at 8.0 on 05/09 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,077,680 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +095046 <= 3960 km/hour at 7.0 on 05/08 (time:7:00)

Next up: Galaxy PGC 1708902 RA 6h 46m 27.5s just above path Day 0 about 20 hours ahead
Star TYC 1897-1011-1 Magnitude 11.31 just above path Day 1 about 5 hours behind - last day for 1011

As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update here) was km 313,628,067
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 089 is in Month 04 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 04 extends from Sol 085 through 112. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 089 is Thursday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred May 5th on Earth ... next will occur in June on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June (10th) on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6]


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#1043 2021-05-11 07:22:12

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/06 Friday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/11 Tuesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 043.3  Sol Number: 90  Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL:      042.9  Previous Sol: 89

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,361,971 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +092740 <= 3785 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/11 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,269,231 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +094127 <= 3842 km/hour at 8.5 on 05/10 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,175,104 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +097424 <= 3897 km/hour at 8.0 on 05/09 (time:8:00)

Next up: Star TYC 1893-716-1 Magnitude 8.38 below path Day 0 about 15 hours ahead
Galaxy PGC 1708902 RA 6h 46m 27.5s just above path Day 1 about 5 hours behind - last day for 902

As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update here) was km 313,628,067
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 090 is in Month 04 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 04 extends from Sol 085 through 112. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 090 is Friday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred May 5th on Earth ... next will occur in June on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June (10th) on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6]


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#1044 2021-05-12 06:59:33

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/07 Saturday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/12 Wednesday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 043.8  Sol Number: 91  Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL:      043.3  Previous Sol: 90

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,447,745 km [22.2 km/s] Difference is +085774 <= 3729 km/hour at 8.0 on 05/12 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,361,971 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +092740 <= 3785 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/11 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,269,231 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +094127 <= 3842 km/hour at 8.5 on 05/10 (time:8:30)

Note mini-boomer in the view well below Mars HIP 32800 Magnitude 8.30 - likely out of view tomorrow
Next up: Galaxy PGC 1703132 well below path RA 6h 51m 24.5s Day 0 about 15 hours ahead
Star TYC 1893-716-1 Magnitude 8.38 below path Day 1 about 10 hours behind - last day for 716

As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update here) was km 313,628,067
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 091 is in Month 04 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 04 extends from Sol 085 through 112. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 091 is Saturday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred May 5th on Earth ... next will occur in June on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June (10th) on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6]


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#1045 2021-05-13 06:48:30

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/08 Sunday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/13 Thursday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 044.2  Sol Number: 92  Change in degrees is +.4
Previous SL:      043.8  Previous Sol: 91

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,537,759 km [22.2 km/s] Difference is +268518 <= 2797 km/hour at 8.5 on 05/13 (time:8:30)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,447,745 km [22.2 km/s] Difference is +085774 <= 3729 km/hour at 8.0 on 05/12 (time:8:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,361,971 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +092740 <= 3785 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/11 (time:9:00)

Next up: Galaxy 1704041 RA 6h 52m 45.6s just below path Day 0 about 4 hours ahead
Note mini-boomer in the view well below Mars HIP 32800 Magnitude 8.30 - likely out of view tomorrow Still visible 5/13
Galaxy PGC 1703132 well below path RA 6h 51m 24.5s Day 1 about 8 hours behind ... likely last day for 3131

As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update here) was km 313,628,067
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 092 is in Month 04 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 04 extends from Sol 085 through 112. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 092 is Sunday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred May 5th on Earth ... next will occur in June on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June (10th) on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6]


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#1046 2021-05-15 07:18:37

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

The regular posting for the proposed Martial Calendar did not occur

This post is a snapshot ...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/09 Monday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth.
Today on Earth: 2021/05/14 Friday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]
Per … _time.html
Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees
Solar Longitude: 044.6 (estimated)  Sol Number: 93  Change in degrees is +.4 (estimated)
Previous SL:      044.2  Previous Sol: 92



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#1047 2021-05-15 08:33:43

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/10 Tuesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/15 Saturday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 045.1  Sol Number: 94  Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL:      044.6  Previous Sol: 93

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,711,744 km [22.2 km/s] Difference is +092582 <= 3561 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/15 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,619,162 km [22.2 km/s] Difference is +081413 <= 3618 km/hour at 7.0 on 05/14 (time:7:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,537,749 km [22.2 km/s] Difference is +090004 <= 3673 km/hour at 8.5 on 05/13 (time:8:30)

Galaxy PGC 1704938 Above path RA 6h 59m 10.6s Day 0 about 12 hours ahead
Note mini-Boomer HIP 33397 Magnitude 8.59 above path and about 10 hours behind

As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update here) was km 319,406,405
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 094 is in Month 04 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 04 extends from Sol 085 through 112. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 094 is Tuesday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred May 5th on Earth ... next will occur in June on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June (10th) on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6]


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#1048 2021-05-16 06:17:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

One thing to consider is how the Moon has played a massive role on Earth with cycles, Mars will be truly an Extraterrestrial sky when compared to earth sky. Wild Cats in Africa hunt at certain times around the Lunar cycle, Human females have cycles which match the Moon, the Moon pulls and drags the waters from our Sea and River it influences our Tides, an interesting coincidence that the Moon should so nearly perfectly blot out the Sun for an eclipse...but Phobos and Deimos very very different, Jupiter the Giant will be closer and brighter. The daylight and morning are different, reds,  rose in color, going to orange and purple blues, not the same sky as Earth and  Mars has a big wobble, less stable than Earth's path the Martian northern pole star is Deneb, the North Cross will be important and while Deneb is said to be the pole although the actual pole is somewhat offset in the direction of Alpha Cephei; Mars will truly be an extra terrestrial sky, it will be a unique sight for people like the Apollo astronauts unique view of seeing Earth rise on the Moon for the first time, Earth could be a Bright 'Evening Star' maybe the people on Mars will consider what events, objects and time keeping will be more important for them and Earth visible from Mars as a double star.


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#1049 2021-05-16 06:31:15

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

For Mars_B4_Moon re #1048

First, thank you for your thoughtful contribution to this somewhat pedestrian topic !!!

Second, your description of the sky viewed from Mars arrived (on one screen) while the adjacent screen holds a view of Mars as seen from Earth.

The link to the view is published in the daily report, if you care to examine it.

The idea that came to me as I read your words, while looking at Mars as seen from Earth, is that the folks who produce the display ** may ** be able to simulate the sky as seen from Mars, showing Earth in the center of the view.  Until your post, I've not had a reason to think about that!

If you (or anyone active in the forum) learns of a web site where Earth can be "seen" from Mars, I'd be happy to include a link in the daily report.



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#1050 2021-05-16 06:48:10

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,525

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0036/04/11 Wednesday <<-- Days of the week are not in alignment with Earth. 

Today on Earth: 2021/05/16 Sunday (Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Perihelion occurred August 3, 2020 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html

Martian Year: 36  Martian Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 045.6  Sol Number: 95  Change in degrees is +.5
Previous SL:      045.1  Previous Sol: 94

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit. 

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars.
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Perihelion occurred at Ls 253 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2020/08/03
Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun. Aphelion will occur near 70 degrees Ls (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,793,001 km [22.2 km/s] Difference is +081257 <= 3502 km/hour at 8.2 on 05/16 (time:8:12)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,711,744 km [22.2 km/s] Difference is +092582 <= 3561 km/hour at 9.0 on 05/15 (time:9:00)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,619,162 km [22.2 km/s] Difference is +081413 <= 3618 km/hour at 7.0 on 05/14 (time:7:00)

Next up: Star TYC 1895-1438-1 Magnitide 9.36 above path Day 0 about 10 hours ahead
Galaxy PGC 1704938 Above path RA 6h 59m 10.6s Day 1 about 11 hours behind

As a general observation ... In recent days I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line trending noticeably down and East as seen from Earth
In recent days, the curve has been slowly bending down through horizontal.  Earth Distance at last update here) was km 319,406,405
Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers.
Light travel time today is between 17 and 18 minutes. Communications delay would be 34+ minutes round trip. [17:306,000,000] [18:324,000,000]

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Mars is executing the "Retrograde" movement as seen from Earth. Earth is passing "under" Mars.
Progress of Mars (as seen from Earth) is transitioning back to Eastward as the retrograde movement continues.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars retrograde movement will occur in months ahead.
Retrograde movement started 2020/09/08 Sol 520

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1

Sol 095 is in Month 04 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month 04 extends from Sol 085 through 112. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details. <<== There are 28 days in Month 04
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 095 is Wednesday  in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.  <<== Skip day occurred May 5th on Earth ... next will occur in June on Earth

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 36
Per this occurred February 7, 2021 (on Earth). The new Mars Year is 36.

The next Skip Day will occur in June (10th) on Earth. A Skip Day occurs when the longer Mars Sol accumulates 24 Earth hours.
For those who may be following this proposed calendar closely, there exists a "feature" I had not anticipated.
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they gain when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insights weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl***

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 1-6]


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