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#926 2021-03-15 17:57:36

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re future repair work .... If you can perform an operation with the commands already available, then it wouldn't matter (to me) which assignment you choose.  The new system will (hopefully) have more capability.

The ** one ** feature I'm counting on is feedback.  The existing system is about as dumb as automation can get.  It's no smarter than a lawn mower or a coffee maker.   If you can think of something that can be done with the simple commands already available, then I can start on that as soon as the Not Verified are finished.

Otherwise, I'll finish the project for another Non-Profit (database recovery) and then return to see what you might need.

Any chance a simple wooden pole would keep the door up?

Bangs on the head like that might hurt the door!



#927 2021-03-16 07:12:33

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,341

Re: Housekeeping

This is primarily for SpaceNut but all are welcome to assist ...

Noah searched for a topic that would be a good match for his interest in architecture for Mars.

Since he did not find a good match, I am asking for your assistance in helping Noah to create a topic which he can then develop as he continues his education and begins his career, and on through the stages when he is able to report on projects as they unfold.

Let's begin by choosing (or recommending) an Index level where architecture on Mars would be a good fit.

Here is Noah's recommendation for my parachute admonition in the Ballistic Delivery topic:
Diskussionen über Fallschirme sind verboten!

For many years (20+) this forum has been a place where folks could discuss (and occasionally argue about) topics of the day, or topics of interest for the future.  With the decision of SpaceNut to close off registration due to spammers, and to open a new pathway for membership, we have the opportunity to change the forum to now include career development by the generation who will actually be going to Mars.

The vast majority of those who build careers around the theme of Mars Settlement will be right here on Earth.  I would estimate the ratio of Earth based supporters to actual Mars Settlers at 1000:1 for many years.

Noah, Captain Torriani (CaptJTorriani) and the members of the Class of 2021 on NewMars will be the leaders in this new cohort.


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#928 2021-03-16 10:07:29

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery ...

This post is reserved for today's batch, from 3701-3800

The book I'd ordered is here ... I'm greatly encouraged ... there are several chapters devoted to precisely what I'd like to accomplish ...

The final section of the book is devoted to building a custom browser, which is precisely what is needed to achieve modestly intelligent automation of the work we are doing.

Whether ** I ** can pull it off is entirely another matter.  I have no doubt the authors would have had no problem.

Edit#1: Today's run seems to have gone reasonably well ... there were no half-completed ID's

Hopefully all 100 are there, waiting for your finishing touches.

The WPF book was published in time for release of Revision 1 of Visual Studio 2008, so it appears to be a perfect match for my IDE.

The author's web site was created around that time, and it appears to have expired.  Whois says that the permit for was renewed, but the web site does not do much, and modern browsers warn against using it because the certificate is expired.

However! The book Publisher site is still running, and the sample programs are still available for download.

FYI ... The book publisher appears to be offering a free eBook version of the book, if you are interested in taking a look at it.  If you do not have an eReader, I'm pretty sure there are eReader programs available for Windows.

I also found a hint that a gent wrote a newspaper website reader using WPF, so I'll go to see if the demo package is still available there.

That might be a good foundation upon which to build custom features.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-16 15:14:56)


#929 2021-03-16 17:07:41

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Thanks and possibly later when we have the group's of not verified and those that are spammers them more time can be focused on artifact conversion issues and restoring the great crash posts. With more push for outreach of active members from the valid userlist to come. This all takes a greater number of the few like hearts to grow further in this restoration effort.

Got the group 3701 to 3800 completed and ready

Right now I am so frustrated with not having a computer as I have.a ton of stuff for topics
Try to see what I can do for a great amount that's not wasted in use to cost to get me back up...and not in cellphone mode.


#930 2021-03-17 07:18:31

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #929

Thanks for taking care of 3701-3800 ... this post is reserved for 3801-3900

Best wishes for full Internet service as soon as possible!

I spent some time with the book on Windows Presentation Foundation, and was disappointed to learn/discover that the greater part of the book is about the appearance of the screen.  Only a small part is devoted to interaction with the Internet, and if there is anything there about controlling a browser, I have yet to find it. I extracted the sample programs from the stash maintained by the publisher, and looked for "http" with a search tool. Only a few instances showed up, and only one of those seems to offer a hint that the program that uses the subroutine might be intended to interact with the Internet.

I have some downloaded articles saved in case this doesn't prove out.

An issue to be addressed is event handling.  Apparently a browser can be connected to WPF code (somehow) and there are hints there may be a way to set up event handlers to wait for browser events.  The program at the end of this raggedy trail needs to be able to push data into the browser to initiate transmissions to the server, and receive responses and parse them properly in order to confirm the previous step was properly handled at the server.

I note that security is a major concern.  The authors devote some time to warning about vulnerabilities that unwary programmers can create for their customers when designing unsafe code.  One of the sample files is a collection of reports of attack vectors.  The file is ** huge **.  Each one of those reports represents an attack method that actually occurred to some hapless individual or organization.

Security would not be a concern for a program written for one's own use, but Microsoft is offering tools to build software for customers, and ** that ** puts the builder (and Microsoft customers) at risk.

The method we are using now is crude and lacks the most primitive elements of feedback, but at least it is as secure as anyone sitting at a browser will ever be.


Today's batch seems to have completed OK ... there no partials.  The Not Verified list is starting to look short!


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-17 14:10:22)


#931 2021-03-17 12:05:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re WPF book ...

The web site above appears to be the ONLY external web site used by the book authors to demonstrate using WPF to access the Internet.

Finding the place where that site is used was like finding a needle in a haystack.

The site itself is still running all these years after the book was published.

This is the most encouraging sign yet that this may prove a worth while investment of time,  but success (for the current initiative) remains elusive.

The next phase of this investigation is to see if the demo source code compiles and actually runs with a modern browser.

Edit#1: The number of Registered users is about to break through 19,000 ...



Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-17 14:12:35)


#932 2021-03-17 18:33:38

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Userlist id's 3801 to 3900 are ready for use.


#933 2021-03-18 06:35:38

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut .... Thanks for taking care of 3801-3900!  The Not Verified queue is down to 12 pages.  We're going over 19,000 today.

This post is reserved for 3901-4000.

While the daily batch is chugging along, I'm planning to see if I can compile the Dictionary Lookup WPF demo program from 'WPF in Action".  I was surprised to find the target web site is still in operation after more than a decade, so I have about 75% confidence I'm going to see a display of data from the online dictionary later today.  There's a ** long ** way from ** that ** to achieving a meld of local software with a browser to replicate what the existing software already does. let alone with adding the needed feedback (ie, verification) capability.

'nother subject ... The local linux SIG held its online meeting last night ... The leader is supporting multiple non-profits, and the one he talked about is a real challenge for him, to the point he's ready to give up.  I bring this up in the context of your steady, cautious supportive leadership.  Since this is an all volunteer enterprise, the quality of the leadership is the key to any success that might be achieved.
Back to main subject ...; I've been running the ID Recovery process using my primary computer. Last night I moved equipment around so the process can run and I can still reach the Internet from that location.  I'm looking forward to seeing if the new arrangement works. 
Signs of spring's approach are evident here ... robins and cardinals, sparrows and grackles have been tough residents all winter. I'm starting to see a few finches now, and even a mourning dove.  It's way too early for the hummingbird feeders.  A few daffodil's have poked up.  I think they're taking a risk, but they seem to think it's safe.
For SpaceNut ... the Internet seems to be bogged down today ... I started the run and only got three ID's done before the run failed altogether.

Two of the three ID's were half-done.  I checked ping statistics and found 50% or greater packet loss between me and

Reset of my router sometimes helps, but not in this case.  We ** are ** having rain, but that it itself shouldn't have any effect on transmissions.

I'll try again later today.  I ** could ** try increasing wait times from 10 seconds to 30 seconds ... that's pretty drastic.

All the more incentive to reach the next level of automation, which would be able to wait as long as necessary between steps.

Today's run completed with only one partial, which I finished manually.  The congestion on the Internet cleared up.

FYI ... tomorrow's run will be for 108 ID's.  That is the number that will take us up to the TestID sequence.

I'll have to change the query after that, to pick up Not Verified ID's with names after TestID.

The User ID  count is over 19,000 (19,079)


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-18 12:49:31)


#934 2021-03-18 12:56:28

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut .... this post is about the attempt to ** try ** to find a way to perform browser automation with a small amount of feedback added to confirm posts have succeeded.  The "WPF in Action" book includes a sample program that is advertised as able to perform a lookup for a word in an online test server database.

I compiled the extracted program in C#, and the compile was successful.  I then attempted to run the program, and was not surprised to receive an error message to the effect that the Internet Connection attempt failed.  The development machine is deliberately NOT on the Internet.

I then spent the next hour or so trying to add a try-catch block to the author's program.  I've not spent a lot of time working with C#.  It (or at least the version I have) is ** really ** picky, and it is not too helpful ...

After a lot of trial and error, I learned I'd added an unneeded (and unwanted) extra curly brace in the little bit of code I'd inserted.

The compiler went bonkers and generated all sorts of errors that had nothing to do with the extra curly brace.

I finally got the inserted code to settle nicely into the author's program but then today's batch had ended, so I'll resume work tomorrow.

My ** hope ** is that the demo program will actually connect to the web site if I move it to another machine.



#935 2021-03-18 17:57:47

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Today's group 3901 to 4000 are complete


#936 2021-03-18 18:30:08

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut .... thank you for taking care of today's batch through 3999.

4000 was still Not Verified so I took care of it.  It will be there for you tomorrow.

As a reminder, we'll be doing 108 tomorrow, due to the need to avoid converting the TestID accounts which are created in the process.



#937 2021-03-19 05:34:58

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID project ... this post is reserved for today's longer batch from 4001-4008

With today's run we will exhaust the Not Verified ID's with names less than "TestID".

Starting tomorrow, I'll reverse the order of the query, and start working from the Z's backward.

That strategy will solve the problem of double-processing of ID's in the TestID sequence.

Today's run will be delayed until the afternoon.
In addition, I am ** hoping ** to complete modification of a test program to access an online dictionary using Windows Presentation Foundation, and to run a test using Edge.  It ** might ** work, and if it does, I'll begin studying the sample program to see if it can be modified for the ID Recovery project.

Edit after run ... It ** looks ** as though the run was successful.  There was one partial, which I corrected manually.

Tomorrow I'll start working from the Z end of the queue, and will return to 100 per day.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-19 16:35:43)


#938 2021-03-19 18:38:22

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Sounds good now to get the numbers done.

4000 to 4108 are now complete


#939 2021-03-19 19:14:39

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #938 ... thanks for taking care of today's batch!

I've revised and tested the reverse order query for tomorrow's run ... If we hold to the present rate of progress, the Not Verified should be cleared in four days.

Due to other obligations, I was unable to look at the WPF program today.  Hopefully there'll be time tomorrow.



#940 2021-03-20 06:06:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re ID Recovery ...

Today's run will be for only 92 ID's, to bring the totals back to even centuries. [ 4109-4200 ]

The way appears clear to tackle the WPF (addition of try-catch for Internet access) and subsequent testing with Edge.

Edit #1: Today's run is underway ... it is pulling ID's from the tail end of the query.

The WPF experiment is moving forward.  After teasing the try-catch a bit, the program just delivered the "Internet not connected" message.

It is time to "publish" the program and try it on Edge.  I'm NOT expecting success.  Eleven years have gone by.

Edit#2: The run was interrupted a couple of times, but it seems to have finished OK.

Best wishes for a productive weekend.  The Suburu's been waiting, so perhaps today's the day!


The Dictionary application appears to be working:

Looked up: 3:53:38 PM
220 dictd 1.12.1/rf on Linux 4.19.0-10-amd64 <auth.mime> <>
150 9 definitions retrieved
151 "House" gcide "The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48"
House \House\ (hous), n.; pl. {Houses}. [OE. hous, hus, AS. h?s;

The WPF sample program is able to connect to a web site, request something, return it and show it in a display window.

The next step is to see if it can be teased into working with the NewMars web site.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-21 06:26:00)


#941 2021-03-21 06:36:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut .... hoping this is a good day for finishing touches on the Subaru engine repair!

This post is reserved for today's update 4201-4300

We only have four days left in the Not Verified series.

I ** think ** I've figured out why the delays built into the program have not been having the desired effect ... The timing is implemented in the laptop, but there are several agents between the laptop and the browser where the delays are needed.  The data pushed out the COMM port by the program is fed into a 4800 baud circuit which delivers bytes to an intake buffer in the Windows 7 ... that buffer is read by the AACKeys program when it detects activity, and it sends keyboard activity into the browser which responds based upon interrupts as characters are delivered to the page.

My interpretation as I watch the activity at the browser is that any delays built into the flow at the laptop are absorbed by the multiple steps between the laptop and the browser, so that (in particular) there is no delay at all between the arrival of an "Enter" (which kicks off an Internet transaction) and whatever comes next in the flow.  Only a level 1 automation will correct that, by waiting until the Internet transaction is complete before starting the next update sequence.

It's amazing the simple Level 0 automation has worked as well as it has.

Edit#1: I ** really ** put a drag on the flow of packets from the laptop!  The difference is finally showing up at the desktop, but the net effect is to just about double the elapsed time per ID.  Each one is now taking just under 3 minutes, so an entire run will take 300 minutes or 5 hours.

Hope the Subaru motor is coming along!

Now that the WPF sample program from WPF in Action has shown it can open an Internet connection to a web site, submit a request and retrieve the response, I'm encourage to think that it ** might ** be possible to advance to Level 1 in this situation.  Whether ** I ** can accomplish that is unclear at this point. 

Edit#1 ... today's run seemed to go OK ... Please note one ID in the 5001 series ... I created that while studying how the browser interacts with the server.  I'm trying to advance to use the WPF sample program as a starting point for the "next generation" of ID automation.

Chrome has a recording function that you can activate in Developer mode (Tools).  The recording feature does not capture ALL traffic between the browser and the server (which is probably a blessing) but I'm not sure what it ** does ** capture is enough for the current investigation.

Today's run took 4 hours and 9 minutes.  The increased delays were noticeable at the browser, which is where they are needed.

However, the increased delays seemed to have helped deal with any Internet delays there might have been.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-21 12:51:15)


#942 2021-03-21 06:47:18

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,341

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut Member Portal report

There were no new messages this morning.

For all: This portal is available for anyone who might wish to participate in forum projects.

Open opportunities include:

Large Ship - RobertDyck

Asteroid mining - Calliban

Carbon Monoxide / Oxygen engine design for Mars - SpaceNut

Nuclear reactors of various kinds - Calliban

Mars probe to look for bacteria in glaciers - Quaoar

Ballistic Delivery of non-perishable supplies to customers on Mars

Related to above .. construction of landing pad on Mars for SpaceX vehicles

The entire suite of opportunities organized in My Hacienda

My Hacienda is an attempt to assemble 7,800 individual leaders interested in specializing in one or more of the disciplines that would be needed to achieve a level 1 civilization on Mars.  The idea is to create this network on Earth, and to transport it intact to Mars.

Other forum members are invited to post projects I have overlooked in this topic.


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#943 2021-03-21 10:18:01

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut .... this is a Heads Up regarding a possible direction the forum might take ...

I'm just in the early stages of developing this idea, and want to be sure you have plenty of time to think about whether you want to support it (or not).

The recent election and current political turmoil in the United States (and probably in other Nations) is inspiring a number of individuals to consider running for office.  I'm focusing right now on Congress, which turns over (or could turn over) every two years.

An announced candidate appeared on one of the Sunday morning talk shows, and the goals defined for a run against the incumbent in 2022 included increasing availability of broadband in rural parts of the United States.  Elon Musk's Starllink system is a strong candidate to be considered for strong broadband in rural parts of the US (as well as the rest of the world, of course).

A while back (but not ** too ** long ago) there was a brief discussion in this forum about how teleoperation could (and hopefully will) become the main avenue for employment of qualified citizens for operation of power equipment world wide.

The concept I have in mind is already in existence .... the US military (and probably others) already provides teleoperation employment for operators of military drones.  The air conditioned electronics cabins where the military (and CIA) officers perform their duties could be adapted with minor changes to facilitate operation of civilian equipment anywhere on Earth, via Elon's network.

The idea I have in mind, which I'd appreciate your thinking about, is to contact the campaign of the individual I saw this morning, and invite them (or more likely a staff person) to join the forum and participate in a robust discussion of how the telepresence concept could be implemented rapidly, so that persons who live in rural locations (in the US) today can find high technlogy employment operating complex machinery as needed anywhere on Earth.

I already know of a specific company that is set up to provide the employment wrappings for employees.  It has been in business for decades, and I am acquainted with an employee who's been helping to maintain aircraft engines for them for quite some time.

My acquaintance is able to perform his duties via laptop, since it is his expertise and education that matters, and not his physical location.



#944 2021-03-21 13:00:30

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ... just FYI ....

Log of today's run, showing increased wait times in milliseconds....

Update for Web Automation Report for 03-21-2021 at 10:14:13
Version 2021.3.21.1

Command Code stored at Array line: 1 C
Command Code stored at Array line: 2 X
Command Code stored at Array line: 3 E number is: 1
Command Code stored at Array line: 4 W number is: 9901
Command Code stored at Array line: 5 T number is: 21
Command Code stored at Array line: 6 E number is: 1
Command Code stored at Array line: 7 W number is: 9902
Command Code stored at Array line: 8 T number is: 22
Command Code stored at Array line: 9 X
Command Code stored at Array line: 10 N number is: 5
Command Code stored at Array line: 11 T number is: 1
Command Code stored at Array line: 12 X
Command Code stored at Array line: 13 N number is: 5
Command Code stored at Array line: 14 X
Command Code stored at Array line: 15 T number is: 10
Command Code stored at Array line: 16 X
Command Code stored at Array line: 17 D
Command Code stored at Array line: 18 X
Command Code stored at Array line: 19 E number is: 1
Command Code stored at Array line: 20 W number is: 9904
Command Code stored at Array line: 21 T number is: 21
Command Code stored at Array line: 22 E number is: 1
Command Code stored at Array line: 23 W number is: 19905
Command Code stored at Array line: 24 T number is: 22
Command Code stored at Array line: 25 E number is: 1
Command Code stored at Array line: 26 W number is: 19906
Command Code stored at Array line: 27 T number is: 1
Command Code stored at Array line: 28 B
Command Code stored at Array line: 29 T number is: 2
Command Code stored at Array line: 30 X
Command Code stored at Array line: 31 D
Command Code stored at Array line: 32 E number is: 1
Command Code stored at Array line: 33 W number is: 9907
End of file: C:\DataDell\WebBrowserAutomation\20210320 Today Script Text 15 wait.txt

Total Command Lines found: 33
Total input Lines in script: 243

  Number of ID's processed: 100

Starting Number: 4201

Last Number of Run: 4300

Summary for Web Automation Report for 03-21-2021 at 14:46:41
Average time of Loop: 00:13:31 <<== Incorrect calculation ... will correct for tomorrow's run ... should be 2 minutes 40 seconds or so

Total time of Run: 04:09:01

Successful Run. No Warning Errors.



#945 2021-03-21 13:00:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

You also bring up the need for software coders and more with the current work to aid in the forums repair but for advance computer use as well. It's going to be in high demand for teleoperating the equipment off world.

Thanks for the script snippet

Just finished the run for today 4100 through 4300
Much to my surprise we have a number in the 5000 group in the ban list probably from our earlier issues that can be taken care of when we get closer to it.

Tonight inside temperature after a very pleasant day is 60...spring is here and it's time to clean up the yard before the grass gets growing.


#946 2021-03-22 07:35:48

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #945

Thanks for catching up despite all else you have going on!

The 5001 was a manual experiment to gather data using Chrome Recorder.  I'm working on the next generation automation, which (hopefully) will have a feedback control mechanism.  There are three ways to approach this that I'm aware of and there are probably more.  The Chromium App language is one way, although the book I have is limited to downloads.  The Windows Presentation Language is a strong contender, because it has already shown it can perform dictionary lookup, but that too is basically a simple download operation.  There is also Python.

Other techniques waiting in the wings include injection of data (ie, keyboard commands) into a running browser, and screen scraping, which would allow activity taking place in a browser to be observed by a separate program.  The AACKeys application does a reliable job of pulling COMM port data and pushing it into a browser.  I think I know which Microsoft DLL is being used to perform that function.

A combination of injection and scraping would allow the existing program to run on the same machine as the browser, and to control the flow of activity.

Glad to hear the nice weather's shown up in New Hampshire! 

This post is reserved for today's run: 4301-4400

The new long delays gave what ** looks ** like a perfect run today.

Only 55 Not Verified remain for tomorrow's run, if I don't include the test ID 5001.

For consistency I'll probably just included that in the sequence, for a total of 56.

Average time per ID was 2:29.  Total time for the run was 4 hours 12 minutes.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-22 14:54:27)


#947 2021-03-22 18:40:22

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Finally after processing tonight's batch I could tell we were missing just 1 and it was Testid04174 which is missing.


#948 2021-03-22 21:16:27

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #947

Thanks for picking up on missing 4174 ... I used the 5001 ID and set it to 4174.

The run tomorrow is only going to be 55 or 56 ID's.  I'll miss the baby sitting I've been doing << grin >>  I've been carrying a portable around with me and checking status every three minutes or so.  The longer times are helping to reduce errors.

Today's count reached 19,578 ... It looks as though we'll end up with 19,633 ID's if there are 55 remaining. That's a number loaded with 3's.

Here's an item that showed up in today's news feed ...

It could go into the new Settlement Design topic if Noah creates it. … 22044.html

Jose Martinez
Mon, March 22, 2021 8:54 PM

The architecture studio ABIBOO has revealed plans for the creation of the first sustainable city on Mars and they’re hoping to have it completed and ready for residents in 2100 with construction beginning in 2054. Located on Tempe Mensa, the city of Nüwa will feature a population of 250,000 people primarily located inside the rock of a steep cliff, which was specifically chosen because the area offers protection from radiation, but still provides access to indirect sunlight.

The architecture firm envisions all tasks on the planet will be performed in what they’re calling “macro-buildings” found inside the cliff, which can be accessed from an elevator system. A train and bus system will help people commute from one side to the other. Facilities for such necessities as crops, which are expected to account for 50 percent of the human diet, will be located at highest point of the cliff, known as the Mesa. It was picked for its direct sunlight access.

ABIBOO believes that after a brief initial period where Earth supplements Nüwa with supplies and capital investment, it wouldn’t take long for the city to become self-sustainable.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-22 21:23:25)


#949 2021-03-23 06:59:09

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ... this post is reserved for today's run of 55 ID's ...

There is a ** small ** mystery involving 4174

The Not Verified table shows just one entry, which is the 5001 I converted last night.

However, the Bans table shows two.  I ** think ** that when you convert one of them to live status, you can delete the other.

For SpaceNut .... work on ID Recovery is hinting at the possibility of automation of preparation of Today on Mars ...

[Automation of Preparation of Today on Mars]

Automation of the process of creating the daily report "Today on Mars" is possible, but it will require development of capabilities in software not currently available to  The process of creating the daily post includes updating the primary post (#82) and that involves performing two lookups of reference web sites.  The daily post is then prepared by performing a copy and paste operation, using text from the primary post and inserting it into a new empty post in the Today on Mars series.

The French reference web site provides the four data points that are at the heart of the report ... the Sol number on Mars, location in it's orbit, and the Year

The Sky Live web site provides precise Sun Distance, Earth Distance and precise location information as seen from Earth.

An automation would be able to collect the data from the two web sites and blend it into the Primary Today on Mars record, and then create the extract for the daily post itself.  That would be a nice piece of work.

[/Automation of Preparation of Today on Mars]

Edit#1: For SpaceNut (primarily, and for anyone else who may be interested) ... Well! Now there is additional incentive to keep working on the Level 1 automation initiative ...

Because this is a Level 0 automation procedure, ** any ** changes in the environment will throw it off ... today I found that since the count of items in the Not Verified query has dropped, the count of tabs needed to reach the ID of the next candidate for processing dropped from 21 to 19.

I expect it will drop again as the number of pages of results falls to just 1 instead of the current 2.

A level 1 version of the procedure would detect the failure and stop running.

A level 2 version of the procedure would not encounter the problem in the first place, because it would go directly to the field of interest as a human would do with a mouse click.

The range of development pathways that are available (as ** I ** see them right now) include:

1) Simplest: Inject characters into browser and read results from browser before sending next injection (would permit Level 1)
2) Next level of difficulty: Follow lead of authors of WPF in Action and code a "browser within a browser" based on Dictionary lookup example
3) Next level of difficulty - Follow lead of author of book on Chrome Application software and build something to run inside Chrome
4) Any of the python options

Edit at 14:05 local time ... the run appears to have finished without problems.

The count of User ID's will reach it's maximum after you complete the final steps in their recovery.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-23 12:05:18)


#950 2021-03-23 18:11:07

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

It appears that a delay is happening when banned emails are duplicate are from before the crash which have been reused after users where allowed to join again as it was unable to look at the tables that were still in users for the different levels of membership.
It's also good to see a dozen new posts to topics is still going on due to the members staying active in conversation.
No worries about the low number to fix .

Edit just looked and the ban table now has two 4174 in it.
Will check user list now under admin.

Edit 2
Only see the one there so changed it to 4174A so now to look in the ban list.

Edit 3 ban table indicates both are now with the A. So to be safe I am deleting both and will make one.

Edit 4 was not able to delete so was able to change one of the duplicates in ban table email to A then did the remove ban on the other but it's not making it to the admin user. So will wait a couple days to see it through.

Was able to take care of 04401 through 4456 with no problem


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