New Mars Forums

Official discussion forum of The Mars Society and

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Announcement: This forum is accepting new registrations by emailing newmarsmember * become a registered member. Read the Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topic in Meta New Mars for other information for this process.

#101 2021-02-14 11:30:25

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut re #100

Thanks for this important and timely reminder!

Please read all that material and report to the forum what it means for us!

I'm fully engaged right now with the automation effort.


Speaking of the automation effort ... I followed up on the suggestion from the publisher of 232key to look at Autokey.

After a bit of a tussle, I got it working on Ubuntu 18.20, but now I have to learn how to use it.

The version called "Autokey" that runs on Ubuntu may be (and probably is) related to the one that is called AutoHotKey that runs on Windows, but my first impression of the version just installed on Ubuntu is that it is limited to watching keys and taking actions when incoming keys matched stored patterns, at which point the program (which is running as a process (=service in Windows)) will substitute whatever output is programmed.

It is possible that functionality would be useful in the Windows 7 machine, if it watches the input arriving from the serial port and converts it to useful output such as the Left-Arrow, which would greatly reduce the amount of data needed to be transmitted over the serial line.



#102 2021-02-17 09:46:48

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut .... daily report

There was one incoming email from Calliban, confirming receipt of a file from GW Johnson.

I notice it is 82 degrees Fahrenheit in Naples, the Sun is shining, folks are out on the beach, and there are moderate waves.

There are even a couple of surfers.

We hit 12 degrees Fahrenheit here over night .... I found a starling (or a bird that looks like one) huddled by the yard fence this morning, and when the Sun shown on that patch of snow it turned to expose its back to warm up.  Things have been tough for man and beast lately.


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#103 2021-02-17 17:47:16

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

sent off an email about calendar topic for both business and marspedia


#104 2021-02-18 10:16:05

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut re #103

Thanks for taking these steps!  It is a vote of confidence that I greatly appreciate and value!  However, at all times, I'd like to give credit to RobertDyck for the fine tuning that turned Just Another Calendar for Mars into the Just About Perfect Business Calendar for Mars we have now!

I am grateful to have been able to play a minor clerical role by showing the progress of the calendar over Mars Year 35, but the credit for the (near) perfection of the design belongs to RobertDyck and to the many NewMars members who discussed this concept at great length over many years.

There was no new traffic in the NewMarsMember * account.  As always, I count it a GOOD day! when there are no spammers attacking the forum through this portal.

Open positions are listed earlier in this topic ....

The progress of Calliban and GW Johnson in working out the mechanism for a robust, highly competitive package delivery service for Mars is continuing, and it is on the verge of becoming substantial.  Just a bit more work will qualify that work for a proposal to an existing Earth-based package delivery service.

It is helpful to understand the transition from Earth to Mars as a Normandy Invasion scale enterprise, and not the itsy-bitsy onesy-twosy activities we see unfolding today.  The folks who will be setting up the transition to Mars, and who will be participating in activities directly are alive today.

The Mars Society has every reason to expect to provide coordinating services to that population, as a continuation and expansion of services already demonstrated.  If any reader of this forum has not yet begun to follow the video train in progress elsewhere in the forum, today is a good day to start.

The momentum already established by the Mars Society is there for anyone, anywhere on Earth, to see, hear and experience.



#105 2021-02-18 18:13:44

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

We have many beach heads but few soldiers that can devote full time efforts into all of the fronts.


#106 2021-02-19 05:51:19

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut re #105

There are 7 billion people on Earth ....

Efforts don't have to be full time ...

This is the recruiting topic, so this is the place to recruit the volunteers to plan their educations to become the job creators we are going to need

My Hacienda is as good a place as any to identify the beaches that needed to be addressed simultaneously.

A large problem can be (and must be) divided into smaller pieces that ** can ** be dealt with by the available resources.

A large problem is addressed by charting a path (or in this case multiple paths) and then taking small steps toward the goal(s).


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-02-19 05:51:43)


#107 2021-02-19 18:01:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

wow the forums membership grew....


#108 2021-02-21 12:54:21

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut re #107

The membership of the forum is the same as it was last Tuesday ... the pool of potential members has expanded.

The first step in this long journey is to recognize that the people who are going to be setting up shop on Mars are alive today, and (to the best of my knowledge) none of them are participants in this forum.

We have prepared 800 potential user ID's for those folks.

The challenge is to contact them, and to provide a framework for building careers that will lead to a membership in Marsbound crews, or in companies that are supplying the massive effort that is going to be required.

There was correspondence from GW Johnson in NewMarsMember *, and per his request it was forwarded to Calliban.

the content appeared (to my eye at least) to be supportive of the proposition that ballistic delivery of sturdy supplies is feasible, if the trajectory chosen is permissive, and the aeroshell chosen is capable.

There ** should ** be more than one Earth-based business that develops in this specialty.

On Earth, there (appear to me to be)  more cargo transportation systems than there are human transportation ones.

I expect the ratio of cargo to human transport we see on Earth to continue into Solar System activity.

In fact, that ratio is evident already ... the number of spacecraft launched with cargo far exceeds the number launched with humans.


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#109 2021-02-21 17:07:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

Current from where we were as more a social desire to collaborate to one reflecting engineering skills is the road we are traveling now as newmars rebuilds.


#110 2021-02-28 13:14:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut and all forum contributors and readers ...

There was traffic on NewMarsMember * today .... GW Johnson sent a file and comments for Calliban, and I have forwarded both.

I am greatly encouraged by the positive tone of the message.   I **think** the idea of delivering selected non-fragile supplies by ballistic means is still passing muster at this preliminary stage.  I am looking for guidance as to who to contact to develop the testing protocols for the system, as well as to provide funding for a serious exploration of the potential for a thriving business for vendors serving the Mars Development market.

I have received confirmation that my inquiry of the members of a group of electrical and electronics engineers was received.  This is a tough audience, so I am definitely NOT expecting a reply, or even notice, but it ** is ** possible someone in the group will be interested in thinking about how to design an SPS for LEO.

In the related topic, kbd512 has just added support for the proposition that RF power can be delivered efficiently through the atmosphere of Earth at carefully selected frequencies, (already approved by the US Government agency responsible for the RF spectrum).

We have open positions for volunteers:

1) Master chef for Large Ship planning
2) Various engineers for Large Ship design and testing
3) Various specializations for Ballistic Delivery
4) Various specializations for SPS in LEO concept development

No doubt there are other opportunities I have forgotten or am not aware of.



#111 2021-03-01 09:05:46

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

The following was posted in Dr. Lewis Dartnell's Knowledge forum:

This past week a new topic has come into view.  The US Defense Department reported a successful test of a small solar panel riding in the X37b experimental space platform.  The background for this experiment was reported to be the Pentagon interest in providing power from space to remote military outposts, to reduce risks due to transport of petroleum in disputed territory.

The implications of this idea for civilian power service are under vigorous discussion.  There is a class of satellite orbits which ride the dawn/dusk border around the Earth.  These are a category of polar orbit that precesses at just the right rate to remain constantly in view of the Sun.  Delivery of power from one of these satellites is available for about 30 minutes at least once a day for every location on Earth.

In addition, it appears that service may be possible twice a day, because every location on Earth is exposed to dawn once a day, and dusk 12 hours later.  In addition, more than one satellite can ride in this orbit.  For example, a satellite every degree of latitude is possible. And finally, there is no reason why a particular satellite in LEO is limited to serving just one location.  There may be a practical limit, but service to 100 stations seems like a reasonable number to consider.

Thus, if all the possibilities are covered, we would have:

1)    3 30 minute charge opportunities per orbit (assuming 90 minute orbit)
2)    360 satellites so 1080 charge opportunities (assuming 1 customer per satellite)
3)    1080 * 100 or 10,800 charge opportunities assuming 100 customers per satellite

Each station should have enough energy storage capacity to hold a charge of 30 minutes for distribution over 24 hours.



#112 2021-03-06 08:47:03

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut (and all who might be interested) ... the NewMarsMember * received another file and message from Dr. Johnson this morning!  This one is about estimating flights using his (not patented but should be) 2 dimensional approximation method.

SpaceNut ... we're building up quite a collection of work that (I am hoping) can be turned into a formal tutorial.

While Dr. Johnson does NOT (officially) endorse this objective, ** I ** would like to see the forum evolve to be able to turn out journeyman level space navigators, or to put young people on a path that leads them toward that capability.

I know you're busy with 1,000 other demands on your time, but please keep this concept somewhere on a back burner, so you can put it on a front burner when the time seems right.

We just posted 17,911 Users in the past day or so ... today's batch is chugging along and (if all goes well) we'll cross 18,000 in the next day or so.

It's 72 degrees Fahrenheit at Naples Pier ... there's a good crowd out today.  There's a carrier on the pier with lots of fishing poles pointing up. I presume that means someone is anticipating there might be good fishing at the end of the pier.


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#113 2021-03-06 09:35:28

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

This post is reserved for today's batch of ID's .... the (very-dumb-automation) has reached 2748 in the current run

For SpaceNut ... yesterday I reported disappointment that the book on Programming Chrome Apps Demo program did not load into Microsoft Edge or into the Google Chrome program installed in Windows 7.  The program installation seemed to proceed normally, but no Launch button appeared.  I'm assuming that since 6 years has passed since the book was published, it should not be a surprise that the six year old sample does not work today.

However, after reflecting on the situation overnight, I realized that the launch from the browser may not be important.  What ** is ** important is that the demo worked when I clicked on the html index file, which was provided with the sample code in a folder called Convert.

When I clicked on the Index file, the browser opened it up without a complaint, and ran the application.  In other words (as I interpret what I saw) the browser is happy with the html file (a) and with the several Java files packaged with it by the author of the book.

Based upon this revised view of the results of the experiment yesterday, I'm thinking of investigating further, to see if other examples from the book also work, albeit ** not ** via a launch button.

By any chance, would you be interested in running the experiments on your own system?  The source code from the book seems to have been made publicly available by the publisher.  I can provide you (and everyone who reads the post) the link to the sample files, and you (and they) can run the exact same experiment.  Supposedly, the code is Operating system independent ... It should run exactly the same on Apple, Linux or Windows, and quite possibly, even on Android, although I don't have a way to find out.



#114 2021-03-06 09:46:50

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

From your own experiences another person to add to the recruiting list are computer coders to keep software working, to provide tools for others to make use of and to give new control features.


#115 2021-03-08 11:47:34

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

There were two messages in the queue at NewMarsMember * this morning!

The first was from GW Johnson.  It was a longish message.  The overall theme was my proposal that Dr. Johnson's work of many years might be adapted into a form leading to an educational sequence capable of leading a qualified student from ground zero to certification as a Journeyman Spacecraft Navigator.  Dr. Johnson makes clear that his work does not include the advanced concepts that would be essential to achieve certification, but my expectation is that if we ** start ** those who can supplement the foundation he can provide will step forward.

The second is from a Physics student in Germany ... I'll post my reply and his message ...

Awesome, thanks! <<== The Google AI suggested this reply.  I am ** very ** interested in the development of the Google AI.

Your message is most encouraging.  I want to thank you for trusting me with your English!  I am most supportive and willing to offer tiny tweaks if needed, so please let me know if that is welcome.  I was stationed in Germany during the Cold War, and took a semester of German in college afterward.  I am comfortable using the Google Translate tool, because I have ** just ** enough exposure to the language to have a sense of whether the translation is reasonable or not.
It is possible you might be interested in helping the activity of the Mars Society, and specifically the NewMars forum.
Your study of Physics is most interesting to me !!! That was my major in college, although I ended up in Computer Science and pursued a career in that field.
In the context of the NewMars forum ... we have multiple projects (studies at this point)  underway ...
We could use some serious help!
I am NOT thinking you would do everything.  Quite the contrary ... I am hoping you are the kind of person who can build a team by outreach in your community.  
We need help with the physics of RobertDyck's Large Ship.  You can see what he has in mind by carefully studying the Large Ship topic.  You will see numerous places where his ideas are questionable at best, or in serious need of adjustment.
We have a (to me) very exciting business concept under development in the Ballistic Delivery track.
If you have a friend who wants to become a Spacecraft Navigator, we have an experienced aerospace engineer in the group who I am hoping will lead development of a course of instruction that would lead to certification.
We have a member who is a working engineer living in Scotland ... he has proposed numerous projects, including asteroid mining, machinery for use on Mars and he is supportive of the Ballistic Delivery inquiry.
If you (or one of your friends) is interested in becoming a contributing member of the forum, the procedure is not difficult.
Check the Recruiting topic for the two (minimal) essay requests we ask of applicants.
If you want to become better acquainted with the work of Dr. Johnson, you can call up "GW Johnson" in the User search, and then read a few of his messages.
Thank you again for writing!
I believe that the young people who will settle Mars are alive on Earth today, and it would be terrific to have them assembled in this forum, under the sponsorship of the Mars Society.
On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 6:40 AM Noah <snip> wrote:

I’m Noah and currently studying Physics at the ETH in Zurich, Switzerland.
I’m 20 years old and from Germany (sorry for my bad english, I’m working hard to improve it).

I think the Mars Society is really cool group and  I would love to contribute something useful.

Currently I’m working on Mars buildings, as my hobby and to enhance my knowledge.

Best regards,



Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#116 2021-03-08 17:53:24

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

The other question for the course and degree level is where is it to be held, affiliation connection to Mars Society and what future does it achieve other than knowing....


#117 2021-03-08 19:10:30

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut re #118

Now !!! you're in the groove!  I am proposing a Certificate of Achievement, attesting to the candidate having accomplished the tasks set out by GW Johnson in design of a course of instruction.  Please note that (as I understand GW Johnson's preference) this would a course of ** self ** study, with the feature that from time to time capability must be demonstrated in ways that GW Johnson will specify (if he is willing).

The Certificate of Achievement would earn it's standing in the space community, by turning out qualified Spacecraft Journeyman Navigators.  The level of achievement I have in mind is the certification provided by labor unions for journeymen (and women) who master a trade.

GW Johnson has indicated that he is not interested in the academic path you've hinted you might be considering.  If you have any friends or acquaintances who are part of the American Labor Movement, they might be able to give you some guidance about how to set up a Certification program.

If you (or any forum reader) would like to get a sense of how GW Johnson would recommend education to happen, he has kindly packaged several posts with the search string "EducationDoneRight".

Just put that search argument into the forum search window, specify GW Johnson as the author, and you (should/will) receive a collection of posts.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-08 19:13:07)


#118 2021-03-09 09:24:58

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut ... NewMarsMember report ... we have not heard back from Noah, but hope he will decide to help to move projects along here.

In case you catch this post Noah, you are certainly welcome to create your own project and enlist support, if that is your preference.

We have thousands of empty member Id's waiting for new members.

We reach the goal one step at a time, or in this case, one member at a time.


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#119 2021-03-10 15:06:34

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut, kbd512, RobertDyck and all members ..

I am happy to report that we heard back from Noah ...

He had tried to join using the regular pathway, and wrote to ask why that pathway is not working.

In the course of preparing my reply, I realized I do not have a handy summary of the two simple questions we are asking candidates to answer.

SpaceNut, you can help if you would be willing to go back to the top message in the Recruiting topic and add the questions.

I'll look them up for Noah, and post them here, so you will be able to just copy and paste them.

I'd like it to be easy as possible for applicants to find the essay questions.

In the next message here, I'll post my reply and Noah's message ...


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#120 2021-03-10 15:13:17

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut ... here is a copy of today's correspondence with Noah ...

Hi Noah!
Thanks for getting back to me!  There is a lot going on, so I will try to help you through the first steps.
We only admit new members through this web site.  If you have time to review the Housekeeping topic you will see why.There are 905 messages in that topic.. to summarize ... we have received thousands of applications by spammers. We are cleaning up after the onslaught, but in the meantime, we accept new members via this email connection.
If you would like to become a member, please read my report about your email in the Housekeeping topic.
I will add the two (very simple) essay questions we have for you.
After you answer those (very simple) questions, I will prepare one of the recovered Spam ID's for your use.
Because this is a recovered ID, you will need to use the Recover My Password feature.  This simply sends you a temporary password at your email address.  You are then able to log in and immediately change the password to what you prefer. We cannot read passwords.
As a word of caution ... we are looking for members who want to actually contribute.
If you want to join and then do nothing (which is the case for hundreds of members) then joining makes no sense.
Have you thought about which of the ongoing projects you'd like to support?
Do you have one of your own to work on?
On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 7:17 AM Noah <email> wrote:
Thanks for your message.I tried to join the NewMars forum, but they said it was not possible. Do you know why?
It would be very nice if you could support me with my English.Maybe you can send me the mail address of the engineer from Scotland. Then I will contact him. 
Nice greetings,Noah A. 

Sent from my iPad

For Noah ... In re-reading your message, I found the line about contacting the engineer from Scotland. 

There is a protocol involved.  Once you are admitted as a member, and ** if ** the engineer has made his email address available, then you could write to him.  However, in that case, the members of the forum would miss out on whatever the two of you discuss.  If the matter is private, then that would make sense, but if the conversation would be beneficial to other members of the forum, and to readers of the forum who are not members, I hope you will consider a public conversation.


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#121 2021-03-10 15:14:51

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For Noah ...

This post is reserved for you (and for SpaceNut) .... I'll go looking for the two (simple) essay questions we'd like for you to answer)

SearchTerm:Essay questions for candidates for admission to NewMars forum:

Applicants are requested to provide two short essay-like responses to the questions:

From SpaceNut: How did you find out about the forum?
From kbd512: How would you like to help the forum?

Responses will be posted here (in this topic) for evaluation by the Administrators, Moderators and members.

Upon acceptance, the candidate will be offered one of the Recovered ID's previously created by spammers, and re-purposed for ** real ** persons.

For Noah (and all other candidates to help out in the NewMars forum) ... please send your reply to NewMarsMember *

I'll post your reply here and notify you as soon as we receive the All Clear!


Last edited by NewMarsMember (2021-03-10 15:26:55)

Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#122 2021-03-10 19:49:43

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

The question by SpaceNut: How did you find out about the forum is one as it relates to out reach, how we might attract new members ect...


#123 2021-03-11 12:02:45

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For SpaceNut ... I am delighted to report that Noah has replied again ... apparently he has not been reading the forum, and did not realize I've been writing to him there (here). I invited him to start reading the forum, and I gave him directions to find the essay questions.

Thanks for your post #122 !!! I have included your question in Post #2 of this topic.

I want future applicants to be able to find the questions quickly and easily, so I edited Post #2.

For anyone out there in the forum readership ... You can find the two essay questions in Post #2 of the Recruiting topic.

I am not including the correspondence with Noah on this occasion.

I sent two replies ... In Noah's message, he reported on a paper he wrote about ? a method of education ? in the future.

He is (apparently) working on a revision which will be ready in July of 2021.  I'm looking forward to seeing it.

In the mean time, I invited Noah to take a look at the project to create Certificate for Journeyman Spacecraft Navigator.

This would be a course of instruction to be built upon the foundation of the work of GW Johnson, to prepare a person to take examinations for the certification.  This is ** not ** intended to be a college course.

Spacecraft navigation will surely be an activity that can be mastered by Union Members who wish to participate in the settlement of Mars.

There is no need for a College Diploma to pilot a spacecraft, although the two are not exclusive.


Last edited by NewMarsMember (2021-03-11 12:03:59)

Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#124 2021-03-11 20:50:38

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

I had forgotten the beginning of the topic had the projects that we were under taking to recruit to and for. I should try to remind myself to update these posts as part of the efforts as well...


#125 2021-03-13 09:57:31

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For all ... Noah has officially submitted his application for membership.

For SpaceNut and kbd512 ... please approve the application, if you find the essay answers acceptable.

For Noah ... upon acceptance of your application, I will prepare an ID for you to use.  I will notify you when the ID is ready.
As explained previously, you will need to activate the Password Recovery procedure. The FluxBB website will send you a temporary password. You can log in, and then immediately change the password to your preference.  We (no one here) can see your password.

If you have a problem of any kind, just contact me at the NewMarsMember email.


" How did you find out about the forum ? "

I watched a youtube video, a discussion about Mars colonization. Then I became aware of Zubrin and the Mars Society. From the Mars Society, I heard about the NewMars Forum.

" How would you like to help the forum? "

I think to get people to Mars, the only way is for smart people to get together. The NewMars Forum is a very good way to do that, and it's essential for synergy. 
I am ready to support any interesting Mars topic. But I am particularly interested in Mars construction, the building process, and the application of ISRU. 

I hope the essays were not too short.

Best regards,

Noah 10:49 AM (0 minutes ago)

to Noah

Hi Noah!

I'm happy to receive your reply, and to see the two answers to our questions.

You definitely have ** my ** vote!  However, the two Administrators (senior and junior) must approve your application.

If you have not already started, please begin reading the forum Recruiting topic to see how your application proceeds!

Regarding help with German ... that is very kind of you!  I will keep your kind offer in reserve. 

We are seeking to establish a long term relationship with our new members.

Does it make sense to you to think about how you can blend your career ambitions into the flow of the Mars Society?

Most members of your generation will NOT be travelling to Mars, but many thousands will participate in making the journey possible for those who go.

I think your interest in buildings on Mars is worthy!

Please consider taking a look at the videos of the recent Mars Convention.

Search on YouTube for Mars 2020 convention, and then look for the numerous videos by teams who competed to design a city on Mars. You might find there is already a team in Germany.

Or, you could decide to become a leader of such a team, if there is not already one in Germany.

If you have not been following the NewMars forum, you may not be aware of the extensive discussion of building on Mars. The archive is (about) twenty years old.  The search tool will enable you to find posts about a variety of topics you may wish to investigate.

For the immediate future, please be sure to read the Recruiting topic!



Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


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