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#76 2020-02-28 05:53:29

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

For SpaceNut re #75

Could you (slightly) clarify your wording in the post?  Everything in the Universe happens "one atom at a time".

I think you were concerned about total volume of laser action on Hydrogen, which was not reported, except that the researchers were encouraged.



#77 2020-02-28 17:39:41

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Technology Updates

The beauty of nuclear fusion is that, not only does it produce energy without creating radioactive waste since it can be achieved using only hydrogen or lithium, it’s also several times more powerful than fission. new approach to nuclear fusion, using the very science-fiction combination of plasma guns, magnets, and lasers. They pioneered a technology that uses lasers to encourage nuclear fusion between hydrogen and boron without the use of radioactive materials to facilitate the reaction. “You could say we're using the hydrogen as a dart, and hoping to hit a boron, and if we hit one, we can start a fusion reaction.

That AI controled they believe it could be scaled up...


#78 2020-02-28 18:30:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

For SpaceNut re your skepticism ....

You are probably right to be skeptical ... the problem of hitting a boron atom with a hydrogen atom BY DIRECT FLIGHT is similar to the decades old missile defense problem of hitting a bullet with a bullet.  Thanks for picking up on the potential utilization of advanced computing technology to help.

Ma Nature solves the problem by throwing enough resources at it until collisions occur at a self-sustaining rate.  Atoms (in general) don't "like" being intruded upon, and (in general) they marshal all their forces to prevent it.



#79 2020-02-29 08:32:52

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

For SpaceNut ... the link below leads to an article about space architecture.

The specific article is about Axiom and ideas for a consumer space hotel for the ISS or independent operation.

It could go into several topics as you see fit. … 00304.html



#80 2020-03-03 13:06:46

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

SpaceNut ... the story at the link below is about an Open Source concept for nuclear power plants.

The author is appropriately skeptical of chances for use of these plans in developed countries, but this ** is ** an Open Source project. … 00604.html

I thought about putting this in the "nuclear power is safe" topic, but hesitated.



#81 2020-03-03 16:27:16

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Technology Updates

I'm sure ISIS will be interested. smile

tahanson43206 wrote:

SpaceNut ... the story at the link below is about an Open Source concept for nuclear power plants.

The author is appropriately skeptical of chances for use of these plans in developed countries, but this ** is ** an Open Source project. … 00604.html

I thought about putting this in the "nuclear power is safe" topic, but hesitated.


Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#82 2020-03-03 17:48:33

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Technology Updates

The reactors are being billed as small by its size with it in mega watts of output so we are talking about powering a small town...rather than gega watt reactors that power states... for me I would rather see even smaller so as to bring it into the portability size for say several homes or for a mars colony.
As for ISIS its not weapons grade and you would need several of them to do anything with them...and thats after breaking into them to get at the reactors core area....


#83 2020-03-03 17:58:14

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Technology Updates

A radioactive "dirty" bomb could put a medium sized city out of action for weeks, maybe months.

SpaceNut wrote:

The reactors are being billed as small by its size with it in mega watts of output so we are talking about powering a small town...rather than gega watt reactors that power states... for me I would rather see even smaller so as to bring it into the portability size for say several homes or for a mars colony.
As for ISIS its not weapons grade and you would need several of them to do anything with them...and thats after breaking into them to get at the reactors core area....

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#84 2020-03-03 19:58:16

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Technology Updates

mah they will just use WMD on cyanide or sarn gas...they are not going to dig up a deep hardened bunkered reactor....


#85 2020-03-03 19:59:46

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Technology Updates


#86 2020-03-04 08:44:52

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

For SpaceNut .... This announcement, and the article around it, shows that Indonesia is seriously interested in space.  They are well situated to take part in the launch business, and their ocean surroundings provide a distinct advantage compared to many other nations.

Because they are (essentially) just starting a five year effort, this might be an auspicious time for introduction of a dramatic "new" concept, such as kbd512's renewed call for electromagnetic launch assist capability. … 25203.html



#87 2020-03-05 07:22:39

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

Here is a report on progress towards bendable concrete for earthquake resistant buildings.

As the article reports, bendable concrete has been the subject of research for some time. This latest attempt has several advantages over previous ones.

The new material is made using less CO2 than current concrete requires, and it does not require the heating to make cement.

The earthquakes on Mars appear to be minor so less of a concern, but the efficiency of production of the material may be a reason to take a look at it for construction there. … crete.html



#88 2020-03-05 17:10:30

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Technology Updates

Have not read the article yet but for mars its the temperature range that becomes the issue from near co2 freezing level to a balmy spring day when the sun is high noon.


#89 2020-03-06 18:20:02

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

Here is another example of new technology applied to really OLD phenomena ... … 00238.html

The line that jumped out at me was the assertion that ferromagnetism is not understood.

The hundreds of textbooks notwithstanding, with their detailed and exhaustive discussion of "how" magnetism is observed, created, felt and defeated when necessary, I've felt for a long time that "understanding" of this natural force was still waiting in the wings.

I get the impression it is still waiting, but that this new research may have lifted the curtain just a bit.

There appears to be a possibility that the experimental verification of a 54 year old prediction may have practical application in quantum computing.



#90 2020-03-06 18:58:48

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Technology Updates

The slide puzzle was nice as I remember those in plastic tile as well. … ferro.html

Ferromagnetic materials generally contain iron, nickel, or cobalt. These materials include magnets, and various objects that might be found in a patient, such as aneurysm clips, parts of pacemakers, shrapnel, etc. Ferromagnetism is a property of a material in which particles called magnetic moments organize parallel to one another when there is a magnetic field. These particles remain in place even when the magnet is taken away.


#91 2020-03-07 06:17:40

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

The article at the link below describes a set of proposals for in-space refueling.

It may well fit in one or more pre-existing topics. … 01144.html

Xplore forges partnerships for spacecraft propulsion system and in-space refueling
Alan Boyle
GeekWireMarch 6, 2020 11:50 PM ET



#92 2020-03-08 20:11:05

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

The article at the link below describes improved electric motor design. … 00153.html

Apparently the father/son developers have secured a number of patents, and have working hardware to demonstrate.

The connection to the Mars enterprise is elimination of the gearbox.

The design allows high torque at low RPM, so it should (if proven practical) deliver lower maintenance costs on Mars than would be the case with the traditional gearbox needed with the 100+ year old Tesla motor design.



#93 2020-03-14 18:55:24

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

For SpaceNut ... do you have a topic set up to focus on fusion?

If so, the article at the link below would seem to be a good fit. … 00218.html

The key new information is that hydrogen ice pellets were shown to be more effective in adding fuel to an existing plasma than traditional hydrogen gas injection.

However, the article also includes updates on the status of a number of research and development projects around the world.



#94 2020-03-29 09:59:52

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

This post is offered for Calliban ... … 42337.html

As I read this article, it ** sure ** sounds like the pumping technology Calliban brought to our attention some time ago.

Edit#1: The technique I'm recalling was compression of gas by a falling column of water. Developed for use in early (17th/18th Century) mining operations.

The method appears to draw energy from a large downflow of water to lift a small volume to altitudes where it is needed.

While this post is in Technology Updates, it involves a modern use of what must be an ancient technique.



#95 2020-03-29 16:08:39

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

For those who do not have time to read the actual article to which a link is provided in Post #94, here is a pertinent quote:

But the installation of a hydraulic ram (hydro-ram) pump has changed that. It harnesses the pressure of fast-flowing water, such as a river, to drive a share of that water uphill without needing any other power source.

Here is an opportunity for someone who is currently a member of the forum, or who might be interested in contributing, to post an explanation of what the folks described in the article are doing.

It is clear that the method of lifting water in elevation does NOT depend upon rain falling in the regions which receive the water.

However, it is equally clear that water has to be falling SOMEWHERE in order for a downflowing water stream to be tapped.



#96 2020-03-29 16:14:03

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Technology Updates

Fast flowing water is a function of gravity and a slope or drop of any level as well as volume of the sum of that water quantity. Harnessing that water pressure to move is just adapting how to make use of the energy.


#97 2020-03-29 16:31:49

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Technology Updates

Public policy is often significant in shaping private behavior.  In the quotation given below (provided by Google), it is clear that at least ** some ** politicians are starting to think about teleoperation as a ** real thing **.

Image result for teleoperation manufacturers
Waymo, General Motors' Cruise, Nutonomy, Zoox,, Uber, and Nissan are all quietly developing teleoperation systems. California law says vehicles without drivers inside them must allow for remote control. Florida, Arizona, Oregon, and Washington are considering similar rules.Mar 26, 2019

To the previously cited examples of teleoperation given in this and other topics in this forum, we can add remote operation of wheeled transportation vehicles.

A relative gave me a bit of a setback today, as I was trying to anticipate how telepresence/teleoperation will appear in US retail enterprise.  The relative is planning to buy some paint, and the particular store where the paint is available is counted as "essential" in the state where the relative lives.  At first, I thought that this would be easy to solve ... the relative would simply call the company, pay for the paint, and pick it up from the loading dock for safety of everyone concerned.  However, the complication is that the paint desired must be blended to match the existing paint scheme, and that would currently require a human store employee on premise at the same time as the customer.

However, even ** that ** can be dealt with by using telepresence/teleoperation judiciously.  In the case of a product that the customer must see before purchase, the store employee could be working from home, with a suitable mechanical/electronic representative on site.  The store employee could help the customer select the specific shade needed, mix the components from in-store stock, confirm the shade with the customer on site, and package the complete order, at which point the customer would complete the financial transaction by smart phone and carry the purchase out of the store.

There has been some discussion of economics having a bearing on how activities are carried out from now forward.  I expect that safety of employees and customers will override any and all previous considerations.  Whatever is needed to secure the safety of employees and customers is what will be put in place.

Edit#1:  In order to creating a new post just for this item, I am inserting it into this one: … 00431.html

it is good to see BMW continuing to develop hydrogen fuel cell technology as part of a comprehensive set of options for customers.

They are looking at long haul trucking as a potential market for their hydrogen power train.

The tie back to ** this ** post (about teleoperation) is that a potentially lucrative job field for humans is remote operation of long haul trucks. Even though intelligent vehicles are possible, it is ** also ** possible that political considerations will require all AI vehicles to have human (remote) tenders.

Thus, advances in technology for transport ** could ** lead to employment for humans, ** if ** politicians are wise enough to force the hand of industry to provide that employment. 


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2020-03-30 10:22:15)


#98 2020-03-30 14:52:20

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,702

Re: Technology Updates

Interesting article from Kris DeDeckers Low Tech Magazine on timbrel vaulting. … aults.html

The idea is to construct multi-storey buildings with the floors and ceilings made from carefully contoured layers of tiles, rather than steel or wood.  Some ceramics have huge compressive strength.  A carefully shaped layer of tiles can distribute the loads from an upper floor to buttress walls.  This is valuable on Mars, because it allows floors to be constructed from thin cast basalt tiles and even thin sedimentary rock, rather than steel (which is energy intensive) or wood, which would take too long to grow.  Timbrel vaulting is thus a resource cheap means of building multi storey structures.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#99 2020-03-30 15:17:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Technology Updates

We do lots of thinks for social media and now the facebook factime app is being applied for another need.
Daughter explains emotional FaceTime moments before mom died

Michelle Bennett talks to CNN's Brooke Baldwin about the moments leading up to her mother's death. Bennett's mom was diagnosed with Covid-19 and the family wasn't able to visit due to the risk of infection.

The nurses that care for the critcal are going to need help as well from the troubles of the frontline deaths that are mounting even in there hour of passion to give solice to those that were not ready to lose loved ones.

Another aspect of technology is when not all of us have it Pandemic telecommuting proving difficult – or impossible – for millions in 'digital divide' Rural and low-income communities struggle
Internet access when its to costly....


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