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#51 2019-12-07 18:09:57

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

For SpaceNut re new topic ...

Thank you for your resounding follow up to our discussion!

I feel like a place kick ball holder who set the ball correctly, and was able to watch you put the ball through the uprights over a 50 yard range.

Impressive!  And my fingers only tingle a little bit!!!

A kind word from kbd512 was like a roar from the crowd!

Nice work!


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2019-12-07 18:11:06)


#52 2019-12-07 23:05:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

15 weird jobs that can pay surprisingly well

This puts a three-person household earning roughly $45,000 to $135,000 in the “middle class.”

Good luck getting paid what some of the slides indicate.....


#53 2019-12-19 10:16:22

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

kbd512 wrote:


Apparently, expressing meaningful thoughts over the internet without real human interaction can't be done in 140 characters or less.  Who knew?

The requirement to hand-wash items prior to recycling is inexcusably lazy engineering on the part of the people who designed the recycling plant, an absurdly inefficient use of potable water, and a likely precursor to poor quality control.  If the recycling centers don't have the capability to sort and clean items, that says more about how poor the process control is than it does about our ability to recycle materials.  Businesses that recycle their own materials have washing stations to clean those materials.

I assure you that the market for materials is quite strong, but unless you also want price increases for materials, there's a limit to how much can be paid for those recycled materials.  Since prices vs wages are at least part of what's driving people into poverty, I contend that we don't want that.  If it costs more to recycle than it does to obtain new material, that removes the incentive for recycling.  If the process is executed correctly it actually costs less and the proof is in the prices paid for scrapped or recycled materials by manufacturers.  We can always issue a government mandate to recycle, but that would only have the effect of increasing prices and making products more unaffordable to those with limited incomes.

How do you make the logical leap that "most" activities, of which recycling materials is but a single example, don't generate income in a capitalist society?

That seems like an incredibly overgeneralized statement to me that's lacking empirical evidence.  In capitalist societies, we value competence over social status (or at least those of us who believe in hierarchies of competence over class warfare) and the evidence for that is in the general outcomes we experience.  That competence is typically limited to some particular specialization.

The "Renaissance Man" fantasy that secondary education institutions engage in is doing a fantastic job of driving up the cost of education to unsustainable levels and bankrupting the students- as evidence by the fact that many of them are already buried under a mountain of debt before they've started their first job, but terrible for general productivity and the general utility of money- which is to do something of value to someone else with it.  The entire stated purpose behind educating our students is to enable them to become more productive members of our society, but the system that our academics have set up is directly at odds with that purpose.  Recall that all institutions exist to perpetuate themselves, not necessarily to do something of significant value for anyone else.  And yes, I learned that from a college professor.  All education has value, but that value is context-sensitive.

I value the competence of a homeless man with a 6th grade education who's been recycling Aluminum his whole life more than I value some academic with a PhD in metallurgy who's never recycled a single piece of Aluminum in her entire life.  Knowledge has to be translated into useful end states in the objective world.  If you've never actually done something before, then there's no way for you to be competent at doing it.  It's not that I think our metallurgist isn't intelligent or capable, it's that she has zero practical experience with the specific process of recycling a specific material.  The evidence for that is literally everywhere.  After a surgeon has been through 10 to 12 years of schooling, they spend another 10 years actually performing surgeries under the supervision of more experienced surgeons before they're considered to be competent enough to perform surgeries without supervision.  None of that should be taken to mean that I don't value education or think that it doesn't have very real and tangible benefits.  That said, education is also on-going process that has to be, at least in part, derived from experience or actual application of knowledge to a specific task.

Social vs Individual Values

There is no such thing as "social value", if for no other reason than everyone values different things and to varying degrees, which is why I'm constantly at odds with our "social justice" people.  Value is entirely context / time / person / place driven, so it's actually "individual value".  Oddly enough, justice is also an individualistic concept.  Take slavery, for example.  It's not possible to right a wrong that was perpetrated against one group of people by another group of people more than half a century after absolutely everyone involved was buried.  Pretending that someone else owes something to someone else they've done nothing to, because they were physically incapable of doing anything to that other person at any point in their life, is a very dangerous idea that also happens to be devoid of any moral value and distinctly anti-social in nature.  It does very closely resemble the belief in moral superiority so prevalent in the various other religions, mostly proving that the majority of us don't know how to operate without some type of a faith-based belief system with a logos and ethos that we accept.  Unfortunately, these well-intentioned (or so I chose to hope) belief systems are frequently very easy to pervert into profoundly anti-social activities.

If one particular person happens to have their head buried in their cell phone, hits a pedestrian because they weren't paying attention to see that person, and kills that person, then society as a whole is not affected in any significant way.  The person who was driving and not paying attention will go to jail and the person who was killed can no longer support or otherwise be a part of their family, but society will still continue on without both of those people adding value to it.

The mere fact that one person died and another went to jail doesn't mean the rest of us need to go to jail or give up driving our cars.  There's no such thing as universal / social competence when it comes to driving a car well enough not to accidentally kill someone else.  However, the overwhelming majority of drivers manage to do just that- meaning not kill anyone else by driving their car.  If the half of the people with the cars were running over and killing the other half without cars through poor driving habits, then that story would be very different, but that clearly isn't happening because the vast overwhelming majority of people, even if they value no one else but themselves, don't want to go to jail or injure / kill their fellow citizens.

The childishness of demanding that everyone else surrender their car to the state because someone else did something reckless is, at least to my way of thinking, more than a little asinine and utterly pointless.  The car isn't evil or reckless and it's incapable of reasoning because it's a car- an inanimate object that will never be capable of human behaviors.  Children masquerading as adults will frequently attempt to personify the car because they're too immature to truly accept that it's actually people who can be all of those things that they wrongly attribute to the car.  They also bitterly dislike being told that their emotions don't validate their belief system about cars and don't constitute a valid reason for banning cars.  It's just very unfortunate that they're unable to control their emotions and use their capacity for reasoning when they're upset over an outcome they don't like.  The rest of us shouldn't be held hostage to other peoples' emotions.

Replace the word "car" with "money" or "gun" or "recycling" or "name the object" and my reasoning system about this regressive ideological / maturity issue present within a certain segment of our society doesn't change because my beliefs aren't based upon unchecked emotion lacking in basic reasoning.  We invented cars, so now we use them, for better or worse, which is a subjective valuation derived from reasoning.  Apart from what my car enables me to do, meaning travel great distances at significant speed, I don't like or dislike cars.  If I could tap my chest and say "Beam me up, Scotty" and that was faster than driving my car to work, then I'd be inclined to do that instead.  Since Scotty never responds when I tap my version of a Star Fleet communicator, better known as an iPhone, I purchased a car instead, which seemed like the next best thing.  It's the poor man's version of teleportation- simple economy of time and energy.  If someone runs over one of my own children because we live in a world filled with cars and people make mistakes, I'm not going to throw a temper tantrum and destroy my car, or their car, or demand that all cars be banned / destroyed, start categorizing certain cars as intrinsically more dangerous than others based upon superficial appearances and begin calling them "high-powered assault cars", or claim that cars are evil, or claim that people who drive cars are evil.  Part of being an adult is accepting that you don't always get to choose the outcomes.  Technology has its share of issues, but the way we lived before the new technology came along obviously presented enough of a problem to cause us to invent new technology to overcome it.  In any event, setting expectations for behavior and then always following through with consequences, both good and bad, is the only way I know of to actually solve most of these human behavior problems.


There's no such thing as something that benefits everyone equally everywhere and at all times, which means something with some particular value can never be applied to an entire society or in any other universal sense.  That's simply an over-generalization in place of more nuanced arguments about how some activity or event or belief affects / benefits / hurts other people.  I posit that recycling is another one of these things and yet I still believe there is a very substantial financial incentive to do it, especially for people who lack significant income, because our easily obtainable energy and materials are finite.  We can't dump the equivalent of our entire fleet of commercial aircraft in a landfill each year, in terms of the embodied energy required to produce the processed materials or the valuable materials themselves, and then come back and complain that it costs too much to purchase the next beverage container or allotment of raw materials needed to construct new homes for people in need.  We aren't lacking for anything, either in terms of energy or materials, to build whatever needs to be built next.  I don't think we've actually been "short" or anything for the better part of an entire human lifetime.  If we want our next Coke at an affordable price, then return the bottle or can it came in.  This is how things used to be before computerized mass manufacturing could simply make another one at a slight cost increase.  This issue of supplying everyone, rich or poor, is all down to we consumers.  The businesses that make the products can't go to every store, house, or landfill to reclaim their packaging materials.

Why such a long post about this point?

1's and 0's are cheap.  People and materials are not.  This axiom will only apply to the nth degree on Mars.


#54 2019-12-19 10:18:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

well, well 1,898 characters according to windows word.... nicely done...

My particular town has had to close the dump, turning it into a turnkey processing center and it costs $1.50 a bag of waste that is not recycled of the items that they will take. So my trash is compressed to save on bags. With the town selling off the recycles in a one stream collection process seperate for corrigated cardboard which is seperately collected. Items in the one stream are glass, plastics that have a grade number, aluminum cans and tin cans less the labels. So something like a pizza box from take out only the outer shell is in the cardboard collection while the parts with food grease are trash.

Sorry that was with a set of readers not quite to perscription to make use of that I could post with at all as I have more but could not write more as the others were stepped on after falling off the face.

reposting content as it relates to where one might gain help in finding work.

While there are many jobs for some which are capable of working and while the unemployment offices ask are you searching and of what list of business they typically stop at that point with only some assistence to education or a job learning program but they do not employ you.
The government jobs programs that got you a job are not in existance any longer. For a period of time the jails were part of that work on infrastructure but its been done away with. There are some companies that like manpower, peace corp, which are not the same sort of program.
I agree that there needs to be something but its got to spread out to all counties, towns and cities big and small. It should be part of the unemployment food stamp cross connection of programs that serve those that are in need. If homeless then a small tiny home is granted to the worker until they are stable to pay for a rental. You smoke, do drugs, drink to a drunk and you are bounced out of the programs assistance. The whole point is to et you on your feet and heathly to be able to stay and get better work.


#55 2019-12-19 11:15:44

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

what are we paying per ton of rubbish or trash recycling salvage to the collector of glass, metals (aluminum, tin, steel) plastics at the recyclers?

How much do you pay for disposal of items at a dump?

The going rate for tire disposal at a landfill is $35 to $42 dollars per ton, which equals about 23 to 28 cents per tire for tire disposal.
There are individual costs for stoves, refridgerators, TV's and air conditioning units with quite a varience of prices for your disposal in a dump.

Random dump:
How Much Do We Pay For That? Waste Collection in the Town of Brookhaven

Of course you can pay someone to come get your trash and rubbish as well for a fee.

Another area of collection is in salvage yards which then have lots of regulations to go with what they take in
Plan-It-Waste Recycling Salvage … ubbish.pdf
From salvage to recycling – new agendas or same old rubbish?

15 Ways to Turn Your Trash into Cash - The Work at Home

Other Ways to Turn Your Trash Into Cash. There are lots of ways to make cash from your trash! If you have unwanted items lying around your home, do some research to see if it's worth any money. Many stores and organizations have recycling programs that reward you for recycling your unwanted goods and trash.


#56 2019-12-19 11:39:44

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

The equation is simple in that what you get paid per ton must be greater than the costs to process...on a personal note for the individual your costs are survival and not profit as you embedded costs to ready are not part of the equation as your time is not something one is paying out.... … -aluminum/

Daily Metal Prices
Aluminum $1,725.96 per metric ton
Cobalt $33,000.00 per metric
Copper $5,757.30 per metric ton
Gold $1,485.40 per troy oz.
Iridium $1,480.00 per troy oz.
Iron $88.59 per metric ton
Lead $1,880.00 per metric ton
Molybdenum $26,000.00 per metric ton
Nickel $17,046.22 per metric ton
Palladium $1,862.10 per troy oz.
Platinum $907.30 per troy oz.
Rhodium $6,050.00 per troy oz.
Ruthenium $250.00 per troy oz.
Silver $16.53 per troy oz.
Tin $16,603.39 per metric ton
Zinc $2,451.65 per metric ton


#57 2019-12-28 12:44:52

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

AS creative business that comes to you.

SpaceNut wrote:

I have seen a local RV convertred for medical and Dental care for the poor in the neighboring city and now here is another option for the poor in 'Shower Power': Woman converts food truck into mobile shower unit for homeless

a new paint job of blue bubbles, includes a privacy door, hot and cold water, body soap, shampoo, a sink and a mirror offering free hot showers. In addition to trying to get another truck with washers and dryers, there are plans in the works for haircuts.


#58 2020-01-10 18:40:00

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

The education for business creation is more of how to keep a business going once its started and how to manage it to success but its education is not to actually create a business as that comes from a desire to do more that be a service or jobs person but to do what one might love to do as in designing of something to be made for others.

The Process of Business Creation

The Process of Business Creation. Creating a new business is a process. A process that goes well beyond the insightful flash that hits you during your morning shower. However, there is no magic 10-step program that will guarantee you a new successful business. The process is highly stochastic (not all business ideas make it).

Sometimes its just a dream and for others it is to fill a need. … eation.pdf
Barriers to entrepreneurship and business creation … igeria.pdf
Role of Business Education in Promoting Entrepreneurship in Nigeria


#59 2020-01-10 20:11:31

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

We definitely have to "go for gold" on Mars. It could be quite a game changer. If we can find deposits at the surface (quite likely all things considered) then if it is a simply rock drill operation, the profit will be huge. Gold price is currently $50,000 per kilogram.  Price per kg on the Starship could easily be below $1000. Even assuming a lot of other costs that need to be incorporated, it's not difficult to imagine a profit of $30,000 on every kg of gold. A ton of gold might generate a profit of $30 million. It's a great export as well because it's so easy to handle.

SpaceNut wrote:

The equation is simple in that what you get paid per ton must be greater than the costs to process...on a personal note for the individual your costs are survival and not profit as you embedded costs to ready are not part of the equation as your time is not something one is paying out.... … -aluminum/

Daily Metal Prices
Aluminum $1,725.96 per metric ton
Cobalt $33,000.00 per metric
Copper $5,757.30 per metric ton
Gold $1,485.40 per troy oz.
Iridium $1,480.00 per troy oz.
Iron $88.59 per metric ton
Lead $1,880.00 per metric ton
Molybdenum $26,000.00 per metric ton
Nickel $17,046.22 per metric ton
Palladium $1,862.10 per troy oz.
Platinum $907.30 per troy oz.
Rhodium $6,050.00 per troy oz.
Ruthenium $250.00 per troy oz.
Silver $16.53 per troy oz.
Tin $16,603.39 per metric ton
Zinc $2,451.65 per metric ton

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#60 2020-01-27 12:07:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

tahanson43206 wrote:

It is not clear to me if it was your intention to offer human powered energy generation as an employment opportunity for humans on Earth in 2020, but that is certainly a possibility.  It would require some social adjustment, but it is certainly conceivable that the members of a society might decide to provide honest labor opportunity to its citizens who cannot find work in the capitalist structure of many modern nations.

tahanson43206 Job creation and business:

If you make a human powered gym and the fee for using the exercise equipment is prorated from the power created as an offset to using it. The power created powers the lights and such for the gym to lower operations cost.

SpaceNut wrote:

Repost to level the power of the Human for making energy..

might as well make use of that exercise energy to do something useful like in pumping water to compressing air or even making electricity.

So how much energy do we get depends on the person

Lat Pulldown: 594W/612W
Leg press: 450W/360W
Low Row: 306W/270W
Chest Press: 270W/189W
Machine Fly: 234W/189W
Leg extension 207W/126W
Triceps extension 198W/234W
Shoulder press 135W/162W

Lat Pulldown: 9,9Wh/10,2Wh
Leg press: 7,5Wh/6Wh
Low Row: 5,1Wh/4,5Wh
Chest Press: 4,5Wh/3,15Wh
Fly: 3,9Wh/3,15Wh
Leg extension 3,45Wh/2,1Wh
Triceps extension3,3Wh/3,9Wh
Shoulder press 2,25Wh/2,7Wh

Stair stepper: 150 watt = 50 Wh in 20 minutes.
Rowing machine: 122 watt = 40.6 Wh in 20 minutes.
Cycling machine: 110 watt = 36.6 Wh in 20 minutes.
Crossfit: 50 watt = 16,.7 Wh in 20 minutes.
Steps: 35 watt = 11.7 Wh in 20 minutes.

Here is a bit more for that exercise group schedule

The key is not just making the energy but being able to store it for later use. The lowimpact page has lots of stuff to go for more topics on the right side bar of other stories.

Does this make sense for a business to make modifide equipment as well that produces power?


#61 2020-01-29 22:14:30

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

How government can create jobs.
House Democrats unveil $760 billion infrastructure package — and call on Trump for bipartisan investments over five years in an effort to take their first steps to push with big climate theme.

The Senate Democrats’ “Blueprint to Rebuild America’s Infrastructure” would make a historic $1 trillion federal investment to modernize our crumbling infrastructure and create more than 15 million jobs that our economy desperately needs. Our Blueprint will improve the daily lives of millions of American families by creating a 21st century.



#62 2020-01-30 18:58:38

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

Forwarding for repost:

tahanson43206 wrote:

For SpaceNut re #432

This was an opportunity to suggest to the young gent that he might consider becoming a Job Creator.

There is no job category in the newspaper or in any of the online job sites for "Job Creator".

Every SINGLE one of the ads are posted by a Job Creator.

The mind set that causes an individual to only consider being a Job Holder is pervasive and almost impossible to eradicate.

Only the rarest of individuals appear to be able to see themselves as job creators.  Examples (of course) are Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and a number of others who the reader can call up from memory.

I have an opportunity to match my position on this to corresponding action.  I met two young gents recently.

One is a recent graduate of a major University who is working a checkout line in a retail store while he tries to find something more appropriate to his education. I offered that person a lead to a Job Creator who is hiring in his field.

The other is a recent graduate in liberal arts.  I met this person in a volunteer setting, where he seemed to be handling his responsibilities (sales work) with a good spirit and in an acceptable manner.  I offered the same information to this person, but am less confident of the potential match because the job opening is very specific.

In neither case did I think to offer the suggestion to consider becoming a Job Creator instead of just a Job Holder for the rest of their lives.

This conversation with you will (hopefully) stay with me so that I do better the next time an opportunity comes along.



#63 2020-01-30 19:06:14

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

Think about how to create seems to be because you have enough money to start to create the dream and desire. That you need your desire with getting someone to help with employment with the talent to progress towards the dreams outcome. For Musk he saw a rocket to bring stuff to orbit and settlement of people into space with and sought out experience and knowledge to make it happen with the sum of money he had. Its the ability to invest in the dream which with good luck and wise words made it possible to get over the curve to build a business that can go further if it does not have any hickups along the way.

Bezo must of had a dream once going into a department store and not seeing his product on the shelf and being told that none was in the back in bulk storage that he though that a gaint warehouse that took in sale over the internet would be the dream to build.


#64 2020-01-31 21:45:29

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

More dream jobs...
US Space Force seeks civilians to join staff
They want individuals with the expertise, passion and vision to build the sixth branch of the Armed Forces as a lean, agile and focused military service.
Office of the Chief of Space Operations. Advertisements for the first 35 positions were posted last week, with a second wave of positions to follow soon.
Space Force job postings, visit and filter by agency "HQ US Space Force."


#65 2020-02-01 14:50:50

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

The confusion comes from the word order as they have, different meaning but many think this is the only way to create jobs with  and that is to create a business to employ people.
Four Real World Ways to Create More Jobs

Reduce Interest Rates. Expansionary monetary policy is when a central bank, such as the Federal …
Spend on Public Works. A University of Massachusetts at Amherst study found that all government …
Spend on Unemployment Benefits. The second most cost-effective solution is unemployment …
Cut Business Payroll Taxes for New Hires. Tax cuts create jobs by letting families or businesses …

" Job Creators " are wealthy because they are industrious, virtuous, hard working people and can use their vast wealth to create jobs.

This does not mean that if you are not of wealth that you can not make a business its just harder. or is the Jobs Creation Network Foundation

The small business association and burals are set up to offer assistance maybe you can write for a grant
or for funding or from … Businesses

No matter what you strive to creat you will need a business plan to convince those that have the money to get the help you need. … iness-plan


#66 2021-04-15 13:27:19

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

Here's an update that should interest ** some ** members of this forum...

The article includes mention that SpaceX is depending upon a cadre of near-retired machinists to make the high quality parts they need.

It reports that the US has been failing to grow the work force needed to compete, let alone stay even ... … 09778.html

Power envisions a network of manufacturing facilities that can initially cover roughly 65% of all space and defense components, and will eventually take that number up to 95% of components. Already several of the biggest launch vehicle and satellite manufacturers are in talks with the company to produce hundreds of units for them, Power said. Some of those companies just happen to be in the Construct, Lux, and Founders Fund portfolio.

And the company's founder sees this as a new way to revitalize American manufacturing jobs as well. "Manufacturing jobs in space and defense can easily be as high paying as a software engineering job at Google," he said. In an ideal world, Hadrian would like to offer an onramp to high paying manufacturing careers in the 21st century in the same way that automakers provided good union jobs in the twentieth.



#67 2021-08-19 20:28:29

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

Just think if all positions whether treated this way no matter what title they are or hold for all category of trades.


65% of workers are looking for a new job, and the numbers could get higher

There are many reasons to change jobs and some have nothing to do with higher wages


#68 2021-11-17 20:25:19

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

Void has given an idea of a floating ocean greenhouse in the dead zones of the pacific. The garbage in these areas need to be cleared and then the water needs to be brought back to life baring conditions by lowering co2, adding iron oxides to the water and by making use of the float garden to make food for sale to others. Natural desalination of the ocean water would allow excess co2 to be brought into the green house for crop growth. Of course the fresh water would be used on plants that can not tolerate salt content. This not only creates jobs as farmers but makes earth heal....


#69 2021-12-05 16:58:07

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Creating a Bussiness for Jobs

With the US education you start school in kindergarten and you progress to the point to where you graduate High School as a senior grade 12. So goggle of "high school education for business creation" turns up things that are summer or after school written from a university level of how to create in the high school environment. With all the required classes and schools cutting back on funding for electives its no wonder there is none of these in existence. As schools are already removing shop classes, automotive, welding, music, arts, ect from there educational base.

Colleges are geared to give education with in a field of endevour but that is not even close to teaching as they are professing that they know the information to you. Even business classes are oriented to get you a job and not really to make them. … sfinal.pdf
10 Steps to Creating a High School Entrepreneurship Class … gh-school/ … eneurship/ … gh-school/


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