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#226 2019-02-18 12:46:37

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,891

Re: South of the Border Politics

From Facebook. The signature says Washington Post.


#227 2019-02-18 13:01:22

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,741

Re: South of the Border Politics


That's hilarious, but none of the Hollyweird crowd moved to Canada after President Trump was elected to office.  I was very hopeful that all the fruits, nuts, and flakes from California were going to immediately begin their great northern migration to Canada after the election results were posted.  It's equally funny that those who come here legally take issue with those who do not.  What I find most baffling is why one political party refuses to enforce laws that mandate that our immigrants go through the legal process to become US citizens.  Walking over the Canadian border doesn't make anyone a Canadian, so walking over the US border doesn't make anyone an American, either.  Funny that.

To this day, I've never had a single Democrat tell me why illegal immigration or refusing to enforce national borders is a good thing.


#228 2019-02-18 13:25:53

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,891

Re: South of the Border Politics


Actually... we have our own problem. Since Trump announced his intended crack-down on illegals, we've had a lot of "refugees" walking across the Canadian border. They aren't legal immigrants, they're illegal. RCMP wait for them at border crossing where they usually cross, arresting them as soon as they set foot on Canadian soil. They're taken to processing centres where they're screened. Less than half (about 47%) are accepted. The rest are rejected, withdrawn, or abandoned. Those not accepted have to leave Canada.

A few years ago, a group originally from Haiti that had been staying in the US since the earthquake, came to Canada. The crossed from North Dakota into Manitoba during winter, following a rail line. They weren't dressed for Canadian winter, got severe frostbite. Two individuals from Ghana crossed Christmas Eve 2016; they had toes and fingers amputated. So much for becoming professional soccer players.

Last edited by RobertDyck (2019-02-18 13:34:46)


#229 2019-02-18 14:41:05

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,741

Re: South of the Border Politics


At some point, the countries these people come from need to fix their societal problems that leave so many of their citizens so destitute that they will try anything, no matter how foolhardy, in order to escape.  If it were up to me, which it's not, I would increase the number of legal immigrants we take in order to infuse our society with the fresh blood it requires to thrive.  However, I assert that there is such a thing as a "right way" and a "wrong way" to become a member.  My only mandate would be that any who wish to join will be required to learn the language and that we actually have the resources to initially support our new members as they make their transition.  If they're willing to do that, then we can teach them anything else they need to know to succeed.  All highly technologically advanced societies require citizens who can effectively communicate with each other and that starts with speaking a common language.


#230 2019-02-18 15:00:10

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,891

Re: South of the Border Politics

A couple issues: Haiti. After the earthquake, rather than spend relief money to repair houses, people were forced to a tent camp outside the city. Where did all that donation money go? And why do "government officials" always try to get people to leave rather than repair? When you screw over victims like that, don't be surprised when they show up at your door.

Syria: homes are bombed. Cities that were modern cities with apartment building are now rubble. If you sell bombs, don't be surprised when refugees show up at your door.

Pensions: all industrialized countries other than the United States have a small demographic of millennials. Canada has a federal program called "Canada Pension Plan" (CPP), separate from "Employment Insurance" (EI). US equivalent is Social Security, with pension and EI mixed in a mess. But government officials raided the surplus when baby boomers paid into the plan, expecting pension benefits paid out to be paid by premiums collected in the same year. But what happens when baby boomers reach retirement? The US has a problem, but other countries have an even greater problem. The Canadian Liberal government wants immigrants because they see immigrants as cash cows. They only accept skilled immigrants in their prime, who can pay taxes and pay pension premiums. So politicians can cover their ass, cover the fact that they squandered all the money baby boomers contributed toward their pension.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to be the international "Liberal" star to counter Donald Trump. So a couple years ago he sent a tweet in response to Trump's tweet about illegal immigrants. Trudeau invited them to Canada. So they came, in massive numbers that we can't handle. Oops! The Liberal government still hasn't figured out how to recover from that.

::Edit:: Government leaders and twitter. roll

Last edited by RobertDyck (2019-02-18 15:08:40)


#231 2019-02-18 15:30:59

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,741

Re: South of the Border Politics


Ask the Clinton Foundation where all that Haiti relief money went.  Government officials always try to screw people over because that's the nature of the result of giving power to people who want power.  Most of them are either clueless about what to do with it or use it for less than humane purposes.  There are benevolent dictators here and there, but they're exceptionally rare.

We didn't start ISIS and we didn't force Assad to start mass-murdering his own people.  Lots of countries sell bombs.  Is it at all strange to you that there are so few refugees that show up in Russia or China, for example?


#232 2019-02-18 15:57:17

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,891

Re: South of the Border Politics

Ah, blame someone else. Syria is a mess. After the Iraq war of 1991, when Norman Schwarzkopf said the war was over, time to go home, that meant the war was over, time to go home. President George H. W. Bush (Bush Sr) told Schwarzkopf to have a clear military objective before he went in, don't let it become a new Vietnam. He did so, but someone in Washington just had to screw it up. Someone had to establish "no-fly zones" and other interference. That dragged out the war, and it has never stopped. After 9/11, George W. Bush (Bush Jr) invaded Iraq even though there was no evidence they had anything to do with 9/11. After putting in place a puppet government, when you leave there would be a civil war. That's inevitable. That's one reason you don't take control. There was always going to be some sort of response, someone in Iraq would kick out any politician who was loyal to foreigners. And they would reject any "non-Iraq" traditions. ISIS is an extreme response, an attempt to control Iraq by Iraqis, and end all Western cultural influence. When the war in Syria began, ISIS saw an opportunity to extend their influence. They started in Iraq, then took control of areas of Syria not controlled by either Assad's military or the rebels. An off-shoot of Al Quaeda took control of another area of Syria.

The US is providing weapons and support for rebels fighting against Assad. And Russia is providing weapons and support for Assad's forces. ISIS is a minor distraction. Annoying, damaging, but minor.

Yes, there are a lot of refugees from Syria coming to all Western countries, including the US. If that war didn't exist, there wouldn't be any refugees. You can't say the other guy is responsible for a war. It takes two to tango. Defending American soil can be justified, but intervening in someone else's revolution?


#233 2019-02-18 19:20:14

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

RobertDyck, I did enjoy the comic strip in 226 of lady liberty at the Candian border.

Haiti money filtering and ISSI is for there own seperate topic


#234 2019-02-18 21:28:52

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

Up from yesterdays dozen its now 16 States Sue to Stop Trump’s Use of Emergency Powers to Build Border Wall


The suit, filed in Federal District Court in San Francisco, argues that the president does not have the power to divert funds for constructing a wall along the Mexican border because it is Congress that controls spending.

California and New York are Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon and Virginia.

it is not clear whether any of the fencing will be built in California or New Mexico, two of the states in the lawsuit

Rights of the people that own the land must show that they are going to be effected by the stealing of there land...

The upsurping the eco regulations by where its to be built.

Then just because you have the money does not make it happen any faster....


#235 2019-02-19 04:05:46

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,741

Re: South of the Border Politics


Former President Obama decided to become involved in the Syrian revolution.  Your guess about why he did that is as good as mine.  I've no slight clue what we're still doing there, apart from opposing the Russians and killing ISIS.  Again, I'll ask why there are no refugees from Syria headed to Russia.  Why do you suppose those Syrian refugees are not fleeing to Russia?


Hawaii is suing over the border wall?

That's positively precious. smile


#236 2019-02-19 04:30:59

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,878

Re: South of the Border Politics

California and New York are Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon and Virginia.

Other than California and New Mexico, what grounds do these states have to sue? A *southern* border wall is not going to affect them.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#237 2019-02-19 18:15:00

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

It will actually force those running drugs, illegals for money and other activity to the non walled areas of the if by ocean two if by the canadian border. You do remember 9/11/01 as I do..

A single location of wall will still mean more technology everywhere and you have spent it all in one shoot rather than beefing up all fronts.

Building a wall fast does not mean there will be no crossing as there will be more tunnels, which will be lots longer than before...


#238 2019-02-23 21:03:15

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

Image says..

Texas landowners sue Trump over border wall


#239 2019-02-24 11:42:57

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,710

Re: South of the Border Politics

What too many forget about the wall thing,  is that the remaining unfenced border through Texas (some 900-ish miles) is largely private land.  It has to be forcibly taken by eminent domain condemnation.  That is very,  very unpopular in Texas,  even among landowners far from the border,  like me. 

The other ~900 miles through California and Arizona is mostly walled or fenced already.  That they still have illegal immigration problems there is proof (unpopular as it may be to some) that border walls are not THE solution to illegal immigration.

If you go through condemnation of private land to build more wall in Texas,  your budget largely goes to lawyers instead of construction,  and any construction is delayed for years until all the court cases complete.  So how stupid is that,  if the border requires "emergency" attention?  The logical conclusion is that calling this an "emergency" is a poorly-constructed political lie.

The Texas border is the Rio Grande river,  which if the water hadn't been all used up,  would be a far more effective barrier than any wall,  because most of the immigrants do not know how to swim.  However,  with modern water use being what it is,  that is no longer feasible,  and hasn't been for decades. It was,  last century.

Much of the upper Rio Grande runs through mountainous desert country and deep canyons.  The desert is quite lethal,  that is why almost no one lives there,  on either side of the border.  A look at road maps of that region verifies this.  Why build a wall there,  when the geography is more effective,  and far,  far cheaper?  What a stupid waste!

All the border cities already have border walls and/or fences,  from El Paso to Brownsville.  Those were erected in recent decades.  El Paso's experience shows quite clearly that more effective policing did more to reduce crime rates than erection of its border wall did.  That's very unpopular with wall enthusiasts,  but it is true.  The main effect is better funneling toward ports of entry,  plus concentrating illegals near the ends where they are more easily intercepted.

This wall thing was a lie from the very beginning.  There are,  and always have been,  better ways to secure our border.  Congress has neglected its duties on this suite of issues,  and we the people have not called the bad actors to account for it by un-electing them often enough. (What party they are has little or no bearing on THAT problem.) 

This wall thing is morphing into an unconstitutional power grab by the Executive branch,  to bypass the power-of-the-purse mandated to Congress.  This is apparently the temper tantrum result of a President who could not get what he wanted by more constitutional means.  This is a clear and present danger to the country,  and the threat comes from within,  not so much from without.

Again,  this problem has much more to do with misbehaving individuals than with party affiliation.  I would only say that I am disappointed-in-general with Republicans for not doing something about a misbehaving individual of their own party in the White House.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2019-02-24 11:59:34)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#240 2019-02-24 17:16:23

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

It also tries to bypass eminent domain by making a claim that we need it now and takes no consideration in to the environmental, cultural or social impacts that it will bring and not even the personal family burrial plots.

Congress needs to stand up to Trump and vote against this stupidity.

A bipartisan group of 58 former senior national security officials will issue a statement Monday saying that “there is no factual basis” for President Trump’s proclamation of a national emergency to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. The former security officials’ 11-page declaration, a copy of which was shared with The Washington Post, sets out their argument disputing the factual basis for the president’s emergency.

In announcing his declaration, Trump predicted lawsuits and “possibly . . . a bad ruling, and then we’ll get another bad ruling” before winning at the Supreme Court. Contrary to the president’s assertion, there is no documented emergency at the southern border related to terrorism or violent crime. That I did not need to do this only wanted to do it faster. With respect to the declared national emergency, plaintiffs have filed two cases in the District of Columbia, two in California and one in Texas.


#241 2019-02-27 22:00:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

The claims that a border wall will stop human trafficing forgot whom is also abusing those that come accross..
Records show thousands of allegations of sexual abuse of migrant children in US custody


#242 2019-03-04 17:07:33

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

The House and Senate are finally going to do there jobs as McConnell: Senate will pass resolution blocking Trump’s border emergency

They are not here to be party or the presidents yes men they were elected to do what the people need them to do.


#243 2019-03-05 22:27:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

Word has it that More than 76,000 people have tried to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in February — more than doubles the number from a year ago and more than a decade high. For the fourth time in five months, the number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has broken records.
example of a wall that should have been fixed long ago

So how long do you all thing the migrants seeking the US will wait on the Mexico side of the border?

The Trump administration’s hard-line stance on keeping migrants out is pushing asylum seekers to take remote and dangerous routes into the United States. It is suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration to the United States. A wall would do little to slow migration, most immigration analysts say. While the exact numbers are not known, many of those apprehended along the southern border, including the thousands who present themselves at legal ports of entry, surrender voluntarily to Border Patrol agents and eventually submit legal asylum claims.



#244 2019-03-10 18:24:23

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

The bill to over ride the executive order of emergency is on the desk and the GOP bracing for Trump to veto Congress’s rejection of his emergency declaration

Well its time for some backbone for the people which elected you in the House and senate to correct the path....


#245 2019-03-20 20:41:22

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

The policy began in January at the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego, where migrants were told to wait in Tijuana, Mexico, while their asylum requests were processed.

The waits are now imposed on migrants trying to cross anywhere in the San Diego sector of the California-Mexico border.

The Department of Homeland Security began rolling out in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday its policy of requiring asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while they await court hearings in their cases.

Proported to slow the number of people who cross the border at ports of entry or who enter the U.S. without legal documentation which would ask for assylum.

After crossing and signing up for assylum they are walked a back to Mexico to wait for contact to g back to the border to go to the court to have their case heard. Since there is already a huge back log and communication with them will be not so good they will most likely forget all about seeking anything if they can do better where they are or they may just cross illegally any way...


#246 2019-04-05 18:24:08

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

A plan not just a camio for to explosion of immagrants wanting to come to the US. The latest in claims is 'Our country is full': Trump says migrants straining system Something a wall we need to take emergency moneys for disaster .He inspected a refurbished section of fencing at the Mexican border.. Or we will close the border was what he was saying just a few days ago which has turned into lets give Mexico a year to stop them........California and 19 other states that are suing Trump over his emergency declaration to build a border wall requested a court order to stop money from being diverted to fund the project. Congress did approve last year just under $1.4 billion for work on border barricades in which that money has not been spent for doing that work. Trump has yet to complete any new mileage of fencing or other barriers anywhere on the border, though he declared Friday that at least 400 miles (650 kilometers) of the border barrier would be erected over the next two years.

Recent poll data to this question:
Do you agree with President Trump that there is an emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border?
46% Agree
52% Disagree
2% no opinion

The changing get tough plans to deny all entry seems to be what Trump is doing as when we catch them we take the paperwork in and then dump them over the border to wait.

That message has not gotten to the many still enroute as they are in shock when they are not staying but Waiting for Asylum in the United States, Migrants Live in Fear in Mexico

Now I would agree that there should be no line jumping just because you come seeking with a child but lets get rid of all of the legal/illegal bs and stop the reason to which they are coming to escape where they have left from.

Now Mexico needs our help if we are going to persist in continuing down this road. The stories of fleeing violence, extortion and corruption in their home countries do not meet the new standard for entry. Many migrants are also unable to obtain lawyers to represent them in court without first meeting them in the United States. It will be hard to get your summon for an asylum hearing in California or other places when you are in Mexico.


#247 2019-04-06 16:00:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

We have DACA which covers illegals so that they can go and get education and work as well as get a drivers license. The Real ID is to allow for identification of those that are american versus everyone else that gets a drivers identification whether they drive or not. So not we have Minnesota House votes to allow driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants which must mean all of the others not covered....

So we now have a real id that is for illegals and those that can not complete it being american due to papers being in poor condition needing replacement being lumped into the same category...


#248 2019-04-06 16:09:00

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

The money grab from disaster funds and other military area use for the wall to the tune of 7 billion will not get it built any faster. We have seen the veto of a bill prohiting that emergency declaration followed by states suing for it not to happen as well. The states owed the disaster money should also be suing for that money is needed to fix what was damaged. Of course the funds are to be controlled and appropriated by Congress and signed into law by the President. Now we have "no fan of" Pelosi filing a lawsuit for it as well since its in the constitution that congress does direct funds to be used for what they are signed into law for.


#249 2019-04-13 15:31:53

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

Latest plan since the assylum seekers can not be deported to mexico to await trials is to now could have Trump’s Illegal Plan to Ship Migrants to Santuary Cities Make Everyone Happy? Rememeber the claims which were false now he thinks that it must be ok....Of course the Deported parents hope to resume asylum claims and reunite with children which are still being held.

Why change the feathers when you are above the law and will instruct others as well Trump offered to pardon Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan if law broken while closing border  for denying US entry to migrants.


#250 2019-04-14 20:46:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: South of the Border Politics

Trump recently cleared house of those that kept telling him that the request he was making were illegal from DHS and of CBP.

Now the replacements are doing the same it seems  Trump Sees an Obstacle to Getting His Way on Immigration: His Own Officials

Trump's days of immigration statements come under fire as unforgivable.... with more bait and switch as Trump revived attacks on sanctuary cities to distract from Mueller report release

Letters - Readers clamor for immigration reform and a safe border

Here are the questions that they have:

Can't we help each other?

Illegal immigration is a drain as long as we keep people desperate for a better life caged for months and years waiting for asylum.

Couldn't these people be put to work in the fields harvesting the crops that are rotting?

Couldn't these people be put to work where they are needed, such as in construction?

Couldn't these people help our economy thrive by doing the jobs that Americans don't want?

Give them a path to citizenship, let them become tax-paying people.

These were all in play until undone.

The president is always spoiling for a fight. He sets up conflict and then casts himself as the hero of every drama.

No matter that closing legal border entries will only increase illegal crossings; or that cutting off financial aid for El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras will contribute to the further destabilization of the Northern Triangle of Central America; or have deleterious effects on U.S. trade and the economy.

This is being seen by others not blinded.


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