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#1 2018-02-21 12:19:15

From: USA
Registered: 2017-12-20
Posts: 81

Not all women feel this way - … ncna849681

"Marcie Bianco The patriarchal race to colonize Mars is just another example of male entitlement
The presumed right to use and abuse something and then walk away to conquer something new is a hallmark of colonialism."

Popping back in to New Mars (after an absence) to assure others here that not all women (myself included) share this viewpoint.

Original registration - May 2002

[i]I want that Million Year Picnic on Mars[/i]


#2 2018-02-21 21:43:54

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: Not all women feel this way -

Here's one effective reply to her uninformed article:


Follow @Nikopol5
Replying to @NBCNewsTHINK @MarcieBianco

Meanwhile SpaceX president is a woman, @GwynneShotwell

I guess she is also patriarchal. Such a bunch of baloney in one article is difficult to replicate.

And here's another.


NBC Columnist Says Space Travel Is Just Another Example Of ‘Toxic Masculinity’
by Jena Greene
The Smoke Room

Our girl Marcie just wrote a column for NBC titled “The Patriarchal Race To Colonize Mars Is Just Another Example Of Male Entitlement.” I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “With everything going on in the world today, this chick is actually concerned about protecting the rights of ice crystals on Mars?” And the answer to that would be: yes.

More specifically, Bianco is concerned about Elon Musk’s recent venture into space via his Falcon Heavy rocket.

"These men, particularly Musk, are not only heavily invested in who can get their rocket into space first, but in colonizing Mars,” she writes. “The desire to colonize — to have unquestioned, unchallenged and automatic access to something, to any type of body, and to use it at will — is a patriarchal one. Indeed, there is no ethical consideration among these billionaires about whether this should be done…It is the same instinctual and cultural force that teaches men that everything — and everyone — in their line of vision is theirs for the taking. You know, just like walking up to a woman and grabbing her by the p*ssy".

Now I’m a 24-year-old female. I wouldn’t presume to be woke but I like to think I’ve got my finger on the pulse. And I think I would know if Mars — a planet with an average temperature of -80 degrees Fahrenheit — had any sort of female genitalia in danger of colonization. But the last time I checked, we’re not even sure Mars has sustainable life.

I find it a bit troubling that Marcie Bianco is so overly concerned with colonization and Mars’s human rights. Brutally colonizing places like Hitler did in Rwanda is no good. But I really don’t think that’s Elon Musk’s plan here.

Liberal crusaders like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson should be hailed as heroes by people like Marcie Bianco.

“Apparently, caring for the planet is perceived to be a ‘feminine’ quality and concern; the psychology of toxic masculinity spills over into the unethical disregard for the environment,” she writes. “This masculine insecurity is everywhere in American culture and, increasingly, American politics.”

Well, literally nobody has ever said recycling is a gendered thing. Sure, it might make you a wimp. But it doesn’t make you a girl. Also, I’m not sure if Bianco has access to an encyclopedia but Elon Musk is not, in fact, American. He’s South African. So scratch that little dig off your argument against the inventor and go back to purveying “Fine Italian Lesbian Meats,” as you claim to do on Twitter. … sculinity/

It appears that Marcie is even less knowledgeable on matters relating to space exploration and the enormous contributions of women than Donald Trump!    Yikes!   Ed Heisler


#3 2018-02-22 04:53:53

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,886

Re: Not all women feel this way -

Ed Heisler wrote:

Donald Trump

He's really gotten under your skin, hasn't he? Never miss an opportunity to reference him.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#4 2018-02-22 08:37:57

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Not all women feel this way -

I disagree with the opinion piece on several counts, mostly because this was written to grand-stand, but grant that several points are being made that should be acknowledged.

(1) Post imperialism is being replaced by a rugged-esq form of self-determination of non-elected individuals that assume to know best how humanity should move forward.
(2) Massive amounts of resources are being utilized/directed based on individual ego, on the promise that it is for the greater long term good of humanity- at the price of neglecting those who suffer today, with women being the most impacted.
(3) The approach to colonization, or migration, is a replication of a cyclical process that ignores a fundamental historical problem: environmental stewardship.
(4) Current space policy and direction is largely dictated and driven by a male dominated perspective; evidence has shown that a lack of female voices, leaders and perspectives results in fewer solutions or in realizing optimal solutions.

Say what you will, but Marcie Bianco outlined a fair image of the cartoon nature of space exploration today.
"Right now, there is a robot dummy propped up in the driver’s seat of a red Tesla convertible, flying through space, away from the manmade garbage fires devouring Earth."

I don't breathe her air, but I know some that do. Dismiss her out of hand and learn nothing, or use this as an opportunity to better understand the current flaws in our approach to mars.


#5 2018-02-22 12:16:46

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: Not all women feel this way -

clark wrote:

I Dismiss her out of hand and learn nothing, or use this as an opportunity to better understand the current flaws in our approach to mars.

What has she ever written or said to help us "understand flaws in our approach to mars"? 

If you can find something articulating her views on how humans, women and men, should explore Mars please post the link.


#6 2018-02-22 12:28:01

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: Not all women feel this way -

Terraformer wrote:
Ed Heisler wrote:

Donald Trump

He's really gotten under your skin, hasn't he? Never miss an opportunity to reference him.

I'm sure the self-proclaimed really smart genius can teach us a great deal regarding the exploration of Mars and he will lead the way!

I think Trump should be invited to address our next Mars Society convention.    We can listen and learn!   Don't you agree?

Of course, he won't be reading a speech off a teleprompter written by someone else.

He could always tweet us.  What a treat that tweet would be!

Trump makes everyone proud to be Merican!

All hail the most intelligent and wonderful leader!   He ain't just a pretty face.


Last edited by EdwardHeisler (2018-02-22 15:53:42)


#7 2018-02-22 16:05:13

From: USA
Registered: 2017-12-20
Posts: 81

Re: Not all women feel this way -

This article prompted me to return and contribute more often, despite a difficult work schedule.

I'm beyond sick of today's "everything's racist" or "everything's sexist" (or both) malarky.

Original registration - May 2002

[i]I want that Million Year Picnic on Mars[/i]


#8 2018-02-22 18:10:28

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Not all women feel this way -

Hey Edward, I think you miss the point. No one cares about mars except people like you. It's up to mars proponents to take criticism and find ways to use it to make the case for mars stronger.

Only a fool in the desert passes up a glass of water because they don't like the shape of the cup.  -Martian proverb



#9 2018-02-22 18:40:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Not all women feel this way -

Now you see why I moved the topic...


#10 2018-02-22 18:55:33

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Not all women feel this way -

I assumed it some form of post colonialism irony. Alas, no meta inversion to be had here.


#11 2018-02-22 22:51:24

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,640

Re: Not all women feel this way -


I enjoyed your dialog.

Hopefully mine will not distress you.

I have my opinions about time phases and what processes are actually happening within the human race.

My opinion is that communication is a double edged sword.   How can a child learn without it?  Still, it is a bit of a necessary cheat.  We don't live long enough for each of us to self program by discovery.

The hive mind is the ever present danger to the human race.  It is the result of excessive communications.  Lesser minds hooked together with words.  Lacking true consciousness.

I call them VV's.

Verbal and Violent.  The violence being sub-divided into cruelty and the minimum technical skills to use weapons.

By way of the hive mind, a generalist can be overcome and enslaved.

A generalist autonomous autodidactic is superior but expensive.

The name of the game for a VV, is to first villainize the target people.  Then to take them captive, thus to own them and everything they own.

It happens all over the world, but most notably for us the evidence is of people of the Middle East, and there are other places.  You make a story about how some other people are not worthy.  Then you claim that God said that your kind are the only worthy ones, and that other people may be destroyed since they are not worthy.

Do I sound like an atheist?  I am not.  I just don't like Middle Easternism.  Or other "Ism's".

The point being in my opinion that it is rather normal for humans to sink to that level.  The consequence ultimately is for humans to loose mental abilities, since they use the hive mind and verbal skills to enslave and destroy people with greater minds.  The motive is to loot.  Pure and simple.

Hope that does not bother you.

Last edited by Void (2018-02-22 23:07:52)

End smile


#12 2018-02-24 09:00:49

From: USA
Registered: 2017-12-20
Posts: 81

Re: Not all women feel this way -

Void wrote:


I enjoyed your dialog.


The point being in my opinion that it is rather normal for humans to sink to that level.  The consequence ultimately is for humans to loose mental abilities, since they use the hive mind and verbal skills to enslave and destroy people with greater minds.  The motive is to loot.  Pure and simple.

Hope that does not bother you.


Thank you for the thoughtful and honest reply.

Original registration - May 2002

[i]I want that Million Year Picnic on Mars[/i]


#13 2018-03-02 21:55:14

From: Cumbria, UK
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 1,003

Re: Not all women feel this way -

Palomar7 wrote: … ncna849681

"Marcie Bianco The patriarchal race to colonize Mars is just another example of male entitlement
The presumed right to use and abuse something and then walk away to conquer something new is a hallmark of colonialism."

Popping back in to New Mars (after an absence) to assure others here that not all women (myself included) share this viewpoint.

Palomar7, This Marcie Bianco sounds like what we British call a Champagne Socialist.  She is clearly well fed, well indoctrinated with Marxist nonsense and generally doesn't understand human evolutionary psychology.

Patriarchal male entitlement?  The male instinct to gather new resources and expand into new territory stems from our need to feed our families.  From an evolutionary viewpoint, men that didn't do this watched their children die.  When women are put in a position of authority, they tend to do these things as well (think Margaret Thatcher).
Women instinctively choose men that can 'provide' for the very same reasons.  Men instinctively display traits that allow them to attract and secure a mate - I.e having lots of cash and building a really big nest for a woman to lay her eggs in.  Patriarchal male entitlement is a poor description of what this is; a more accurate description would be human evolutionary group psychology or perhaps, reproductive psychology.  It is not specifically male and is not even specifically human.  Any species would do the same thing in the same position.  It is driven and reinforced by both men and women, to the same basic end.  (A family is probably something that this man-hating freak doesn't have.  If she does, I feel sorry for them.)

Often this instinct has a darker side to it, i.e. resource wars.  Valuable resources are seldom simply there for the taking.  They are preowned by another tribe that must be conquered.  This is why men tend to be aggressive and warlike.  Pushovers don't bring home the bacon.  (That's why girls don't like Pushovers.  They let the children go hungry.)  Women supported this conquest from the sidelines for quite obvious reasons and Crusaders rode off to war with ladies favours in their hats.  Men are the visible actors in this whole affair, but women encourage and support them and swoon over them, because they get to benefit from the spoils.  Men are not trying to 'grab pussy' as such, they want pussy to come and live in their nest and produce children that carry their genetic legacy.  Donald Trump is a fine example of a man who can provide.  He builds a billionaire business empire to attract a beautiful bride, houses her in a mansion, produces children with her and then displays nepotism finding them well paid jobs within his administration.  He is doing what every good father should do!  He is in fact a prime product of evolution.

Feminists that oppose this process are not simply opposing men, but all natural evolution.  This makes them more than a little perverse in my opinion.  There is something inherently wrong with women that end up hating patriarchal men.  The patriarchal men are the ones that stick around and take an active role in raising the family and go and kill the tribe next door to gather more food and bear skins to feed and clothe them.  The alternative is a sperm donor, that gets you pregnant and then leaves you to be as 'feminist' as you like.  Women don't traditionally like men like that, for very good reasons.

Expanding onto another planet is a more benevolent expression of the basic human instinct to gather more resources for the benefit of our children and tribe.  It is one of the few occasions when we can collectively expand without conflict.  Or at least that's the idea.  I doubt very much that the various nations of the Earth will peacefully divide up the new lands without shooting crap out of each other.

P.S. To all poorly educated Marxist women that hate 'male entitlement'.  Just remember that you made us what we are, through millions of years of sexual selection.  Sorry you don't like the fruits of your own ancestors handywork.  And if we hadn't behaved this way throughout history, mankind would not exist.  You would not exist to spout this nonsense.

Last edited by Antius (2018-03-02 22:52:25)


#14 2018-03-02 23:49:54

From: Cumbria, UK
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 1,003

Re: Not all women feel this way -

EdwardHeisler wrote:

Trump makes everyone proud to be Merican!

All hail the most intelligent and wonderful leader!

Trump simply doesn't have the level of education to be a great leader.  That is truly unfortunate, because a great, patriarchal, racialistic strongman, is exactly what the western world needs right now.  Someone that can rip the parasitic Jewish deepstate out of US politics, much as one removes poison from a wound.  But he just doesn't have the intellect, or the youth, or the dynamism, to be the 'Putin of the West'.  That is probably one of the greatest tragedies of this century.

That being said, I can't help but love the man for the enemies he has created, even if I do cringe at some of the decisions he makes.  He is in his own way a great man and he is a serious setback for deepstate agenda.  The corruption and manipulation that was (and is) employed against him, has exposed the US political system and media for what it is - a Zionist oligarchy bent towards ends that have nothing to do with the best interests of the American people.  The fear and outrage they display at having this 'gentile outsider' invade their camp, has been the greatest show on Earth.  Trumps greatest achievement up to now is keeping Hillary Rodham Clinton out of power.  She is without a doubt, one of the most corrupt and thoroughly vile people ever to hold public office.  Many US voters supported Trump simply to keep her out of power.  Apparently, the idea of another 4-8 years under the Clinton Crime Family (TM) didn't appeal to them.  I can't imagine why.

Last edited by Antius (2018-03-03 00:09:37)


#15 2018-03-03 05:16:41

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,886

Re: Not all women feel this way -

NRx is grand, eh? Bring on the Restoration. LARP it till you make it. tongue

Use what is abundant and build to last


#16 2018-03-03 17:34:18

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Not all women feel this way -


Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#17 2018-03-04 03:34:12

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,886

Re: Not all women feel this way -

What about Rwanda?

Wasn't that a case of an earlier group (though not indigenous to the area) massacring those who arrived later? Which happens in Africa (Zimbabwe, for one), though it won't happen in South Africa - the Zulu majority arrived after the Afrikaners, not before.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#18 2018-03-04 04:47:27

Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,262

Re: Not all women feel this way -

Simplistic view of South African history Terraformer.
Quite a bit of the boer expansion, pushed by British imperialism, moved into a vacuum due to depopulation and defeat of neighbouring tribes following wars undertaken by the Zulus. This was known as the Mfekane, the crushing.


#19 2018-03-06 04:04:58

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,886

Re: Not all women feel this way -

Well, I suppose it depends on what part of South Africa we're talking about. My understanding is that the two waves of migration, by the Boers going north and the Zulus going south, occurred around the same time?

I wonder when the Zulus are going to pay reparations for the Mfekane?

Use what is abundant and build to last


#20 2018-03-06 05:50:16

Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,262

Re: Not all women feel this way -

I think the Romans should pay reparations for an unprovoked invasion of Brittania! Then we can all drive Ferraris.


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