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Pages: 1
Huygens upon
your finely instrumented
back; Saturn out-bound.
Huygens, released,
descends through Titan's hazy
veil; rock-strewn vista.
Marvel of geysers:
Blue-gray Enceladus with
cracks dubbed "Tiger Stripes."
Hyperion: Weird
sponge-like moon, believed riddled
with hundreds of caves.
Mimas: Small moon with
huge peaked crater, resembles
Vader's own Death Star.
Seeming placid clouds -
peach, rose, soft yellow - mask wild
supersonic winds.
Whether natural
light or infrared, Saturn's
rings are majestic.
Fly beneath ring-plane,
swoop up to graze Saturn's bright
globe: Ah, such a ride!
(c) Cindy Medina
Original registration - May 2002
[i]I want that Million Year Picnic on Mars[/i]
This is wonderful, and I mean that--it fills me with wonder for the universe out there that we will hopefully someday get to see.
Thank you. Agreed!
Original registration - May 2002
[i]I want that Million Year Picnic on Mars[/i]
it is wonderful haiku poem
Thank you for the compliments.
Original registration - May 2002
[i]I want that Million Year Picnic on Mars[/i]
Unveil star filled eyes,
Wonder! This moment, too brief
Cassini, good night.
Not a Haiku but memories of when we had a poetry section on the Wiki and in this old topic Mars Haiku competition!
Pages: 1